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Additional contributions for pension insurance. Accounts with additional contributions at Sberbank: what they are and how they will help the depositor. Additional insurance premium rates

Sberbank deservedly enjoys the trust of millions of Russians who actively use banking services. They open deposits, open accounts, take out loans, and make various monetary transactions. New accounts are opened for different purposes of clients: card accounts for making payments, receiving salaries, benefits, making necessary payments, deposits for maintaining and increasing personal savings.

Each specific savings account is issued under certain conditions, defining the exact validity period, the possibility of capitalization and replenishment with additional cash contributions. Many clients have many questions regarding savings deposits. For example, why do you need an additional contribution to Sberbank, what kind of service is this, and is the ability to replenish accounts useful?

Deposits with the possibility of replenishment allow clients to increase their funds

Additional contribution to Sberbank: definition of the concept

This definition means the possibility of additional replenishment of an already open deposit. The current agreement with the condition of permitted additional investments stipulates the following points:

  1. Dates for depositing funds.
  2. Interest payment period.
  3. Maximum allowed balance amount.
  4. Possibility of cashing out part of the deposit.
  5. Minimum/maximum allowed replenishment possibility.
  6. The amount of annual accruals (including additional funds contributed).

Each open deposit at Sberbank has individual established rules, which include the possibility of additional replenishment.

You should know that this type of transaction: 2 additional contribution to Sberbank, that this is a financial transaction that is applicable only to savings and deposit deposits. All funds allowed for replenishment are deposited only through the Sberbank cash desk. And the very fact of the next cash injection is reflected in the receipt issued to the client.

For what operations is the service provided?

Each proposal for opening deposits is aimed at a specific category of Russians. And not every deposit is replenished. Only a few of these contributions exist. The most popular deposits include the following:

  1. "Refill-Online". The minimum amount for opening is 1,000 rubles, the annual rate is 5.25–6.60%. There is no possibility of partial withdrawal of savings.
  2. "Manage." Opens when depositing capital from 1,000 rubles; this deposit allows you to withdraw funds without waiting for the expiration of the contract. Interest rate: 5.00–6.15%.
  3. Savings account. This type of deposit also applies to time deposits. The Sberbank account has the simplest requirements: there is no threshold for additional deposits and withdrawals of cash, the deposit is open-ended with annual interest of 1.50–2.30%.

And in order to understand what an additional contribution is in an extract from Sberbank, it is worth asking to hand over this document. The paper will detail when, what amount was deposited, what the balance was and what it became. By the way, you can also deposit funds online, and you can also open new deposits there..

You can find out about the terms of deposits on the official Sberbank portal

What does the additional contribution give to account holders?

The goals that clients pursue when using such opportunities are different. Most often, additional replenishment of a savings account/deposit involves the accumulation of money and an increase in interest on investments.

The annual accrual for additional investments occurs on the next day after the transaction is completed.

For example, as of October 1, the deposit balance was 50,000 rubles, the annual deposit rate was 8.00%. Under current conditions, income per day is 11 rubles (50,000 x 8% / 365). And if on the same day the deposit owner makes another additional deposit in the amount of 10,000 rubles, then on October 2 the deposit amount will be equal to 60,000 rubles. Accordingly, this means that the interest rate will increase to 13 rubles per day (60,000 x 8% / 365).

Types of additional contributions

For existing plastic cards (deposit cards), intended for various debit transactions, additional investments have no frames or restrictions. But time deposits do not always have such opportunities. Therefore, if you plan to open an account with the possibility of replenishment, it is better to clarify this nuance in advance. All existing conditions must be specified in the account servicing agreement.

Among citizens, the issue of saving money is especially pressing. Each Sberbank client has his own specific goals and reasons for this. Some people dream of a good renovation, others need money for their children’s education or a summer trip. Sberbank has developed several opportunities for its clients that help them save the necessary funds.

Deposit Universal

Deposit Universal

The recently introduced service, the “Universal” deposit, still raises many questions among Sber customers. This deposit is a deposit with the possibility of regular replenishment of the cash balance and permission to withdraw invested funds.

The “Universal” deposit is unlimited, but in practice it has a maximum validity period of 5 years. Moreover, you can open it by replenishing the deposit amount with only ten rubles.

Every 3 months, interest is accrued on the cash balance in the amount of 0.01% (rubles). It is worth knowing that this deposit can also be opened in foreign currency. According to the established conditions, interest is accrued on the entire balance of funds (plus already accrued interest and replenishments made).

Online service Piggy Bank

Service Piggy Bank

A piggy bank is a different kind of service, but one that was also designed for the purpose of accumulating money in an account. You can authorize the service from your Sberbank-Online personal account. To do this you need the following:

  1. Active plastic card of Sberbank.
  2. Current Mobile Banking service (app on your phone).
  3. Savings account or other deposit with the possibility of replenishment.

To connect the Piggy Bank, you need to log in to Sberbank Online, go to the “Settings” subsection (using the card from which you plan to keep your money savings). Then click on the “Connect Piggy Bank” option. It remains to set the necessary conditions. In particular:

  • date or time of replenishment;
  • deposit where funds will be accumulated;
  • type of savings (a certain amount of money or a percentage of cash receipts).

You can track the status of the account selected for savings through your Sberbank Online personal account or via SMS notification. Every time the account is topped up through the Piggy Bank, the client will be informed via SMS.

Ordering account statements with additional contributions

You can obtain information about all additional contributions made in various ways.. By the way, you don’t have to spend time visiting the office to receive a document. You can also receive an extract in other ways:

  1. Using an ATM. The self-service device will generate a mini-statement, which will provide information on the receipt of funds on deposit for the last three months. This service is paid; for each generated check with an account statement, 15 rubles will be debited from the account.
  2. Through Mobile Banking. It is necessary to generate an SMS message with the request: “EXTRACT xxxx”, where instead of “x” you should indicate the last four numbers of the card for which you want to find out information. The answer will come in the form of an SMS message.
  3. Using your Sberbank Online personal account. When requesting a service, the generated statement can be printed on paper or saved in electronic form.

All deposits will be shown on your bank statement

Common Mistakes

Sometimes there are situations when a user, when making additional contributions, makes mistakes in indicating the account for the receipt of money. By the way, such incidents can be avoided if you use the Piggy Bank service, where the income account is already registered from the very beginning. Such oversights are easily corrected if transfers are made between your own internal accounts. But the situation changes when money is mistakenly credited to someone else's client's account.

Sberbank, like any other financial organization, is not responsible for a transaction carried out by a client in error.

Whether an error was made in the card details will help determine the account statement. If an error is made by bank employees, all funds transferred by mistake will be returned. But it becomes much more difficult to return money that was mistakenly sent to the wrong account by the client himself.. Therefore, each operation should be carefully double-checked.


The possibility of using additional contributions provides significant assistance to clients who want to save a certain amount of money and increase their savings. This service is quite in demand, especially the Piggy Bank service.” Any deposit of funds is reflected in the bank statement, with the help of which you can also track other receipts.

Employers whose employees work in dangerous or harmful conditions are required to pay not only insurance premiums, but also contributions at an additional rate.

What are additional insurance premiums? What categories of persons have the right to receive such contributions to form their pension? How are such fees paid? We will answer these questions in this article.

What are additional insurance premiums?

Additional insurance contributions (ADI) are funds accrued to the funded part of the pension fund. According to paragraphs 3 and 5 of Article 2 of the Federal Law “On Additional Insurance Contributions” dated April 30, 2008 N 56-FZ, additional contributions may be paid:

  • by the insured person at his own expense or by his employer at the request of the employee. In the latter case, the funds are calculated from the employee’s salary;
  • by the employer for the benefit of the employee.

If additional contributions are paid directly by the employee, then he must apply to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund for voluntary payment of additional contributions to the funded pension fund. The corresponding application is submitted in form DBS-1; it can be sent through the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia, through the MFC, as well as through your employer. In this case, the application must indicate how much the employee will transfer to the Pension Fund each month. If the employer has received a corresponding application from the employee, then he is obliged to send it to the Pension Fund no later than 3 days later.

The procedure for payment of DSA by the employer in favor of the employee is regulated by Part 1 of Article 8 of the above-mentioned normative act. Employees of certain categories engaged in hazardous or heavy work have the right to such contributions.

Who is charged additional insurance premiums?

According to the current legislation, payments under DSV are transferred in favor of certain categories of employees. They were introduced to provide financial support for those citizens who are applying for early retirement, that is, before retirement age.

Tariffs for additional payments are indexed annually and in 2017 are:

  • 8% - for workers whose work activity is related to underground work or employment in hot shops;
  • 7-2% - for employees working in difficult working conditions.

Tariff 2-8% applies to:

  1. to women working as tractor drivers in the construction, agricultural, road and loading and unloading sectors;
  2. to women working in the textile industry with high intensity and hardship;
  3. to employees of locomotive crews, as well as workers involved in transportation or ensuring the safety of transportation on the railway and metro;
  4. to truck drivers working in mines, in mines involved in the removal of minerals;
  5. to prospectors engaged in topographic work, field geological exploration work, to geologists, to expedition participants;
  6. to employees whose work activities are related to convicted persons in prisons, etc.

The full list of employees to whose funded pension account an additional insurance contribution is charged is indicated in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Art. 30 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ. However, there is no maximum base for calculating additional contributions.

DSA in 2017 based on the results of a special labor assessment

The rate of additional insurance premiums depends on the results of a special assessment of working conditions, which not only establishes the level of working conditions, but also identifies shortcomings that the employer is obliged to eliminate and bring the workplace into compliance with established standards. They are regulated by the Federal Law “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions” dated December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ, which, among other things, establishes the timing of such inspections - at least once every 5 years.

Tariffs for DSA are set depending on the level of harmfulness based on the results of such an assessment of working conditions. The higher the danger and harmfulness of the conditions, the higher the rate of additional insurance premiums. Based on the results of a special assessment of workplaces, tariffs for DSA may be as follows:

Level of working conditions
DSV size

If, after a special assessment, optimal or acceptable working conditions are established, an additional insurance premium rate is not provided.

Terms for calculating additional insurance premiums

According to Part 1 of Article 9 of Federal Law No. 56-FZ, additional contributions, regardless of who pays them, are transferred to the Pension Fund within the same time frame as contributions to pension insurance, i.e. for each month until the 15th of the following month. Contributions from employees and employers are transferred to different BCCs (budget classification code)

Each time DSV is accrued to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to create a register of insured persons to whose account the contributions were transferred. The registration of the register is carried out every month according to DSV-3 (the new form came into force on September 10, 2016).

The register must indicate:

  • information about the policyholder - registration number in the Pension Fund of Russia, checkpoint, tax identification number, name of the organization;
  • date, number of the payment order on the basis of which contributions are transferred, execution date;
  • contribution period;
  • information about the employee - full name, SNILS;
  • the amount of accrued additional contributions.

The deadline for submitting DSV-3 is set no later than the 20th day of the month following the quarter in which the DSV was translated. For example, if an employer paid contributions for March, April and May 2017, then he must send three DSV-3 registers to the territorial department of the Pension Fund no later than June 20, 2017.

It is worth considering that for those employees who work in conditions of high danger and harmfulness, when determining the right to early retirement, periods of work taken into account to determine preferential length of service are counted only if during this period additional insurance contributions were transferred in their favor.


Insured persons whose work activities are carried out in dangerous and harmful working conditions are entitled to additional insurance premiums. The rate of such contributions is determined after a commission checks working conditions at least once every 5 years and varies from 2% to 8%. If the employer does not carry out such checks, he is obliged to pay 9% of the DSA to the Pension Fund for employees from List No. 1 and 6% for employees from List No. 2.

The issue of saving money is very relevant now. And everyone has their own reasons. Someone wants to make a cherished purchase, and someone wants to go to the sea. There are several ways for Sberbank clients to replenish their capital. For example, the recently opened “Piggy Bank” function, which allows you to leave part of the funds in your account safe and sound. The “Universal” deposit can also serve as a good basis for savings. All this is presented in more detail below.

“Universal” Sberbank deposit: conditions, interest rate and extension

Many people do not understand much about the “Universal” deposit of Sberbank of Russia for 5 years. What it is? Let's go in order.

  1. This is an account on an open-ended basis with the ability to replenish the balance or withdraw money partially.
  2. Despite the wording from Sberbank itself, the maximum deposit period for which funds can be deposited is 5 years.
  3. The minimum amount to open a deposit is only 10 rubles.
  4. The annual rate, which is calculated in installments every three months, is 0.01% (if you focus on rubles).
  5. Work with foreign currencies is also taken into account: US dollars, euros, pounds sterling and others.

According to Sberbank's policy, all interest received is summed up and serves as the basis for increasing income in the calculations of the next period.

How is it prolonged?

  1. The deposit is renewed automatically at the interest rate that is in effect at the time of renewal.
  2. The number of extensions is not limited by the bank.

About early termination

You can receive money from Universal at any time. Even ahead of schedule. If you had to terminate the deposit early, the interest on the account is retained without taking into account capitalization.

Other terms of deposit

If an account is needed for foreign currency, but not for US dollars and euros, then it is not possible to open it in all bank branches. This information should be clarified by contact phone number. Withdrawals and transfers of funds from the deposit can be made only if the amount of expenditure transactions is higher than the minimum minimum balance agreed on the account.

A universal account with Sberbank is an opportunity to accumulate the required amount over time using the Piggy Bank or replenishing funds independently.

What is Piggy Bank: main features of the service

We figured out what Sberbank’s “Universal” deposit for 5 years is. “Piggy Bank” is a slightly different service that allows you to automatically accumulate funds in your account. To connect to the service, 3 conditions are required:

  • availability of a Sberbank card (Visa or MasterCard);
  • activated Mobile Banking service;
  • a savings account or replenishable deposit to which savings will be transferred.

Depending on your needs, you can set up a fixed transfer of funds on certain dates or a percentage of the amount deposited/debited from the card.

How to connect Piggy Bank

To do this, you can use Sberbank Online or contact one of its branches. In online mode, “Piggy Bank” is connected through the menu "Options" the card from which you plan to make savings. There will be a function "Connect Piggy Bank". In the settings you need to set the name and adjust:

  • type (fixed amount, percentage of expense or income);
  • the deposit to which funds will be credited;
  • date of replenishment;
  • the required amount or percentage (depending on the type of piggy bank).

You can also set restrictions on the maximum size of transfers (based on a percentage of the amount).

How to track your savings

You can control the balance of your accumulated funds using the SMS alert service. When the Piggy Bank is replenished with a new amount, the client receives a message with detailed information. Additionally, you can view your account status directly in your online account. There you can see the service among your accounts.

Customizable and transparent service

All Piggy Bank options are available for change at any time. Everyone has the power to change the terms of enrollment, account or debit card. And in the menu item "Information" the client will receive a statement with the remaining funds.

One of the convenient services that many users of the service have noted is setting up a fireproof residue. This does not allow the card account to go into the negative if the replenishment amount is insufficient.

There is a responsive notification system that will always warn you about an exceeded limit, insufficient amount for transfer and cancellation of the operation (if there are no receipts within 10 days).

How to disable

On the menu "Deposits" You must select the account to which the service is connected. By expanding the conditions, you can see the tab "Money box" and click on it. A window with accumulation details will open. Select item "Operations" and press the button "Disable."

If we talk about savings, the “Piggy Bank” and the “Universal” deposit of Sberbank for 5 years are optimal services that together allow everyone to save a decent amount over time.

What is an additional contribution to Sberbank?

On January 22, 2013, having made a mini-statement of the last 10 transactions through the terminal of Sberbank of Russia OJSC at 3rd Samotechny Lane, 19, I discovered that the balance on my account was 20,000 rubles less. Having requested a personal account statement, I discovered that on January 14, 2013, an amount of 20,000 rubles was debited from my personal account. The next day, having carefully read the extract from my personal account dated January 22, 2013, I additionally discovered the following: on November 1, 2012, a partial withdrawal in the amount of 20,000 rubles was made from my account. And on November 8, 2012, an additional contribution in the amount of 20,000 rubles was made to my account. I did not perform this operation, the bank card issued for my personal account was always with me, I did not give it to anyone, I did not tell anyone the bank card details and PIN code for the bank card. At the same time, I thought what wonderful scammers there are in our world: first they steal my money, and then return it. It would always be like this!

I immediately wrote a statement dated January 22, 2013 to Sberbank of Russia OJSC in Additional Office No. 01621 at 3rd Samotechny Lane, 19. My application was registered on January 23, 2013 under No. 000407-2013-010108 (application for disputed transactions dated November 1, 2012 and November 8, 2012 under No. 000407-2013-010580), about which I received an SMS notification to my mobile number. The bank assured me that in a week or a week and a half my issue would be resolved. But on January 30, 2013, I called Sberbank of Russia OJSC at 8-800-5555550 to clarify the stages of consideration of my application No. 000407-2013-010180. To which the girl operator, after checking the database of my application, confirmed that my application was registered on January 23, 2013, and also announced that the period for consideration of my application had been extended until March 5, 2013.

And here I thought again: after all, we, citizens of the Russian Federation, entrust our hard-earned savings to one of the main banks in the country, OJSC Sberbank of Russia, with all confidence that our money is securely and holistically stored. But in reality, it turned out that we still have to convince and prove that these are our means, that we did not carry out the disputed operations, thereby wasting precious time and undermining the already not the best health and nervous system.

As a result, on February 1, 2013, I personally filed an application with the Tverskoy District Department of Internal Affairs of the Central Administrative District of Moscow, the Tverskaya Interdistrict Prosecutor's Office of the Central Administrative District, and the Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Combating Economic Crimes. I hope that the management of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, together with law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation, will understand the current situation and take action to return to me my 20,000 rubles illegally debited from my personal account on January 14, 2013.

P.S. I have been cooperating with Sberbank of Russia OJSC for a long time and I hope that this ambiguous situation will be quickly resolved without bringing the matter to the courts.

05.02.2013 12:29 On February 1, 2013, I posted my negative review about Sberbank of Russia OJSC. The essence of my problem was that 20,000 rubles were illegally debited from my personal account on January 14, 2013. In particular, based on the statement of my personal account, I discovered that two more illegal transactions took place on my account: on November 1, 2012, the debit of 20,000 rubles from the account and on November 8, 2012, the crediting of 20,000 rubles to the account (applications for controversial operations No. 000407-2013-010108 and No. 000407-2013-010580, respectively). Yesterday, 02/04/2013, I received a response from a specialist at the Customer Care Service of Sberbank of Russia with the following content:

“10/31/12 You made a cash withdrawal operation from an ATM. The operation was canceled as a result of a failure and the transaction amount increased the spending limit of your card on 11/06/12. And on January 11, 2013, after reconciliation, the excess credited amount was debited from the account. I recommend that you obtain a report on your card account for the specified period and compare the amount of receipts with the amount of expenditure transactions.
As for your requests, as soon as work with them is completed, you will be provided with an official response from the bank.”

Based on the bank’s response, respected specialist of the customer care service of Sberbank of Russia OJSC Alexander Ryabchikov, I would like to clarify the following. That, being a financial specialist, I, of course, requested a detailed statement of my account. From which it is clearly visible that on 10/31/2012 I had a cash withdrawal in the amount of 500 rubles, and also on 10/31/2012 I had the amount of my salary credited for the month of October. On November 6, 2012, no operation took place on my card. On January 11, 2013, I only had the amount debited to pay for goods at Detsky Mir. Until this moment, I sincerely hoped that Sberbank OJSC would provide me, as a regular customer, with overwhelming support and assistance in resolving my situation. But in fact, it turns out that the customer support specialist, in order to whitewash the already damaged reputation of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, is currently providing me with false information. I don’t want to wonder what your level of qualifications is, dear Alexander, but I clearly conclude that when you tried to respond to my review, you were not guided by my data, and certainly not by my personal account statement.

In the report, I clearly indicated that in addition to the illegal debiting of 20,000 rubles from my account on January 14, 2013, I also had contested illegal transactions dated November 1, 2012 for debiting 20,000 rubles from my account, as well as on November 8, 2012 for crediting an amount of 20,000 rubles . You, dear customer care specialist, did not mention a word about them. I am very glad that I contacted the authorized bodies of the Russian Federation. I am now 100% sure that if the bank continues to pursue a policy of “footballing” towards me, I will certainly file a lawsuit. In view of the fact that your telephone calls are recorded, video cameras are installed on ATMs, when withdrawing cash through ATMs, transaction codes are reflected on TWO receipt tapes of the ATM, I will be able to compile an evidence base that Sberbank OJSC, trying not to wash dirty linen in public, He is trying to cover up the facts of internal fraud with all kinds of lies.

Moreover, today, 02/05/2013, I contacted the Additional Office No. 01621 of Sberbank of Russia OJSC at 3rd Samotechny Lane, 19, to receive a detailed description of my three controversial transactions. To which the employees of the Additional office told me that they could not perform the requested operation, because... my bank card issued to my personal account (through which the unauthorized debits were made) is blocked (of course, it was varnished by me, or Sberbank OJSC believed that I would continue to allow my funds to be managed like this for their own selfish purposes). Blocking a bank card does not constitute grounds for refusal to submit documents confirming (describing) transactions performed on my bank card. I filed a statement in the Additional Office No. 01621 indicating all the actions of employees that violated my rights. I am fundamentally disappointed with the work of Sberbank of Russia OJSC.

How to view the history of receipts in Sberbank Online

Often there is a need to analyze your income and expenses. Sberbank clients have the opportunity to do this through remote banking. All receipts and write-offs are displayed in Sberbank online in the receipt history. Information is provided in tabular and graphical form. The use of encodings next to each transaction allows you to uniquely identify the source of income.

How to view recent transactions

Typically, income analysis is needed to determine how much you earned over a certain period, or to compare wages by month. In addition, viewing the history will allow you to establish exactly who and in what amount transferred money to you, when the replenishment was made through an ATM, etc.

How to find out the receipt of funds on a Sberbank card

The easiest way to view the history of funds received on a Sberbank card in Sberbank Online:

  • in your personal account go to the Cards section;
  • Click on the name of the card you are interested in.

The window that opens will display the last 10 card transactions, including debits and deposits, in tabular form:

  • type of transaction (indicating the place of payment);
  • date of;
  • amount in rubles (transactions in foreign currency will be recalculated at the then current exchange rate).

The information received can not only be found out and viewed, but also printed for personal use.

Information about the transfer of funds to a Sberbank card can be presented not only in tabular, but also graphical form. This will allow you to quickly and accurately analyze revenues for a certain period.

How to order a graphic statement of a personal account

In the same section you can view a graphical account statement. It will show in graphical form the history of funds received in Sberbank Online, as well as their write-offs:

  • green – receipts (salaries, transfers, cash replenishment, etc.);
  • red – write-offs;
  • the blue line is the balance (i.e. the balance in the account).

A graphic statement is generated separately for each card, but is not available for credit cards and corporate cards. The maximum period for submitting a report is six months.

Order an account statement

If the information provided on your Sberbank card or account is not enough for you, you can get more detailed information. So, in Sberbank Online you can view the history of receipts of funds by receiving a detailed bank statement.

Receiving a detailed statement

To find out more detailed information about the movement of funds in the account, you need to:

  • go to the Maps section;
  • click on the name of the desired plastic;
  • Click on Full bank statement (printed in translucent font on the Recent transactions tab);
  • select the period for receiving information - for a week, a month or an arbitrary period (the maximum period is not declared, but in practice it is impossible to receive an extract longer than a year - an error in generating the extract appears).

A complete bank card statement can be generated for a week, a month or an arbitrary period

The statement will be presented in the form of a table located in a pop-up window (if it does not appear, make sure that the browser allows pop-up windows to appear, and also disable AdBlock). The statement will contain information that will allow you to find out:

  • date of operation;
  • document number (if there is a payment order or if the funds were transferred to a savings book, in other cases the field will remain empty);
  • transaction code (if you are interested in how to find out the history of receipts in Sberbank Online, look for the codes of receipt transactions: 2 – transfer from other persons, 15 – payment of wages, etc.)
  • name of the operation;
  • the amount of debit (DT account) and the amount credited (CT account);
  • remainder.

At the bottom of the table is also the balance (turnover), as well as the remaining amount as of today, which you can find out if necessary.

Is it possible to save data

Unfortunately, saving such an extract is problematic - when copying it into Word, the columns will get mixed up. You can solve this problem by ordering an extended statement by email. To do this, you need to click Order a report by e-mail in the same section, select a deadline and indicate the email itself.

The extract will arrive within 10-15 minutes to the specified mailbox. It will be presented in two formats: rtf and txt. Such a statement provides information in more detail: for example, it can track from which ATM or which current account the deposit was made.


Thus, you can find your receipt history in Sberbank Online in several ways. The easiest option is to simply view recent transactions. You can also analyze a graphical statement to visualize your income and expenses, view the full statement in a pop-up window, or order a transaction report by email.

For certain categories of employees working in harmful and dangerous jobs, additional rates of insurance contributions paid to the Pension Fund are established. That is, for such employees the employer pays an additional percentage of the insurance premium, the amount of which depends on what kind of work the employee is engaged in.

Categories of employees for whom additional tariffs are established have the right to early retirement, which is why the employer must contribute an additional percentage of their income to the Pension Fund.

Additional rates were introduced not long ago, on January 1, 2013, and the deductible percentage increases every year.

The rates of insurance premiums for the additional tariff are established by Article 58.3 of Federal Law No. 212-FZ of July 24, 2009.

Below are the rates of additional tariffs that apply to employees until such time as it is carried out in respect of them.

Rates of additional insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation before special assessment

For persons listed in paragraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, an additional insurance premium rate is established in the amount 6% for 2014, in 2015 there will be a planned increase to 9%.

  • in underground work,
  • at work with hazardous working conditions;
  • in hot shops.

For persons listed in paragraphs 2-18, paragraph 1, Article 27 of Law No. 173-FZ, an additional tariff rate of 4% for 2014, in 2015 there will be an increase to 6%.

  • At work with difficult working conditions;
  • As tractor drivers, drivers of construction, road and loading and unloading machines;
  • In the textile industry with increased intensity and severity of work;
  • Workers of locomotive crews and other railway and subway workers, as well as truck drivers in mines, open-pit mines, coal, shale, ore, and rock mines;
  • In expeditions and other geological exploration, geophysical and other survey work;
  • In logging and timber rafting;
  • In loading and unloading operations in ports;
  • On various sea vessels (including the fishing industry);
  • Drivers of public transport;
  • In underground and open-pit mining (mines, shafts, etc.);
  • On aircraft;
  • In emergency services;
  • At work with convicts.

Rates of additional insurance contributions to the Pension Fund after special assessment

Special assessment of working conditions is a procedure that replaced workplace certification in 2014.

The special assessment may not be carried out for 5 years from the date of the last certification; during this time the employer must pay additional insurance premiums in accordance with the rates indicated above and approved by paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 58.3 of Law No. 212-FZ.

As a result of a special assessment, a class of working conditions is established for workplaces; depending on the established class, the rate of additional contribution to the Pension Fund changes.

There are 4 classes of working conditions: optimal, acceptable, harmful and dangerous.

Bank accounts are opened for different purposes: card and settlement accounts - in order to receive regular payments and conduct settlement transactions; time deposits – to form and increase your own savings; special accounts – for carrying out certain types of transactions. Each account is opened under certain conditions: term, capitalization of interest, possibility of withdrawal and replenishment. Let's take a closer look at which accounts an additional contribution is possible to in the Russian Sberbank, and what this condition is.

First, let's look at what an additional contribution is. This concept includes depositing funds into a bank account in order to increase its balance. In this case, replenishment can be made both in cash and non-cash form. Additional contributions are made in the deposit currency. If the currency of the contribution is different, then the conversion is made at the bank exchange rate at the time of the transaction. For example, if a deposit is opened in dollars, and the depositor brought rubles to increase the balance on this deposit, the bank sells him dollars for the amount of rubles received. On the deposit, the additional contribution is reflected in dollars.

Replenishment in cash

When depositing cash through the cash register, you will need an identification document. The cash register worker identifies the depositor and generates a cash receipt order for the transaction amount. The submitter checks the accuracy of the data on the document and puts his signature. Transfers the cash along with the cash receipt order to the bank employee. The cashier receives and recalculates the received cash, after which he gives the depositor his copy of the cash receipt order with his signature and seal of the bank.

Through bank self-service devices (ATMs and cash shops), the depositor is identified through a plastic card and PIN code. After identification, the depositor selects the account to which he wants to deposit funds and deposits the bills into the device. After the reception is completed, it is credited to your bank account. The depositor receives a receipt confirming the transaction, indicating the amount deposited.

Cashless replenishment

Non-cash replenishment includes transfer from account to account. For example, if you transfer part of your salary to a deposit. This can be done through a bank branch upon application, self-service devices, mobile banking, or online services (Internet banking, e-wallets). Or non-cash transfers can include transfers from outside – wages, pensions, benefits, etc. (i.e., from an organization’s account to your personal account).

Any transactions on the client's account are reflected in the bank statement. When the full package is connected to the account, the client receives SMS notifications about any receipts.

Why is the additional contribution made?

The purposes of additional contributions can be completely different. But most often, funds are deposited into time deposits to increase interest income from investments. Interest accrual on the deposited amount begins the next day after making the contribution. For example, on December 1, the balance of funds on deposit (the next morning) was 100,000 rubles. The interest rate on the deposit is 8% per annum. At this rate, interest income for 1 day is 22 rubles (100,000 * 8% /365 days). If on the same day the depositor makes an additional contribution in the amount of 50,000 rubles, then on the morning of December 2, the deposit balance is already 150,000 rubles. Accordingly, interest income increases to 33 rubles per day (150,000 * 8% /365 days). And so on with each replenishment.

If the client has a plastic card account, he can make an additional contribution to make a discount, make a non-cash transfer from the account, pay a loan, or simply for the purpose of preserving funds. The same applies to settlement accounts.

Where can I make an additional contribution?

As a rule, additional contributions to plastic cards and settlement accounts are accepted without restrictions. As for time deposits, not everyone has this opportunity. It is better to clarify the possibility of making additional contributions before opening a deposit. In addition, all conditions must be specified in the deposit agreement. Restrictions may be placed on the minimum and maximum contribution amounts.

Currently, the following time deposits have the opportunity to make additional contributions:

  • “ ” and “Replenish online”;
  • “Manage” and “Manage online”;
  • "Savings account";
  • “Pension plus”.

Card accounts and deposits for settlements (“On demand”, “Universal”) are replenished without restrictions.

“Piggy bank” for additional contributions

Sberbank offers its depositors to set up regular automatic replenishment of deposits for a certain amount or as a percentage of income received or expenses incurred. This is a very convenient service, since you do not need to perform any actions to replenish your deposit. The service is provided free of charge. Connection is available through branches, self-service devices or an Internet service (including a mobile application).

Errors when making additional contributions

In practice, there are cases when the contributor made a mistake when making an additional contribution.

If this concerns your deposits, then the situation is not so critical - you can always make a non-cash transfer between your accounts. The bank is not responsible for the mistaken deposit of funds into someone else's deposit by the client.

But if you are missing some amount on your deposit, take a statement. If you haven’t found a receipt transaction, look for a receipt and contact the bank. If an official error is discovered, be sure to demand compensation for lost profits. When depositing funds electronically, glitches may occur when funds are used for a pending transaction, so be careful.

If you see in the statement information about the crediting and debiting of the same amount, it means that it was credited incorrectly and the transaction was reversed. In such a case, the bank reserves the right to withdraw funds from the account without the client’s consent. But, of course, it is better to check this fact with the bank.

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