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Gazprombank history of creation. Brief history of Gazprombank: main dates and events. Putin's other daughter: biomedical scientist

K:Banks founded in 1990

Gazprombank- one of the largest banks in Russia. The head office is located in Moscow.


The commercial bank for the gas industry, Gazprombank, was created in July 1990; in August 1996, its organizational and legal form was brought into line with current legislation and defined as a “limited liability company.” On November 13, 2001, the commercial bank of the gas industry "Gazprombank" (Limited Liability Company) was transformed into the Joint Stock Bank of the Gas Industry "Gazprombank" (Closed Joint Stock Company), on August 31, 2007, the Joint Stock Bank of the Gas Industry "Gazprombank" (Closed Joint Stock Company) changed type of joint stock company and name for "Gazprombank" (Open Joint Stock Company).

Mergers and acquisitions

In November 2007, Gazprombank acquired 80% of Areximbank CJSC. In July 2008, Areximbank conducted an additional share issue, which was also purchased by Gazprombank. As a result of the July transaction, the share of Gazprombank OJSC in the management company of Areximbank CJSC increased to 94.15% of shares.

  • Non-state pension fund "GAZFOND" - 47.38% of which: NPF "GAZFOND" directly owns 6.08%; 16.22% is owned by GAZ-Service OJSC, 16.23% is owned by GAZKON OJSC and 8.85% is owned by GAZ-Tek OJSC. More than 80% of the shares of these organizations are in trust management by CJSC Leader, D.U.;
  • Novfintech LLC - 5.71%, of which 2.62% were transferred to the trust management of Leader CJSC, D.U.;
  • Sergey Rosenberg, Tinkoff CJSC - 1.07%;
  • RDK (CJSC) (nominal holder) - 0.78%.
  • Management - 0.6%.

The chairman of the board of directors of the bank is Alexey Miller, the chairman of the board is Andrey Akimov.


In addition to the gas industry, Gazprombank provides banking services to enterprises and employees of other sectors of the real sector of the economy (chemical, nuclear industry, mechanical engineering, defense complex, etc.). Gazprombank's clients include about 3 million individuals and about 45 thousand legal entities.

The bank provides lending and financial services to such large interstate projects as Yamal-Europe - the construction of a gas pipeline from Siberia to Europe; "Blue Stream" - for transporting gas along the bottom of the Black Sea to Turkey; laying gas pipelines across the territory of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe. A system of banking services for promising projects of OJSC Gazprom is being organized in the regions of Siberia and the Far East for the supply of Russian gas to China, Japan, and South Korea. The trust management business of the Gazprombank group includes CJSC Gazprombank - Asset Management.

The regional network of Gazprombank includes 43 branches and three subsidiary and dependent Russian banks: Credit Ural Bank (Open Joint Stock Company); OJSC JSCB EVROFINANCE MOSNARBANK; JSB "GPB-Mortgage" (OJSC). Gazprombank participates in the capital of three foreign banks - Belgazprombank (Belarus), Areximbank (Armenia) and Gazprombank (Switzerland) Ltd in Zurich (Switzerland). GPB (OJSC) also opened representative offices in Beijing (China), Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) and New Delhi (India).

Gazprombank is a participant in the project of CJSC Fiber Optic Systems (Saransk), together with OJSC Rusnano (which owns 47.725%) and the Republic of Mordovia.

Performance indicators

In the first half of 2014, Gazprombank's net profit fell by 79% - to 2.6 billion rubles.

Curiosity of the bank's work

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Excerpt characterizing Gazprombank

The Emperor heard, but apparently did not like this answer; he shrugged his stooped shoulders and glanced at Novosiltsev, who stood nearby, as if with this glance he was complaining about Kutuzov.
“After all, we are not in Tsaritsyn Meadow, Mikhail Larionovich, where the parade does not begin until all the regiments arrive,” said the sovereign, again looking into the eyes of Emperor Franz, as if inviting him, if not to take part, then to listen to what he speaks; but Emperor Franz, continuing to look around, did not listen.
“That’s why I’m not starting, sir,” Kutuzov said in a sonorous voice, as if warning against the possibility of not being heard, and something trembled in his face once again. “That’s why I’m not starting, sir, because we’re not at the parade or in Tsarina’s meadow,” he said clearly and distinctly.
In the sovereign's retinue, all the faces, instantly exchanging glances at each other, expressed murmur and reproach. “No matter how old he is, he should not, in no way should speak like that,” these persons expressed.
The Emperor looked intently and carefully into Kutuzov's eyes, waiting to see if he would say anything else. But Kutuzov, for his part, bowing his head respectfully, also seemed to be waiting. The silence lasted for about a minute.
“However, if you order, Your Majesty,” said Kutuzov, raising his head and again changing his tone to the previous tone of a stupid, unreasoning, but obedient general.
He started his horse and, calling the head of the column, Miloradovich, gave him the order to attack.
The army began to move again, and two battalions of the Novgorod regiment and a battalion of the Absheron regiment moved forward past the sovereign.
While this Absheron battalion was passing, the ruddy Miloradovich, without an overcoat, in a uniform and orders and with a hat with a huge plume, worn on one side and from the field, the march march jumped forward and, with a valiant salute, reined in the horse in front of the sovereign.
“With God, general,” the sovereign told him.
“Ma foi, sire, nous ferons ce que qui sera dans notre possibilite, sire, [Really, Your Majesty, we will do what we can do, Your Majesty,” he answered cheerfully, nevertheless causing a mocking smile from the gentlemen the sovereign's retinue with his bad French accent.
Miloradovich turned his horse sharply and stood somewhat behind the sovereign. The Absheronians, excited by the presence of the sovereign, with a valiant, brisk step, kicking their feet, passed by the emperors and their retinue.
- Guys! - Miloradovich shouted in a loud, self-confident and cheerful voice, apparently so excited by the sounds of shooting, the anticipation of battle and the sight of the brave Absheronians, even his Suvorov comrades, briskly passing by the emperors that he forgot about the presence of the sovereign. - Guys, this is not your first village to take! - he shouted.
- Glad to try! - the soldiers shouted.
The sovereign's horse shied away from an unexpected cry. This horse, which had already carried the sovereign at shows in Russia, here, on the Champs of Austerlitz, carried its rider, withstanding his scattered blows with his left leg, pricking up his ears at the sounds of gunshots, just as he did on the Champ de Mars, not understanding the meaning of either these heard shots, not the proximity of the black stallion of Emperor Franz, not everything that was said, thought, felt that day by the one who rode her.
The Emperor turned to one of his entourage with a smile, pointing to the fellows of Absheron, and said something to him.

Kutuzov, accompanied by his adjutants, rode at a pace behind the carabinieri.
Having traveled half a mile at the tail of the column, he stopped at a lonely abandoned house (probably a former inn) near the fork of two roads. Both roads went downhill, and troops marched along both.
The fog began to disperse, and vaguely, about two miles away, enemy troops were already visible on opposite hills. To the left below the shooting became louder. Kutuzov stopped talking with the Austrian general. Prince Andrei, standing somewhat behind, peered at them and, wanting to ask the adjutant for a telescope, turned to him.
“Look, look,” said this adjutant, looking not at the distant army, but down the mountain in front of him. - These are the French!
Two generals and adjutants began to grab the pipe, snatching it from one another. All the faces suddenly changed, and everyone expressed horror. The French were supposed to be two miles away from us, but they appeared suddenly, unexpectedly in front of us.
- Is this the enemy?... No!... Yes, look, he... probably... What is this? – voices were heard.
Prince Andrey with a simple eye saw below to the right a dense column of French rising towards the Absheronians, no further than five hundred steps from the place where Kutuzov stood.
“Here it is, the decisive moment has come! The matter has reached me,” thought Prince Andrei, and, hitting his horse, he rode up to Kutuzov. “We must stop the Absheronians,” he shouted, “Your Excellency!” But at that very moment everything was covered with smoke, close shooting was heard, and a naively frightened voice two steps from Prince Andrei shouted: “Well, brothers, it’s a Sabbath!” And it was as if this voice was a command. At this voice, everything started to run.
Mixed, ever-increasing crowds fled back to the place where five minutes ago the troops had passed by the emperors. Not only was it difficult to stop this crowd, but it was impossible not to move back along with the crowd.
Bolkonsky only tried to keep up with her and looked around, perplexed and unable to understand what was happening in front of him. Nesvitsky with an embittered look, red and not like himself, shouted to Kutuzov that if he did not leave now, he would probably be captured. Kutuzov stood in the same place and, without answering, took out a handkerchief. Blood was flowing from his cheek. Prince Andrei pushed his way up to him.
-Are you injured? – he asked, barely keeping his lower jaw from trembling.
– The wounds are not here, but where! - said Kutuzov, pressing a handkerchief to his wounded cheek and pointing at the fleeing people. - Stop them! - he shouted and at the same time, probably making sure that it was impossible to stop them, he hit the horse and rode to the right.
The newly surging crowd of fleeing people took him with them and dragged him back.
The troops fled in such a dense crowd that, once they got into the middle of the crowd, it was difficult to get out of it. Who shouted: “Go! Why did you hesitate? Who immediately turned around and fired into the air; who beat the horse on which Kutuzov himself was riding. With the greatest effort, getting out of the flow of the crowd to the left, Kutuzov, with his retinue, reduced by more than half, rode towards the sounds of close gun shots. Having emerged from the crowd of those running, Prince Andrei, trying to keep up with Kutuzov, saw on the descent of the mountain, in the smoke, a Russian battery still firing and the French running up to it. The Russian infantry stood higher up, moving neither forward to help the battery nor back in the same direction as those fleeing. The general on horseback separated from this infantry and rode up to Kutuzov. Only four people remained from Kutuzov’s retinue. Everyone was pale and silently looked at each other.
– Stop these scoundrels! - Kutuzov said breathlessly to the regimental commander, pointing to the fleeing; but at the same instant, as if in punishment for these words, like a swarm of birds, bullets whistled through Kutuzov’s regiment and retinue.

Gazprombank (its full name is Gazprombank (Open Joint Stock Company), or abbreviated as GPB (OJSC)), is the third largest in terms of all key indicators among Russian banks. The main office is located in the capital.

Information about the bank "Gazprombank"

Full name of the bank:

JSC Gazprombank

Company name in English:

Mergers and acquisitions

The youngest daughter of the Russian leader, Katerina, becomes a woman of influence in the next generation of Moscow's elite. “Today in Russia it is absolutely normal that boards of directors in state-owned banks are headed by the children of security officials who are not even 30 years old when they are appointed,” he said. This is more than just dynastic succession. Children not only inherit their parents' positions, but also have the right to choose any other position they represent. The danger is that very soon all the key resources will be in the hands of five to seven families.

Gazprombank (Joint-stock Company), Bank GPB (JSC)


117420, Moscow, st. Nametkina, 16, bldg. 1.

Authorized capital:

190,234,277,000 rubles

Participates in deposit insurance:

History of Gazprombank

The creation of a commercial bank for the gas industry began in June 1990, and six years later, in the month of August, the bank re-registered its form of ownership in accordance with the requirements of current legislation and at that time became a Limited Liability Company. Five years later, in November 2001, Gazprombank (LLC) was re-registered as the Joint Stock Bank of the Gas Industry Gazprombank and at that time became a Closed Joint Stock Company. At the end of August 2007, the Joint Stock Bank of the gas industry Gazprombank (CJSC) again made changes to its form of ownership and became known as Gazprombank (Open Joint Stock Company).

Reuters asked the Kremlin whether Katerina Tikhonova was Putin's daughter and whether she was married to Kirill Shamalov and other questions. Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for the Russian Federation, responded: We do not have any information about the personal life, family connection, marital status, academic activities, participation in specific projects and the family tree of Ms. Tikhonova, or about other individuals mentioned in your letter.

Putin and, in particular, his daughters. The amount of accurate information in all these publications is ridiculously small.

She has made rapid progress since her oriental studies began as students. According to the Moscow State University website, it is associated with the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. Under Tikhonova's name, she is listed as the author, along with other scientists, of a chapter in a mathematics textbook and at least six scientific papers, as these articles included research on medicines and space flight; one is seen as a study of how the human body reacts to weightlessness.

November 2007 was marked by the purchase by Gazprombank of 80 percent of the shares of Areximbank CJSC, and after an additional issue (by Areximbank), Gazprombank also acquired it, thereby increasing its share to 94.15% in this bank. In September of the same year, 2008, Gazprombank increased its share in Areximbank CJSC by purchasing the remaining 5.85% (Raiffeisenbank CJSC acted as the seller in this transaction).

Most of the documents were co-authored with the rector of the university, Viktor Sadovnichy. He said Tikhonova turned out to be a “talented researcher” who had repeatedly “presented the results of her research at scientific seminars and conferences.” The statement added: “We have no information about the private lives of employees.”

Tikhonova is also the director of two initiatives associated with the university, the National Foundation for Intellectual Development and the National Center for Intellectual Reserve. It sponsors and supports young scientists. Innopraktika has many advisers and partners close to Putin, including Sergei Chemezov and Nikolai Tokarev.

Activities of Gazprombank

The bank is not limited to servicing only the gas industry; among its clients are chemists, nuclear scientists, machine builders, and the defense industry (the total number of enterprises is about 45 thousand units). The bank also actively works with individuals, there are approximately 3 million of them.

The bank has extensive loan programs, including operational support for the international projects “Yamal-Europe” (construction of a gas pipeline from Siberia to Europe), “Blue Stream” (pumping gas along the Black Sea bed), financing the construction of gas transmission lines in the European Union. Gazprombank actively cooperates with the Gazprom company in financing gas production projects and laying pipelines for pumping gas from the regions of Siberia and the Far East, to Southeast Asia (Japan, China, South Korea). Gazprombank's business also includes a special trust management division - CJSC Gazprombank-Asset Management.

Chemezov is now the head of state-owned technology giant Rostets, while Tokarev heads state-owned Transneft, a gas pipeline company. Chemezov's company Rostets said in a statement that Rostets helps develop industry in industry, and Chemezov's participation in Innopraktika was therefore "natural and logical."

Answering a question about Tikhonova and Innopraktika, Akimov told Reuters: I knew that this was Putin’s daughter. He said he did not believe Tikhonova received any special treatment and that he supported MSU's expansion plan regardless of Tikhonova's involvement. Tikhonova's role is to discuss and present the views of the wider business community, she told Interfax in an interview this month.

The regional network of the bank is represented by 43 branches and three subsidiary Russian banks: Credit Ural Bank (OJSC), OJSC JSCB Eurofinance Mosnarbank and JSB GPB-Ipoteka. Gazprombank has shares in three foreign banks - the Belarusian Belgazprombank, the Armenian Areximbank and the Swiss Gazprombank ltd (Zurich). Gazprombank also owns a Beijing branch in China, a Ulaanbaatar branch in Mongolia and an Indian representative office in New Delhi.

The university said in a statement that many people were involved in the expansion plan, including university staff and outside experts. The contracts were mainly for research at the university. A spokesman for the oil company Rosneft said it was collaborating with Moscow State University on 17 projects worth 530 million rubles.

It is unknown whether the position pays a salary. Her title at the university was first announced by opposition leader Navalny. Her appointment is noted in the official Sadovnichy order posted on the university's website. She is not on the regular staff list, but she is listed as a member of the university's scientific council.

Gazprombank is one of the co-founders of the company CJSC Optical Fiber Systems, together with OJSC Rusnano and the Mordovian Republic.

According to data presented as of January 1, 2012, the number of all loans provided by Gazprombank is equal to 1.4 trillion. rubles (of which almost 110 billion rubles were issued to individuals).

As for the bank’s assets, they are as follows (according to IFRS, all indicators as of 06/30/2011): consolidated amounted to 1985.8 billion rubles (an increase of 34.2 billion rubles over the past six months of 2011), equity capital amounted to 243.6 billion rubles (an increase of 21.7 billion rubles compared to the beginning of 2011), total profit for the first two quarters of 2011 was 38.1 billion rubles (compared to the same period of the previous year, profit growth amounted to 5.4 billion rubles).

Tikhonov is active outside the university. The Federation's sponsors are Sibur, Novatek and Gazprombank - companies that are jointly owned or jointly controlled by friends and employees of the president. These people include Timchenko; Kirill Shamalov; and Kirill’s older brother Yuri Shamalov. A Sibur representative said: Regarding sponsorship of the Federation, the motives are the same as in partnerships with other sports. At various times, Sibur supported the Russian Basketball Federation, the Formula 1 team, many Russian national hockey and football teams and many others.

OJSC Gazprombank is a Russian commercial bank, which by all indicators is one of the three largest banks in Russia. Being one of the largest universal financial institutions in the Russian Federation, Gazprombank provides private and corporate clients with a wide range of banking, investment and financial services.

History of Gazprombank

The commercial bank for the gas industry "Gazprombank" was created in 1990, and in 1996 its organizational and legal form was determined as a Limited Liability Company. In 2001, Gazprombank LLC was reorganized into a Closed Joint Stock Company, and since 2007, Gazprombank has been an Open Joint Stock Company.

News of a possible connection between Tikhonova and Shamalov appeared earlier this year. Reuters independently confirmed that Tikhonova referred to herself as Shamalov’s “wife” during her visit to Switzerland. Young Shamalov has valuable property in France. Situated on top of a sea cliff in the resort of Biarritz is a four-story house with a swimming pool that Shamalov purchased three years ago.

Public records show the property was previously owned by Putin's old friend Timchenko. People living near the house in Biarritz say they have not seen the young couple there. The Biarritz house is a small part of Shamalov's growing assets. He acquired a 3 percent stake.

In 2007, Gazprombank bought 80% of the shares of Areximbank CJSC, and in 2008, the share of Areximbank shares owned by Gazprombank increased to 94.15% due to an additional issue. In the fall of 2008, Gazprombank became the owner of 100% of the shares of this bank, purchasing 5.85% of its shares from Raiffeisenbank.

Main directions

Gazprombank is engaged in servicing key sectors of the domestic economy: gas, oil, chemical, nuclear, petrochemical, engineering, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, electric power, metalworking, transport, construction, communications, agro-industrial, trade, etc.

Timchenko has known the Russian leader at least since Putin's time as deputy mayor in St. Petersburg. Sibur recorded revenue of 361 billion rubles and net profit of 25 billion rubles. Last year he began a project with the US National Basketball Association to develop basketball in Russia.

The price Shamalov paid for his stake in Sibur has not been disclosed, and it is unclear where he obtained the capital to buy the shares. He said Timchenko's sale of shares to Shamalov were "cash transactions made at market prices." Compared to this growing young Russian generation, Vladimir Putin remains middle class, he said. Like his salary, he announced the ownership of one apartment in Moscow and another in St. Petersburg.

to corporative clients

For corporate clients, Gazprombank offers the following types of services: settlement and cash services; operations in the precious metals market; organization of financing; placement of funds; corporate programs for employees; brokerage services; depository services; exchange control; documentary operations and trade finance; trust management; information and trading system “PB-Dealing”; electronic marketplace.

The president's spokesman has repeatedly denied that the luxurious estate, built on the Black Sea and widely known as "Putin's palace," was intended for the Russian president. After Akimov’s refusal, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov cited a statement from Gazprombank and said that he could “refute” the special Reuters report.

Putin's other daughter: biomedical scientist

But Peskov did not deny that Tikhonova is Putin’s daughter. This is not part of my administrative duties.

Stephen Gray, Andrey Kuzmin and Elizabeth Piper. Additional reporting by Katerina Kravtsova and Himanshu Ojha in London and Claude Canellas in Biarritz. Graphics: Marianne Murray and Gustavo Cabrera.

Gazprombank services

Private individuals

Retail business is one of the strategically important areas of Gazprombank's activities. The scale of this area is gradually increasing, and clients are offered a wide range of services: loans (mortgages, car loans, consumer loans); savings and investments (deposits, trust management, unallocated metal accounts, sale of precious metals in bullion, individual bank safes, sale of coins); brokerage services; bank cards; Telecard system; "Home Bank" system; financial transactions (account transactions, dividend payments, depository services, investor calendar, money transfers).


Edited by Richard Woods and Michael Williams. This allows the group to facilitate international partnerships and promote foreign trade, documentary transactions, interbank lending.

Investment programs

As an investment company, Gazprombank provides the following services: work in the capital markets (unallocated metal accounts of legal entities, debt financing, syndicated financing, operations in the foreign exchange market, brokerage services, organization of IPOs and underwriting); investment solutions (corporate financing (M&A and merchant banking), project and structured financing, investment banking services for extractive industries); direct investments.

We provide a wide range of commercial banking services to our various corporate clients, including lending in various currencies, trade finance, and cash management services. Our investment banking activities include capital markets, brokerage services, corporate finance and project services, asset management and private equity investments. In our investment banking activities, we make direct equity investments in companies in a variety of non-banking industries.

Retail services

For private clients, the bank offers several mortgage programs and deposit offers.

Today, Gazprombank clients include about 3 million individuals and approximately 45 thousand enterprises. Customer service is provided through 43 regional branches and three subsidiary banks. In addition, Gazprombank has representative offices in China, Mongolia and India.

Review of the history of the bank, directions of activity

The banking sector of the modern economy is based on three pillars: Sberbank of Russia, VTB Banking Group and Gazprombank. The latter is not in many ways inferior to the two leaders in terms of key indicators, and in some of them it even surpasses its competitors.

Now, there are 43 operating in the largest cities of Russia, and the total number of branches in the country is approaching 300. Foreign representative offices of the bank have been opened in China, India and Mongolia. Gazprombank serves about 3 million private clients and about 45 thousand organizations and entrepreneurs.

History of Gazprombank

Gazprombank began its existence as a share bank serving organizations operating in the gas industry. Gazprom immediately became and still is the main shareholder. As a result of the serious influence of the mining industry on the activities of Gazprombank, the 1998 crisis had a relatively weak impact on it. This served as the foundation for a significant increase in influence in the banking sector, and since 1999, the bank began active penetration into other regions of Russia and abroad. Until 2007, the bank operated as a closed joint-stock company, and since 2007 - as OJSC Gazprombank.

As the official name of the bank, you can find not only OJSC Gazprombank, but also the abbreviated name - OJSC GPB. In addition, on the Internet you can often see the incorrect name of the bank - “Bank Gazprom”.

Directions of activity

The significant influence of the state on the mining industry, which is traditional for Russia, also affects the banks dependent on it. Gazprombank enjoys state support, which increases its reliability both in the eyes of ordinary clients and banking analysts.

The work carried out at Gazprombank is mainly aimed at attracting and supporting large and medium-sized businesses, for which the bank is both a lender and the main financial representative. Large clients provide the lion's share of Gazprombank's income. Organizational deposits account for 90% of all the bank's own deposits.

Since 2009, following the general banking trend, Gazprombank has been organizing massive work with individuals. Since that time, retail products have been created and actively promoted (primarily loans and credit cards), and additional branches have been opened, specializing in servicing individuals. In order to expand the capabilities of its clients, it was decided to join Gazprombank, which opens access for owners of the bank's plastic cards to 14 thousand devices throughout Russia. In addition, the work of the bank's support service is being transformed - now it is focused not only on legal entities, but also on private clients.

In addition to the general support service, a dedicated telephone number 8-800-100-0089 is being created specifically for owners. By calling this number, you can block your card at any time in case of loss. Calls from Russia are free.

Ratings and awards

Since Gazprombank is one of the three largest banks in Russia, it receives the closest attention of international analysts. In recent years, the bank has consistently received the highest marks from them both in terms of financial performance and security stability. The agencies Fitch Ratings, Moody's, S&P evaluate the bank at the level of AA+ (rus),, ruAAA. This allows us to classify Gazprombank as one of the most reliable financial organizations in Russia.

In 2012 and 2012, Gazprombank was awarded by the international organization VISA Inc. as a bank that provides the best service for international transactions using bank cards, as well as as the best bank that has the least number of complaints from customers who are plastic card holders.

General information about OJSC Gazprombank

lending income reporting commission

Gazprombank (Open Joint Stock Company) is one of the largest Russian banks, occupying a stable position both in terms of assets and the number of branches in the Russian Federation. Gazprombank was founded on July 31, 1990 with the original name “Commercial Bank of the Gas Industry (Gazprombank)”; in 1996, in accordance with changes in national legislation and the publication of the Civil Code, its organizational and legal form was established as an “open joint-stock company”, and existed until 2001, when it was replaced by another form - a closed joint-stock company. The bank continued its work as the “Joint Stock Bank of the Gas Industry Gazprombank (CJSC)”. After 6 years, the bank returned to its original form and established the current name - Gazprombank (OJSC).

Legal address of the enterprise Russian Federation, 117420, Moscow, st. Nametkina, 16, bldg. 1.

Included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities by the Department of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties for the City of Moscow under No. 2097711007966 dated August 31, 2007. Certificate series 77 No. 008760907.

Organizational structure of the enterprise

Table Shareholders and their share in the capital of Gazprombank


Open Joint Stock Company "Gazprom"


Non-state pension fund "Gazfond"

Open Joint Stock Company "GAZ-Service" (NPF "Gazfond" Group)

Open Joint Stock Company "GAZKON" (NPF "Gazfond" Group)

Open Joint Stock Company "GAZ-Tek" (NPF "Gazfond" Group)

Closed Joint Stock Company "Leader"

Limited Liability Company "New Financial Technologies" (Gazprombank Group)

Limited Liability Company "Regional Financial Company" (Gazprombank Group)

Closed Joint Stock Company "Leader" (Pension Fund Asset Management Company) D.U. (in the interests of New Financial Technologies LLC (Gazprombank Group))


The bank serves key sectors of the Russian economy - gas, oil, nuclear, chemical and petrochemical, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, electric power, mechanical engineering and metalworking, transport, construction, communications, agriculture, trade and other industries.

Retail business is also a strategically important area of ​​activity for Gazprombank, and its scale is consistently increasing. Private clients are offered a full range of services: credit programs, deposits, payment transactions, electronic bank cards, etc.

Gazprombank's clients include about 3 million individuals and about 45 thousand legal entities.

Gazprombank's extensive regional network includes 43 branches and five subsidiary and dependent Russian banks. Gazprombank participates in the capital of three foreign banks - Belgazprombank (Belarus), Areximbank (Armenia) and Gazprombank (Switzerland) Ltd in Zurich (Switzerland). Gazprombank (OJSC) also has representative offices in Beijing (China) and Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia).

Gazprombank is a member of the Russian National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce.

According to the main financial indicators, OJSC Gazprombank has been one of the three largest Russian banks since 2003 (sources: Information Center “Rating”, “Interfax”, “Mobile”, “Expert”).

The Bank operates on the basis of the General License of the Bank of Russia No. 354 dated September 28, 2007.

Bank OJSC Gazprombank has a general license to carry out the following operations:

  • 1. Attracting funds from individuals and legal entities into deposits (on demand and for a certain period).
  • 2. Placement of the above raised funds on your own behalf and at your own expense.
  • 3. Opening and maintaining bank accounts for individuals and legal entities.
  • 4. Carrying out settlements on behalf of individuals and legal entities, including correspondent banks, on their bank accounts.
  • 5. Collection of funds, bills, payment and settlement documents and cash services for individuals and legal entities.
  • 6. Purchase and sale of foreign currency in cash and non-cash forms.
  • 7. Attracting deposits and placing precious metals.
  • 8. Issuance of bank guarantees.
  • 9. Making money transfers on behalf of individuals without opening bank accounts (except for postal transfers).
  • 10. Issuance of guarantees for third parties, providing for the fulfillment of obligations in monetary form.
  • 11. Acquisition of the right to demand from third parties the fulfillment of obligations in monetary form.
  • 12. Trust management of funds and other property under an agreement with individuals and legal entities.
  • 13. Carrying out transactions with precious metals and precious stones in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • 14. Providing for rent to individuals and legal entities special premises or safes located in them for storing documents and valuables.
  • 15. Leasing operations.
  • 16. Provision of consulting and information services.
  • 17. Provision of certification center services, including ensuring the legal significance of electronic document management.
  • 18. The Bank has the right to carry out other transactions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • 19. To work with information constituting a state secret, the Bank obtains the necessary permission (license) and protects state secrets in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On State Secrets” as a type of core activity.
  • 20. The bank is prohibited from engaging in production, trading and insurance activities.

Gazprombank has the right to:

  • · issue, purchase, sale, accounting, storage and other transactions with securities performing the functions of a payment document, with securities confirming the attraction of funds into deposits and bank accounts, with other securities;
  • · professional activities in the securities market, including performing the functions of a depositary in accordance with federal laws.

Organizational management structure of Gazprombank






Chairman of the Board

Bank committees

Vice Presidents, Advisors to the Chairman of the Board, Consultants to the Board

Deputy Chairman of the Board (financial planning, custody services

Deputy Chairman of the Board (Administrative and Corporate Management)

Deputy Chairman of the Board (Treasury, trust management, capital market)

Deputy Chairman of the Board - Chief Accountant of the Bank

Deputy Chairman of the Board (Client base, retail services)

Deputy Chairman of the Board (Legal support of corporate policy)

Deputy Chairman of the Board (Lending to legal entities, information technologies)

First Vice President (Legal support and bad debt)

Deputy Chairman of the Board (Innovation Banking)

Deputy Chairman of the Board (financial monitoring and economic support)

Executive Vice President (Investments)

Deputy Chairman of the Board (Internal control, competitive procurement)

Head of Department - Managing Director (Corporate Finance)

Deputy Chairman of the Board (Security, Collection)

First Vice President (Regional business, subsidiary banks)