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Regulations on young specialists of JSC Russian Railways. All the features of preferential mortgages for young professionals from Russian Railways III. Organization of adaptation and professional development of a young specialist


I. General provisions

1. These Regulations, developed in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways, the collective agreement of JSC Russian Railways, define the status, responsibilities of a young specialist, guarantees, compensation and responsibilities of JSC Russian Railways in relation to a young specialist.

2. These Regulations apply to young specialists of the management departments of JSC Russian Railways, its branches and structural divisions (hereinafter referred to as divisions of JSC Russian Railways).

3. The application of these Regulations in relation to young specialists of subsidiaries and affiliates of JSC Russian Railways is carried out in accordance with the Procedure for organizing personnel management in the Russian Railways holding company.

II. Young specialist status

4. Young specialists include graduates of educational organizations of higher and secondary vocational education of full-time study under the age of thirty years, hired by JSC Russian Railways for the first time after graduating from an educational organization (hereinafter referred to as graduates):

within three months after completion of training in an educational organization on the basis of an agreement on targeted training of a specialist;

within three months after completion of training on the basis of a job assignment issued by an educational organization at the request of a division of JSC Russian Railways;

other graduates hired by JSC Russian Railways in the year of graduation from an educational organization in the field of education, taking into account the needs of the division of JSC Russian Railways in this specialty.

5. Graduates are hired by JSC Russian Railways taking into account the level of education, specialty and educational qualifications in accordance with regulatory documents establishing requirements for the level of education, specialty and qualifications for positions in
JSC Russian Railways.

6. The status of a young specialist is a set of rights and obligations that arise for a graduate from the date of concluding an employment contract with JSC Russian Railways.

The status of a young specialist is valid for three years, but not more than the age of thirty.

If a young specialist is transferred with the consent of the HR department from one division of JSC Russian Railways to another, this status is retained for him and his validity is not interrupted.

If a graduate, after training on the basis of an agreement on targeted training of a specialist, did not have the opportunity to find a job due to conscription into military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, then the status of a young specialist is assigned subject to employment at JSC Russian Railways within two months after completion of military service under conscription.

Carrying out work at JSC Russian Railways during the period of full-time study in educational organizations of higher and secondary vocational education cannot be a basis for refusing to assign the status of a young specialist to a graduate after he receives a diploma of higher or secondary vocational education.

7. The status of a young specialist can be extended once, but not more than for three years and up to the age of thirty, in the case of:

conscription for military service;

referrals to the main place of work for internships or off-the-job training;

referral to full-time graduate school for the preparation and defense of a candidate's dissertation for a period of no more than three years;

a long, more than three months, period of incapacity for work (except for incapacity for work due to an injury received at work), including due to pregnancy and childbirth;

providing parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years.

8. The status of a young specialist is lost before its expiration in the event of termination of the employment contract on the initiative of the young specialist or on the initiative of the employer on the grounds provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular paragraphs 5-8, 11 and 14 of part one of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation .

9. For persons who have completed their studies in educational organizations of secondary and higher vocational education that have state accreditation, and who are entering work for the first time in their specialty within one year from the date of graduation, in accordance with Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an admission test is not carried out for work.

10. A young specialist is not subject to certification during the period of validity of the young specialist status.

III. Adaptation and professional development of a young specialist

11. Young specialists hired at JSC Russian Railways are assigned a mentor to adapt and acquire professional skills and are issued a young specialist’s passport by the HR department in the form according to Appendix No. 1.

The goals of maintaining a young specialist’s passport are to assess the level of professional development of a young specialist and monitor its changes, draw up individual plans for professional adaptation and monitor their implementation, as well as plan a professional career based on the results of the internship and recommendations of the mentor.

The passport is maintained by the young specialist (if necessary, filled out and certified by employees of the HR department) and stored in the HR department.

12. Control over the level of professional development of a young specialist is carried out on the basis of an assessment by his mentor and the young specialist himself, as well as through an instrumental assessment of the level of development of corporate competencies.

The assessment of the level of development of corporate competencies is carried out by employees of the HR department using the Russian Railways Business Profile test, as well as through self-assessment using a sheet for assessing the corporate competencies of a young specialist, filled out annually in accordance with Appendix No. 2.

13. Based on a regular assessment of the level of development of a young specialist’s corporate competencies, employees of the HR department plan his individual career, taking into account the opinions of the mentor and the young specialist himself.

Career planning involves holding a position for, as a rule, at least two years.

14. Six months after the young specialist starts working, the mentor and the relevant HR department, based on an assessment of professional and corporate competencies, draw up a plan for his professional development and career.

IV. Responsibilities of JSC Russian Railways in relation to a young specialist

15. JSC Russian Railways, recognizing the important role of young specialists in its activities, assumes the following obligations:

a) provide a young specialist with a position in accordance with the specialty and qualifications he received in the educational organization, as well as the requirements for the qualification characteristics of positions of managers and specialists. The use of a young specialist in a working position is permitted as an exception, if necessary, for a period of no more than 12 months;

b) create conditions for the professional and social adaptation of young specialists;

c) plan the career of a young specialist, taking into account the level of development of his professional and corporate competencies and the informed opinion of his mentor;

d) send a young specialist for training in order to deepen his knowledge, taking into account the level of development of his professional and corporate competencies;

e) provide, if warranted, corporate support to improve housing conditions;

f) create conditions for physical education and physical development of young specialists, leading them to a healthy lifestyle;

g) to form among young specialists a civil-patriotic position, a respectful attitude towards veterans, traditions and culture of railway transport;

h) apply an individual approach to working with young specialists, ensuring the fullest use and development of their creative, innovative and scientific potential.

V. Guarantees and compensation provided to a young specialist

16. The young specialist is provided with guarantees and compensation in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the collective agreement of JSC Russian Railways, and regulatory documents
JSC Russian Railways, the target program “Youth of JSC Russian Railways” and these Regulations.

17. After being hired, a young specialist is paid a one-time benefit in the amount of a monthly official salary (monthly tariff rate). The payment is made upon the personal application of the young specialist no later than two months from the date of his employment. The right to receive this benefit is retained by a young specialist who has not previously taken advantage of this right due to any circumstances, during the period of his being in the status of a young specialist.

18. When sending a young specialist to a job that involves moving to another area:

a) expenses for moving the young specialist and his family members are paid, as well as for the transportation of property in the amount of actual expenses confirmed by travel documents (family members of the young specialist include the wife (husband), children and parents of both spouses who are dependent on him and live with him);

b) expenses for arrangement at a new place of residence are paid:

in the amount of one official salary and one fourth of the official salary of a young specialist for each moving family member;

in the amount of two official salaries and half the official salary of a young specialist for each moving family member when moving to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas;

c) daily allowances are paid for each day of travel to the place of work in amounts not less than those established by the Company’s local regulations

d) paid leave is provided for settling in a new place of residence for up to seven calendar days;

e) expenses for temporary rental of residential premises are reimbursed (except for the cost of utilities) in the manner and amount determined by the regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways, or specialized housing is provided in the prescribed manner.

Specific amounts of reimbursement of expenses associated with moving to another locality and the conditions for their return in the event of dismissal of a young specialist are provided for in an additional agreement to the employment contract.

19. For a young specialist, subject to the conclusion of an additional agreement to the employment contract, providing for his work in divisions of JSC Russian Railways located in a remote area with no or undeveloped social infrastructure (hereinafter referred to as a sparsely populated area), for at least 4 years:

a one-time allowance (lift) is paid for settling in a sparsely populated area in the amount of 250,000 rubles;

a one-time payment of remuneration is made in the amount of 0.5 monthly official salary (monthly tariff rate) after the first and second years of work in a sparsely populated area;

provided for the entire period of work in a sparsely populated area, residential premises of the specialized housing stock of JSC Russian Railways, and in its absence - the right to rent residential premises on the real estate market with reimbursement of part of the rental costs in the amount established by the regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways;

a monthly allowance is paid in the amount of 50 percent of the minimum wage established by JSC Russian Railways for raising a child aged 3 to 7 years in the absence of preschool educational organizations in a sparsely populated area, as well as if the other parent does not work due to lack of offers in the job market.

The list of stations located in remote areas with absent or undeveloped social infrastructure is approved by a separate local document.

20. If there are grounds, a young specialist is provided with corporate support for the acquisition of residential property in accordance with the regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways. A young specialist who, in accordance with the regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways, has received corporate support for the acquisition (construction) of residential property, upon the birth of children in his family, is provided with a free subsidy to repay part of the mortgage loan: at the birth of the first child - in the amount of the cost of 10 sq. . meters of total living space, at the birth of a second child - in the amount of 14 sq. meters of total living space, at the birth of the third and each subsequent child - in the amount of 18 square meters. meters of total living space.

The subsidy is provided to the employee for each child born.

21. A young specialist is set a monthly fee for the maintenance of his children in pre-school educational organizations and general education boarding schools of JSC Russian Railways in the amount of up to 5 percent of the monthly costs of maintaining a student in the educational organization of JSC Russian Railways, with reimbursement of expenses up to the full cost at the expense of funds of JSC Russian Railways.

In cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the payment of the relevant tax fees is made by the young specialist.

VI. Responsibilities of a young specialist

22. During the first six months of work at JSC Russian Railways, a young specialist is obliged to study the Code of Business Ethics of JSC Russian Railways and be guided by the following basic corporate principles of behavior:

making every effort to acquire and develop professional knowledge and skills;

responsible implementation of assigned production tasks, adherence to production and labor discipline, accuracy and precision in the performance of assigned work;

the desire to master related professions to ensure optimal organization of labor and production processes;

taking initiative in the search for new technical and organizational solutions aimed at increasing the efficiency of JSC Russian Railways.

23. A young specialist must:

comply with the requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and internal labor regulations;

take initiative, strive to participate in the development and implementation of rationalization proposals;

study scientific and technical literature, new equipment and modern technologies in order to improve their professional level;

conscientiously fulfill official duties, eliminate shortcomings in their work;

comply with moral and ethical standards and requirements of the Code of Business Ethics of JSC Russian Railways.

24. The young specialist returns all funds previously paid in accordance with paragraphs 18 – 20 of these Regulations:

a) if he did not show up for work or refused to start work without a valid reason, determined in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

b) if, before the end of the work period stipulated by the employment contract, or in the absence of a specific period, before the expiration of one year of work, he resigned of his own free will without a valid reason;

c) if he was dismissed for actions that, in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, were the basis for termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employer, with the exception of cases related to optimization of the number of employees.

A young specialist who does not show up for work or refuses to start work for a good reason returns the money paid to him minus the expenses incurred for moving him and his family members, as well as for transporting property.

25. In the cases specified in paragraph 8 of these Regulations, a young specialist hired by JSC Russian Railways in accordance with an agreement on targeted training of a specialist shall reimburse the funds paid by JSC Russian Railways to the educational organization for his training, on the terms provided for by the specified contract (in proportion to the time actually worked within the term of the employment contract).



On approval of the Regulations on young specialists of JSC Russian Railways

In order to attract young workers to employment at JSC Russian Railways, adapt them and expand opportunities for professional development, as well as provide them with benefits and social guarantees:

1. Approve the attached Regulations on the young specialist of JSC Russian Railways.

2. Control over the implementation of the Regulations approved by this order shall be entrusted to Vice-President D.S. Shakhanov.

3. The Regulations on the young specialist of JSC Russian Railways, approved by the order of JSC Russian Railways dated June 30, 2014 N 1545r, shall be declared invalid.

The president
JSC "Russian Railways"
O.V. Belozerov

I. General provisions

1. These Regulations, developed in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways and the collective agreement of JSC Russian Railways, define the status and responsibilities of the young specialist, as well as guarantees, compensation and obligations of JSC Russian Railways in relation to a young specialist.

2. These Regulations apply to young specialists of the management departments of JSC Russian Railways, its branches and structural divisions (hereinafter referred to as divisions of JSC Russian Railways).

3. These Regulations can be used by subsidiaries and dependent companies of JSC Russian Railways when developing and updating internal regulatory documents in the manner established by the company.

4. Expenses associated with providing guarantees and compensation provided to young specialists in accordance with these Regulations are carried out within the limits of the funds provided for in the budget of JSC Russian Railways (actually), its branches and structural divisions.

II. Young specialist status

5. Young specialists of JSC Russian Railways include graduates of full-time educational organizations under the age of 30:

- those who have received a diploma of higher education (including bachelor’s, specialist’s, and master’s degrees);

- those who have received a diploma of secondary vocational education confirming the assignment of qualifications in their specialty;

- graduated from graduate school.

A mandatory requirement for obtaining the status of a young specialist is employment at JSC Russian Railways after completion of training:

- within 3 months after completion of training in an educational organization on the basis of an agreement on targeted training;

- within 3 months after completion of training on the basis of a job assignment issued by an educational organization at the request of a division of JSC Russian Railways;

- in the year of graduation for other graduates hired at JSC Russian Railways.

Carrying out labor activities in other organizations during the period of study and before the date of employment at JSC Russian Railways (subject to compliance with the terms of employment established by these Regulations) and work at JSC Russian Railways before the right to assign status (completion of training in an educational organization) arises. be the basis for refusing to assign a graduate the status of a young specialist.

6. Graduates are hired at JSC Russian Railways taking into account the level of education, specialty and educational qualifications in accordance with the qualification characteristics of positions of managers, specialists and other employees or the relevant provisions of professional standards.

7. The status of a young specialist is a set of rights and obligations that arise for a graduate from the date of concluding an employment contract with JSC Russian Railways on the basis of an order assigning the status of a young specialist.

The status of a young specialist is valid for 3 years, but not until the young specialist reaches the age of 30 years.

If a young specialist is transferred in accordance with the procedure established by JSC Russian Railways from one division of JSC Russian Railways to another, this status is retained for him, the period of his validity is not interrupted.

If the graduate, after completing his studies, did not have the opportunity to find a job at Russian Railways OJSC due to conscription into military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies (including assignments to alternative civilian service replacing it) or pregnancy and childbirth , then the status of a young specialist is assigned subject to employment at JSC Russian Railways within 3 months after completion of service and no later than 3 months after the child reaches the age of 3 years, respectively. At the same time, a mandatory condition for assigning the status of a young specialist is the absence of work activity of the graduate in the specified period.

8. The status of a young specialist can be extended once, but for no more than 3 years and until the young specialist reaches the age of 30, in the case of:

- conscription into military service or assignment to an alternative civilian service;

- referrals to the main place of work for internships or off-the-job training;

- employment within 3 months after completion of full-time master’s or postgraduate studies, if previously the young specialist was dismissed from JSC Russian Railways at his own request due to the impossibility of continuing his work (enrollment in the appropriate educational organization);

- long, more than 3 months, period of incapacity for work, including due to pregnancy and childbirth;

- provision of parental leave until the child reaches the age of 3 years.

9. The status of a young specialist cannot be assigned or extended to an employee (graduate) who has decided to perform military service under a contract.

10. The status of a young specialist is lost in the event of termination of the employment contract on the initiative of the young specialist or on the initiative of the employer on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 5 - and, except for the cases provided for by these Regulations.

11. For persons who have received secondary vocational education or higher education in state-accredited educational programs and are entering work for the first time in the acquired specialty within one year from the date of receiving vocational education of the appropriate level, in accordance with Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an admission test is not installed to work.

III. Organization of adaptation and professional development of a young specialist

12. When hiring (before signing an employment contract), graduates who have the right to be awarded the status of a young specialist must be familiarized with these Regulations against signature.

On the day the status is assigned, the HR department issues a young specialist’s passport in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 1.

The young specialist’s passport is stored in the HR department and is maintained by the young specialist’s immediate supervisor, the HR specialist and the young specialist himself.

The purpose of maintaining a young specialist’s passport is to plan professional development and a business career based on an analysis of changes in the level of corporate and professional competencies of the young specialist and the recommendations of his immediate supervisor.

13. The assessment of the level of development of corporate competencies (hereinafter referred to as assessment) is carried out:

- by employees of the HR department using the Russian Railways Business Profile test within one month from the date of assignment of the status of a young specialist and after the end of the 3-year period of being in this status;

- immediate supervisor at the end of the first, second and third years of work of the young specialist (stay in status);

- by the young specialist himself within one month from the date of assignment of the status of a young specialist and based on the results of the first, second, third year of work.

Self-assessment of a young specialist and assessment by the immediate supervisor is carried out on competencies corresponding to the level of the position of the young specialist, according to the model of corporate competencies of JSC Russian Railways using an established assessment scale (the passport indicates competencies for the 4th level of positions) and a memo for assessing corporate competencies by the immediate supervisor and self-assessment a young specialist in accordance with Appendix No. 2.

14. Based on the results of the assessment and taking into account the results of the young specialist’s work:

a) the immediate supervisor, based on the results of the first and subsequent years of work of the young specialist, draws up recommendations for development, on their basis the young specialist determines development goals for the upcoming period (year). At the end of the established period, the young specialist and immediate supervisor annually assess the implementation of previously established recommendations and the achievement of development goals;

b) the immediate supervisor and employee of the HR department plan the individual career of a young specialist, indicating the intended position in the young specialist’s passport. Career planning involves holding a position, usually for at least 2 years.

15. Young specialists may be sent (with their consent) for training in order to further develop their professional and corporate competencies.

16. Young specialists are sent to participate in specialized adaptation programs and activities; their adaptation is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the adaptation of employees at JSC Russian Railways, approved by Order of JSC Russian Railways dated December 29, 2015 N 3128r. The dates of completion of the initial adaptation and adaptation to the position are entered in the young specialist’s passport.

17. The young specialist’s passport reflects the compliance of the young specialist’s education and qualifications with the position held; in case of discrepancy, the reasons and measures taken to eliminate it.

18. The data entered in the young specialist’s passport is certified annually by the immediate supervisor, HR specialist and young specialist.

IV. Responsibilities of JSC Russian Railways in relation to a young specialist

19. JSC Russian Railways, recognizing the importance of training professionals within the company, pays great attention to creating competitive advantages to attract young workers, ensures adaptation, development and career planning of young specialists and assumes the following obligations in the prescribed manner:

a) provide a young specialist with a position in accordance with the specialty and qualifications he received in the educational organization, as well as the qualification characteristics of the positions of managers, specialists and other employees or the relevant provisions of professional standards. The use of a young specialist in a work position is allowed if there is a production need for a period of no more than 6 months, in exceptional cases - up to 12 months;

b) create conditions for the professional and social adaptation of young specialists;

c) plan the career of a young specialist, taking into account the level of development of his professional and corporate competencies and the informed opinion of his immediate supervisor;

d) provide, if there are grounds in accordance with the regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways, corporate support to improve living conditions;

e) create, in accordance with the regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways, conditions for the physical education and development of young specialists, and for them to lead a healthy lifestyle;

f) to form among young specialists a civil-patriotic position, a respectful attitude towards veterans, traditions and culture of railway transport;

g) apply an individual approach when working with young specialists, ensuring the fullest use and development of their professional, creative, innovative and scientific potential.

V. Guarantees, compensation and benefits provided to a young specialist

20. The young specialist is provided with guarantees and compensation in accordance with the collective agreement of JSC Russian Railways, regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways, the target program "Youth of JSC Russian Railways" and these Regulations.

21. A young specialist is paid a one-time benefit in the amount of a monthly official salary (monthly tariff rate) in accordance with the order on assigning the status of a young specialist. A sample application for a graduate who is hired and has the right to be awarded the status of a young specialist is presented in Appendix No. 3.

The payment is made no later than 2 months from the date of employment of the young specialist (assignment of status).

22. When sending a young specialist to work that involves moving to an area different from his current place of work at JSC Russian Railways:

a) expenses for moving the young specialist and his family members are paid, as well as for the transportation of property in the amount of actual expenses confirmed by travel documents (family members of the young specialist include the wife (husband), children and parents of both spouses who are dependent on him and live with him);

b) expenses for arrangement at a new place of residence are paid:

- in the amount of one official salary (monthly tariff rate) and one fourth of the official salary (monthly tariff rate) of a young specialist for each moving family member;

- in the amount of 2 official salaries (monthly tariff rates) and half of the official salary (monthly tariff rate) of a young specialist for each moving family member when moving to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas;

c) daily allowances are paid for each day of travel to the place of work in the amounts established by the local regulations of Russian Railways JSC for cases of being sent on business trips;

d) additional paid leave is provided for settling in a new place of residence for up to 7 calendar days (the specific duration of this leave is determined by the employee in agreement with the employer);

e) extraordinary corporate support is provided for the acquisition of housing ownership in the manner and amount determined by the regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways.

23. When hiring graduates of educational organizations of higher and secondary vocational education of full-time study under the age of 30 years within 3 months after completion of training in an educational organization on the basis of an agreement on targeted training of a specialist or on the basis of a division issued by the educational organization upon application of the JSC " Russian Railways" assignments for work associated with moving to an area other than the place of permanent registration of the graduate, the costs of moving the graduate and members of his family, as well as for the transportation of property in the amount of actual expenses confirmed by travel documents (family members of the graduate include the wife ( husband), children and parents of both spouses who are dependent on him and living with him).

24. To a young specialist, subject to the conclusion of an additional agreement to the employment contract, providing for his work for at least 4 years in the divisions of JSC Russian Railways at stations included in the list of railway stations located in remote areas with no or undeveloped social infrastructure, to provide additional benefits, guarantees and compensation for young specialists of JSC Russian Railways, approved by Order of JSC Russian Railways dated December 31, 2014 N 3241r (hereinafter referred to as stations located in remote areas):

a) a one-time benefit in the amount of 250,000 rubles is paid;

b) remuneration is paid in the amount of half the official salary (monthly tariff rate) after the first and second years of work in units at stations located in remote areas;

c) provided for the entire period of work in departments at stations located in remote areas, residential premises of the specialized housing stock of JSC Russian Railways, and in its absence - the right to rent residential premises on the real estate market with reimbursement of part of the rental costs in the amount established by regulations documents of JSC "Russian Railways";

d) a monthly allowance is paid in the amount of half the minimum wage established by JSC Russian Railways for raising a child aged 3 to 7 years in the absence of pre-school educational organizations in a remote area, as well as if the other parent does not work due to lack of offers on the labor market (when living in a remote area).

Changes to the list of railway stations located in remote areas with no or undeveloped social infrastructure to provide additional benefits, guarantees and compensation to young specialists of JSC Russian Railways, approved by the order of JSC Russian Railways dated December 31, 2014 N 3241r, are made in accordance with the established in accordance with the local regulatory act of JSC Russian Railways, adopted taking into account the reasoned opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization of JSC Russian Railways.

25. The employer has the right to decide to conclude an additional agreement to the employment contract on the conditions specified in paragraph 24 of these Regulations in relation to young specialists already working or actually living in a remote area.

A young specialist working in units at stations located in remote areas, who has entered into an appropriate additional agreement to the employment contract, is not required to reside in the specified area in order to receive lump sum payments in accordance with subparagraphs “a” and “b” of paragraph 24 of these Regulations.

26. In accordance with the concluded additional agreement, the 4-year period of work of a young specialist in units at stations located in remote areas does not include the following periods:

- long, more than 3 months, period of incapacity for work (except for incapacity for work due to an injury received at work), including due to pregnancy and childbirth;

- parental leave until the child reaches the age of 3 years.

27. A young specialist who has not fulfilled his obligations to work in units at stations located in remote areas for the period specified in the additional agreement to the employment contract is obliged to reimburse the funds paid to him by JSC Russian Railways in accordance with subparagraph “a” of paragraph 24 of this Provisions (in proportion to the time not actually worked in units at stations located in remote areas), in the following cases:

- early dismissal in relation to the period of service specified in the additional agreement to the employment contract;

- early termination of the employment contract in relation to the work period specified in the additional agreement at the initiative of the employer on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 5 and 11 of part one of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

- failure to arrive at the unit of JSC Russian Railways, from which the young specialist was dismissed in accordance with paragraph 1 of part one of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, within 3 months after completing military service or alternative civil service, if the period of service has not yet expired, for concluding an employment contract providing for the completion of the remaining term;

- transfer to work in divisions of JSC Russian Railways (at stations), not recognized as remote areas, without production necessity (indicated in the documents approving the relevant transfer) at the initiative of the employee.

28. When employed in a unit at a station located in a remote area, upon completion of military service or an alternative civilian service replacing it, or in the process of transferring an employee with whom an additional agreement was previously concluded in accordance with paragraph 24 of these Regulations, the period of service in the employment contract in the specified conditions, it is indicated taking into account previously worked time.

The one-time benefit in accordance with subparagraph “a” of paragraph 24 of these Regulations is not paid again. For one-time remuneration payments in accordance with subparagraph “b” of paragraph 24 of these Regulations after the first and second years of work, the length of time worked before conscription or transfer and the fact of payment of the specified benefit are also taken into account.

29. If there are grounds, a young specialist is provided with corporate support for the acquisition of residential property in accordance with the regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways.

30. In accordance with the procedure established by the regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways, the monthly cost of services for the maintenance of his children in the educational institutions of JSC Russian Railways is determined for a young specialist in the amount of 5 percent of the monthly costs of maintaining the student.

The payment of the appropriate tax fees is made by the young specialist.

VI. Responsibilities of a young specialist

31. A young specialist must:

- comply with the requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and internal labor regulations;

- responsibly fulfill job duties, assigned production tasks, observe production and labor discipline, accuracy and precision when performing assigned work;

- strive to participate in the development and implementation of rationalization proposals;

- study scientific and technical literature, new equipment and modern technologies in order to increase the level of development of corporate and professional competencies necessary to ensure labor and production processes;

- comply with the norms and requirements of the Code of Business Ethics of JSC Russian Railways.

32. The young specialist returns all funds paid to him in accordance with paragraphs 21 and 23 of these Regulations:

a) if he is dismissed at the initiative of the employer on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 5 and 14 of part one of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

b) if before the end of the work period stipulated by the employment contract, and in the absence of a specific period, before the expiration of 3 years of work, he resigned of his own free will.

- The exception is cases of dismissal at the initiative of the employee for the following reasons, with which the law connects the provision of certain benefits and advantages:

- transfer of a spouse to work or for service in another locality (including abroad), if the young specialist cannot be offered a job in the specified locality;

- a disease that prevents the continuation of work or residence in a given area according to a medical report;

- in connection with retirement due to disability of groups 1 and 2;

- the need to care for sick family members (if there is a medical certificate) or a disabled child;

- enrollment in an educational institution for full-time study.

33. The conditions and terms for the return of funds (in case of dismissal of a young specialist), provided for in paragraphs 21 and 23 and subparagraph “a” of paragraph 24 of these Regulations, must be determined in the employment contract concluded with the young specialist.

Appendix No. 1 to the Regulations. Young specialist passport

Appendix No. 1
to the Regulations on Young People
specialist of JSC "Russian Railways"

Full name (full name)

Date of employment/assignment of status "___" _____________ 20__

Position, full name of the division of JSC Russian Railways

Full name and position of immediate supervisor

The status of a young specialist is valid until "___" _____________ 20__.

The status of a young specialist has been extended until "___" _____________ 20__.

Basis for extension of status


Based on the results of 1 year

Based on the results of 2 years

Based on the results of 3 years

Worker filling out data


Corporate competencies/
Type of assessment




Hand rating


Hand rating



Hand rating

UE specialist (results
Business assessments

Ability to develop

Russian Railways profile"),

Employee development (development assistance)

specialist (self-assessment), immediate supervisor

Formation of a system for working with clients(focus on customer interests)

(manager's assessment)

Responsible Thinking

Ensuring teamwork with the Company(teamwork)

Focus on results

High quality work


Formation of an innovative environment(initiative)

Leadership as a leadership style(leadership ability)

Average score

Information about the young specialist


Based on the results of 1 year

Based on the results of 2 years

Based on the results of 3 years

Worker filling out data

Immediate hand

Development goals for the upcoming period based on the assessment results and development recommendations (year)

Young specialist

Analysis of goal fulfillment

Immediate hand

Young specialist


Position of the young specialist (indicating the date of transfer in case of relocation)

UE Specialist

Compliance of the education and qualifications of the young specialist with the position held

Reason for not providing a position corresponding to education and qualifications, measures taken

UE Specialist


Passing the initial adaptation
(Date of completion)

UE Specialist
based on adaptation plans

Onboarding for a position
(Date of completion)


Wishes of a young specialist regarding the provision of benefits and guarantees (indicate item of the Regulations)

Young specialist

Actually provided (specify clause of the Regulations)

UE Specialist


MS career planning, proposed position

Immediate manager, UP specialist

Enrollment in the personnel reserve (position)

Advanced training and internships, additional. education

Participation in corporate youth projects and programs

Young specialist


Promotions, thanks, awards

UE Specialist



Full name, position, signature

Immediate hand


Full name, position, signature

HR Specialist

Full name, position, signature

Young specialist

Appendix No. 2 to the Regulations. Memo for assessing corporate competencies (assessment by immediate supervisor, self-assessment by a young specialist)

Appendix No. 2
to the Regulations on Young People
specialist of JSC "Russian Railways"

Scale for assessing corporate competencies

Level assessment, point


exceeds expectations

exceeds expectations in some cases

meets expectations

Overall meets expectations, but needs some improvements

improvements needed

significant improvements needed

does not meet expectations

Corporate competencies of level 4 positions

1. Ability to develop

Open to new things

Adapts to changes in a timely manner

Adequately understands his strengths and areas requiring development

Systematically makes additional efforts for its development, focusing on both current and future business priorities

Quickly masters and puts into practice new knowledge and skills

2. Help in development

Shares accumulated experience and knowledge on his own initiative

Helps less experienced employees learn new knowledge and skills

3. Focus on customer interests

When performing his work, he takes into account interests and needs

Through his actions he creates a positive image among clients

4. Responsible thinking

Plans and organizes own work in accordance with the priorities of his department

Analyzes and considers the impact of its actions on neighboring areas of work, the environment and society

Carefully and rationally uses company resources

5. Teamwork

Knows and respects the traditions of JSC Russian Railways

Treats other employees with respect, regardless of their status and subordination

Finds constructive solutions to conflicts and contradictions

6. Focus on results

Willingly takes on complex problems

Shows persistence and independence in achieving goals and overcoming obstacles

Accepts personal responsibility for mistakes or failures made

Demonstrates high efficiency and ability to work under a busy schedule

Achieves results while adhering to business ethics standards

7. Work with high quality

Complies with established work deadlines

Performs work with high quality

The results do not require adjustments

8. Security

Strictly complies with Russian Railways JSC standards in the field of operational safety

Ensures that other involved parties strictly adhere to company safety standards.

Proposes initiatives aimed at improving traffic and work safety

9. Initiative

Offers forward-looking and thoughtful initiatives to improve performance

Supports and develops constructive ideas and initiatives of colleagues

Takes an active part in the implementation of new ideas

Systematically studies best practices and implements them in his work

10. Leadership ability

Inspires and mobilizes colleagues to achieve results.

Actively involves colleagues in discussing and resolving issues that require their participation

Takes on the role of organizer of joint efforts to achieve results

Appendix No. 3 to the Regulations. Statement

Appendix No. 3
to the Regulations on Young People
specialist of JSC "Russian Railways"


In accordance with the Regulations on Young Specialists of JSC Russian Railways, I ask you to assign me the status of a young specialist and ensure payment of the due one-time benefit in the amount of a monthly official salary (monthly tariff rate).

I am familiar with the Regulations on Young Specialists of JSC Russian Railways, the guarantees, compensations and benefits provided by them.

Date ___________

Signature _____/decryption of signature/

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official website of JSC "Russian Railways"
as of 08/31/2017

Youth program

Regulations on young specialists of JSC Russian Railways.

1. General Provisions

1. These Regulations, developed in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways, the collective agreement of JSC Russian Railways, determine the status and responsibilities of a young specialist, the procedure for organizing his professional development, guarantees and compensation, as well as the responsibilities of Russian Railways JSC towards a young specialist.

2. These Regulations are aimed at expanding the opportunities for professional guidance and training of students in order to attract them for employment in JSC Russian Railways, adapting young specialists to the corporate environment, establishing long-term labor relations with JSC Russian Railways, providing them with benefits and social guarantees . This Regulation applies to young specialists of the management departments of JSC Russian Railways, its branches and other structural divisions (hereinafter referred to as divisions of JSC Russian Railways).

3. The application of these Regulations in relation to young specialists of subsidiaries and affiliates is carried out in accordance with the Procedure for organizing personnel management in the Russian Railways Holding.

2. Young specialist status

4. Young specialists include graduates of educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education of full-time study under the age of thirty, hired by JSC Russian Railways (hereinafter - graduates): after training on the basis of an agreement on targeted training of a specialist - within 3 months after graduation from an educational institution; on the basis of a job assignment issued by an educational institution at the request of a division of JSC Russian Railways - within 3 months after graduation; other graduates in the year of graduation from the educational institution.

5. The status of a young specialist is a set of rights and obligations that arise for a graduate of an educational institution from the date of concluding an employment contract with JSC Russian Railways. The status of a young specialist is valid for three years. In the event that a young specialist is transferred with the consent of the personnel management services (departments) from one division of JSC Russian Railways to another, this status is retained for him and its validity period is not interrupted.

6. The status of a young specialist is extended once (for the period of validity of the reason for the extension, but not more than 3 years, and up to an age not exceeding a full thirty years) in the event of: conscription for military service; referrals for internships or off-the-job training at the main place of work; referral to full-time graduate school for the preparation and defense of a candidate's dissertation for a period of no more than three years; long-term, more than 3 months, stay on sick leave, including due to pregnancy and childbirth; providing parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years.

7. The status of a young specialist before the expiration of its validity period is lost in the event of: termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the young specialist;

termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer on the grounds provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular paragraphs 5-8, 11, 14 of part one of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

8. Graduates are hired by JSC Russian Railways for specialist positions in accordance with regulatory documents establishing correspondence between the level of education, specialty and educational qualifications and positions in JSC Russian Railways.

9. For persons who have graduated from educational institutions of secondary and higher vocational education with state accreditation and who are entering work for the first time in the acquired specialty within one year from the date of graduation from the educational institution, in accordance with Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, no employment test is established. .

10. A young specialist is not subject to certification during the period of validity of the young specialist status.

3. Adaptation and professional development of a young specialist

11. In order to effectively plan and monitor the professional development of a young specialist who studied on the basis of an agreement on targeted training, a more objective assessment of his personal achievements during his studies, the student keeps a professional training diary in the form according to Appendix 1. In the professional training diary, the student independently reflects the results of completing practice, additional and independent forms of education (trainings, courses, specialized seminars), participation in scientific activities, practical work, social activity during the period of study with the attachment of the necessary documents, resumes, reviews, certificates. After graduation, the professional training diary and the documents attached to it are submitted to the personnel management service (department).

12. When hiring at JSC Russian Railways, all categories of young specialists are issued a young specialist passport in the form according to Appendix 2. The passport is maintained by the young specialist, and, if necessary, filled out or certified by employees of the personnel management service (department), stored in the service (department) , from a specialist) personnel management. The goals of maintaining a young specialist’s passport are drawing up and monitoring the implementation of individual plans for professional adaptation and development, monitoring and assessing the professional development of a young specialist and planning ways to improve it, effective planning and correction of a professional career.

13. Monitoring of the professional development of a young specialist is carried out on the basis of assessments of his competence upon hiring and then annually. Competency assessment is carried out by personnel management services (departments), including using testing methods. An approximate system for assessing the professional competence of a young specialist is given in Appendix 3.

14. Based on regular assessment of the competence of a young specialist, the personnel management service (department) plans the individual business career of the young specialist and target indicators for his professional development. Planning a business career involves holding a position for, as a rule, at least 2 years.

15. No later than one month after hiring a young specialist, the relevant service and personnel management service (department) draw up a priority professional adaptation plan and a business career plan based on an assessment of knowledge and skills.

16. For professional adaptation and acquisition of professional skills, a young specialist is assigned a mentor.

17. Achievement of target indicators for the development of competence, characteristics of mentors and conclusions at the end of the period of stay in the status of a young specialist serve as the basis for the further formation of the employee’s professional career, including his nomination to the reserve for filling management positions.

4. Responsibilities of JSC Russian Railways in relation to a young specialist

18. JSC Russian Railways, recognizing the significant role of young specialists in the Company’s activities, assumes the following obligations:

a) provide a young specialist with a position in accordance with the specialty and qualifications he received in an educational institution, as well as the requirements for the qualification characteristics of positions of managers and specialists; the use of a young specialist in a work position is allowed for a period of no more than 6 months as an exception and if there is a justified need;

b) create conditions for the professional adaptation of young specialists;

c) plan the business career of a young specialist, taking into account his professional knowledge and personal qualities; annually review and plan the job movements of a young specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the mentor, professional competence, and test results;

d) send a young specialist for training in order to deepen his knowledge, taking into account his professional level and competence;

e) provide corporate support to improve living conditions;

f) create conditions conducive to the involvement of young professionals in the development of corporate culture;

g) create conditions for physical education and physical development of young specialists, maintaining a healthy lifestyle;

h) to form among young specialists a civil-patriotic position, a respectful attitude towards veterans, traditions and culture of railway transport;

i) hold competitions, competitions, scientific and practical conferences, gatherings of young specialists;

j) provide an individual approach to working with young specialists, aimed at the fullest use and development of their creative, innovative and scientific potential.

5. Guarantees and compensation provided to a young specialist

19. The young specialist is provided with guarantees and compensation in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the collective agreement of JSC Russian Railways (a branch of JSC Russian Railways), the target program of JSC Russian Railways "Youth of JSC Russian Railways (years)", regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways and these Regulations.

20. After being hired, a young specialist is paid a one-time benefit in the amount of a monthly official salary (monthly tariff rate). The right to receive this benefit is retained by a young specialist who has not previously taken advantage of this right due to any circumstances, during the period of his being in the status of a young specialist.

21. When sending a young specialist to work that involves moving to another area:

a) expenses for moving the young specialist and his family members, as well as for transporting property are paid in the amount of actual expenses confirmed by travel documents (members of the young specialist’s family include the wife (husband), as well as children and parents of both spouses who are dependent on him and those living with him);

b) expenses for settling into a new place of residence are paid: in the amount of one official salary and one-fourth of the official salary of a young specialist for each moving family member; in the amount of two official salaries and half the official salary of a young specialist for each moving family member when moving to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas;

c) daily allowances are paid for each day of travel to the place of work in amounts not less than established by the Government of the Russian Federation for organizations financed from the federal budget;

d) paid leave is provided for settling in a new place of residence for up to seven calendar days;

e) expenses for temporary rental of residential premises are reimbursed (except for the cost of utilities) in the manner and amount determined by the regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways, or specialized housing is provided in the prescribed manner. Specific amounts of reimbursement of expenses associated with moving to another locality, and the conditions for their return in the event of dismissal of a young specialist, are provided for in an additional agreement to the employment contract.

22. A young specialist is provided with corporate support for the acquisition of ownership of residential premises in accordance with the regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways. A young specialist who has received corporate support for the acquisition (construction) of residential premises in accordance with the regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways is provided with a free subsidy at the birth of children in his family to repay part of the mortgage loan: at the birth of the first child - in the amount of the cost of 10 sq. meters of the total living area, at the birth of the second child - in the amount of 14 sq. meters of the total living space, at the birth of the third child and each subsequent one - in the amount of the cost of 18 sq. meters of total living space.The subsidy is provided to the employee for each child born, but cannot exceed the balance of the outstanding payment.

23. A young specialist is set a monthly fee for the maintenance of his children in non-state preschool educational institutions and general education boarding schools of JSC Russian Railways in the amount of up to 5 percent

monthly expenses for maintaining a student in the educational institution of JSC Russian Railways, with reimbursement of expenses up to the full cost from the funds of JSC Russian Railways. In cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the payment of the relevant tax fees is made by the young specialist.

6. Responsibilities of a young specialist

24. A young specialist must be guided by the following basic corporate principles of behavior:

respect for the traditions of JSC Russian Railways and the country's railway transport; making every effort to acquire and develop professional knowledge and skills;

responsible implementation of assigned production tasks, adherence to production and labor discipline, accuracy and precision in the performance of assigned work;

the desire to master related professions to ensure optimal organization of labor and production processes;

taking initiative in the search for new technical and organizational solutions aimed at increasing the efficiency of JSC Russian Railways;

participation in the development of corporate culture, the ability to interact with other employees and management, solve problems objectively and without conflict, build relationships based on respect for the individual, and ensure a favorable climate in the work team.

25. The young specialist is obliged to: comply with the requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and internal labor regulations; take initiative, strive to participate in the development and implementation of rationalization proposals; study scientific and technical literature, new equipment and modern technologies in order to improve their professional level; perform job duties efficiently, eliminate shortcomings in your work; comply with moral and ethical standards.

26. The young specialist returns the money paid to him in accordance with paragraphs 20 and 21 of these Regulations: a) if he did not show up for work or refused to start work without a good reason, determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation; b) if, before the end of the work period stipulated by the employment contract, and in the absence of a specific period, before the expiration of one year of work, he resigned of his own free will without a good reason or was dismissed for actions that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, were grounds for termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employer. A young specialist who does not show up for work or refuses to start work for a good reason returns the money paid to him minus the expenses incurred for moving him and his family members, as well as for transporting property.

27. In the cases specified in paragraph 7 of these Regulations, a young specialist hired by JSC Russian Railways in accordance with an agreement on targeted training shall reimburse the funds paid by JSC Russian Railways to the educational institution for his training, on the terms provided for an agreement on targeted training of a specialist (in proportion to the time actually worked within the term of the employment contract).

Have right!

Helping young people


The Employer undertakes to provide the Employee who has undergone vocational training or education in the direction of the Company with work corresponding to the acquired specialty, qualifications.


(Collective agreement of JSC Russian Railways for 2014–2016. Clause 3.2.14.)



For employees who successfully master

Focused on learning

holders of state accreditation

employer or self-employed

secondary education programs

required for training according to the available

vocational education

state accreditation pro-

correspondence and part-time forms of education

undergraduate grams, programs

training, the employer provides

specialty or ma-

additional holidays with saving

master's degrees by correspondence and part-time

average earnings.

new forms of education and successfully

those mastering these programs, ra-

Article 174)

the employer provides additional

personal leave with preservation

average earnings, according to TCRF.

(Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Article 173)


JSC Russian Railways, recognizing the important role of specialists in its activities, assumes the following obligations:

a) provide a young specialist with a position in accordance with the specialty and qualifications he received in the educational organization, as well as the requirements for the qualification characteristics of positions of managers and specialists. The use of a young specialist in a working position is permitted as an exception, if necessary, for a period of no more than 12 months;

b) create conditions for the professional and social adaptation of young specialists;

c) plan the career of a young specialist, taking into account the level of development of his professional and corporate competencies and the based opinion of his mentor;

d) send a young specialist for training in order to deepen his knowledge, taking into account the level of development of his professional and corporate

tive competencies;

e) provide, if warranted, corporate support to improve housing conditions;

f) create conditions for physical education and physical development of young specialists, leading them to a healthy lifestyle;

g) to form among young specialists a civil-patriotic position, a respectful attitude towards veterans, traditions and culture of railway transport;

(Position of a young specialist of JSC Russian Railways

Item 15)



Severance pay in the amount of two weeks

returning to work at the Company

th average earnings paid

to the reserve of military personnel upon assignment

to a botnik upon termination of employment

call, hired at JSC Russian Railways

talk in connection with the employee's call

within 3 months from the date of dismissal

for military service or deployment

from military service, it turns out that

I eat it for the alternative that replaces it

modern financial assistance

tive civil service.

in the amount of 4600 rubles.

(Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

(Collective agreement of JSC Russian Railways

Article 178)

for 2014–2016 Clause 5.2.15.)


The status of a young specialist is valid for three years, but no more than twenty years of age. The status of a young specialist can be extended once, but for no more than three years and up to the age of thirty, in the case of:

conscription for military service;

referrals for internships or off-the-job training at the main place of work;

direction of full-time postgraduate study for the preparation and defense of a candidate's dissertation for a period of no more than three years;

long, more than three months, period of incapacity for work (except for incapacity for work due to injury at work), including due to pregnancy and childbirth;

including due to pregnancy; childbirth; provision of maternity leave by the bank until they reach the age of three

Position of a young specialist of JSC Russian Railways.


the use of women's labor is limited to heavy work and work with hazardous

And (or) dangerous working conditions,

A also in underground work, with the exception of non-physical work or work on sanitary and domestic services. It is prohibited to employ women in jobs involving lifting and manually moving heavy loads that exceed the maximum permissible limits.

norms for them.

(Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Article 253)

The employer undertakes to provide employment to young specialists in accordance with the Regulations on Young Specialists of JSC Russian Railways, adopted taking into account the reasoned opinion of the elected body of the Trade Union.

(Collective agreement of JSC Russian Railways for 2014–2016. Clause 3.2.17.)

A young specialist is set a monthly fee for the maintenance of his children in preschool educational organizations and general education boarding schools of JSC Russian Railways in the amount of up to 5 percent of the monthly costs of maintaining a student in the educational organization of JSC Russian Railways, with reimbursement of expenses up to the full cost at the expense of

funds of JSC Russian Railways.

In cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the payment of the relevant tax fees is made by the young specialist.

(Regulations on young specialists of JSC Russian Railways. Clause 21)

Corporate support is provided in the form of subsidies to Employees receiving higher education with the help of a corporate educational loan received in the manner established by the Company.

(Collective agreement of JSC Russian Railways for 2014–2016. Clause 5.3.5.)

After being hired, the specialist is paid a one-time allowance in the amount of a monthly official salary (monthly tariff rate). The payment is made upon the personal application of the young specialist no later than two months from the date of his employment. The right to receive this benefit is retained by a young specialist who has not previously taken advantage of this right.

due to any circumstances,

V during his stay

V status of a young specialist.

(Regulations on young specialists of JSC Russian Railways. Clause 17)

Before maternity leave and or immediately after it or the end of maternity leave, a woman, at her request, is granted annual paid leave, regardless of her length of service with a given employer.

(Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Article 260)

The employer undertakes to take into account, when drawing up annual paid leave schedules, the preferential right to use vacations at a time convenient for them by Employees who have children of preschool and school age, Employees who are studying on the job, other persons, the preferential right to grant leave, which is provided for by law.

residential premises in ownership, upon the birth of children in his family, a free subsidy is provided to repay part of the mortgage loan: at the birth of the first child - in the amount of the cost of 10 sq. m. meters of total living space, upon the birth of a second child - in the amount of 14 sq. meters of total living space, at the birth of the third and each subsequent child - in the amount of the cost

18 sq. meters of total living space. The subsidy is provided to the employee for each child born.

(Regulations for young specialists of JSC Russian Railways. Clause 20)

On approval of the Regulations on young specialists of JSC Russian Railways

In order to attract young workers to employment at JSC Russian Railways, adapt them and expand opportunities for professional development, as well as provide them with benefits and social guarantees:

1. Approve the attached Regulations on the young specialist of JSC Russian Railways.

2. Control over the implementation of the Regulations approved by this order shall be entrusted to Vice-President D.S. Shakhanov.

3. The Regulations on the young specialist of JSC Russian Railways, approved by the order of JSC Russian Railways dated June 30, 2014 No. 1545r, shall be declared invalid.

President of JSC Russian Railways O.V. Belozerov

I. General provisions

1. These Regulations, developed in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways and the collective agreement of JSC Russian Railways, define the status and responsibilities of the young specialist, as well as guarantees, compensation and obligations of JSC Russian Railways in relation to a young specialist.

2. These Regulations apply to young specialists of the management departments of JSC Russian Railways, its branches and structural divisions (hereinafter referred to as divisions of JSC Russian Railways).

3. These Regulations can be used by subsidiaries and dependent companies of JSC Russian Railways when developing and updating internal regulatory documents in the manner established by the company.

4. Expenses associated with providing guarantees and compensation provided to young specialists in accordance with these Regulations are carried out within the limits of the funds provided for in the budget of JSC Russian Railways (actually), its branches and structural divisions.

II. Young specialist status

5. Young specialists of JSC Russian Railways include graduates of full-time educational organizations under the age of 30:

  • those who have received a diploma of higher education (including bachelor’s, specialist’s, and master’s degrees);
  • have received a diploma of secondary vocational education confirming the assignment of qualifications in their specialty;
  • graduated from graduate school.

A mandatory requirement for obtaining the status of a young specialist is employment at JSC Russian Railways after completion of training:

  • within 3 months after completion of training in an educational organization on the basis of an agreement on targeted training;
  • within 3 months after completion of training on the basis of a job assignment issued by an educational organization at the request of a division of JSC Russian Railways;
  • in the year of graduation for other graduates hired at JSC Russian Railways.

Carrying out labor activities in other organizations during the period of study and before the date of employment at JSC Russian Railways (subject to compliance with the terms of employment established by these Regulations) and work at JSC Russian Railways before the right to assign status (completion of training in an educational organization) arises. be the basis for refusing to assign a graduate the status of a young specialist.

6. Graduates are hired at JSC Russian Railways taking into account the level of education, specialty and educational qualifications in accordance with the qualification characteristics of positions of managers, specialists and other employees or the relevant provisions of professional standards.

7. The status of a young specialist is a set of rights and obligations that arise for a graduate from the date of concluding an employment contract with JSC Russian Railways on the basis of an order assigning the status of a young specialist.

The status of a young specialist is valid for 3 years, but not until the young specialist reaches the age of 30 years.

If a young specialist is transferred in accordance with the procedure established by JSC Russian Railways from one division of JSC Russian Railways to another, this status is retained for him, the period of his validity is not interrupted.

If the graduate, after completing his studies, did not have the opportunity to find a job at Russian Railways OJSC due to conscription into military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies (including assignments to alternative civilian service replacing it) or pregnancy and childbirth , then the status of a young specialist is assigned subject to employment at JSC Russian Railways within 3 months after completion of service and no later than 3 months after the child reaches the age of 3 years, respectively. At the same time, a mandatory condition for assigning the status of a young specialist is the absence of work activity of the graduate in the specified period.

8. The status of a young specialist can be extended once, but for no more than 3 years and until the young specialist reaches the age of 30, in the case of:

  • conscription into military service or assignment to alternative civilian service;
  • referrals to the main place of work for internships or off-the-job training;
  • employment within 3 months after completion of full-time master's or postgraduate studies, if previously the young specialist was dismissed from JSC Russian Railways at his own request due to the impossibility of continuing his work (enrollment in the appropriate educational organization);
  • long, more than 3 months, period of incapacity for work, including due to pregnancy and childbirth;
  • providing parental leave until the child reaches the age of 3 years.

9. The status of a young specialist cannot be assigned or extended to an employee (graduate) who has decided to perform military service under a contract.

10. The status of a young specialist is lost in the event of termination of the employment contract on the initiative of the young specialist or on the initiative of the employer on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 5-11 and 14 of part one of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, except for the cases provided for by these Regulations.

11. For persons who have received secondary vocational education or higher education in state-accredited educational programs and are entering work for the first time in the acquired specialty within one year from the date of receiving vocational education of the appropriate level, in accordance with Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an admission test is not installed to work.

III. Organization of adaptation and professional development of a young specialist

12. When hiring (before signing an employment contract), graduates who have the right to be awarded the status of a young specialist must be familiarized with these Regulations against signature.

On the day the status is assigned, the HR department issues a young specialist’s passport in the form according to Appendix No. 1.

The young specialist’s passport is stored in the HR department and is maintained by the young specialist’s immediate supervisor, the HR specialist and the young specialist himself.

The purpose of maintaining a young specialist’s passport is to plan professional development and a business career based on an analysis of changes in the level of corporate and professional competencies of the young specialist and the recommendations of his immediate supervisor.

13. The assessment of the level of development of corporate competencies (hereinafter referred to as assessment) is carried out:

  • by employees of the HR department using the Russian Railways Business Profile test within one month from the date of assignment of the status of a young specialist and after the end of the 3-year period of being in this status;
  • immediate supervisor at the end of the first, second and third years of work of the young specialist (staying in status);
  • by the young specialist himself within one month from the date of assignment of the status of a young specialist and based on the results of the first, second, third year of work.

Self-assessment of a young specialist and assessment by the immediate supervisor is carried out on competencies corresponding to the level of the position of the young specialist, according to the model of corporate competencies of JSC Russian Railways using an established assessment scale (the passport indicates competencies for the 4th level of positions) and a memo for assessing corporate competencies by the immediate supervisor and self-assessment a young specialist in accordance with Appendix No. 2.

14. Based on the results of the assessment and taking into account the results of the young specialist’s work:

a) the immediate supervisor, based on the results of the first and subsequent years of work of the young specialist, draws up recommendations for development, on their basis the young specialist determines development goals for the upcoming period (year). At the end of the established period, the young specialist and immediate supervisor annually assess the implementation of previously established recommendations and the achievement of development goals;

b) the immediate supervisor and employee of the HR department plan the individual career of a young specialist, indicating the intended position in the young specialist’s passport. Career planning involves holding a position, usually for at least 2 years.

15. Young specialists may be sent (with their consent) for training in order to further develop their professional and corporate competencies.

16. Young specialists are sent to participate in specialized programs and adaptation activities, their adaptation is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the adaptation of employees at JSC Russian Railways, approved by the order of JSC Russian Railways dated December 29, 2015 No. 3128r. The dates of completion of the initial adaptation and adaptation to the position are entered in the young specialist’s passport.

17. The young specialist’s passport reflects the compliance of the young specialist’s education and qualifications with the position held; in case of discrepancy, the reasons and measures taken to eliminate it.

18. The data entered in the young specialist’s passport is certified annually by the immediate supervisor, HR specialist and young specialist.

IV. Responsibilities of JSC Russian Railways in relation to a young specialist

19. JSC Russian Railways, recognizing the importance of training professionals within the company, pays great attention to creating competitive advantages to attract young workers, ensures adaptation, development and career planning of young specialists and assumes the following obligations in the prescribed manner:

a) provide a young specialist with a position in accordance with the specialty and qualifications he received in the educational organization, as well as the qualification characteristics of the positions of managers, specialists and other employees or the relevant provisions of professional standards. The use of a young specialist in a work position is allowed if there is a production need for a period of no more than 6 months, in exceptional cases - up to 12 months;

b) create conditions for the professional and social adaptation of young specialists;

c) plan the career of a young specialist, taking into account the level of development of his professional and corporate competencies and the informed opinion of his immediate supervisor;

d) provide, if there are grounds in accordance with the regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways, corporate support to improve living conditions;

e) create, in accordance with the regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways, conditions for the physical education and development of young specialists, and for them to lead a healthy lifestyle;

f) to form among young specialists a civil-patriotic position, a respectful attitude towards veterans, traditions and culture of railway transport;

g) apply an individual approach when working with young specialists, ensuring the fullest use and development of their professional, creative, innovative and scientific potential.

V. Guarantees, compensation and benefits provided to a young specialist

20. The young specialist is provided with guarantees and compensation in accordance with the collective agreement of JSC Russian Railways, regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways, the target program "Youth of JSC Russian Railways" and these Regulations.

21. A young specialist is paid a one-time benefit in the amount of a monthly official salary (monthly tariff rate) in accordance with the order on assigning the status of a young specialist. A sample application for a graduate who is eligible to be awarded the status of a young specialist is presented in Appendix No. 3.

The payment is made no later than 2 months from the date of employment of the young specialist (assignment of status).

22. When sending a young specialist to work that involves moving to an area different from his current place of work at JSC Russian Railways:

a) expenses for moving the young specialist and his family members are paid, as well as for the transportation of property in the amount of actual expenses confirmed by travel documents (family members of the young specialist include the wife (husband), children and parents of both spouses who are dependent on him and live with him);

b) expenses for arrangement at a new place of residence are paid:

  • in the amount of one official salary (monthly tariff rate) and one fourth of the official salary (monthly tariff rate) of a young specialist for each moving family member;
  • in the amount of 2 official salaries (monthly tariff rates) and half of the official salary (monthly tariff rate) of a young specialist for each moving family member when moving to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas;

c) daily allowances are paid for each day of travel to the place of work in the amounts established by the local regulations of Russian Railways JSC for cases of being sent on business trips;

d) additional paid leave is provided for settling in a new place of residence for up to 7 calendar days (the specific duration of this leave is determined by the employee in agreement with the employer);

e) extraordinary corporate support is provided for the acquisition of housing ownership in the manner and amount determined by the regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways.

23. When hiring graduates of educational organizations of higher and secondary vocational education of full-time study under the age of 30 years within 3 months after completion of training in an educational organization on the basis of an agreement on targeted training of a specialist or on the basis of a division issued by the educational organization upon application of the JSC " Russian Railways" assignments for work associated with moving to an area other than the place of permanent registration of the graduate, the costs of moving the graduate and members of his family, as well as for the transportation of property in the amount of actual expenses confirmed by travel documents (family members of the graduate include the wife ( husband), children and parents of both spouses who are dependent on him and living with him).

24. To a young specialist, subject to the conclusion of an additional agreement to the employment contract, providing for his work for at least 4 years in the divisions of JSC Russian Railways at stations included in the list of railway stations located in remote areas with no or undeveloped social infrastructure, to provide additional benefits, guarantees and compensation for young specialists of JSC Russian Railways, approved by the order of JSC Russian Railways dated December 31, 2014 No. 3241r (hereinafter referred to as stations located in remote areas):

a) a one-time benefit in the amount of 250,000 rubles is paid;

b) remuneration is paid in the amount of half the official salary (monthly tariff rate) after the first and second years of work in units at stations located in remote areas;

c) provided for the entire period of work in departments at stations located in remote areas, residential premises of the specialized housing stock of JSC Russian Railways, and in its absence - the right to rent residential premises on the real estate market with reimbursement of part of the rental costs in the amount established by regulations documents of JSC "Russian Railways";

d) a monthly allowance is paid in the amount of half the minimum wage established by JSC Russian Railways for raising a child aged 3 to 7 years in the absence of pre-school educational organizations in a remote area, as well as if the other parent does not work due to lack of offers on the labor market (when living in a remote area).

Changes to the list of railway stations located in remote areas with no or undeveloped social infrastructure, to provide additional benefits, guarantees and compensation to young specialists of JSC Russian Railways, approved by the order of JSC Russian Railways dated December 31, 2014 No. 3241r, are made in accordance with the established in accordance with the local regulatory act of JSC Russian Railways, adopted taking into account the reasoned opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization of JSC Russian Railways.

25. The employer has the right to decide to conclude an additional agreement to the employment contract on the conditions specified in paragraph 24 of these Regulations in relation to young specialists already working or actually living in a remote area.

A young specialist working in units at stations located in remote areas, who has entered into an appropriate additional agreement to the employment contract, is not required to reside in the specified area in order to receive lump sum payments in accordance with subparagraphs “a” and “b” of paragraph 24 of these Regulations.

26. In accordance with the concluded additional agreement, the 4-year period of work of a young specialist in units at stations located in remote areas does not include the following periods:

  • long, more than 3 months, period of incapacity for work (except for incapacity for work due to an injury received at work), including due to pregnancy and childbirth;
  • parental leave until the child reaches the age of 3 years.

27. A young specialist who has not fulfilled his obligations to work in units at stations located in remote areas for the period specified in the additional agreement to the employment contract is obliged to reimburse the funds paid to him by JSC Russian Railways in accordance with subparagraph “a” of paragraph 24 of this Provisions (in proportion to the time not actually worked in units at stations located in remote areas), in the following cases:

  • early dismissal in relation to the period of service specified in the additional agreement to the employment contract;
  • early termination of the employment contract in relation to the period of service specified in the additional agreement at the initiative of the employer on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 5-7 and 11 of part one of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • failure to arrive at the unit of JSC Russian Railways, from which the young specialist was dismissed in accordance with paragraph 1 of part one of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, within 3 months after completing military service or alternative civil service, if the period of service has not yet expired, for conclusion an employment contract providing for the completion of the remaining term;
  • transfer to work in divisions of JSC Russian Railways (at stations) that are not recognized as remote areas, without production necessity (indicated in the documents approving the relevant transfer) at the initiative of the employee.

28. When employed in a unit at a station located in a remote area, upon completion of military service or an alternative civilian service replacing it, or in the process of transferring an employee with whom an additional agreement was previously concluded in accordance with paragraph 24 of these Regulations, the period of service in the employment contract in the specified conditions, it is indicated taking into account previously worked time.

The one-time benefit in accordance with subparagraph “a” of paragraph 24 of these Regulations is not paid again. For one-time remuneration payments in accordance with subparagraph “b” of paragraph 24 of these Regulations after the first and second years of work, the length of time worked before conscription or transfer and the fact of payment of the specified benefit are also taken into account.

29. If there are grounds, a young specialist is provided with corporate support for the acquisition of residential property in accordance with the regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways.

30. In accordance with the procedure established by the regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways, the monthly cost of services for the maintenance of his children in the educational institutions of JSC Russian Railways is determined for a young specialist in the amount of 5 percent of the monthly costs of maintaining the student.

The payment of the appropriate tax fees is made by the young specialist.

VI. Responsibilities of a young specialist

31. A young specialist must:

  • comply with the requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and internal labor regulations;
  • responsibly fulfill job duties, assigned production tasks, observe production and labor discipline, accuracy and precision in the performance of assigned work;
  • strive to participate in the development and implementation of rationalization proposals;
  • study scientific and technical literature, new equipment and modern technologies in order to increase the level of development of corporate and professional competencies necessary to ensure labor and production processes;
  • comply with the norms and requirements of the Code of Business Ethics of JSC Russian Railways.

32. The young specialist returns all funds paid to him in accordance with paragraphs 21 and 23 of these Regulations:

a) if he is dismissed at the initiative of the employer on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 5-11 and 14 of part one of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

b) if before the end of the work period stipulated by the employment contract, and in the absence of a specific period, before the expiration of 3 years of work, he resigned of his own free will.

  • The exception is cases of dismissal at the initiative of the employee for the following reasons, with which the law connects the provision of certain benefits and advantages:
  • transfer of a spouse to work or for service in another locality (including abroad), if the young specialist cannot be offered a job in the specified locality;
  • a disease that prevents you from continuing to work or live in a given area according to a medical report;
  • in connection with retirement due to disability of groups 1 and 2;
  • the need to care for sick family members (if there is a medical certificate) or a disabled child;
  • enrollment in an educational institution for full-time study.

33. The conditions and terms for the return of funds (in case of dismissal of a young specialist), provided for in paragraphs 21 and 23 and subparagraph “a” of paragraph 24 of these Regulations, must be determined in the employment contract concluded with the young specialist.