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About the project to increase the level of financial literacy of the population. The program “Improving the financial literacy of entrepreneurs and the population” was launched. Financial literacy courses

Objective of the project- promote the formation of reasonable financial behavior of Russian citizens, their responsibility for participation in the financial services markets, and increase the effectiveness of protecting their interests as consumers of financial services.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved

Increasing financial literacy of Russian citizens

(especially school and higher education students, as well as active and potential users of financial services with low and middle incomes);

Strengthening the framework for strengthening financial consumer protection


The orientation of the Russian economy towards an intensive development scenario requires a financially literate and economically active population. This activity should be manifested, inter alia, through the broad participation of various categories of citizens in long-term pension, insurance and mortgage programs aimed at solving issues of pension savings, social and health insurance, housing and education.

Along with the growth of the well-being of Russian citizens, their active saving behavior should also develop, based on the use of savings and insurance instruments. To develop such behavior, a sufficiently high level of financial literacy is required, which should serve as the basis for citizens’ interaction with various financial institutions, their conscious use of banking and insurance sector products, and the formation of a pension strategy.

In the long term, the place of financial literacy of the population is determined by the increased importance of individual financial decisions in ensuring the personal well-being of each citizen at all stages of his life - when receiving education, starting a family, having children, providing a household with housing, changing a field of activity and retirement, etc. . Increasing personal responsibility for financial decisions is taking place against the backdrop of the expansion of the consumer sector of the financial market in recent decades, the increase in the number and complexity of financial products with a simultaneous increase in income and savings of the population, which makes the problem of increasing financial literacy even more urgent.

Financial and economic crises of 2008-09. and 2014-2015 identified additional risks associated with the insufficient level of financial literacy of the population in Russia. Excessive debt on consumer loans and the lack of a minimum financial reserve in households in case of unforeseen circumstances are a consequence of citizens’ insufficient preparedness to make responsible financial decisions and the ability to plan for the future.

During the crisis in Russia, the problem of protecting the rights of consumers of financial services has worsened, including low public awareness in the financial sector, the inability to recognize and suppress attempts to implement fraudulent schemes, the lack of a code of conduct for financial institutions and the insufficient capacity of supervisory authorities to proactively monitor the situation.

In the context of the financial and economic crisis, the need for government influence on such long-term problems as:

  • poor knowledge by citizens of the basic principles of functioning and instruments of the financial market;
  • insufficient ability of citizens to make informed decisions aimed at increasing personal (family) financial stability;
  • unreasonably high expectations of the population regarding the volume of government support in the event of financial losses.

The current situation indicates the need for a systematic state policy aimed at increasing the financial literacy of the population, developing the financial education system and strengthening the protection of the rights of consumers of financial services, increasing their accessibility for citizens. An indispensable condition for the implementation of this policy should be the creation of sustainable institutions at the federal and regional levels, involved in programs of financial education and public awareness, building a system for assessing both the level of financial literacy of various categories of citizens of the country, and the effectiveness of those measures aimed at increasing it.



Results of monitoring the readiness of Regional Centers to conduct training for Teachers

Monitoring of Teachers' Training Results

Monitoring the progress of provision of services under the Contract and the results of schoolchildren’s education under financial literacy programs

Results of monitoring the readiness of interregional and regional centers to conduct training for teachers (2018)

Results of monitoring the implementation of financial literacy programs in the 2018/2019 academic year, training of teachers and schoolchildren in financial literacy programs

Results of monitoring the summing up of the II phase of provision of services under the Contract

Results of monitoring the readiness of interregional and regional centers to conduct training for teachers (2019)


Website “National Program for Improving Financial Literacy of the Population”:

Sections: Technology , Economy

I. Explanatory note on the subject “Basics of financial literacy”

The work program of the subject “Fundamentals of Financial Literacy” is compiled in accordance with the teaching materials of V.V. Chumachenko “Fundamentals of Financial Literacy”, as well as in accordance with the following documents:

1. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation.”

2. Project of the Ministry of Finance of Russia “Promotion of increasing the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation.” Information about the Project is presented on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Finance:

3. Concept of the National Program for Improving the Level of Financial Literacy of the Population of the Russian Federation

4. Strategy for the development of the financial market of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020

5. The main educational program of secondary general education of MBOU “Gymnasium No. 3”.

6. Regulations on the work program of academic subjects, courses of extracurricular activities of MBOU “Gymnasium No. 3” dated 08/30/2018.

Increasing financial literacy is one of the main directions for the formation of investment resources, outlined in the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020.

The relevance of the “Fundamentals of Financial Literacy” program is dictated by the development of the financial system and the emergence of a wide range of new complex financial products and services that pose tasks for citizens that they are not always ready to solve.

Therefore, the introduction of the course “Fundamentals of Financial Literacy” helps create conditions for the development of a teenager’s personality, motivation to learn, for the formation of social and professional self-determination, and is also the prevention of antisocial behavior. It is mastering the basics of financial literacy that will help students apply the acquired knowledge in life and successfully socialize in society.

Ensuring the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation and the availability of quality education for students of all categories, our gymnasium creates conditions for receiving additional economic education, including its applied aspects - financial literacy, the basics of consumer knowledge in high school as part of elective courses.

The content of the program significantly expands and complements the knowledge of high school students about personal finance, home accounting management, the functioning of the stock market and the banking system, and the implementation of creative work and practical tasks will allow teenagers to gain experience in making economic decisions in the field of personal finance management and improve their professional competence in the future, apply the acquired knowledge in real life.

In addition, tasks with financial and economic content are included in the materials of the final certification for the course of the basic school Unified State Examination.

The novelty of this program is the focus of the course on developing financial literacy in high school students based on building a direct connection between the knowledge acquired and its practical application, understanding and use of financial information at the moment and in the long term and focuses on the formation of responsibility among adolescents for financial decisions, taking into account personal safety and well-being.
A distinctive feature of the program of the subject “Fundamentals of Financial Literacy” is that it is based on a system-activity approach to learning, which ensures an active educational and cognitive position of students. They develop not only basic knowledge in the financial sector, but also the necessary skills, competencies, personal characteristics and attitudes in accordance with the latest generation of Federal State Educational Standards.

Purpose of the program: formation of key competencies of high school students for making rational financial decisions in the field of personal finance management.

Program objectives:

Create comfortable conditions that contribute to the formation of communicative competencies;

To form a positive motivational attitude towards economics through the development of cognitive interest and awareness of social necessity;

Study the regulatory and methodological documents of the Ministry of Education and Science on increasing the level of financial literacy and financial and economic education of students;

Master a system of knowledge about financial institutions of modern society and tools for managing personal finances;

Master the ability to receive and critically comprehend economic information, analyze, and systematize the data received;

To develop experience in applying knowledge about financial institutions for effective self-realization in the field of personal finance management;

To develop students’ readiness to make responsible and informed decisions in the field of personal finance management, and the ability to implement these decisions;

Form the foundations of culture and individual style of economic behavior, business ethics values;

Foster responsibility for economic decisions.

II. General characteristics of the subject "Basics of financial literacy"

To achieve the goals and taking into account the above, the organization of classes is based, first of all, on pedagogical technologies based on cooperation and co-creation of participants in the educational process, critical analysis of various types of information received, activity-based technologies, design and research activities, gaming technology.

In classes, students engage in various types of cognitive activities, learn to think creatively and solve practice-oriented economic tasks.

Since the teaching method is a generalizing model of the interrelated activities of the teacher and students and it determines the nature (type) of the cognitive activity of students, teaching methods are implemented in the following forms of work:

  • Business games.
  • Use of technical teaching aids and Internet resources.
  • Working with sources of economic information.
  • Analysis of financial market instruments, economic situation in individual markets and in the region.
  • Interactive technologies.
  • Group, frontal and individual work.
  • Excursions.

III. Description of the place of the subject “Fundamentals of Financial Literacy” in the curriculum

This program is intended for students in grades 10.

The work program is designed for 35 hours per year (1 hour per week).

IV. Planned development results subject "Basics of financial literacy"

Structure and content of the subject « Fundamentals of financial literacy" » assume that students must master practical skills in planning and assessing their own economic actions in the field of managing the family budget and personal finances.

During the academic year, high school students demonstrate general project skills: plan and implement project activities; prioritize goals taking into account values ​​and life plans; independently implement, control and correct their activities based on preliminary planning; use available resources to achieve goals; apply all the necessary variety of information and knowledge, skills and competencies obtained as a result of training for goal setting, planning and implementation of an individual project.

Planned learning outcomes

Subject results studying this subject means that schoolchildren acquire competencies in the field of financial literacy, which are of great importance for the subsequent integration of the individual into the modern banking and financial environment. In addition, studying the course develops the skills of high school students to make competent and informed financial decisions, which will ultimately help them achieve financial independence and success in business.

Metasubject results - development of analytical abilities, decision-making skills based on comparative analysis of savings alternatives, planning and forecasting of future income and expenses of the personal budget, management skills.

Personal results studying the course is the development of motivation to work, the desire to build one’s future based on goal setting and planning, responsibility for the present and future one’s own financial well-being, the well-being of one’s family and the state.

Thus, as a result of training in this subject graduate will learn:

Make rational financial decisions in the field of personal finance management;

Conduct timely financial analysis;

Set strategic goals to achieve personal financial goals;

Plan and forecast future income and expenses of the personal budget;

Determine the directions of interaction of citizens with stock and currency markets;

Basics of interaction with credit institutions;

Basic concepts and tools for interaction with participants in financial relations;

The basics of managing tax payments in order to reduce tax expenses while maintaining tax discipline;

Select insurance products and insurance companies;

Make investment decisions from the perspective of minimizing financial risks;

Create a personal financial plan.

Graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

In collaboration with the teacher, set new learning objectives;

Recognize the principles of functioning of the financial system of a modern state;

Understand personal responsibility for decisions made in the process of interaction with financial institutions;

Understand the rights and responsibilities in the field of finance;

Possess communication competencies;

Analyze and interpret financial information from various sources;

Determine tasks in the field of personal finance management;

Find sources of information to solve financial problems;

Collaborate with peers and adults in educational and research activities;

Form your own financial strategy;

Solve financial problems;

Show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation;

Independently take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the new educational material;

Carry out ascertaining and anticipatory control based on the result and method of action, actual control at the level of voluntary attention;

Independently evaluate the correctness of the action and make the necessary adjustments to the execution both during its implementation and at the end of the action.

V. Contents of the curriculum of the academic subject “Fundamentals of Financial Literacy” (35 hours)

Personal financial planning (11 hours).

Introduction to the course. Brief description of the course being studied. Formation of the concept of human capital. Formation of knowledge about the use of human capital.

Making personal finance decisions. Defining goals, selecting alternatives.

Assets and liabilities. Income and expenses. Drawing up a current and future personal financial budget. Main sources of income. Typical levels of income and expenses over the course of a person's life. Drawing up an ongoing personal financial plan.

Personal financial planning. Strategy and tactics in the financial game.

Lesson-lecture, lesson on discovering new knowledge, lesson on updating knowledge, combined lesson, lesson-generalization, lesson - business game, creative work.

Main activities.

Know the role of the subject “Fundamentals of Financial Literacy”, the concept of “human capital”, “money”, their functions. Be able to explain what consumption is, what the main sources of income are, recognize your assets and liabilities, and be able to keep records of them. Know how to make a budget, be able to optimize expenses. Be able to develop a strategy for achieving your goals, create a personal financial plan for achieving your goals. Ability to work in a team and strive for cooperation.

Deposit (7 hours).

Savings, inflation, causes of inflation, calculation of inflation. Deposit. Risk assessment. Interest on deposits. Advantages and disadvantages of a deposit. Conditions and contents of the deposit. Nominal rate, real rate, deposit agreement. Types of bank deposits. Banks, bank deposits, financial risks.

Forms of organization of training sessions.

Lesson - discovery of new knowledge, lesson of updating knowledge, combined lesson, lesson - generalization of knowledge.

Main activities.

Know the concepts of accumulation and inflation, the causes of inflation. Calculate inflation.

Know the concept of deposit. Be able to make your own assessment of risks, know the methods of calculating interest on deposits. Be able to characterize the features of a deposit in Russia. Know the methods of calculating interest on deposits. Be able to calculate simple and compound interest on a deposit, give examples of types of bank deposits, and be creative in creative work.

Credit (7 hours).

Credit concept. Introduction to the main characteristics of a loan. Benefits when choosing a loan. Cost of loan. Calculations for reducing the cost of credit. Typical mistakes when using credit.

Forms of organization of training sessions.

Lesson - discovery of new knowledge, lesson of updating knowledge, combined lesson, lesson - generalizations, creative work.

Main activities.

Know the concept of “credit” and its characteristics. Know the required documents when applying for a loan. Learn to analyze and compare loan conditions in different banks. Be able to characterize the features of a loan in Russia, give your own examples of the rights and obligations of the borrower, evaluate the phenomenon studied, and show creativity in creative work.

Cash transactions (7 hours).

Banking system, economic situations. Introduction to choosing a bank card. Types of bank cards (debit and credit). Banking profit. Main types of bank interest. Plastic cards. ATMs, mobile banks. The use of plastic cards in settlements and payments, the difference between debit and credit cards. Storage exchange and transfer of money. Various types of means of payment. Forms of remote banking services. Repetition of what has been learned in the block. Excursion to the bank.

Forms of organization of training sessions.

Lesson - discovery of new knowledge, lesson on updating knowledge, combined lesson, lesson - generalizations, lesson - excursion.

Main activities.

Know the concept of “Banking system”, the functions of the central bank. Be able to solve cognitive and practical problems that reflect typical economic situations. Know the types of bank cards. Understand the mechanism for generating banking profits. Be able to characterize the main types of bank interest. Know the rules for using ATMs, mobile banks, and online banks.

Repetition of what has been learned (3 hours).

Personal financial planning, deposit, loan, cash transactions. Strategy and tactics in the business game “Golden Crown”.

Forms of organization of training sessions.

The lesson is a business game, a lesson in generalizing knowledge.

Main activities.

Be able to put into practice the knowledge acquired in lessons on the subject “Fundamentals of Financial Literacy”, develop strategy and tactics in team play, show creativity and initiative.

VI. Description of the educational and methodological kit for the subject “Fundamentals of Financial Literacy”

  1. V.V. Chumachenko. Basics of financial literacy. Tutorial. – M.: Education, 2018.
  2. V.V. Chumachenko. Basics of financial literacy. Guidelines. – M.: Education, 2018.
  3. V.V. Chumachenko. Basics of financial literacy. Workbook. – M.: Education, 2018.

Internet resources for students and teachers

VII. Calendar and thematic planning of the subject “Fundamentals of Financial Literacy”


Lesson topic

Number of hours

Scheduled lesson date
10 "d"
10 "w"

Actual date of the lesson
10 "d"
10 "w"

Personal financial planning (11 hours)

Introduction to the FGD course

Human capital and success

Making personal finance decisions

Home accounting. Assets and liabilities

Home accounting. Income and expenses

Drawing up a personal financial plan

Creative work “Drawing up a personal plan”

Business game “My Strategy”

Deposit (7 hours)

Savings and inflation

What is a deposit and what is its nature?

Deposit terms

Deposit risk management

Repetition of what has been learned in the “Deposit” block

Credit (7 hours)

What is a loan?

Basic characteristics of the loan

How to choose the most profitable loan

How to reduce the cost of a loan

Typical mistakes when using credit

Creative work “Case”

Cash transactions (7 hours)

Storage, exchange and transfer of money

Various types of payment instruments

The publication was prepared within the framework of the joint project of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the World Bank “Promoting the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation.”

In the situation of the global financial crisis, even Western economists and public figures are raising the question of the need to increase financial literacy of the population and improve financial training in schools. For our country, this issue is much more relevant due to the fact that Russian citizens have virtually no experience of living in a market economy. As a result, many families do not know how to rationally manage their income and savings, correctly assess possible risks in the financial markets, and often become victims of financial scammers.

Therefore, a special educational and methodological complex (EMC) was developed, which includes the following elements:

  • training program,
  • materials for students in basic vocational training programs,
  • methodological recommendations for the teacher,
  • control measuring materials (CMMs),
  • materials for parents.

The “Financial Literacy” course for this educational level is based on the learning-by-doing methodology. This allows students to be given not only basic financial knowledge, but also the skills of competent financial behavior.

Financial literacy: curriculum. Professional education

The curriculum is focused on a competency-based approach to learning and active educational and cognitive activity of students. The program provides for obtaining not only basic knowledge in the financial sector (subject results), but also a certain set of skills, competencies, personal characteristics and attitudes (meta-subject and personal results) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Curriculum (PDF, 297 Kb)

Financial literacy: materials for students. Professional education

As a result of studying the course, students will learn how to draw up a family budget and carry out financial planning in the family, spend money rationally and make savings; what is the essence of insurance protection and the principles of functioning of the pension system; what does it mean to use bank loans and deposits correctly; how to protect yourself from financial risks and prepare for starting your own business.

Materials for students (PDF, 112.63 MB)

Financial literacy: methodological recommendations for teachers. Professional education

The main advantage and distinctive feature of the methodological recommendations for this course is that they are based on a system-activity approach to learning, which ensures an active educational and cognitive position of students. The manual will help the teacher in developing in students the necessary skills, competencies in the financial sector, personal characteristics and attitudes. It describes in detail the simulators - tasks, exercises, practical tasks with parents, essays, cases. Recommendations are given for conducting assessment procedures, team games, discussions, quizzes, etc.

Methodological recommendations for teachers (PDF, 2.34 MB)

Financial literacy: materials for parents. Professional education

The manual contains educational materials that tell you how to rationally manage your income and savings, correctly assess possible risks in the financial markets and not become a victim of financial scammers. One of the most important types of work within the course is joint tasks for students and parents, which will allow parents to become active participants in the process of financial education for children.

(PDF, 1.24 MB)

Financial literacy: control measurement materials. Professional education

Control measurement materials are a collection of tasks for all topics of the course. The materials contain tasks, open-ended questions, tests where you need to choose one correct answer from several offered, and tasks with multiple correct answers. The teacher can use these tasks when compiling tests and tests. All tasks in CMMs are grouped in pairs - two tests or two tasks devoted to the same problem.

In a market economy, given its ups and downs, ensuring personal financial security is important for every person. Society understands these realities, so the state must create programs that increase the level of financial literacy of Russians.

Why raise?

The future of the Russian economy is largely determined by young people. That is why increasing their education in the field of money management is of particular importance. The solution to this problem is possible only through close cooperation of the state with commercial and financial institutions, educational institutions and public organizations that are able to influence the development of this process in their field.

More than a third of the country's residents have not taken out bank loans at all over the past few years, fearing a sharp drop in money inflation.

Based on the above, it turns out that most Russians manage their funds without the right approach and advice from a specialist. All money issues are resolved at home over a cup of tea with friends. Which, just like the owners, are not particularly versed in the intricacies of decisions.

The country's market economy, however, does not stand still; on the contrary, it is moving forward at a rapid pace. People’s knowledge remains at the old level and is not added to, which becomes critical for the country itself and its economy as a whole.

The lack of understanding of these problems by society is pushing the country's leadership to extreme measures. By all possible means to improve the education of people.

What is being done for this?

Propaganda is being conducted aimed at smart spending of the population's funds. To teach skills correctly deals with.

Training seminars are held aimed at gaining knowledge in the field of banking services. The ability to understand securities and their profitability.

Operation of the financial literacy program

Special centers teach people how not to succumb to the tricks of scammers, how to secure their deposits in banking structures, how to make a profit from pension payments and much more.

It is designed for all age categories of the population and is taught even in schools where there are special elective subjects for teaching children. Naturally, at school only the basics of everything that children will learn at an older age are taught.

Universities also devote a lot of lectures to achieving the proper level of knowledge in this area. At the same time, the economics university works with its students in the most detail on the intricacies of banking and monetary decisions. This is done to improve.

Along the way of program implementation, monitoring groups have also been created to monitor changes in people’s knowledge of the financial sector. And although the results are still disastrous, work is being done in all possible directions.

All media are connected. Television is engaged in showing social videos that encourage people to listen and explain the necessity of such knowledge. Newspapers and handouts clearly state the position of the foreign exchange markets. Publishers produce printed materials that describe all the main points of knowledge of this science.

In addition, all regional authorities are connected. They hold master classes for entrepreneurs and people starting their own businesses. Ways to avoid them are also considered. Experienced people in financial matters come to such meetings.

Pensioners receive clear information from pension funds. In short, there is a comprehensive information load on the population. To reach their minds as quickly as possible and attract them to learn money skills.

The adult population within the framework of the program is taught skills in various structures and in various ways that they bring profit.

When will the program bring the desired effect?

And although the program began its work back in 2009, people still refuse to trust the system, believing that they are being deceived again. Abroad, such methods have been used for a long time, which is probably why their population is much more educated in money matters. We are still lagging behind and showing weakness in this.

However, I would like to hope that the program will soon yield positive results and Russia as a country will become more educated in terms of the population’s economy. Today, such a program is being introduced in Ukraine, but it will probably face the same difficulties with its acceptance by the population as in our country.

The programs are mainly aimed at improving the education of the younger generation. If you rely exclusively on young people, the program will only work effectively in 15-20 years. Then this adult generation will independently teach their children financial literacy, having good knowledge in this area.

Advanced programfinancial literacy

What it is?

The program to improve the level of financial literacy of residents of the Kaliningrad region began operating in 2011. The program was initiated by the Ministry of Finance of Kaliningrad within the framework of the National Project “Promoting the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation.” The goal of the Project is to increase the level of financial literacy of the country's residents, promoting reasonable financial behavior, informed decisions and a responsible attitude towards personal finance among Russian citizens, increasing efficiency in the field of protecting the rights of consumers of financial services.

Framed in 2011 x The Project operated only two regional programs: in the Kaliningrad and Volgograd regions. In 2011-2012, the activities of the Programs were mainly devoted to the training of financial literacy teachers (tutors) and the development of educational programs for different groups of the population: schoolchildren, students, adults, people of the “third age”.

The work of the regional Programs was considered successful and in 2013 seven more regions joined the Project: the Republic of Tatarstan, Altai Territory, Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory, Arkhangelsk Region, Saratov Region, Tomsk Region.

What are we doing?

In simple terms, we teach people how to count money. How to save, how to save, save, invest. How to calculate interest on loans and deposits, how to choose a bank, an insurance company, how to understand an insurance policy. How and why to manage a family and personal budget, pay taxes on time, and competently receive housing and communal services.

In the 2015/2016 academic year, textbooks on financial literacy were tested in 8 educational institutions of the Kaliningrad region, in addition, similar school disciplines were introduced in 4 regions participating in the Project to improve the level of financial literacy.

Financial literacy classes are held in different forms, depending on the needs of the participants - these include lectures, educational conversations, seminars, educational games, intensive trainings, open lessons, joint movie viewings and much more.

All financial literacy classes are free for their participants - the program is financed from the budget of the Kaliningrad region, as well as from the budget of Russia.

Those people who do not have the opportunity to attend financial literacy courses can watch educational videos on our website, as well as take distance courses and test their level of knowledge in the field of personal finance in the form of tests. Columns dedicated to financial literacy are published on the Internet portals "Kaliningrad.Ru", "", Moskovsky Komsomolets-Kaliningrad, on the radio Komsomolskaya Pravda-Kaliningrad, as well as in print media.

What is this all for?

Knowledge of key financial concepts and the ability to use them in practice allows a person to competently manage their money. That is, keep track of income and expenses, avoid excessive debt, plan a personal budget, and create savings. And also navigate the complex products offered by financial institutions and purchase them based on informed choice.

A person who manages his finances competently spends money approximately 25-30% more efficiently. This means that if you earn 20 thousand rubles a month, then you will have 5 thousand rubles freed up. With them you can afford to buy something you need every month, get additional education that will allow you to earn more, or make savings that you put in the bank at interest.

In addition, people who understand how financial institutions work, and also know how to calculate bank interest and know how to choose financial products, spend significantly less money on these transactions, and their finances are secure.

What should be the result of our work?

The effect of the Program is assessed according to qualitative and quantitative criteria. Quantitative - how many people were trained and events were carried out. Qualitative criteria are measured using sociological research. The criteria for the entire country are common, established by the Russian Ministry of Finance and the World Bank.

In July 2018, the first study in our country of the level of financial literacy of the regions was conducted. The study involved 85,000 respondents; 1,000 people were interviewed in each region. The survey was conducted by personal interview at the respondent’s place of residence. Based on the results obtained, the index of each region was determined and a rating of financial literacy of Russian regions was compiled.

The financial literacy index reflects a person’s ability to manage personal finances wisely and consists of several separate components - knowledge in the field of finance, financial management skills, attitudes towards finance. The financial literacy index takes values ​​ranging from 1 to 21 points. For Russia, the Index value is 12.12 points.

In the regions, the highest level of financial literacy was noted in the Kaliningrad, Kirov, Kostroma, Kursk regions and the Komi Republic.

Mini-films about the Program in 2013 and 2014: