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Assessment of the deposit policy of a commercial bank. Theoretical foundations for the formation of deposit policy of commercial banks. When forming interest rate policy, the bank takes into account that different sectors of the financial market are characterized by different interest rates.

Ministry of Education and Science

Russian Federation

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Deposit policy of a commercial bank



Relevance of the work. The last year in the development of the Russian banking sector is characterized by strengthening positive trends. The importance of the banking sector in the country's economy is gradually increasing, and there is a noticeable increase in depositors' confidence in banks. But along with the dynamic development of the banking sector, risks also accumulate, which leads to a decrease in the efficiency of commercial banks.

The work of commercial banks to attract and place clients’ funds is carried out in a difficult to predict and unstable external environment, so banks, first of all, in order to solve the problem of operational efficiency, need to balance interaction with clients and correctly organize the process of forming the bank’s resource base. The main part of banking resources is formed in the process of attracting free funds from clients through deposit operations, as well as by issuing its own debt obligations. All types of deposit transactions can be considered part of the banking portfolio. When managing a deposit portfolio, you should analyze its composition, volume, profitability, riskiness, make forecasts and give a quantitative assessment of cash flow. All this is a determining factor in the deposit policy of a commercial bank.

To date, an insufficient number of scientific works have been devoted to the problems of forming a bank’s deposit policy, studying its theoretical foundations, and recommendations for practical application.

The object of research for the thesis is OJSC BALTINVESTBANK.

The subject of the thesis is the deposit policy of commercial banks.

The purpose of the thesis is to determine the essence of the bank's deposit policy, study the processes of formation of the deposit policy, mechanisms for its implementation, as well as develop proposals for improving the deposit policy of OJSC BALTINVESTBANK.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks must be solved:

explore the theoretical foundations of the bank’s deposit policy,

consider the types of deposits of commercial banks,

study approaches to the formation of a bank’s deposit policy,

analyze the deposit policy of OJSC BALTINVESTBANK,

The theoretical basis of the study consisted of legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, scientific monographs, educational literature, dissertation research, and economic periodicals.

The information base was data from quarterly reports and internal regulations of OJSC BALTINVESTBANK, Internet resources.

Specific recommendations aimed at improving the deposit policy of OJSC BALTINVESTBANK are of practical importance.


.1 Bank deposit policy: essence and role

Essence is the internal content, the properties of someone or something, discovered and cognized in phenomena.

Before determining the “internal content” of deposit policy, it is necessary to understand what a commercial bank is.

According to banking legislation, a bank is a credit organization that has the right to attract funds from individuals and legal entities, to place them on its own behalf and at its own expense on terms of urgency, payment, repayment, and to conduct settlement transactions on behalf of clients. In accordance with its functions as a bank, a commercial bank accumulates (attracts) temporarily available funds into deposits, places them, and provides cash and settlement services to clients.

Figure 1. Main functions of banks

The function of accumulating funds is one of the oldest functions. The mobilization of temporarily free funds and their transformation into capital bring their owners - individuals and legal entities, on the one hand, income in the form of interest, and on the other - form the basis for the bank to conduct active operations. And it is the attracted funds that form the bulk of the bank’s resources, so they should be considered as an independent object of banking policy.

All raised funds according to the method of their accumulation can be grouped in the following way:

). deposits;

). non-deposit raised funds.

But it is deposits that form the bulk of the resources attracted by commercial banks.

The structure of the resource base of commercial banks in Russia as of January 1, 2011 is given below, %.

1. Own funds (capital) - 12.8%

2. Attracted resources - 65%


). Deposits of legal entities and individuals - 62.4%

). Securities - 2.6%

Borrowed resources - 12.2%

The above data confirms the above words - the majority of funds raised by commercial banks are made up of deposits from individuals and legal entities. And it is the attracted funds that are the basis of the banks’ resource base (65% of all available bank funds).

Lavrushin gives the following definition of deposits - these are funds deposited in the bank by clients - individuals and legal entities, which are used by them in accordance with the account regime and banking legislation.

Each commercial bank, in order to achieve effective functioning and achieve its goals, must develop its own deposit policy, that is, a management strategy. But at the moment, the issue concerning the theoretical foundations of the concept of deposit policy, the principles of its formation and implementation, has not been sufficiently studied.

Lavrushin defines deposit policy as the bank’s policy to attract funds into deposits and effectively manage the attraction process. He also defines it as the bank's strategy and tactics for attracting resources. Beloglazova has a similar definition, who says that each bank needs to develop a document regulating in commercial banks the processes of attracting temporarily free funds of organizations and the population to bank accounts in various types of deposits, which is primarily based on the bank’s strategic plan , on the analysis of the structure, current state and dynamics of the bank’s resource base and should proceed from the main prospects for its development and on the basis of documents defining the main directions and conditions for the placement of raised funds, such as “Credit Policy of the Bank” and “Investment Policy of the Bank”. This definition, in my opinion, is more complete and reveals the essence of the concept of deposit policy, and also clearly indicates the relationship with the policy of placing raised funds. But I still agree with Lavrushin that this is, first of all, a policy, that is, a set of measures and actions to achieve goals, and not just a document.

In my opinion, both authors adhere to a common approach to the bank’s deposit policy, as part of the banking policy, which is interconnected with both its elements and the bank’s strategic goal. We should also not forget about banking (both external and internal) regulation of this process, which Korobova mentions in her works.

So, the bank's deposit policy is developed in accordance with the strategic plan. The development of a deposit policy begins with setting the bank’s goals; then, to achieve these goals, it is necessary to develop step-by-step actions and set specific indicators. Korobova G.G. offers “his own” model for forming a bank’s deposit policy, but more on that later.

First of all, the bank must decide which depositors it will work with and for whom it will develop its products. It is customary to single out clients with a high level of income, entrepreneurs, employees and workers, youth and students, as well as the elderly. Each of these categories is more or less interesting to the bank. Thus, high-income clients provide banks with particularly large amounts of deposits, although deposits from this group do not always form the basis of the bank’s total deposits. As a rule, the total amount of deposits consists of funds of workers and employees, as well as funds of elderly people. Students and young people are of interest to banks from a perspective perspective.

According to Russian legislation, the bank's clients are individuals and legal entities, that is, the bank can work either with “retail” clientele, or with legal entities, or with both. As a rule, the liabilities of Russian banks consist of deposits from both individuals and legal entities. Thus, VTB Bank, focused on working with large legal entities, in the structure of its liabilities has 45.5% of deposits of legal entities, and its “retail” subsidiary - VTB Bank 24 - 66.4% of deposits of individuals and only 6.9% legal entities. We can conclude that, depending on the goals and directions of its future activities, the bank chooses its clientele.

But banks operate in conditions of fierce competition, and therefore there is a struggle for customers. In order to attract customers, and with them the funds necessary for activities, the bank must choose a strategy for behavior in the market. Thus, as of April 1, 2011, the leader strategy in the private deposit market is being pursued by such banks as VTB 24 and Savings Bank of Russia.

Large banks, as a rule, choose a competitor's strategy. To achieve competitive advantages in the market, they are expanding their branch networks, developing new products and services, setting attractive deposit rates, and spending huge amounts of money on advertising.

The bank can focus on developing and improving individual types of services, rather than competing with the leader in all areas of activity (for example, providing services over the Internet) - this is a specialist strategy. Medium and small banks are characterized by a catch-up strategy: banks do not develop new products, but introduce products tested by other banks, thereby protecting themselves from unnecessary costs.

It is very important to develop tactical issues as well. Customers are attracted to the bank primarily by the image of a reliable and stable bank, as well as by interest rates on deposits and terms of service. This is also an important aspect in developing a deposit policy.

As mentioned earlier, the deposit policy must be documented. As a rule, it is a separate document, or a separate section of the credit policy document, or is prescribed in the regulations on the procedure for attracting funds to deposits and on opening and maintaining client accounts.

This document may have the following content:

general provisions;

goals of the resource policy of a commercial bank;

interaction between the bank’s structural divisions;

structure of bank resources;

timing of raising funds and terms of the contract;

a list of documents and the procedure for registering transactions for the bank’s sale of its own bills and bank certificates;

the procedure for attracting and processing operations to attract funds from credit institutions;

the procedure for calculating and paying interest on passive transactions;

contributions to the mandatory reserve fund of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, control over compliance with economic standards;

procedure for storing documents.

So, according to Korobova G.G., a bank’s deposit policy can be developed according to the following scheme:

Rice. 2. Scheme for developing a bank’s deposit policy

The first stage involves determining the strategy of a commercial bank in the field of attracting resources. The second stage is aimed at resolving issues related to the management of deposit operations by bank personnel. At the third stage, specific operations of the bank are worked out in detail, as well as the organization of the deposit process at various stages of the implementation of the bank’s deposit agreement with the client. The final stage is the development of measures to manage and control the deposit process.

In my opinion, this scheme is good because it was developed taking into account world practice in the field of deposit operations and can be adapted to Russian conditions, and also answers the main questions: who develops deposit policy, how it is developed and by whom and how it is regulated .

So, the bank’s management bodies, such as the bank’s asset and liability management committee and the bank’s board, as well as a number of structural divisions of the bank (securities department, credit department, business development department, financial management, treasury) participate in the development of deposit policy. It is precisely these structures that Beloglazova highlights in her book. The development and approval of the deposit policy is carried out by the bank's board, it also establishes the procedure and conditions for attracting deposits, and controls the implementation of the deposit policy. The asset and liability management committee is responsible for making decisions on the formation of a deposit portfolio. Analyzing the structure of resources, their correspondence in terms and amounts with the bank’s assets, the committee makes adjustments to the bank’s deposit policy. Divisions such as the treasury and financial management of the bank determine the volume of deposit funds the bank needs: they set the interest rates on deposits; determines the volume of reserves for borrowed funds in the Bank of Russia; controls the bank’s compliance with risk standards for borrowed funds established by the Bank of Russia, etc. The following departments of the bank are directly involved in attracting deposit funds: the securities department (engaged in the issuance of deposit and savings certificates, as well as their own bills), the department of deposits of citizens, the credit department or the department of assets and liabilities (deposits of legal entities). This list of structural divisions is inaccurate. Each bank has its own internal organizational structure. The most important thing is to ensure the interconnection of the work of all these bodies to achieve the desired results.

The implementation of the bank's deposit policy should be based on the following principles:

· when forming a resource base, banks must follow legislative and regulatory requirements, as well as comply with established restrictions on passive operations;

· passive operations of the bank must create conditions for the bank to make a profit;

· attracting resources must first of all provide the bank with its liquidity, therefore special attention should be paid to attracting urgent resources, as well as the relationship between passive and active operations;

· when carrying out passive operations, to ensure the stability of the resource base, the attracted resources should be differentiated as much as possible, both by subject and by type of attracted resources;

· attracting resources is facilitated by maintaining a positive image of the bank, developing banking services and improving the quality of service.

Attracting customer funds into the bank’s circulation is associated with certain risks that banks must take into account in their work and also be able to manage them in order to avoid negative consequences for liquidity and stability. The supervisory authority is the Bank of Russia, which sets certain restrictions for banks on the amount of funds raised. These restrictions operate in the form of such economic standards as:

The maximum risk standard per creditor (depositor) is N8;

The standard for the maximum amount of attracting cash deposits from the population is NI;

Standard for the maximum amount of bank liabilities to non-resident banks

and non-resident financial organizations - NIL;

The risk standard for the bank's own bill obligations is N13.

These standards are established in relation to the bank's own funds (capital). Thus, the N8 standard is calculated as the ratio of the total amount of the bank’s liabilities to one or a group of related creditors (depositors) to the bank’s capital and cannot exceed 25% of its value. In this case, the total amount of the bank’s liabilities includes the maximum amount (for one depositor or group of related creditors) of the balance of funds:

On settlement (current), correspondent accounts and demand deposit accounts;

On time deposit accounts, time deposit accounts of individuals, and

also accounts for received loans and borrowings, deposits in precious metals;

On accounts of other attracted funds).

The NI standard limits the total aggregate amount of monetary deposits of the population listed on the balance sheet of a commercial bank to the amount of its own funds.

The bank's capital is also limited to the amount of its own bills of exchange and bankers' acceptances issued by the bank, as well as 50% of its off-balance sheet liabilities arising from the endorsement of bills, avals and bill intermediation (standard N13).

The total amount of the bank's liabilities in rubles and foreign currency, as well as in precious metals to non-resident banks and non-resident financial organizations (NIL) can exceed the amount of the bank's own funds (capital) by no more than 4 times.

The establishment by the Bank of Russia for commercial banks of risk standards for borrowed funds, together with capital adequacy standards, as well as liquidity and credit risk standards, is aimed at protecting the interests of depositors and creditors and ensuring economic conditions for the sustainable functioning of the banking system. In addition, banks must create special deposit insurance funds in order to guarantee compensation to depositors in the event of bankruptcy, thereby ensuring deposit protection. In addition to deposit insurance, it is very important for depositors to have open access to information about the activities of commercial banks and the guarantees they provide. To assess the risk of future investments, when making a decision on placing the available funds available to the depositor, he must be sufficiently informed about the financial condition of the bank. Such information can be provided by special agencies and bureaus that compile rating assessments of banks' activities.

In addition, the banks themselves should provide complete information about themselves to their creditors and depositors, such as: the amount of authorized capital, the amount of equity capital, information about the founders, information about development prospects, performance results, etc. First of all, this applies to individuals who choose banks to deposit their funds.

1.2 Types of commercial bank deposits

In order to be able to issue loans to banks, it is necessary to have an appropriate resource base, the main source of which is deposits or customer deposits.

First of all, it is necessary to define the term “deposit”. Translated from Latin depositum is a thing given for storage. In many of the works I have studied, the concepts of “deposit” and “contribution” are considered identical.

As we already know, the main part of the bank's resource base consists of raised funds. The bank raises funds through the following operations:

opening and maintaining accounts of legal entities,

Attracting deposits from individuals,

issuance by a bank of its own debt obligations.

Based on this, we can give the following definition of deposits - these are funds of individuals and legal entities attracted as a result of the bank’s operations to open and maintain customer accounts, acceptance of deposits, issuance of its own securities in the form of debt obligations (deposit and savings certificates , bills and bonds).

Individuals or legal entities deposit their available funds in a bank in order to receive income in the form of interest. Such relationships are secured by a bank deposit agreement, which can be formalized by issuing to the depositor a savings book, savings or deposit certificate, or other document that meets the requirements of the law, banking rules and business customs.

To attract cash deposits from legal entities, banks must have a license to carry out banking operations. Banks, depending on their licenses, can attract deposits only in rubles or in rubles and foreign currency.

To attract deposits from individuals, the bank must have one of the following licenses:

) to attract deposits of funds from individuals in rubles;

). to attract deposits from individuals in rubles and foreign currency;

). general license.

A bank can obtain such licenses after two years from the date of state registration and stable operation in the banking services market. Thus, higher financial stability of banks working with public funds is ensured.

There is a huge variety of types of deposits in the banking services market. This can be explained by the desire of banks to satisfy the demand of various groups of clients for banking services, thereby attracting their savings and available funds to bank accounts.

Deposits can be classified according to various criteria: by terms, sources of deposits, categories of depositors, forms of withdrawal of deposits, intended purpose, degree of profitability, etc.

Based on the category of depositors, we can distinguish deposits of legal entities and individuals. There are a number of differences between these contributions. Thus, deposits of individuals are formalized by a bank deposit agreement, which is a public agreement (a public agreement is an agreement concluded by a commercial organization and establishing its obligations for the sale of goods, work performed, services that it must, by the nature of its activities, carry out in relation to everyone who will apply to her (Article 426 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)). Such an agreement is characterized by uniform conditions for all investors. For legal entities, the agreement determines the individual conditions for accepting their contribution.

There is the following classification of client funds by terms of attraction:

funds in settlement and current accounts;

funds on demand accounts;

time deposits and time deposits.

Customer funds in settlement (current) accounts and in the accounts of correspondent banks are the largest source of attracting resources into the bank's turnover. By their economic essence, these accounts represent demand deposits. Withdrawal of funds from these accounts or transfer to the account of another person occurs without any restrictions (in whole or in part), at any time, at the first request of their owners. Therefore, rates on demand accounts are set by the bank at a minimum level. The operation of such accounts is regulated by bank and correspondent account agreements. Such accounts are most often used for settlement transactions, less often - for saving funds. Business entities open such accounts due to the need to carry out settlements, make payments, and receive funds at their disposal, using banks as intermediaries. Debiting and crediting funds to demand accounts can be executed in cash, check, transfer, or other payment documents. Write-offs of funds from customer accounts are reflected as a debit, and credits as a credit. The settlement accounts of legal entities from counterparties receive proceeds from the sale of goods, works, services, income from non-sales operations, amounts of loans received from banks, as well as the expenditure of these funds on payments to suppliers, payment of taxes to budgets of various levels, transfers to various extra-budgetary funds, payment of wages to workers and employees, repayment of bank loans and interest on them, etc.

Demand deposits make up the main part in the structure of attracted funds of commercial banks, since they are usually the cheapest source of banking resources.

The balance of funds on current accounts of legal entities is moving. The owner can withdraw funds from the account at any time or transfer them to the accounts of his counterparties for commodity transactions.

Therefore, commercial banks, in order to maintain their liquidity while meeting the requirements of the owners of these accounts, must constantly keep their highly liquid assets at a sufficient level (cash in the bank’s cash desk and in a correspondent account with the Bank of Russia RCC, in government securities, etc.). But despite the high mobility of funds in demand accounts, commercial banks take on a certain risk and use these deposits as sources of effective credit resources.

Among demand deposits, we can highlight a deposit for payments using bank cards. The peculiarity of such a deposit is the right of the account owner to make payments and receive cash. As a rule, there is a limit on cash withdrawals. The use of bank cards is undoubtedly convenient for clients, and it also allows the bank to accumulate significant funds without paying high interest. It is estimated that when wages are credited to card accounts for half a year after opening an account, account balances accumulate equal to approximately two monthly earnings, while interest is accrued at the rates established for demand deposits. However, the use of this type of resource requires large initial costs for special equipment, software, and for conducting an advertising campaign to attract customers. Fund balances on settlement, current accounts, demand deposits and deposits for settlements using bank cards are considered the most mobile banking resources.

At the same time, legal entities can place a stable amount of their temporarily free funds in the bank on time deposit accounts. The possibility of withdrawal of funds from the account by the owner at any time is, as mentioned earlier, the reason for establishing the lowest rates on such deposits. But, despite the high liquidity of such funds, they represent a stable resource for commercial banks. Therefore, banks interested in financially stable clients who have constant funds in their accounts should strive to attract clients by providing additional services to account holders, as well as by improving the quality of service.

World banking practice, in addition to the usual types of demand deposits, knows such types of demand deposits as cash accounts and certified check accounts (USA).

A special feature of scientific accounts is that they can be used to issue settlement documents in favor of third parties. Such accounts are opened only to individuals and non-profit companies. Nau accounts are an excellent combination of the principle of liquidity and the possibility of obtaining profitability in the form of interest.

Certified check accounts are demand deposit accounts in which funds are set aside for payment of certified checks. The latter are checks on which the bank makes a special note indicating the availability of funds to pay for them.

To determine the possibility of using demand deposits in carrying out urgent active operations, commercial banks must conduct a quantitative analysis of the deposit base. To do this, you should calculate the indicators that characterize the deposit base:

) The level of deposition of funds, showing the rate of growth of the resource base over the analyzed period. The calculation formula is as follows:


where Uo is the subsidence level,

Ok - balance at the end of the period,

It is the remainder at the beginning of the period,

P - receipts in deposits during the period

The higher the level of deposit subsidence, the better for banks. A zero value of the indicator indicates that the deposit is unchanged; an increase in the numerical value of the indicator indicates that the inflow of deposits exceeds their outflow.

) Average retention period - reflects the average number of days during which funds are stored on demand deposits. This indicator makes it possible to determine the period for placing attracted resources into operating assets using the formula:

C = Osr*D/V,

Where C is the average shelf life,

OSR - average balance during the period,

D - number of days in the period under review,

B- withdrawal or transfer of funds during the period

) The minimum balance of demand deposits is a constant minimum share of client funds that can be placed in profitable operating assets:

But = Osr/P

Where But is the irreducible remainder,

Avr - average balance during the period

P - receipts in deposits during the period.

Time deposits are funds of individuals and legal entities deposited in a bank for a fixed period. Such accounts are not used to make current payments. During the validity period of the deposit, additional contributions from its owner - a legal entity - are not accepted to the deposit account, with the exception of such a type of time deposit as a time deposit with additional contributions. Refunds for legal entities are carried out upon expiration of the period, unless otherwise provided by the deposit account agreement, but withdrawal of cash from accounts is impossible; funds from the deposit account can only be sent to a current account. Legal entities do not have the right to transfer funds on deposit to third parties.

Deposits from individuals are formalized by a bank deposit agreement. An unlimited number of bank deposit agreements can be concluded with the same depositor and, accordingly, an unlimited number of accounts can be opened. The bank deposit agreement provides for the following rights of the depositor: disposal of his deposit by proxy, payment of the deposit to a third party, bequeathing the deposit in the prescribed manner, prohibiting the bank from unilaterally changing the interest rate on a term deposit. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for the return of deposits to citizens upon their first request. If the agreement contains a condition that provides for the citizen’s refusal to receive his contribution upon first demand, it is considered invalid. In case of early withdrawal of a time deposit by the depositor, the agreement must provide for the payment of interest to him not lower than on a demand deposit.

The basis for concluding a bank deposit agreement is a written application from the depositor, but the agreement is considered concluded from the moment the deposit is received by the bank. Funds can be deposited by a citizen in cash at the bank's cash desk or transferred to his account in a non-cash manner (by transferring funds by a third party or by the depositor himself to a time deposit from his demand account opened in this or another bank). When opening a deposit (regardless of its type), citizens may be issued a savings book (or cash deposit book), which can be personal or payable to bearer. A bearer savings book is recognized as a security. Information about investors, deposits and their bank accounts, as well as transactions on the latter, is a banking secret.

Banks can enter into savings deposit agreements with individuals for a certain period. The interest paid on savings deposits is lower than the interest on time deposits. There are several types of savings deposits that are opened to individuals: term deposits; urgent, with additional fees; current; targeted, etc. Such deposits are convenient for banks because they are usually long-term in nature, and therefore can serve as a source of long-term investments.

Depending on the placement period, deposits are distinguished for a period of up to 30 days, from 31 to 90 days, from 91 to 180 days, from 181 to 1 year, from a year to 3 years, for a period of over 3 years. Some banks also offer legal entities to place funds for a minimum period of 7 days. A time deposit for a bank client is not only potential money, but also capital. For time deposits and savings deposits, the interest rate is higher than for demand deposits, and the longer the term and the larger the size of the deposit, the higher it is.

Time deposits provide the greatest support to the bank's liquidity. Therefore, in order to ensure the sustainability of a commercial bank, it is desirable that the share of time deposits in bank deposits is 30-36%. Also, while managing fixed deposits, you should differentiate between large and small depositors as their behavior is different. Typically, the behavior of small depositors is easier to predict, since they react more slowly to changes in the market situation (lack of money, rising interest rates and the emergence of new products from competing banks), unlike large clients. The largest depositors for a given bank are identified on the basis of the average balance of turnover for the period.

You can also determine the following indicators: the percentage of the largest customers, the share of this group in the total turnover and in the total average balance. The higher this share, the more dependent the bank is on the activities of its largest clients. It is preferable for the bank that the bulk of deposits come from small and medium-sized clients.

To summarize the above, we can highlight the following differences between a demand deposit and a time deposit:

1) Time deposits cannot be used for settlements and settlement documents are not issued for them;

2) The difference in the speed of turnover of funds: for demand deposits, the speed of turnover is much higher;

) Interest on time deposits is higher, therefore, they are more expensive for the bank;

) For time deposits, a requirement is established for the depositor to notify the bank in advance of withdrawal of funds, especially for large and especially large deposits;

) The rate of contributions to the required reserve fund for demand deposits is higher than for time deposits.

Time deposits can also be in the form of certificates of deposit, savings certificates, or a bank draft. Bank certificates of deposit are issued to legal entities, savings - to individuals. Certificate owners can be both residents and non-residents.

Savings and deposit certificates are securities that certify the amount of the deposit made to the bank, and the right of the depositor (certificate holder) to receive, upon expiration of a specified period, the amount of the deposit and the specified interest from the bank that issued the certificate or from any of its branches.

Not all banks have the right to issue certificates. In order to have such a right, the bank must comply with the following conditions:

carrying out banking activities for at least two years;

publication of annual reports confirmed by an audit firm;

compliance with banking legislation and regulations of the Bank of Russia;

compliance with mandatory economic standards regulating the activities of commercial banks by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

the presence of a reserve fund in the amount of at least 5% of the actually paid authorized capital;

fulfillment of mandatory reserve requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The bank has the right to place deposit (savings) certificates only after registering the conditions for the issuance and circulation of certificates at the territorial office of the Bank of Russia.

Certificates can only be issued in the currency of the Russian Federation, the circulation of which is possible only on its territory. They must be urgent. The use of bank certificates as a means of payment when paying for goods and services is not permitted. The main function of this security is to accumulate funds. There are two types of bank certificates - personal and bearer. The deposit amount and accrued income, which depends on the established interest rate, term and amount of the deposit deposited into a separate bank account, are paid upon expiration of the certificate.

The rights of claim under the certificate may be assigned by the owner of the certificate to another person. Assignment under a bearer certificate is carried out by simple delivery, and under a personal certificate - through an endorsement (assignment), which is drawn up on the back of the certificate form. It represents a bilateral agreement between the person establishing his rights (assignor) and the person acquiring these rights (assignee). The certificate is issued only after individuals and legal entities transfer the appropriate amount to special bank accounts that are intended to record issued certificates. The interest rate on bank certificates is established by the Board of the Bank.

When the maturity date arrives, the owner must present the certificate to the issuing bank along with an application to claim the funds thereunder, indicating the account to which they should be credited.

Early presentation of the certificate for payment is possible. In this case, the owner of the certificate receives the deposit amount specified in the certificate and interest at the demand rate in force at the bank at the time of presentation of the certificate. In the event that the deadline for receiving a deposit under the certificate is overdue, the bank pays the amount of the deposit and interest on it at the first request of the certificate owner, while the accrual of interest stops upon the expiration of the period for claiming the amounts under the bank certificate.

Certificates have significant advantages over time deposits, which are formalized in deposit agreements. The likelihood of a large number of financial intermediaries in the distribution and circulation of certificates expands the circle of possible investors of the bank, and thanks to circulation on the secondary market, the certificate can be prematurely transferred (sold) by the owner to another person, receiving some income during storage and without changing the volume of the bank’s resources. If a time deposit is withdrawn early, the owner loses income, and the bank loses part of its resources. The disadvantage of certificates compared to time deposits is the bank’s increased costs associated with issuing certificates as a type of securities.

A bank bill is a security containing an unconditional debt obligation of the drawer (bank) to pay a certain amount to the bill holder in a specific place and a specified period. The issue and circulation of bills (including bank bills) are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law of March 11, 1997 No. 48-FZ “On bills of exchange and promissory notes”. Banks are guided by these documents when independently developing the conditions for the issue and circulation of bills of exchange, which, unlike the conditions for the issue and circulation of bank certificates, are not registered anywhere. Banks have the right to issue only promissory notes, both interest-bearing and discount, and place them among legal entities and individuals.

When presenting an interest-bearing bill of exchange to the bank for redemption, the first drawer (or the last drawer, if there is an endorsement on the bill of exchange) has the right to receive interest income for the actual period of his funds being in circulation at the bank.

A discount bill receives discount income, which can be defined as the difference between the face value of the bill at which it is redeemed and the price at which it is sold to the first bill holder.

Bank bills have enormous advantages. First of all, it is a highly liquid medium of exchange, since it can be transferred by endorsement; secondly, bills can act as a means of payment in payments for goods and services between legal entities and individuals; thirdly, a bill is a highly profitable means of savings; fourthly, they can serve as collateral when clients obtain loans from other banks. Clients investing their available funds in bank bills is a very attractive and profitable business for them, and for banks - a stable and independently regulated urgent resource for subsequent placement in bank assets (loans, currency, securities, etc.). Banks are not prohibited from issuing foreign currency bills, which contributes to the accumulation of credit resources in foreign currency.

We should also talk about classification by type of deposit currency.

There are ruble, foreign currency and multi-currency deposits. A feature of multi-currency deposits is the minimization of the risk of losses for depositors, which are associated with changes in the exchange rate difference of foreign currencies against the ruble, as well as cross-rates of foreign currencies. A depositor who has entered into such an agreement with the bank and deposited funds in a specific currency (for example, euros) has the right to convert the deposit from one currency to another, without withdrawing funds from the account with a predetermined degree of frequency (usually once per month or per quarter). The entire deposit amount can be converted from one currency to another - the so-called full conversion, or part of the deposit amount can be converted, depending on the terms of the agreement. Interest on this type of deposit is accrued in the currency in which the deposit is currently denominated. If, as a result of partial conversion, the deposit amount is expressed in several currencies, then interest on each part of the deposit is accrued in the corresponding currency.

As part of their deposit policy, banks must develop their own interest rate policy. It should be noted that banks have the right to set interest rates on borrowed funds independently. The bank's interest rate policy is influenced by external and internal factors. External factors include:

· State of the financial market

· Inflation rate

· Demand for banking services

· Level of banking competition

· Policy of the Bank of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

· Regional specifics

· State of the social environment

Internal factors include:

· Range of services provided by the bank

· Qualification and experience of personnel

· Composition of bank clients

When forming interest rate policy, the bank takes into account that different sectors of the financial market are characterized by different interest rates, in particular:

· Money market rates used for short-term lending transactions between financial institutions (including government ones) - this is the official discount rate, the rate for short-term interbank loans)

· Securities market rates are mainly the yield rates of various bonds at the time of their issue and subsequently on the secondary market

· Rates on bank transactions with non-bank borrowers and lenders are rates associated with the provision and attraction of funds to specified borrowers and lenders.

The bank's interest rate policy is determined by the duration of the gap between the release dates of borrowed and placed funds and interest rate fluctuations, the level of interest rate risk, which is expressed in the risk of losses as a result of the excess of interest rates paid by the bank on borrowed funds over the rates on loans provided.

When setting interest rates on passive transactions, the bank takes into account the following factors:

· Interest rates vary depending on the terms, size of funds attracted, client category, currency of funds, etc.

· The interest rate depends on the official discount rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and reserve standards.

· The interest rate on attracted resources must be real, i.e. take into account the level of interest rates on active operations and margin.

Using various methods of calculating and paying interest, banks increase the interest of depositors in placing their funds. The following types of interest rates exist:

simple and complex;

permanent and floating.

In banking practice, the calculation of income on deposits most often occurs by calculating simple interest. This method involves choosing the actual deposit balance as the basis for calculating. Calculation and payments on the deposit occur in accordance with the interest rate stipulated in the agreement and on time. Payment of simple interest can be made in two ways: interest is repaid simultaneously with the payment of the principal amount at maturity (the most common option), or interest is paid periodically, and the principal amount is repaid at the end of the term of the deposit agreement.

Compound interest involves compounding interest on interest. When the billing period expires, interest is calculated on the deposit amount and the resulting amount is added to the deposit amount. Thus, in the next billing period, the interest rate is applied to the new base, which has increased by the amount of previously accrued income.

1.3 Approaches to developing deposit policy

The development of a deposit policy should include several strategic approaches, the use of which will allow solving the following applied problems:

expansion of the bank's regular clientele

an increase in the total volume of funds raised on favorable terms for the bank.

The first approach is based on determining priorities for the selection of client groups for a particular bank.

The first version of this approach involves banks focusing on VIP clients. The implementation of this option involves the opening of super-profitable accounts for individual investors in order to solve problems in another area of ​​​​financial activity. At the same time, a commercial bank is not interested in the deposit operations market. In this case, the bank focuses on legal entities, namely corporate structures with high annual turnover. In this case, VIP accounts are opened for owners and top managers of enterprises, and in addition to standard services, additional services are provided on favorable terms (as a rule, these include lending and tax consulting). The use of this option provides a chance to take a stable position in the market, which is occupied only by well-known banks.

This method is suitable for newly created banks with an average amount of equity capital, whose regular clientele has chosen a limited number of enterprises. But there are also disadvantages: it is impossible for the bank to profitably place funds attracted to these accounts, which leads to unprofitability.

The second option is designed for a narrow circle of people with extremely high incomes. This method involves excluding the mass clientele and identifying a certain circle of people (the so-called “elite” investors) who can afford large cash deposits. The bank achieves this result by limiting the minimum term and size of the deposit. On the one hand, for the bank this provides the most profitable structure of deposits and simplifies the further placement of funds raised on them. On the other hand, it increases the level of costs both for attracting funds for deposits and for providing additional services. In domestic practice, this method is impractical, since Russian private investors do not trust their savings to “our” banks, preferring to store them abroad.

The third option is aimed at certain categories of clients.

It is based on the limitation of bank client groups in the deposit services market. In this option, the priority is not the “financial viability” of clients, but what area of ​​business or social group of individuals they belong to. That is why all the attention is paid to marketing tools rather than financial ones. This allows you to work alongside large banks due to the fact that they offer not standard, but exclusive service packages developed taking into account the needs of clients. When providing such services, it is necessary to take into account the future financial prospects and stable clientele in this market segment. Such services are quite acceptable for credit institutions in large cities, where they can offer a narrow and special profile of services.

The fourth option involves targeting a mass clientele. This option is based on attracting the maximum number of depositors on regular terms and not claiming “exclusive” services and offers of the bank. At the same time, various types of deposits with different service conditions are being developed. This allows you to increase the resource base, but at the same time limits the provision of an optimal deposit structure. We must also not forget that a mass clientele presupposes the presence of a branch network, which requires large financial investments for its development. Network maintenance can both expand opportunities and cause losses. A good example is Sberbank of Russia, which in the 90s, due to the economic crisis, closed branches of the most disadvantaged regions in order to avoid large losses. This option is available only to large banks with a developed branch network. A significant disadvantage is also the complication of the process of managing a huge number of deposits.

The second approach is associated with determining methods for attracting customers for a particular bank.

The priority of the first option is to focus on pricing methods. This option creates acceptable conditions that will attract a mass clientele. As a rule, these are individuals and small business entrepreneurs, through whom credit institutions can quickly expand the serviced market segment. As a rule, free related services are not provided at this level, but there are exceptions for VIP clients. The use of this method leads to an increase in interest costs for the formation of the resource base, which reduces the overall profitability of the bank, and also increases the likelihood of interest rate risks. If we consider this option in Russian banks, then an artificially high interest rate may not attract, but rather scare away potential clients. This option is well suited for newly created banks that seek to quickly occupy their niche in the service market.

The second option is aimed at expanding the number of additional services. This option focuses on non-price methods of competition. The bank offers “package services”, which includes maintenance or related services for different categories of clients. This type of customer attraction allows you to avoid additional interest costs. If we take a standard credit institution, then it will have to expand its service profile, which will entail additional costs for marketing activities to determine the needs of various clients and training new personnel in the required profile. This option is appropriate for large banks that have been operating in the market for a long time and have felt a tendency towards an outflow of clientele due to the fault of “young” competitors.

The third option specializes in attracting clients through a corporate service scheme. This option works according to the well-known marketing technique of attracting clients through an employer. If an enterprise is a regular customer of the bank and uses cash settlement services, then, as a rule, both card and deposit accounts are automatically opened for employees of this enterprise. On the one hand, this significantly increases the client base at the expense of individuals. It is also impossible to ignore the fact that for the bank such a structure of deposit accounts will be unprofitable due to the short-term nature of the funds that are attracted. This option is quite acceptable for large banks that issue their own electronic cards.

The third approach is based on the interest rate control method. The first option focuses on fixed interest rates. This option involves specific and fixed interest rates that are formed during the conclusion of the contract. Such rates cannot be changed during the entire stipulated period. This allows the two parties to maintain stability based on an agreement, and the bank to plan interest expenses in advance. On the other hand, this may have a bad effect on a flexible interest rate policy, since in our time, when the external environment does not have clear stability, and inflation rates, as a rule, are poorly predicted, as is the exchange rate of the national currency.

The second option specializes in “floating” interest rates. With this option, only short-term deposits can have a fixed interest rate. As a rule, these are demand deposits and deposits for a period of 1 to 3 months, but even then the degree of inflation must be taken into account. Longer-term deposits are subject to change according to the “floating interest” principle, which depends on the external economic environment. This allows the depositor to reduce risk, and the bank to control interest rate risks, regardless of external and internal factors in the market. The only inconvenience for large banks is the additional time spent on servicing such accounts. In Russia, as a rule, complications arise with recalculations of such accounts for the reason that there are no clear regulations for recalculation. If we take the example of the Central Bank of Russia, which, when changing the interest rate, proceeds from data on inflation rates provided by the government, which are not always similar to the situation on the market. This option is appropriate for any banks operating in an unstable macro environment, provided there are objective criteria for changing interest rates.

To summarize the above theoretical material, we can say that the bank’s deposit policy is an important part of the bank’s policy to attract temporarily free funds of organizations and the population to bank accounts in various types of deposits, which is primarily based on the bank’s strategic plan, on analysis of the structure, current state and dynamics of the bank’s resource base and should be based on the main prospects for its development. This process must be regulated both by the state and by internal banking regulations and rules. Various structural units are involved in the development of deposit policy. Each bank independently determines for itself the structure of attracted resources, terms, procedure and conditions for raising funds, by developing deposit products that are attractive to clients. It is deposits that are the main source of resources for banks, but, being a source of formation of resources, they also have some disadvantages: when attracting funds into deposits, the bank incurs certain monetary costs, and also incurs certain risks associated with changes in the behavior of depositors. Nevertheless, the competition between banks in the credit market forces them to take measures to develop services that help attract deposits.

commercial bank deposit

2. Deposit policy of a commercial bank (using the example of OJSC Baltic Investment Bank)

.1 General characteristics of OJSC “Baltic Investment Bank”

Before considering the bank's deposit policy, it is important to give a brief description of it; you need to know its history.

BALTINVESTBANK was created in the form of an open joint-stock company and carries out its activities on the basis of the General License of the Bank of Russia No. 3176 dated May 20, 2003. Bank location: 197101, St. Petersburg, st. Divenskaya, building 1, letter A. The authorized capital of the Bank is 256,758,192.07 rubles.

In December 1994, BALTONEXIM BANK was created. This is how the activities of the current BALTINVESTBANK started, and the start was very good: after just a year of operation, the bank’s clients were many enterprises and organizations of St. Petersburg, and the bank also served the issue of State city short-term bonds of the administration of St. Petersburg.

A year later, the Bank became a member of the system of worldwide interbank telecommunications - S.W.I.F.T. In 1996, the bank began working with customs, which became one of the most important areas of the bank’s activities. So, after 2 years of operation, the bank is servicing the accounts of the customs office of the North-Western Customs Administration and the accounts of the Territorial Road Fund of St. Petersburg. In 1997, the Russian Trading System assigned the Bank the status of a dealer, at the same time it became an authorized bank of the government of the Leningrad region.

During the difficult years of the financial crisis in Russia, the Bank not only did not suffer losses, but even attracted new clients, and also opened its first branch in Vyborg, and the second year in Arkhangelsk.

In 1999, St. Petersburg power engineering enterprises such as LMZ, ZTL, and Elektrosila became strategic financial partners of the Bank.

In 2001, the Bank signed an agreement to ensure financing of heat energy supplies for the housing stock of St. Petersburg and enterprises with the city administration, Petersburgregiongaz LLC, Lenenergo OJSC and State Unitary Enterprise TEK SPb.

In 2002, the Bank became the first to issue customs cards in St. Petersburg.

BALTINVESTBANK received its name in 2003. In the same year, the Bank's first additional office was opened in St. Petersburg, which marked the beginning of the development of its retail trade.

year - The Bank is developing a new strategic direction: lending programs for small and medium-sized businesses are being developed jointly with the Russian Development Bank. In the same year, BALTINVESTBANK introduced a new system of time deposits.

In 2005, a new 2-year development strategy for the Bank was approved: the main task is to expand the business and enter the TOP 100 largest banks in Russia. At the same time, the Bank was included in the register of participants in the deposit insurance system. Next year, the Bank is actively expanding its network - 8 new additional offices were opened in St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Samara, and a new branch of the Bank was opened in Moscow. BALTINVESTBANK, according to the results of the “Financial Petersburg” competition, is recognized as the best bank in 2006 for servicing legal entities. Roland Berger Strategy Consultant, the largest international consulting company, is developing a new 5-year development strategy for the Bank for 2007 - 2011. Its main goal is to position the Bank as an interregional player with an emphasis on lending programs for small and medium-sized businesses.

In 2007, a total of 9 additional offices were opened in St. Petersburg, Samara, Arkhangelsk region and the first operational office in Tolyatti.

At the end of the year, BALTINVESTBANK entered the TOP 100 most profitable and efficient banks in Russia.

In 2008, the Bank increased its capital from 1 billion rubles to 3.358 billion rubles through an additional issue of shares. In the same year, BALTINVESTBANK placed its debut issue of bonds in the amount of 1 billion rubles on the MICEX.

At the end of 2008, the Bank completed the opening of a new network of offices in St. Petersburg, opened an additional branch in Krasnodar and seven more operational offices in other cities of Russia.

In 2008, the Bank selected an investment direction for its business. He becomes the General Agent for the issue and placement of bond issues in the Kaluga region, Yakutsk, Volgograd, Tomsk.

In 2009, the Bank consistently implemented its long-term development strategy. At the end of the year, the Bank’s network included 5 branches and 42 offices in different cities of Russia.

By actively developing, the Bank was able not to lose its position during the crisis years. Thus, during the crisis year, the Bank was able to rise in the Interfax and RBC banking ratings by 12 and 9 positions, taking 78 and 79 positions, respectively.

The volume of the Bank's authorized capital at the end of 2010 amounted to 256,758,192 rubles, due to the ninth additional issue of shares. In the summer of 2010, BALTINVESTBANK opened a new branch in the city of Yekaterinburg, operating as a universal division of the Bank to serve legal entities and individuals in all areas of banking.

To achieve the goal of expanding the Bank's business, in 2010 management is reorganizing the management structure through the sale of Bank products. Thanks to this, a single structure has emerged that is capable of controlling sales of retail and corporate businesses. Within the framework of this structure, an analytical department was created. Its main task is to study and monitor banking services, as well as develop and promote new competitive products.

During 2010, the Bank successfully developed one of its key activities - lending to small businesses. To this end, the Bank is increasing cooperation with the Russian Development Bank, the Government of St. Petersburg and other regions. In 2010, the Bank received 7 tranches totaling 710 million rubles for lending programs for small and medium-sized businesses from the Russian Bank for Development and Development.

In addition, in 2010, the National Banking Prize awarded BALTINVESTBANK in the category “Leader in Lending to Small and Medium Businesses.”

In 2010, the Bank significantly strengthened its position in the market of subfederal and municipal bonds. According to the Cbonds agency, BALTINVESTBANK was among the largest organizers of subfederal and municipal bonds and took fourth position in terms of placement volume. In 2010, the Bank was the organizer of 13 issues by seven issuers.

Every year the Bank participates in various charitable projects, such as: financing the complete restoration of the sculptural ensemble of Peter Klodt “The Taming of the Horse” on the Anichkov Bridge in St. Petersburg and the Rostral Columns on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island.

BALTINVESTBANK provides a wide variety of services to legal entities and individuals. The following types of services are provided for individuals: deposits in rubles and foreign currency, various credit programs, money transfers, payment for cellular communications services, opening and servicing of plastic cards, cash transactions, safe services and others.

For servicing legal entities, the bank also offers a wide and profitable range of services, such as: cash settlement services, lending, offers favorable conditions for placing temporarily free funds, carries out transactions with non-cash foreign currency, issues customs cards, provides bank guarantees, offers various salary and corporate projects, as well as the possibility of remote banking services. In addition, the bank participates in long-term financing of investment projects. It may also be noted that BALTINVESTBANK performs the functions of a currency control agent.

As stated above, the main strategic direction of the Bank’s activities is servicing small and medium-sized businesses, but since 2010 the Bank has been striving to increase the share of individuals in the structure of deposits for the purpose of funding in the short to medium term. During 2010, the volume of funds of individuals in the Bank increased by 45:% and as of January 1, 2011 amounted to 13.88 billion rubles (Fig. 3).

Fig.3. Raising funds from individuals

The diagram shows that the Bank is successfully following the chosen strategy; the volume of attracting funds to private deposits has more than doubled compared to 2009. This was achieved by developing the most attractive line of deposits for individuals.

There was also an increase in the volume of funds raised from legal entities from 11,874 million rubles in 2008 to 25,861 million rubles, but if in 2008 the funds raised from individuals accounted for a third of legal entities, then in 2011 they already account for half.

At the moment, the Bank is among the 100 largest banks in Russia according to three main rankings. Thus, according to the ranking of the RBC agency, in the period from 2006 to 2011, the Bank rose from 147th place to 72nd, and net assets increased from 6608 million rubles to 50310 million rubles, which is more than 8 times. BALTINVESTBANK's business growth exceeds the average market growth rate of the banking sector, which explains the stable movement up the rankings. Also, successfully following the chosen strategy, providing high-quality services to small and medium-sized businesses, in 2011 the Bank increased its own funds by almost 1,000,000 thousand rubles and amounted to 4,798,007 thousand rubles as of January 1, 2011 (as of January 1, 2010 - 3,699,694 thousand rubles).

Types of deposits of BALTINVESTBANK

The greatest importance in the resource base of OJSC BALTNVESTBANK is occupied by deposits of legal entities. So as of January 1, 2011. attraction from legal entities amounted to 38% of the total structure of liabilities. This value is quite understandable, since the priority area in the Bank’s activities is working with legal entities.

Fig.4. Diagram of the structure of the resource base of BALTINVESTBANK

It should be noted that in the previous year, raising funds accounted for 57% of the structure of the bank’s liabilities, 30% of which accounted for raising funds from legal entities, therefore, the increase in the volume of raised funds for 2011 was due to an active policy in the field of attracting funds from legal entities.

Let's consider what types of deposits and conditions for them are offered by the Bank for legal entities as of January 1, 2011 (Table 1)

Table 1.

Types of BALTINVESTBANK deposits for legal entities

Types of deposit

Deposit terms, extension

Down payment amount


Annual %


Deposit replenishment/withdrawal is not provided

3 - 9% 0,25 - 6 % 0,25 - 6%


From 91 to 180 days 181-271 days 272 - 365 days From 366 days

From 300,000 rubles From 10,000 US dollars From 10,000 euros

It is possible to replenish the deposit from 100,000 rubles, 5,000 US dollars, 3,000 Euros, withdrawal is not provided

5,75-8,25% 2,75-5,25% 2,75-5,25%

From 31-60 days 61-90 days 91-180 days 181-271 days 271-365 days From 366 days

From 300,000 rubles From 10,000 US dollars From 10,000 euros

Deposit replenishment and partial withdrawal are not allowed

4,25-8,75% 1,5-5,75% 1,5-5,75%


From 91-180 days 181-271 days 272-365 days From 366 days

1,000,000 rubles 50,000 US dollars 50,000 euros

Deposit replenishment from 100,000 rubles, 5,000 US dollars, 3,000 Euros, partial withdrawals are allowed

Certificates of deposit and bills of exchange

From 7 to 30 days 31-60 days 61-90 days 91-180 days 181-271 days 271-365 days From 366

From 300,000 rubles From 10,000 US dollars From 10,000 euros

3-9% 0,25-6% 0,25-6%

The table data shows that the most profitable placement of funds for legal entities is the “Classic” deposit and in certificates of deposit and bills of exchange, since the rates on these products are the highest (up to 9% for ruble deposits and 6% for deposits in foreign currency ), it is also possible to place funds for a minimum short period of time - 7 days. For some deposit products, it is possible to replenish the deposit, but with certain conditions: for deposits with a volume of 100,000 rubles, 5,000 US dollars, 3,000 Euros, with a deadline for making additional contributions (30 days before the expiration of the deposit), also there is a limit on the maximum amount of deposits taking into account additional contributions: for the “Investor” deposit it is 300% of the initial deposit amount, for the “Mobile” deposit - 500%. The possibility of partial withdrawals also reduces the possibility of earning more income. For all types of deposits, upon early termination of the agreement, an interest rate is paid based on the “Demand” rate - 1% per annum for ruble deposits/deposits, 0.1% per annum for foreign currency deposits.

Analyzing the deposit products offered by the Bank for legal entities, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Interest rates on deposits are higher, the longer the deposit term. Thus, for deposits with a minimum deposit period of 7 days, the following rates apply - 3% for ruble deposits and 0.25% for deposits in foreign currency, when by placing funds for a period of 366 days it is possible to receive up to 9% per annum;

The interest rate on the product also depends on the deposit amount. So, for example, a “Mobile” deposit with a period of 366 days and an amount from 300,000 to 10,000,000 rubles is accepted at 8.5% per annum, and the same deposit, but in an amount from 50,000,001 rubles at 9% per annum;

it should be noted that interest rates on deposits in rubles are lower than the inflation rate (for 2010, inflation was 8.8%, for 2011 - 9.4% - according to an independent information agency);

according to Tax legislation, none of the proposed types of deposits is subject to taxation, since the excess of the rate on deposits in rubles is no more than five percentage points of the refinancing rate (in 2011 it was 8.25%), and deposits in foreign currency do not exceed 9% per annum.

For individuals, the Bank has developed a wide range of deposits (Table 2).

Table 2.

Types of BALTINVESTBANK deposits for individuals

Types of deposits

Deposit term, extension

Amount of down payment and additional contributions


Annual %

"Poste restante"

100 rubles 10 dollars 10 euros

Additional deposits and partial withdrawals are possible


From 6000 rubles 200 US dollars 200 euros

8,75-9% 5,25-5,5% 5,25-5,5%


3000 rubles (additional contribution 3000) 100 US dollars (additional contribution -100) 100 euros (additional contribution -100)

4.75%-- 7.75% 2.% -4.25% 2.% -4.25%

"Accumulative PLUS"

91 days 181 days 357 days 735 days

3000 rubles (additional contribution - 3000) 100 US dollars (additional contribution - 100) 100 euros (additional contribution - 100)

Extension and additional contributions are possible, partial withdrawals are not allowed

4.5% - 7.5% 1.75% - 4% 1.75% - 4%


91 days 181 days 357 days 735 days

1000 rubles (additional contribution -300) 100 US dollars (additional contribution - 50) 100 euros (additional contribution - 50)

Extension and additional contributions are possible, partial withdrawals are not allowed

5.15% -7.75% 2.5%- 4.25% 2.5%- 4.25%


31 days 61 days 91 days 181 days 357 days 735 days

6000 rubles. 200 US dollars 200 euros

1.5% -8,75% 0.5% - 5.25% 0.5% - 5.25%

"Classic Plus"

There is an extension, additional.

8.25% -8.5% 4.75% - 5% 4.75% - 5%

contributions and partial withdrawals are not possible


181 days 357 days 735 days

There is an extension, additional.

6.75% - 8% 2.75% - 4.5% 2.75% - 4.5%

30,000 rubles 1,000 US dollars 1,000 euros

"Interest in advance"

There is an extension, additional.

5.50% - 6% 2% - 2.50% 2% - 2.50%

6,000 rubles 200 US dollars 200 euros

91 days 181 days 357 days 735 days

"Interest in advance"

There is an extension, additional.

5.25% - 8.25% 2.25% - 4.75% 2.25% - 4.75%

91 days 181 days 357 days 735 days

"Monthly income"

There is an extension, additional.

5.25% -8% 2% - 4.5% 2% - 4.5%

150,000 rubles 5,000 US dollars 5,000 euros

91 days 181 days 357 days 735 days


3.75% - 6.75% 1.75% - 3.25% 1.75% - 3.25%

150,000 rubles (additional contribution -3000) 5,000 US dollars (additional contribution -100) 5,000 euros (additional contribution -100)

91 days 181 days 357 days 735 days

"Special VIP"

5,000,000 rubles (additional contribution 300,000) 50,000 US dollars (additional contribution 10,000) 150,000 euros (additional contribution 10,000)

6.5% - 9% 3.5% - 5.5% 3.5% - 5.5%

Extension, additional contributions and partial withdrawals are possible


10 rubles 1 US dollar 1 euro

Extension, additional contributions and withdrawals are possible

It is quite obvious that the interest rate on deposits for individuals varies depending on the same conditions as on deposits for legal entities, that is, depending on the term and amount of the deposit.

The most expensive deposits are the “Spring” deposit - up to 9% per annum, “Classic” - up to 8.75% per annum and “Special VIP” - 9% per annum.

For all types of deposits, extension is possible, which is carried out on the terms and conditions in force at the Bank on the date of extension for deposits of this type. In case of early termination of the deposit agreement, interest is accrued and paid in accordance with the rate for the Savings deposit.

It should be noted that interest rates on deposits for individuals are not higher than interest rates on deposits of legal entities.

2.3 Analysis of the bank’s deposit policy

First of all, it should be noted that in Russia, as such, methods for analyzing a bank’s deposit policy have not been developed. As a rule, banks themselves develop methods taking into account the specifics of their activities and the characteristics of their operations, relying on the methodological operations of the Bank of Russia.

O.D. Zhilan proposes to evaluate the bank's deposit policy in stages. At the first stage, an “Assessment of the organizational aspects of the deposit policy of a commercial bank” is carried out. To do this, we will establish the presence of the following points in the bank (Table 3):

Table 3. Organizational aspects of the bank's activities

Availability of conditions in the bank

A document on deposit policy containing its goals and objectives, the bank's strategy and means of its implementation - the presence of internal procedures and regulations accompanying the process of attracting funds to deposit accounts, namely: · regulations on deposits of legal entities, · regulations on deposits of individuals, · instructions on the procedure for performing deposit transactions with legal entities, · instructions on the procedure for performing deposit transactions with individuals. - divisions and management bodies participating in the analysis of the deposit portfolio and management of deposit resources, exercising control - an information base on the basis of which bank management and managers can assess the consequences of decisions made, their adequacy to the needs of the bank and market requirements

Based on Table 3, we can conclude that all organizational aspects of the Bank’s activities in the field of deposit policy are fully complied with.

The second stage involves analyzing the bank's deposit portfolio. The study of deposits should begin with segmenting the market according to individual characteristics of clients, for example: residents and non-residents; legal entities and individuals; legal entities by industry; small, medium, large average balance on the client’s account or the total monthly turnover on the client’s account; by types of currencies and others.

Let us first analyze the deposit portfolio of a conventional bank in terms of the composition and structure of deposits (Table 4).

Table 4. Structure of the deposit portfolio of BALTINVESTBANK


As of January 1, 2010

Amount, million rubles

Specific gravity, %

Amount, million rubles

Specific gravity, %

Legal entities


Time deposits, incl.

Legal entities


The table data shows that on average for 2009-2010. The largest share in the structure of demand deposits and in the structure of time deposits is occupied by deposits of legal entities (about 90% and 60%, respectively). During the analyzed period, the structure of deposits as a whole did not undergo significant changes. To analyze deposits by maturity, it is advisable to calculate the following indicators:

maturity coefficient of the deposit structure (d in D):

in D = Ds/D = 23,315/28186 = 0.83

where Ds is the volume of time deposits; D - total volume of deposits.

This coefficient characterizes the degree of constancy and stability of the resource base. For our bank, the share of time deposits in the total amount of bank deposits is assessed positively, because time deposits, as the most stable component of attracted funds, ensure the bank’s liquidity, which allows operations to allocate resources for longer periods. To ensure the stability of the bank, this ratio should be at least 30-35%.

liability structure coefficient (CSR):

Kso = Double/Ds = 3,862/14,603 = 0.26

Characterizes the stability of the bank's financial resources. The lower the value of the indicator, the lower the bank’s relative need for liquid assets, determined by the structure of liabilities. Next, we examine the structure of the deposit portfolio by type of client (Table 5).

Table 5.

Structure of BALTINVESTBANK deposits by client groups


As of January 1, 2010

Amount, million rubles

Amount, million rubles

Share in relation to the total amount of deposits, %

Demand deposits, incl.

Legal entities


Time deposits, incl.

Legal entities


Analysis of this table allows us to conclude that time deposits (82.8%), including time deposits of legal entities (more than 50%) play a decisive role in the formation of the bank’s deposit portfolio. Also, deposits of legal entities form the basis of funds raised in demand deposits. This structure of deposits can be considered optimal, since the share of resources with certain terms of attraction is quite large.

The movement of deposits in 2010 is characterized by the data presented in Table 6.

Table 6. Movement of deposits of BALTINVESTBANK


Growth rate of deposit balances,%

Demand deposits, incl.

Legal entities


Time deposits, incl.

Legal entities


The table data shows that the volume of attraction as a whole for the deposit portfolio increased by 118.5%. Time deposits increased at the fastest rate - the growth rate averaged 145%. The current dynamics indicate the good work of the bank in the field of management, control and monitoring of deposit attraction.

Based on the data in this table, we will determine the average deposit balances (Table 7).

Table 7. BALTINVESTBANK deposit balances


Balance of deposits as of January 1, 2010, million rubles

Balance of deposits as of January 1, 2011, million rubles

Demand deposits, incl.

Legal entities


Time deposits, incl.

Legal entities


Table 6 shows that resource balances during 2010 increased for all types of deposits and for the deposit portfolio as a whole by 18,247.6 million rubles. (68,334.4-50,086.8). The average deposit balance (ADB) for the year was:

Dsr = (ODinit + ODcon)/2 = 50,086.8 + 68,334.4 = 59,210.6 million rubles.

where ODnach is the balance of deposits as of 01/01/2010;

ODcon - balance of deposits as of 01/01/2011.

The effectiveness of deposit operations is characterized by two indicators of deposit turnover: the number of turnovers of the deposit ruble and the duration of one turnover of deposits for the period (the shelf life of the deposit ruble). The number of revolutions (n) that deposits will make will be equal to

n = OVo/Dsr = 57,626.4/59,210.6 =0.97

where ОВо is the turnover for the issuance of deposits (the amount of deposits issued for the period).

The number of deposit turnover shows how many times depositors' funds were turned over during the period, and is a direct characteristic of deposit turnover. The more turnover deposits make over a certain period, the more efficient their use.

The average storage period of deposits per year (T) is determined by the formula:

T = Dsr/ (OB/m) = 59,219.6/ (57,626.4/360) = 370,

where T is the storage period of deposits.

This indicator characterizes the average duration (in days or years) of one turnover of deposits and is an inverse characteristic of the rate of circulation of deposits. As you can see, the average period of storage of deposits in BALTINVESTBANK is long, the bank’s deposit policy is carried out successfully.

Using the table data, we determine the average storage period by type of deposit and the number of turnovers they make during the year (Table 8).

Table 8. Bank deposit turnover indicators in 2010


Deposits issued for the year, RUB million

Average balance of deposits for the year, million rubles

The number of turnovers that deposits will make

Demand deposits, incl.

Legal entities


Time deposits, incl.

Legal entities


The deposit turnover indicators discussed in the table are interrelated as follows:

If T = m/n, then n = m/T,

then T = 360/0.97 = 370 days

and n = 360/370 = 0.97 turns

The difference between the inflow (Pd) and outflow of deposits (Vd), and

also between the value of the balance of deposits at the end (ODcon) and the beginning of the period (ODin) is called the amount of the influx of deposits (Spr).

Spr = ODcon - ODnach = Pd - Ind.

This indicator will demonstrate the absolute increase in the resource base and, to some extent, will characterize the effectiveness of the bank’s work in attracting resources. Let's calculate it based on the table data (Table 9)

Table 9.


Received deposits for the year, million rubles

Deposits issued for the year, RUB million

Amount of influx of deposits, million rubles

Average deposit storage period per year days

Average daily influx of deposits, million rubles

Demand deposits, incl.

Legal entities


Time deposits, incl.

Legal entities


As can be seen in the table, our bank has experienced a significant influx of funds into time deposits, namely from individuals, this is due to the fact that the bank is faithfully following its strategy of providing itself with a stable resource base at the expense of household deposits.

However, for a more specific description of the efficiency of operations for accepting and issuing deposits, the coefficients of tide and subsidence of deposits are still used.

The deposit inflow coefficient (DCR) is defined as the percentage ratio of the amount of deposit influx for the reporting period to the balance of deposits at the beginning of the period:

Kpr = Ref/ ONE initial * 100%.

The deposit subsidence coefficient (KOS) is obtained by comparing the amount of the influx of deposits with the total amount of deposit receipts for the period and is also expressed as a percentage:

Cos = Ref/Po *100%.

The deposit influx coefficient shows the increase in the amount of deposits in relation to their value at the beginning of the period, and the subsidence coefficient - in relation to the amount of deposit receipts for the period. Using the table data, we will determine these indicators (Table 10).

Table 10.

Coefficients of tide and subsidence of Bank deposits in 2010


Received deposits for the year, million rubles

Deposits issued for the year, RUB million

Deposit inflow coefficient,%

Deposit subsidence rate,%

Demand deposits, incl.

Legal entities


Time deposits, incl.

Legal entities


Table 10 shows: the amount of the influx of deposits for the year was

247.6 million rubles. (75874-57626.4).

Let's calculate the coefficients of tide and subsidence of deposits:

Kpr = (18247.6/59,210.6)*100 = 30.8%;

Kos = (18247.6/75874)*100 = 24%

At the same time, the data in Table 10 shows that for time deposits there was an influx of deposits of approximately 12%. Moreover, the largest increase of 5% occurred in attracting time deposits from individuals. This trend has emerged due to the great attractiveness of interest rates and conditions for depositors on time deposits.

To analyze resource turnover, we determine the average storage period and average deposit balances for the year (Table 11).

Table 11. Storage periods and balances of bank deposits


Average deposit storage period per year, days

Average balance of deposits for the year, million rubles

Average daily balance of deposits, million rubles

Demand deposits, incl.

Legal entities


Time deposits, incl.

Legal entities


The table shows a tendency towards an increase in the shelf life of deposits. The duration of resource mobilization as a whole for the deposit portfolio increased by 38 days (370 - 332) under the influence of changes in the structure of deposits, as well as due to differences in deposit conditions. The terms of attraction vary significantly by type of deposits and types of clients, which may be directly related to the goals of depositors and the attractiveness of deposit storage conditions for different clients, the specifics of the deposit policy of a particular commercial bank, changes in the economic situation and other reasons. That is why the bank must know and study these factors and trends, manage them and act as an active participant in the deposit market.

Let us determine the index of the average duration of use of deposits of variable composition:

T1 /t0 = 370/332 = 1.114 or 111.4%

Consequently, we can conclude that the terms for using deposits on average for the deposit portfolio increased by 11.4%, or by 38 days (370-332), so the resource base of this bank has become more stable.

The analysis carried out in banks must necessarily end with calculations of reserves for increasing economic efficiency. For example, using the indicator of the period for attracting deposits, you can determine the economic effect of increasing the period for attracting resources (Ed). We will calculate it as the difference between the terms of attracting deposits in the reporting and base year, multiplied by the amount of the average daily influx of deposits in the reporting year. As a result we get:

Ed = (t1 - t0) SDpr1

Ed = (370-332)*49.32 = 1874.16 million rubles.

Based on this formula, we can conclude that the economic effect is related to an increase in subsidence and an increase in the timing of attracting deposits.

Management of deposit resources of a commercial bank, attracted in a sufficient amount, is designed to ensure maximum efficiency of use. The efficiency of using deposit resources is calculated in the next stage of assessing the bank's deposit activities. The conditions for its achievement are maintaining liquidity at a level acceptable for the bank, using the entire aggregate of deposit resources and achieving a high level of profitability (profit on invested deposit resources).

Table 12.

Calculation of the efficiency of using raised funds

Based on the data given in the table, we conclude that the funds raised are not fully used. The remainder of the funds raised goes to the formation of required reserves.

Summarizing the analysis, we can conclude that the bank has a successful deposit policy. The main part of the resource base consists of time deposits, and this ensures the stable stability of the bank; the share of time resources exceeds the minimum norm of 30-36% (for BALTINVESTBANK this share is 80%). Thanks to the development of new attractive deposit products, the inflow of funds into time deposits from individuals. The shelf life of deposits increases every year, which also led to an increase in the stability of BALTINVESTBANK's resources.

Chapter 3. Improving the deposit policy of OJSC BALTINVESTBANK

.3 Optimization of the deposit policy of OJSC BALTINVESTBANK

Today, the bank deposit market is characterized by fairly low interest rates. But nevertheless, money is flowing into banks, which is due to the constancy of the population’s savings behavior and the continuation of trends in the deposit market observed last year according to the DIA agency. At the moment, there is excess liquidity in banks, so banks do not strive to develop new and profitable products. Banks' need for funds depends entirely on lending dynamics. At the moment, the pace of lending has slowed down, but there is a possibility of its growth, so many banks, especially medium and small ones, may require additional funds in the form of deposits, which will provoke the development of new competitive products by banks.

Thanks to the study of the theoretical foundations of deposit policy and the ongoing deposit policy at OJSC BALTINVESTBANK, I have developed a number of proposals and recommendations for improving the deposit policy in a commercial Bank. First of all, when developing a deposit policy, the bank must be guided by the following criteria for its optimization:

). to maintain the stability of the bank, its reliability, and financial stability, it is necessary to ensure an effective relationship between the deposit, credit and other operations of the bank

). it is necessary to diversify the bank's resources in order to minimize risk;

). segment the deposit portfolio (by market, client, product);

). it is necessary to provide an individual approach to each group of clients;

). increase the competitiveness of banking products and services;

). it is necessary to ensure an effective combination of resources, that is, an optimal combination of stable resources and unstable ones; in conditions of increased risk, the share of stable resources should increase.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the effective management of the process of formation and implementation of deposit policy. To ensure management efficiency, it is proposed to improve the quality of the bank’s work in forecasting and managing risks, which underlie the functioning of any credit institution.

To improve the deposit policy of a commercial bank, the following is proposed:

continuous improvement of a commercial bank’s own deposit policy, developed taking into account the specifics of its activities;

It is necessary to expand the range of deposit accounts of legal entities and individuals for the term “on demand”. This makes it possible to more fully satisfy the needs of bank clients and increases the interest of investors in placing their funds in bank accounts, even in conditions of insignificant financial savings;

as one of the directions for improving the organization of deposit operations, it was proposed to use different types of accounts for all categories of depositors and improve the quality of their service;

creating a system for guaranteeing bank deposits and protecting the interests of depositors, which will really improve the reliability of banks and their ability to fulfill the task assigned to banks to transform citizens' savings into investments, which the Russian economy so desperately needs;

Each bank should introduce savings deposits to increase the stability of the deposit base.

These are some possible ways to improve the deposit policy of a commercial bank and increase its role in ensuring its stability.

3.2 Development of measures aimed at attracting funds from OJSC BALTINVESTBANK

Banks operate in conditions of fierce competition in the struggle for each depositor, because the right to choose where to place their funds always remains with the latter. The development of banking competition leads to limited resources, which is followed by close ties between the bank and certain clients. If the circle of these clients is narrow, then the bank’s dependence on them is very high. In terms of passive operations, the bank’s choice is usually limited to a certain group of clientele, to which it is attached much more strongly than to borrowers. Due to competition between banks in the credit market, it forces them to take measures to develop services that help attract deposits.

To solve this problem of forming the bank's resource base, it is necessary to carry out work to expand the circle of depositors. This can be achieved by expanding the list of deposits. Thus, if OJSC BALTINVESTBANK seeks to increase the share of individual deposits in the structure of deposits, it can be proposed to create new banking products aimed at the younger generation, since the average age of a modern depositor has recently decreased. The average investor has become noticeably younger: previously, the tendency to save was characteristic only of the older generation. Every year, the share of young people saving money and placing savings in bank deposits is slowly increasing. Thus, five to seven years ago, the share of people under 25-30 years old among bank depositors was extremely small.

An example of a targeted deposit can be the so-called “vacation deposits”, that is, during the year the bank accepts small deposits for the depositor to spend a vacation at a recreation center, at sea or abroad. Funds can be returned either after six months or a year, depending on the agreement drawn up. Deposits can be opened both in rubles and foreign currency if the client is going abroad. For a trip abroad, with a minimum deposit of 50,000 rubles, you can offer a free opening of a VISA bank card.

To attract new investors and stimulate long-term storage of funds, a fundamentally new type of deposit “Saving for housing” is proposed. Such a product can be offered to a young married couple where both young people work.

The conditions for such a contribution may be:

opening a deposit for a young couple upon presentation of a passport and after a consultation conversation (the conversation includes consultation on the optimal monthly amount of savings based on the couple’s income; based on the desired amount of living space, the required amount for the purchase of housing is calculated);

deposit currency - Russian ruble;

the minimum deposit amount is 30,000 rubles;

term for raising funds: maximum - up to 25 years, minimum 5 years;

interest rate - fixed, 9% per annum, capitalization of income, interest is added to the deposit balance;

interest is accrued after a year on the entire deposit amount;

the ability to replenish the deposit monthly throughout the entire storage period (the minimum amount of additional contribution is 10,000 monthly;

no possibility of partial withdrawal of funds until 5 years have passed;

the ability to open a deposit in the name of another person (the rights to the deposit are transferred to the person in whose name the deposit is opened from the moment this person first contacts the bank on issues related to this deposit). In this case, it could be the parents of the couple who decided to open this type of deposit for them;

when storing funds on a deposit for more than 5 years when closing the deposit, if the couple still does not have enough money to buy a home (the amount of missing funds can be from 200,000 rubles with 5 years of storage and up to 800,000 rubles over 15 years of storage), The bank issues a mortgage at the interest rate in effect at the time of closing the deposit minus 1.5%.

Advantages of this type of deposit for the client:

fixed interest rate, which does not depend on the level of the refinancing rate;

capitalization of income;

the possibility of opening a deposit for another person (for example, parents open it for their children);

the ability to replenish the deposit;

quick mortgage processing for long-term storage of funds.

The advantages of this type of deposit for the bank:

attracting new investors;

accumulation of resource base;

the presence of a long-term stable resource base;

the opportunity to obtain a new client for mortgage lending.

The main difference between this type of deposit and those already existing at the bank is the client’s ability to obtain a mortgage at a favorable interest rate. With the help of the “Saving for Housing” deposit, the bank receives a client for two types of services at once - opening a new deposit and a possible borrower.

It is the possible receipt of a mortgage on favorable terms that will encourage the owner to put his money into this deposit. And it is precisely the possibility of saving for housing that will keep the depositor from withdrawing funds from the account early.

The following trend has been noticeable in the deposit market over the past few years - banks, by increasing the minimum deposit amount, are weeding out small depositors, the income from working with them often does not even cover operating expenses. However, OJSC “BALTINVETBANK” has made great steps forward in this direction, since there are already deposits with the possibility of making a small deposit amount (1000 rubles for the “Pension Deposit” and 10 rubles for the “Savings Deposit”). Despite the fact that the bank also imposes restrictions on the minimum deposit amount for some types of deposits, there is no doubt that these deposits will find their client.

You can also offer the Bank to make incentive gifts at the end of the term of a long-term deposit, for example, when closing a deposit for a period of no earlier than a year and the amount of funds on it is at least 100,000 rubles, you can offer to conclude an agreement for consumer lending at an interest rate lower than the established one by 0.5 - 1.5% depending on the deposit period. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that, since currently interest rates on deposits barely cover inflation, it is necessary to convince potential clients that the purpose of investing money in a bank is not the opportunity to make a profit, but the opportunity to preserve their savings. In this regard, the Bank can hold thematic seminars every few months on various options for saving funds by the client. This will also enhance the image of the Bank. In general, all proposed measures to improve deposit operations are aimed at increasing the bank’s resource base, attracting new depositors, expanding the segment of banking services, and improving the stability of the bank.


The tasks I set were successfully solved during the writing of my thesis. In the course of considering the theoretical foundations of the bank's deposit policy, the following conclusions were made: the bank's deposit policy is an important part of the bank's policy to attract temporarily free funds of organizations and the population to bank accounts in various types of deposits, which is primarily based on the bank's strategic plan, on the analysis of the structure, current state and dynamics of the bank’s resource base and should be based on the main prospects for its development. This process must be regulated both by the state and by internal banking regulations and rules. On the part of the state, regulation occurs through established standards. Various structural units are involved in the development of deposit policy. Each bank independently determines for itself the structure of attracted resources, terms, procedure and conditions for raising funds, by developing deposit products that are attractive to clients. It is deposits that are the main source of resources for banks, but, being a source of formation of resources, they also have some disadvantages: when attracting funds into deposits, the bank incurs certain monetary costs, and also incurs certain risks associated with changes in the behavior of depositors. Nevertheless, the competition between banks in the credit market forces them to take measures to develop services that help attract deposits. The Bank attracts funds from individuals and legal entities into time deposits and demand deposits. Each type of such deposit has both pros and cons for the bank. Thus, time deposits increase the stability of banks, being stable funds, but on the other hand they are costly for the bank.

Analyzing the deposit policy of OJSC BALTINVESTBANK we came to the following conclusions:

every year the Bank increases the volume of attracted funds, thanks to a competent and optimal deposit policy,

The bank has developed a wide range of deposits, taking into account the interests of various market segments,

The Bank has a stable resource base, since the basis for attracting funds is funds in time deposits (79% of the total amount of deposits),

the main volume of funds raised comes from legal entities, since servicing small and medium-sized businesses is the main strategy of the Bank, but every year the share of funds from individuals is growing, which is also the main direction of the Bank for 2010 - 2011.

The bank raises funds based on the projected volume of lending, and the funds raised are used efficiently.

Some recommendations were developed to improve the deposit policy of OJSC BALTINVESTBANK. Since the assessment of the deposit policy of BALTIVESTBANK is positive, recommendations were given to ensure that the Bank successfully follows the chosen direction. Since the Bank seeks to increase the share of individual deposits in the total volume of deposits, attention should be paid to the development of new deposit products to attract funds into time deposits. For this purpose, a fundamentally new deposit “Saving for an apartment” was proposed; a feature of this deposit is the opportunity for the client, after the expiration of the storage period for funds, and if there are insufficient funds to purchase an apartment, to obtain a mortgage on very favorable terms for them. This type of deposit is also beneficial for the Bank, since the Bank provides the opportunity for one client to immediately provide two types of services.

It is also proposed to encourage long-term storage of funds in the bank by providing customers with consumer loans at low interest rates.

Such products will attract new customers and also stimulate long-term storage of funds.


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Russia leads among the BRIC countries in terms of inflation,

First of all, it should be noted that in Russia, as such, methods for analyzing a bank’s deposit policy have not been developed. As a rule, banks themselves develop methods taking into account the specifics of their activities and the characteristics of their operations, relying on the methodological operations of the Bank of Russia.

O.D. Zhilan proposes to evaluate the bank's deposit policy in stages. At the first stage, an “Assessment of the organizational aspects of the deposit policy of a commercial bank” is carried out. To do this, we will establish the presence of the following points in the bank (Table 3):

Table 3. Organizational aspects of the bank's activities

Availability of conditions in the bank

A document on deposit policy containing its goals and objectives, the bank’s strategy and means of its implementation

Availability of internal procedures and regulations accompanying the process of attracting funds to deposit accounts, namely:

· provisions on deposits of legal entities,

· provisions on deposits of individuals,

· instructions on the procedure for performing deposit transactions with legal entities,

· instructions on the procedure for performing deposit transactions with individuals.

Divisions and management bodies involved in the analysis of the deposit portfolio and management of deposit resources, exercising control

An information base on the basis of which bank management and managers can assess the consequences of decisions made, their adequacy to the needs of the bank and market requirements

Based on Table 3, we can conclude that all organizational aspects of the Bank’s activities in the field of deposit policy are fully complied with.

The second stage involves analyzing the bank's deposit portfolio. Deposit research should begin with market segmentation

by individual characteristics of clients, for example: residents and non-residents; legal entities and individuals; legal entities by industry; small, medium, large average balance on the client’s account or the total monthly turnover on the client’s account; by types of currencies and others.

Let us first analyze the deposit portfolio of a conventional bank in terms of the composition and structure of deposits (Table 4).

Table 4. Structure of the deposit portfolio of BALTINVESTBANK

The table data shows that on average for 2009-2010. The largest share in the structure of demand deposits and in the structure of time deposits is occupied by deposits of legal entities (about 90% and 60%, respectively). During the analyzed period, the structure of deposits as a whole did not undergo significant changes.

To analyze deposits by maturity, it is advisable to calculate the following indicators:

Deposit structure maturity coefficient (d in D):

d in D = Ds/D = 23,315/28186 = 0.83

where Ds is the volume of time deposits; D - total volume of deposits.

This coefficient characterizes the degree of constancy and stability of the resource base. For our bank, the share of time deposits in the total amount of bank deposits is assessed positively, because time deposits, as the most stable component of attracted funds, ensure the bank’s liquidity, which allows operations to allocate resources for longer periods. To ensure the stability of the bank, this ratio should be at a level not lower than 30-35%. Banking management: textbook / under O.I. Lavrushin. - 2nd edition, revised and additional. - M.: KNORUS, 2009 - page 302.

Commitment structure coefficient (CSR):

Kso = Double/Ds = 3,862/14,603 = 0.26

Characterizes the stability of the bank's financial resources. The lower the value of the indicator, the lower the bank’s relative need for liquid assets, determined by the structure of liabilities.

Table 5.

Structure of BALTINVESTBANK deposits by client groups

Analysis of this table allows us to conclude that time deposits (82.8%), including time deposits of legal entities (more than 50%) play a decisive role in the formation of the bank’s deposit portfolio. Also, deposits of legal entities form the basis of funds raised in demand deposits. This structure of deposits can be considered optimal, since the share of resources with certain terms of attraction is quite large.

The movement of deposits in 2010 is characterized by the data presented in Table 6.

Table 6. Movement of deposits of BALTINVESTBANK

The table data shows that the volume of attraction as a whole for the deposit portfolio increased by 118.5%. Term deposits increased at the fastest rate - the growth rate averaged 145%. The current dynamics indicate the good work of the bank in the field of management, control and monitoring of deposit attraction.

Based on the data in this table, we will determine the average deposit balances (Table 7).

Table 7. BALTINVESTBANK deposit balances

Table 6 shows that resource balances during 2010 increased for all types of deposits and for the deposit portfolio as a whole by 18,247.6 million rubles. (68,334.4-50,086.8). The average deposit balance (ADB) for the year was:

Dsr = (ODinit + ODcon)/2 = 50,086.8 + 68,334.4 = 59,210.6 million rubles.

where ONE is the balance of deposits as of 01/01/2010;

ODcon -- balance of deposits as of 01/01/2011.

The effectiveness of deposit operations is characterized by two indicators of deposit turnover: the number of turnovers of the deposit ruble and the duration of one turnover of deposits for the period (the shelf life of the deposit ruble). The number of revolutions (n) that deposits will make will be equal to

n = OVo/Dsr = 57,626.4/59,210.6 =0.97

where ОВо is the turnover for the issuance of deposits (the amount of deposits issued for the period).

The number of deposit turnover shows how many times depositors' funds were turned over during the period, and is a direct characteristic of deposit turnover. The more turnover deposits make over a certain period, the more efficient their use.

The average storage period of deposits per year (T) is determined by the formula:

T = Dsr/ (OB/m) = 59,219.6/ (57,626.4/360) = 370,

where T is the storage period of deposits.

This indicator characterizes the average duration (in days or years) of one turnover of deposits and is an inverse characteristic of the rate of circulation of deposits. As you can see, the average period of storage of deposits in BALTINVESTBANK is long, the bank’s deposit policy is carried out successfully.

Using the table data, we determine the average storage period by type of deposit and the number of turnovers they make during the year (Table 8).

Table 8. Bank deposit turnover indicators in 2010

The deposit turnover indicators discussed in the table are interrelated as follows:

If T = m/n, then n = m/T,

then T = 360/0.97 = 370 days

and n = 360/370 = 0.97 turns

The difference between the inflow (Pd) and outflow of deposits (Vd), and

also between the value of the balance of deposits at the end (ODcon) and the beginning of the period (ODin) is called the amount of the influx of deposits (Spr).

Spr = ODcon - ODnach = Pd - Ind.

This indicator will demonstrate the absolute increase in the resource base and, to some extent, will characterize the effectiveness of the bank’s work in attracting resources. Let's calculate it based on the table data (Table 9)

Table 9.

As can be seen in the table, our bank has experienced a significant influx of funds into time deposits, namely from individuals, this is due to the fact that the bank is faithfully following its strategy of providing itself with a stable resource base at the expense of household deposits.

However, for a more specific description of the efficiency of operations for accepting and issuing deposits, the coefficients of tide and subsidence of deposits are still used.

The deposit inflow coefficient (DCR) is defined as the percentage ratio of the amount of deposit influx for the reporting period to the balance of deposits at the beginning of the period:

Kpr = Ref/ ONE initial * 100%.

The deposit subsidence coefficient (KOS) is obtained by comparing the amount of the influx of deposits with the total amount of deposit receipts for the period and is also expressed as a percentage:

Cos = Ref/Po *100%.

The deposit influx coefficient shows the increase in the amount of deposits in relation to their value at the beginning of the period, and the subsidence coefficient - in relation to the amount of deposit receipts for the period. Using the table data, we will determine these indicators (Table 10).

Table 10.

Coefficients of tide and subsidence of Bank deposits in 2010

Table 10 shows: the amount of the influx of deposits for the year was

RUB 18,247.6 million (75874-57626.4).

Let's calculate the coefficients of tide and subsidence of deposits:

Kpr = (18247.6/59,210.6)*100 = 30.8%;

Kos = (18247.6/75874)*100 = 24%

At the same time, the data in Table 10 shows that for time deposits there was an influx of deposits of approximately 12%. Moreover, the largest increase of 5% occurred in attracting time deposits from individuals. This trend has emerged due to the great attractiveness of interest rates and conditions for depositors on time deposits.

To analyze resource turnover, we determine the average storage period and average deposit balances for the year (Table 11).

Table 11. Storage periods and balances of bank deposits

The table shows a tendency towards an increase in the shelf life of deposits. The duration of resource mobilization as a whole for the deposit portfolio increased by 38 days (370 - 332) under the influence of changes in the structure of deposits, as well as due to differences in deposit conditions. The terms of attraction vary significantly by type of deposits and types of clients, which may be directly related to the goals of depositors and the attractiveness of deposit storage conditions for different clients, the specifics of the deposit policy of a particular commercial bank, changes in the economic situation and other reasons. That is why the bank must know and study these factors and trends, manage them and act as an active participant in the deposit market.

Let us determine the index of the average duration of use of deposits of variable composition:

It = t1 /t0 = 370/332 = 1.114 or 111.4%

Consequently, we can conclude that the terms for using deposits on average for the deposit portfolio increased by 11.4%, or by 38 days (370-332), so the resource base of this bank has become more stable.

The analysis carried out in banks must necessarily end with calculations of reserves for increasing economic efficiency. For example, using the indicator of the period for attracting deposits, you can determine the economic effect of increasing the period for attracting resources (Ed). We will calculate it as the difference between the terms of attracting deposits in the reporting and base year, multiplied by the amount of the average daily influx of deposits in the reporting year. As a result we get:

Ed = (t1 - t0)*SDpr1

Ed = (370--332)*49.32 = 1874.16 million rubles.

Based on this formula, we can conclude that the economic effect is related to an increase in subsidence and an increase in the timing of attracting deposits.

Management of deposit resources of a commercial bank, attracted in a sufficient amount, is designed to ensure maximum efficiency of use. The efficiency of using deposit resources is calculated in the next stage of assessing the bank's deposit activities. The conditions for its achievement are maintaining liquidity at a level acceptable for the bank, using the entire aggregate of deposit resources and achieving a high level of profitability (profit on invested deposit resources).

Table 12.

Calculation of the efficiency of using raised funds

Based on the data given in the table, we conclude that the funds raised are not fully used. The remainder of the funds raised goes to the formation of required reserves.

Summarizing the analysis, we can conclude that the bank has a successful deposit policy. The main part of the resource base consists of time deposits, and this ensures the stable stability of the bank; the share of time resources exceeds the minimum norm of 30-36% (for BALTINVESTBANK this share is 80%). Thanks to the development of new attractive deposit products, the inflow of funds into time deposits from individuals. The shelf life of deposits increases every year, which also led to an increase in the stability of BALTINVESTBANK's resources.


1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of the deposit policy of a commercial bank

1.2 Classification of deposit operations of commercial banks

1.3 Methods and tools for forming a deposit portfolio

2 Analysis of the deposit policy of the Siberian Bank of Sberbank OJSC

2.1 Study of external and internal environmental factors influencing the bank’s deposit policy

2.2 Analysis of the structure of deposits and deposit operations of the bank

2.3 Analysis of activities to attract target customer groups

3.1 Development of measures to attract funds and sell deposits to the economically active population

3.2 The bank’s innovative strategy in the provision of deposit services


List of sources used


The modern banking system of the Russian Federation is characterized by a transition to a qualitatively new stage of development, caused by increasing competition of credit institutions and the need to maintain or strengthen market positions, which affects all areas of banks’ activities without exception. A quantitative increase in the volume of transactions and an increase in the profitability of banking activities require credit institutions to improve the quality of management of deposit resources and revise the approaches underlying the formation of deposit policy, which should take into account new economic conditions and the needs of economic entities, and be consistent with the overall development strategy of the bank.

In recent years, banking experts have noted the increasing influence of the deposit policy of commercial banks on the development of their activities. At the same time, the insufficient development of the theoretical foundations of formation, problems of practical implementation and methods for assessing deposit policy weakens its impact on improving the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the functioning of commercial banks and the banking system as a whole. In these conditions, the comprehensive development of theoretical and practical issues that reveal all aspects of the deposit policy of a commercial bank becomes particularly relevant.

The purpose of the thesis is to explore the theoretical foundations of the formation of the deposit policy of a commercial bank, to analyze the deposit policy of the Siberian Bank of Sberbank OJSC and to propose directions for its improvement.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set and implemented:

Determine the place and role of deposit policy in banking policy;

Explore the goals and objectives of the deposit policy of a commercial bank;

Identify the factors that determine the deposit policy of a commercial bank;

Explore the main trends in the development of the deposit market of the Russian Federation;

Conduct an analysis of the deposit policy of the Siberian Bank of Sberbank OJSC;

To propose measures to improve the deposit policy of the Siberian Bank of Sberbank OJSC and evaluate their effectiveness;

The subject of the study is economic and organizational relations that develop in the process of formation, implementation and evaluation of the deposit policy of a commercial bank.

The object of the study is the current practice of formation and implementation of deposit policy by the Siberian Bank of Sberbank OJSC;

Methodological basis of the study. The theoretical and methodological basis of the dissertation research was the works of leading domestic and foreign experts, revealing the pattern of development of a market economy, the basics of organizing and managing the activities of a commercial bank, economic and organizational aspects of the formation of banking policy. In his research, the author relied on the theoretical developments of a number of prominent scientists in the field of banking: A. Babicheva, G. N. Beloglazova, E. N. Vasilishen, E. P. Zharkovskaya, E. F. Zhukov, L. P. Krolivetskaya, V. I. Kolesnikova, G. G. Korobova, O. I. Lavrushina, G. S. Panova, A. M. Tavasieva, K. R. Tagirbekova.

Research information base. The work used federal laws, regulations of the Russian Federation relating to the activities of commercial banks, materials of scientific conferences and seminars on the topics studied, materials of periodicals, data from published and financial statements of commercial banks in the Novosibirsk region, as well as information received by the author at the Siberian Bank Sberbank OJSC.

Research methods. The thesis is based on the use of statistical and analytical samples, as well as on the use of grouping methods, cost and comparative analysis of the dynamic state of the studied indicators.

The practical significance of the thesis lies in the possibility of using the research results in the activities of the Siberian Bank of Sberbank OJSC in order to develop the foundations for the formation, implementation and evaluation of the deposit policy of a commercial bank.

Scope and structure of work. The thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, and a list of sources used.

1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of the deposit policy of a commercial bank

In modern conditions, in order to effectively operate, develop and achieve its goals, each commercial bank must develop its own deposit policy, that is, a practical management strategy. As is known, attracting financial resources and their subsequent placement are the main forms of activity of a commercial bank. A fund of funds formed on a fee basis is used to invest in active instruments. Passive operations, therefore, are primary in relation to most banking operations aimed at generating income. In this regard, the funds raised should be considered as an independent object of policy.

Deposit interest policy is a set of measures aimed at mobilizing banks' funds from legal entities and individuals, as well as the state budget in the form of deposits for the purpose of their subsequent mutually beneficial use.

The deposit policy is designed to provide benefits to creditors from placing their temporarily free funds, as well as the opportunity for banks to profitably use the resources they hold in active operations. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of various deposits.

Deposit policy is the strategy and tactics of a commercial bank to attract customer funds on a repayable basis.

The bank's deposit policy should include:

1) development of a strategy for the bank’s activities to attract funds on deposits, based on a comprehensive market research, that is, analysis of the surrounding financial environment, the place and role of the bank in the field of raising funds, diagnostics and forecasting;

2) formation of tactics of a commercial bank to develop, offer and promote new bank deposit products for clients (in the field of product, pricing, sales and communication policies);

3) implementation of the developed strategy and tactics;

4) monitoring the implementation of the policy and its effectiveness;

5) monitoring the activities of a commercial bank to raise funds.

The main document regulating in commercial banks the process of attracting temporarily free funds of enterprises, organizations and the population to bank accounts in various types of deposits (deposits) is the bank's deposit policy. This is a document that is developed by each bank independently on the basis of the bank’s strategic plan, an analysis of the structure, state and dynamics of the bank’s resource base and based on the prospects for its development. In addition, documents are used that define the main directions and conditions for the placement of raised funds, such as the “Bank Credit Policy” and “Bank Investment Policy”.

The document “Deposit Policy of the Bank” should define its strategy for raising funds to fulfill the statutory requirements, goals and objectives defined by memorandums on credit and investment policies with a focus on maintaining the bank’s liquidity and ensuring profitable operation. Specifically, the bank provides:

Prospects for the growth of the bank's own funds (capital), and hence the ratio between own and borrowed funds;

Structure of attracted and borrowed funds (deposits, deposits, interbank loans, including loans from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation);

Preferred types of deposits and terms of their attraction; the ratio between time deposits (deposits) and on demand;

The main contingent of deposits, i.e., the category of depositors;

Geography of attracting and borrowing funds;

Desirable lending banks for interbank lending, terms for attracting the latter; conditions for attracting deposits (deposits) and interbank loans;

Methods of attracting deposits (based on bank account agreements, correspondent account, bank deposit (deposit), by issuing own certificates, bills);

The ratio between ruble and foreign currency deposits (deposits);

New forms of attracting funds to deposits;

Special conditions for opening certain types of deposits;

Measures to comply with bank risk standards for borrowed funds.

The deposit policy must, first of all, meet the following requirements:

- -economic expediency;

- – competitiveness;

- – internal consistency.

Considering the essence of the deposit policy of commercial banks, it is necessary to raise issues such as: subjects and objects of deposit policy, principles of its formation, as well as the boundaries of deposit policy.

The subjects of a commercial bank's deposit policy include bank clients, commercial banks and government agencies. The objects of deposit policy include attracted funds from the bank and additional services of the bank (comprehensive services). The classification of subjects and objects of the bank's deposit policy is summarized in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 – Composition of subjects and objects of the deposit policy of a commercial bank

The formation of a commercial bank’s deposit policy is based on both general and specific principles, which is clearly reflected in Figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2 – Principles for forming the deposit policy of a commercial bank

The general principles of deposit policy mean principles that are common both for the state monetary policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, pursued at the macroeconomic level, and for the policy at the level of each specific commercial bank. These include the principles of an integrated approach, scientific validity, optimality and efficiency, as well as the unity of all elements of the bank’s deposit policy. An integrated approach is expressed both in the development of theoretical foundations, priority directions of the bank’s deposit policy from the point of view of its development strategy, and in determining the most effective and optimal tactics and methods for its implementation for a given stage of the bank’s development.

The specific principles of deposit policy include the principles of ensuring the optimal level of bank costs, security of deposit operations, reliability, since the bank, accumulating temporarily free funds for the purpose of their subsequent placement, strives to obtain income not at any cost, but taking into account the realities of the market in which he carries out his activities.

Compliance with the listed principles allows the bank to formulate both strategic and tactical directions in organizing the deposit process, thereby ensuring the efficiency and optimization of its deposit policy.

One of the important issues of the work is the question of the boundaries of the deposit policy of a commercial bank, which is understood as a certain acceptable limit for the bank to accumulate temporarily free funds of legal entities and individuals. In this case, a classification of these boundaries is given according to the following criteria:

– depending on supply and demand in the deposit market (economic boundaries);

– on the impact of regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and bank limits (administrative boundaries);

– depending on the subjects of deposit relations (external and internal boundaries);

– depending on the urgency of the deposit relationship (time limits);

– depending on the geographical principle (territorial boundaries);

– depending on the volume and structure of funds raised (quantitative and qualitative boundaries).

The classification of boundaries is summarized in Figure 1.3.

Figure 1.4 – Scheme for forming the deposit policy of a commercial bank

Each of the stages in the formation of a commercial bank’s deposit policy is directly related to the others and is mandatory for the formation of an optimal deposit policy and the correct organization of the deposit process.

The successful implementation of the goals and objectives set by the bank in the process of developing and implementing deposit policy largely depends on the effectiveness of the functioning of this mechanism.

1.2 Classification of deposit operations of commercial banks

Operations to attract funds to banks, generate their resources for the purpose of their subsequent placement and generate income are passive operations of the bank. The bank's passive operations include: raising funds to settlement and current accounts of legal entities and individuals, opening time deposits, obtaining interbank loans, forming the bank's own capital, issuing its own securities, etc.

From here, all passive operations can be divided into:

Deposits, including obtaining interbank loans;

Non-deposit or emission.

Deposit (deposit) operations of a commercial bank are operations to attract funds from legal entities and individuals into deposits for a certain period of time or on demand, as well as balances in clients’ current accounts for use as credit resources and in investment activities. A deposit (deposit) is funds (in cash and non-cash form, in national or foreign currency) transferred to the bank by their owner for storage under certain conditions.

In global banking practice, deposits are usually understood as entries in bank books indicating the existence of certain customer requirements for the bank, or funds that customers deposit with the bank on the basis of agreements, contracts and deposit obligations provided for by law.

In Russian practice, a bank deposit is considered both in the broad and narrow sense of the word. In a broad sense, a deposit is understood as a complete transfer of funds with an obligation to return, accompanied by the recipient's freedom to dispose of them. In a narrow sense, a bank deposit (deposit) is money in Belarusian rubles or foreign currency placed by individuals and legal entities in a bank or non-bank financial institution for the purpose of storing and receiving income for a period of time (term), either on demand or until maturity. (non-occurrence) of a circumstance (event) specified in the concluded contract (conditional).

Deposit accounts can be very diverse and their classification is based on criteria such as sources of deposits, their intended purpose, degree of profitability, etc. (Fig. 1.5).

Figure 1.5 - Classification of deposits (according to O.I. Lavrushin)

The most common criteria for classifying deposits are the category of the depositor and the form of withdrawal of the deposit.

Deposits of legal entities (enterprises, organizations, banks);

deposits of individuals.

Deposits according to the form of withdrawal are divided into:

Demand deposits (obligations that do not have a specific period);

Time deposits (liabilities with a certain period);

Savings deposits.

Demand deposits are funds that can be called at any time without prior notification to the bank by the client. Demand accounts are opened so that their owners can freely receive and spend funds stored in the bank to settle commercial transactions and pay current expenses

They are classified depending on the nature and ownership of the funds stored in the accounts into:

Funds in settlement, current, budget accounts of enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership;

Funds in special accounts for storing funds of various economic purposes;

Own funds of enterprises intended for capital investments and stored in separate accounts;

Funds in settlements;

Credit balances on correspondent accounts for settlements with other banks;

Local budget funds;

Credit balances in the accounts of foreign correspondent banks.

From their settlement and current accounts, enterprises and organizations pay their expenses related to settlements with suppliers, contractors, the budget and extra-budgetary funds, withdraw money to pay wages and travel allowances to employees, and make other necessary payments.

These accounts receive revenue from the sale of products and services of enterprises, other payments are made to legal entities - the owners of these accounts, and cash deposited by enterprises is credited to their bank account. In addition, the settlement and current accounts of legal entities can be credited with the amounts of loans granted to them, contributions of shareholders (participants) of enterprises to their authorized capitals, amounts of deposits and interest paid by banks to enterprises for the use of borrowed funds, as well as fines, penalties and other cash receipts in non-cash and cash forms.

Demand deposits include:

1. Current account is a single account on which all transactions of the bank with the client are recorded. This account reflects, on the one hand, bank loans and all payments on behalf of the client, and on the other, funds received into the account in the form of transfers, deposits, loan repayments, and others. Such accounts are opened to reliable clients, first-class borrowers as a sign of special trust.

2. Correspondent account - they cannot be opened to individuals or enterprises; they are opened exclusively to credit organizations by the central bank of the country or other credit organizations. They are divided into LORO accounts (accounts opened in a given bank) and NOSTRO (opened in correspondent banks).

3. Special card accounts – opened to holders of bank plastic cards. Spending of funds from a special card account is carried out within the spending limit (for settlement bank plastic cards) or within the limits of the credit line and spending limit provided to the account owner (for credit bank plastic cards).

The main advantage of this group of deposits is their high liquidity. Their owners can use the money in demand accounts at any time.

The features of a demand deposit account are that, firstly, money can be deposited or withdrawn into this account either in parts or in full, without restrictions; secondly, it is allowed to take cash from this account in the prescribed manner.

The main disadvantages of demand deposits are: firstly, for their owners - no interest on the account (or a very small interest); secondly, for the bank - the need to have a higher operational reserve to maintain liquidity (due to the potential possibility of withdrawing money from accounts on demand).

Time deposits are funds attracted by banks for a certain period. Time deposits in national and foreign currencies are classified depending on their term into:

1) deposits with a maturity of up to 3 months;

2) deposits with a period of 3 to 6 months;

3) deposits with a period of 6 to 9 months;

4) deposits with a period of 9 to 12 months;

5) deposits with a maturity of more than a year.

You can also classify them as follows:

Deposits limited to a minimum amount and without restrictions on amounts;

Irrevocable contribution - a contribution that does not have the possibility of unilateral recall;

Revocable deposit - a deposit that has the possibility of unilateral withdrawal;

Replenishable deposit - allows the depositor to periodically replenish the deposit with additional contributions;

Non-replenishable deposit;

Deposits with a fixed interest rate for the entire period;

Deposits with a fixed interest rate that increases progressively over time;

Deposits with an interest rate that is not fixed during the term;

Capitalized deposits are deposits for which the amount of accrued interest is added to the amount of the main deposit.

The bank’s choice of timing for attracting deposits may be due to a number of reasons. To a large extent, these terms depend on the requirements of banking legislation for the formation of required reserves: if there is differentiation in the norms of required reserves depending on the timing of attracting resources, then the bank opts for such terms that allow it to make deductions at the minimum standards. In addition, the timing of active operations carried out by banks has a great influence on the choice of timing for raising funds. And, of course, the timing of banks’ attraction of resources depends on prevailing trends and current market fluctuations (demand and supply) in the money market.

The fact that the owner of a time deposit can dispose of it only after the agreed period has expired does not exclude the possibility of early receipt of his funds from the bank. However, in this case, the client’s interest rate on the deposit is reduced. The bank is interested in attracting time deposits, since they are stable and allow the bank to have depositors' funds for a long time.

Thus, deposits represent all time and non-term deposits of bank customers. The peculiarity of this type of operation is that it is not the client who offers the bank funds, but the bank itself attracts money on its own initiative. Therefore, in banking practice these funds are called “raised”. The bank pays interest on such funds. The interest rate varies depending on the terms.

A unique type of deposits are deposits issued by deposit or savings certificates.

A savings certificate is a security that certifies the amount of a deposit made to a bank and the right of the depositor (certificate holder) to receive, upon expiration of a specified period, the deposit amount and the interest stipulated in the certificate in the bank that issued the certificate or in any branch of this bank. A certificate of deposit can be issued only to legal entities, and a savings certificate - only to individuals.

Bank certificates cannot be used as a means of payment in payments for goods and services. They serve only as a means of accumulation. Upon expiration of the certificate, the bank returns the deposit amount to its owner (holder) and pays income based on the established interest rate, term and amount of the deposit deposited into a separate bank account.

In addition to dividing certificates into deposit and savings depending on the category of depositors, certificates can also be classified:

By release method: released on a one-time basis; produced in series;

By registration method: personal; to bearer.

Certificates must be urgent only. Their repayment is carried out after the expiration of the period established in them by non-cash transfers to other types of deposits or to demand accounts (settlement, current), and in relation to individuals - in cash.

The bank issuing certificates independently develops the conditions for the issuance and circulation of certificates.

When the certificate matures, the owner of the certificate must present it to the issuing bank along with an application for claiming funds under the certificate, indicating the account to which they should be credited. For legal entities, funds from the redemption of their certificates of deposit must be sent to their settlement (current) or correspondent accounts. Payment to citizens can be made either by transferring the amount to his current bank account or in cash.

Certificates have significant advantages over time deposits formalized by deposit agreements:

Thanks to the large number of possible financial intermediaries in the distribution and circulation of certificates, the circle of potential investors can be expanded;

Thanks to the secondary market, a certificate can be transferred (sold) ahead of schedule by the owner to another person with the receipt of some income during storage and without changing the volume of the bank’s resources, while early withdrawal by the owner of a time deposit means for him a loss of income, and for the bank - a loss parts of resources.

The main tasks solved by banks during the issuance of certificates are:

Prompt attraction of temporarily available funds from legal entities and individuals to increase resource potential;

Regulating bank liquidity by accumulating liabilities with a fixed maturity and profitability;

Attracting clients by diversifying the services provided.

It is also important that the process of issuing bank certificates is less formalized and more efficient compared to issuing other debt obligations.

The disadvantage of certificates compared to time deposits is the bank’s increased costs associated with the issue of certificates. In addition, a potential investor should keep in mind that income from certificates is subject to taxation, while income from demand accounts and time deposits is not subject to such tax.

Bank operations to issue plastic cards into circulation can be considered as a form of raising funds. A bank plastic card is a means of payment intended for making non-cash payments for goods and services and receiving cash. Card programs open up a promising way for banks to attract funds from individuals and business entities.

Savings deposits are, as a rule, household deposits with a savings focus. Their terms are usually longer than time deposits. There are a number of types of savings deposits:

For a cumulative winning deposit (cash, clothing, mixed);

Savings housing deposit;

Targeted contributions for children.

The cheapest resources for a bank are cash balances on clients’ current and current accounts; they are intended for their daily use by clients. The bank pays the lowest interest rates on them. Time deposits are among the most expensive resources for banks.

Thus, time deposits of the population and business entities are the most important factor in generating bank profits, used for conducting active operations. For savers, the advantage of a deposit over cash is that the deposit earns interest.

1.3 Methods and tools for forming a deposit portfolio

Currently, various approaches are being used to solve the problem of forming a deposit base. Sometimes the number one issue for a bank becomes the question of “attracting a client,” i.e. The bank puts the marketing principle “Bank for the client” at the forefront of its work. In relation to solving the problem of forming a deposit portfolio of a commercial bank (CB), the main results of using this principle are ensuring a stable influx of free funds into the bank and attracting new clients. However, attracting more clients and a constant influx of deposits by themselves do not contribute to increasing the stability of the resource base.

As part of the marketing approach, pricing issues should be considered, since price is one of the key factors that determine mutually beneficial cooperation between the client and the bank and directly affects the profitability of the latter. The main difficulty in solving the pricing problem is determining the cost of a banking product. Methods for its calculation are based on determining the composition of costs for the service provided, and the main issues are the choice of both methods for accounting for direct and indirect costs, and the allocation of indirect costs to specific services (products). Most often, the criterion for allocating indirect costs is the share of the service in the total volume or quantity of services provided. Practice shows that for a large commercial bank with an extensive network of branches, the implementation of such a calculation of the cost of services provided is difficult.

The traditional approach to determining the stability of deposits is to calculate two or three main indicators or modify them: the average storage period of funds (SD), the level of deposit of funds (Vo), as well as the amount of the balance of funds available for use - transformation (D s) .

In the economic literature there is another way to determine the stability of deposit resources - assessment using the balance stability coefficient (K st). This indicator assesses the amplitude of fluctuations in the balances of attracted funds.

In our opinion, the most comprehensive approach to the analysis of bank client funds proposed by A. Burya back in 1998. It provides for: the identification of client groups; calculation of coefficients characterizing the stability of the residues of each group; assessment of the current state of the client base; determination of existing trends in its change; forecast for further development. However, to assess the stability of the customer base, this approach uses standard coefficients (average shelf life, level of subsidence, amplitude of fluctuations), and therefore has the disadvantages and contradictions inherent in these methods.

In modern banking practice, the formation of a deposit portfolio in accordance with the requirements for maintaining bank liquidity is usually achieved by regulating the ratios between assets and liabilities by maturity by calculating special coefficients that evaluate these ratios. It should be noted that these methods are not intended to analyze the client base and identify stable deposit resources; they do not provide answers to a number of pressing questions that arise when implementing deposit policy: what types of resources, what clients and in what quantities should the bank attract in order to ensure stability resource base.

An important aspect when solving the problem of forming a deposit portfolio is planning work to attract deposit resources. To ensure planning and management of work to attract clients, the bank needs to assess the possible amount of cash balance that potential and existing clients can provide. In other words, it is necessary to determine how many clients must be had or attracted in order to ensure a given volume of deposits.

Thus, for high-quality management of deposit resources, the bank needs to solve the following main tasks:

1) know which clients are most profitable in terms of the possibility of more efficient use of their resources, i.e. be able to identify clients who provide greater stability of the deposit base and a higher balance in their account;

2) be able to plan work to attract clients, i.e. know how many clients it is necessary to have or attract to ensure a given volume of the deposit base and its components;

3) organize and carry out work to attract the most profitable potential clients to the bank, not forgetting the need to retain existing ones;

4) ensure the efficiency of each operation related to customer service, i.e. the cost of the services provided should be calculated and their profitability determined for each client, which will make it possible to implement a flexible individual pricing policy;

5) develop an information and analytical system to support decision-making when forming a deposit portfolio. This is a key factor influencing the ability to timely obtain the necessary information in order to quickly and adequately respond to ongoing changes.

To solve the first three problems, the bank needs to have appropriate methods and tools in its “analytical arsenal”.

To determine the stability of deposit resources, we propose to use three new coefficients: the indicator of balance variability, the synchronicity of changes in balances, and the potential for reliability of account funds.

The residual variability indicator (K i) is calculated using formula (1.1).

K i = X imin /X icp , (1.1)

where X imin is the minimum value of the total balance for group i for the period under study; X icp – average total balance in group i (in the form of deposits).

The indicator b i , characterizing the synchronicity of changes in client balances in each of the i groups, is calculated using formula (1.2).

b i = K icp /K i , (1.2)

where K icp is the average value of balance variability indicators for a single account in group i (calculated by analogy with K i)

Limits for changing the values ​​of indicators K and b: K – from 0 to 1; b – from 0 to infinity (b ® Ґ for K ® 0. b = 1, when account balances in group i are absolutely identical and change absolutely synchronously).

Interpretation of the meaning of indicators:

K – this indicator characterizes the deviation of the minimum balance value from its average value for the period. Thus, the closer this indicator approaches unity, the more stable the remainder is (optimum 1);

b – this indicator characterizes the contribution to the amplitude of the total average residue of individual fluctuations of residues in group i. The more synchronously the residuals change, the more, other things being equal, the greater amplitude is observed in the total average residual (the coefficient K decreases its value, and therefore b increases). The smaller the value of b, the less synchronously the balances in the client group change (optimum 0).

The potential for the reliability of account funds (T cp) characterizes the average period of maintaining a certain minimum balance on the client’s account. This indicator is defined as the average of the values ​​calculated for each day of the period under study, the duration of the period (in days) during which the account balance does not fall below the specified (current) one.

To determine the most stable client groups (types of deposits), the aggregated indicator VSO is used - weighted balance stability (takes values ​​from 0 to 1, optimal 1). Calculated using formula (1.3).

BCO i = V 1 x K` i + V 2 x b` i + V 3 x T` icp , (1.3)

where V 1,2,3 – weighting coefficients (V 1 + + V 2 = V 3 = 1), determined by expert means; K` i, b` i, T` icp – normalized indicators K i, b i, T icp.

In order to organize and plan work to attract clients, it is necessary to determine (predict) the possible balance on each client’s account. Then it will be possible to set clear targets for attracting a specific number of clients. Thus, to carry out quality planning, the bank needs:

Assess the size of the possible balance on the client’s account depending on the credit turnover on his account, i.e. revenue;

Know how many and what kind of clients you need to have (or attract) in your service in order to achieve a given share of these resources in the total volume of attraction.

Forecasting the account balance of individual clients is possible provided that dependencies are identified between the balance and any factor or group of factors. For demand deposit resources, such a factor may be account turnover. For time deposit resources attracted from legal entities, such factors, jointly or separately, may be: turnover on the client’s current account, type of client’s activity. For time deposit resources attracted from individuals, the set of factors should be wider, taking into account the involvement of social, demographic, economic and geographical factors. Indicators on which the size of the potential balance on a client’s account may depend may be: type of activity, length of work experience, income level, marital status, number of family members, place of residence, level of education, availability of certain property (for example, a car, a summer house, etc.) .P.).

Based on the results of the study, it is possible to construct mathematical models of the balance of cash turnover depending on the turnover significance coefficient (ratio of balance to turnover) on the turnover of the client’s current account. This significance coefficient allows us to assess the client’s usefulness for the bank in terms of maintaining a high (relative to its turnover) balance on the current account.

The models described above will allow the bank to plan work to attract clients, including predicting the amount of cash balances on the current accounts of legal entities depending on their number and the amount of planned turnover on their accounts in order to further determine the permissible amount of these funds when placing them, ensuring maximum efficiency from their use while maintaining bank liquidity. This allows the bank to determine how many and which clients need to be attracted to settlement and cash services in order to fulfill the business plan to increase the share of “cheap” resources in the deposit portfolio. Knowing its potential clients, the bank can most effectively distribute efforts to attract them and reduce the associated time and costs (including financial ones) to attract them.

It is also possible to evaluate the importance of each client (group of clients) from the point of view of usefulness for the bank, depending on the level of cash balance in the accounts relative to the turnover, determine which clients it is advisable to work with to attract based on their importance. The model shows that the most significant (in terms of the Balance/Turnover ratio) are clients with a turnover of up to 200 thousand. As these turnover increases, the importance of the client decreases.

These dependencies in a specific analytical expression are not stationary and universal. They should be periodically clarified and adjusted, since over time there is an increase in turnover, production and prices, but the essence of the data remains unchanged.

It is possible to assess the importance for the bank of each client (group of clients) depending on the level of cash balances in the accounts relative to turnover.

A logical continuation of analytical work and an important stage in the process of forming a deposit portfolio are: direct work with potential and existing clients; using appropriate tools to attract and retain them; using certain methods to attract potential clients. These methods depend on the urgency of the resources involved and the client’s membership in the category of individuals or legal entities.

To attract resources “on demand” of individuals and legal entities, urgent resources of legal entities, you can use a method based on the development of flexible differentiated tariff plans for settlement and cash services and the establishment of differentiated fees (stepped interest rates depending on the size of the balance - a grid of rates) for balance of funds in accounts depending on the client’s belonging to a certain category (target group).

To attract urgent resources from individuals, a method is used based on the development of new types of deposits, characterized by more favorable conditions for placing resources (interest rate) for certain social groups, which are identified in the process of analyzing the stability of the deposit base.

As practice shows, in most cases, even specialists involved in settlement and cash services for individuals and legal entities tend to make mistakes in assessing the importance of bank clients, relying solely on the postulate “the larger the client, the better.” A more adequate perception of how and due to what the bank’s deposit base is formed will help to conduct a more accurate segmentation of clients and the products offered.

Using the approaches we have considered to the analysis and formation of the deposit base allows us to obtain certain conclusions about the quality of liabilities that exist or will be formed in the future. Moreover, in this context, planning is limited not only to the adoption of control balance figures for balances, but also to the planning of marketing offers that make it possible to segment individual products and individual client groups in order to form the “correct” portfolio of liabilities in a credit institution.

2. Analysis of the deposit policy of the Siberian Bank of Sberbank OJSC

2.1 Study of external and internal environmental factors influencing the bank’s deposit policy

Deposits of individuals in banks participating in the deposit insurance system in 2009 increased by 1,579 billion rubles. This is the maximum increase in recent years. In relative terms, they increased by 26.8% to RUB 7,464.3 billion. (in 2008 by 14.7%). The quarterly dynamics of deposit growth during the year was different and was determined both by the revaluation of their currency component and by the net influx of deposits. However, at the end of the year, the change in the ruble exchange rate had virtually no effect on the growth of the deposit base, since the weakening of the ruble at the beginning of the year was largely compensated by its subsequent strengthening. Against this background, starting from the second quarter of 2009, a net influx of deposits became apparent, which indicates the restoration of confidence in the banking system and an increase in the savings activity of the population.

The average growth rate of deposits in the first 10 months was RUB 2.9 billion. in a day. Starting from mid-November, the influx of household funds began to increase rapidly under the influence of pre-New Year bonus payments, which brought the banking system an additional 520 billion rubles in the last month and a half. (33% of the total increase for the year: in 2006-2007, pre-New Year bonuses provided only 16-20% of the annual increase in deposits). Almost half of these funds (250 billion rubles) were formed due to an increase in balances on current accounts and demand accounts, which confirms the one-time and possibly short-term nature of the appearance of these funds in the banking system. It can be assumed that in the context of falling interest rates on deposits, part of these funds may in the near future move to the stock market or the real estate market. This is confirmed, in particular, by the rapid growth in the number of transactions in the real estate market in December 2009 - January 2010.

According to estimates by the Deposit Insurance Agency, in 2010 the absolute increase in deposits will be at the level of 2009 and will amount to 1,500-1,650 billion rubles, which corresponds to an increase in the total amount of deposits of 20-22%. The volume of deposits of individuals at the end of 2010 is estimated at 9,000 - 9,100 billion rubles.

This forecast assumes a stable macroeconomic situation, the continuation of emerging positive trends in global financial and commodity markets, moderate growth in household incomes and a gradual strengthening of the ruble against a basket of currencies throughout the year, as well as a slight decrease in the savings activity of the population as a result of a significant decrease in the profitability of bank deposits.

Based on the results of 2009, the negative impact of the crisis on the deposit market can be considered over, and its main consequence was more active and prudent saving behavior of the population.

The service area of ​​the Siberian Bank includes the Novosibirsk, Kemerovo and Tomsk regions, the population of which as of 01/01/2009 was 6.5 million people, which is 33.2% of the population of the Siberian Federal District, the territory area is 587.9 thousand square meters . km or 11.4% of the territory of the Siberian Federal District.

The industrial production index, which characterizes changes in the scale of production, for January-November 2009 in relation to the corresponding period last year was: for the Novosibirsk region - 92%, for the Kemerovo region - 88.9%, for the Tomsk region - 101%.

The balanced financial result of the activities of large and medium-sized enterprises and organizations in three regions for January - October 2009 amounted to 40.7 billion rubles, which is 14% of the same figure for the Siberian Federal District.

The increase in real disposable cash income of the population in October 2009 compared to the corresponding period in 2008 occurred only in one of the regions served by the Siberian Bank of the Novosibirsk region and amounted to 4.8%, in other regions the decrease was from 8% (Tomsk region) to 14. 2% (Kemerovo region). The main factors for the decline in income were a decrease in real wages (by 1.3% - 6.2%) and an increase in overdue wages (by 42% in relation to arrears as of 01/01/2009).

The consolidated consumer price index for all goods and services in the Novosibirsk, Kemerovo and Tomsk regions (January–November 2009 to January–November 2008) was recorded at 112%, 110.8% and 110.6%, respectively, which is 1 .2% - 2.9% below the price level for the same period in 2008 relative to 2007.

In general, in the regions served by Siberian Bank, in the period January–October there was a tendency to increase the number of unemployed, so, as of November 1, 2009, the total number of unemployed increased by 71%. In similar periods of previous years, the number of unemployed decreased (as of October 1, 2008 - by 8.1% compared to the same period in 2007, as of October 1, 2007 - by 17%).

We estimate that in the context of the end of the economic crisis, with a gradual increase in the growth of monetary incomes of the population and maintaining the level of inflation, it is possible that the trend of reorientation of the population from a consumer to a savings model of behavior will strengthen, which will allow maintaining the existing level of volumes of raised funds.

Market position, competitive advantages of the bank. As of January 1, 2010, 21 credit organizations, 155 branches of credit organizations (23 branches of Sberbank of Russia and 132 branches of other commercial banks, of which 12 branches of banks in the Siberian region) were registered in the Novosibirsk, Kemerovo and Tomsk regions. In general, compared to 2008, the number of credit institutions decreased by 4 credit institutions, and the number of branches of other credit institutions increased by 18.

We estimate that the development of the regional deposit market in 2009 was influenced by the following factors:

1) restoration of public confidence in the Russian banking system;

2) consequences of the global financial crisis;

3) intensifying the work of competing banks in the deposit market, including through a large number of incentive promotions;

4) reduction in the refinancing rate and interest rates on deposits.

Under the current conditions, Siberian Bank retained its leading position in the deposit market, as of October 1, 2009, having accumulated 50.9% of the total volume of resources placed on deposit accounts by private clients. Over 9 months of 2009, the share of Siberian Bank in the household deposit market was reduced by 0.4 percentage points, the share in the volume of ruble resources amounted to 54.1% (a decrease from the beginning of the year by 0.3 percentage points), foreign currency - 33.6% (increase from the beginning of the year by 0.6 percentage points). At the same time, the Bank improved its position in the market of the Tomsk and Kemerovo regions: its share increased by 3.1 percentage points. up to 49.8% and by 0.8 p.p. up to 59% respectively. In the Novosibirsk market, Sberbank's share decreased by 2.3 percentage points. and amounted to 43.5%.

The reason for the change in the share is the concentration by the Siberian branch of VTB Bank 24 of the resources of the Siberian Federal District in the second quarter of 2009 on the balance sheet in Novosibirsk, which made it possible to increase the volume of funds of individuals by 6.2 billion rubles in the 1st half of the year. (for the first half of 2008, the increase amounted to 3.4 billion rubles), which amounted to 70% of the increase in the volume of funds from individuals of all competing banks in the Siberian region.

According to the assessment of branches organizationally subordinate to Siberian Bank, competitors in the regional market for attracting public funds opened 706 customer service points (hereinafter referred to as TOK), in 2009 this figure increased by 5 units.

By region, the level of competition in the deposit market can be presented in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 – Assessment of the level of competition in the deposit market

In general, in the three areas the level of competition remained unchanged (+1%). The main competitors of Siberian Bank in the retail banking market are OJSC MDM Bank, JSCB Novokuznetsk Municipal Bank, JSC FKB Bank of Moscow, OJSC NSK Bank Levoberezhny, CJSC JSCB VTB 24, CJSC Uralsib, JSCB Gazprombank, OJSC Tomskpromstroybank, JSCB Kuznetskbusinessbank, CJSC Raiffeisenbank. At the same time, with regard to the sale of products for the VIP segment, we should highlight Alfa Bank OJSC and MDM Bank OJSC.

Changes in the structure of competitors - there was a merger of the banks OJSC URSA Bank and OJSC MDM Bank. As a result, the new structure has almost 2 times the number of TOKs (59) than other competing banks.

The advantages of the Siberian Bank of Sberbank of Russia OJSC in the regional banking market include an extensive branch network, a network of ATMs and electronic terminals, the availability of a wide range of bank deposits, convenient operating hours for bank divisions, the functioning of a consultation center for private clients, competitive conditions for individual deposit products, and a transparent tariff policy . Disadvantages: competitor banks set an interest rate level for some types of deposits that is 0.5 - 6 percentage points higher than at Sberbank; introduction of new products attractive to clients (receiving interest when opening a deposit before the deposit expires, insuring the client against the need for early withdrawal of the deposit), discounts, bonuses; high level of use of package offers; extremely active advertising of deposits of competing banks, a limited (during 2009) number of means of access to the Bank's services through remote channels (Internet and mobile communications); insufficient sales skills of employees, including packaged product offers, as well as the lack of consistently high quality customer service.

Monitoring the market dynamics and analyzing the bank’s share in the region in the bank deposit market allows us to predict the position of Siberian Bank as of 01/01/2011 as follows: the share of the total volume of resources placed on deposit accounts by private clients will be at least 50% .

Accepting payments from the public. In 2009, the situation in the payments market was characterized by the expansion of the branch network of commercial banks in the region, strengthening the position of commercial banks in the region by offering modern non-cash methods of paying for services, increasing the share of instant payments, including:

Increasing the range of services and organizations in favor of which payments can be made;

Non-cash payment for services of various organizations providing housing and communal services, cellular communications, traffic police fines, payments to the budget, payment for air and railway tickets, payment for goods in online stores through the use of the Internet banking service,

Increasing types of payments paid using terminal devices;

An increase in the market for instant payments, including due to the growth of SMS payments for various types of services, as well as the expansion of the network of payment terminals of non-credit organizations connected to instant payment systems.

According to the branches of the Siberian Bank in the Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Tomsk regions, payments from the population for housing, communal and other services are accepted at more than 4,000 cash payment acceptance points (structural divisions of commercial banks, management companies, housing departments, OJSC Telecomservice, Russian Post etc.), of which 734 are structural divisions of the Siberian Bank. For one structural unit of the Siberian Bank, which accepts payments from the population, there are more than 5 points for accepting cash payments from competing organizations. The main competing banks with the largest number of structural divisions are FAKB Moscow Business World (MDM Bank), Levoberezhny Bank, Rosselkhozbank, IMB-Bank of Moscow. Among the competing non-credit organizations we can highlight Russian Post, which has 1,696 structural divisions (including 1,178 in rural areas), OJSC Telecomservice (more than 330 units), as well as enterprises related to housing and communal services (more than 225 units .).

Transfers of funds from the population in Russian currency and foreign currency. In the service territory of the Siberian Bank, one of the main competitors in the money transfer market remains the Russian Post, which as of January 1, 2010 had 1,696 branches, of which 1,178 branches are located in rural areas. In 2009, the number of Russian Post branches located in the Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Kemerovo regions increased by 4 units.

In 2009, the main competitors among commercial banks were OJSC NSKB Levoberezhny, OJSC Alfa Bank, CJSC Gazprombank, JSCB Bank of Moscow, FAKB Moscow Business World, Tomskpromstroybank, VTB 24, CJSC "Uglemetbank", branches and representative offices of foreign banks Raiffeisenbank and Bank Societe Generale Vostok.

Transfers offered to the population in the currency of the Russian Federation are carried out within our own systems on a free basis; when transferring to other credit institutions, the amount of commission charged starts from 30 rubles. up to 1000 rub. (mostly 1% of the transfer amount).

A variety of banking products from other credit institutions provide high competition to branches of the Siberian Bank for non-trade transfers of foreign currency. Along with the payment systems used by Western Union, Money Gram, Anelik, Migom, Contakt and others, these banks also carry out transfers via the SWIFT system used in Sberbank of Russia. With a higher differentiated cost of transfers using payment systems, the advantages of their use are obvious, including: high speed of transactions, a wide branch network, both throughout the Russian Federation and abroad.

As for the qualitative characteristics of processing transactions, it can be noted that in most banks the time for processing a transfer transaction is less than 15 minutes (for example, Novosibirsk Municipal Bank, VTB-24, Nomos-Bank), when a client applies for the first time The operation can take more than 30 minutes; if repeated, it is reduced to 15 minutes.

In addition, in some banks, the transfer application is filled out and printed automatically when you enter the details, and when using modern software systems, a payment order is generated and promptly sent based on the entered data (for example, MDM Bank).

Against this background, the time and technology for processing and sending transfers at Sberbank of Russia are inferior to competing banks.

However, it should be noted that the updating of information on transfers on the Internet site of Sberbank of Russia in 2009, in particular application forms and memos, as well as the implementation of the opportunity to fill out applications without leaving home, had a positive impact on the image of the bank, and is becoming in demand by clients.

An additional competitive advantage in the Novosibirsk translation market is the organization and operation of a call center, which facilitates easy client access to the necessary information.

The company's internal environment is also undergoing changes. In 2008, the process of implementing the Development Strategy of Sberbank of Russia for the period until 2014 began. This Strategy is aimed at developing the enormous potential of Sberbank of Russia and realizing the unique opportunities provided by the Russian market and the international financial system. According to the Strategy, Sberbank must not only maintain its leading position in the Russian market, but also become one of the best international financial companies, effectively using its key competencies and competitive advantages.

To achieve strategic goals, Sberbank's development is focused on three main areas of transformation, which involve significant changes in all areas of activity of its territorial divisions, including Siberian Bank.

In particular, maximum customer focus and transformation of Sberbank into a “service” company is becoming a fundamentally important direction of development. This means that the Bank will strive to satisfy the maximum volume of financial services needs of each of its clients and thereby maximize its income from each set of client relationships.

In addition, the choice of a scenario for dynamic development and growth (outstripping the indicators of the banking system as a whole) involves a comprehensive restructuring of Sberbank’s processes and systems and their transfer to a new “industrial” basis. Such “industrialization” of systems and processes in the Bank will increase the level of manageability and scalability, reduce costs, improve the quality of customer service and make it possible to more effectively manage credit and other types of risks.

The third most important element of the development strategy is the introduction of the ideology of continuous improvement and development at all levels and in all parts of the organization.

Developed on the basis of a systematic approach to identifying and reducing losses in various areas of activity (Lean technology), the new Sberbank Production System (PSS) involves integrated work to optimize and rationalize activities in all areas “bottom-up”, creating a systematic ability to update in the Bank and self-improvement, as well as changing the mentality and values ​​of employees.

As part of the above priority areas of business development, Sberbank plans to develop and implement retail and corporate strategies that will contribute to the realization of its potential and the formation of long-term competitive advantages.

Sberbank's retail strategy includes such important elements as an integrated product offering based on a debit card with expanded functionality; development of automated sales and service channels for the population; implementation of a new model of operation of branches based on PSS; improving the quality of customer service and developing “industrial” customer relationship management skills; development and strengthening of the brand.

In turn, Sberbank’s corporate strategy includes such elements as building a more efficient sales and service system for corporate clients; differentiation of the Bank’s work and product offerings by segment (large, medium and small enterprises); development of a product range for selling to clients the entire line of banking products, adapted to the needs of the relevant segments; optimization of internal technologies and processes for providing banking services (simplification, standardization, automation of operations).

The most important element of the development strategy of Sberbank of Russia is the introduction of the ideology of continuous improvement and development at all levels and in all parts of the organization. The task that the Bank sets for itself is to make efficiency and quality the business of every employee in every department, to involve both ordinary employees and managers in the everyday process of improving their work. The organizational structure of the Siberian Bank of Sberbank of Russia OJSC is presented in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1 – Apparatus of the Siberian Bank of Sberbank of Russia OJSC

In 2009, the Bank ensured progressive business development and growth in sales of banking products and services, focusing on the quality of service. The Bank continued to improve its product range, develop new services and introduce new initiatives. This allowed it to maintain a leading position in the main segments of the region's financial market.

2.2 Analysis of the structure of deposits and deposit operations of the Siberian Bank of Sberbank OJSC

In 2008-2009 Siberian Bank increased its share in the deposit market. Thus, in 2008, the bank accumulated 52.3% of the total volume of resources placed by private clients. The share of Siberian Bank in the consumer lending market was 35.4%. The share of the corporate lending market was 23.2%. (Fig. 2.2).

Figure 2.2 – Share of Siberian Bank in the main segments of the financial market as of 01/01/2009

The volume of funds raised from private clients increased by 16.5% in 2008. The balance of funds raised from legal entities increased by 9% in 2008. The average daily balances of funds raised from legal entities based on the results of work in the 4th quarter of 2008 compared to the same period in 2007 increased by almost 2 billion rubles. (growth rate – 107.1%) (Fig. 2.3).

Figure 2.3 – Dynamics of the average daily balance (billion rubles)

The ability to provide comprehensive services to the country's largest enterprises, which have a developed regional structure throughout Russia, has made it possible to establish stable partnerships with large businesses. The volume of average daily balances in the accounts of this group of clients in the Siberian Bank of Sberbank of Russia OJSC in 2008 amounted to almost 6.0 billion rubles. (growth rate 161.7% compared to 2007).

The developed branch network of Siberian Bank is capable of fully meeting the needs of medium and small business clients for banking services. The implementation of targeted sales of services to enterprises in these segments allowed in 2008, compared to 2007, to increase the volume of average daily balances in the accounts of medium-sized businesses by 46.9%, in the accounts of small businesses - by 44.5%.

The structure of liabilities of the Siberian Bank of Sberbank of Russia as of January 1, 2009 is presented in Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4 – Structure of liabilities of the Siberian Bank of Sberbank of Russia as of 01/01/2009

During 2009, private clients placed about 20.5 billion rubles on deposits in the Siberian Bank of Sberbank of Russia. As of January 1, 2010, the volume of deposits in monetary terms at the Siberian Bank exceeded 109 billion rubles. The dynamics of attracting deposits in 2009 exceeded the indicators of the previous year. In particular, in December 2009, residents of the Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Kemerovo regions placed 6.6 billion rubles in Sberbank - this is almost twice as much as during the same period in 2008 (then the amount was 3.8 billion rubles). Moreover, for the entire 2009, clients entrusted Siberian Bank with their savings 8 billion rubles more than in the previous year.

The basis of the resource base of the Siberian Bank is still the funds of individuals; in 2008, they accounted for about 74% of the volume of funds raised from individuals and legal entities. As of January 1, 2009, 13,670 thousand deposit accounts belonging to individual clients were opened in Sibirsky Bank. In 2008, the number of accounts increased by 554 thousand. On average, per resident of the region in 2008 there were about 13.6 thousand rubles deposited in accounts with the Siberian Bank. As of January 1, 2009, the balance of funds raised by Siberian Bank from private clients amounted to 88,183 million rubles. In 2008, the volume of funds in bank accounts increased by 12,473 million rubles (or 16.5%) (Fig. 2.5).

Figure 2.5 – Dynamics of the balance of funds of private clients (billion rubles)

As of January 1, 2010, the share of individuals' funds in the bank's liabilities is 54%; Sibirsky Bank has 14,417 thousand accounts belonging to individual clients. On average, a Bank depositor keeps 7.5 thousand rubles in one account; since the beginning of the year, the average balance of funds placed by a client in one account has increased by 1,085 rubles. or 16.7%. In 2009, the number of accounts increased by 746 thousand.

In 2009, the Siberian Bank attracted 3.2 thousand rubles per capita to the accounts of individuals (64% more than in 2008), on average, one cash operator performing deposit transactions - 9.4 million . rub. (+65% compared to 2008).

As of January 1, 2010, the balance of funds raised by Siberian Bank from private clients amounted to 109,191 million rubles, including 98,008 million rubles (89.8%) for deposits in rubles, 369 for deposits in foreign currency, 8 million US dollars. In 2009, the volume of funds from private clients increased by 20,476.1 million rubles (or by 23.1%). Balances on deposits in rubles increased by 18,734 million rubles, balances on deposits in foreign currency - by 48.2 million US dollars, which amounted to 8.5% of the total increase in funds in individual accounts for 2009.

The implementation of the business plan by the Siberian Bank for the item “Funds of individuals” as of January 1, 2010 amounted to 105.1%, 5.3 billion rubles were attracted in excess of the plan.

The benchmark for the average daily balance of attracted funds from private clients, established by Sberbank of Russia, was met for all reporting dates of 2009. For the 4th quarter of 2009, the implementation of the target indicator was 101%, the SDO reached 102.3 billion rubles. The change in the SDO for the 4th quarter of 2009 compared to the same period in 2008 amounted to 16.7 billion rubles. or 19.6%.

The structure of growth in 2009 is presented in Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.6 – Structure of cash growth on deposits

The formed structure of funds attracted into deposits allows us to evaluate these resources of the Bank as stable, since the population mainly places deposits in the Siberian Bank for a long term, about 62% of the attracted resources are placed for a period of at least 2 years, which confirms the attitude of clients to the Savings Bank as a reliable and long-term partner.

The structure of raising funds from private clients is dominated by the participation of the economically active population: funds from pensioners account for 44.6%, funds from the economically active population - 55.4% (in 2008 this ratio was 41.3% to 58.7%).

In 2009, customer service work at the Siberian Bank was carried out in accordance with the “Professional Standards for Working with Customers at the Siberian Bank”, approved at a meeting of the Customer Service Committee on September 11, 2008. This document contains the basic rules for customer service, stages of professional customer service from greeting to completion of contact with justification for each standard.

In addition, all recommendations received from the central office are sent to all branches of the bank for communication to the VSP and elaboration with the cashiers.

Siberian Bank often uses the practice of conducting VSP inspections on issues of service quality, including active sales methods, as a “Mystery Shopper”. A bank employee visits VSP and is treated like an ordinary client, using a pre-prepared “legend”. In the same way, checks are carried out in the event of a complaint from a client. Moreover, in the event of a complaint regarding inadequate quality of service, a visit to VSP is mandatory by an employee of the department and/or department of deposits and settlements of the population.

This method allows you to evaluate the quality of work organization “through the eyes of the client”, identify existing shortcomings, to some extent verify the facts stated by the client in the complaint, evaluate the professionalism of the cash register workers, etc.

To ensure high-quality customer service and eliminate errors when conducting banking transactions with clients, at the beginning of 2009, Siberian Bank decided to prohibit consulting clients over the phone by cash operations employees who directly serve clients. For this purpose, instructions were sent to the departments to close the access to the external line from telephone sets located at the ROC workplaces. To be able to resolve production issues, it is recommended, if possible, to provide internal telephone communication with other VSP employees. At the same time, in VSP, where there is no possibility of consulting clients with 2nd line employees, providing consultations over the phone at the time of direct customer service is prohibited. It is also prohibited for cashiers to use mobile communications in front of clients.

In large structural divisions of the Siberian Bank, during the VSP operating mode, 1 hour per week is allocated for conducting technical training with cashiers.

In accordance with the current order, when conducting inspections of VSP, employees of customer service departments must check the condition of the VSP premises and the quality of service by filling out a special “Control Form”.

Issues of compliance with professional service standards by bank employees, facts of unsatisfactory customer service on an ongoing basis are submitted for consideration to the collegial bodies of the Siberian Bank (College of Branch Managers, the Board of the Siberian Bank).

In order to improve the quality of banking services, Siberian Bank regularly conducts educational seminars and trainings with branch employees.

Employees of the Department of Deposits and Settlements of the Population, who underwent appropriate training at Sberbank of Russia, conducted trainings on the topics: “Excellent service”, “Quality service all starts with me”, which included 109 branch employees.

Siberian Bank is actively working to improve the quality of customer service: universalizing transaction windows to make it possible to carry out a wide range of banking operations in one transaction window, installing “electronic cashiers”, transferring recipients of mass payments to servicing using bank cards, developing alternative service channels, The network of ATMs and self-service devices is expanding. Work is also being carried out to optimize the customer service mode: “floating” operation of operating windows during the day, setting alternating lunch breaks.

2.3 Analysis of activities to attract target customer groups

The target groups of clients are the following groups: the economically active population, servicing “salary” projects, wealthy clients and pensioners.

Attracting resources through “salary” projects. In Siberian Bank in 2009, the amount of non-cash transfers of wages and salaries of workers and employees, as well as cash income of agricultural workers under concluded agreements amounted to 100,205 million rubles, incl. wages of workers and employees were credited to deposit accounts - 8,512 million rubles. Compared to last year, the amount of non-cash transfers increased by 7,121 million rubles, or 7.7%.

As of January 1, 2010, 777,675 people receive wages through the institutions of the Siberian Bank on the basis of agreements on crediting funds to the accounts of individuals. The share of salary recipients through the institutions of Sberbank of Russia from the population employed in the regional economy is 29% (in 2008 this figure was 31.1%). In terms of federal subjects, the situation is as follows: in the Novosibirsk region the share is 20.6%, in the Kemerovo region - 42.6%, in the Tomsk region - 19.8%. Of these, 27,491 people. receive wages by crediting funds to deposit accounts, which is 3.5% of the total number of workers receiving wages through Sberbank, and 750,184 people. or 96.5% receive wages by crediting to bank card accounts.

As of January 1, 2010, Siberian Bank concluded 9,195 contracts for the transfer of wages, including 1,118 contracts into deposits. The amount of commission received by Siberian Bank for crediting funds to deposit accounts under concluded agreements amounted to 50 million rubles. or 1.1% of the total non-interest (commission) income of the Siberian Bank.

In the Siberian Bank of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, since the 4th quarter of 2008, work has been organized to transfer salary recipients from deposit accounts to bank card accounts (the share of salary recipients to deposit accounts for 2009 decreased by 14.1 percentage points to 3 ,5%).

Working with wealthy clients and international foreign affairs. In order to develop VIP services and increase the bank's resources, the following events were carried out at Siberian Bank during 2009:

1) Planned targets for attracting resources, increasing the number of VIP clients, increasing the amount of commission received from 1VIP client were established and communicated to the branches;

2) Standards have been approved for the number of clients per 1 manager, depending on the category of VSP and the zone within the VSP.

3) As an additional motivation for employees, personal letters signed by the bank’s management were prepared and sent to client managers (specialists) providing services to VIP clients of individuals, with individual planned tasks for business areas.

4) Methods of additional material incentives for employees were used (during 2009 - a quarterly competition among employees providing services to VIP clients of individuals).

5) A three-day training seminar on the topic “Professional and psychological aspects of servicing VIP clients of individuals” was organized and conducted, in which 57 VIP managers took part.

6) All managers serving wealthy clients are provided with official mobile communications.

7) For each VSP, 3 data downloads were made from the AS for client groups. The samples were sent to the OSB for individual work with the negotiation scenario for each category of clients. In the period from October 23 to the end of 2009, as a result of the work carried out to assess RSD, the following results were obtained for each group of clients (Tables 2.2 - 2.4).

Table 2.2 - Heads of enterprises who are at the RKO for an invitation to individual service at VIP service points.

Table 2.3 - Clients with deposit account balances of more than 500 thousand rubles. for an invitation to individual service (IMS)

Table 2.4 - Clients who receive an income of more than 50 thousand rubles within the framework of “Salary projects” (BC “salary”) and do not have deposits, for an invitation to individual service (IMS)

8) Measures continue to be taken to create conditions for servicing wealthy clients. In 2009, 2 VIP service points were opened (Ordynskoye settlement, Novosibirsk). As of 01/01/2010, 40 halls and 3 specialized VSPs are operating to serve VIP clients.

The activities carried out in this area during 2009 allowed us to achieve the following results:

Funds from VIP clients account for a 9.3% share of the total balance of raised funds from individuals (10.2 billion rubles out of 109.2 billion rubles), an increase of 2.4 percentage points over the year. The growth rate of funds from VIP clients for the year was 168%, the increase was 4.1 billion rubles, the overall growth rate of funds raised from individuals for the year was 123.1%;

Since the beginning of the year, 94.3 million rubles in commissions have been received from transactions carried out by VIP clients, an increase of 12% compared to commission volumes for 2008;

The number of services provided to 1 VIP client in 2009 – 6.3; in 2008 this figure was 7.3;

The share of loans to wealthy clients from deposits amounted to 10.4%; at the beginning of the year this figure was 13.1%;.

The client base is 4,825 people, with an increase of 1,870 clients over the year.

Monitoring the market for raising funds from pensioners of the Ministry of Health and Social Development at the end of 2009 shows that in addition to Sberbank of Russia OJSC and Russian Post institutions, a number of commercial banks are working to ensure the payment of pension payments. In the Novosibirsk region, 20 commercial banks serve pensioners (at the end of 2008 - 17), in the Kemerovo region there are 16 commercial banks (at the end of 2008 - 8), and 11 banks in the Tomsk region (at the end of 2008 - 10).

1) Planned targets for 2009 were approved for the volume of pension amounts credited to the accounts of pensioners and the number of attracted pensioners of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. Monthly monitoring is carried out over the implementation of established planned tasks by departments.

2) In order to enhance the transfer of pensioners to bank cards, measures were taken to establish from 01/01/2009 to 05/31/2009 and from 01/11/2009 preferential tariffs for servicing pensioners with a Sberbank - Maestro “Social” bank card.

3) Active work was carried out on package sales of services for pensioners (bank card, long-term order to the bank f. 190, time deposit). Package sales are included in the list of individual sales indicators for operational - cash workers when paying bonuses.

4) Development and implementation for use in working with pensioners of a card offering a package of services for pensioners.

5) Carrying out a promotion for the holiday “Day of the Elderly” (01.10.2009).

6) Carrying out the “Pension Marathon” campaign, consisting of 2 stages. The first stage of the campaign took place among cash register workers and consisted of stimulating workers by paying 100 rubles. for each newly hired Ministry of Health and Social Development pensioner. The period of the 1st stage of the promotion is from 08/01/2009 to 09/30/2009 inclusive. The second stage of the “Pension Marathon” campaign consisted of a drawing among pensioners who returned to the bank for service from 01.10.2009 to 31.12.2009, 100 copies of an annual subscription to the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda”.

7) For each VSP, 2 data downloads were made from the automated data center for customer groups for cross-selling banking products. The samples were sent to the OSB for individual work with the negotiation scenario for each category of clients. In the period from October 23 to the end of 2009, as a result of the work carried out to assess RSD, the following results were obtained for each group of clients (Tables 2.5 – 2.6).

Table 2.5 - Clients who have “Pension Plus” deposits or a “Maestro-Social” bank card and do not have time deposits

Table 2.6 - Clients who have a time deposit and do not have a “Pension Plus” deposit or a “Maestro-Social” card.

As a result of systematic work to attract pensioner services, funds placed in specialized accounts for pensioners amounted to 4.7 billion rubles, which formed 22.7% of the total increase (for the same period in 2008 - 44.6%).

The change in the structure of growth in the share of special pension deposits was formed due to the active use by pensioners of products from the new line of deposits.

The share of serviced pensioners of the Ministry of Health and Social Development in 2009 increased by 1.3 percentage points. As of 01/01/2010, in the branches of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, organizationally subordinate to the Siberian Bank, 694,102 pensioners of the Ministry of Health and Social Development are served, which is 38.4% of the total number of residents:

Novosibirsk region – 242,518 people. (33.9% of the total number of residents);

Kemerovo region – 365,485 people. (44.5% of the total number of residents);

Tomsk region – 86,099 people. (32.1% of the total number of residents).

In 2009, the Siberian Bank paid 40,853.5 million rubles to the pension of the Ministry of Health and Social Development. The volume of amounts transferred to the bank for 2009 increased by a total of 10,292.9 million rubles, the growth rate was 133.7%: in the Novosibirsk region - 142.9%, in the Kemerovo region - 128.4%, in the Tomsk region - 137.4%.

Long-term cooperation has been carried out with the territorial divisions of the OPFR on the basis of agreements on the transfer of pension amounts, providing for electronic document flow using Sbersign and ViPNet technology based on the “Agreements between the branch of Sberbank of Russia OJSC and the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the exchange of documents in electronic form” in the context of regions.

The number of pensioners of federal executive authorities served by the Siberian Bank as of 01/01/2010 is 65,479 people (96.3% of the total number of residents): Novosibirsk region - 34,461 people (97.1%), Kemerovo region - 20,785 people (95.7%), Tomsk region - 10,233 people (95%).

In 2009, the Siberian Bank credited 7,323.4 million rubles to the accounts of pensioners of federal executive authorities, of which 3,797.1 million rubles in the Novosibirsk region, 2,345.8 million rubles in the Kemerovo region, 1,180, 5 million rubles in the Tomsk region. 54.6% of the total number of those served receive pensions through bank card accounts.

In 2009, the Siberian Bank attracted 36,818 pensioners for services; the level of pension deposits in deposit accounts (time pension deposits, Sberbank of Russia Pension-plus deposit, Sberbank - Maestro Social bank card) was 22. 7%. As of 01/01/2010, the share of pensioners receiving pensions through bank card accounts amounted to 25.1% of the total number of those served (as of 01/01/2009 - 7.4%).

3.1 Development of measures to attract funds and sell deposits to the economically active population

The resource base, as a microeconomic factor, has a direct impact on the liquidity and solvency of a commercial bank. The very scale of activity of a commercial bank, and, consequently, the amount of income it receives, strictly depends on the size of the resources that the bank acquires on the market for various resources and, in particular, deposits. This gives rise to competition between banks to attract resources.

The formation of a resource base, which includes not only attracting new clients, but also constantly changing the structure of sources of attracting resources, is an integral part of the flexible management of assets and liabilities of a commercial bank. Effective liability management presupposes the implementation of a competent deposit policy. The specificity of this area of ​​​​activity is that in terms of passive operations, the bank’s choice is usually limited to a certain group of clientele, to which it is attached much more strongly than to borrowers.

To strengthen the resource base, banks need a balanced deposit policy, which is based on maintaining the required level of diversification, ensuring the ability to attract financial resources from other sources and maintaining a balance with assets in terms of terms, volumes and interest rates. The set of measures aimed at expanding the deposit base of the Siberian Bank of Sberbank OJSC includes a number of instruments presented below in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1 – Tools for improving the deposit policy of the Siberian Bank of Sberbank OJSC

In order to increase the resource base and intensify sales of deposits, Siberian Bank took measures during 2009.

1) The established values ​​of the benchmark indicator for the average daily balance of attracted funds from private clients, the business plan for the item “Funds of individuals”, and planned guidelines for sales of deposits per 1 ROC per day were communicated to the branches. Compliance with established indicators was monitored. The number of sales of deposits is included in the list of planned indicators established for VSP for assessing bonus performance.

2) Sales fairs for retail products and services were held, as well as a range of advertising support, including:

From December 20, 2008 to February 20, 2009, the “December, January and February” promotion. The campaign was carried out with the aim of intensifying the attraction of funds from private clients to deposit accounts, strengthening the image of the Siberian Bank, increasing customer loyalty to the bank, and encouraging clients to place their funds in the Siberian Bank. In general, during the New Year’s promotional campaign, Siberian Bank registered 54,139 participants who opened time deposit accounts totaling 4.9 billion rubles. In comparison with a similar campaign held in 2007-2008. (taking into account the difference in timing), the volume of funds raised increased by 33% (by 1.2 billion rubles), the number of clients by 8%.

In order to promote the “Savings Savings Bank of Russia” deposit, a cleanup day was held on March 14, 2009 with the distribution of souvenirs. During one day of the promotion on March 14, about 800 accounts were opened under the Savings Savings Bank of Russia deposit in the amount of 73 million rubles, which is 10 times more than the average for a regular day, and the volume of funds is similar to the weekly increase;

Promotions for holidays: Victory Day (05/09/2009), Children's Day (06/01/2009), Russia Day (06/12/2009), Knowledge Day (09/01/2009), Sberbank Birthday (11/12/2009), New year and Christmas (12/21/2009-12/31/2009);

In order to promote banking products and services as efficiently as possible, taking into account the bank’s existing capabilities, advertising weeks were held in support of federal advertising campaigns and in accordance with the approved schedule (during the week, active promotion of a banking product/service is carried out by informing clients, presenting handouts, placing advertising - information material in the operating room, presentations on the promoted product/service, consultations and a random survey of clients, summing up the results of the advertising week);

In order to actively use the internal information capabilities of bank branches and increase loyalty among current and potential clients, internal structural divisions held “Open Days”;

On November 12, 2009, the “World Chance!” campaign began. in order to intensify the attraction of funds from private clients to deposit accounts, increase the presence of Sberbank of Russia in the deposit market (clients who opened a time deposit in the amount of 30 thousand rubles (currency equivalent) during the promotion period). The winners are determined in each of the regions (Novosibirsk , Tomsk, Kemerovo) on February 19, 2010 in a public drawing with the participation of the media. The main prize is a tourist trip and cash prizes).

3) Two tests were carried out on all cash operations employees and heads of internal structural divisions for knowledge of the conditions and advantages of deposit products.

4) In October, 3,598 cash operations employees, sales specialists, consultants (100% of the total number of employees performing deposit transactions), and VSP managers were trained and tested in active sales methods according to the course “Active sales of deposits of Sberbank of Russia.” Repeated training was conducted in December 2009.

5) In order to motivate employees, in the 4th quarter of 2009, a competition was held to attract resources and intensify sales of “Leader of Sales” deposits among cash operations workers. According to the branches, the competition had a positive impact on the volume of attracted resources at the end of the year and a significant increase in the number of sales of deposits of 1 OCR per day;

6) All R&D are provided with printed instructions “Deposit Seller Package”.

7) For each VSP, 4 data downloads were made from the AS for client groups. The samples were sent to the OSB for individual work with the negotiation scenario for each category of clients. In the period from October 23 to the end of 2009, as a result of the work carried out to assess RSD, the following results were obtained for each group of clients (Tables 3.1 – 3.4).

Table 3.1 - Clients who have repaid loan debt of more than 1 million rubles. (from the beginning of the year), for an invitation to individual service, opening a deposit

Table 3.2 - Clients who repaid their loan debt ahead of schedule (less than 1 million rubles)

Table 3.3 - Clients with demand deposits, bookmaker account balances of more than 50,000 rubles (ranking by balances)

Table 3.4 - Clients with large account balances of more than 300,000 rubles. (as the end of the deposit term approaches, an offer to place funds at a higher interest rate.)

8) Role-playing games were carried out on an ongoing basis to practice active sales methods during the hour set for studying at VSP.

9) In accordance with the order of Sberbank of Russia OJSC dated 09.09.2009 No. 259, in order to maintain a share in the deposit market, retain clients and intensify sales of deposits, within the framework of the recommendations of Sberbank of Russia for retaining clients and intensifying sales of deposits, the “Siberian Bank Action Plan” was developed and approved bank on the implementation of the business plan for average daily balances of private clients and growth of share in regional markets.”

As a result of the measures taken in 2009, funds attracted to the accounts of the economically active population amounted to 15.8 billion rubles, which provided 77.3% of the increase in funds in the accounts of individuals (in 2008 - 55.4%).

3.2 The bank’s innovative strategy in the provision of deposit services

Cardinal transformations of the financial and monetary systems under the influence of the processes of globalization, institutionalization, securitization, informatization and deregulation have led to an increased flow of financial innovations - primarily new products and technologies that have significantly transformed financial and credit institutions, including banking activities.

A certain set of bank deposit products with participation in securities assets became widespread in developed markets about 15 years ago, which significantly expanded the financial instruments of participants. However, if in foreign practice these products are designated as structured, and are actively promoted by commercial banks in the deposit services market, in Russian practice the name of such products is ambiguous, not dictated by law and has little activity.

From its inception to the present day, the sector of these products in developed markets has had a development trend: the growth of this segment occurs at a higher rate compared to other sectors of the financial market (quantitative development); The products offered are becoming more and more complex and comprehensive (qualitative development). We believe that the sector of new deposit products, called combined, is trending towards growth.

In accordance with the dynamically changing operating conditions, any bank, as a full-fledged market participant, is forced to change itself, becoming the initiator of intra-organizational innovation processes, including in the field of attracting funds to deposits. Naturally, these processes should not occur spontaneously - they must be carried out systematically within the framework of the developed innovative strategy in the field of providing deposit services, which is part of the overall development strategy of the bank.

Product innovations themselves are associated precisely with the creation of new banking products, the development of new services, as well as their promotion to the market for which they were created. Market innovations combine a set of activities that make it possible to sell already created products in new markets and open up new areas of use for them.

The classification of banking innovations is presented in Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2 – Classification of banking innovations

Thus, the innovative strategy of a commercial bank in the field of providing deposit services is understood as the choice of the structure of the innovative process of quantitative and qualitative content, aimed at implementing the policy of a commercial bank in the field of innovation, in which the totality of elements and their relationships influence the full development of the credit organization

In order to expand the range of services, commercial banks offer, in addition to traditional deposits, so-called investment deposits. The concept of “investment deposit” is interpreted by banks differently, but most often it refers to two types of deposits. The first one is opened by the bank to the investor at an increased interest rate when purchasing shares of investment funds for a certain amount. The increased percentage is intended to compensate for the moral costs of the client in the absence of the expected return on mutual funds. Income from the second type of deposits consists of a part guaranteed by the bank (on average 5-6% per annum) and a non-guaranteed part - the profitability of which depends on the success of the bank's investment of funds in the stock market. In turn, the guaranteed part acts as insurance against a fall in the value of the shares.

In any case, part of the funds on the investment deposit is placed on a traditional deposit, and the second part of the money is invested in various financial instruments, so innovative deposits can be classified as combinatorial. Moreover, the combinatorial group of investing depositors’ funds in different financial instruments made it possible to define this deposit as a combined one. There are several advantages of this type of product; firstly, they help minimize the risks associated with investing. In particular, the bank provides a guarantee for the safety of funds, while the profitability depends on the situation on the stock market. Secondly, an investor, by placing funds in this product, has the opportunity to receive a higher income than from investing in a classic deposit.

The mechanism of operation of the combined deposit product is presented in Figure 3.3.

Figure 3.3 – Design of a combined deposit product with a guarantee of capital repayment

In particular, to guarantee the client a refund, his money is divided into two parts. Most of it can be invested in fixed income instruments - a regular bank deposit or highly reliable bonds. It is expected that by the end of the term this part will grow due to interest to 100% of the capital invested in this product, which will guarantee the client a return on the invested amount. The bank invests another - significantly smaller - part of the money in a riskier, but highly profitable financial instrument, depending on the structure of the note. The fundamental differences and advantages of combined banking products compared to traditional deposit services are reflected in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 - Criteria features of combined banking products in comparison with deposit operations

Thus, having considered the features of combined deposit products, in the context of an innovative banking strategy, we consider it necessary to use them as investment products that have sufficiently high reliability for bank clients and, to a certain extent, income-generating instruments.

In domestic practice, a characteristic feature of a combined deposit may be the possibility of obtaining excess profits with a guarantee of protection of fixed capital. In this case, products with high growth potential can be used as indicators. This could be the RTS rate, oil prices, gold prices, the cost of the food basket, etc. The profitability of such a deposit will depend on the difference between the value of the asset on the date of return of the deposit and the price on the date of its placement. The interest rate of the “Demand Deposit” deposit is added to the result obtained; as a rule, it is 0.1% per annum of the deposited amount. After that, adjustments can be made to the result obtained for the time of placing the deposit, the share of the depositor, the amount of the deposit, maximum values ​​and other nuances provided for by each specific bank.

The Balanced Scorecard System (BSS) is a management and measurement-strategic system that translates the bank's mission and strategy into a balanced set of integrated performance indicators. The implementation of the BSC by banking business entities will help improve the quality of management, stimulate employees to highly efficient and stable activities, achieve the bank's leading positions in the markets, as well as increase the transparency of the business entity's activities.

The formed BSC allows the bank to assess the achievability of its goals and receive quick feedback on a set of indicators selected in such a way as to take into account all aspects of banking activity that are significant from the standpoint of implementing the strategy.

An analysis of the management system in banking entrepreneurship using the BSC showed that the system is based on four main components - finance, marketing, internal business processes, training and growth (Fig. 3.4). The balance of the management system lies in an integrated approach to the assessment and effective use of both tangible and intangible assets.

Figure 3.4 – The process of forming an equilibrium control system using BSC

The introduction of BSC into the activities of a commercial bank is due to the need for balanced management of the processes of development of the branch network, which in conditions of an economic crisis is inevitable due to the bankruptcy of regional banks. Due to the fact that local demand for banking products remains, the remaining banks occupy the vacant segment of the banking market. Therefore, as part of the implementation of the task of equilibrium management, the following stages of formation of the BSC for a banking business entity with a developing branch network were identified:

Stage 1 – defining the bank’s strategy and translating it into specific strategic objectives based on the mission and hierarchy of the bank’s goals.

Stage 2 – compiling a list of key parameters for the activities of a commercial bank, taking into account the prevailing and projected conditions for the development of the industry and competition in it.

Stage 3 – formation of key performance indicators based on control parameters. They allow you to track the progress of the bank's strategy and adjust it in accordance with changing conditions, and also provide the basis for planning to evaluate the budget execution and the activities of each employee.

Stage 4 – development of strategic initiatives, that is, programs of specific actions to achieve certain strategic goals of the bank and target indicator values.

The main result of the introduction of the BSC as a tool for the equilibrium management of the activities of a commercial bank is, first of all, to eliminate the gap between the development and implementation of deposit policy through comprehensive control of the development of the subject. The process of equilibrium management of a commercial bank is a complex multi-stage procedure based on the following principles.

1) The priority in the activities of the management staff of a commercial bank is the constant analysis of financial and monetary indicators that characterize the state of the external environment, financial instruments offered to banking clients, as the basis for adapting the developed plans: strategic, annual and operational - to changing conditions.

2) Development of a system of plans: strategic, annual, quarterly, operational - is subject to the general goals of the bank’s activities: ensuring its liquidity and stability.

3) The development of a strategic plan is based on the development of a strategy, which is expressed in both quantitative and qualitative parameters.

4) Strategy development is carried out by the bank’s management on the basis of intuition, experience, expert assessments, and special analytical reports prepared by the relevant services of the commercial bank.

5) The horizon for developing a strategy and strategic plan is determined by macroeconomic conditions. So, in the period 1992-1998. the annual plan could fairly be considered a strategic plan due to general financial, economic and political instability. We are seeing a similar situation now.

6) The formation of a strategic plan is subject to the general principles of planning: reliability, dynamism, foresight. Based on the strategic plan, annual plans are developed and subsequently adjusted, in which the principles of targeting, specificity, responsibility, and adaptation to changing conditions are implemented.

7) When developing a strategy, cross-examination is necessary, since the activities of the bank’s divisions are quite interconnected due to the portfolio of services provided to clients.

8) A systematic approach to studying the essence of banking management determines the need for an integral assessment of the effectiveness of the strategic management system.

The main prerequisites for using the BSC to evaluate branches of a commercial bank are the presence of a significant number of information flows between branches and divisions of the head office, as well as the need to take into account the specifics of each branch and reflect it in a set of indicators.

Along with the four main groups of indicators, especially for the BSC of the branch network, indicators of interaction with the bank's head office.

The specifics of the branch's status require resolving the issue of the optimal balance between delegated powers and acceptable operational risks that are inevitable when branches operate independently. This circumstance should be reflected in the structure of the BSC for the branch network. Taking these features into account can be ensured by including the following indicators in the map:

– average degree of implementation of the business plan (average of the totality of significant indicators of the business plan);

– the number of violations of the branch’s response time to requests from the head office;

– timing of the introduction of innovations initiated by the head office in the branch network;

– the number of comprehensive reports on the activities of the branch sent to the head office;

– assessment of the quality of reporting information provided by the branch;

– the number of specialized and comprehensive inspections carried out by specialists from the head office in the branch.

The complex of the above indicators is intended to assess the degree of control of the head office over the activities of the branch and the adequacy of the branch's response to the control influences of the head office.

The development of the BSC of bank branches will help improve the quality of network management, stimulate branches to highly efficient and stable activities (Table 3.2), as well as achieve leading positions in regional markets.

Table 3.2 – Stages of introducing a balanced scorecard system into the activities of a bank with a branch network

Stage Duration
1. Familiarization with the bank and branch network Week - several months
2. Conducting an introductory seminar on strategic management and BSC 2-3 days
3. Employee survey A week
4. Interviewing bank executives and branch managers A week
5. Description/development of strategy and creation of strategy maps 2-3 weeks – several months
6. Compilation and selection of indicators for the BSC A week
7. Drawing up a BSC for branches and their divisions 2-3 weeks
8. Integration with budgeting system Few weeks
9. Integration with the motivation system Few weeks
10. Implementation of a software product for BSC A few months
11. Organization of information presentation 2-3 weeks
12. Familiarization of bank employees with its strategy and BSC 1-2 weeks
13. Revision of the BSC Once every 3 months

The main costs of implementing the system are related to the time spent by employees on developing the BSC (participation in seminars, discussions, interviews), as well as the costs of implementing/configuring the relevant software. The main share in the organizational and economic costs of a commercial bank for the implementation of a balanced scorecard system of a branch network is the cost of introducing software products that ensure the technical operation of the system. It is also necessary to take into account that, when implementing the software in all branches, a commercial bank will also have to bear the cost of purchasing equipment (including servers) that ensures the full operation of the system. Given the bank's widely developed branch network, these costs can be quite significant. The cost structure for introducing BSC into the bank's branch network is presented in Figure 3.5.

Figure 3.5 – Cost structure for the implementation of the BSC in a bank with a branch network

In addition to the costs of purchasing programs and equipment, in the process of implementing a balanced scorecard, a commercial bank also incurs costs of attracting external consultants and training employees.

The author calculated the average cost of a project to implement a BSC in the activities of a bank with a branch network, provided that the bank purchases software from an external counterparty, while services for integration and maintenance of the system are included in the cost of the software (Table 3.3).

Table 3.3 – Calculation of the average cost of the project for the implementation of the BSC by a bank (per year)

Name of expense Unit measurements Required number of units Cost per unit, rub. Amount of costs, rub.
1. selection of software and preparation of purchase contracts Person/hour 13 350 4 550
2. System Setup Person/hour 125 350 43 750
3. system testing Person/hour 80 350 28 000
4. integration of the new system with other applications Person/hour 65 350 22 750
6. documentation development Person/hour 47 350 16 450
7. user training Rub. 13 people 15 000 195 000
8. software acquisition Rub. 10 work places 90 000 900 000
9. purchasing equipment for software installation Rub. 1 000 000 1 000 000
10. installation, installation of new equipment, system software Rub. 100 000 100 000
11. technical support for equipment, system and application software Person/hour 80 350 28 000
12. depreciation of equipment and software Rub. 200 000 200 000
13. training new employees Rub. 5 15 000 75 000
14. development of new report forms Person/hour 13 350 4 550
15. making changes to the system related to legal requirements Person/hour 45 350 15 750

As part of ensuring balanced management of a banking business entity, the author formulated the strategic goals of basic competitive strategies according to BSC projections (Table 2.5), which will allow for a comprehensive approach to the issue of solving strategic development problems, achieving and maintaining the bank’s competitiveness at a given level.

Table 3.4 – Strategic goals of the bank’s basic competitive strategies according to BSC projections

Competitive strategy

Strategic Goals

Cost leadership


1. Reduce fixed costs.

2. Reduce the cost of capital attracted by the bank.


1.Optimize costs for bank personnel.

2.Increase the productivity of bank employees.


1. Quantitatively expand the customer base.

2. Develop standard banking products.

Business processes

1.Modify existing information technologies to reduce customer service costs.

2.Develop standards for banking business processes



1.Increase the profitability of unique banking products

2. Diversify the bank’s sources of raised capital.


1.Create a motivation system for banking personnel.

2.Develop team spirit and corporate culture in the bank.


1. Ensure high quality and efficiency of services provided.

2. Formulate a customer-oriented pricing policy.

3. Offer new high-tech products.

Business processes

1. Customer relationship management (CRM).

2. Develop a banking marketing system to identify customer needs and create a unique service.

3.Introduce new information technologies to improve the quality of technological support for bank services.

Based on the goals of basic competitive strategies, a set of BSC indicators was formed for a bank with a developing branch network (Table 3.5).

Table 3.5 – BSC indicators for the bank’s basic competitive strategies

SSP projection Indicator name
Cost leadership strategy

1. The share of fixed costs in the bank’s expenses.

2. The share of “cheap” resources in the bank’s liability portfolio, providing maximum marginal income.


1. Dynamics of the share of personnel costs in the bank’s fixed costs.

2.Level of employee productivity


1. Increase in customer base.

2. Number of standard banking products.

Business processes

1. The number of modernized information systems that reduce the costs of providing banking services.

2.Number of developed business process standards

Differentiation strategy

1.Level and dynamics of profitability of unique banking products

2. Indicators of the structure of attracted capital


1. Time frame for creating a motivation system

2. The ratio of the constant and variable parts of the salaries of bank employees.

3. Number of activities to strengthen team spirit.


1. Number of established individual tariffs.

2. Number of new high-tech products/services.

3. Number of clients using the new service/product (dynamics in accordance with the plan).

4. Income from the use of the product/service in total income.

5. Share of income from the introduction and use of new products/services in gross income.

Business processes

1. Percentage of completion of the CRM work plan.

2. Sales monitoring. Increase in sales volume after promotions.

3. Time frame for creating a marketing system.

5. The share of automated operations (business processes) in the total number of business processes that need automation.

6. Number of implemented technologies and complexes.

As part of the study, the effect of introducing the BSC was highlighted, the sequence of manifestation of which is schematically reflected in Figure 3.6.

Figure 3.6 – Structure of the manifestation of the effect of introducing the BSC into the bank’s activities

One of the indicators of the effectiveness of the implementation of BSC in the activities of a commercial bank is the growth of its client base. As shown by a quantitative analysis of the results of the activities of the Siberian Bank of Sberbank OJSC after the implementation of the balanced scorecard system in the first quarter of 2010, the increase in the number of clients of the branch network was 14%.

Qualitative indicators of the effectiveness of introducing BSC into the bank’s activities include an increase in meeting the needs of corporate clients in the range of banking services offered (based on the survey results), individualization of tariff plans and a focus on long-term mutually beneficial cooperation between the bank and clients. The introduction of the BSC also served as the basis for attracting representatives of advanced sectors of the economy (aerospace industry, nanotechnology) as clients.

Thus, the introduction of the BSC allowed the bank to focus on attracting new categories of clients, paying special attention to servicing technological chains in various industries, while offering comprehensive settlement projects, financing and a wide range of consulting services.


The study of the problem of attracting savings of the Russian population into deposits and other banking products as an investment resource made it possible to identify a number of fundamental provisions that characterize the development of this process in Russia and in particular in Sberbank of Russia. The problem still remains relevant when people have funds to invest and banks that need these funds.

At the same time, an analysis of the current state of the process of attracting savings from the population showed that the current forms and methods in the Savings Bank do not always meet the requirements of depositors: work in the bank does not always correspond to savers’ ideas about the Bank’s tools to which they can entrust their savings; information about work is not always available to a wide range of potential investors.

Also in this work, an analysis of the population’s deposits, interest rate policy, and the structure of deposits was carried out and some features were identified:

Compared to 2008, 2009 saw an increase in the long-term resource base. People are no longer afraid to invest money for the long term.

The number of deposits offered to the population has increased.

Deposit rates were noticeably reduced, which was associated with a decrease in the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Sberbank’s effective policy for involving the population’s funds in the investment process should be based on the following principles: guaranteed return of deposits; protection of the population's investments; ensuring high quality service.

The implementation of these conditions is possible based on the development of a system of appropriate mechanisms, which includes:

Mechanisms for the formation of banking instruments (including deposits) to attract savings from the population;

Mechanisms for reducing the risk of working with public funds;

Mechanisms for the formation and implementation of targeted programs to attract groups of the population;

Mechanisms for the formation of emotional attraction of clients to their bank, based on the psychological characteristics of the main age groups of clients and on the motivation of citizens to save;

Mechanisms for developing the Bank’s corporate culture and the personal responsibility of each employee for maintaining a positive image.

Growing competition in the field of banking entrepreneurship, aggravated by the entry into the Russian market and the active activities of foreign banks, forces domestic banking organizations to link the future of their business with the development of their clients’ business, their strategic goals and objectives. At the same time, banks are forced to take a balanced approach to the issue of forming strategic priorities for their development, managing competitiveness, and developing tools for achieving competitive advantages. This is ensured by the introduction into the bank’s activities of ways to increase the efficiency of banking activities. The problem of managing the activities of a banking business entity is especially relevant in the presence of a developed branch network, the functioning of which must be coordinated with the goals, objectives and resulting parameters of the head office. Improving regulation in this area will allow Sberbank to defend its position in the intensified competition.

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Banks with the largest share of funds raised from private clients in the Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Kemerovo regions

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for assessing the organization of the deposit policy of a commercial bank
1.1. Deposit policy of a commercial bank: concept, goals, objectives, principles and factors influencing its formation
1.2. The role of deposits in the formation of the resource base of commercial banks
Chapter 2. Assessment of the organization of the deposit policy of a commercial bank
2.1. Economic and organizational characteristics of the activities of JSC Bank "TKPB"
2.2. Assessment of the activities of JSC Bank TKPB in the deposit services market
2.3. Analysis of the deposit portfolio of JSC Bank "TKPB"
Chapter 3. Ways to improve the deposit policy of a commercial bank
3.1. Measures to improve the deposit policy of JSC Bank TKPB
3.2. Development of the deposit product “Investment in the Future” for JSC Bank TKPB
List of sources used


The most important component of all banking activities is the policy of forming a resource base. Currently, the bulk of banking resources, as is known, is formed in the process of conducting deposit operations of a commercial bank, on the effective and correct organization of which the sustainability of the functioning of any credit organization as a whole depends. All types of deposit transactions can be considered part of the banking portfolio. When managing a deposit portfolio, you should continuously analyze its composition, volume, profitability, riskiness, make forecasts and give a quantitative assessment of cash flow. All this is a determining factor in the formation of the deposit policy of a commercial bank.

The funds raised cover up to 90% of the commercial bank's total cash needs. In this regard, the issues of increasing the resource base and ensuring its stability through effective management of deposit policy become particularly acute.

The relevance of the chosen topic in modern conditions is beyond doubt. The degree of elaboration of the deposit policy of a commercial bank and the trust of depositors in this bank completely determines the volume of funds raised by the bank, its ability to carry out active operations, and, ultimately, its profit.

Despite the fact that the importance of studying the fundamentals of a commercial bank’s deposit policy is emphasized in the works of many economists, these issues are not fully developed in the scientific literature. The basics of forming the deposit policy of a commercial bank are covered in the works of E.J. Dolan, P.S. Rose, O.I. Lavrushina, V.I. Kolesnikova, V.M. Usoskina, L.G. Batrakova and others.

The purpose of the thesis research is to consider theoretical issues of assessing the organization of deposit operations and the deposit policy of a commercial bank, as well as to develop proposals for its improvement.

In accordance with the stated purpose of the research, the thesis set the following main objectives:

– consider the theoretical basis for assessing the organization of the deposit policy of a commercial bank;

– identify the features of the formation and implementation of the deposit policy of a commercial bank.

– determine the economic efficiency of the proposed measures.

The object of research of the thesis is the activities of a commercial bank.

The subject of the thesis is the organizational and economic relations that arise in the process of formation and implementation of the deposit policy of a commercial bank.

The theoretical basis of the study was made up of legislative acts of the Bank of Russia, including Federal Law No. 177 of December 23, 2003 “On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks on the territory of the Russian Federation”, educational literature, statistical collections, periodicals, reference and information systems.

The methodological basis of the work is: the method of synthesis, analysis, generalization method, dialectical method.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for assessing the organization of the deposit policy of a commercial bank

1.1. Deposit policy of a commercial bank: concept, goals, functions and factors influencing its formation

Currently, to ensure the normal functioning of commercial banks, deposit policy plays a huge role, since on its basis the bulk of banking resources are formed, which are the main source for conducting active operations. All commercial banks carry out deposit operations. Despite the existing competition between commercial banks for depositors, each bank independently develops and implements a deposit policy that is effective specifically for the given economic structure of the bank.

Deposit policy is a set of measures that are aimed at mobilizing funds from legal entities and individuals by banks in the form of deposits for the purpose of their subsequent mutually beneficial use.

When forming a deposit policy, the bank independently determines the types of deposits, the maximum periods for their storage, the basic rules for performing transactions and other conditions.

The bank's deposit policy should include:

– development of a strategy for the bank’s activities to attract funds on deposits, based on a comprehensive market research, that is, analysis of the surrounding financial environment, the place and role of the bank in the field of raising funds, diagnostics and forecasting;

– formation of tactics of a commercial bank to develop, offer and promote new banking deposit products for clients;

– implementation of the developed strategy and tactics;

– monitoring the implementation of the policy and its effectiveness;

– monitoring the activities of a commercial bank to raise funds.

The most important elements of deposit policy are: determining the optimal combination of different types of deposits and the maximum periods for their storage. Currently, each commercial bank has the right to independently determine which types of deposits are most profitable for it.

That is why the deposit policy, first of all, must meet the following basic requirements, such as:

– competitiveness – the system of deposit rates should be focused on market conditions, that is, the bank that keeps rates at a lower level than competitors close to it in terms of reliability risks losing part of its clientele;

– economic feasibility – the deposit policy is designed to provide benefits to creditors from the placement of temporarily free funds, while providing the opportunity for banks to profitably use the resources they hold;

– internal consistency – the structure of deposit rates, and their differentiation by amounts, types of deposits in comparison with other comparable instruments of the same bank, as well as by different categories of clientele.

Considering the essence of the deposit policy of commercial banks, it is necessary to touch upon such issues as: subjects and objects of deposit policy, as well as the principles of its formation.

The subjects of a commercial bank's deposit policy include bank clients, commercial banks and government agencies. The objects of deposit policy include attracted funds from the bank and additional services of the bank (comprehensive services).

The formation of a commercial bank’s deposit policy is based on both general and specific principles.

The general principles of deposit policy mean principles that are uniform both for the state monetary policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, pursued at the macroeconomic level, and for the policy characteristic of a particular commercial bank. These include: the principle of an integrated approach, the principle of scientific validity, optimality and efficiency, as well as the unity of all elements of the bank’s deposit policy. An integrated approach is expressed both in the development of theoretical foundations, priority directions of the bank’s deposit policy from the point of view of its development strategy, and in determining the most effective and optimal tactics and methods for its implementation for a given stage of the bank’s development. The specific principles of deposit policy include the principles of ensuring the optimal level of bank costs, security of deposit operations, reliability, since the bank, accumulating temporarily free funds for the purpose of their subsequent placement, seeks to obtain income not at any cost, but taking into account the realities of the market, at in which he carries out his activities.

The main goal of a commercial bank's deposit policy is to attract as much cash resources as possible at the lowest price. In the process of achieving this goal, it is expected to solve such problems as:

– implementing a flexible interest rate policy;

– improving the quality of banking services and improving the culture of customer service;

– carrying out deposit operations in order to obtain maximum profit in the future;

– maintaining consistency between deposit operations and credit investments;

– finding ways and means to reduce interest costs;

– minimization of banking risks.

In the process of forming deposit policy, economic relations are being established between commercial banks and legal entities, individuals and the state regarding the attraction of their temporarily free funds, as well as the implementation of practical measures in this area and ways of their implementation. When carrying out deposit policy, the principles of organizing deposit operations and their relationship with the total cash turnover, the relationship between economic and organizational methods in managing deposit operations, the forms of deposit accounts and their scope of application, the procedure for opening and closing deposit accounts, the rules for crediting and withdrawing client funds are taken into account. , the procedure and conditions for transferring funds from one deposit account to another, the deadlines for storing funds in deposit accounts. Only a commercial bank that constantly focuses on expanding the range of services provided to clients, reduces costs, improves the quality of credit, settlement and cash services, provides various benefits, offers various types of advice to clients, and also constantly monitors the service can implement this set of measures. and service culture. It is this set of measures that plays an important role in establishing the relationship between the levels of interest rates on deposit and credit operations of a commercial bank.

It should also be noted that the process of forming a deposit policy is directly related to the interest rate policy pursued by the bank, since deposit interest is the most effective tool in attracting resources. Currently, banks can independently set competitive interest rates on deposits, based on the discount rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the state of the money market and based on their own deposit policy - so for certain types of deposits, the amount of income is determined by the term of the deposit, the amount, the specifics of the functioning of the account, the volume and nature related services. Payment of interest on deposits by banks is the main part of operating expenses, which is why banks, on the one hand, are not interested in a high level of interest rates, and on the other hand, are forced to maintain a level of interest rates on deposits that would be attractive to customers. Trying to attract deposits, especially large deposits and long-term deposits, commercial banks offer clients high interest rates, despite rising interest costs. However, the attraction of funds from the population by banks is not unlimited.

The determining factor in setting the interest rate on deposits is the period for which the funds are placed: the longer the period, the higher the interest level. An important point is the frequency of income payments; the less frequent the payments, the higher the interest rate. Various methods of calculating interest payments are also used.

The classic type of income calculation is simple interest - in this case, the actual balance of the deposit is used as the basis for calculation and the deposit is calculated and paid at an established frequency, based on the interest stipulated in the agreement.

Another type of income calculation is compound interest, when interest is calculated on interest. At the end of the billing period, interest is accrued on the deposit amount, and the resulting value is added to the deposit amount, and in the next billing period the interest rate is applied to the new base, increased by the amount of previously accrued income. Also, a progressively increasing interest rate is often applied, directly depending on the time the funds are actually spent on the deposit. This procedure for calculating income stimulates an increase in the storage period of funds and protects the deposit from inflation.

Currently, commercial banks attract huge amounts of financial resources for a variety of terms, so even minimal losses can lead them to the fact that they will not be able to pay off their debts on time. In this case, the reaction from the public will be an influx of customers to the bank demanding the return of deposits. This can deplete the bank's resources and force them to reduce the volume of transactions that generate income. Consequently, banks even suffer from occasional market instability, from panic-increasing excessive withdrawals of deposits, which can subsequently lead individual banks to bankruptcy.

To minimize such situations, a fairly effective method has been invented to combat outbreaks of mass withdrawals of deposits and prevent crisis situations in the economy. This mechanism is called state guarantee (insurance) of bank deposits of the population.

Law No. 177-FZ “On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation” was signed by the President on December 23, 2003 (current edition dated July 13, 2015). The goals of this Federal Law, first of all, are to protect the rights and legitimate interests of depositors of banks of the Russian Federation, strengthen confidence in the banking system of the Russian Federation and stimulate the attraction of savings from the population into the banking system of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with this Law, the Deposit Insurance Agency pays compensation to depositors upon the occurrence of an insured event. The main objective of the system of compulsory insurance of bank deposits is to protect the savings of the population placed in deposits and accounts in Russian banks on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The deposit insurance system works as follows: in the event of a bank's cessation of operations and its banking license being revoked, fixed cash payments are immediately made to its depositors. Compensation for deposits in a bank in respect of which an insured event occurred is paid to the depositor in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of deposits in the bank, but not more than 1,400,000 rubles. In the event that a depositor has several deposits in one bank and the total amount of liabilities on these deposits exceeds 1,400,000 rubles, compensation is paid for each of the deposits in proportion to their size.

In accordance with the Federal Law, participation in the deposit insurance system in Russia is mandatory for all banks, which is why banks that do not participate in the deposit insurance system do not have the right to obtain a banking license to attract deposits from individuals

Interest rate policy is also an integral part of the formation of the deposit policy of a commercial bank. It is based on a number of principles, the observance of which, subsequently, involves the development of an optimal interest rate policy for the bank. Among them, first of all, the principle of differentiation of interest depending on the storage period and size of savings, the principle of “social” differentiation of interest on deposits, the principle of ensuring the profitability of banking activities and the principle of preserving and protecting depositors’ savings should be mentioned. The combination of all these principles is a necessary condition for the formation of an effective interest and deposit policy of the bank.

The main part of the bank's operating expenses is the payment of interest on deposits, which is why the bank is not interested in a high level of interest rates, but is forced to maintain a level of interest rates on deposits that would be attractive to customers. Despite the risk, commercial banks try to attract deposits, especially large ones and for long periods, by offering clients high interest rates. However, the attraction of funds from the population by banks is not unlimited.

Currently, the entire volume of existing deposit programs for individuals can be divided into two classes: time deposits and demand deposits.

Demand deposits guarantee the opportunity not only to store funds in an account, but also to withdraw part of the amount, receive the entire amount on demand, or replenish it at a convenient time. Despite the advantageous convenience of this class of deposits, due to the existing opportunity to withdraw your funds at any day, banks offer, in most cases, a small rate. Consequently, demand deposits are inconvenient for those who seek to protect their savings from inflation. They are appropriate only when sending (receiving) a transfer of funds, as well as for temporary storage of money that may come in handy completely unexpectedly.

Currently, time deposits are proving more profitable for bank depositors. From the name of this class it follows that they are opened for a strictly defined period. As a rule, the minimum period is three months, and the maximum is thirty-six months (3 years). Interest rates range from nine to thirteen percent in rubles and from five to eight percent in euros and dollars. However, if the deposit is withdrawn prematurely, one should not exclude the possibility of receiving the same interest as on demand deposits. This means that you need to invest free funds in time deposits, which can be entrusted to the bank for a given period without damage.

The ability to add additional funds to the deposit allows an individual to open a replenishable time deposit. The amount deposited in the bank one-time will be a non-replenishable time deposit.

In modern conditions, the most popular variations of time deposits are:

– standard;

– with capitalization;

– multicurrency.

The depositor receives interest on standard time deposits at the end of the contract. Deposits with capitalization require the investor to receive interest once every one or three months. In this case, interest is added to the base amount, and the next accrual is made on the amount resulting from such a merger. Multicurrency deposits represent the simultaneous investment of funds in different currencies, and the subsequent possibility of their redistribution at your own discretion.

Also, time deposits are divided into rollover and non-rollover.

Rolled over (renewed) deposit is a deposit that is considered automatically extended for the same period specified in the agreement, and in compliance with the same conditions that were specified in the primary agreement, in the event that the depositor does not appear within the specified period for his funds.

Non-renewable (non-renewable) deposit – a deposit with an increase in term, the validity of which is not automatically provided.

In modern conditions, the most traditional is the grouping of funds in customer accounts by maturity, since it allows for analysis by timing and amount, which is necessary to manage the profitability and liquidity of the bank:

  • funds on demand accounts;
  • funds in deposit accounts for up to 1 month;
  • funds in deposit accounts for a period of 1 month to 3 months;
  • funds in deposit accounts for a period of 3 months to 6 months;
  • funds in deposit accounts for a period of 6 months to 1 year;
  • funds in deposit accounts for a period exceeding 1 year.

This grouping is the most analytical, as it allows you to most clearly track the timing of the possible return of funds to clients and, therefore, predict and regulate the liquidity of the bank’s balance sheet.

Control over the deposit policy of a commercial bank and specific banking operations related to attracting resources is carried out within the framework of the general internal control system operating in the Bank. At the same time, the main regulatory bodies include internal divisions of the Bank (Operations Registration Department, Accounting and Reporting Department, Financial Management, Internal Control Service), such external inspection bodies (Audit Commission, Audit Organization, Tax Authorities, Branch of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, supervising the activities of the Bank).

So, we can conclude that increased competition between banks and other financial institutions for the deposits of individuals has now led to the emergence of a huge variety of deposits, their prices and service methods. According to experts, there are currently more than 30 types of bank deposits. Moreover, each of them has its own characteristics, which allows clients to choose the most appropriate and possible form of saving money and paying for goods and services that suits their interests.

1.2. The role of deposits in the formation of the resource base of commercial banks

Banks must have a certain amount of funds at their disposal to carry out their commercial activities. The specificity of the activities of banks is that, on the one hand, they attract temporarily free funds from various sources, and on the other, they place them, satisfying the needs of enterprises, organizations, and the population in need of financial resources.

The resource base in the activities of commercial banks determines the scale and direction of active operations and, consequently, the volume and structure of banking income. The composition and structure of a commercial bank's resources have a significant impact on its liquidity and financial performance as a whole.

Traditionally, the bulk of resources is generated by banks through borrowed funds. Most often, their share in the total amount of bank resources is 70–80%, and the bank’s attracted funds are formed mainly through deposit operations.

The nature of banks' deposit operations and the achievability of their goals largely depend on the quality of the developed deposit policy.

The bank's deposit policy in the field of attracting resources is one of the indicators of the reliability and stability of the bank's resource base.

This policy must meet two criteria:

1) the level of interest rates on deposits must be sufficiently attractive for existing and potential clients;

2) the level of the interest rate should not sharply increase the lower limit of the interest margin between active and passive operations.

The formation of a deposit base using various instruments and sources of raising funds allows us to maintain the bank’s potential in terms of conducting active operations at an adequate level, as well as flexibly respond to the financial needs of its clientele.

Currently, deposits of individuals are the most dynamically developing source of financing the resource base of commercial banks, which is why funds from the population should occupy a special place in the banking policy of generating funds. A significant characteristic of household deposits is their “dispersion” among many depositors, differing significantly in income levels, age, gender and territorial characteristics, social status and professional affiliation, which significantly increases the level of diversification of banking resources. Today, household deposits are quite manageable; by changing interest rates, the bank has the opportunity to attract resources with specified maturity characteristics.

The main feature of the deposit market of the population at present is the significant influence of interest rate levels on the formation of demand for deposits - that is, the interest rates on deposits set by banks largely determine the growth rate of their resource base. Moreover, for different groups of banks this influence manifests itself to varying degrees. The heterogeneity of the deposit services market can lead to a significant redistribution of market shares between banks, which may subsequently be accompanied by the emergence of new major players.

Analysis of the cost of banking resources, first of all, indicates that Russian credit institutions actively use the factor of interest rate manipulation in their deposit policy, thereby ensuring an influx of new depositors. Of course, the level of interest rates is not the only factor that determines fluctuations in the deposit base, but currently the task of determining the influence of the cost of deposits on fluctuations in the client base “all other things being equal” is very relevant.

Speaking about the Russian market of citizen deposits, it should be noted that it cannot be considered homogeneous, which is why monitoring the dynamics of the banks’ share in it is often insufficient to correctly assess changes in the bank’s competitive position.

For example, the structure of the citizen deposit market in Russia allows us to identify three most significant market segments with clearly different stereotypes of depositor behavior, as well as different factors in the dynamics of deposit growth - pensioners, who account for almost half of the market of citizen deposits in Russian banks, the middle stratum, VIP and non-residents. The first and largest category of depositors is quite conservative; therefore, a noticeable increase in the income of pensioners leads to a rapid strengthening of the position of commercial banks. These deposits are usually denominated in rubles.

The second most important segment of the deposit market is the funds of VIP clients and non-resident citizens, who traditionally prefer to work with commercial, preferably foreign, banks.

However, the bulk of depositors does not belong to the above two categories, although it is they who have the most important influence on the comparative positions of individual commercial banks, since it accounts for almost half of citizens’ funds in banks.

Having analyzed the data for the last three years, we can conclude that in 2015 the volume of household funds in banks increased by 2,714.8 billion rubles. (in 2014 - by 2,371.3 billion rubles) - up to 16,957.5 billion rubles, which in relative terms is 19.1% (in 2014 - 20.0%).

In turn, the volume of insured funds of the population in banks participating in the Deposit Insurance System in 2015 increased by 2,591.3 billion rubles. (in 2014 – by 2,150.1 billion rubles). In relative terms, it increased by 18.5% – to RUB 16,591.0 billion. (in 2014 – by 18.1%).

An analysis of the dynamics of daily growth in deposits shows that in 2015 the savings activity of the population was higher than in 2014 - the growth of deposits in January–November 2015 averaged 6.0 billion rubles. per day, which significantly exceeds the same figure last year (in January–November 2014 - 4.7 billion rubles per day).

Traditional pre-New Year payments brought banks an additional 650 billion rubles. (at the end of 2014 - 750 billion rubles), this suggests that the influx of household funds at the end of 2015 differs slightly from last year’s figure.

In the course of analyzing the structure of deposits by size, we can conclude that during 2015, different groups of deposits grew unevenly. In the first three quarters, deposits increased most actively - from 700 thousand to 1 million rubles. and over 1 million rubles. - by 25.3 and 22.2% in terms of amount and by 24 and 24.9% in terms of the number of accounts, respectively. Deposits from 400 thousand to 700 thousand rubles. over three quarters they grew by 10.6% and 9.8%, but in the fourth quarter the situation changed and deposits within the limits of insurance compensation began to grow most actively - up to 700 thousand rubles. (by an average of 11.6% per quarter), while the growth of large deposits has practically ceased. As a result, over the year the highest growth rates were shown by deposits from 400 thousand to 700 thousand rubles. and from 700 thousand to 1 million rubles. - by 25.6 and 28.1% in terms of amount and by 28.5 and 23.5% in terms of the number of accounts, respectively. Deposits over 1 million rubles. fell to third place - an increase of 23.4% in amount and 20% in the number of accounts.

At the end of 2015, the share of deposits was from 400 thousand to 700 thousand rubles. increased from 15.3 to 16.2%, from 700 thousand to 1 million rubles. – from 7.0 to 7.6%, and deposits over 1 million rubles. increased from 38.4 to 40.0% of total deposits.

As for the average size of account balances and deposits in the range of up to 700 thousand rubles, an increase of 1-1.7% can be observed; in the range of 700 thousand rubles. up to 1 million rubles the indicator practically did not change compared to the previous year, and for deposits over 1 million rubles. there is an increase of 3.7%. Therefore, we can conclude that the average deposit across the entire banking system without small and inactive accounts is estimated at about 155 thousand rubles. (Fig.2)

Figure 2. Structure of deposits depending on the size of deposits

The ongoing monitoring of interest rates offered by the 100 largest retail banks showed that 86 out of 100 banks at the end of 2015 reduced deposit rates. In 3 banks the rates increased, in 11 they remained unchanged.

The average level of rates, weighted by the volume of deposits, as of January 1, 2015 for ruble annual deposits in the amount of 700 thousand rubles. amounted to 7.2%, while the average unweighted interest rates for deposits in the amount of 700 thousand rubles. amounted to 8.8%.

The reduction in deposit rates occurred mainly in the 2nd and 3rd quarters, and in the 4th quarter, there was a multidirectional movement of rates among banks - 39 banks reduced them, and 23, on the contrary, increased them, as a result, the average level of rates in the 4th quarter decreased slightly.

Throughout 2015, positive real returns on ruble deposits remained. According to experts, the return on deposits in 2016 will also be at a level slightly higher than inflation.

It should also be noted that in the reporting year the share of long-term deposits over 1 year increased - from 58.9 to 61.8%, however, simultaneously with the growth of long-term deposits, there was a reduction in short-term deposits - from 22 to 19.2%. The share of demand deposits decreased, but only slightly – from 19.1 to 18.9%. In general, the noted trends are caused by a preference for more profitable long-term investments, especially in conditions of relatively high interest rates.

Currently, due to the revocation of licenses from several banks at the end of the year, there has been some redistribution of the market positions of credit institutions, for example, the share of the 30 largest banks in terms of household deposits in the first three quarters of 2013 gradually decreased - from 77.1 to 76. 4%, but in the fourth quarter it increased to 78.6%. The market share of Sberbank of Russia behaved in a similar way: the first three quarters decreased from 45.8 to 44.7%, in the fourth quarter it increased to 46.7%.

At the end of the year, the highest growth rates of deposits were observed in network multi-branch banks - 18.1% and in banks in the Moscow region - 16.4%, regional banks grew by 12.8%, and deposits in Sberbank of Russia increased by 21.6%.

Based on statistics, we can conclude that Russians prefer to keep their savings in rubles - they occupy ⅔ of the market for individual deposits. Foreign currency deposits are growing at a slow pace.

Bank deposits today are an effective means of saving, which makes them not only reliable, but also a profitable investment instrument.

In general, the development of the situation in the deposit market in 2012-2015 was characterized by the following positive trends:

– continued growth of the deposit base in the majority of existing commercial banks;

– the growth trend in long-term lending continued;

– the share of deposits of individuals in the total volume of the deposit base has increased.

For commercial banks, household deposits are becoming more and more attractive every year, as a result of which competition in the banking services market is significantly increasing. This situation is primarily beneficial for investors, who can receive increased returns on their deposits. Statistics from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation indicate that preference is given to deposits for a period of either less than 31 days (19% of all deposits) or more than a year (63%), the share of which has been growing steadily over recent years. Long-term deposits (over 1 year) have for quite a long time provided the main share in the growth of the resource base of banks at the expense of household deposits.

The forecast for the retail deposit market for 2016 assumes an increase of 2,880–3,220 billion rubles. – up to 19,840–20,180 billion rubles, which corresponds to a relative increase in deposits of 17–19%.

Summing up, we can conclude that customer funds attracted into deposits form the basis of the resource potential of banks. Based on the above analysis, it is clear that every year the savings activity of the population is growing, and, consequently, the resource base of commercial banks is strengthening.

The volume and structure of the deposit base largely determine the nature of the active operations of a credit institution, its capabilities in the field of lending and its role in the economy. And only an adequate deposit policy, taking into account numerous factors that influence the nature of deposit operations, will ensure the mobilization of appropriate resources for subsequent lending to the economy and participation in the investment process.

Thus, for commercial banks, deposits are the main and at the same time the most profitable type of resource. Increasing the share of this element in the resource base makes it possible to place a larger volume of attracted funds, thereby increasing the liquidity of the bank. Deposits from the public among the bank's attracted funds are an important source of resources. Based on the needs of the population in receiving banking services, each bank independently develops its own deposit policy, determining the types of deposits, their terms and interest on them, the conditions for conducting deposit operations, while relying on the specifics of its activities and taking into account the factor of competition from other banks and inflationary factors. processes occurring in the economy.

Having a clear understanding of the main trends in the development of the deposit market and a clear understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, mastering the basic price nuances of the formation of deposit products becomes a necessary guarantee of the bank’s successful operation in the private deposit market.

Chapter 2. Assessment of the deposit policy of a commercial bank

2.1. Economic and organizational characteristics of the activities of JSC Bank "TKPB"

JSC Bank TKPB Tambov is a universal regional credit organization that meets the requirements of the rapidly developing banking services market. JSC Bank "TCPB" was created on the basis of the Tambov regional department of Stroybank in 1990. The main task of the bank is to promote the development of the economy of the Tambov region and improve the quality of life of the population. Since 2005, Tambovkreditprombank has annually confirmed its status as a dynamically developing bank. May 30, 2012 JSC Bank "TCPB" became a laureate in the nomination "Best Bank in the Region" in the "Silver" category.

Full official name of the Bank in Russian: Joint Stock Company Bank “Tambovkreditprombank” Abbreviated name in Russian: JSC Bank “TKPB”

Registration number and date of state registration with the Bank of Russia: No. 1312 dated April 27, 1992.

Main state registration number: 1026800000017.

In connection with bringing the provisions of the Charter in accordance with the Federal Law, Federal Law No. 99-FZ of May 5, 2014 “On amendments to Chapter 4 of Part One of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and on the recognition as invalid of certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, in including the name of the Bank, the Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the Central Federal District of Moscow issued on December 14, 2015:

– new edition of the Bank’s Charter;

– general license No. 1312 dated December 4, 2015 to carry out banking operations with a new name of the bank;

The Bank carries out activities to provide banking services in accordance with the Charter, approved by the decision of the general meeting of shareholders (participants ) , and also in accordance with licenses:

– License for banking operations No. 1312 dated July 25, 2008, issued by the Bank of Russia for attracting deposits and placing precious metals;

– license for attraction of deposits and placement of precious metals No. 1312 dated December 4, 2015 with a new name of the bank

– Licenses of a professional participant in the securities market issued by the Federal Commission for the Securities Market:

  1. for carrying out brokerage activities No. 168-03481-100000 dated 07.12.2000 (without validity period);
  2. for dealer activities No. 168-03584-010000 dated 12/07/2000 (without validity period);
  3. for carrying out securities management activities No. 168-03679-001000 dated December 7, 2000 (without limitation of validity period);

– License of a professional participant in the securities market, issued by the Federal Service for Financial Markets, to carry out depository activities No. 068-12030-000100 dated February 13, 2009 (without validity period).

The Bank is a participant in the state deposit insurance program approved by Federal Law No. 117-FZ “On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation” dated December 23, 2003. JSCB TKPB (OJSC) was included in the register of banks participating in the deposit insurance system on January 27, 2005 under No. 507.

The authorized capital of JSC Bank TKPB was formed in the amount of 117,500,000 rubles, divided into 116,500 units. ordinary registered shares with a par value of 1000 rubles each, 847 pcs. preferred registered shares with an indefinite dividend amount with a par value of 1000 rubles each and 153 pcs. preferred registered shares with a dividend rate of 120 percent per annum with a par value of 1,000 rubles each. The bank's authorized capital can be increased or decreased. Capital can be increased by increasing the par value of shares or placing additional shares, and it can be reduced by reducing the par value of shares or reducing their total number, including through the acquisition and redemption by the bank of part of the placed shares in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law “On Joint Stock Companies” Bank is part of the banking system of the Russian Federation.

Legal address of JSC Bank "TKPB": 392000, Tambov, st. Soviet 118.

The bank's network consists of a head office, 12 additional offices, 2 operational offices and two cash desks outside the cash center. The bank's head office and 7 branches operate in Tambov, 2 in Michurinsk, 2 in Rasskazov, one each in Kotovsk, Uvarovo, Kirsanov. There are operational offices in Moscow and Lipetsk.

The constituent document of the Bank is its Charter. The bank is a legal entity. Owns separate property, accounted for on an independent balance sheet, can exercise and acquire property and personal non-property rights in its own name, bear responsibilities, be a plaintiff and defendant in court, has a round seal, stamp and forms with its name.

According to the Charter, JSCB TKPB (OJSC) provides the following banking services:

– opening and closing accounts of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity and individuals in rubles and foreign currency. Settlement and cash services;

– acceptance of deposits from legal entities and individuals in Russian currency and foreign currency;

– lending to legal entities and individuals;

– currency exchange transactions;

– making money transfers through the international system “Western Union”, providing services for money transfers through the “Contact” network, the “Anelik”, “Migom”, “Zolotaya Korona” systems;

– accepting payments through ATMs for cellular communication services from individuals;

– accepting utility payments from individuals;

– provision of bank cards of international and Russian payment systems to private clients for use, implementation of salary card projects. For the convenience of clients, the bank has installed eleven ATMs for servicing cards of VISA and MasterCard payment systems in Tambov, Michurinsk, Kotovsk and Rasskazovo;

– operations with precious metals;

– provision of bank safes (safe deposit boxes) for use to ensure the safety of funds and valuables;

– issuance of a bank guarantee;

– provision of remote banking services: “Bank – Client”, “Internet banking”;

– making transfers without opening an account on behalf of individuals;

– transactions with securities.

The priority direction of the bank's activities is to attract funds from the population into deposits. Work on accepting funds from individuals as deposits is carried out on the basis of the general license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 1312. The bank can accept funds from individuals on terms of repayment and payment for deposits: on demand, urgent, as well as deposits made on other conditions of return.

A demand deposit in JSCB TKPB (OJSC) is a deposit with an unlimited shelf life. Acceptance of additional contributions, as well as issuance of deposits, is carried out during the entire storage period in amounts at the discretion of the depositor.

Time deposits are considered deposits made to the bank for a certain period. The issuance of deposits is carried out in accordance with the Regulations for certain types of deposits.

The calculation and payment of interest on deposits is carried out in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 839), Regulations of the Bank of the Russian Federation No. 39-P dated June 26, 1998 and the Regulations of JSCB TKPB (OJSC) for certain types of deposits. Interest is accrued from the day following the day the deposit funds are received by the Bank until the day preceding their return to the depositor.

A deposit account is opened for a client only if the bank has received all the required documents and the client has been identified in accordance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation.

Acceptance of deposits is carried out taking into account the requirements of the Federal Law “On Combating the Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime and the Financing of Terrorism.”

Deposits are insured in accordance with the Federal Law “On Insurance of Deposits of Individuals in Banks of the Russian Federation”. Payment of compensation for deposits is made by the State Corporation “Deposit Insurance Agency”.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached 14 years of age and has a passport, foreign citizens and stateless persons can be a depositor of JSC Bank TKPB. The amount of funds raised (deposit) is not limited.

To open a deposit account, individuals who are citizens of the Russian Federation provide the following documents to the bank:

  • Identity document of an individual;
  • Certificate of registration with the tax authority (if available).

Individuals - foreign citizens or stateless persons additionally provide a migration card and (or) a document confirming the right to stay (reside) in the Russian Federation.

When visiting the Bank for the first time, the depositor must familiarize himself with the terms of the offered deposits, select the type of deposit, make an oral statement about this by presenting an identification document and fill out the following documents:

– bank deposit agreement in 2 copies;
– cash receipt order when making a deposit;

The accountant assigns an account serial number depending on the type of deposit, using a PC. The following data is entered into the database: last name, first name, patronymic of the investor, contract number, details of the investor’s identity document, date of opening the account, the amount of the current interest rate, then a personal account is opened with the amount of the down payment entered and a receipt order is printed, which is signed by the investor.

The agreement must be signed by the depositor and the bank manager, and the manager’s signature is certified by the bank’s seal.

The basis for closing a bank account for a deposit is the termination of the bank deposit agreement.

In its activities, the Bank is guided by the Charter, the legislation of the Russian Federation, and regulations of the Bank of Russia:

  1. Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” dated December 2, 1990 No. 395-1, regulating the procedure for registering credit organizations and licensing banking operations;
  2. Federal Law “On Combating the Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime and the Financing of Terrorism” dated August 7, 2001 N 115-FZ;
  3. Federal Law “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control” dated December 10, 2003 N 173-FZ, which regulates the procedure for conducting currency transactions;
  4. Instruction of the Bank of Russia “On opening and closing bank accounts, deposit accounts” dated September 14, 2006 N 28-I, regulating the procedure for opening and closing bank accounts;
  5. Regulation of the Bank of Russia “On the procedure for the formation by credit institutions of reserves for possible losses” dated March 20, 2006 N 283-P;
  6. Regulation of the Bank of Russia “On the rules for transferring funds” dated June 19, 2012 N 383-P
  7. Other provisions of the Bank of Russia.

As a result, we can say that JSC Bank TKPB operates in all segments of the financial market, is a universal regional credit organization and provides a wide range of financial services. However, one of the bank's priority activities is raising funds from individuals. Deposits from the population are the main source of expanding the resource base of JSC Bank TKPB.

2.2. Assessment of the activities of JSC Bank TKPB in the deposit services market

JSC Bank "TKPB" offers the population a competitive line of deposits with a variety of conditions in order to meet the needs of citizens in saving and increasing their funds. In order to increase the resource base, the bank is focused on attracting funds from various target groups: working citizens, pensioners, parents who care about the future of their children. Types of deposits of Tambovcreditprombank OJSC are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Deposits of JSC Bank TKPB for individuals

Deposits of individuals are placed for a period of 30 to 1800 days with monthly and quarterly payment of interest, as well as payment of interest upon expiration of the deposit period. The dynamics and changes in the structure of deposits of individuals depending on the storage period in the period from 01/01/2015 to 01/01/2016 are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Dynamics of deposits of individuals of JSC Bank TKPB depending on the storage period from 01/01/2016 to 01/01/2015

In general, deposits of individuals during this period increased by almost 8%. The most popular for the population are deposits for a period of 91 to 180 days, the change is 134,806 thousand rubles, or 93.7%. This indicates that the interest policy of JSC Bank TKPB on these deposits is the most attractive for individuals.

Currently, the bank is becoming increasingly popular among the population. This fact is confirmed by the dynamics of the number of clients in the branches of JSC Bank TKPB and the increase in the volume of attracted deposits from clients. The number of individual accounts is growing rapidly. Data on the dynamics of deposits for 2015 are presented in Appendix 1.

As of 01/01/2016 The bank's client base is 27,365 accounts of individual depositors. Compared to last year, the number of clients increased by 3.3%. Compared to 2014 the total amount of deposits increased by 551 thousand rubles. (19.86%). In the structure of attracted resources, funds from individuals occupy 46.8%. Considering the dynamics of deposits of JSC Bank TKPB, one can note a trend of increasing the resource potential of the bank. A wide range of deposits, additional payment options and convenient operating modes could not but cause a rapid increase in the number of clients.

Thus, we can conclude that deposits of individuals are one of the main sources of the resource base. The bank annually increases the volume of household deposits. For these purposes, the bank carries out advertising campaigns, offers favorable conditions for depositors, and introduces new interest rates.

2.3. Analysis of the deposit portfolio of JSCB TKPB (OJSC)

Expanding the resource base by attracting funds from individuals is one of the bank’s priorities.

As of January 1, 2016, insured deposits of individuals in the bank as a whole increased by 160.2 million rubles, in relative terms - by 14.3%, and amounted to 1280.1 million rubles (for 2014 - 1119, 9 million rubles). The share of this source in the bank’s total liabilities decreased slightly (from 33.8% as of January 1, 2014 to 33.3% as of January 1, 2016).

The comparative growth rates of individual deposits for 2015 in general for credit institutions of the Tambov region and JSC Bank TKPB are presented in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Deposits of individuals by credit institutions of the Tambov region and JSC Bank TKPB. for 2015, %

From the above data it is clear that for the 4th quarter of 2015, the growth rate for Tambovkreditprombank exceeded the growth rate for the region by 4.8%. The bank's growth rate is 116.2%; in the Tambov region it is 111.4%. The Bank constantly monitors individual deposits and interest rates on them. Based on the monitoring results, it was established that for the 4th quarter of 2015, the growth rate for JSC Bank TKPB of the proposed interest rates by divisions of banks in other regions located in the Tambov region. Thus, Express-Volga Bank offered rates from 8.5 to 11%, Home Credit Bank from 10 to 11%, Orient Express Bank, TRUST Bank up to 11%.

The rates of Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, Promsvyazbank, VTB-24 did not exceed the rates offered by JSC Bank TKPB.

In 2014, the weighted average rates of JSC Bank TKPB did not exceed the average interest rate on deposits in rubles of ten large credit institutions that attract the largest volume of deposits. From the dynamics of changes in the interest rate it is clear that this indicator tends to increase.

The volume of household deposits and their share by structural divisions is characterized by the data given in Table 3.

Table 3. Volume and share of deposits of individuals by divisions of JSC Bank TKPB

As can be seen from the data presented, the share of deposits by bank divisions changed slightly. The main share of deposits of individuals falls on the Head Office - 38.2%.

The balances of household deposits by terms of attraction are characterized by the following data (Table 4)

In the structure of deposits attracted from individuals, the greatest growth is in funds for a period from 181 days to 1 year. Their volume over the year increased 1.2 times or 105.9 million rubles. The share for the specified period in the total amount raised also increased from 43.6 to 46.6%.

Table 4. Balances of deposits of individuals by terms of attraction

Deposits attracted for a period of 1 to 3 years increased by 15.4%, and their share remained virtually unchanged in the total volume of deposits of individuals – 33.5%.

The share of household deposits with a maturity of 91 to 180 days decreased and amounted to 11.3%. There is a decrease in the share by 2.2 and the amount of deposits by 21.9 million rubles. for a period from 31 days to 90 days.

The balance of funds of individuals (account 40817) as of January 1, 2016 increased relative to January 1, 2015 by 14.9 million rubles. The December influx of household funds on bank cards exceeded last year’s figure by 29.8%.

Salary projects were not opened in 2015.

Offering a wide selection of deposits for individuals, JSC Bank TKPB pursues a policy of reliability and security of funds entrusted to the bank.

JSC Bank TKPB accepts deposits on terms as close as possible to the needs of clients:

– deposit on demand with the condition of annual capitalization of interest;

– 27 types of time deposits, of which:

2 types with the condition of quarterly payment of accrued interest;

6 types with the condition of monthly capitalization of accrued interest;

2 types with the condition of quarterly capitalization of accrued interest;

16 types with the condition of accrual of interest upon expiration of the bank deposit agreement;

– current accounts of individuals in rubles;

– accounts for settlements using bank cards of international payment systems, including within the framework of salary projects.

In the reporting period, the bank had a sufficient amount of credit resources to fulfill the requirements of the Bank of Russia to assess the economic situation, ensure stability in order to recognize it as sufficient for participation in the deposit insurance system, and further lending to individuals.

However, in order to avoid the outflow of deposits, the Board of the Bank made decisions to change interest rates upward from 02/28/2015, 05/22/2015, 06/04/2015, 08/13/2015, 09/07/201. new types of deposits with higher interest rates for the population.

At the end of the year, the deposit size ranges from 100 to 400 thousand rubles. increased by 6.5% (up to 400.9 thousand rubles), from 400 to 700 thousand rubles. – by 21.5% (up to 293.9 thousand rubles), from 700 to 1 million rubles. – by 14.5% (up to 151.6 thousand rubles), over 1 million rubles. – by 14.9% (up to 301.3 thousand rubles).

The growth of deposits in amounts close to the maximum amount of insurance compensation indicates the active impact of the insurance system on the saving behavior of the population. As a result, by the end of the year the share of deposits over 400 thousand rubles. up to 700 thousand rubles. increased from 21.6 to 23.0% of the total volume of deposits, over 700 thousand rubles. increased from 35.2% to 35.4%.

Funds of individuals attracted on the basis of bank deposit agreements are defined as deposits subject to insurance and are included in the calculation base of insurance premiums.

As of 01/01/2016, 6,349 contracts on time deposits and 21,016 contracts on demand were concluded, and as of 01/01/2015 - 5,761 contracts on time deposits and 20,788 contracts on demand.

Since joining the deposit insurance system, the amount of the transferred insurance premium to the Agency amounted to 23,090.6 thousand rubles, including 1,171.6 thousand rubles transferred. for the 4th quarter of 2015

The business plan of JSC Bank TKPB provides for an increase in the loan portfolio; accordingly, this will require additional resources, the growth of which is also provided for.

As a result, we can say that the main task of the bank in the field of attracting resources is to maintain and increase the volume of services provided by the bank in the customer banking market, and to form long-term preferences among customers when determining the terms of placement of funds.

In order to create a resource base for expanding active operations, investing in the real sector of the economy and reducing its own interest rate risks, the bank identifies as its main priorities when forming a resource base: extending the terms of raising funds, reducing the total cost of resources, optimizing the structure of attracting resources.

The bank's tariff policy is aimed at a wide range of clients and provides for flexibility in setting fees for attracted funds, a wide choice of interest rates on deposits and placed funds.

Chapter 3.Ways to improve the deposit policy of a commercial bank

3.1. Measures to improve the deposit policy of JSC Bank TKPB

One of the problems that commercial banks are currently facing is the problem of forming an optimal resource base that will meet the needs of the bank.

The resource base has a direct impact on the liquidity and solvency of a commercial bank. The amount of income that a commercial bank receives strictly depends on the size of the resources that the bank acquires on the market for various resources and, in particular, deposits. This gives rise to competition between banks to attract resources.

The formation of a resource base, which includes attracting new clients, is an integral part of the flexible management of assets and liabilities of a commercial bank. Effective liability management presupposes the implementation of a competent deposit policy. The specificity of this area of ​​​​activity is that in terms of passive operations, the bank’s choice is usually limited to a certain group of clientele, to which it is attached much more strongly than to borrowers.

Currently, the development of banking competition leads to close ties to certain clients. If the circle of these clients is narrow, then the bank’s dependence on them is very high. Therefore, to strengthen the resource base, commercial banks need a balanced deposit policy, balanced in terms of terms, volumes and interest rates.

In order to expand the resource potential and client JSC Bank TKPB, it is necessary to improve the deposit policy as much as possible. First of all, deposit policy should be aimed at expanding the list of deposits available to various groups of clients, as well as introducing new types of services for their convenience.

The deposit policy of JSC Bank TKPB should take into account the needs of all social and age groups of citizens - working and pensioners, youth and middle-aged people, and should also be designed for both low-income segments of the population and people with middle and high income levels.

In order to increase the interest of individuals in receiving deposit services at JSC Bank TKPB, the following tools can be used:

  • expanding the list of deposits aimed at various social groups of the population;
  • possibility of receiving interest in advance;
  • introduction of salary projects;
  • receiving benefits, bonuses and discounts with constant cooperation with the Bank;
  • improvement of the advertising policy of JSC Bank TKPB;
  • implementation of the “Online Deposit” program.

In order to increase the deposits of individuals, JSC Bank TKPB could offer the opening of a new type of deposit “Hit of the Season” under the following conditions: storage period 370 days, interest rate 11% per annum, with the right to replenish, minimum down payment amount of 10 thousand rubles.

In order to attract the younger generation to the number of depositors, JSC Bank TKPB should develop a deposit “Youth”, aimed specifically at this social group of the population.

It is proposed to introduce the following conditions for this contribution:

– minimum amount 2000 rubles;

– deposit storage period is 5 years;

– annual interest – 11%;

– age limit from 18 to 23 years.

In order to ensure an influx of depositors for this type of deposit, it is advisable to introduce incentives that will be attractive among the young population. This could be a discount when buying a train ticket, or when purchasing scientific literature in bookstores. These benefits will be valid only if the services are paid for with funds located on this deposit and have been stored for at least one full storage period.

Focusing on the young population, you can introduce a “Student” deposit, the target audience of which will be students in the city of Tambov. For this deposit, the minimum amount is 1,000 rubles, the deposit period is from 181 to 1,095 days. The interest rate will be 7.5 – 8.5% per annum. The attractiveness of this deposit may be that the accrued interest can be transferred towards tuition fees at the university.

As part of improving deposit policy JSC Bank TKPB could offer a number of deposits aimed at clients with high incomes. For example, a “Premium” deposit, the feature of which would be personal service, the services of a personal manager who solves the financial problems of his client around the clock, is the opportunity to come to the bank “on call” without having to wait in line at branches, is access to various customer service services support . For the Premium deposit, it is possible to replenish the deposit within 60 days from the date of its opening. “Premium” is a deposit with the highest interest rates among bank deposits, with monthly interest payments and the possibility of their capitalization.

JSCB "TKPB" (OJSC) must also offer deposit products aimed at meeting the needs of depositors for housing, large purchases, payment for education, tourism and recreation. It is advisable to develop a “Professor” deposit - a deposit product designed for teachers of Tambov universities. The interest rate is 6–10%, and partial withdrawal is also provided - 20% of the amount of additional contributions.

When developing the “Family +” deposit, a group of people who have children under the age of 18 at the time of applying to the bank will be involved. The interest rate for this type of deposit can vary from 7 to 10% per annum.

Another measure to improve the deposit policy of JSC Bank “TKPB” and increase customer interest in deposit services can be the payment of interest on deposits placed in advance in order to compensate for inflationary losses. In this case, the investor, when placing funds for a certain period, immediately receives the income due to him. However, if the bank deposit agreement is terminated early, the bank will recalculate the interest on the deposit and excess amounts paid will be withheld from the deposit amount.

In order to speed up and make it easier for clients to obtain the necessary information about deposits at JSC Bank TKPB, it is advisable to create a customer service service, with the help of which a potential depositor can receive all information on available deposit products free of charge over the phone. The presence of this service will reduce the time spent servicing depositors directly at the bank’s office, and, as a result, attract new depositors from various social groups.

At the same time, the bank should constantly focus on its advertising policy, which will make it an effective tool for forming a client base. Each competitive advantage of the bank and each new deposit product must be known and understandable to customers, easily comparable, and also compare favorably with competitors’ offers.

Currently, banks are actively offering online deposits. In this they are supported by clients who, saving time on visiting the office, take advantage of the opportunity to become investors remotely.

Another mechanism to improve deposit policy JSC Bank "TKPB" may serve implementation of the “Online Deposit” program. To do this, it is enough for a future investor to have an open account and access to Internet banking at JSC Bank TKPB. Using this program, you can open any deposit from the current line of deposits. The advantages of this program for clients are obvious - saving time on visiting the office and making opening deposits as comfortable as possible - at work, at home or even while on vacation. Despite the remote nature of this service, the agreement on opening a deposit is stored at the bank branch, and the client can pick it up on his first visit to the office. The only condition for opening a deposit online will be that this service can only be used by clients who have already had a positive experience of opening a deposit with JSC Bank TKPB.

Thus, when developing measures to improve the deposit policy of JSC Bank TKPB, one should be guided by certain criteria for its optimization, among which the following can be highlighted:

  • segmentation of the deposit portfolio (by client);
  • differentiated approach to different groups of clients;
  • competitiveness of banking products and services.

In conclusion, we can say that each bank develops its own deposit policy, determining the types of deposits, their terms and interest on them, the conditions for conducting deposit operations, while relying on the specifics of its activities and taking into account the factor of competition from other banks and inflationary processes occurring in economy.

3.2. Development of the deposit product “Investment in the Future” for JSC Bank TKPB

Currently, in the banking sector there is a huge number of deposits aimed at meeting the needs of the population of absolutely all social groups. However, in Russia today only some credit organizations issue targeted deposits for children. They can be opened, for example, at Zenit Bank, Alfa-Bank, PJSC SDM - Bank. The conditions offered by credit institutions for children's deposits vary greatly. Thus, some banks open such deposits only in the name of children under 14 years of age, while others open such deposits until the child reaches 18 years of age. The deposit period can be either one year or five years. The minimum deposit amount in some banks is set at 1,000 rubles, and in others - 100 thousand. The interest rate policy of banks in the market is also ambiguous, the rate on children's deposits varies from 5% to 9% per annum. Deposits of this type are replenished. The ability to make debit transactions on a deposit is offered by a minimum number of banks. As a rule, the deposit is automatically extended until the child reaches adulthood or reaches 14 years of age.

A child's deposit is opened by a parent (guardian) or close relative in favor of the child. The client who opened such a deposit is called the depositor. He has all the rights of a depositor until the child presents them to the deposit. A minor can become a depositor upon reaching the age of 14.

Since JSC Bank TKPB periodically reviews its deposit policy and, keeping up with competitors, seeks to improve the product line for deposits, thereby changing interest rates, one should consider such a way to attract clients as the introduction of a new, non-standard deposit product “Deposit in the Future” .

The main advantages of a deposit for a child will be:

  • This product will ensure the beginning of the child’s adult life upon reaching adulthood;
  • Both one of the parents and a guardian can open a deposit;
  • Possibility to replenish the deposit;
  • The number of replenishments to the children's deposit account is not limited;
  • Good interest rate;
  • Upon reaching adulthood, the child has the opportunity to manage the accumulated money independently.

There are also disadvantages to children's deposits, namely that the interest rate on them is usually 0.5-1% lower than on time deposits. However, this is definitely better than keeping your savings without the possibility of increasing them. By using the child deposit, the child will already have a fairly large capital, thanks to which he can get an education or open his own business. In addition, he will learn to manage his money wisely, which will help him manage his funds correctly in the future.

Advantages of the deposit:

– Interest capitalization;

– Possibility of replenishment.

To develop the most attractive deposit product “Investment in the Future” at JSC Bank TKPB, we will calculate what the final amount will be if the client deposits 10,000 rubles for 2 years at a maximum rate of 9% at JSC Rosselkhozbank and at 9.5% per annum at PJSC Sovcombank.

These calculations should be carried out using the formula for calculating compound interest:

SUM=X*(1+%) n (1)

Where is SUM final amount;

X – initial amount;

% – interest rate per annum / 100;

n – number of periods, years (months, quarters).

Comparative characteristics of the profitability of the deposit are given in Table 5.

Table 5. Comparative characteristics of deposit profitability

The offer of these banks is initially aimed at a fairly limited segment of consumers. The yield on the offered deposits remains at 20%. Thus, at JSC Bank TKPB it is necessary to develop a deposit “Investment in the Future”, which will bring target consumers the greatest income than that of the competitors presented above.

The terms of the proposed time deposit “Investment in the Future” of JSC Bank “TKPB” are presented in Table 6.

Table 6. Deposit “Investment in the future” of JSC Bank “TKPB”

Advantages of the deposit:

  • Interest capitalization;
  • Possibility of replenishment;
  • Fixed interest rate;
  • Automatic renewal.

Let's calculate the profitability of the deposit product “Deposit in the Future” using similar conditions.

The profit will be equal to:

10000*(1+14.5/100) 2= 13110.25 rub.

13110.25-10000=3110.25 rub.

The profitability of the calculated product will be:

3110,25/10000=31,1 %

By making a comparative analysis of these types of deposits, we can conclude that JSC Bank TKPB can offer a more effective and attractive banking product for clients who have minor children.

A distinctive feature of the proposed deposit product will be the possibility of opening a deposit for the “smallest”. The deposit period is from 1 to 18 years, this will allow the depositor to open a long-term deposit from the first days of a child’s life until he comes of age. Initially, the amount invested by parents on the child’s deposit will increase 5-10 times after 18 years.

Calculations show how profitable the “Investment in the Future” for a period of 18 years at JSC Bank TKPB will be:

Option 1. Parents open a deposit for a period of 18 years and immediately deposit 20 thousand rubles into the account. If you never replenish it, then at an average annual rate of 10% at the end of the term the child will be able to withdraw 111,198 rubles.

Option 2. Under the same starting conditions, parents top up the deposit with a symbolic 500 rubles. every month. In this case, the adult child will already have 420,346 rubles at his disposal.

From the calculations carried out, it is clear that “Investment in the Future” will allow the child to receive funds by the age of majority that are several times greater than the initial contribution.

Currently, few banks have such products in their deposit line and often the term of such deposits is up to 3-5 years, which does not meet the expectations of parents who, by opening a children's deposit, expect to accumulate a significant amount by the time their child comes of age.

The attractiveness of “Deposit in the Future” can also be the fact that not only parents, but also relatives - grandparents, brothers, sisters, etc. can open deposits for children in JSC Bank TKPB. To do this, it will be enough to present your passport and the original birth certificate of the child. “Investment in the future” provides for the accumulation of the required amount of funds by a certain date. The uniqueness of this product will be that funds can be placed by clients for a long period of time.

A bonus for opening this deposit will be a free issue of a VisaElectron bank card. In this case, the bank card will serve as a tool for using the service for replenishing deposits through ATMs of JSC Bank TKPB.

Another positive thing is that you can open “Investment in the Future” in the name of a child of any age. Until the age of 14, the depositors manage the funds, and after receiving a passport, the child can independently manage the savings on the deposit.

“Deposit in the future” in JSC Bank “TKPB” could also be attractive for individuals with a second child, if it is possible to invest maternity capital in this deposit. In 2016, the amount of maternity capital that is due at the birth of a second child is 453.026 thousand rubles. Families who use the “Investment in the Future” deposit product can receive a decent increase in the family budget. If you put this money on the “Investment in the Future” deposit at JSCB TKPB (OJSC) at 10%, the increase over the year will be about 45,000 rubles. An undoubted advantage will be that account holders will be able to receive monthly dividends according to the existing deposit. This means that families who transfer maternity capital to a deposit account in Tambovkreditprombank will have the opportunity to receive cash, which, according to today’s law on maternity capital, can be spent not only on paying for kindergarten, school and subsequent education of the child at the university, improving living conditions and the formation of the funded part of the parents’ labor pension, but also used for everyday expenses for food, rest, treatment and attendance of the child.

Maternity capital, currently, is issued immediately after the birth of the baby, but this amount can only be used after three years, during which you will “just look” at the certificate issued by the Pension Fund. That is why transferring maternity capital to a deposit in JSCB TKPB (OJSC) immediately after the birth of a child and subsequent withdrawal of interest on the deposit will significantly help families with more than one child to solve everyday worries that require additional expenses from the first days of the baby’s life .

Despite the fact that interest in children's deposits has recently become more and more obvious, experts are cautious in predicting the future of this seemingly promising area of ​​banking. The main reason for this is the high riskiness of children's deposits, since in most cases they are long-term. Despite the risk Such contributions have many advantages.

Firstly, the interest rate will be proportional to the period for which the agreement is concluded. When concluding such a long-term contract, the rate is approved for the entire period. In addition, there are various bonus programs available to investors who choose this type of agreement. Thanks to them, you can increase your income on deposits, and also take advantage of various services, discounts, and advantageous offers. JSCB "TKPB" (OJSC) offers a "Contribution to the Future", which the investor can replenish an unlimited number of times.

Secondly, long-term deposits can be developed, including interest capitalization. That is, in this way you can significantly increase your deposit income.

Thirdly, clients are provided with discounts on other banking services.

When developing a long-term deposit product “Deposit in the Future”, potential clients may be interested in the question of how JSC Bank TKPB will provide such a high interest rate on the deposit. There is a simple explanation for this - “Deposit for the Future” will be the only product in the entire line of deposits presented that offers the highest interest rate. Currently, in Russian banks there is often a discrepancy between deposit rates relative to the level of inflation, that is, inflation “eats up” all savings on deposits in the long term. However, according to the Central Bank of Russia, an inflation forecast was planned until 2026. Inflation in Russia in 2016 is 6.4%, and during the calculated period this index will fluctuate between 5.3 – 7.3%. Consequently, the interest rate of 10 – 14.5% per annum on the “Deposit in the Future” compensates the investor for inflation by almost 2 times.

As a result, we can conclude that after analyzing the situation in the bank deposit market, JSC Bank TKPB has every opportunity to offer individuals with children a highly profitable deposit product “Investment in the Future”, which will be able to attract a large number of depositors interested in increasing your own funds.


As a result of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn.

Firstly, during the writing of the thesis, it was found that to ensure the stable and reliable functioning of commercial banks, the formation of a deposit policy plays an important role.

The study of the theoretical foundations of the deposit policy of a commercial bank made it possible to reveal that for commercial banks deposits are the main and at the same time the most profitable type of resource. Increasing the share of this element in the resource base makes it possible to place a larger volume of attracted funds, thereby increasing the liquidity of the bank.

Secondly, in the course of writing the work, the current situation in the country’s deposit market was analyzed, as well as the activities of a specific subject of the banking system in the field of deposit operations of JSC Bank TKPB were studied.

Based on the results of the research carried out in the thesis, we can conclude that the deposit market of the Russian Federation is experiencing a stable situation with the attraction of funds from individuals into deposits.

As for the activities of JSCB TKPB (OJSC) in the field of attracting deposits from the population, both positive and negative trends can be noted here. Positive aspects of the bank's work include an ever-expanding client base, growth of equity capital and raised funds.

The thesis identified a number of problems faced by commercial banks. These include the problem of forming the resource base of a commercial bank, as well as the insecurity of citizens’ deposits in Russian banks.

Thirdly, the study of deposit policy and assessment of the current situation in the field of attracting funds from individuals for deposits made it possible to develop a number of proposals for improving the deposit policy of JSC Bank TKPB.

Thus, to strengthen the deposit base and expand the resource potential, the bank is offered:

  • expand the list of deposits, focusing on various social groups of the population;
  • make interest payments in advance;
  • introduce a system of benefits, bonuses and discounts with constant cooperation with the Bank;
  • improve the advertising policy of JSC Bank TKPB;
  • implement the “Online Deposit” program.

JSC Bank "TCPB" periodically reviews its deposit policy and, keeping up with its competitors, strives to improve its product line for deposits, thereby changing interest rates. In the thesis, a way to attract a client was developed, such as the introduction of a new, non-standard deposit product “Investment in the Future”. The return on the calculated deposit will be 31.1%, which is significantly higher than that of competing banks. "Investment in the future" also has a number of benefits that may be of interest to individuals with children. These include: long-term deposit, working with maternity capital, free issuance of a VisaElectron bank card.

Thus, the purpose and objectives of the study reached their logical conclusion in the consideration of theoretical and development of practical recommendations for improving the process of formation and implementation of an effective deposit policy of a commercial bank.

List of sources used

1. Federal Law of December 2, 1990 N 395-1 (as amended on April 5, 2016) “On Banks and Banking Activities” // Legal reference system “Consultant Plus”: [Electronic resource] / Company “Consultant Plus”.
2. On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia): Federal Law of July 10, 2002 N 86-FZ (as amended and supplemented) // Legal reference system “Consultant Plus”: [Electronic resource ] / Company "Consultant Plus".
3. Charter of the joint-stock commercial bank “Tambovkreditprombank”. Approved by Minutes of the General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1 dated April 22, 2008.

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Thesis on the topic “Assessment of the organization of deposit operations and the deposit policy of a commercial bank” updated: May 25, 2018 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

In modern conditions, in order to operate effectively, develop and achieve its goals, each commercial bank must develop its own deposit policy. Deposit policy is a set of activities of a commercial bank aimed at determining the forms, objectives, content of banking activities in the formation of banking resources, their planning and regulation on a repayable basis.

The deposit policy must first of all meet the following requirements: economic feasibility; competitiveness; internal consistency. The bank's deposit policy should include: 1) development of a strategy for the bank's activities to attract funds on deposits; 2) formation of tactics of a commercial bank to develop, offer and promote new banking deposit products for clients; 3) monitoring the implementation of policy and its effectiveness; The subjects of the bank's deposit policy include bank clients, commercial banks and government institutions. The objects include attracted bank funds and additional bank services (comprehensive services). Principles for forming the deposit policy of a commercial bank: The principle of scientific validity, The principle of ensuring reliability, The principle of an integrated approach. Compliance with these principles allows the bank to formulate both strategic and tactical directions in organizing the deposit process, thereby ensuring the efficiency and optimization of its deposit policy. The following areas of deposit policy of a commercial bank can be distinguished: analysis of the deposit market; identifying target markets to minimize deposit risk; minimizing costs in the process of raising funds; optimization of deposit and loan portfolio management; maintaining bank liquidity and increasing its stability. To carry out practical activities to raise funds, banks develop Regulations on deposit (deposit) operations (separately for deposits of individuals and for deposits of legal entities), which stipulate: the rules and conditions for accepting deposits (deposits); procedure for concluding a bank deposit agreement; its content; rights of depositors and obligations of the bank; methods of calculating and paying interest on deposits.

The level of interest rates on deposits is set by each commercial bank independently with a focus on the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia, as well as based on the provisions of its own deposit policy. When setting the interest rate on time deposits, the determining factor is the period for which the funds are placed: the longer the period, the higher the interest level.

An equally important factor is the amount of the deposit. In addition to a flexible interest rate policy, in order to attract funds, banks must provide depositors with guarantees of the reliability of placing funds in deposits.

Deposit (deposit) operations of a commercial bank are operations to attract funds from legal entities and individuals into deposits for a certain period of time, or on demand, incl. balances of funds on clients' current accounts for their use as credit resources and in investment activities. There are: - deposits of legal entities (enterprises, organizations, banks); - deposits of individuals. Deposits according to the form of withdrawal are divided into: - demand deposits (obligations that do not have a specific period); - time deposits (liabilities with a certain period); savings deposits

Demand deposits are funds that can be called at any time without prior notification to the bank by the client. These are: - funds in settlement, current, budget and other accounts; - funds in the bank’s correspondent account opened at the RCC; - own funds of enterprises intended for capital investments and stored in separate accounts; - demand deposits. The main advantage of these deposits is their high liquidity; for banks, they set a low interest rate or none at all. The main disadvantage: for their owners - no interest on the account (or a very small percentage); for the bank - the need to have a higher operating reserve to maintain liquidity (due to the potential for withdrawal of money from accounts on demand).

Time deposits are funds raised by banks for a specified period. The amount of interest paid to the client on a time deposit depends on the term, the amount of the deposit and the depositor’s compliance with the terms of the agreement. Time deposits are usually classified depending on their term: deposits with a maturity of up to 3 months; from 3 to 6 months; from 6 to 9 months; from 9 to 12 months; over 12 months. The advantage of time deposit accounts for the client is the establishment of a higher interest rate compared to a demand deposit, and for the bank - the ability to maintain liquidity with a smaller operating reserve. The disadvantage of time deposit accounts for clients is low liquidity. For the bank, the disadvantage is the need to pay increased interest on deposits and, thus, reduce profits. You can also distinguish between: - deposits limited to a minimum amount and without restrictions on amounts; - replenishable deposit - allows the depositor to periodically replenish the deposit with additional contributions; - non-replenishable deposit; - deposits with a fixed interest rate for the entire period; - deposits with a fixed interest rate that increases progressively over time; - deposits with an interest rate that is not fixed during the period; - capitalized deposits - deposits for which the amount of accrued interest is added to the amount of the main deposit.

The most important instruments of the deposit policy of commercial banks are deposit and savings certificates. A savings certificate is a security that certifies the amount of a deposit made to a bank and the right of the depositor (certificate holder) to receive, upon expiration of the established period, the deposit amount and the interest stipulated in the certificate from the bank that issued the certificate or from any branch of this bank. A certificate of deposit can be issued only to legal entities, and a savings certificate - only to individuals. Bank certificates cannot be used as a means of payment in payments for goods and services. They serve only as a means of accumulation. Depending on the category of depositors, certificates can also be classified: - by method of issue: issued on a one-time basis; produced in series; - by registration method: personal; to bearer. Certificates must be urgent only. The main tasks solved by banks during the issuance of certificates are: - attracting temporarily free funds of legal entities and individuals to increase resource potential; - regulation of bank liquidity by accumulating liabilities with a fixed maturity and profitability; Thus, time deposits of the population and business entities are the most important factor in generating bank profits, used for conducting active operations. For savers, the advantage of a deposit over cash is that the deposit earns interest. Deposit portfolio - The portfolio is diversified in such a way as to evenly distribute not only profitability, but also risk. A bank's deposit portfolio is the balance sheet balance on current, settlement and deposit accounts of legal entities and individuals as of a certain date.