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Sbts 99 engineering geological surveys. Directory of basic prices for engineering-geological and engineering-ecological surveys for construction. Collections of such publication years are most widely used

Comprehensive geological surveys at the construction site are carried out to obtain up-to-date information about the topography, bearing capacity of soils and the nature of groundwater, their chemical composition, and corrosiveness.

Also, the totality of these works is aimed at determining the presence of hidden dangerous geological processes: landslides, flooding, karst formations. Based on the results of the survey, a Technical Report is drawn up, which, in addition to describing the conditions, includes:

  • forecast of possible changes in the geological environment in a specific area;
  • recommendations for design and construction.

Graphic materials in the form of maps, diagrams, drawings, and graphs are attached to the Technical Report.

List of geological works

The geotechnical survey includes the following work:

Work is carried out in a clear sequence, in accordance with established requirements and SNiP standards. Includes preparatory, field, laboratory and office stages.

Scope of work when updating engineering-geological surveys

The procedure has a more simplified form when you already have a previous Technical Report with an expired expiration date. To obtain a permit for the construction of industrial complexes, multi-storey buildings and linear structures, it is valid for 3 years, for private houses and cottages - up to 10 years. This Technical Report is subject to updating, that is, it does not require full research, which, in turn, reduces the time frame and reduces the cost of research. You can order such a service from specialists.

To obtain updated data, geological engineers take samples from control wells, conduct laboratory analyzes and compare the information received. When changes are identified in the geological conditions of the site, or hazardous geological processes are detected, appropriate adjustments are made and recommendations are provided. The new report is sent for examination to regulatory authorities.

Using data from outdated research is fraught with unpredictable consequences:

  • uneven settlement of the building;
  • deformation of door and window openings;
  • formation of cracks and crevices;
  • destruction of the foundation.

Video: Engineering-geological surveys

State Committee of the Russian Federation
on housing and construction policy
(Gosstroy of Russia)

Reference price guide

for engineering-geological and
engineering and environmental
surveys for construction

(prices are adjusted to the base level as of 01/01/1991)

Moscow 1999

DEVELOPED by the Industrial and Research Institute for Engineering Surveys in Construction (PNIIIS), JSC Institute Gidroproekt, SPC Ingeodin, with the participation of the Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning of the Krasnodar Territory, Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences.

INTRODUCED by the Department for the Development of Scientific and Technical Policy and Design and Survey Work of the Gosstroy of Russia

APPROVED by the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Housing and Construction Policy (letter dated June 22, 1998, No. 9-4/84).


Instead of chapters 12, 14, 15 and table 198 of chapter 17 of the Collection of prices for survey work for capital construction, 1982; Directory of basic prices for laboratory engineering and geological work, 1996; Directory of basic prices for drilling work during engineering and geological surveys for construction, 1997; Directory of basic prices for desk engineering and geological work, 1997.



General provisions

Chapter 1. Engineering-geological, engineering-hydrogeological and engineering-ecological reconnaissance (route) survey

Chapter 2. Route observations carried out in the preparation of engineering-geological, engineering-hydrogeological and engineering-ecological maps of scales 1:50000 - 1:500


General provisions

Chapter 3. Manual drilling and drilling with portable drilling rigs

Chapter 4. Core drilling

Chapter 5. Mechanical percussion-rope drilling

Chapter 6. Auger drilling of wells and pits

Chapter 7. Vibratory drilling

Chapter 8. Reverse circulation drilling


General provisions

Chapter 9. Open pit mining

Chapter 10. Mining underground mines

Chapter 11. Related work when excavating mine workings


General provisions

Chapter 12. Experimental filtration work

Chapter 13. Stationary observations

Chapter 14. Related work


Chapter 15. Field studies of soils

Chapter 16. Sampling


General provisions

Chapter 17. Single determinations and comprehensive studies (tests) of the physical and mechanical properties of soils (rocks)

Chapter 18. Single definitions, comprehensive studies of the chemical composition of soils (soils) and water

Chapter 19. Single definitions and comprehensive studies of the physical and mechanical properties of soil building materials


General provisions

Chapter 20. Pre-field office work

Chapter 21. Office processing of field and laboratory materials

Chapter 22. Drawing up a technical report (conclusion) on the results of the work performed


Chapter 23. Geotechnical control and documentation of construction excavations

Chapter 24. Radiometric work

Chapter 25. Geodetic work

Chapter 26. Land reclamation

Chapter 27. Registration of survey work and acceptance of engineering survey materials

Chapter 28. Auxiliary work

Appendix 1. Coefficients for prices for engineering surveys carried out in desert and waterless areas *)

Appendix 2. Duration of the unfavorable period of the year for field engineering surveys

Appendix 3. Regional coefficients for wages of employees of design and survey organizations (with the exception of survey expeditions, parties and detachments) *)

Appendix 4. Regional coefficients for wages of workers of survey expeditions, parties and detachments *)

Appendix 5. List of regions of the Far North and areas equated to regions of the Far North *)


1. The Directory of basic prices for engineering-geological and engineering-ecological surveys for construction (hereinafter referred to as the “Directory”) is recommended for determining the base cost of engineering-geological and engineering-ecological surveys, surveys of soil building materials and water supply sources based on groundwater at formation of prices in agreements (contracts).

2. This Handbook is intended for use by enterprises (organizations) of various organizational and legal forms that carry out survey work and have a license to conduct it.

Reconnaissance (route) survey and route observations;

Drilling operations;

Mining works;

Experimental filtration work, field studies of soils and sampling;

Laboratory work and research;

Office work;

Various works and services;

Auxiliary work.

4. Prices are calculated on the basis of official salaries of engineering and technical workers, tariff rates of workers, cost of materials and services, depreciation rates for fixed assets as of 01/01/91, taking into account the basic provisions on the composition of costs included in the cost of products (works, services) with amendments and additions provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.07.95 No. 661.

5. Prices are calculated in accordance with the composition, volume and technology of field and office work, ensuring the creation of reporting documentation that meets the requirements of GOSTs and current regulatory documents (approved or agreed upon by the State Construction Committee of Russia), and are optimal for determining the cost of these works.

Prices for field work are provided for performing this work under expeditionary conditions, i.e. with payment of travel allowances or field allowances to employees.

Prices for desk processing of research materials and laboratory work are provided for performing them in a hospital setting, i.e. without paying employees travel allowances or field allowances.

6. Prices are given in rubles and for certain types of work are given in the form of a fraction: above the line is the price of field work, below the line is the price of office work. In other cases, prices are provided separately for field and desk work.

Primary processing of survey materials, carried out under expeditionary conditions, is taken into account in the prices for field work. The prices also take into account the costs of:

a) receipt of technical specifications for conducting surveys;

b) coordination with the customer of the research program (instructions) and preparation of contractual documentation;

c) preparation, verification of instruments, tools, equipment and metrological assurance of the uniformity and accuracy of measuring instruments;

d) internal control and acceptance of survey materials;

e) delivery of survey reporting materials to the customer.

7. The prices do not take into account and are determined additionally according to the relevant tables (standards) of this Directory and the following costs are provided for in the estimates:

a) internal transport;

b) external transport;

c) organization and liquidation of work at the facility;

d) selection of monoliths, bulk samples and samples for analysis of contamination by chemical and bacteriological indicators;

e) drawing up and agreeing with the customer a research program (instruction), as well as drawing up and issuing a technical report (conclusion) to the customer;

f) preparation and delivery of intermediate engineering survey materials to the customer;

g) various auxiliary works (geotechnical control, radiometric work, geodetic work, etc.);

h) registration of permits (registration) for engineering surveys;

i) land reclamation;

k) installation, dismantling and maintenance (rental) of special survey equipment.

8. Prices are calculated for the conditions of survey work in the middle zone of the European part of the Russian Federation (according to the level of wages), a favorable period of the year and the normal mode of survey work.

When determining the estimated cost of surveys carried out in other regions of the Russian Federation, as well as during unfavorable periods of the year, the corresponding coefficients are applied to prices:

a) when carrying out surveys in mountainous and high-mountain areas, the coefficients given in Table 1 are applied to prices.

Table 1

b) when carrying out surveys in desert and waterless areas, the coefficients given in Appendix 1 are applied to the prices for these surveys;

c) when carrying out surveys in territories with a special regime, a coefficient of 1.25 is applied to prices for field work, and in areas with radioactivity more than 1 m 3 per year or 0.1 rem/year - a coefficient of 1.25 to 1.5 depending on the level of radioactivity assessed in accordance with the Radiation Safety Standards NRB-96 (GN

Note - Territories with a special regime include areas and areas where, due to the situation or established regime, interruptions or difficulties associated with loss of working time during surveys are inevitable: border areas, testing grounds, airfields, construction sites where blasting operations are carried out, areas with strong air dustiness (construction sites, quarries, etc.), environmentally hazardous areas, internal territories of explosive, hazardous and hot workshops of defense, chemical, metallurgical, coal and mining industries, operating power stations and substations, open switchgears of power stations, strips up to 200 m wide existing power lines with a voltage of 500 kV. and higher. The canvas of railways and highways, main streets (avenues) of cities, the territory of railway stations, ports, etc., where delays and interruptions in work caused by heavy traffic, etc. are inevitable.

d) when performing field survey work during an unfavorable period of the year in the relevant areas (according to Appendix 2), the coefficients given in Table 2 are applied to their cost.

table 2

Duration of unfavorable period, months:


e) when carrying out surveys in regions of the Russian Federation, for which, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation (according to Appendices 3, 4) or in accordance with Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated 02/04/91 No. 76, republican, regional, regional, etc. Government or administrative bodies have established regional coefficients for the wages of workers involved in surveys; the coefficients given in Table 3 are applied to the total estimated cost of these surveys.

Table 3

Regional coefficient to wages

Coefficient to the total estimated cost of surveys

Note - When new regional coefficients for wages are introduced after 01.07.98 by law or by directive, the coefficients for the total estimated cost of surveys are determined in accordance with Table 3.

c) when carrying out surveys by organizations making payments related to the provision of benefits to persons working in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas (according to Appendix 5), as well as in other areas established by current legislation, the corresponding coefficients are applied to the total estimated cost of surveys :

1.50 - when carrying out surveys in the Far North;

1.25 - the same in areas equated to the regions of the Far North;

1.15 - in the southern regions of the Irkutsk region, Krasnoyarsk region and the Far East (Amur region, Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories), in the Arkhangelsk and Chita regions, the Republics of Buryatia, Karelia, Komi (with the exception of regions of the Far North and areas equated to regions of the Far North North).

Note - When simultaneously applying the coefficients specified in subparagraphs “d” and “f” of paragraph 8, the overall increasing coefficient to the total of the estimated cost of surveys is determined by summing the unit with the fractional parts of the corresponding coefficients of Table 3 and subparagraph “e”.

9. Inland transport costs are determined according to Table 4 as a percentage of the estimated cost of field survey work (taking into account the coefficients given in subparagraphs 8 a, b, c, d of the General Instructions), including the costs of maintaining bases, radio stations, as well as installation, dismantling and maintenance of survey equipment, determined according to tables 100 and 101.

Table 4

Distance from the base of the survey organization, expedition, party or detachment to the survey site, km:

Expenses for inland transport, %, with the estimated cost of field survey work, thousand rubles.

St. 5 to 10

St. 10 to 20

St. 20 to 50

- » - 10 - » - 15

- » - 15 - » - 20

- " - 20 - " - 25

Notes: 1. Inland transport costs may be determined based on actual costs in prices of the current period:

a) with an estimated cost of field survey work of up to 5 thousand rubles;

b) when the survey site is removed from the base of the survey organization, expedition, party or detachment at a distance of more than 25 km;

c) when performing field survey work in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, in sparsely populated (uninhabited) areas (high mountains, desert, taiga, tundra), when the survey site is removed from the base of the survey organization, expedition, party or detachment at a distance of up to 25 km;

d) related to the rental and maintenance of special vehicles - airplanes, helicopters, all-terrain vehicles, boats, barges, longboats, reindeer and dog sleds, camels, horse packs, etc.

2. If expenses are determined in prices of the current period, the standards of Table 4 do not apply.

10. External transport costs associated with the travel of workers and the transportation of survey equipment and cargo from the permanent location of the organization performing the survey to the base of the survey expedition, party or detachment (or to the survey site) and back, are determined according to Table 5 as a percentage of the estimate the cost of field survey work (taking into account the coefficients given in subparagraphs 8 a, b, c, d of the General Instructions), including inland transport costs determined according to Table 4 (except for the costs provided for in Note 1 of Table 4), as well as costs for maintenance of bases and radio stations, installation, dismantling and maintenance of survey equipment, determined according to tables 100 and 101.

Table 5

Travel and transportation distance in one direction, km:

Expenses for external transport in both directions, % of the estimated cost of surveys carried out under expeditionary conditions, duration, months.

12 or more

St. 25 to 100

- " - 100 - " - 300

- " - 300 - " - 500

- " - 500 - " - 1000

- " - 1000 - " - 2000

Notes: 1. Expenses for external transport for distances up to 25 km are not included in the estimates.

2. When performing certain types of surveys costing up to 5 thousand rubles. or the presence of unfavorable conditions for travel of workers and transportation of goods to hard-to-reach survey sites and back, external transport costs may be determined based on actual costs in prices of the current period.

3. Expenses for external transport in executive estimates may be determined in prices of the current period.

4. If expenses are determined in prices of the current period, the standards of Table 5 do not apply.

11. When carrying out surveys in particularly difficult natural conditions (on the polar islands, in the glacier zone, in high-mountain, desert, taiga and tundra areas), special measures may be provided for (involving climber instructors and guides, organizing a rescue service, etc.) additional costs, which are determined based on actual costs in prices of the current period.

12. Determined by actual costs (price lists, tariffs, invoices, etc.) in prices of the current period and additionally taken into account in the cost of surveys are costs associated with:

Obtaining (acquiring) initial data and information about natural conditions, aerial photography, cartographic and other survey materials from past years;

Carrying out the necessary approvals related to the performance of certain types of field work (location of mine workings, boreholes, points of experimental work, etc.);

Production of special types of analyzes and studies of soil samples, bottom sediments, surface and groundwater, snow and ice, carried out by specialized laboratories licensed to carry out such work (bacteriological analysis, full testing of aggregates in concrete, radiochemistry of isotopes, etc.) ;

Payment for the cost of casing pipes, filter columns and other materials left in wells when drilling for water and for conducting stationary observations;

Purchasing a logging ticket; compensation for material damage associated with deforestation during surveys;

Compensation to land users for material damage caused in connection with grasses and surveys on their land plots;

Payment for the services of third-party organizations necessary for carrying out surveys.

13. The costs of organizing and liquidating work at the site are determined in the amount of 6% of the estimated cost of field survey work, taking into account the coefficients given in subparagraphs 8 a, b, c, d of the General Guidelines, including the costs of inland transport, determined according to Table 4 , (except for the costs provided for in Note 1 of Table 4), as well as costs for the maintenance of bases and radio stations, installation, dismantling and maintenance of survey equipment, determined according to tables 100 and 101.

Notes: 1. The following coefficients are applied to the amount of expenses for organizing and liquidating work, determined according to paragraph 13:

2.5 - for research with an estimated cost of up to 2 thousand rubles. or during surveys (regardless of their cost) carried out in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in sparsely populated (uninhabited) areas (high mountains, desert, taiga and tundra);

2.0 - for surveys with an estimated cost of over 2 to 5 thousand rubles;

1.5 - the same, over 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

2. When carrying out field surveys at a site continuously for more than one year, the coefficients given in Table 6 should be applied to the amount of expenses for organizing and liquidating work.

Table 6

14. When carrying out field work without paying employees travel allowances or field allowance, a coefficient of 0.85 should be applied to the prices for this work.

When performing desk processing of survey materials and carrying out laboratory work under expeditionary conditions (with payment of field allowances or travel expenses), a coefficient of 1.15 is applied to the prices for these works.

15. If it is necessary to issue intermediate survey materials to the customer (if this is provided for in the terms of reference, program), a coefficient of 1.1 is applied to the cost of these surveys (except for the costs determined under clauses 9 - 13).

16. When applying several coefficients established by the Directory to prices (costs), the latter are multiplied (with the exception of the coefficients of subparagraphs “e” and “f” of paragraph 8).

17. The estimate attached to the contract provides for additional costs for work and services listed in paragraph 12 of the General Instructions, as well as unforeseen costs associated with plugging wells, construction of temporary buildings and structures (bases for tents, crossing ditches and ditches, installation of stairs on steep slopes, sheds, outhouses, berths for boats and boats, etc.) in the amount of at least 10% of the estimated cost of survey work.

18. The prices of this Directory are adjusted to the average level of costs as of 01/01/91. Bringing the base cost of engineering surveys to the price level of the current period is carried out by applying to this cost an inflation index determined in the prescribed manner.

19. The inflation index is not applied to expenses determined based on actual costs. Expenses determined in prices of the current period are included in a separate estimate.

State Committee of the Russian Federation

on housing and construction policy

(Gosstroy of Russia)

Reference price guide

for engineering-geological and engineering-ecological

surveys for construction

UDC 624. 338.5(083.78)

DEVELOPED by the Industrial and Research Institute for Engineering Surveys in Construction (PNIIIS), JSC Institute Gidroproekt, SPC Ingeodin, with the participation of the Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning of the Krasnodar Territory, Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences.

INTRODUCED by the Department for the Development of Scientific and Technical Policy and Design and Survey Work of the Gosstroy of Russia

APPROVED by the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Housing and Construction Policy (letter dated June 22, 1998, No. 9-4/84).

ADOPTED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT from 01.01.1999 to replace Chapters 12, 14, 15 and Table 298 of Chapter 17 of the “Collection of prices for survey work for capital construction, 1982; Directory of basic prices for laboratory engineering and geological work, 1996 ; Directory of basic prices for drilling work during engineering-geological surveys for construction, 1997; Directory of basic prices for office engineering-geological work, 1997.


1. The Directory of basic prices for engineering-geological and engineering-ecological surveys for construction (hereinafter referred to as the "Directory") is recommended for determining the base cost of engineering-geological and engineering-ecological surveys, surveys of soil building materials and water supply sources based on groundwater at formation of prices in agreements (contracts).

2. This Handbook is intended for use by enterprises (organizations) of various organizational and legal forms that carry out survey work and have a license to conduct it.

3. The Directory contains basic prices (hereinafter referred to as “Prices”) for:

Reconnaissance (route) survey and route observations;

Drilling operations;

Mining works;

Experimental filtration work, field studies of soils and sampling;

Laboratory work and research;

Office work;

Various works and services;

Auxiliary work.

4. Prices are calculated on the basis of official salaries of engineering and technical workers, tariff rates for workers, the cost of materials and services, depreciation rates for fixed assets as of 01/01/91, taking into account the basic provisions on the composition of costs included in the cost of production (work, services) with amendments and additions provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 1995 No. 661.

5. Prices are calculated in accordance with the composition, volume and technology of field and office work, ensuring the creation of reporting documentation that meets the requirements of GOSTs and current regulatory documents (approved or agreed upon by the State Construction Committee of Russia), and are optimal for determining the cost of these works.

Prices for field work are provided for performing this work under expeditionary conditions, i.e. with payment of travel allowances or field allowances to employees.

Prices for desk processing of research materials and laboratory work are provided for performing them in a hospital setting, i.e. without paying employees travel allowances or field allowances.

6. Prices are given in rubles and for certain types of work are given in the form of a fraction: above the line is the price of field work, below the line is the price of office work. In other cases, prices are provided separately for field and desk work.

Primary processing of survey materials, carried out under expeditionary conditions, is taken into account in the prices for field work.

The prices also take into account the costs of:

a) receipt of technical specifications for conducting surveys;

b) coordination with the customer of the research program (instructions) and preparation of contractual documentation;

c) preparation, verification of instruments, tools, equipment and metrological assurance of the uniformity and accuracy of measuring instruments;

d) internal control and acceptance of survey materials;

e) delivery of survey reporting materials to the customer.

7. The prices do not take into account and are determined additionally according to the relevant tables (standards) of this Directory and the following costs are provided for in the estimates:

a) internal transport;

b) external transport;

c) organization and liquidation of work at the facility;

d) selection of monoliths, bulk samples and samples for analysis of contamination by chemical and bacteriological indicators;

e) drawing up and agreeing with the customer a research program (instruction), as well as drawing up and issuing a technical report (conclusion) to the customer;

f) preparation and delivery of intermediate engineering survey materials to the customer;

g) various auxiliary works (geotechnical control, radiometric work, geodetic work, etc.);

h) registration of permits (registration) for engineering surveys;

i) land reclamation;

k) installation, dismantling and maintenance (rental) of special survey equipment.

8. Prices are calculated for the conditions of survey work in the middle zone of the European part of the Russian Federation (according to the level of wages), a favorable period of the year and the normal mode of survey work.

When determining the estimated cost of surveys carried out in other regions of the Russian Federation, as well as during unfavorable periods of the year, the corresponding coefficients are applied to prices:

a) when carrying out surveys in mountainous and high-mountain areas, the coefficients given in Table 1 are applied to prices.

Table 1

District name


Mountain and alpine with absolute heights of the surface of the site above sea level, m:

from 1500 to 1700

St. 1700 "2000


" 2000 " 3000


over 3000


b) when carrying out surveys in desert and waterless areas, the coefficients given in Appendix 1 are applied to the prices for these surveys;

c) when carrying out surveys in territories with a special regime, a coefficient of 1.25 is applied to prices for field work, and in areas with radioactivity more than 1 mSv/year or 0.1 rem/year - a coefficient of 1.25 to 1.5, depending on the level of radioactivity assessed in accordance with the Radiation Safety Standards NRB-96 (GN

Note - Territories with a special regime include areas and areas where, due to the situation or established regime, interruptions or difficulties associated with loss of working time during surveys are inevitable: border areas, testing grounds, airfields, construction sites where blasting operations are carried out, areas with strong air dustiness (construction sites, quarries, etc.), environmentally hazardous areas, internal territories of explosive, hazardous and hot workshops of defense, chemical, metallurgical, coal and mining industries, operating power stations and substations, open switchgears of power stations, strips up to 200 m wide existing power lines with a voltage of 500 kV. and higher. The canvas of railways and highways, main streets (avenues) of cities, the territory of railway stations, ports, etc., where delays and interruptions in work caused by heavy traffic, etc. are inevitable.

d) when performing field survey work during an unfavorable period of the year in the relevant areas (according to Appendix 2), the coefficients given in Table 2 are applied to their cost.

table 2

Duration of unfavorable period, months:






e) when carrying out surveys in regions of the Russian Federation, for which, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation (according to Appendices 3, 4) or in accordance with Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated 02/04/91 No. 76, republican, regional, regional, etc. Government or administrative bodies have established regional coefficients for the wages of workers involved in surveys; the coefficients given in Table 3 are applied to the total estimated cost of these surveys.

Table 3

Regional coefficient to wages

Coefficient to the total estimated cost of research

























Note - When new regional coefficients for wages are introduced after 01.07.98 by law or by directive, the coefficients for the total estimated cost of research are determined in accordance with Table 3.

f) when carrying out surveys by organizations making payments related to the provision of benefits to persons working in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas (according to Appendix 5), as well as in other areas established by current legislation, the corresponding coefficients are applied to the total estimated cost of surveys :

1.50 - when carrying out surveys in the Far North;

1.25 - the same in areas equated to the regions of the Far North;

1.15 - in the southern regions of the Irkutsk region, Krasnoyarsk region and the Far East (Amur region, Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories), in the Arkhangelsk and Chita regions. The Republics of Buryatia, Karelia, Komi (with the exception of regions of the Far North and areas equated to regions of the Far North).

Note - With the simultaneous application of the coefficients specified in subparagraphs “d” and “f” of paragraph 8, the overall increasing coefficient to the total of the estimated cost of surveys is determined by summing the unit with the fractional parts of the corresponding coefficients of table 3 and subparagraph “f”.

9. Inland transport costs are determined according to Table 4 as a percentage of the estimated cost of field survey work (taking into account the coefficients given in subparagraphs 8 a, b, c, d of the General Instructions), including the costs of maintaining bases, radio stations, as well as installation, dismantling and maintenance of survey equipment, determined according to tables 100 and 101.

Table 4

Distance from the base of the survey organization, expedition, party or detachment

Inland transport costs, % at

estimated cost of field and survey work,

thousand roubles

to the survey site, km:

up to 5

St. 5 to 10

St. 10 to 20

St. 20 to 50

over 50

up to 5




St. 5 to 10





"10 "15






" 15"20






" 20" 25






Notes. 1. Inland transport costs may be determined based on actual costs in prices of the current period:

a) with an estimated cost of field survey work of up to 5 thousand rubles;

b) when the survey site is removed from the base of the survey organization, expedition, party or detachment at a distance of more than 25 km;

c) when performing field survey work in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, in sparsely populated (uninhabited) areas (high mountains, desert, taiga, tundra), when the survey site is removed from the base of the survey organization, expedition, party or detachment at a distance of up to 25 km;

d) related to the rental and maintenance of special vehicles - airplanes, helicopters, all-terrain vehicles, boats, barges, longboats, reindeer and dog sleds, camels, horse packs, etc.

2. If expenses are determined in prices of the current period, the standards of Table 4 do not apply.

10. External transport costs associated with the travel of workers and the transportation of survey equipment and cargo from the permanent location of the organization performing the survey to the base of the survey expedition, party or detachment (or to the survey site) and back, are determined according to Table 5 as a percentage of the estimate the cost of field survey work (taking into account the coefficients given in subparagraphs 8 a, b, c, d of the General Instructions), including inland transport costs determined according to Table 4 (except for the costs provided for in Note 1 of Table 4), as well as costs for maintenance of bases and radio stations, installation, dismantling and maintenance of survey equipment, determined according to tables 100 and 101.

Table 5

Travel and transportation distance in one direction, km:

External transport costs in both directions, % of the estimated cost of surveys carried out in

expeditionary conditions, duration, months.

up to 1

12 or more

St. 25 to 100



" 100 " 300




" 300" 500




" 500" 1000




" 1000 "2000





St. 2000






Notes: 1. Expenses for external transport for distances up to 25 km are not included in the estimates.

2. When performing certain types of surveys costing up to 5 thousand rubles. or the presence of unfavorable conditions for travel of workers and transportation of goods to hard-to-reach survey sites and back, external transport costs may be determined based on actual costs in prices of the current period.

3. Expenses for external transport in executive estimates may be determined in prices of the current period.

4. If expenses are determined in prices of the current period, the standards of Table 5 do not apply.

11. When carrying out surveys in particularly difficult natural conditions (on the polar islands, in the glacier zone, in high-mountain, desert, taiga and tundra areas), special measures may be provided for (involving climber instructors and guides, organizing a rescue service, etc.) additional costs, which are determined based on actual costs in prices of the current period.

12. Determined by actual costs (price lists, tariffs, invoices, etc.) in prices of the current period and additionally taken into account in the cost of surveys are costs associated with:

Obtaining (acquiring) initial data and information about natural conditions, aerial photography, cartographic and other survey materials from past years;

Carrying out the necessary approvals related to the performance of certain types of field work (location of mine workings, boreholes, points of experimental work, etc.);

Production of special types of analyzes and studies of soil samples, bottom sediments, surface and groundwater, snow and ice, carried out by specialized laboratories licensed to carry out such work (bacteriological analysis, full testing of aggregates in concrete, radiochemistry of isotopes, etc.) ;

Payment for the cost of casing pipes, filter columns and other materials left in wells when drilling for water and for conducting stationary observations;

Purchasing a logging ticket; compensation for material damage associated with deforestation during surveys;

Compensation to land users for material damage caused in connection with grasses and surveys on their land plots;

Payment for the services of third-party organizations necessary for carrying out surveys.

13. The costs of organizing and liquidating work at the site are determined in the amount of 6% of the estimated cost of field survey work, taking into account the coefficients given in subparagraphs 8 a, b, c, d of the General Instructions, including the costs of inland transport, determined according to Table 4 , (except for the costs provided for in Note 1 of Table 4), as well as costs for the maintenance of bases and radio stations, installation, dismantling and maintenance of survey equipment, determined according to tables 100 and 101.

Notes: 1. The following coefficients are applied to the amount of expenses for organizing and liquidating work, determined in paragraph 13:

2.5 - for research with an estimated cost of up to 2 thousand rubles. or during surveys (regardless of their cost) carried out in the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in sparsely populated (uninhabited) areas (high mountains, desert, taiga and tundra):

2.0 - for surveys with an estimated cost of over 2 to 5 thousand rubles;

1.5 - the same, over 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

2. When carrying out field surveys at a site continuously for more than one year, the coefficients given in Table 6 should be applied to the amount of expenses for organizing and liquidating work.

Table 6

Duration of field surveys, months:


St. 12 to 16

" 16" 20

" 20" 24

St. 24

14. When carrying out field work without paying employees travel allowances or field allowance, a coefficient of 0.85 should be applied to the prices for this work.

When performing desk processing of survey materials and carrying out laboratory work under expeditionary conditions (with payment of field allowances or travel expenses), a coefficient of 1.15 is applied to the prices for these works.

15. If it is necessary to issue intermediate survey materials to the customer (if this is provided for in the terms of reference, program), a coefficient of 1.1 is applied to the cost of these surveys (except for the costs determined under clauses 9-13).

16. When applying several coefficients established by the Directory to prices (costs), the latter are multiplied (with the exception of the coefficients of subparagraphs “e” and “f” of paragraph 8).

17. The estimate attached to the contract provides for additional costs for work and services listed in paragraph 12 of the General Instructions, as well as unforeseen costs associated with plugging wells, construction of temporary buildings and structures (bases for tents, crossing ditches and ditches, installation of stairs on steep slopes, sheds, outhouses, berths for boats and boats, etc.) in the amount of at least 10% of the estimated cost of survey work.

18. The prices of this Directory are adjusted to the average level of costs as of 01/01/91. Bringing the base cost of engineering surveys to the price level of the current period is carried out by applying to this cost an inflation index determined in the prescribed manner.

19. The inflation index is not applied to expenses determined based on actual costs. Expenses determined in prices of the current period are included in a separate estimate.


General provisions

1. This part provides basic prices for:

engineering-geological (hydrogeological and engineering-ecological reconnaissance (route) survey;

route observations carried out in the preparation of engineering-geological, engineering-hydrogeological, engineering-ecological and soil maps at scales 1:50000 1:500.

2. Prices are developed for the following categories of complexity of engineering and geological conditions.

Table 7


Geomorphological conditions

A site (site) within one geomorphological element. The surface is horizontal, undivided

A site (site) within several geomorphological elements of the same genesis. The surface is inclined, weakly dissected.

A site (site) within several geomorphological elements of different genesis. The surface is highly dissected.

Geological in the field of interaction of buildings and structures with the geological environment

No more than two layers of different lithology, lying horizontally or slightly inclined (slope no more than 0.1). The power is consistent along strike. An insignificant degree of heterogeneity of layers in terms of soil properties, irregularly changing in plan and depth. Rocky soils lie on the surface or are covered by a thin layer of non-rocky soils.

No more than four layers of different lithology, lying obliquely or with pinching out. Power changes naturally. A significant change in the characteristics of soil properties in plan or depth. Rocky soils have an uneven roof and are covered by non-rocky soils.

More than four different lithological layers. The power changes dramatically. Lenticular bedding of layers. A significant degree of heterogeneity in terms of soil properties that vary in plan or depth. Rocky soils have a strongly dissected roof and are covered by non-rocky soils. There are faults of different orders.

Hydrogeological in the field of interaction of buildings and structures with the geological environment

There is no groundwater or there is one consistent horizon of groundwater with a homogeneous chemical composition.

Two or more continuous horizons of groundwater, in some places with a heterogeneous chemical composition or with pressure and containing contamination.

Groundwater horizons are inconsistent in extent and thickness, with heterogeneous chemical composition or various contaminations. In some places there is a complex alternation of aquiferous and aquiferous rocks. Groundwater pressures and their hydraulic connections vary along strike.

Geological and engineering-geological processes that negatively affect the conditions of construction and operation of buildings and structures


Specific soils in the area of ​​interaction of buildings and structures with the geological environment


They have limited distribution and (or) do not have a significant impact on the choice of design solutions, construction and operation of facilities.

They are widespread and (or) have a decisive influence on the choice of design solutions, construction and operation of facilities.

Technogenic impacts and changes in developed areas

Insignificant and may not be taken into account during geotechnical surveys and design.

They do not have a significant impact on the choice of design solutions and geotechnical surveys.

They have a significant impact on the choice of design solutions and complicate the production of engineering and geological surveys in terms of increasing their composition and volume of work.

Notes: 1. The category of complexity of engineering-geological conditions should be established based on a combination of factors. If any individual factor belongs to a higher complexity category and is decisive when making major design decisions, then the complexity category should be established by this factor.

I category. - Areas with homogeneous soil cover; soil complexes occupy no more than 15% of the area; swamps, wetlands and saline soils occupy no more than 5% of the area (mainly steppe areas).

II category. - Areas with heterogeneous soil cover; diverse soil-forming rocks, variable vegetation and dissected relief; soil complexes occupy up to 30% of the territory; swamps and wetlands occupy no more than 20% of the area (mainly forest-steppe and steppe areas).

III category. - Areas with very heterogeneous soil cover: the distribution of rocky, pebbly and gravelly soils; swamps, wetlands and saline lands occupy more than 20% of the area (deserts, semi-deserts, dry steppes, forest areas, forest-tundra, tundra, floodplains, floodplains and deltas).

3. Prices for field work take into account the following terrain conditions.

Table 8

Cross-country ability

I (good)

Weakly dissected or hilly terrain, river valleys and ravines are easily passable. The road network is well developed

II (satisfactory)

Rugged terrain with relative elevations of up to 500 m and slope steepness of up to 20°. Forested flat areas, slightly wetlands. The road network is poorly developed.

III (bad)

Mountainous terrain without glaciers and inaccessible rocky ridges with relative elevations of more than 500 m and slope steepness of more than 20°. The network of ravines, drains, irrigation and reclamation networks is intensively developed. The territories are heavily swampy, taiga, tundra, saline, desert with semi-fixed sand.

Note - The cost of field work carried out in mountainous areas with impassable serrated and rocky ridges and glaciers, pointed peaks, dangerous passes, turbulent mountain rivers, as well as in desert areas with loose sands and dunes, can be determined based on actual costs in prices of the current period.

4. Prices do not take into account and are determined additionally according to the corresponding tables of this Handbook, the costs of drilling wells with a portable drilling kit, digging holes, drilling holes, as well as taking monoliths and samples for analysis of contamination by chemical and bacteriological indicators.

Chapter 1. Engineering-geological,

engineering-hydrogeological and engineering-ecological

reconnaissance (route) survey

1. This chapter provides basic prices for engineering-geological, engineering-hydrogeological, engineering-ecological and soil reconnaissance (route) survey.

2. Prices take into account the costs of performing the following work.

Field work: inspection of the survey site, adjacent territory, visual assessment of the relief, production of a set of geological, geomorphological, hydrogeological, environmental and soil observations along the chosen route (keeping field records), side routes for visual inspection, collection of survey information, clarification of the conditions for conducting surveys.

Desk work: preliminary familiarization with the work area on a map, selection of route directions, processing and systematization of entries in field diaries, systematization of survey information, compilation of a catalog of survey points and a schematic geotechnical engineering (hydrogeological, ecological, soil) map of the surveyed area on an optimal scale, allocation of areas for more detailed research, preparation of materials in connection with pre-field interpretation data, drawing up an explanatory note (conclusion).

3. Prices for reconnaissance surveys are shown in Table 9.

Meter - 1 km route Table 9

Name of works

Engineering-geological, hydrogeological reconnaissance during cross-country ability:






















Reconnaissance soil survey during cross-country ability:









Before sending an electronic appeal to the Ministry of Construction of Russia, please read the rules of operation of this interactive service set out below.

1. Electronic applications within the sphere of competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, filled out in accordance with the attached form, are accepted for consideration.

2. An electronic appeal may contain a statement, complaint, proposal or request.

3. Electronic appeals sent through the official Internet portal of the Ministry of Construction of Russia are submitted for consideration to the department for working with citizens' appeals. The Ministry ensures objective, comprehensive and timely consideration of applications. Review of electronic appeals is free of charge.

4. In accordance with Federal Law No. 59-FZ of May 2, 2006 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation,” electronic appeals are registered within three days and sent, depending on the content, to the structural divisions of the Ministry. The appeal is considered within 30 days from the date of registration. An electronic appeal containing issues the solution of which is not within the competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia is sent within seven days from the date of registration to the relevant body or the relevant official whose competence includes resolving the issues raised in the appeal, with notification of this to the citizen who sent the appeal.

5. Electronic appeal is not considered if:
- absence of the applicant’s surname and name;
- indication of an incomplete or unreliable postal address;
- the presence of obscene or offensive expressions in the text;
- the presence in the text of a threat to the life, health and property of an official, as well as members of his family;
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- absence of punctuation marks in the text, presence of incomprehensible abbreviations;
- the presence in the text of a question to which the applicant has already been given a written answer on the merits in connection with previously sent appeals.

6. The response to the applicant is sent to the postal address specified when filling out the form.

7. When considering an appeal, disclosure of information contained in the appeal, as well as information relating to the private life of a citizen, is not permitted without his consent. Information about applicants’ personal data is stored and processed in compliance with the requirements of Russian legislation on personal data.

8. Appeals received through the site are summarized and presented to the leadership of the Ministry for information. Answers to the most frequently asked questions are periodically published in the sections “for residents” and “for specialists”

Properly organized construction goes through all the preparatory stages of construction work. Including all kinds of variations of technical research that are necessary for the competent development of the project. One of the important components is pre-design research. Often, a person who is going to perform such work on a site is interested in the prices for performing this type of service, and here the SBC for engineering and geological surveys 2006 and other reference books will be very helpful.

Using the price guide for engineering and geological surveys

When carrying out engineering-geological activities, the construction area is assessed. Its characteristics, such as the physical and chemical composition of the soil, are studied. The soil is checked for the presence of minerals and other minerals, and its physical and mechanical properties are also studied.

Carrying out this kind of work has its own cost, which is indicated in the collection of basic prices for engineering-geological surveys (SBS).

Collection of basic prices (BCP) for engineering and geological surveys: why is it needed?

A collection of basic prices for engineering-geological surveys is used to determine the standard cost of engineering work aimed at studying the geology of the development area. It specifies the prices for technical surveys to study the soil, find and use groundwater. These prices then become the standard when drawing up contracts with the survey company.

The most widely used collections are the following years of publication:

  1. SBC for engineering and geological surveys 1999 - intended for systematic use, for the purpose of calculating the cost of work performed for government organizations and private companies.
  2. SBC for geotechnical surveys 2004 - an updated version of the previous edition. Contains more information regarding increased base prices for complex engineering activities.
  3. SBC of engineering and geological surveys in 2006 - is distinguished by the availability of prices for drawing up estimates, taking into account indexation.

The collection of basic prices is intended for use by specialized firms licensed to carry out construction work. These price catalogs are an aid to the formation of normal prices for construction surveys. They combine certain types of technical work, making them easier to find and allowing faster processing of the data provided. A complete collection and description of prices for geological surveys was described in the 1999 SBC of Engineering and Geological Surveys.

  • carrying out route surveys and preliminary studies of the area;
  • carrying out drilling operations;
  • research of underground communications;
  • creation of a sample database based on the soil of the construction area;
  • study of collected samples in laboratories;
  • carrying out various works that do not require presence on the construction site (office work);
  • additional work.

When setting prices, the costs for:

  • transport within the site;
  • off-site transport;
  • commencement and termination of construction work;
  • sampling for chemical analysis;
  • formation of a procedure for conducting surveys and issuing a report;
  • other types of auxiliary work.

In the SBC of geotechnical surveys, the cost of the work carried out is calculated based on the salaries of engineers, tariff rates of workers, prices of building materials and services provided, and depreciation of production. All calculations take into account key costs (product cost).

Also, in the 1999 SBC for geotechnical surveys, prices were calculated taking into account the structure, volume and methodology of field and other work that does not require direct presence at the construction site. All work carried out must meet the standards of government regulations.

Field work is regarded as a business trip, therefore, workers must be paid a certain amount, which is added to the total cost of field work. The cost of office work is calculated solely on the basis of the cost of materials spent on processing the survey data obtained. Subsequently, SBC 99 of engineering and geological surveys underwent minor changes and was republished with additions.

The presence of a price guide for engineering and geological surveys makes it possible to correctly calculate the cost of technical surveys, which helps both customers and contractors when concluding a contract. If you need more information, you can always contact the specialists of GeoGIS LLC.