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How to acquire assets. Assets and liabilities of an enterprise For a better understanding, let’s illustrate with an example

RBC assessed the return on investment of private investors in 2017. Which assets became the most profitable and which were the most unprofitable in 2017?

Over the course of a year, RBC calculates the profitability of ten investment methods. For calculations, we take the amount of 100 thousand rubles. and evaluate how much you can earn by investing this money in the most popular investment objects. At the end of the year, five instruments showed positive dynamics, the remaining five showed negative dynamics. The most profitable asset was deposits in euros. The lowest returns were demonstrated by shares. Next year the situation may change.

On investments in mutual funds (the RBC sample includes the ten largest open-end mutual funds by assets) one could earn an average of 7.22% of the investment amount per year. Positive dynamics were shown by bond funds (their yield was 7.69-13.7%) and stock funds (with a yield of 2.95-6.07%). At the end of 2017, only one fund from the sample turned out to be unprofitable - the mutual fund “Sberbank - Eurobonds”: over 12 months its share fell in price by 0.44%. The most profitable was the Reserve bond fund (+13.7%).

“For the last two years, the bond market has been a bonanza: against the backdrop of a reduction in the key rate of the Bank of Russia and a stable ruble, bond prices have increased. Next year, the Central Bank plans to further reduce the rate, which will lead to an increase in bond prices. Therefore, they will remain profitable,” says Otkritie Broker analyst Andrey Kochetkov.

At the same time, the increase in bond prices in 2018 may be more modest, since the key rate, according to experts, will occur at a lower rate than in 2017 - by about 0.75 percentage points. in a year. Let us recall that in 2017 it decreased from 10% at the beginning of the year to 7.75% in December, that is, by 2.25 percentage points. “Next year, shareholders of bond mutual funds can count on a real return of a maximum of 10%,” says Nikita Emelyanov, head of the analytical department of BKS Management Company.

The fall in prices is primarily due to a decrease in demand for real estate as an investment, says Tatyana Shkolnaya, deputy director of the Institute of Tax Management and Real Estate Economics at the Higher School of Economics. “Population incomes are decreasing. People now buy apartments because they are needed for living, and not for investment,” explains the specialist. According to her, those who decide to invest their funds prefer to place them in a bank deposit, which brings a stable and higher return than buying a living space.

Next year, according to experts, real estate investments will not become more attractive to investors. “Even if rates on bank deposits are reduced, this will not significantly change the situation with investment in housing in terms of its attractiveness,” says Tatyana Shkolnaya. According to Tatiana Polidi, executive director of the Institute of Urban Economics, apartment prices can begin to recover only in the second half of the year and only if the macroeconomic situation improves. “If the macroeconomic situation is stable for at least six months, incomes begin to increase, and mortgage interest rates become even lower, then somewhere in the second half of the year we could expect the housing market to intensify,” says Polidi.


The least profitable long-term investment this year was investments in the Russian stock market: the Moscow Exchange index (formerly MICEX) fell by 7.8%.

According to Bogdan Zvarich, senior analyst at Freedom Finance Investment Company, this market dynamics is primarily due to unfulfilled expectations regarding the easing of the sanctions regime after the election of Donald Trump as US President. “Moreover, tougher sanctions are expected,” he notes. According to the expert, the drop could have been more significant, however, the persistence of high oil prices held back the Russian stock market from a deep drawdown: since the beginning of the year, Brent oil futures have risen in price by 14%.

Dmitry Postolenko, manager of Capital Management Company, also considers unfulfilled expectations associated with an improvement in the political situation to be the main reason for the market decline. Postolenko expects the Moscow Exchange index to grow by 10-15% by the end of 2018.

Zvarich believes that the Moscow Exchange index at the end of 2018 will be 2.1-2.5 thousand points (now the index is about 2.1 thousand points). According to the expert, high oil prices will cover the risks associated with sanctions against Russia. According to his forecasts, a barrel of Brent oil will remain within the range of $55-60 per barrel throughout the year. “As for internal factors, growth of the economy as a whole is expected in the financial sector against the backdrop of a decrease in the cost of funding. And the growth of household incomes will stimulate the retail market,” says the expert.

With the participation of: Alexey Mitrakov

From the beginning of the development of capitalism as an economic system, the opportunity and need to invest money appears. Moreover, not only large investors and businessmen, but absolutely every person who wants to call themselves financially literate should make investments. But where can you invest money if there is not so much of it?

If you think that there are no such options, then you are mistaken, and the United States is a striking example of a refutation of this judgment. Citizens of this country, regardless of their standard of living, income and wages, are mostly engaged in investment activities. They buy stocks, bonds, bills... however, where to invest capital will be discussed further.

Asset theory!

I talked about this in previous articles and I will say it again: in the life of every person there should be two types of money - assets and liabilities. If you have capital that you have hidden for a rainy day, then you need to get rid of it, this is the essence of the capitalist system. As a rule, it is advisable to invest such money in assets. In essence, your capital will remain the same amount, but it will begin to bring you profit. Moreover, this income will be passive, i.e. you yourself will not make any effort. Work where you worked before, while receiving a good salary increase.

Where can you invest money to make money?

1. The asset that most people create is bank deposits. You give a certain amount to the bank, for which you receive an annual interest. As a rule, the profitability of this instrument is from 10 to 15% per year, which, in my opinion, is too low. And given the fact that in post-Soviet countries the inflation rate sometimes reaches as much as 50%, such an asset is unprofitable, and we need to look for other options. However, it is better to have money in a bank than in a toilet barrel or under a mattress.

2. A more profitable option is shares of large companies. By investing in them, you will receive dividends, and if the contribution was large enough, you will have the opportunity to manage the company’s activities through the board of directors. Moreover, shares are not subject to inflation, so you don’t have to worry about your investments.
To buy this type of securities, you need to register on the website of a financial broker, fund your account and make a purchase. You can also use the Moscow Stock Exchange directly or find a selling shareholder yourself via the Internet. You can also sell shares on the stock exchange.

3. Another option for investing in securities is bonds. In essence, these are the same bank deposits, only for growth you give money not to the bank, but to a large organization that issued bonds. Moreover, your income from them is significantly higher than from deposits in the most profitable bank. As a rule, you will receive over 25% per year on the bond. It is worth mentioning here that banks also invest money in these securities, insure themselves against inflation and earn the difference between the interest on the deposit and the interest on the bond.

4. For fans of “investment extreme”, investments in PAMM accounts and mutual funds are recommended. In this case, you give money neither to a bank nor to a large company, but to an investment firm or a private trader. Your capital goes to the financial exchange, where a manager who knows how to predict the exchange rate of currency quotes or shares tries to increase it.
If he trades for profit, then you receive part of this profit (50% or more), and the rest goes as a reward to the investment company. Moreover, if a trader trades at a loss, then the money is not returned to you; you take on all the risks. It often happens that the manager loses all the money and you do not receive a penny. The risks are, of course, high, but profits can reach up to 100% of the invested funds per month.

5. How many times have you been asked for a loan? I think it’s a lot, because people always need money. You can use this and give private loans at a certain percentage. In this case, the borrower must draw up a receipt so that you have a document with which you can go to court and demand payment of the debt. It is better to give loans to reliable people who have a permanent job and a good income. In general, look at how banks operate and do the same.

6. Investing in your own education is also an asset, because the knowledge gained will subsequently bring you money. If you don’t know where to spend your accumulated funds, you can pay for a contract at a prestigious university or sign up for a series of trainings from a private person. In any case, this knowledge will definitely not be superfluous to you, and thanks to it you will earn even more money.

7. The most profitable investment option has been and remains your own business. If you feel entrepreneurial and think that you can become a successful entrepreneur, and besides, you have start-up capital for a business, then what are you waiting for? Immediately draw up a business plan, take money and start building a beautiful life, because there will be no other chance.

When liabilities become assets!

There are people whose liabilities can become assets. The fact is that when you spend money on yourself and improve your standard of living, your motivation to work increases. You realize that you can earn even more and strive to reach new heights. Of course, this attitude is not typical for everyone; some reach a certain level and stop there. And if you are one of those people who can simultaneously increase their needs along with opportunities, then believe me, you will reach great heights, and business is your destiny.

Where would we be without diversification?

If you want to insure your investments, you can use diversification. In this case, you will buy not one investment product, but several at once. For example, these could be shares of several companies, a couple of bonds, a bank account and a deposit in an investment company. In this case, if one of your assets goes bust, you will not be left without money and will be able to get out of a difficult situation thanks to other investments.

Scams, pyramids, scams!

If you enter the phrase “Where can you invest money to make big money” in a search engine, then in addition to the normal options described above, you will see a lot of pyramid sites or outright scams. The main sign of a scam is fabulous money with minimal investment and skills. If you find another such “mega-option”, you can safely close the page, because apart from lost funds and time, nothing awaits you there.


Money must work, and that's all. If you do not have a single asset, you will not be able to call yourself a fully successful person. After all, assets are both a source of income, a means of insurance in case of dismissal, and a good reserve that can be quickly cashed out. You now know where you can invest your money, all that remains is to pull yourself together and begin your path to success and financial independence.

Mutual investment fund: concept, 5 reasons to trust mutual funds, 5 steps to purchasing a share and 3 types of expenses for investors + TOP 10 best mutual funds of 2016! Net investments are passive income!

Purchasing assets of crisis enterprises is one of the most common forms of investing money, which is usually used only by professional investors. Purchasing the assets of crisis enterprises can be a very profitable activity, but only if the buyer understands the work of crisis assets and is able to improve the situation. Below we will look at the advantages of purchasing assets of crisis enterprises and determine what opportunities this opens up for investors.

Why is it worth buying assets of crisis enterprises?

Before answering this question, we must highlight several features of the assets of crisis enterprises. Their most striking difference from the assets of conventional enterprises is their price. If it is in crisis, it means that it does not bring profit to the owner or even brings losses. Of course, it will be simply impossible to sell the company at the usual price, because no one will want to buy assets at a loss. In order to get at least some, he reduces the value of his company (if we are talking about a joint-stock company, then the prices of its shares fall “by themselves”). Consequently, it can buy out the company's assets for a relatively small fee. He buys out assets that are capable of generating income, but are currently immersed in crisis.

Most people who have a more or less significant amount of money understand that keeping it in their nightstands at home is stupid. Money must work. This financial axiom is deeply entrenched in the minds of every person. At the same time, potential investors understand that the investment process is associated with the risk of partial or complete loss of funds. Such people are looking not only for profitable, but also for reliable investments.

Moreover, for many investors, investment safety is the main criterion by which they evaluate investment instruments. Fortunately, there are now several avenues for investing money that represent safe investments.

Today, all bank deposits in Russia in the amount of up to 1.4 million rubles can be considered extremely reliable. Moreover, they should be considered as a risk-free investment. The explanation is simple.

The fact is that, in accordance with the current financial legislation of the Russian Federation, each bank is obliged to insure the deposits of its clients. Strict compliance with this provision of the law is ensured by the Deposit Insurance Agency.

In the conditions of recent years, when the Central Bank of the Russian Federation annually revokes licenses from several dozen commercial banks, this insurance mechanism has been repeatedly tested in practice. It really works. Moreover, in addition to the deposit amount itself, the bank client receives back the interest that should have been accrued while the financial and credit organization was still functioning.

Thus, every investor who wants to increase money, but does not want to take risks, can invest it in the bank. In addition, with an effectively functioning deposit insurance system, there is no need to delve deeply into the essence of the issue. It is enough to contact the financial and credit organization that currently offers the maximum interest rate on the deposit.

Advantages of investing in a bank deposit:

  • it is a simple, understandable and familiar investment instrument;
  • Even the owner of a small amount of 1000 rubles can open a deposit;
  • a huge number of products with different conditions;
  • high liquidity of the financial instrument, since the investor can receive his money in cash at any time.

Currently, bank deposits have only one disadvantage, but for many potential investors it is decisive and forces them to look for other options for investing money. Deposits are not the most profitable investments. Often they may not allow you to increase capital at all.

The fact is that when we analyze capital investments, we should never forget about inflation, which annually depreciates money by several percent. Let's take 2017. According to forecasts by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and leading financiers, inflation rates for the year should be 4.5–5.5%. At the same time, interest rates on deposits fluctuate between 5.4–10.5%.

Gold and precious metals

When it comes to sound investments, gold and gold bullion coins come to mind for many people. Everything that will be said below will equally apply to other precious metals (platinum, silver). However, for convenience and brevity of presentation, we will use only the term gold.

Traditionally, investing in gold is viewed from the point of view of high reliability. If we look at the dynamics of the exchange value of this precious metal, we can see constant and sustainable growth.

An investor who decides to invest in gold will inevitably face the problem of which financial instrument is best to choose. Gold bars and bullion coins come to mind. You can store your money in both.

However, it is much preferable to choose investment gold coins. By some strange whim of Russian legislators, any person who wishes to buy a gold bar from a bank will be required to pay VAT or value added tax. Its rate is 18%. But if we pay 18% in addition to the cost of the investment asset, then it is impossible to talk about any highly profitable investments.

At the same time, transactions for the purchase and sale of gold investment and collectible coins are not subject to additional tax burden.

The benefits of purchasing gold are that it is also a stable and virtually risk-free investment. But the shortcomings should again be sought in the extremely low reliability. If we exclude short-term speculative market issues, then the rise in precious metals prices follows inflation. That is, such an investment of money is primarily intended to save it during periods of economic instability or crisis.

Residential and commercial real estate

Smart investments in real estate allow you to get quite a substantial profit in a relatively short period of time. In addition, apartments, office premises, buildings and structures are actually existing tangible objects. This circumstance always adds confidence to the investor.

High-yield real estate investments involve two main strategies. The first is to buy a property at one price and then sell it for more. This is a common speculative approach. The second strategy involves purchasing an apartment or non-residential premises for the purpose of subsequently renting them out.

In addition, if an investor has serious financial capabilities, he can purchase real estate not only in Russia, but also abroad. The greatest profits can be brought in by apartments and non-residential premises located in large cities in highly developed countries of Western Europe, East Asia and North America. We are talking about China, Japan, USA, Canada, Switzerland and Germany. If you are interested in specific cities, these are Shanghai, Tokyo, New York, Toronto, Zurich and Dusseldorf.

Reliability is not the only advantage of investing in real estate. In addition, this is a highly profitable asset, the value of which will constantly increase. The last statement will be true provided that you buy an apartment or office in the right location.

However, investing in real estate also has significant disadvantages. First of all, this is the low liquidity of the asset. Simply put, it is quite difficult to sell an apartment or office space quickly at an attractive market price. In addition, real estate implies constant expenses that fall on its owner. These are taxes, expenses for utilities and repairs.


Until recently, currency was also considered as an extremely reliable and quite profitable investment object. However, today everything is not so clear.

In recent years, Russians have most often invested their own savings in euros or American dollars. But at present the situation in the United States and the European Union can hardly be called completely stable. This concerns the United States of America to a lesser extent, and the EU to a greater extent.

In this regard, if out of habit you want to invest your money in foreign currency, then you should choose the American dollar. But there are also big questions about the profitability of such investments in the near future.


Investment morals are always very simple: there are no both high-yield and low-risk investments. Remember, if some company offers you to invest money on too favorable terms and talks about 100% guarantees, then this is another reason to be wary and carefully analyze the current situation.

Where to get assets? How to earn money? and Where to find business ideas?

Not everyone who strives to earn a million earns it, but those who do not strive will never earn it. The main postulate in the question of how to get rich is that wealth is the result of actions, but not knowledge. A rich person is a person who has the potential for income. That is, in a broad sense, this is what brings you profit, and not necessarily only monetary. The actions of those who strive to get rich (and this is exactly what we should strive for) should be aimed at increasing the quantity and quality of their assets.

Where to get assets? How to make money and where to find business ideas? There are two options: you can buy them, or you can start creating them. There are also rare cases, such as receiving an inheritance, but we will not consider them due to their uniqueness.

To purchase an asset, you need money. And most often a lot. This means that in order to get rich, you must already be rich. It turns out to be a vicious circle. What to do if there is no money? Then the necessary needs to be created. It is impossible to build assets or understand how to get rich without taking control of your money. You should constantly monitor your income and expenses, and spend less each month than you earn. You can also borrow funds. For example, I already wrote about starting a business.

The remaining funds should be invested, for example, open a deposit in a bank, purchase securities, etc. This reserve cannot be spent on buying a TV, a car, or on a vacation. This is your reserve - the beginning and basis of future wealth. You need to start such actions even with a small income. This kind of accounting will allow you to form the habit of proper money management.

Goal setting is also very important - it is a very powerful tool. A correctly set goal, also approved in writing, has the ability to come true. Therefore, you need to set yourself a clear goal and write it down. But what is the “right goal”? This is the goal from which it is clear what needs to be done. For example, finding 5 new clients a day is a goal, but buying a car or increasing income by $1000 per month is a wish. Wishes are always the first to come to mind, but here you need to understand what goals to set for yourself so that these wishes can come true.

We have determined how to do this. But what to do? Where to start without any assets. This is where the Internet can come to the rescue; its advantage is that it can always be at hand and accessible at any time of the day. But remember that there are no freebies on the World Wide Web and are not expected, although many people understand this when they go through a long and difficult path, encountering all kinds of scams and pyramids along the way.

So where to start your online career? How to get rich? Where to get business ideas?

There are a lot of options, but there is something for everyone. First, analyze your potential and the availability of free time. Having free time is important in the beginning for making money online, since at the start, working on the Internet takes a lot of time. Small free funds in the form of webmoney will be a good help; although this item is not mandatory, it can speed up your career.

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