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Calculation of cost and estimated cost cf. Explanation of construction and installation works: construction and installation works. Average headcount for August

Topic 6. – Cost of products of a construction organization


1. The concept of the cost of construction and installation work, the composition of its costs

2. Estimated cost of construction and installation work: concept and purpose

3. Planned cost of construction and installation work: concept, purpose, determination procedure

4. Actual cost of construction and installation work: concept, purpose, determination procedure

The concept of the cost of construction and installation work, the composition of its costs

Product cost - the most important indicator of the economic efficiency of its production, reflecting all aspects of economic activity and accumulating the results of the use of all production resources. Depends on its level

Financial results of enterprises;

Rate of expanded reproduction;

Financial condition of business entities.

Cost of construction and installation works carried out by the construction organization on its own, includes

Expenses for the purchase of materials, fuel, energy;

Payment of employees.

All costs, depending on how they are included in the cost, are divided into straight And invoices .

Direct imply costs associated with construction work, which can be directly and directly included in the cost of specific construction projects.

Pz= M + Z + A,

Pz- direct costs for construction and installation work;

M- cost of materials used;

Z- expenses for remuneration of production workers and employees;

A- expenses for the maintenance and operation of construction machines and mechanisms.

Under overhead costs understand the costs associated with organizing and managing construction work related to the activities of the construction organization as a whole. They include:

Administrative and economic expenses (remuneration of AUP, deductions for social needs);

Costs of servicing construction workers (costs of training and retraining of personnel, costs of labor protection);

Expenses for organizing work at construction sites;

Other overhead costs (property insurance for a construction organization; payments on bank loans...);

Costs that are not included in overhead rates, but are attributable to them (disability benefits...).

The cost of construction and installation work is determined by the formula

CC = Pz + Nr,

where Pz – direct costs;

Нр – overhead costs.

Used in construction estimate indicators (defined in estimates), planned (calculated by the construction organization taking into account specific conditions) and actual (actually prevailing at the construction site) cost of construction and installation work.

Estimated cost of construction and installation work: concept and purpose

Estimated cost determined design organization in the course of drawing up the necessary set of design documents according to estimated standards and prices on a scale valid at the time of its calculation.

Estimated cost is base to calculate the planned cost of construction and installation work and allows

on the one hand, the construction organization can predict in advance the level of its future costs,

on the other hand, the customer needs to assess the limits within which bargaining with the construction contractor can be carried out.

Estimated cost is the main indicator by which state tax authorities monitor the profitability of a specific transaction of a construction organization.

Planned cost of construction and installation work: concept, purpose, determination procedure

Planned cost of construction and installation work represents a forecast of costs specific construction organization to carry out a certain set of construction and installation works.

Estimated (planned) cost of construction and installation work is used by a construction organization to determine profits and opportunities for its production and social development, to build in-house economic calculations for its structural divisions and for other purposes.

Cost planning Construction and installation work is carried out by construction organizations independently and is an integral part of their business plan.

Planning procedure and methods Each construction organization can set the cost of construction and installation work independently, based on the conditions of its activities.

In this case, the planned cost of work can be calculated

For individual objects;

Under contract agreements;

For the production program as a whole.

The planned cost of construction and installation work can be determined by a technical and economic calculation by cost item based on an action plan to increase the technical and organizational level of production compared to that provided for in the design and estimate documentation.

The more fractional the calculated activities, the higher the accuracy of the planned cost calculation.

Determining the amount of cost reduction for large elements of planned costs can be carried out in the following order:

1) reduction in the cost of construction and installation work as a consequence reducing costs for building materials and structures can be calculated using the formula:

Cm=Um.o.[ 1-( 100-Ur)*(100-Uts)]

Um.o – the share of costs for materials and structures as a percentage of the estimated cost of all construction and installation work;

Ur, Uts – respectively, the percentage reduction in the consumption rate and price of materials and structures.

2) reducing the cost of operating construction machines for the planned period, can be predicted based on the planned increase in machine production standards using the formula:

Laughter.= Skill.o*Pu.p*Rmeh.


Umekh.o – level of costs for operating construction machines in the total cost of work performed, %

P.p - the share of semi-fixed costs for the operation of construction machines in the total cost of work, %

Rmech is the planned percentage increase in machine output.

3) reducing the cost of construction and installation work due to increased labor productivity, occurs only when this indicator exceeds the rate of wage growth.

Сз=(1- Iz.p)*Uz.p

Iz.p - growth of wages in comparison with that included in the estimates, %

IP.t - increase in labor productivity in comparison with those provided for in the estimate, %

Uz.p - share of wages in the cost of construction and installation works, %.

Actual cost of construction and installation work: concept, purpose, determination procedure

Actual cost of construction and installation work - this is the sum of costs incurred by a specific construction organization during the implementation of a given set of works in the current production conditions.

The purpose of accounting for the actual cost of construction work is a timely, complete and reliable reflection of the actual costs associated with the production and delivery of work to the customer by type and object of construction, identification of deviations from expected values, as well as control over the use of material and financial resources.

Accounting for the costs of construction work is carried out by the accounting department of a construction enterprise most often using the “custom-made” method, in which the object of accounting is a separate order opened for each construction project in accordance with the contract concluded by the customer.

For each order, costs are recorded on an accrual basis until the completion of the work; this method is currently the main one.

Accounting for production costs is carried out on the basis of primary accounting documentation, compiled with mandatory copying, ensuring accounting for construction projects and types of work.

An estimate is a document that calculates the amount of costs for a project, broken down by expense items (salaries, taxes and payroll deductions, business expenses, purchase of components, etc.).

Estimated cost is the amount of money required to carry out construction in accordance with the design materials.

Cost is the current costs of an enterprise expressed in monetary terms for the production and sale of products (works, services).

Table 9 provides data for performing the calculation

Table 9. Construction and installation work

Materials make up 75-90% of the direct costs according to the estimate (total) in housing and civil construction, and in industrial construction - 40-60%. Overhead costs - 122% of the wage fund (payroll) for masonry walls and payroll for plastering the surface of the walls. The estimated profit is 65% of the payroll for masonry walls and %:% of the payroll for plastering the surface of the walls. The increasing coefficient is 2.86.

We determine the total cost by type of construction work.

Сi = Ceg1 * Vpi

Ceg1 - cost of a unit of work

Vpi - volume of construction work

Vpi - the volume of construction work, including the basic salary, the operation of machines and mechanisms, and the wages of machine operators.

Including the basic salary, the operation of machines and mechanisms, and the wages of machine operators.

We determine the cost of the volume of construction and installation work in total:

  • ?Св1 = 10*890.83 = 8908.3
  • ? St2 = 0.23*10973.66 = 2523.94
  • ? St3 = 0.65*3906.19 = 1889.02
  • ? St4 = 0.22*4302.92 =946.64

We determine the cost of the volume of construction and installation work for the basic salary:

  • ?Сзрп1 =10*44.87 = 448.7
  • ?Сзрп2 =0.23*1735.7 = 399.21
  • ?Сзрп3 =0.65*1346.34 = 875.12
  • ? Сзрп4 =0.22*606.92 = 133.52

We determine the cost of the volume of construction and installation work for the operation of machines:

  • ? Sexp.m.1 =10*34.56= 345.6
  • ?Sexp.m.2 =0.23*492 = 113.16
  • ?Sexp.m.3 =0.65* 103.19 = 67.07
  • ? Sexp.m.4 =0.22*3696 = 813.12

We determine the cost of the volume of construction and installation work for the operator’s salary:

  • ? Szpm1 =10*4.23 = 42.3
  • ? Szpm2 =0.23*11.32 = 2.58
  • ?Сзпм3 =0.65*68.14 = 44.29
  • ?Сзпм4 =0.22* 444.36 = 97.75

We determine the final indicators based on the total cost by summing them up.

Total direct costs:

IS = ?C1 + ?C2 + ?C3+? C4


total salary:

ISzrp = S1z/p + S2z/p + S3z/p + S4z/p = 448, + 399.21 + 875.12 + 133.52 = 1856.55

total machine operation:

ISexp.mach. = C1exp.m. +S2exp.m.+S3exp.m.+S4exp.m. = 345.6+113.16+67.07+813.12 = 1338.95

total wages for machine operators:

ISzpm = S1zpm + S2zpm + S3zpm + S4zpm = 42.3 + 2.58 + 44.29 + 97.75 = 186.92

We determine the total cost of everything:

IS = ?С1 + ?С2 + ?С3+ ?С4 = 1856.55+1338.95+186.92

We determine the cost of materials:

cm = IS*75/100

cm salary = IS * 75/100 = 1856.55 * 75/100 = 1392.41

cm exp.m = IS*75/100 = 1338.95*75/100 = 1004.21

SMZPM = IS*75/100 = 186.92*75/100 = 140.19

Sm = Sm salary + Sm exp.m + Smzpm = 1392.41+1004.21+140.19 = 2536.81

We determine the cost of overhead costs:

Cnr = (PHOT1+PHOT3)*122/100 = (491+919.41)*122/100 = 1720.7

FOT1 = S1z/p+S1ZPM = 448.7 + 42.3 = 491

FOT3 = С3з/п+С3ЗПМ = 875.12 + 44.29 = 919.41

We determine the estimated profit:

Pr = 65%* FOT1/100 = 65*491/100 = 319.15

Pr = 55%* FOT3/100 = 55*919.41/100 = 505.67

We determine the estimated cost of construction and installation work using the formula:

Ssr = (Im + Imm + Ifot + Inr + Ipr + VAT + Unified Social Tax) *2.86 = (2536.81 + 1004.21 + 2043.47 + 1720.7 + 824.82 + 947.1 + 694.77 )*2.86 = 27947.57

VAT = (Im + Imm + Inr) *18/100 = (2536.81 + 1004.21 + 1720.7)*18/100 = 947.1

UST - Unified Social Tax

UST = Ifot*34/100

Ifot = ISz/p + ISzpm = 1856.55+186.92 = 2043.47

UST = 2043.47 *34/100 = 694.77

IPR = 319.15 + 505.67 = 824.82

Based on the results of the calculations performed, we draw up table 10:

Table 10 Indicators for calculating construction and installation work

Name of works


Scope of construction and installation work

Cost of work

total cost



basic salary

machine operation

machine operators' salary

basic salary

machine operation

machine operators' salary

Wall masonry

Reinforcement of brick walls

1 t steel elements

Plastering wall surfaces

Loading and unloading garbage

Total direct costs (Ipz)

Total materials (Im)

Total machines and mechanisms (Imm)

Total payroll


Estimated profit

The estimated price of construction labor costs, which is calculated on the basis of project documentation, is the foundation for developing a construction financing plan, calculating the cost of contract work, purchasing and delivering equipment to the construction site, and covering unplanned costs.

The Ministry of Regional Development, by order of December 31, 2010 No. 573, approved the Methodological Recommendations for the formation of the cost of construction and installation works (hereinafter referred to as the Methodological Recommendations No. 573), which come into force on April 1, 2011. Please note that from 04/01/2011 they are no longer valid previous Method Recommendations approved by order of the State Construction Committee dated February 16, 2004 No. 30.

The new methodology for determining the cost of construction and installation work (hereinafter - CEM) has no fundamental differences from the previous one, but has some features. Let's take a closer look at them.

Recommendation method No. 573 defines the production cost of construction and installation work as a set of direct material costs, direct labor costs, other direct costs, as well as variable production overhead and constant distributed overhead costs associated with the implementation of construction and installation work. Moreover, such a cost can be planned (determined on the basis of technical and economic calculations, building codes and regulations) and actual (actual construction costs). In addition to certain types of construction and installation work and construction projects, these Methodology Recommendations also include construction contracts as objects of expenditure.

Classification of expenses

Methodology Recommendation No. 573 defines expenses as “a decrease in economic benefits in the form of disposal of assets or liabilities that lead to a decrease in equity capital (with the exception of a decrease in capital due to its withdrawal or division by owners).” Basically, the principle of classification of expenses remains unchanged. Only to the criteria by which expenses are classified was added the degree of influence of the volume of construction and installation work on the level of expenses.

Classification according to this criterion divides expenses into fixed and variable. Fixed expenses include expenses that remain unchanged (or almost unchanged) in the event of a change in the volume of construction and installation work performed. And variable costs change in direct proportion to changes in the volume of construction and installation work. In addition, expenses based on their place of origin highlight expenses based on geography. These costs differ depending on the location of individual facilities, located in certain regions of Ukraine, in a separate foreign country, in permanent regional groups of the country. The enterprise independently determines the level of detail of geographical regions.

The classification of expenses by type is also important. In accordance with it, expenses are divided by elements (for operating expenses) and by costing items.

Based on the periods of occurrence, expenses will now be divided into current, long-term and one-time. Here, long-term expenses are expenses associated with the implementation of a long-term contract (it is not planned to be completed earlier than 1 year from the date of making the first expenses or receiving an advance). In this regard, it should also be noted that until April 1, 2011, paragraph 7.10 of the Profit Law provides for a special taxation procedure for long-term contracts. However, the Profit Law has a different definition of such contracts. And the Tax Code of Ukraine does not provide for a separate procedure for imposing this tax, therefore, with the entry into force of Section III of the Tax Code of Ukraine from April 1, operations under long-term contracts (agreements) will be taxed according to the general rules, that is, according to the date of signing the act of completed work. And tax obligations for VAT (clause 187.9 of the Tax Code), in contrast to the general procedure, are determined not by the first event, but by the date of actual transfer by the contractor of the results of work under such agreements (contracts). In the same paragraph, a long-term contract is defined as a contract for the manufacture of goods, performance of work (services) with a technological production cycle of more than 1 year, unless their phased delivery is provided for.

Grouping expenses by elements and items

Grouping of expenses by elements is carried out in order to determine the total volumes of material, labor and other resources used by the construction organization in operating activities and for financial reporting (in accordance with P(S)BU 3 “Report on Financial Results”). And by item, expenses are distributed in order to determine the volumes of material, labor and other resources that are included in the production cost of construction and installation work. At the same time, the expenses of the main activities of a construction organization are grouped according to the following calculation items:

Other direct expenses;

Variable production overhead and fixed allocated production overhead.

The list of costing items and their composition can be specified by the construction organization independently.

Cost of construction and installation work under a contract

The cost of construction and installation work under a contract includes:

Direct material costs;

Direct labor costs;

Other direct costs (including, in particular, the cost of work performed by subcontractors, the cost of operating machinery and equipment, rental). We will also include deductions for the unified social contribution here, although in accordance with clause 3 of Appendix 1 of the Method of Recommendations, other direct expenses include “social” deductions in the old way;

General production expenses in accordance with P(S)BU 16 “Expenses”.

Costs under a work contract include expenses for the period from the date of conclusion of the work contract to the date of its completion. In this case, income and expenses during the execution of the contract are recognized taking into account the degree of completion of the work as of the balance sheet date - if the final financial result of this contract can be reliably estimated. If it cannot be estimated reliably, then:

1) income is determined in the amount of actual expenses from the beginning of the execution of the work contract, in respect of which there is a possibility of their reimbursement;

Fixed expenses are expenses that remain unchanged if the volume of construction and installation work performed changes.

Variable costs change in direct proportion to changes in the volume of construction and installation works.

2) costs under a work contract are recognized as expenses for the period during which they were incurred.

If in the following reporting periods there is no uncertainty that prevented in previous periods from obtaining a reliable assessment of the final financial result, then income and expenses associated with the implementation of this contract are recognized in accordance with clause 3 of P(S)BU 18 “Construction Contracts”. If, at the balance sheet date, there is a likelihood that total expenses will exceed the total income under this work contract, then the expected losses are recognized as expenses of the reporting period with the inclusion of actual expenses for the implementation of this work contract in the cost of sales.

Regarding the mandatory nature and principles of accounting, Method Recommendation No. 573 refers us to the provisions of the Accounting Law - after all, it is on accounting data that financial, tax, statistical and other types of reporting that use a monetary meter are based. For our part, we note that reliable and timely reflection of all business operations in accounting directly affects the reliability of determining the financial result not only of a specific contract, but also the profitability of the entire enterprise.


In pursuance of the construction and installation contract for the construction of a residential building in March, the following expenses were incurred (excluding VAT):

Materials were written off according to the material report - in the amount of UAH 256,000;

Operation of machines and mechanisms - 84,100 UAH;

Subcontracting services - 25,000 UAH;

Electricity costs - 3100 UAH;

Transport services by hired transport (including the work of a crane, excavator) - 15,650 UAH;

Auxiliary materials (electrodes, heat-insulating materials, etc.) - 12940 UAH;

Salaries and ECB have been accrued: for workers engaged in construction and installation work - 17,300 UAH (ECB - 6,570 UAH); crane operator - 2000 UAH (ECB - 760 UAH); linear AND TP (foreman, master) - 5840 UAH (ECB - 2220 UAH); management apparatus (administration) - 10,000 UAH (ECB - 3800 UAH);

Administrative expenses (communications, office rent, interest on loans, etc.) - 15,760 UAH. These costs are variable;

Other fixed costs associated with construction and installation work - 2310 UAH.

No other work was carried out in March.

For the purpose of calculating costs for a construction project, the actual cost of construction and installation works is formed as follows (see table).

Cost items for the formation of construction and installation costs

Costing items

Actual cost of construction and installation work (main activity expenses, UAH)

direct costs

general production costs for construction and installation work

The estimate is part of the working documentation. It is necessary for any construction, any work. The estimate determines how much money the construction requires. How many of them are needed to complete the work? In the article we tried to tell how the estimate is filled out, where to get the data for this? What are indices and coefficients? What does the estimated cost consist of? Everything is not as difficult as it seems.

How can this article help?

This article will help you understand the issue a little. Understand budgets at a basic level. Here are only general concepts about the composition of the estimate, examples of estimates for installation. A little about indices and coefficients. Details on the preparation of estimates for are discussed in MDS 81-35. 2001.

Title page

Let's look at how to read estimates using an example. The estimate for installation of a split system (table in the figure below) contains 13 columns. There are other types of forms, differing in the number of columns. But the principle is similar everywhere and the information in the columns is similar. The numbers of the text positions below correspond to the numbers in the picture of the estimate example. An example of an installation estimate was compiled for this article and is not tied to any specific object.

1. At the top left there is a block - “Agreed”. It specifies the contractor. The one who does the work. The organization and information of the manager are indicated. His signature and seal are also placed here.

2. At the top right there is a block - “I approve”, containing the position, surname, initials and signature of the customer’s manager. The “I approve” block is also stamped.

3. Name of the construction site - place of work. Several parts of work can be combined in one construction project.

4. Estimate number. According to regulatory documents, the following numbering order is adopted:

  • the first 2 digits are the section number of the consolidated estimate;
  • the second and third are the line number in its section;
  • the third and fourth are the estimate number in this object estimate.

In the example, the estimate number is not included. It is not included in any documentation.

5. Name of the object, work and costs. Description of work indicating the name and address of the object.

6. Base. On what basis was the estimate formed? This could be a drawing, technical specification. We indicate, for example, technical specifications.

7. Estimated cost of work. The amount of the estimate for installation work is stated in thousands of rubles. Indication of the amount in thousands of rubles is regulated by MDS 81-35.2001.

8. Funds for wages. How much should workers be paid, theoretically?

9. Standard labor intensity. The amount of man-hours excluding downtime required to complete the work.

10. Justification of the estimated cost. The example estimate is compiled in current (forecast) prices for the first quarter of 2018 (but there may be monthly indexation). All prices are recorded in 2001 prices, and then using coefficients they are converted to prices of the current period. This method is called the basis-index method.

The tabular part of the estimate is an example of an estimate for installing a split system

The estimate header includes the following columns:

1. Quote number.

2. Code and standard number. Indicates in what standards the estimate was drawn up and under what order this regulatory framework is in effect. In this case, the FER directory (federal unit construction prices) is used. The numbers in the name of the price mean the numbers: collection - section - price table.

3. Name of work, costs and unit of pricing. The work itself is described (just as it is stated in the price), the price meter (in this case, 1 split system). Further, the coefficients for positions and position indices are written in the name of the price.

4. Quantity. The quantity is entered taking into account the pricing meter. In this example, this is one split system.

Unit cost (block 1). This block includes the current base price and its elements.

5. Total/wages.

6. Operation of machines/including wages (drivers).

7. Materials.

Total cost (block 2). It is obtained by multiplying the unit cost by the quantity.

9. Remuneration.

10. Operation of machines/including wages (drivers).

11. Materials.

Labor costs of workers (block 3) not related to machine maintenance, people. hour.

12. Per unit.

There is also a breakdown of the estimate into sections. There are no strict rules. They break it down logically. The section is always summed up.

What do the numbers in the estimate table mean?

The method of drawing up the estimate under consideration is base-index. Prices in it are indicated at the 2001 price level and are called basic. To convert prices to current levels, the base price is multiplied by the index. Direct prices cannot be immediately converted to the current price level, since there is no index for them. There are indices for cost elements. The estimate is prepared in cost elements.

There are four in total:

  • workers' compensation - wages;
  • operation of machines - EM;
  • remuneration for drivers - ZPM;
  • Cost of materials.

Where to look for direct costs in the table:

Where to look for cost elements in the table:

As in the FER standard 20-06-018-04, cost elements are prescribed. Here you can see which materials were included in the price and which remained unaccounted for.

Therefore, to find out the real price of the work, you need to multiply the prices of the cost elements in 2001 by indices and sum them up. If the “Materials” column is filled in the price, this means that the price unit contains this amount of materials. This can be seen in the example of the price for installing a split system (line No. 1). There are materials that are not included in the price. Then they are called unaccounted for and are entered in a separate line (positions 3 to 9 of this estimate).

Estimated coefficients

In addition to indices, there are coefficients. They are charged on elements of unit prices. Indicated in column 3. The coefficients may be different (for wooden structures, for excavation work, for dismantling, for work in winter conditions...). All of them can be found in magazines, collections of prices and in MDS 81-35.2001. Coefficients are calculated on the elements of unit prices. They can be either decreasing (for example, for dismantling) or increasing (for example, tightness).

At the end of the estimate, all costs are summed up. In this option for filling out the estimate, the cost line first appears in 2001 prices. Then a line with current prices, where all price indices are taken into account. Then comes the column - “Labor costs”.

Next two lines:

  • SP (estimated profit).
  • HP (overhead).

The coefficients for them are indicated in the prices. More information about the calculation of SP can be found in MDS 81-25.2001, and about the calculation of NR - from MDS 81-33.2004.

Afterwards, the “Total” section is divided into cost elements.

Unforeseen expenses are being accrued.

If there are sections in the estimate, then the totals of the estimate are made up of the totals of the sections.

At the end, signatures are placed and decrypted:

Compiled by (engineer full name).

Checked by (engineer full name).

When we talk about the construction of buildings, roads and the repair of objects, we mean carrying out a whole set of activities and actions that lead to the desired result, namely a new building or a repaired road. Construction and installation work (hereinafter referred to as construction and installation work) is precisely the main part of the construction sector, without which it is impossible to carry out major repairs of premises or construct new buildings.

Explanation of construction and installation works

A fairly broad definition is understood to mean a variety of works that differ from each other in the direction of action and means of execution. If we give a general definition of the concept, then the decoding of construction and installation work will look like this - this is a set of actions for the construction of new objects (buildings, structures), their repair and reconstruction, as well as the installation and installation of equipment. One company simply cannot handle all the work, since the scale of the tasks assigned to it will be simply enormous. Therefore, there are organizations in the construction market whose activities have a narrower specialization. For example, there are companies engaged only in the construction and repair of roads, or companies building industrial facilities.

Types of construction and installation works

There are several main types of such work:

  • general construction;
  • transport and loading and unloading (delivery of materials, devices and equipment);
  • special (with a special type of materials).

The most diverse is general construction activities. It consists of:

  • earthwork (digging holes, trenches, ditches), pile work (driving, installation of pile foundations) and stone work (building walls, stone laying, etc.);
  • roofing (installation of attics, roofs), plastering (painting, pasting) and insulation;
  • installation of floors and communications;
  • installation work of wooden, concrete and reinforced concrete, light enclosing structures;
  • landscaping;
  • installation work of technological equipment;
  • and etc.

To finally understand what decoding construction and installation work is, you need to understand what all types of the above work include.

Features of construction and installation works

Each field of activity has a number of features and nuances. For construction and installation work, the most important criterion is quality, which completely depends on the professionalism of workers, competent organization of the process and the interaction of system parts with each other. At the beginning of the work, the set goals and objectives, planning and control are of great importance, and the end result is competent and high-quality construction and installation work. After all, people’s safety depends on this.

Proper preparation and organization of the process have a great influence on obtaining the desired result. Making mistakes or miscalculations can be costly for the contractor company in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Correcting defects in construction can cost human lives. Plus, this is always a rather expensive undertaking. It should also be understood that when calculating construction and installation work, the use of untested or low-quality materials, as well as unjustified savings on mandatory expense items, is not allowed. In order to take into account all the features of construction, it is necessary to carry out all work in stages.

Order of conduct

Deciphering construction and installation works will include competent and consistent implementation of all stages of construction activities.

For example, before constructing new facilities, it is first necessary to carry out geological studies of the soil of the site. It is possible that before construction begins, it will be necessary to drain the swamp or carry out drainage work to avoid flooding.

Afterwards you can start drawing the outline of the foundation. This is usually done using wire, wooden pegs and rope. Next, you need to dig a trench to lay the foundation of the future building. Afterwards you can proceed to the construction of walls. If you are planning a wooden building, then you should strictly adhere to the drawn up project. Stone walls have their own rules - for example, laying the stone strictly horizontally, bandaging the seams and filling with mortar.

After this, the attic floors are laid out, windows, attics and rafters are installed, it all depends on the number of floors of the building and the complexity of the construction. Next, the roof fronts are closed and the roofing material is laid. The next stage is finishing work (external and internal), then installation of equipment (plumbing, heating systems, etc.)

The scope of construction and installation work largely depends on the assigned tasks. For example, one company may be directly involved in the construction of the facility, but they trust another organization or do it themselves.

Organization of construction and installation work

In the process of constructing buildings and structures, various entities are necessarily involved: designers, surveyors, equipment suppliers and customers. In order for the construction and installation work process to be systematic, special attention should be paid to the organization of work.

It is better to clarify all questions regarding construction technology with representatives of construction and installation organizations and specialized trusts that prepare projects.

Typically, the project contains a work schedule, a general construction plan, according to which the deadlines for the execution of the contractor’s work are calculated and all volumes of construction and installation work are shown. In addition, this document indicates the location of the building and construction sites being constructed, water and energy supply schemes, as well as the number of materials, products and construction machines used. For complex buildings, technological maps are used, which specify special safety requirements, main stages, construction technologies, etc.

Organization of construction and installation work is very important, because it determines the rhythm in which installation, carpentry and other types of work will be carried out.

What is the estimated cost?

The level of quality of construction activities carried out largely depends on the amount of the allocated budget for construction. Therefore, such a concept as “estimated cost of construction and installation work” plays a decisive role in the work process. It is an official confirmation of project funding. It reflects all the final figures.

Calculation of construction and installation work

The jobs are fairly easy to count. It is necessary to add up all direct costs (cost of materials, wages of workers, etc.), overhead costs (administrative expenses, etc.) and planned savings. The last component is otherwise called the estimated or standard profit of a construction organization.

Construction and installation work is the most important stage of construction. Only with competent and qualified planning and organization of construction and installation work can the desired result be achieved with minimal expenditure of effort, money and time.