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Certificate of completed work in accordance with the grand estimate. Estimate for work - sample, form and example of drawing up Grand estimate how to do it

When preparing a local estimate, it often happens that a group of several items describes different stages of work with the same structural element. Therefore, the volumes of work in these positions are repeated, or are in some obvious way interconnected - for example, the volume of work in the next budget item is the sum of the volumes in previous positions.

In addition, sometimes it is necessary to transfer data from the Bill of Quantities to the local estimate or vice versa. It is convenient to do this for each item if you only have a few lines in the estimate. But what should you do if there are many more positions and each of them requires clarification in terms of volume?

In such cases, it is recommended not to enter all scopes of work as separate values, but to set links in some positions to scopes of work in other positions. This speeds up the process of drawing up estimates, and in addition ensures the interrelation of the volumes of work in different positions - as a result, when one value is adjusted, others change automatically.

Let's consider an example when the estimate needs to take into account the work of dismantling floor coverings followed by concrete screed. For this purpose, items were added to the estimate 7 And 8 with prices TERr57-2-1 And TERr57-2-3 for dismantling different types of floor coverings: linoleum and ceramic tiles. The positions indicate the scope of work 60 m 2 and 90 m 2. Following them, a position was added 9 with price TER11-01-011-03 for the installation of concrete screeds in those rooms where the floors were dismantled. It is clear that the amount of work in the position 9 must be the sum of volumes in positions 7 And 8 .

Instead of entering this value manually, you can do the following: While in cell editing mode, press the key Ctrl and click on the value of the amount of work in the position 7 F2 for position 7 . Next, enter the + (plus) sign and repeat the above steps with the amount of work in the position 8 – as a result, a link in the form of an identifier gets into the cell F3 for position 8 .

The final formula obtained in the cell looks like F2+F3– as a result in position 9 the amount of work is calculated 1,5 (150 m 2). As when performing similar actions when replacing material, the program automatically generates identifiers for the involved estimate items (if they have not already been specified before).

If now, to obtain the required thickness of the concrete screed, add the item to the estimate 10 with price TER11-01-011-04, then using the method described above you can obtain the amount of work in the position 10 as a link to the previous position 9 (in cell editing mode, click the mouse while holding down the Ctrl). Along with this, you can use another method to repeat a previously specified amount of work in an estimate position: drag the mouse over the desired position with the right mouse button pressed, selecting the item from the context menu Insert link.

Then, going to the document with which you need to link the value of the copied cell, place the mouse cursor in the cell in which you need to enter data, right-click and select the data insertion icon with the value “Paste link to GRAND-Estimates document”.

The section describes the procedure for working in the mode of accounting for work performed according to a local estimate. Questions are considered about how you can draw up a report of work performed and format it properly for printing.

3.1. How to create a new act?

In order to create a new act, you need to open the window with the estimate parameters and go to the tab there. Button Add allows you to add new acts to the list. By default, the next document number and standard name are set for a new act Certificate of completion, date of compilation (current date) and reporting period (entire current month).

In the future, you can adjust any parameters of the act - to do this, double-click the left mouse button to open the corresponding cell for editing. When editing a date, you can manually enter the day, month and year, or select the desired date from the drop-down calendar window.

The start and end dates of the reporting period can only be specified within the same month. The number of acts within a month is not limited, and the reporting periods of different acts may overlap or even completely coincide. This may be necessary, for example, in cases where work according to the estimate is simultaneously carried out by several contractors and for each of them it is necessary to draw up a separate certificate of work performed.

3.2. How to choose a specific act to work on?

If the required act has already been created previously and now you need to continue working on its preparation (indicate the scope of work performed, set conversion indices to current prices, print), then you need to use the operation choice of act. This is done using the button Selecting an act on the tab Performance. After clicking this button, a window appears on the screen where a list of all existing acts on an open local estimate is presented.

For ease of selection, all acts in this window are sorted in descending order of the date of the reporting period, and are also grouped by quarter. The desired act is selected here by clicking the left mouse button.

Once the desired act is selected, it is advisable to immediately go to act mode– this is a special state of the document, which is necessary for most operations when drawing up a report of completed work. To switch to act mode, press the button Act mode on the tab Performance. If the act mode is already active at the moment, the button Act mode should be brightly lit. For example, the act mode is necessary to view the totals for the currently selected act, or to load indexes into the act.

3.3. Is it possible to see the total volume according to the estimate and balances when entering execution?

The GRAND-Estimates PC provides the ability to view and enter the completed volumes of work according to the items of the act in such a way that the screen simultaneously displays the total amount of work according to the estimate, as well as the total completion since the beginning of construction, since the beginning of the current year, and the balance. For this purpose there is a special type of document called Accounting for completion.

Selecting a document type Accounting for completion carried out using a button Document type on the tab Document or by clicking the corresponding button in the status bar at the bottom of the program window. There is also a so-called hot key F11.

Due to the possibility of drawing up several acts for the same month in a document Accounting for completion There is a column where the total implementation for all acts of the reporting month is displayed. And for entering the completed volumes of work according to the items of the act, the adjacent column is intended, the header of which shows the parameters of the current act (number, date of preparation and reporting period). For greater clarity, this column uses a pink background color.

While in execution mode, you can quickly move to the next (previous) act in the order. To do this, use the button Next act (Previous act) on the tab Performance.

3.4. How to change the month (reporting period) in an existing act?

Sometimes it is necessary to change some header data in an existing act. For example, indicate different start and end dates for the reporting period. Such changes can be made in the general list of acts according to the estimate, which is displayed in the window with the estimate parameters on the tab Certificates of work performed according to the estimate.

Along with this, you can use the button Act parameters on the tab Performance. After clicking this button, a window appears on the screen where all the parameters of the currently selected act are grouped. Header data is presented here on the tab Name and dates. When editing a date, you can manually enter the day, month and year, or select the desired date from the drop-down calendar window.

3.5. How can you quickly assign (close) execution for a group of positions in an act?

When entering completion for one individual item of the act, you can indicate in the column the percentage of the total amount of work for a given estimate item, for example 50% . As a result, the program automatically calculates the value of the completed volume. And if you need to close the execution for a given position (i.e., the execution of the corresponding work is completely completed), then it is enough to enter the “asterisk” symbol in the column ( * ). As a result, the completed volume is calculated as the difference between the total volume of work for a given estimate item and the total completion for all other acts.

The GRAND-Smeta PC also provides the ability to perform such actions simultaneously for any arbitrarily selected group of act positions. For this purpose, on the tab Performance there is a special field Volume.

Thus, if, while in execution mode, select the required items in the list, and then enter in the field Volume the desired value, then as a result, for all selected positions, the completed volume will be calculated in accordance with the entered value.

If necessary, you can automatically select all positions of a section at once. To do this, right-click on any position in the desired section to open the context menu of the estimate and select the command there Select section positions. You can also automatically select all estimate items at once - button Select all on the tab home in a group of teams Clipboard.

3.6. How to set conversion indices to current prices in the act?

In version 5 of the GRAND-Smeta PC, many new features have appeared in the execution mode. In particular, now for each act you can individually set such additional charges as conversion indices to current prices, current resource prices (for resource calculation) and limited costs. The procedure for entering and applying indexes in the act exactly repeats the procedure for performing these actions in the local estimate.

Of course, to work with any specific act, you must first fix it as the current active act - this is done using the button Selecting an act on the tab Performance. For subsequent actions, it is necessary that the document switch to act mode. Switching to act mode is carried out by pressing the button Act mode on the tab Performance. Next you need to open a window with the parameters of the act (button Act parameters on the tab Performance) and go to the bookmark Indexes.

As in the local estimate, in the act you can use either a single index in the totals, or individual indexes for different works. If you choose to work with individual indexes, then you need to go to the tab Indexes to positions and generate a list of indexes there.

After the list of indices for the act is generated, the indices are linked to the positions of the act using the drag-and-drop method. Let's remember that you can drag the index onto the section header to automatically apply this index to all positions in the section at once. In a similar way, you can apply an index to any arbitrarily selected group of act positions.

Along with indexes, which can be added manually in the act parameters window, the user can use indices from an external file – a collection of indexes – in the act. Using a collection of indexes to index an act looks exactly the same as when indexing an estimate: either dragging the indexes with the mouse from the collection to the positions of the act in the mode Two windows, or automatic download. To automatically load indexes from the collection into an act, use a standard command - a button on the tab Data.

Since in this case the same button is used both when working with a local estimate and when working with an act, you should keep in mind a simple rule: if the document is in estimate mode, then the indexes are loaded specifically into the estimate. And if the document is in act mode, then the indexes are loaded into the currently selected act.

It often happens that the act requires the use of the same indexes that were previously applied in the local estimate or in another act. For such a case, the GRAND-Estimates software provides the ability to automatically copy indexes from a local estimate or from another act to the currently selected act.

To perform this operation, you must use the button Copy data to act on the tab Performance. After pressing the button, a window appears on the screen where the local estimate icon is displayed separately at the top, then a list of all acts according to the estimate is presented.

At the bottom of the window, the types of data to be copied are listed, where checkboxes allow you to select the ones you need. Regarding the parameter Copy data only for positions with non-zero completion– it is recommended not to check this box to avoid additional work during the preparation of the act.

All indexes that appeared in the act as a result of automatic downloading from a collection of indexes or as a result of copying from a local estimate or another act are displayed in the window with the act’s parameters on the tab Indexes to positions. If necessary, you can adjust the values ​​of the copied indexes there.

3.7. What needs to be done so that when the act is printed, the header of the KS-2 form is automatically filled out?

Having selected a specific act for work, you should open a window with the parameters of the act (button Act parameters on the tab Performance) and go to the bookmark there Signatures. Here you can generate a set of signatures to display the corresponding text data in the title part or at the end of the printed form of the document. For each signature, you can also add any necessary details (i.e. additional data).

When adding a new signature (or new details for the current signature), it is recommended not to enter the signature text manually, but to select a standard signature type from the button list Add(or select a standard attribute type from the button list Add props). This ensures that the program correctly processes the relevant data when generating output documents.

In particular, standard signatures Investor, Customer And Contractor are intended specifically for displaying in the title part of the printed form of the act of completed work. The name of the corresponding organization should be entered as the value of these signatures, while adding details allows you to display various information about the organization in printed form: address, phone number, etc.

For the maximum possible automatic filling of the title part (“header”) of the unified form No. KS-2, it is recommended to add to the signatures Investor, Customer And Contractor props OKPO, and to the signature Contractor– also details OKDP, Contract number, agreement date And Type of operation.

Comment: Let us remind you that when working with signatures for a document in the GRAND-Smeta PC, it is possible to copy a ready-made signature with a full set of details from a special directory of signatures. You can also save a whole set of signatures for a document in an external file in order to subsequently load this set into another document - the and buttons.

And then after performing the operation Export to MS Excel according to the template for the unified form No. KS-2, the relevant data is displayed in the title part of the document in the side table, and the remaining details of the organizations are listed separated by commas after the name of the organization.

Please note that the title part of form No. KS-2 also displays the title parameters of the current selected act: document number, date of preparation and reporting period. These are the same parameters that are presented in the act parameters window on the tab Name and dates.

5.1. How to create a work completion certificate?

To create a certificate of completion of work (or, as it is often called, interest), first of all, open the estimate. On the toolbar, click the F2 button “Create work completion certificate”.

In the window that opens, enter the document number, indicate the reporting period (i.e., the time period during which the work submitted for acceptance was carried out). In the “Percentage” field, you can indicate the percentage of completion for this act from the estimated volume. So, by indicating 100% and clicking the “OK” button, you will receive a report on the volume and cost of work identical to the estimate.

If necessary, you can change the volumes in individual positions of the act, reducing or resetting them if the work on these positions during the specified reporting period was not completed in full or was not performed at all. As an example, consider the case when the first act closes only part of the work. The first thing you need to do is create a 100% completion certificate. In order to exclude work that was not performed from interest, it is enough to enter zeros in the volume cells of these prices (zeros should be entered in the positions of the act). The program will automatically recalculate the act.

Attention! Do not remove unclaimed quotes from the completion certificate. This may lead to incorrect calculation of subsequent acts of work performed.

To create the next work completion report, click the button

Toolbars. In the parameters of the act, indicate the reporting period - let it be the next month. "Cumulative" checkbox checked

When forming this percentage, it allows you to take into account the volume of work covered by previous acts. Click OK.

The program will create Act No. 2, which will close all balances.

5.2. How to change the reporting period and the date of drawing up the work completion certificate?

When printing an act, the program by default indicates the first and last days of the month as the beginning and end of the reporting period. In addition, the date of creation of the act is fixed on the 20th day of the reporting month. If you need to change these settings, follow these steps:

Having created certificates of completed work, click the “Document Properties” button

Now in the document details you can see

not only the estimate data, but also the details of each of the acts. All of them are available for

adjustments. Change the creation date of the document. It should be noted that when creating subsequent

acts based on this estimate, the program automatically in the date of creation of the act

will set the number that you specified for the first act. This is very convenient, because...

deadlines for delivery and acceptance of work are determined by the contract and in the course of execution

The parties to their obligations under the contract usually do not change.

You can also adjust the start and end date of the reporting period by entering it by hand or selecting it from the calendar. After making changes, click OK.

Use the preview function,

to verify what happened


5.3. For what reason are there positions with negative volumes and amounts in the act?

This can only be because in this

position or group of positions in terms of the amount of acts, the volume of implementation exceeded the estimate

volumes. If you really want to get the total completed volume

there is more work according to the acts than according to the estimate; when creating the acts, remove

"Cumulative" checkbox.

This will allow you to produce nothing

limited adjustment of volumes in percentages

5.4. Is it possible to create an act for hidden work?

To create a report of completed work (interest), use the "Create report" function in the "Documents" menu, or click

toolbar button. In the window that opens

specify the document number, indicate the reporting period (i.e. the time

the period during which the work submitted for acceptance was carried out). In field

“Percentage” you can indicate the percentage of completion for this act from the estimated volumes.

So, by indicating 100% and clicking the “OK” button, you will receive a report on volumes and costs

work identical to the estimate.

In the created report of completed work, first of all, go to the "View" menu, select the "Table View" - "Full" command.

Then, in those positions of the act that you intend to include in the act for hidden work, check the “Skr” box.

Click on the "Preview" button on the toolbar. In the list of printed forms that opens, select “Act for hidden work.” Click on the "OK" button. The document that appears will contain only those items that you have ticked in the "Skr" cell.

5.5. Is it possible to add (delete) positions in acts of completed work?

According to the default program settings, you cannot insert or delete positions in acts. If you still want to add or delete a position in the act, select the “Options” command in the “Tools” menu and check the required box on the “Document” tab


– using this setting may lead to incorrect calculation of acts.

To eliminate the possibility of such errors, observe the following rule.

Prices for work not included in the estimate should be added to the percentage as a separate

section at the end of the document.

5.5. How to delete a work completion certificate?

To delete a work completion certificate, go to its tab


use the button

On the panel


Please note: if Act No. 2 is deleted or any changes are made to it, you will have to re-create Acts No. 3, 4, etc., if they had already been created by the time Act No. 2 was deleted.

1. Ability to change the font size for all documents in the program

In PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 7.1, it became possible to change the font size for all documents in the program. To do this, you need to open the program settings window (Settings button on the File tab) and go there to the Font Settings tab. If the Use custom font settings switch is selected, here you can specify the font to use and select the font size:

After applying the new settings, all documents in the program will be redrawn:

It should be noted that the above setting only changes the font within documents. Setting the font for the toolbar and all other interface elements is carried out using standard operating system tools.

2. Ability to load indexes into several estimates/objects

In order to load information about conversion indexes to current prices into several estimates simultaneously, you need to select the required estimates (or folders with estimates) in the estimate database, and then click the Load Indexes button, which is located on the toolbar on the Operations tab.

3. Ability to load current prices into several estimates/objects

In order to load information about current prices for resources into several estimates simultaneously, you need to select the required estimates (or folders with estimates) in the estimate database, and then click the Load prices button, which is located on the toolbar on the tab Resources.

4. Possibility to add a comment to the estimate

In PC "GRAND-Smeta" version 7.1, it became possible to add any text or graphic comment to the document as a separate line. This is done by clicking the Comment button, which is located on the toolbar on the Insert tab. In particular, you can copy an arbitrary text fragment from methodological or regulatory reference documentation into the comment line.

5. Possibility of duplicating acts of work performed in the estimate

In order to create a copy of any act within the estimate, you need to open the window with the estimate parameters - click the Options button on the toolbar on the Document tab, or press the F6 key on the keyboard - and go there to the Acts of work performed according to the estimate tab. Next, right-click on the desired act to open the context menu and select the Duplicate act command.

After executing the specified command, a new act will be created in the estimate, completely identical to the original act, with the only difference being the name of the act. The word will be added to the name of the original act Copy. If necessary, this name can be changed.

6. Possibility of combining acts of completed work in the estimate

In order to combine several acts according to the estimate into one act, you need to open the window with the estimate parameters - click the Options button on the toolbar on the Document tab, or press the F6 key on the keyboard - and go there to the Acts of completed work according to the estimate tab. Next, you need to select the required acts in the list, right-click to open the context menu and select the Create merged act command.

After executing the specified command, a new act with the name will be created in the estimate Composite act(if necessary, this name can be changed). The value of the volume of work performed for each item of the composite act will be obtained by summing the corresponding values ​​from the individual acts participating in the merger. In this case, this value is output by the formula as the sum of the original values.

7. Possibility of copying certificates of completed work from one estimate to another

The function of copying acts of completed work from one estimate to another greatly facilitates and simplifies the procedure for receiving/transferring acts of completed work between the customer and the contractor when exchanging acts in electronic form.
Let's consider a situation where in the database of estimates of PC "GRAND-Estimates" there are two local estimates: source estimate And acceptance estimate. One or more acts of work performed are entered in the source estimate. The user needs to copy the act from the source estimate to the receiving estimate. To do this, you need to create a new act in the acceptance estimate, go to act mode, select the required act for work, and then click the Copy data to act button on the toolbar on the Execution tab.

This operation has already been implemented in previous versions of the GRAND-Estimates software, but in version 7.1, an additional item appeared in the menu of the Copy data to report button: Import data from another estimate into the current report.

After executing this command, a window will appear on the screen displaying the contents of the My Estimates database; you must select the source estimate here to import data.

After choosing an estimate, you need to choose where exactly you want to copy the data from. The source of data can be either the estimate itself or an act in this estimate.

Selecting an estimate and then selecting a data source is done by double-clicking the left mouse button or clicking the Next button.

After selecting a data source, it is compared with the acceptance estimate. The key field for comparison is the position number; no other information can be used in this capacity.

During the comparison, all source positions are sequentially processed, and for a position with a matching number in the acceptance estimate, an identity check is performed according to the comparison parameters marked at the bottom in the Select data source window. If all the parameters were marked there, the positions are considered identical if the justification, name, meter and resource part coincide.

After the source check is completed, a window with the check results will appear on the screen. If any discrepancies are detected, the program provides detailed information about this.

If there are no identified inconsistencies, clicking the Import button imports data from the source into the acceptance estimate. As a result, in the acceptance estimate, the volumes of work performed for identical positions in the source are copied into the currently selected act. If the estimate itself was selected as the source, the scope of work in the source estimate is copied.

Comment: If there are several items with the same number in the acceptance estimate, data on such items is not imported.

It should be borne in mind that when importing an act into the acceptance estimate, you can copy from the source not only the volumes of work performed by item, but also other data (conversion indexes to current prices, current prices for resources, etc.) in accordance with the checkboxes in the menu buttons Copy data to act in the Data to copy group. At the same time, the key data in the acceptance estimate - the nomenclature of positions and all information about the positions, the applied coefficients in the estimate positions and in the estimate results, the order of positions, sections and much more - remain unchanged.
An example of using the above function: there is a general local estimate that the general contractor issues to each of his subcontractors. Subcontractors enter acts into the received estimate, indicating the scope of work performed by item - and no changes in prices in the received estimate are allowed. Next, the general contractor collects estimates from the subcontractors with their acts, after which he can only copy individual acts from the subcontractors into his original estimate and combine them using the act merging function, which was described in the previous paragraph.

8. Possibility of drawing up bills of quantities

In PC "GRAND-Estimates" version 7.1, it became possible to create a new type of document, Statement of Quantities. In order to create such a document, you need to open the File tab on the toolbar, execute the Create command there and select the specified document type from the proposed basic list on the Blank Document tab.

When compiling a bill of quantities, along with standard buttons for adding new sections and positions to the document, an important role is played by the group of buttons Insert a line into a position, which are located on the toolbar on the Insert tab.

In particular, in each position of the statement you can create a set of necessary settlement lines, setting identifiers for them and using the results in subsequent calculations.

The bill of quantities is compiled according to drawings and other design materials; it consists of a brief description of the work and formulas for calculating their quantity.

Calculations of the volume of work for structural elements and types of work should be carried out and placed in the statement in such a sequence that the results obtained from previous tables can be used in subsequent tables. For example, having first calculated the volume of work to fill openings, you can subsequently use this data to subtract openings from the area of ​​walls, partitions and surfaces to be finished.

9. The ability to use external macros to change any data or parameters simultaneously in several estimates

Macros are a sequence of commands that can be used to change certain data or parameters simultaneously in several estimates. Macros are written in the language VBScript and are stored in the Macros folder inside the Grand Estimate folder.

Lines starting with the character “’” are comments and do not affect the operation of the macro. At the same time, macros provide a number of constants that determine the appearance of the button for calling the macro in the GRAND-Smeta PC, and also indicate what types of documents this macro is intended for. Such constants begin with the characters “‘#”. The table below provides a complete list of such constants (the first column in italics shows an example value for using the constant).

Constant name


"#Title = Change the binding mode of indexes in the estimate

The name of the button for this macro, which is displayed on the macros ribbon

"#Description = Changing the way indexes are linked in local estimates

Description that appears when you hover the mouse over the button with the name of the macro

"#DocTypes = Smeta

The type of documents that this macro can process. If you need to specify several types of documents, they are separated by commas

"#Category= Working with Indexes

"#ImageIndex = 6

The picture for this macro, which is displayed on the macros ribbon

Using existing macros as a template, you can create your own macros that make any changes to estimates.

At the moment, the GRAND-Estimates software offers the following macros: Individual indexes for estimate items and Method for linking indexes in a local estimate.

In order to perform the action specified in the macro simultaneously in several estimates, you need to select the required estimates (or folders with estimates) in the estimate database, and then select the desired macro in the drop-down menu of the Macros button, which is located on the toolbar on the Operations tab.

Macro « Individual indexes for estimate items"
Macro code:

"#Title = Change how indexes are applied
"#Description = Changing the method of accounting for individual indexes for local estimate items
"#DocTypes = Smeta
"#ImageIndex = 0


newMode = SelectOption4("Select how to use individual indexes",_
"Do not use", _
"Apply indexes for cost items in each budget item", _
"Use indices for cost items when summing up", _
"Apply indexes to construction and installation work")

"Working on the document

Smeta.IndexesMode = newMode
Macro execution window:

Macro “Method of linking indexes in local estimates”
Macro code:
"#Title = Change the binding mode of indexes in the estimate
"#Description = Changing the way indexes are linked in local estimates
"#DocTypes = Smeta
"#Category = Working with indexes
"#ImageIndex = 6

"Initialization and requesting parameters from the user

newMode = SelectOption4("Select index binding mode", _
"By budget items", _
"By type of work", _
"By sections", _
"According to OS columns")

"Working on the document

Smeta.IndexesLinkMode = newMode
Macro execution window:

10. Using the Grand Calculator program

An additional application program has been developed specifically for use in conjunction with the new version of the GRAND-Smeta PC Grand Calculator. The Grand Calculator program is designed to calculate the volume of work for certain standard structural elements of buildings and structures, the consumption of building materials, as well as for other calculations necessary when drawing up local estimates.

The “Grand-Calculator” program can be launched from the “GRAND-Smeta” PC by clicking the button on the toolbar on the Home tab in the Programs group of commands, or using a shortcut on the desktop that is created during the installation of the “Grand-Calculator” program on the computer. After launching the Grand Calculator program, a window will appear on the screen for selecting a calculation formula.

The database of the Grand Calculator program consists of calculation formulas, which are grouped into folders depending on their purpose. Select the desired formula by double-clicking the left mouse button. After selecting the formula, a window for calculating the results will appear on the screen.

Calculation formulas are stored on the computer in the form of separate files with the extension .gcf. Each such file is an archive that can be opened using WinRAR. As part of the archive, the Data.xml file defines the list of source data and specifies the order in which results are obtained, the data.bmp file is a picture, and the info.rtf file contains explanatory text, which, when working with the selected formula, is displayed at the top of the window.

After the initial data for the calculation has been entered, the results are displayed in the window. At the right edge of each line with the result there is a button with which you can copy this value to the clipboard and then paste it into the local estimate.

Additional materials:

  1. Videos about the new version of Grand Estimate 8.1 in five parts (we provide seminar participants upon request), content:
  • Release of a new federal cost estimate and regulatory framework as amended in 2017.
  • New capabilities of the GRAND-Smeta PC, FSNB-2001 in the 2017 edition as part of the GRAND-Smeta PC.
  • Features of FSNB-2001 as amended in 2017, compilation and recalculation of estimates in the GRAND-Estimates PC using FSNB-2001 as amended in 2017.
  • Review of new regulatory documents on pricing in construction.
  • New features of the GRAND-Estimate PC: adding images to the estimate; calculation of the volume of work in the estimate; unloading, loading and checking acts; cost summary and KS-3.

Attention! In version 8.0, the format of the regulatory framework has been changed. Files with regulatory bases for "Grand Estimate" version 8 have the extension *.GSD8. For the program to work, a mandatory update of the regulatory framework to version 8.0 is required. You can download the updated regulatory frameworks either directly through the GRAND-Smeta program, or through the Update Manager, or manually using the link.

    What's new in version 8.1 Grand Estimate