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Carrying out a complex of cadastral works. Cadastral work: concept, types of activities and other features. The concept of cadastral works

Anyone who owns a piece of land has to face the need to carry out land surveying. Land surveying is the main cadastral work associated with establishing the boundaries of your site. You will need to issue an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, which will indicate the size of the plot, its boundaries and area. To obtain an extract from the Unified State Register, you need to complete a number of works.

The main stages of land surveying.

Land surveying contains several stages that follow one after another:

1. Collection of necessary documentation.
2. Measuring a piece of land.
3. Marking boundaries on site (if necessary).
4. Notification of interested parties.
5. Development of a boundary plan.
6. Drawing of the boundary plan.
7. Creation of a document on land cadastral registration.

At the first stage, you need to visit the state real estate cadastre. Make extracts for your plot and the plots of your neighbors. Check legal documents for possible errors (inaccurate address, mismatch of site number). Find out whether there is a cadastral number at all.

The second stage is measuring the land. To do this you need to carry out a geodetic survey. Set the coordinates for placing boundary signs and the dimensions of the boundaries. Having measured the land plot, the engineer will see how the boundaries align on the cadastral map.

The third stage is the restoration of the boundaries of the site, that is, the installation of boundaries on the surface of the earth. This must be done if they are not located on the site (there are no fences or poles).
The fourth stage occurs provided that there are people interested in setting boundaries correctly. These could be neighbors or representatives of local administration. If the site is located on the territory of a dacha cooperative, then all its members must be informed. This can be done in different ways: verbally, by registered mail, or through a local newspaper.

At the fifth stage, an act is signed, which is signed by all interested parties who appear at the specified time and place to agree on the boundaries of the allocated area
The sixth stage - the drawing of the boundary plan is carried out after all the previous steps have been carried out. The engineer, based on preliminary calculations, draws a boundary plan containing information about the geodetic survey, the exact coordinates of the site, and an act on the approval of the established boundaries of the land.

The seventh and final stage will be obtaining a document confirming the registration of the site for cadastral registration. The boundary distribution plan is submitted to the Cadastral Chamber. There it is tested and adjusted in accordance with pre-set goals.

Pros and cons of land surveying.

Land surveying has its pros and cons. The need for land surveying appears when merging plots, dividing a plot into parts, or redistributing it. The first thing to do is clarify the boundaries. To do this, they must be marked and secured in place using geodetic methods. By marking the boundaries of the plot, you can subsequently sell it. When purchasing a plot, you also need to check the survey with the entries in the cadastre passport. In these cases, land surveying will be a plus.

The disadvantage of land surveying is that you have to pay for this service and spend time. If you want to carry out land surveying, then you will need to hire a cadastral engineer.

The result of cadastral actions.

Cadastral work - collecting and processing all data about a land plot. Without these works, a plot of land cannot be purchased or accepted as a gift. Land plot is real estate, which is characterized by the following characteristics:

Location and boundaries.
. Mailing address.
. Market price.
. Special purpose.
. Type of use.

When obtaining ownership rights to a plot, it is necessary to carry out all the necessary cadastral work. After their execution, the site is entered into the state real estate cadastre. He is provided with an individual cadastral number and, as a result, a cadastral passport.

Services of cadastral engineers.

To carry out cadastral work, it is necessary to find people who have both experience and the necessary knowledge. Such people are cadastre engineers. A cadastral engineer is a person who provides land surveying and cadastre services. He goes to the work site, takes all the necessary measurements, prepares documents, and provides free consultations on all issues.

He can do the following:

Set the boundaries of the site and register it.
. Make a geodetic survey of the area.
. Correct previous mistakes.
. Draw up a boundary plan.
. Draw a topographic map.
. Perform land surveying around the house.
. Set the boundaries of the site and put up the necessary signs.

As a result of the work carried out by the cadastral engineer, you will receive the following documents: a boundary plan of the land, its cadastral map, cadastral number and passport.

Prices for cadastral works.

Cadastral works include a large list of services. Different companies provide services individually and as a package, and you can choose the most convenient and affordable option for yourself.

1. Bibliographic review on the survey topic………………………3

1.1. Definition of the concept “cadastre”……………………………………....3

1.2. Definition of the concept of “cadastral work”………………….……...5

2. Types of cadastral work……………………………………………………………7

2.1. Main types of cadastral work……………………………………7

2.2. Historical experience in creating and maintaining main types of cadastres...8


1.1. Definition of the concept “cadastre”

Soil is the main means of production in agriculture. Its rational use is a broad comprehensive program that concerns all aspects of the organization of agricultural production. The development of this problem requires a thorough study of available land resources, justification of a system of indicators and methods for objective analysis of the actual level of land use and its planning for the future, determination on this basis of general directions and the development of a system of specific measures to increase soil fertility and improve land use in relation to local natural and climatic conditions. and economic conditions.

The state land cadastre is of great economic importance. Its data serves to organize the effective use of land and its protection, planning the national economy, proper placement and specialization of agricultural production, as well as for the implementation of other economic activities related to the use of land.

Consequently, the land cadastre is a system of government measures for a comprehensive study of the legal, natural and economic status of lands by registering land uses, recording the quantity and quality of lands, grading soils and economic assessment of lands to organize their rational use in the national economy.

Land cadastre materials are widely used in solving many issues related to the use of land resources. Using land cadastral data, it is possible to determine the place of land resources in the national wealth of the country, set targets for increasing the productivity of land resources by transferring land from one category to another, transforming and improving land, land reclamation, combating soil erosion, acidity, salinity , waterlogging of lands, assess the economic efficiency of planned activities.

In our country, large-scale research and extensive experimental work were carried out, as a result of which a scientific justification for the content of the land cadastre was given, officially enshrined in the “Fundamentals of Land Legislation of the Russian Federation,” and the main principles and methods of conducting land cadastral work were developed.

The land cadastre is a collection of reliable and necessary information about the natural, economic and legal status of lands. The State Land Cadastre of the Russian Federation includes data on registration of land users, recording the quantity and quality of land, soil grading and economic assessment of land.

The land cadastre in enterprises, organizations and institutions is the main component of the land cadastre of the Russian Federation. Land cadastre data is necessary for land users for their production activities, and for district organizations to manage and control the correct use of land and maintain the state land cadastre.

In agricultural enterprises, the land cadastre creates the necessary conditions and prerequisites for organizing the rational use of land. Land cadastre materials are extremely necessary for on-farm planning and organization of agricultural production. The long-term plan for a collective farm and other agricultural enterprises establishes the size of individual sectors of the economy, the sown area and yield of agricultural crops, the number of livestock and its productivity, and outlines measures to improve agricultural land. Consequently, in order to draw up a long-term plan, it is necessary to have a detailed description of land use in terms of the composition of land, its qualitative condition and a comparative assessment of the quality of land.

Materials of the land cadastre of land, application in the preparation of on-farm land management projects, providing for a certain procedure for the use of land on collective farms, state farms, joint-stock companies, etc., for the future.

The land cadastre contributes not only to the implementation of on-farm land management, but also to the timely implementation of components to systematically monitor the implementation of activities planned by projects, and make it possible to promptly eliminate identified deficiencies in land use by adjusting crop rotations. In addition, as a result of land management, land cadastral data is updated and clarified, which is used to maintain the current land cadastre in an agricultural enterprise.

1.2. Definition of the concept of “cadastral work”

Cadastral works– work that results in the preparation of documents containing information about real estate necessary for cadastral registration.

Land cadastral work is focused on obtaining reliable information about land ownership and ensures the creation of a cadastre at a given point in time. However, land cadastral work also includes those that ensure the use of reliable information received to protect property rights, taxation, accounting and control, and satisfy consumer demand for cadastral information over time. Such work is focused on maintaining the cadastre and includes storing, updating and issuing cadastral information.

In terms of content, land cadastral work focused on maintaining a cadastre differs from work on its creation. The features of performing such work include: ensuring reliable storage of information about land ownership for a long time, their protection from unauthorized access, a free regime for issuing cadastral information, etc., which determines their organizational, technical and technological specifics. For example, one of the features of the organization of cadastre maintenance work is the creation of special units in cities and regions (land resources and land management committees) that are part of the structure of state executive authorities of the Russian Federation.

It is quite obvious that land cadastral work, focused on the creation of a cadastre and its maintenance, can ensure the achievement of the main goals of the cadastre only in their complex. Therefore, to carry them out, special organizational and technological systems are created that ensure the creation and maintenance of the cadastre in a single production cycle.

2. Types of cadastral work

2.1. Main types of cadastral work

Cadastral work ensures the preparation of documents containing all the information about real estate that is necessary for cadastral registration. To carry out cadastral work, a legal justification is always required - a cadastral plan.

Types of cadastral works:

§ approval of the act of selection,

§ development and approval of the draft boundaries of the land plot,

§ identification of owners and land users of land plots,

§ contour or cadastral survey of the area,

§ restoration in kind of lost boundaries of plots, outlining of land allotment boundaries,

§ drawing up and registration of a boundary plan and land management (farming),

§ preparation of documents for state registration of real estate transactions.

Cadastral work ensures the preparation of documents containing all the information about real estate that is necessary for cadastral registration.

Cadastral work is necessary to describe a land plot - a real estate object as an object of law.

Information from the cadastre can be provided in the form of:

cadastral extract;

cadastral passport;

cadastral plan of the territory.

The cadastral number of the land plot must include:

A. cadastral district number;

b. cadastral region number;

V. cadastral quarter number;

d. number of the land plot in the cadastral quarter.

If the land plot is not registered with the state cadastral register (GCU) or its characteristics and parameters change, then carrying out any operations with this plot (registration, purchase and sale, donation, inheritance, privatization, change in area or configuration, division of joint property etc.) it is necessary to carry out cadastral work, which includes the collection of information, site measurements, office data processing, the formation of a package of documents (landmark plan) and its subsequent submission to government agencies (RosReestr TU).

Information about the land plot, such as area, coordinates of points, site configuration and location, is entered into the cadastre after cadastral work is carried out (the work is carried out by a cadastral engineer). The cadastral value of land is determined after a state assessment.

Cadastral registration and maintenance of the state real estate cadastre are carried out by the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography.

Cadastral registration is carried out in relation to land plots, buildings, structures, premises, and unfinished construction projects.

2.2. Historical experience in creating and maintaining main types of cadastres

The cadastre as a social phenomenon has been known since ancient times, when man began to cultivate the land. The history of the development of the land cadastre in Russia is determined, first of all, by the level of economic development and the nature of property relations. And this story begins with the formation of the state and the development of taxation. The unification in 882 of the two largest political centers of the ancient Slavs, Kyiv and Novgorod, under the rule of Kyiv, marked the beginning of the existence of a powerful ancient Russian state - Kievan Rus. This is where the domestic land cadastre originates, as evidenced by some articles in Vladimir Monomakh’s “Long-Russian Truth”. The qualitative land accounting that existed at that time was simplified. "Russkaya Pravda" retained information about the division of land only by type of land - courtyard, arable, empty, hunting land (without indicating soil differences). The first censuses of lands with characteristics of their quality and quantity date back to the 12th century. A very detailed description of the numerous and varied incomes from land was made in the statutory charters of the Novgorod prince Svyatoslav and the Smolensk prince Rostislav.

Historically, the land cadastre in Russia included such components as accounting and registration of land, natural history and economic description of land, and land valuation.

Mongol rule had a certain influence on the development of the ancient land cadastre. For accurate accounting and collection of tribute, a census of residents and their property was carried out, and since the main income item was land, its quantity and quality were taken into account when distributing tribute. They took into account the space of entire principalities and the land ownership of each private individual.

The most vivid and complete description of land holdings in Russia dates back to the period of the elimination of feudal fragmentation and the emergence of a centralized state. The descriptions provided information about the amount of land in the possessions, and an assessment of these lands was given by reducing them to certain conventional units. The main unit of taxation was the plow. In this regard, the land census system was called the soshny letter. In addition to tax purposes, the description of lands according to the soshny letter was of great importance for determining the number of warriors, horses and food needed for defense. The distribution of lands for service and the need to bring patrimonial and estate lands in accordance with the service being sent became one of the main reasons for frequent land censuses in the 15th - 16th centuries. Under Tsar Ivan IV (the Terrible), almost all the lands of Russia were described, and some of them even several times.

To describe the lands in the 16th century. A special institution was created - the Local Prikaz, which became a national leadership center that united all land surveying, cadastral and serf work. Descriptions of lands were carried out by persons called scribes, lookouts and measurers. The scribal mandate of 1622 entrusted the scribes with measuring arable land, fallow lands, hayfields, forests and other lands. The amount of land was estimated approximately. Information about the land was reflected in scribe books. They were compiled in two copies: one was sent to Moscow to the Local Prikaz, and the second was intended for governors, governors and clerks.

Scribe books were of a legal and legal nature. When filling them out, the landowner's rights to the lands described were checked. The purchase and sale of land, the exchange of land holdings, the transfer of land by inheritance were confirmed by documents and reflected in the scribe books. These books were recognized by the state as the most important evidence of land rights, and the entry in them received the character of land registration. The compilation of scribal books was carried out by settlements.

The scribe books also covered financial issues: property valuation, tax rates. The records of these books contain indicators of unique Russian statistics of population, land ownership, culture, finance, etc. In the books, along with accounting and registration of lands, they are classified by quality, distinguishing four groups - good, average, thin and very thin. To classify lands, data on crop yields, types of land and physical properties of soils were used. The evaluation form was various salary units - plow, obta, howl, bow, bipod. They are gradually being replaced by the large Moscow plow - a unit of tax account corresponding to a certain amount of net income.

In addition to the scribe books, in which all lands were entered, salaries, field registration, construction, abatement, abandonment, patrol and patrimonial books were compiled. The salary books reflected only income-generating land, indicating the size. In the registration books - service lands indicating who owns what and according to what documents. Field books were compiled during land surveying; on their basis, land survey books appeared, which reflected the boundaries of land ownership. The built books recorded the amount of land allocated for the construction of cities, indicating their location. The refuse books contained a description of distributions, the serf books - a description of lands along the borders of the state, and the sentinel books included lands that were in ruins and subject to confiscation. The patrimonial books provided information for the distribution of taxes among the population of the patrimonial estate, taking into account the property status of the peasants. Thus, the collected information could be used to manage territories and conduct land and tax policies of the Russian state.

The next stage in the development of the cadastre was determined by the policies of Peter I; he destroyed the local system, leveled the former estates with estates and introduced a poll tax. As a result, high-quality land accounting and assessment have lost their importance. At the same time, the accuracy of field measurements has significantly increased, based for the first time on geometry and the use of surveying instruments. However, Peter I’s plans to carry out a complete land survey could not be fulfilled, and the first general land survey was started in 1754. It was based on a scribal order of 1684 and, in addition to land registration, it included the deprivation of ownership rights and the seizure of lands that did not correspond to the documents. This formal approach led to the initiation of disputes between neighboring owners, even in cases where there were no mutual claims before the start of land surveying. This caused a negative attitude among landowners towards the very idea of ​​general land surveying and predetermined its unsuccessful outcome.

The main task of the survey of 1765 was to register state and other land holdings. For each county, boundary books and plans were compiled indicating landowners, the location and total amount of land, their distribution among lands and compiling a list of lands by provinces and provinces. The plans were accompanied by alphabetical registers with characteristics of land holdings and a reflection of the measurements taken. In addition, during land surveying, economic descriptions were compiled containing information about the quality of arable land.

In 1837, the Ministry of State Property began developing a new land cadastre. Much work was carried out to survey and determine the size of estate lands, arable land, hayfields, and pastures. Each of these lands was divided into several categories. Based on the collected data on productivity over 12 years, the conditional gross income of arable land and hayfields was determined. The cost of seeds, expenses for fertilizers, tillage, and transportation of products were excluded from income, and a conditional net income was determined. Based on data on average market prices for agricultural products, conditional net income in monetary terms was calculated.

Further development and improvement of the system of accounting and assessment of land resources was stimulated by such landmark reforms as the abolition of serfdom in 1861, which provided for the purchase of land by peasants from landowners, the abolition of the collection of redemption payments in 1905 and the Decree of 1906, giving peasants the right to allocate or leaving the communities.

On February 19, 1861, the Manifesto on the abolition of serfdom and the Regulations on peasants emerging from serfdom was signed.

The abolition of serfdom marked the beginning of fundamental changes in the position of the peasantry. The development of capitalism began, during which the peasantry was transformed from a class of feudal society into a class of capitalist society. Being drawn into the situation of commodity economy and market relations, peasant farming gradually lost its natural character and became commercial.

Thus, during the period of the most dynamic development of economic relations in Russia, land surveying had the following main goals:

Legal - defining and strengthening by formal legal laws the boundaries of land holdings with the preparation of appropriate legal documents.

Agricultural - elimination of inconvenient land use conditions (stripes, strong tortuosity of borders, etc.).

Financial - determining the profitability of properties for calculating taxes based on detailed survey and assessment of land.

Land ownership could be: individual (peasant, landowner, institution); common to several persons, indicating the share of each; community; in the form of a right in someone else’s property (for example, the right of peasants on the landowner’s land to graze cattle, fish, enter the forest, etc.).

The reform retained in the hands of the peasants a significant part of the land area, which was at their disposal until their will. But they didn’t get the land for nothing. More than one generation had to bear heavy payments for it at a price that was obviously inflated compared to its actual value. These payments were accompanied by a special redemption operation in the form of a land loan. Moreover, loan collateral did not require the expression of the will of those to whom it was intended, and loans were assigned involuntarily, moreover, for the redemption of land, which the peasant had long considered his own, and therefore recognized it as unfair to pay for it.

New agricultural policy of Russia 1906 – 1910. associated with the name of Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin. On November 19, 1906, the Decree of Emperor Nicholas II was published - “On amendments and additions to certain regulations on peasant land ownership.” The main content of the reform was the destruction of the community and the establishment of private peasant land ownership. By allowing the sale and purchase of plots, the outflow of the poor from the village was facilitated, and land was concentrated in the hands of wealthy peasants.

On the eve of the reform, the forms of land ownership and land use in Russia were distinguished by great diversity, which was associated with differences in both natural conditions and the historical destinies of the population. Land use practically retained its class-feudal character, when, along with the emerging bourgeois private property, there were other types of land ownership. The largest owner was the state (treasury). In 1905, he owned almost 35% of the total land ownership in European Russia (or 138 million dessiatines).

According to the reform of 1906 - 1910, by the beginning of 1916, a total of approximately 27% of peasant families left the community, increasing private (household) allotment land by 14% (about 16 million dessiatinas).

The property of legal entities (including churches, monasteries, cities, towns, institutions) was less than 2%.

The lands of Siberia, the Far East, Central Asia and Transcaucasia mainly belonged to the treasury and the Cabinet. In Siberia, peasants owned state land on the right of use, but in fact appropriated it almost unlimitedly.

The main development trends in the field of land relations in Russia by the beginning of the twentieth century were a significant reduction in noble land ownership, a slight decrease in state ownership and an increase in the area of ​​peasant land ownership.

The 1910 law pursued an even more rigid line towards the liquidation of the community and the transition to private peasant land ownership. It provided for the mandatory transition to personal ownership of land in communities where there had been no general land redistribution over the previous 24 years. In these communities, peasants automatically became the new owners of their plots.

In total, from 1906 to 1915, 2.8 million peasant farms declared ownership of land (30% of their total number). Land was assigned to 2.0 million farms (22%), which received 13.9 million dessiatines, or 16% of all allotment land.

A significant part of the peasantry resisted their comrades leaving the community. Of all those who submitted applications for allocation in 1906 - 1914, only 27% received consent from the community, 67% resolved the issue through the zemstvo.

The redistribution of land property in favor of private peasant land ownership was supplemented by the mechanism of land lease in the form of allotment, internal allotment, external allotment leases and lease of state-owned lands.

The necessary information about the land was contained in the Land Book and the Land Survey Book. The “Boundary Book” described the boundaries of land holdings and reflected the ongoing changes in the placement of boundaries between land holdings associated with the purchase and sale of part of the property. The Land Book recorded the holders of land rights and reflected information about transactions made with land. The state, having such information, could perform a fiscal function, and landowners could defend their rights in court and resolve boundary disputes.

After 1917, land relations in Russia changed dramatically. One of the first legislative acts on land was the Decree “On the Socialization of Land” of 1918, and this act secured national ownership of land, the labor nature of land use, and established an equal right to use land, based on the consumer-labor norm of land use on agricultural lands. And the provisions “On socialist land management” and “On measures of transition to socialist land use” of 1919 established two main forms: state and collective. At the same time, land actually ceased to be an object of taxation. At the same time, the state needed information about the land. This need determined the composition of land cadastre information and the procedure for maintaining it.

The cadastre consisted of registration information on land users, as well as quantitative and qualitative characteristics of land, compiled into a single book. The basis for maintaining the cadastre was an extensive system of surveys and surveys of agricultural lands and forests regularly carried out at the expense of state funds. Information about industrial lands and the territories of cities and other settlements (due to their small influence on the planning of industrial production) was presented in the cadastre in a consolidated and insufficient manner.

Registration was carried out in state land cadastral books of districts (cities) and was called state registration of land use. It was carried out by officials of the regional land management service, who were personally responsible for the accuracy of the recorded information on land use.

Beginning in 1955, state accounting of the availability and distribution of land by land and land users was introduced, as well as state registration of all land uses under a unified all-Union system. Subsequently, in 1970, the Council of Ministers of the USSR approved the regulation “On state control over the use of land,” assigning control to the Councils of People’s Deputies and land management services of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

During the years of Soviet power, three main types of cadastres were created: agricultural territories, water and forest. All main accounting and reporting cadastral documents were created in the form of state acts on the right to use land, lists of land users, land cadastral books of enterprises and organizations, etc., as well as in the form of planning and cartographic documents. All of the above documents were created in handwritten form and had a fairly low accuracy. The coordinates of points on the borders between collective farms were determined with an accuracy of 1 to 5 meters, and for settlements there were not always maps and plans even at a scale of M 1: 5,000.

After nationalization, Russian lands did not have private property rights until amendments were made to the 1976 Constitution of the RSFSR in 1990. They were transferred without payment to individuals and legal entities for eternal, unlimited use.

Since 1989, a large number of regulatory documents have been adopted, to one degree or another related to the content and maintenance of the state land cadastre. They were aimed at implementing land reform, providing for the implementation of new land relations, the formation of a multi-structure of land ownership and land use, and the transition to market relations.

In the period from November 1989 to March 1990, the Supreme Council of the USSR adopted laws on rent, property and land. These laws allowed citizens to rent land plots both inside and outside collective and state farms. These laws also provided land ownership rights, including the inheritable right to work the land, but without the rights to buy, sell or mortgage the land.

By the beginning of land reforms in the 1990s. In Russia, a multi-purpose State Land Cadastre has been formed as a single integrated system of information about the legal, natural and economic status of lands, aimed at solving management problems in various spheres of the economy.

At the end of 1990, the Supreme Council of the RSFSR approved a package consisting of three legislative acts on land and agrarian reform: the Law on Peasant Farming, the Law on Land Reform and the Law on Social Development in Rural Areas. These laws gave peasants the right to sell land to the district council, provided a mechanism for allocating land to peasants, exempted peasant farms from government procurement and land tax for 5 years, allowed the use of hired labor and provided a flexible maximum size of land ownership.

Since August 1991, agrarian and land reforms have been carried out within the boundaries of the entire country. In December 1991, the Presidential Decree “On urgent measures to carry out land reform” and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for reorganizing collective and state farms” were issued. Based on these documents, collective and state farms had to decide on the transition to private ownership.

On October 11, 1991, the Law “On Payment for Land” was adopted, which established that the use of land in the Russian Federation is paid. The forms of payment for land are land tax, rent, payment for temporary use of land, payment for the acquisition of land plots of ownership, payment for the acquisition of the right to lease land plots, compensation payments for losses of agricultural production, payment for the use of a land plot when establishing an easement.

Payments for land are used to finance measures to protect land and increase its fertility, develop new lands, develop the territory, to compensate for the costs of land owners, landowners, land users and tenants for these purposes, as well as to carry out land management (including work to establish the boundaries of land plots). plots in kind, production of their plans or drawings of boundaries), maintaining the state land cadastre, monitoring land, exercising state control over the use and protection of land.

On March 19, 1992, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation approved new certificates of land ownership, lease agreements for agricultural land and agreements for the temporary use of agricultural land.

On August 25, 1992, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On improving the maintenance of the state land cadastre in the Russian Federation” approved the Regulations on the procedure for maintaining the state cadastre, recognizing the need to coordinate the maintenance of the land cadastre, ensuring a phased transition to an automated method of receiving, processing, storing and providing it data. In addition, the need to conduct an inventory of the lands of settlements was indicated.

The Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 27, 1993 “On the regulation of land relations and the development of agrarian reform in Russia” and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which classified land plots and everything firmly connected with them as real estate, became important. This entailed a change in many provisions of the land cadastre relating to the scientific and methodological foundations of land registration, accounting and assessment of land. The decree introduced new forms of land ownership certificates and other registration documents. In December 1993, the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation were issued: “On taxation of the sale of land plots and transactions with land”; “On the state land cadastre and registration of documents on real estate rights”; “On strengthening state control over the use and protection of lands during land reform”; Regulations on the procedure for exercising state control over the use and protection of lands in the Russian Federation; Basic provisions on the pledge of real estate - mortgage.

The adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on December 12, 1993 resolved the main controversial issue in the field of land relations. The Constitution established the right of private ownership of land in the Russian Federation and freedom of disposal of land as one of the basic inalienable human rights protected by law.

In 1994, the activities of the bodies in charge of the land cadastre in Russia were aimed at implementing the above laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation. The most significant documents include the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 1994 “On the procedure for determining the standard price of land,” which established it at 200 times the land tax rate per unit area of ​​a land plot.

In 1997, work continued on the formation of an automated system of the state land cadastre and registration of land rights. In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regional programs for creating state land cadastre systems were developed and approved.

The content of the land cadastre, in accordance with the Federal Law “On State Land Cadastre” of January 2, 2000, includes obtaining reliable information about land plots and territorial zones as the main units of cadastral registration. All other actions (maintenance of basic and current land records, compilation of land balances, soil grading and economic assessment of land, state management of land resources, etc.) are included in the land information system.

The Land Code of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2001 determined that the state land cadastre is a systematized set of documented information about objects of state cadastral registration, about the legal regime of lands of the Russian Federation, about the cadastral value, location, size of land plots and objects firmly associated with them real estate. The state land cadastre also includes information about the subjects of rights to land plots.

The object of the land cadastre is the land fund of the Russian Federation, regardless of its departmental affiliation, forms of ownership, intended purpose and type of use. Land is important as the limit of state sovereignty, as the basis for the life of peoples, as a natural resource, as a territorial basis, as a means of production, as an integral part of a unified global ecological system and as an element of market commodity-money relations.

The modern State Land Cadastre is designed to provide the state and citizens with the following relevant information that is legally significant for the development of the state and society: guarantee of property rights and their reliable protection; support for the taxation system for land and other real estate; guarantee of mortgage loans; development and control of land turnover; carrying out state control over the protection and use of land; consideration of land disputes; carrying out land reform, including land privatization; territorial development, planning and efficient use of land resources; rational use of the environment.

The land cadastre is a unified information system for describing on paper and electronic media all land plots and real estate firmly associated with them within the borders of the state for its administrative-territorial entities according to property rights, possession and use, location, physical and technical characteristics and parameters, assessment cost, restrictions on use, which is accompanied by cadastral maps and individual cadastral numbers of land plots.

The State Land Cadastre contains a system of the following necessary documented information: location and boundaries of land plots and territorial zones; purpose and legal status of lands; quality characteristics and value of land; real estate objects firmly connected with land plots; lands and boundaries of territories where local self-government is exercised; lands and borders of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; lands and borders of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the federal law of November 29, 2004 “On amendments to part two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and some other legislative acts of the Russian Federation, as well as on the recognition as invalid of certain legislative acts (provisions of legislative acts) of the Russian Federation,” the tax base began to be cadastral value of land.

An integral part of the land cadastre is the state cadastral registration of land plots, which is carried out by entering necessary and sufficient (pre-formalized) information into the state cadastral book.

Until now, land registration has been a process of registering land plots and territorial zones with making entries in the Unified State Register of Lands. An automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre and state registration of real estate has now been created (developed in accordance with the federal target program "Creation of an automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre and state registration of real estate (2002-2007)", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 25. 2005 No. 745) in order to ensure the efficient use of land and other real estate, their involvement in turnover and stimulation of investment activity in the real estate market in the interests of meeting the needs of society.

The purpose of the automated system of the state cadastre of real estate is to create a unified system that operates at all levels of state real estate management, ensuring the consolidation of information about real estate at the levels of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, providing the possibility of public access to information from a unified cadastre of real estate.

The automated system ensures the availability of cadastral information, transparency of the real estate market, simplification of procedures for registration of real estate transactions by creating a system of electronic interaction between bodies (organizations) for the formation, cadastral registration, technical inventory, assessment, registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, bodies for the management of state and municipal property, tax and other authorities, increasing revenues from land tax and land rent to budgets of all levels.

Information about real estate objects enters the system in electronic form, including the coordinates of the object. Before entering information about an object into a unified cadastre of real estate, the information undergoes careful control for the correctness of semantic and graphic data. When entered into the cadastre, information about capital construction projects is linked to information about the land plots on which they are located. To link objects, their coordinates are used.

Thus, the implementation of land reform once again emphasized the need for the state land cadastre as an information system that ensures the implementation of state regulation of land relations and land resource management in the Russian Federation.

So, today cadastral business consists of three main sections:

Technical, economic and legal characteristics of the land plot;

Basic information about the land user;

Encumbrances, warnings, claims.

The development of a system for registering rights to land plots must begin with a study of the technical, economic and legal characteristics of the land plot and the technical requirements for these characteristics. At present, a list of documented technical, economic and legal characteristics of a land plot that should be in the Cadastral file has not yet been established. Technical requirements for these characteristics are also not defined.

The indicators specified in legislative acts should be considered mandatory. However, in cadastral affairs there may be significantly more indicators. Therefore, it is necessary to consider possible directions for expanding the characteristics of the property displayed in it.

The technical characteristics of land cadastral affairs are:

The location of the land plot, specified by the sketch for short-term lease agreements and when preparing an administrative document. The sketch is drawn up 1:2000 on the basis of tablets at a scale of 1:2,000 or a list of coordinates of the rotation angles of the land plot in the urban coordinate system with an error of no more than 2 cm relative to the nearest point of the urban geodetic network.

The area of ​​the land plot, represented by the geodetic area, is calculated from the coordinates of the rotation angles of the land plot boundary in the urban coordinate system. The area may differ from that measured on the ground using a tape measure by up to 2-3%, depending on the slope of the area and the distortion of line lengths when moving to a plane. Address landmarks are specified by postal address, microdistrict number, number and name of the industrial zone, cadastral number of the site.

If regulatory documents provide for differentiation of payment for rent of a land plot depending on the purpose of use (the land plot has a multi-purpose purpose), it is necessary to allocate plots indicating the specific purposes for their provision. In this case, a classifier of the purposes of using the land plot is required.

Economic characteristics contain urban planning and economic assessment of the land plot, as well as the number of the economic or assessment zone. Economic characteristics are given according to the methodology approved by the city administration. The urban planning and economic assessments of the land plot themselves must be approved by the city commission on land relations of the city.

Legal characteristics include the following points:

Owner of a land plot (federal lands, private estates, joint property and others);

Grounds for the right to use a land plot (purchase of a plot, redemption of lease rights, inheritance of a plot, ownership of a building or other real estate, etc.);

Type of right (ownership, lease, perpetual use, etc.);

Administrative document (decision of local authorities on the allocation of a site).

The legal characteristics of the cadastral case provide for certified copies (or photocopies) of the supporting documents (name of the document, who issued it, when, registration number, and so on).

The section of characteristics of the land plot should not change significantly when the land user changes. For legal entities, information about the land user includes: name of the legal entity, Charter or Regulations, constituent documents, copy of the registration certificate, legal address, telephone, fax, financial (bank) details.

An individual needs a document identifying him (passport, military ID or others). In this case, the postal address of the individual, telephone, and fax are recorded.

The land user information section changes completely when the land user changes. It is necessary to provide in regulatory documents the possibility of making corrections in the section “Information about the land user” in the event that this information changes without changing the right to the land plot (change of address, financial details, telephone, fax, change of the form of organization of a legal entity).


1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2007 No. 221-FZ “On the State Real Estate Cadastre”//IS “Garant”

2. Varlamov A.A. Land cadastre: Theoretical foundations of the land cadastre. - M.: Kolos, 2009. – 383 p.

3. Varlamov A.A., Galchenko V.A., Galchenko S.A., Lomakin G.V., Petrov N.E., Ruleva N.P. Scientific foundations of the land cadastre: Textbook. allowance. – 2nd ed., add. and revised - M.: GUZ, 2008. - 104 p.

4. Land cadastre of settlements. - M.: Kolos, 2009. 200 p.

5. Kazantsev V. Types of citizens’ rights to land under Russian legislation // Economy and Law. - 2008. - No. 7. - P. 89-98.

6. Kiselev S. Ownership of land: burden or incentive? // Economics and life. - 2009. - No. 31.

7. Komov N.V. and others. Land relations and land management in Russia. Moscow, 2008, p.512.

8. Koroteeva L.I. Land cadastral works. Technology and organization. – Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2008. – p.23.

9. Kruglov Yu.V. Master plan and evolution of this document // Issues of urban planning and development. Collection of materials from the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference on May 28-29, 1999 - Penza, 2008. pp. 13-15.

10. Kryukov V. Problems of public administration in the property and land complex // Economist. - 2009. - No. 8. - P. 62-68.

11. Lukyanchuk N. The land market decided to work all year round // Today. - 2008. - December 1. - P.3.

12. Shoppers T.G. Land Registry. - M., 2009. 213 p.

13. Merlen P. City. Quantitative research methods. - M.: Progress, 2008. 115 p.

14. Nikonov P.N. Zhuravsky N.N. Real estate, cadastre and global systems for registering rights to real estate. Analytical review. 2009. – St. Petersburg, 2009.

15. Regulatory acts on the regulation of land relations and agrarian reform // Legislation and Economics. - 2009. - No. 15-16. - pp. 28-59.

16. Palchikov N.S., Pakhomova O.N., Myagkov V.N., Fedorov V.P. Methods for calculating the economic valuation of urban land. St. Petersburg, 2008. 34 p.

17. The procedure for determining land tax rates and the standard price of land // Russian newspaper. - 2009. - March 14. - P.3-4.

18. Rules for the development of the city and administrative-subordinate territory. - Ekaterinburg, 2008. 523 p.

19. Prorvich V.A. Fundamentals of economic valuation of urban lands. - M.: Delo, 2008. 320 p.

20. Rabinovich B.M. Economic assessment of land resources and investment efficiency. - M.: Filin, 2009. 224 p.

21. Romm A.P. Methodology for individual assessment of land plots based on mass assessment of urban land // Questions of assessment. - 2009.- No. 1. - P. 39-46.

23. Semin A.S. Intersectoral distribution of land. - M: Agropromizdat, 2009. 120 p.

24. Smolina E. Payment for land // Financial Russia. - 2008. - No. 11. - P. 16.

25. Soghomonyan P.M., Mushegyan G.N. Urban land use in a market economy. Yerevan, 2009. 53 p.

26. Ulyukaev V.Kh. and others. Land law and land cadastre. - M.: Kolos, 2008. 205 p.

27. Federal Cadastral Center "Land" //

28. Filippova A.P. Foreign experience in the functioning of cadastral information systems // Land Bulletin of Russia, No. 1–2, 2008 – pp. 63-68.

29. Fomina L.P. Land reform and state ownership of land // State and Law. - 2009. - No. 8. - P. 51-57.

30. Shubin N.Yu. Basic approaches to the assessment of land plots for the construction of exclusive housing // Issues of planning and urban development. Collection of materials from the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference on May 28-29, 2008 - Moscow, 2009. pp. 91-94.

Cadastral work is carried out by a cadastral engineer on the basis of a contract for cadastral work concluded in accordance with the requirements of civil law. In cases provided for by law, cadastral work can be performed by a cadastral engineer based on a court ruling. The court is independent in choosing the appropriate cadastral engineer. Expenses associated with the implementation of such cadastral work and monetary remuneration to the cadastral engineer are subject to reimbursement and payment.

Under a contract for cadastral work, an individual entrepreneur or legal entity undertakes to ensure that cadastral work is carried out on the instructions of the customer of these works and to hand over to him the documents prepared as a result of these works, and the customer of these works undertakes to accept these documents and pay for the performed cadastral work. The volume of cadastral work to be performed is determined by the customer of cadastral work.

A contract for cadastral work is a public contract. The price of cadastral work to be performed is determined by the parties to the contract for cadastral work by drawing up a firm estimate. The estimate becomes valid and becomes part of the contract from the moment it is confirmed by the customer for cadastral work. Standard time standards for completing work may be established by the regulatory authority.

As a result of cadastral work, an individual entrepreneur or legal entity transfers the following documents to the customer of such cadastral work:

1) boundary plan (when performing cadastral work, as a result of which the preparation of documents is ensured for submission to the cadastral registration authority of an application for registration of a land plot or land plots, for recording changes in a land plot or for registering a part of a land plot);

2) technical plan (when performing cadastral work, as a result of which the preparation of documents is ensured for submitting to the cadastral registration body an application for registration of a building, structure, premises or object of unfinished construction, for accounting of its changes or accounting of its part);

3) an inspection report (when performing cadastral work, which results in the preparation of documents for submission to the cadastral registration body of an application for deregistration of a building, structure, premises or unfinished construction site).

2.2 Land survey plan

The main work during the internship was the preparation of boundary plans for land plots.

A land plot is a part of the earth’s surface, including the surface soil layer, the boundaries of which are described and certified in the legally established manner by an authorized state body, as well as everything above and below the surface of the land plot.

Land surveying is a complex of cadastral works to establish, restore, change and secure on the ground and in projects for surveying the boundaries of existing and newly formed land plots as real estate objects.

In accordance with Federal Law N 221-FZ “On the State Real Estate Cadastre” (as amended by 21.07.2011 ) a boundary plan is a document that is drawn up on the basis of a cadastral plan of the corresponding territory or a cadastral extract about the corresponding land plot and which reproduces information entered into the state real estate cadastre about the land plots being formed, or part or parts of the land plot, or new ones necessary for inclusion in State real estate cadastre information about the land plot.

Cadastral work is necessary when any form of land relations of purchase and sale of a land plot arises and changes, its inheritance, donation, privatization, association, division.

Land surveying includes:

− actions for the preliminary collection, as well as the study of cartographic, geodetic, legal and other documentation necessary at this stage;

− field assessments and analysis of the state of points of the GGS (state geodetic network) and OMS (reference boundary network) - OMZ (reference boundary signs);

− field research of the boundaries of the land plot undergoing demarcation, with analysis of the condition of boundary signs; - creation of a technical project for land surveying;

− notification of users, owners and possessors of land and summer cottages about the completion of land surveying work;

− coordination and establishment of boundaries of a plot of land on the territory by boundary signs with the owners, users and owners of the demarcated plots of land;

− transfer of compulsory medical insurance points (support boundary network) under safety supervision;

− analysis of coordinates of compulsory medical insurance points and boundary signs;

− accurate calculation of the area of ​​the land plot;

− drawing the boundaries of the land plot on the drawing;

− verification and acceptance of the final data of land surveying by the body carrying out the work;

− state supervision over the installation and preservation of boundary signs;

− formation of a boundary plan;

The boundary plan consists of graphic and text parts.

The graphic part of the boundary plan reproduces information from the cadastral plan of the corresponding territory or cadastral extract about the corresponding land plot, and also indicates the location of the boundaries of the land plot or land plots being formed, or the boundaries of a part or parts of the land plot, or the specified boundaries of land plots, access to the formed land plots .

The text part of the boundary plan indicates the information about the land plot or land plots necessary for entering into the state real estate cadastre in the amount established by the regulatory body in the field of cadastral relations, as well as information on the approval of the location of the boundaries of land plots in the form of an act of approval of the location of such boundaries .

The location of the boundaries of the land plot is established by determining the coordinates of the characteristic points of such boundaries. When clarifying the boundaries of a land plot, their location is determined taking into account the information contained in the title document for the land plot and the actual land use. If, in accordance with federal law, the formation of land plots must be carried out taking into account the territory surveying project or another document provided for by law, the location of the boundaries is determined taking into account such a document.

The area of ​​a land plot is the area of ​​a geometric figure formed by the projection of the boundaries of the land plot onto a horizontal plane.

The location of the boundaries of land plots is subject to mandatory agreement with interested parties in the case of cadastral work, which results in the preparation of documents for submission to the cadastral registration authority of an application to take into account changes in one of the specified land plots in connection with clarifying the location of its boundaries.

Coordination of the location of boundaries is carried out with persons who own adjacent land plots by right:

1) property (except for cases where such adjacent land plots, which are in state or municipal ownership, are provided to citizens for lifelong inheritable possession, permanent (indefinite) use, or to legal entities that are not state or municipal institutions or state-owned enterprises, for permanent ( unlimited) use);

2) lifelong inheritable ownership;

3) permanent use (except for cases where such adjacent land plots are provided to state or municipal institutions, state-owned enterprises, state authorities or local governments);

4) lease (if such adjacent land plots are in state or municipal ownership and the corresponding lease agreement is concluded for a period of more than five years).

Coordination of the location of boundaries is carried out at the choice of the customer of cadastral work with the establishment of boundaries of land plots on the ground or without establishing the boundaries of land plots on the ground. Coordination of the location of boundaries is carried out without their establishment on the ground, regardless of the requirements of interested parties, if:

1) land plots, the location of the boundaries of which is agreed upon, are forest plots, land plots as part of lands of specially protected natural territories and objects or as part of agricultural lands intended for the implementation of traditional environmental management by indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation;

2) the location of the boundaries subject to approval is determined by indicating natural objects or objects of artificial origin or their external boundaries, information about which is contained in the State Property Code, which makes it possible to determine the location of the boundaries of such land plots to be agreed upon;

3) the location of the boundaries of land plots, subject to approval, is determined by the location of a linear object on one of such land plots and the norms for land allocation for its location.

Coordination of the location of boundaries at the choice of the cadastral engineer is carried out through a meeting of interested parties or individual agreement with the interested party.

If the location of borders is agreed upon through a meeting of interested parties, a notice of the meeting to agree on the location of borders is handed to these persons or their representatives against signature, sent to their mailing addresses by mail with return receipt requested and to their e-mail addresses, or published in print. publication that is the source of publication of regulatory legal acts of executive authorities of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Publication of a notice of a meeting to agree on the location of boundaries is permitted if:

1) in the state real estate cadastre there is no information about the postal address of any of the interested parties or a notice of a meeting to agree on the location of boundaries has been received, sent to the interested person by mail, with a note indicating the impossibility of delivery;

2) the adjacent land plot is located within the territory of a horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit association and belongs to common property, or is part of agricultural land and is owned by more than five persons, or is part of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building .

Notice of a meeting to agree on the location of boundaries must be served, sent or published no later than thirty days before the date of this meeting. The notice must indicate:

1) information about the customer of the relevant cadastral work, including postal address and contact telephone number;

2) information about the cadastral engineer performing the relevant cadastral work, including his postal address, email address and contact telephone number;

3) cadastral number and address of the land plot in respect of which the corresponding cadastral work is being carried out, cadastral numbers and addresses of land plots adjacent to it;

4) the procedure for familiarizing yourself with the draft boundary plan, the place or address where this project can be familiarized with from the day of delivery, sending or publication of the notice;

5) place, date and time of the meeting to agree on the location of the boundaries;

6) deadlines and postal address for delivery or sending by interested parties of requests for coordination of the location of boundaries with the establishment of such boundaries on the ground and (or) objections after familiarization with the draft boundary plan.

When coordinating the location of boundaries, the cadastral engineer is obliged to:

1) check the powers of interested persons or their representatives;

2) provide the opportunity for interested parties or their representatives to familiarize themselves with the relevant draft boundary plan and provide the necessary explanations regarding its content;

3) indicate to interested persons or their representatives the location of the boundaries of land plots on the ground to be agreed (in case the location of the boundaries is agreed upon with their establishment on the ground).

The result of the approval of the location of the boundaries is drawn up by the cadastral engineer in the form of an act of approval of the location of the boundaries on the back of the sheet of the graphic part of the boundary plan.

The boundary plan is drawn up on paper, as well as on electronic media in the form of an electronic document.

The boundary plan can be drawn up in the form of an electronic document certified by the electronic digital signature of a cadastral engineer.

The boundary plan on paper is drawn up in at least two copies, one of which is intended for submission to the cadastral registration authority along with the corresponding application, and the second and subsequent copies in accordance with the agreement on the performance of cadastral work - for transfer to the customer of cadastral work. Must be stitched and sealed with the signature and seal of the cadastral engineer. The signature and imprint of the cadastral engineer are affixed on the title page of the boundary plan and on the back of the last sheet of the boundary plan, as well as in the act of approving the location of the boundaries of the land plot.

Current legislation stipulates that the owner of any real estate: apartment, house, office, land or even a room must have documents for it. But, unfortunately, sometimes it happens that there is an error in the official papers or they are missing altogether. What to do in such cases? Naturally, it is very difficult to solve this problem without professional help, so the best way is to contact us, the City Cadastral Bureau. The main specificity of our activities is performance of cadastral works, and we operate exclusively in the regulatory framework regulated by the provisions of Federal Law No. 218-FZ "On State Registration of Real Estate", which entered into force on July 13, 2015.

The main resource of our company is our employees, because it is their experience and professionalism that allow us to solve problems of varying degrees of complexity in the following areas:

  • preparation and submission of documents to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  • drawing up inspection reports of the object;
  • drawing up technical plans for construction projects that have signs of capital, and boundary plans for land plots;
  • performing a set of works to register a real estate property with the state cadastral register;
  • qualified consultation and other specialized services of a cadastral engineer.

When performing land cadastral work, we are guided by the basic principles of our company, the main ones of which are professionalism, responsibility and protection of the client’s interests. In addition, by contacting us, you can count on:

  • performing a full range of services for registering a property with the state cadastral register - we take on absolutely all tasks and provide turnkey services;
  • loyal pricing policy;
  • successful implementation of cadastral work, regardless of the degree of complexity;
  • a truly individual, responsible approach to solving the problems of each client.

The City Cadastral Bureau has been operating in the cadastral services market for more than five years. During this time, we have not only gained very solid experience, expanded our professional knowledge and established cooperation with government agencies, but also assembled a team of real professionals capable of coping with tasks of any complexity. In our staff there are only highly qualified cadastral engineers who have state certification, because, according to the Cadastre Law, they are the ones who have the right to carry out such activities and performance of cadastral works.

Cost of performing cadastral services

Type of real estate property Name of service Area, sq.m.; length, m. Cost, rub.* Deadline**
Carrying out cadastral works. Cadastral engineer services. Preparation of a technical plan.
Building Up to 200 17 000 7 days
From 200 to 1000 22 000
From 1000 to 2000 27 000
From 2000 to 3000 35 000
From 3000 to 4000 42 000
From 4000 to 5000 55 000
More than 5000 Calculated
Room Preparation of a technical plan Up to 200 8 000 7 days
From 200 to 1000 15 000
From 1000 to 2000 23 000
From 2000 to 3000 28 000
From 3000 to 4000 35 000
From 4000 to 5000 55 000
More than 5000 Calculated
Part of a building/room Preparation of a technical plan for the purpose of registering a long-term lease agreement Up to 500 15 000 7 days
From 500 to 1000 20 000
From 1000 to 2000 30 000
From 2000 to 3000 50 000
From 3000 to 4000 65 000
From 4000 to 5000 80 000
More than 5000 Calculated
Area construction Preparation of a technical plan From 14 500 Depending on the area, category of complexity and the number of characteristic points of the object’s contour)
Linear structure From 15 000 Depending on the length, category of complexity and the number of characteristic points of the object’s contour)
Unfinished construction project Preparation of a technical plan Up to 200 15 000 7 days
From 200 to 1000 18 000
From 1000 to 2000 23 000
From 2000 to 3000 30 000
From 3000 to 4000 40 000
From 4000 to 5000 55 000
Land plot Preparation of a boundary plan to clarify or redistribute a land plot From 600 to 1000 18 000 10 days
From 1000 to 2000 23 000
From 2000 to 3000 28 500
From 3000 to 4000 33 200
From 4000 to 5000 39 800
More than 5000 Calculated
Preparation of a boundary plan for the division or consolidation of land plots From 15 000 10 days
Development of a territory surveying project 35 000/ha 25 days
Coordination of the territory surveying project 110 000 From 30 days
Conducting public hearings 139 000 From 30 days
Coordination with adjacent land users, administration, DGI, Rosimushchestvo From 5 000 Individually
Building, structure, premises, unfinished construction site Inspection report 10 000 7 days

*Prices are indicated for facilities located in Moscow. An additional 5,000 rubles will be added to the cost of objects located more than 50 km from the Moscow Ring Road. for every 50 km. The final cost of the work is calculated after studying the provided documentation and drawing up an estimate.

**The final deadline for performing the cadastral service is calculated depending on the availability of the necessary documentation and the conditions of the work.

Land cadastral works

Regulatory framework governing the implementation of land cadastral works

As is known, carrying out cadastral works is governed by the provisions of Federal Law No. 218-FZ "On State Registration of Real Estate". It is he who regulates the procedure for preparing and submitting documents for registering real estate with the state cadastral register. The fifth part of the first article of the above-mentioned Federal Law states that all buildings, land plots, premises, structures and even unfinished construction objects are subject to state cadastral registration.

By contacting us, you can be sure that carrying out cadastral works will be carried out by experienced, highly qualified specialists - cadastral engineers, who are well versed in all the intricacies of cadastral legislation. In addition, our specialists have solid experience (over 10 years) of working with this kind of documentation, as well as a wealth of professional knowledge, which together allows them to solve any problems, including those with an increased level of complexity.

It is worth noting once again that for carrying out cadastral works High professional qualifications, experience and a clear understanding of the specifics of this type of activity are required. Therefore, you should not take risks and trust unverified “fly-by-night” companies. By contacting us, you can be sure of prompt and high-quality work, because our activities have already resulted in more than 1,000 positive decisions on registering real estate with the State Cadastral Register.

Land cadastral work: it is more profitable to use the services of professionals than to compensate for your losses later!

Changes in legislation according to which land cadastral works, or rather, the right to prepare the relevant documentation, was transferred from the BTI bodies to cadastral engineers, and came into force quite recently. By and large, the transition period officially ended on January 1, 2014, and only from that moment on, full responsibility for the preparation of land cadastral documentation lies with the relevant specialists, who certify them with their seal.

But even such changes and personalization of responsibility did not save this service sector from making mistakes - shortcomings in the preparation of documents still happen very often today. This is also evidenced by official statistics, according to which land cadastral works and preparation of necessary documents in a third of cases are carried out with errors. And the point here is not only in the experience and professionalism of engineers (although they play, of course, the main role), but also in modern specialized equipment, the absence of which can lead to inconsistencies in the preparation of documentation.

What are the consequences of such mistakes in the future? They are the source of problems with registration or real estate transactions. In fact, this is a loss of time and money, hassle with correcting errors in the documentation, and, as a result, lost profit. Of course, you can try to compensate for losses by filing a lawsuit against the guilty party - today the state is trying in every possible way to support the owners and resolve issues of liability of specialists, up to and including criminal prosecution and deprivation of the right to engage in professional activities. However, lengthy legal proceedings, as well as the hassle and financial expenses associated with them, are not at all what the owner needs, so it is better to immediately entrust the land cadastral works

Cadastral activities are the performance of work in relation to real estate in accordance with the requirements established by federal law, as a result of which the preparation of documents containing information about such real estate necessary for the implementation of state cadastral registration of real estate (hereinafter - cadastral registration) is ensured (hereinafter - cadastral work) , and provision of services in cases established by federal law. The person specified in Article 29 of this Federal Law (hereinafter referred to as the cadastral engineer) has a special right to carry out cadastral activities. Federal Law on Cadastral Activities No. 221-FZ dated July 24, 2007 as amended by Federal Law No. 361-FZ dated July 3, 2016

Why are cadastral works needed?

The purpose of cadastral work is to describe the property as an object of law. Thus, by performing cadastral work, we create real estate as an object of civil rights.

The basic information about a real estate property includes the characteristics of the real estate object, which make it possible to define such a real estate object as an individually defined thing, as well as characteristics that are determined and changed as a result of the formation of land plots, clarification of the location of the boundaries of land plots, construction and reconstruction of buildings, structures, premises and parking spaces, redevelopment of premises. Federal Law No. 218-FZ of July 13, 2015 (as amended by Federal Law No. 315-FZ of July 3, 2016)

When performing cadastral work, it is necessary to be competent in both technical and legal issues, therefore it is especially important to attract highly professional specialists to carry out cadastral work.

What types of cadastral works exist?

Depending on the purpose of submitting an application to the registration authority to register or make changes to the cadastral registration of a real estate property, the following types of cadastral work are distinguished:

  • cadastral work for the preparation of documents for the purpose of submitting an application to the registration authority for cadastral registration of a land plot, or making changes to the cadastral registration of a land plot. The result of the work is a boundary plan.
  • cadastral work for the preparation of documents for the purpose of submitting an application to the registration authority for cadastral registration of a building, structure, premises, an unfinished construction project, a parking space, or making changes to the cadastral registration of one of the types of capital construction projects. The result of the work is a technical plan.
  • cadastral work for the preparation of documents for the purpose of submitting an application for deregistration of a capital construction project to the rights registration authority. The result of the work is an inspection report.

Cost of cadastral works

The cost of cadastral work is negotiable. It is calculated based on the volume of work, the area or length of the facility, remoteness, the presence or absence of necessary documents, the task at hand and many other factors. It is possible to calculate the exact cost of the work only after analyzing the original documentation presented in full.

  • preparation of a boundary plan from 30,000 rubles
  • preparation of a technical plan from 10,000 rubles
  • preparation of an inspection report from 5,000 rubles

Free consultation with a cadastral engineer

Why us?

  • we consult for free
  • we work for results
  • individual approach
  • extensive work experience
  • highly qualified specialists
  • real terms
  • certified cadastral engineers on staff
  • geodetic work without intermediaries
  • assistance in solving complex problems

Our cadastral engineers are highly qualified specialists in the field of land and property relations who have an understanding of the mechanism for generating and changing information about real estate. We see the problem as a whole, paying combined attention to both land and capital construction projects subject to cadastral registration and registration. In the field of view of a professional cadastral engineer there are numerous aspects that arise when registering land and property relations in order to obtain the intended result of cadastral work and prevent the occurrence of situations that contradict current legislation.