All about car tuning

Print notices about cleanliness at the entrance. Letter to neighbors who make noise. Judicial and everyday practice

The first type of announcement is informative: the elevator is not working, the water will be turned off tomorrow, keep quiet. Typical informational advertisements suffer from impersonal construction, aggression, official language, lack of usefulness and lack of information.

Badly Fine
Dear residents!

We would like to inform you that tomorrow morning, from 8 to 11, the heating equipment in your home will be checked.

We kindly ask you to stay at home at this time.

Tomorrow from 8 to 11 am, mechanics will check pipes and radiators in apartments.

Please stay home during this time.

Locksmiths can turn on the heating only when they are sure that the batteries in each apartment are working properly.
If you have questions, the dispatcher will answer them by phone:..

Dear patients!!!

You are allowed to enter the doctor's office only wearing shoe covers or replacement shoes.

Enter the doctor's office wearing shoe covers or a change of shoes.

Dirty shoes violate sanitary standards and spread infections.

Free shoe covers in the box at the entrance.

Dear visitors!!!

For your safety, there is video surveillance in the sales area.

To protect you from pickpockets, store employees have installed video surveillance in the sales area.

If you become a victim of a thief, the administrator will call the police and help you find the criminal.

Alcoholic products are not sold to persons under 18 years of age. Please present your passport when requested by the cashier. The law prohibits the sale of cigarettes and alcohol to minors.

Please present your passport when requested by the cashier so that we can comply with the law.

The ads became convincing and stopped annoying. To achieve this I used the following rules:

Get straight to the point. An address like “Dear residents” makes it difficult to grasp the essence. If an advertisement hangs on a bus, everyone already understands that it is for passengers, but in a clinic it is for patients. The word “respected” is so worn out that it no longer has anything to do with respect. Write straight to the point: “The elevator is not working.”

Add benefit. People are not stupid: they understand the content of advertisements, even if they are poorly written. But ads won't work unless readers take the request seriously.

The reader thinks that the ad is not for him: “We work here, where else can we smoke?”, “I live in this yard and always park my car here.” To make your ad work, show the benefit to the reader: “Don’t park your car in the yard. Children play ball and can break the window.”

Get rid of exclamation marks. An exclamation point reflects a strong emotion. Two or three exclamation marks in a row - aggression. The number of exclamation points shows the degree of despair of the author, but does not affect the reader in any way. Is it just annoying:

Add an actor. Typical advertisements, like good guerrillas, do not reveal their authors. The maximum they offer is the signature “Administration”. Therefore, in the advertisements there is no one who “does not release products,” “allows entry only in shoe covers,” and “checks plumbing equipment.”

This approach blurs responsibility. The reader does not understand to whom he will be guilty if he breaks the rule. Therefore, the reader should not follow him. Compare: “Upon entering, show your pass to the security officer. Administration" and "Upon entering, present your pass to the security officer. Head of security V.V. Taranin. Tel.: (495) ...".

Write in human language. Many people think that in order to be respectable, advertisements should be written in formal language. This is wrong.

A good ad is written simply and in a humane way. It’s easier to read and everyone understands it. Remove “produced,” “given,” and “carried out” from the announcement.

Show you care. A good announcement not only prohibits or warns, but also suggests the right path. Not just “no entry without shoe covers,” but also “free shoe covers at the entrance.”

A simple, thoughtful announcement without any red tape is a feast for the heart.

Here is a collection of ready-made texts for announcements to neighbors, asking them not to litter in their entrances. Most of the texts are from the “humorous” category, the rest are simply a requirement to maintain cleanliness. You can find even more (concerning the ban on littering with cigarette butts) on a separate page.

If you have chosen a funny text for publication and posting, make sure that it will be adequately received by those to whom this text is addressed.

Option #1

Dear residents!

We kindly request:

  • Don't throw your trash out of windows;
  • Do not leave your trash on stairwells.

Please take your trash to trash cans.

LLC Management Company "Your House"

Option No. 2

Have pity on your neighbors!!!

Don't throw trash out the windows.

We live in a garbage dump!

With a prayer in my eyes,

your neighbors from the lower floors.

Option No. 3

Dear residents!

We kindly ask you not to throw cigarette butts from windows and balconies; this has repeatedly led to local fires and fires in your home.

Sincerely, house administration.

Option No. 4

The student needs a job!

I suggest taking your garbage bags from the apartment door to the container.

On schedule:

  • three times a week – 150 rub. (per month), pensioners - 100 rubles. (per month)
  • five times a week – 200 rubles. (per month), pensioners – 150 rubles. (per month)

To order a service and coordinate a schedule, please call: 8-111-000-22-33 (Zakhar), call from 10:00 am.

Option #5

Dear dog owners!

We kindly ask you to walk your pets in public places - in diapers!


Option #6

Dear residents and guests of the entrance!

We kindly ask you not to litter in the entrance!

Don't turn your home into a ghetto.

Respect yourself and the world around you.

We hope you get the meaning of the message.

Option No. 7

Our house has an economy class elevator, that is, without a toilet!

Therefore, be patient until the apartment.

Option No. 8

Dear residents, neighbors!

Keep clean.

Respect the work of the cleaners and janitors.

We kindly ask you:

  • stop vandalism and uncleanliness;
  • stop throwing garbage out of windows (ear sticks, cigarette butts, pads, bottles);
  • stop throwing cigarette butts on the entrance canopy;
  • keep the local area clean (walking dogs and children on lawns with plantings is prohibited);
  • stop walking on lawns.

Respect your yard, entrance, your neighbors and the work of public utilities!

Option No. 9

Dear residents of the upper floors!

Do not throw cigarette butts from balconies, they can fly to the lower floors and cause a fire!

We, the residents of the lower floors, will have time to run out, but I doubt it...

Option No. 10

Dear residents!

Due to the abnormal heat, the fire danger has increased significantly!

Therefore, please do not throw cigarette butts, matches and ashes through the window - this is unsafe for you and other residents of the entrance.

Best regards, administration.

Option No. 11


If you are in a difficult financial situation and cannot afford to buy an ashtray, go to the Pet Supplies store on the other side of the house. There they will give it to you to save you from the feeling of deep shame that you feel when you realize that you are behaving like pigs, throwing cigarette butts out the window.

Option No. 12

Who makes a puddle in the elevator every day?

Smile, now you're being filmed by a hidden camera!

The video filmed with your participation will be sent to the police and also posted on the Internet on the YouTube channel. The country should know its heroes, those who suffer from incontinence and do not wear diapers. Your friends will love it!

Drinking too much beer is no excuse! We'll find it anyway!

Option No. 13

During the week you displayed, the divine boots did not arouse interest even among such beggars as we, your neighbors.

We are not worthy to wear such beauty.

Therefore, we urge you to put aside your pride and take them to the landfill.

Option No. 14

Dear neighbors!

Please close the door, otherwise the cats will disfigure our entire landing!

Option No. 15


Only representatives of mentally ill minorities who have a certificate of registration at a psychoneurological dispensary are allowed to throw out garbage in the entrance!

Option No. 16

Calling teenagers!

We remind you that the civilized part of humanity learned to maintain cleanliness in public places several centuries ago. This contributed to reducing the spread of epidemics and improving the general health of the population. Therefore, if not only yesterday you jumped from a vine and even learned to read and write, try not to leave garbage behind in the entrance and save your house from being populated by rodents, insects that spread infections and other evil spirits.

And remember: you have only one house for now, you don’t earn money for another and you have nowhere to run from here - you will live with bedbugs, rats and cockroaches... Being irrevocably sick people (from such a neighborhood), you will not have the strength to fight the hordes of these living creatures .

House management.

Option No. 17

Dear residents!

To avoid a fire, please do not throw cigarette butts into the elevator shaft!

For your own safety!

Option No. 18

Dear residents!

Due to the cleaning lady at your address going on vacation, we ask you to keep the entrance clean and tidy.

Administration of FinStroy LLC

Option No. 19

Dear neighbors!

If you are sick, caring for a child or for some other compelling reason, you cannot go to the store, take out the trash, or you need help with other daily, vital activities, and there is no one to help... Call me and outside of working hours I will try to help you help!

Also, I am ready to help you move, bring in or take out large, heavy items or items.

Phone: 111-22-33, Leonid (call from 11 to 23 hours).

Option No. 20

Dear neighbors!

We live with you in a wonderful house, a monument of cultural heritage. However, it is already old, and all the water and sewerage systems are dilapidated.

Our well often gets clogged and your neighbors have a flood.

We kindly ask you not to throw it in the toilet:

  • wet wipes;
  • cotton buds;
  • dog mats;
  • sanitary napkin;
  • whole chicken.

It is these items, unfortunately, that often cause accidents.

With gratitude for your understanding,

your neighbors from the 1st floor.

Option No. 21

Fellow smokers!

After the snow melted around the perimeter of our house, 2,443 cigarette butts were identified during the count, 821 of which belonged to women.

Therefore, we kindly ask you to use an ashtray or a mayonnaise jar while admiring the surroundings on the balcony.

The Ministry of Health warns that smoking is a bad habit. Women have an increase in the number of wrinkles, and men have problems communicating with the same women.

Option No. 22

Dear mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers!

Without a doubt, our children are the best children in the world! But it is our children who draw in elevators, on landings and on the walls of our beautiful entrance, litter with candy wrappers and empty packaging, smoke and spit on the stairs.

Please instill in children (big and small) to respect their work and the work of other people, to maintain cleanliness and order not only in your homes, but also in public places.

Dear Parents! The HOA board hopes that the children will hear you and counts on your support!

Option No. 23

Comrade residents!

Don't throw cigarette butts out of windows!

The cigarette butt flies down, but the flames from my apartment will reach yours.

Let's cry together!

Turn on your brains and start an ashtray, please.

Option No. 24

Dear neighbors!

A huge request to the residents of the lower floors: feed the birds on the street, and not from the window. All the crumbs fly into the windows of the lower floors.

Option No. 25

Dear residents of the house!

When a garbage bag is found at the entrance, the garbage will be collected and analyzed. The person who threw him out will be identified. The defendant will be “rewarded” by the residents of the entire entrance.

Don't be a mess! Let's live in purity!

Option No. 26

Dear neighbors (especially those on the upper floors)!

We kindly ask you to only throw out the following from the windows of your apartments:

  • wallets with money;
  • jewelry;
  • Cell phones;
  • expensive shoes and accessories (bags, belts, scarves, cufflinks, etc.).

For other trash, buy a trash can and throw trash into the trash chute and cigarette butts into the ashtray!

Don't turn our house and yard into a trash heap! Your children can also walk here!

Thanks to those who understood.

Option No. 27

Dear neighbors!

Garbage is everyone's personal business!

And if we take out all our personal affairs and put them in the entrance, we will drown with our heads.

In this regard, please do not expose your personal information to the public!

Let's try to be human and keep the entrance clean.

Thank you for your understanding, your neighbors.

Option No. 28

Dear neighbors!

Every day I hear from those around me that life has become bad, but in Europe it’s better. So let's start with ourselves. There is no need to spoil where you and your loved ones live. Start by not throwing trash at your feet. This is the equivalent of spitting in your tea before drinking it. There is no need to set a bad example for your children.

Thanks for understanding!

Your neighbor.

Option No. 29

Black magic adept

will bring the evil eye, damage, curse, impotence, diarrhea, alcoholism and acne to everyone who leaves garbage in the entrance, smokes, and damages the walls.

To activate the spell, simply spit on the floor, light a cigarette, or chip off the plaster.

Option No. 30

Dear residents!

Garbage bags must be thrown into the trash container!

The container is located near the hairdresser next to our house. Explanation for those especially gifted: exit the entrance, turn right, walk to the middle of the nearby house. There is a green bin with a lid and this is where you should throw the garbage.

Option No. 31

Instructions for the dirty ones who have moved from the barn:

  1. Garbage is thrown into the trash bin.
  2. Then - into the garbage chute, and not out the window.
  3. Cigarette butts are thrown into the ashtray, then into the trash can, and not out the window.
  4. There is no garbage chute under the windows!
  5. The trash chute is on the left when exiting the elevator.
  6. If you don’t find it, ask and they will show you.

If you are unable to follow the instructions, continue to crap, but have with you:

  • bandages (several rolls)
  • 2 kg gypsum
  • crutches
  • medical insurance

Your neighbors.

Option No. 32

Before you throw out the trash in the hallway, don't forget to grunt!

Option No. 33

A sincere request to all residents making repairs!

Remove construction waste from the entrance and on the stairs. Otherwise, a fine will be imposed.


Option No. 34

Dear neighbors!

We kindly ask: when taking your garbage to the garbage chute, complete the process!

No one is obligated to throw away your packages left here.

What's the point of shitting on yourself?

Your brownie.

Option No. 35

Dear neighbors!

If you meet a snake near the garbage bags left near the doors (it is small, about 1.5 meters) - do not be alarmed! This is a domestic dwarf python. He's not interested in you, he only wants your trash. He attacks very rarely, and only if you beat him. Please do not try to harm him, to avoid conflict... he will still turn out and defeat you! Just leave him alone with the garbage, when he satisfies his curiosity, he will return home on his own.

Thanks for understanding.

Your tolerant neighbors.

Option No. 36

Dear residents!

We kindly ask you not to throw garbage from balconies and through windows.

There is a garbage container near each entrance. Additional cleaning of the adjacent territory and the roof of non-residential premises requires, accordingly, additional financial costs.

Please respect yourself and your surrounding neighbors.

HOA Board.

Option No. 37

Dear neighbors!

It so happened that by the will of fate, you and I are residents of the same entrance!

The sad thing is that we only consider the apartment we live in to be our home, forgetting about the entrance.

But this is also our home!

So let's keep our entrance clean the same way we keep our apartments clean.

Option No. 38

Those who are too lazy to take the trash to the trash heap!

We kindly ask you to purchase in advance and always have with you:

  • sterile bandage;
  • cotton swab;
  • gauze swab;
  • brilliant green (brilliant green liquid, this is an antiseptic);
  • gypsum.
  • traumatologists;
  • surgeons;
  • dentists;
  • proctologists.

Only if you complete all of the above points, can you feel more or less confident when throwing garbage out the door.

Option No. 39

Dear residents!

In your entrance, people regularly relieve themselves in the elevator, violating the sanitary conditions and comfortable living conditions of residents.

Dear residents and guests of the entrance, use the elevator for its intended purpose, relieve yourself in places specially designated for these purposes (i.e. in the toilet).

Administration DU-55

Option No. 40

Gentlemen residents!

Walking along the entrance and throwing cigarette butts, matches, cigarette packs, shells, husks, candy wrappers, stubs, receipts (with mobile phone numbers) and other garbage onto the floor - think about the fact that besides you, there are also normal people living in the entrance who are raking after you, these rubbles wish you “health” and “prosperity”.

Option No. 41

Entrance residents throwing trash out the window!

We kindly ask you to indicate with chalk (put a cross or a tick) the place where you want to install the trash can, for convenience and accurate placement.

Thanks in advance.

Option No. 42

Dear friends!

Let's agree this way! You will not smoke, urinate, litter in elevators and on stairwells, throw waste past trash cans, from balcony windows, and also leave garbage in house trash bins.

And we won’t catch you for this and hand you over to the police!

HOA Board.

Option No. 43

Throwing trash - no good sex for 5 years!

(folk sign)

Option No. 44


Love your home!

Do not throw garbage in the entrance, elevator, or porch!

It will be extremely unpleasant for you when caught, because we guarantee you 100% shame!

Option No. 45

Dear residents (we are not writing your apartment numbers yet, but we know them)!

We inform you that in your entrance, to get rid of cigarette butts, bottles, used hygiene items and other garbage, there is a garbage chute, not the areas of the lower floors and the area under the windows of your own apartments.

If you require more detailed instructions on how to use a garbage chute, we will provide it. For free!

Option No. 46

Dear pissers!

Try peeing in a corner of your home and live with that aroma. Maybe you'll understand how it stinks!

Have a conscience! At least respect yourself!

Option No. 47


Throwing large items (boxes, etc.) and construction waste into the garbage chute is prohibited, as this causes blockages.

If such cases do not stop, the garbage chute will be completely closed.

Management company "DEZ Central"

Option No. 48

The whole ground under the windows is littered with cigarette butts... the guy on the 6th floor is especially trying. Let's chip in and buy him an ashtray?

Option No. 49

Dear residents and guests of this entrance!

A hidden video camera will be installed here soon. The identity of the one who pees and poops will be established. Further, this entry will be attributed to a famous sorcerer in our city (in the interests of the investigation, his name is not disclosed).

Good luck extreme sports enthusiasts!

Option No. 50

Do you want to go to Europe?

Don't spit or urinate in the elevator! Don't litter in the entrance! Don't throw trash past the trash can! Drive by the rules! Give up your seat on public transport! Don't give or take bribes! Don't drink yourself half to death! Respect your history and culture - and before you know it, you will find yourself in a civilized state!

Option No. 51

Dear residents who are creating garbage in the entrance!

Please, while multiplying impurities, at least do not multiply yourself (preferably to the seventh generation)!

Save the world from yourself and your kind - your descendants, relatives and friends (if you set an example for them)!

If, despite this appeal, your animal essence still overcomes human nature - when leaving garbage in the entrance, do not forget to grunt!

Option No. 52

Citizens! Shame on you!

Take your household waste to container sites yourself! Don't leave it on the floors!

Removing your personal trash is not the responsibility of the cleaners and janitors.

Option No. 53

Dear residents!

Please do not throw bulky or bulky items (sticks, pieces of foam plastic, pizza boxes, 5-liter plastic containers, blankets, etc.) into the garbage disposal.

Sanctions will be applied to individuals who ignore this request.

The board of your home.

Option No. 54

Dear neighbors!

This is no longer an appeal or a request!

This is the last Chinese warning!

Stop throwing cigarette butts (even extinguished ones) from balconies and windows. They still fly into open windows! Your neighbors' living space is not your ashtray.

Use at least some kind of jar to dispose of waste from your addictions.

P.S.: Since our level of culture and level of intelligence is higher than yours, we will come up with a way to “decorate” your life with no less pleasant waste products... so that your life will not be boring either.

Option No. 55

Please don't turn your driveway into a barn!

If you cannot carry your bag of garbage to the place specially designated for it, we will teach you together.

This is not a hostel!

This is not a farm!

Respect the place you live in.

Option No. 56

Neighbors (those who are addicted to throwing garbage out of windows and balconies)!

  1. Try to consult a psychiatrist, because you have a manic urge to throw bottles and other garbage from the balcony every day, strictly after 22:00.
  2. Maybe you should change your place of residence to one that will be closer to the landfill? Then your blue dream of contemplating a pile of garbage from the window will come true... Think about it! And you will be happy, and we will be pleased.

Option No. 57

Dear alcoholic neighbors!

I kindly ask you not to throw bottles of the coveted drink out the window!

You are crippling the opinion of the Russian people as creative and intelligent, and also distorting the image of the residents of our home and the citizens of Russia in general.

There is a convenient garbage disposal at the entrance.

Option No. 58

For representatives of humanity who want to live like the inhabitants of a stable!

Every family has its black sheep, and this is apparently the eternal problem of our people.

Leave your “creativity” on your wallpaper.

If you can't create something beautiful, don't create anything.

Option No. 59

Dear smokers!

At the end of the smoking procedure, do not throw the cigarette butts down (and up too), because the following may happen:

  1. Environmental pollution.
  2. Fires in garbage containers.

To destroy cigarette butts on the loggia there are special devices - urns.

P.S.: There is no need to practically look for an answer to the question: “how can a cigarette butt fly from the loggia to the trash can and not go out?”

Best regards, Occupational Safety Engineer

Spiridon Spiridonov.

Option No. 60

For God's sake! For the sake of memory of A.S. Pushkin!

For your own safety, do not pile up trash!

Be human, keep it clean!

Option No. 61

Dear miracle that leaves garbage!

If your weak body once again does not have enough strength to carry your trash to the garbage dump, I will light a candle for the repose of your soul at the Saturday service in the church!

Option No. 62

Dear neighbors!

The average price of an apartment in our building = 80,000 US dollars. It is strange that with that kind of money, some parents are not able to buy their offspring an easel and paints, while others are not able to learn how to use a garbage disposal.

Option No. 63

We inform the primitive man living in our house:

Our civilization has stepped far forward; now no one marks the territory with waste from their vital activity.

We have a garbage chute!

Option No. 64

Dear residents!

We kindly ask you not to let the cat into the entrance, no matter how pitiful it looks. There is a suspicion that he is shitting on the fourth floor.

Option No. 65

For residents with disabilities (both physical and mental) who are unable to take out their garbage, a team of movers without bad habits offers their services and will always help you deal with waste.

Tel.: 8-000-111-22-33 (Vitaly)

Call, don't hesitate!

Better be ashamed in front of your neighbors and stop littering our entrance.

Option No. 66

Dear residents!

We kindly ask you not to ride bicycles on the walls!

Let's keep the walls clean!

Option No. 67

Dear smokers!

For your safety, throw away your cigarette butts (butts) in jars specially designed for this!

There have been cases when bulls came to their owner at night and took cruel revenge!

Option No. 68

Dear visitors of our cafe “Podezdny Drinker”! Clean up the trash after yourself, otherwise I will turn off the free Wi-Fi.

Option No. 69

Dear residents!

We kindly ask you not to relieve yourself in the entrance. And don’t blame it on the cat, it’s not that insidious!

Option No. 70


“Dear” neighbor who throws feces wrapped in newspaper out of the window every day!

We, the residents of our entrance and our house, strongly recommend that you leave feces at home and throw them into the toilet. We want to live in a clean entrance, on a clean street in a clean city.

Otherwise, we will complain to the district police officer. For throwing garbage out of the window there is a fine according to Art. 6.4 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Think not only about yourself, but also about your relatives, who will be greatly harmed by such intimate information, which is in the public domain, both at work and at home.

Neighbors who are still tolerating you.

Option No. 71

Dear guests of the entrance!

If you come to someone, then call them directly! The residents of our house, of course, will be happy to tell you where to go at midnight!

If you ran into the entrance just to relieve yourself, then have with you:

  • passport;
  • money to repair the entire entrance;
  • a pair of crutches, iodine, bandages;
  • will.

Welcome to our entrance!

Option No. 72

Dear tenants!

By leaving garbage after carelessly throwing waste into the loading valve, as well as storing it on the floor near the garbage chute, you contribute to the proliferation of rodents and insects, thereby creating unsanitary living conditions.

The blatant disgrace on your part in relation to the garbage chute plunges us into a state of shock.

Gentlemen, the garbage chute is not a bottomless abyss, please do not throw vacuum cleaners, skis, Christmas trees and other “interesting” items from your everyday life into it.

He is also very offended when, for reasons unknown to us, liquid is poured into him.

Throwing construction waste into the garbage chute is strictly prohibited!

Respect the work of workers servicing the garbage chute and stairwells.


LLC "Management Company No. 10"

Option No. 73

Gentlemen, residents, guests, neighbors!

Aren't you tired of living in your own waste?!

An elevator is a means of lifting you (in any form), your children, friends, relatives, your things, to any floor... but not a place for urination, a smoking room, a trash can and a drawing board.

If you suffer from urinary incontinence, wear diapers, now they are even made for adults!

Do you smoke? Smoke at home or outside and eat your butt! After you, children and non-smokers enter the elevator and are simply suffocating from this kumar. Smoke for your health, but not in the elevator!

Garbage is a separate issue! Do you find it difficult to carry a small bag to the trash? Will your arms fall off? Is a bottle of beer that heavy for you? Do you enjoy bringing your children, your friends, your parents into this world?

When I catch an individual writing, drawing, scratching in the elevator, I will force him to clean the entire elevator with a toothbrush!

A suitably enraged resident of this entrance.

Option No. 74

Dear neighbors!

Please note that when you smoke on the balcony and throw your cigarette butts down, they end up on the lower balcony!

On which at this time, snoring peacefully, I sleep - Nikita, who is 7 months old and still has my whole life ahead of me. I really don't want to suffer from your recklessness.

If you lack ashtrays, come visit apartment No. 64, my mother will definitely give you one. Thank you!

Your neighbor, Nikita, 7 months.

Option No. 75

A brownie lives in the elevator. If you shit in the elevator, he'll shit under your blanket!

Option No. 76

Let there be as much dirt in your life as you leave behind on the stairs.

Option No. 77

A ritual was performed on the owner of the bag of garbage: lack of happiness and quality sex for the next 5 years!

Damage can be removed only by independently removing the garbage to a specially designated area.

Hereditary witch in the 10th generation.

Option No. 78

Dear residents!

Residents of the house bear administrative and criminal responsibility for order and cleanliness in the entrance.

It is prohibited to smoke, drink alcohol, or gather at the entrance in the evening.


Option No. 79

The janitors were deported! There is no one to clean up the trash!

Take your trash to a trash container outside!

Governing body.

Option No. 80

In order for the cleaner and janitor to take out your household garbage, clean up cigarette butts, urine and feces in the entrance, we will double their salary at your expense.

If everyone is happy, continue to pig out!

Chairman of the HOA: Dudkina R. O.

Option No. 81

Throw your show-offs and trash into the trash container!

Option No. 82

Any garbage thrown past the designated area will be regarded as an insult to the public.

Everyone convicted of this act will be provided with a broom and subjected to correctional labor!

Option No. 83

Spitting in the elevator!

Be aware: infection contained in saliva can cause respiratory diseases. Are you still healthy today? Are you sure that only healthy people spit here? Breathe deeply. Tomorrow everything can change!

Option No. 84

Night guests of the entrance!

The peaceful residents of this house earnestly ask you to smoke, drink, vomit and shit only in your own entrances!

Those who don’t understand will be explained by the teaching staff!

Option No. 85

Stop peeing in the corner!

Otherwise, I’ll make a spell using urine and my penis will dry out.

Hereditary sorceress.

Option No. 86

If you throw trash and cigarette butts at the windows,

and you will not clean up after your domestic animals,

then you are not residents!

Option No. 87


Video surveillance will be installed soon. When it becomes clear who is pissing in the entrances, photographs with the inscription “A lover of pissing in entrances” will be posted all over the city and there will not be a single person left who will not know the pissing person by sight.

Option No. 88


You can't mess around here!

You'll get sick!

Option No. 89

Neighbors dashingly threw cans, bottles or something glass at the riotous youth behind the house on the night of December 19, 2018.

Their hormones are off the charts, but what about you? Throwing glass? There are children walking there!

I sincerely wish you to walk through the places of former glory barefoot or, for example, accidentally fall into your works.

Option No. 90

Dear neighbors!

Today a burning cigarette butt flew into my room. We kindly ask you not to throw cigarette butts out the window. I can give an ashtray to the poor!

I’ll catch the owner of the cigarette butts - …………… (think of what is necessary)!

Option No. 91

Residents leaving trash in the hallway!

I will find you and punish you! Can't you carry your trash 100 meters to the dumpster?

In a week there will be a video camera on the ground floor, try someone leaving trash.

Option No. 92

Dear residents!

If you don’t have a trash can at home, buy one urgently! Otherwise, for every new thrown cigarette butt, condom, candy wrapper, stub, or cotton swab, I will say: “May your hands dry up!”

And they will dry out!

Respect yourself and others.

Option No. 93


At the request of the residents, the famous soothsayer Azazella coded the entrance: everyone who litters and urinates in the entrance will get serious problems in life and become impotent.

Be careful.

Take care of your health.

Option No. 94

The owner of the cat!

Don't let your pet out into the hallway!

He pees on the rugs.

Option No. 95

Dear residents!

If your family contains representatives of a family of people who like to live in slop, then the following information concerns you.

If you are unable to carry the garbage to the dumpster, then warn the residents of all floors in advance. In this case, breathing your miasma will become something inevitable and we will all be ready to tolerate incompetent neighbors (with severe and irreversible head diseases).

If you raised your children to be so stupid that they are not able to understand the difference between an entrance and a garbage dump, then be prepared to find it on the rug near your door with every bag of garbage thrown on the playground... And how can you find out who is not able to cope with with our own waste, we can do it easily! And don't look for cameras, you won't be able to detect them. Professionals work.

All the best!

Option No. 96

I warn those who want to spoil things! I'll curse you!

You will suffer from diarrhea whenever you want and when you don’t want. Take a chance and check it out.

Option No. 97


For the information of residents and visitors of entrance No. 1

Since November 28, 2018, entrance No. 1 has been bewitched by a hereditary healer!

Persons who litter the entrance with garbage, sewage, and allow damage to walls, elevators, and doors risk incurring damage to themselves and their offspring (ancestral curse up to the 7th generation).

Be vigilant and responsible! Do not harm yourself and your loved ones with an irresponsible attitude towards public property!

Option No. 98

Our unclean neighbors!

Be kind, replace the sawdust in your head with brains and stop crap where you live.

Place your waste in a garbage chute or container.

Option No. 99

For those who litter in this entrance, the devils have already found a hotter pot!

Option No. 100

Dear dogs!

We kindly ask: take your owners outside to relieve themselves! Stop shitting in the entrance, you can’t breathe anymore.

Option No. 101

Dear neighbors from apartment (presumably) No. 163, who keep a bear at home.

If your pet once again makes a pile on me on the rug at the entrance to the apartment, then I will take revenge on you and shit you no less than your unknown beast.

Even in an entrance hall where cleaning is carried out systematically, it is difficult to achieve cleanliness when the residents of the same house constantly litter, disturb the order, leave inscriptions on the walls, without noticing their guilt.

How to deal with such neighbors and what to do if it is not neighbors, but strangers, who litter and disturb the order?

Painted and dirty elevators and entrances are a situation close to many homeowners in high-rise buildings. At the same time, some of them persistently clean themselves, and some hire cleaning companies, paying for the services at their own expense.

And if you can easily sweep up the trash and wash the windows, then erasing the inscriptions on the walls and in the elevator is hard work. The methods of struggle in such cases, unfortunately, are not varied. The only way you can fight is to write an ad.

To reach neighbors who constantly litter, the ad must be convincing. Address not to specific individuals, but to all residents of the specified house. Invite everyone to a cleanup to get others involved in cleaning.

The invitation must include information about the date, time and location of the cleaning, be it the entrance or the local area. Also indicate which apartment and owners are initiating the cleanup.

On the appointed day there will be at least several helpers. Be sure to write down the names and apartments of those who responded to your offer. After cleaning, write an announcement with the following content:

“The house was cleaned with the participation of apartments (list numbers) on Saturday, such and such a date. We kindly ask you not to litter and respect other people’s work.”

If, despite these actions, they continue to litter the entrance, you will have to move on to radical actions, which may even entail appeals to higher authorities.

How to correctly compose an invitation to a cleanup event

The first step in interacting with neighbors on the issue of cleanliness is to write an announcement about the cleanup. It might look like this:

“Dear residents of the house! You, like us, residents of apartment N, probably don’t like living in a dirty entrance and yard. We propose to hold a cleanup day to clean and improve our joint property. The cleanup day is held on the N day of the N month at (time). Let's put our house in order together."

Since you are showing initiative, stock up on equipment - uninitiated neighbors may even be embarrassed to go out, but when they see that there is work for them, they may join in. Be sure to write down everyone present at the cleanup, take photos before and after the work begins. After subbotniks, meetings among those present turn out to be effective.

By organizing such a meeting, you can encourage residents to keep the house clean and involve other residents in the house to clean, or at least motivate them not to litter. If residents support your initiative to further care for the house and area, write down the meeting’s talking points and collect signatures of those present with their names and apartment numbers.

Additional measures

An additional key to cleanliness in the entrance can be measures to protect it. Often the cause of blockage in the entrance is people or companies that accidentally come in and visit your neighbors.

A good way to stop strangers drinking, smoking or littering in the entrance is video surveillance or a lock on the entrance door.

To install video surveillance, you will need the consent of your neighbors. You need to hold a meeting, collecting signatures from your neighbors stating that they agree to install video surveillance in your entrance.

If the meeting fails, go door to door and ask for signatures this way. You do not have the right to install the equipment yourself in any case. But having secured at least a dozen signatures, there is no doubt about the legality of the event.

By installing video surveillance, you can record the faces of violators of cleanliness and their actions. Contact a specific person with a request not to litter. If he ignores this request, you can use the photos taken as evidence when contacting your home maintenance structures.

Announcement to maintain order

After holding the cleanup, you will need one more announcement. It, in general, should become the final point of your physical actions to organize order.

The ad might look like this:

“Dear residents of building N! Please note that order in the entrance and yard was restored on the Nth day of this month by the residents of the apartments (list). Please keep your house in order and respect other people's work. We will be glad if you join the cleaning at the next cleanup event, which will be announced in advance.”

If video surveillance was installed at the entrance, this should also be indicated in the advertisement:

“We also ask you to pay attention to the fact that video surveillance was installed in the entrance on the Nth day to maintain order and general peace of mind for the residents of the house.”

The very presence of such an announcement at the entrance can stop clogging, since no one wants to be filmed.

Radical measures

The practice of solving problems arising on the basis of communal living shows that such a sequence of actions usually leads to understanding between neighbors. Sometimes, proactive neighbors continue to carry out community cleanups and cleanups despite the fact that someone is constantly littering, and sometimes radical measures begin to be taken.

If subbotniks, a request to maintain order, and even video surveillance did not stop the violators, you can act in this way:

  • record the offender, collect photos to prove the guilt of a specific person living in the house;
  • attach to the photo copies of announcements about cleanliness and cleanup days;
  • attach minutes of meetings with neighbors, where they confirm their consent to install surveillance or conduct cleanup days;
  • the collected package of documents is submitted to the management company.

Systematic violations of cleanliness, despite the efforts of other residents of the house, can become a serious basis for charges in court.

The Housing Code regulates the disposal of common property, which includes:

  • entrance;
  • landing;
  • flights of stairs;
  • the area adjacent to the house;
  • attic;
  • basement;
  • any technical premises.

This property belongs to all property owners in the house equally. If someone is caught and accused of littering, the law defines him as a destroyer of common property.

This means that any thrown cigarette butt or beer can can be regarded as damage to common property. Such a violation is considered by the court at the request of the management company or the chairman of the house council. The violator bears administrative liability in the form of a fine or warning.

If the violator did not comply with the court order - did not remove the littered area or did not pay the fine - he may be convicted of failure to comply with judicial acts under the Criminal Code, which is a much more serious violation.

Judicial and everyday practice

In the judicial practice of the Russian Federation, cases have been repeatedly considered in which the plaintiffs were residents of one of the houses with a claim against their own neighbors. If the obvious facts pointed to the defendants' guilt, the court awarded the defendants community service to clean or restore the entrance and surrounding area for a certain period of time. As a rule, it did not come to the application of the Criminal Code.

The use of more loyal methods, such as personal example in cleaning, announcements of cleanliness and cleanup days, usually lead to consensus and order is actually maintained in the entrance.

An appeal that mentions the presence of video cameras is especially effective. Then the order is violated only by random persons who do not live in the entrance.


The call for cleanliness is a really working method for putting things in order. But if you don’t set your own example, such an announcement will have little weight. In some cases, an announcement is enough to call the neighbors living in the house to their conscience.

But sometimes you have to resort to radical measures: installing additional equipment, involving neighbors and going to court.

Still, it’s worth starting small - appeal to the conscience of your littering neighbors. You can create an advertisement using the sample provided, or you can create an appeal yourself, taking into account your neighborly relations and the characteristics of the contingent living in the house.