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Increasing salaries for medical workers. Increase in salaries for medical workers Increase in salaries for doctors per year

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Health worker remuneration is undergoing significant changes. Contract wages for health workers were adopted. In accordance with the provisions on the new remuneration for health workers, salaries are calculated based on three components.

Considering that doctors receive monetary remuneration from public funds, the amount of their salary is established by law. How are health workers paid now? What changes regarding the amount of remuneration for doctors are coming in 2018? These and other issues are discussed in this article.

State employees were transferred to a fundamentally new system of remuneration for their labor. Previously, doctors were paid according to approved tariffs. Now the salaries of doctors are regulated by uniform recommendations for establishing remuneration systems for employees of state and municipal institutions at the federal, regional and local levels.

Contractual remuneration for health workers consists of three components:

1. The salary itself, depending on the position and qualifications.

2. Compensation payments – payment for conditions other than normal. For example, for night duty, overtime, work with special contingents.

3. Incentive payments are clearly personalized monetary remuneration paid by order of the manager to a specific employee.

At the legislative level, recommended minimum salaries for employees for each position are established. Subjects have the right to increase the salaries of doctors in their region if the budget allows it. In this regard, in some cities, for example, in Moscow, the salary of medical workers is much higher than in other regions, for example, Yekaterinburg.

It's no secret that medical workers receive little remuneration for their work. Due to the crisis, wages for doctors from 2016 to the present have not been indexed to a significant extent. However, in accordance with the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation N 2190-r, by 2018, the wages of health workers in 2018 should increase significantly. Doctors' salaries should double. However, there is still no normative act adopted in pursuance of this order. The budget law, which should stipulate increases, is still only at the draft stage. Therefore, it is too early to draw a conclusion about a definite increase in wages.

The remuneration of doctors is greatly influenced by such an innovation as the formalization of labor relations in the public sector through the conclusion of effective contracts.

Such contractual payment for health workers is provided for by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia N 167n. An effective contract should be understood as the same employment contract, but in which, in addition to fixing the responsibilities of a medical worker and describing working conditions, criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the work of doctors are also prescribed. This allows you to make payment more transparent and predictable.

This regulatory act approves an approximate form of such a contract. However, when formalizing relations with doctors, you can use the old form of contracts, but their text should include performance criteria in accordance with the law.

Specific conditions for payment to medical workers are indicated in the local act of the medical institution in which the employee works.

However, when remunerating health workers in 2018, in terms of incentive payments, one should be guided by the following criteria:

1. for intensity and high results of work. For example, it can be established that a specialist doctor’s incentive bonus depends on the number of visits. Or surgeons are paid a payment depending on the complexity of the operation performed;

2. for the quality of work. An incentive payment based on this criterion may be awarded in connection with a certain qualification. For example, a massage therapist of the highest category receives more payments than a physician who does not have this massage category;

3. for length of continuous work and length of service. The longer a doctor works in the public sector, the higher his salary. This allows you to retain experienced personnel;

4. based on the results of the work. By decision of the head physician, doctors may be paid bonuses based on the results of the month, quarter, or year.

Also, when assessing the effectiveness of doctors’ work, circumstances such as the absence of justified complaints from patients, participation in specialized seminars, the absence of cases of mortality due to medical error, and the competent execution of all medical documentation on time can be taken into account.

For the payment of incentive payments to nurses, performance criteria may include circumstances such as the absence of emergencies in the department under their jurisdiction, compliance with the rules for storing medicines, and quality provision of patient care in a hospital setting.

Due to the nature of their profession, doctors often have to provide care to patients at night. For such work, additional funds are awarded as compensation payments. Labor law stipulates a mandatory increase in pay for night work.

The minimum increase is established by regulations and amounts to 20% of a person’s hourly rate. In this case, the time from 22 to 6 am is considered night time. Departmental regulations apply to physicians.

Thus, in Moscow it has been established that healthcare workers receive an additional payment of at least 20% of their hourly rate for each hour of work at night. The amount of payment to a physician may be higher if this is stipulated by a local act of the institution. You can also provide that the employee will receive additional rest time.

An alternative to on-call duty for doctors is a form of employment called home duty. This mode of operation is not named in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but is provided for by a special departmental act - Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia N 148n.

In this case, remuneration for health workers is calculated in the following amount:

The period of time during which a doctor at home waits for a call is counted as 1/2 hour of working time for each hour of stay at home;

The time spent providing medical care and the time it takes a physician to travel from home to work and back are the same.

Remuneration for health workers is established by federal and regional legislation.

All budgetary institutions have a provision on new wages for medical workers, according to which the salaries of doctors consists of three components.

Minimum wages, criteria for assessing the performance of doctors, and specifics of payment at night and while on duty at home have also been adopted.

Based on these standards, the budgetary institution sets payment for each employee. Whether there will be a serious increase in salaries - time will tell.

The healthcare sector is one of the most important for the State. Therefore, in recent years, much attention has been paid to increasing salaries for medical workers, as well as spending on modernizing medical institutions.

Funds are allocated for the purchase of modern high-tech equipment, and old equipment in medical institutions is replaced with new ones. This includes both the renovation of premises and the provision of hospitals with beds, chairs and auxiliary medical devices.

In 2018, doctors will receive a salary increase. According to the May decrees of the President, there will be many innovations regarding the salaries of health workers throughout the country. The article will also pay attention to medical workers in Moscow, for whom new programs and good salary increases are provided. How much will doctors and nurses earn in 2018?

    1. Increase in salaries for medical workers in 2018: latest news2. Sources of funds to increase salaries for health workers in 20183. Increase in salaries for Moscow doctors in 2018

The country's government has planned several decent increases for 2018. For example, for nurses, the salary will rise by 100% in accordance with the average salary of a health worker of this category in a particular region. If we talk about doctors as medical workers of the highest category, then they are provided with an increase of 200% of the average salary in the region in the healthcare sector. Therefore, in order to understand how much the salary for doctors and nurses will increase in 2018, you need to take your salary at the end of 2017 and increase it by the appropriate percentage.

However, it should be taken into account that in 2018, it is possible that the salary increase, depending on the region, may be gradual. If we look at the history of the government’s work, then back in 2012 the President of the Russian Federation became concerned with many important issues, including healthcare, by signing decrees. According to them, positive changes should have occurred in healthcare by 2018:

There should be a reduction in mortality among newborn infants who are born alive.
There must be an almost twofold increase in the production of strategically important medicines that most people need.
Mortality from heart attacks and strokes should decrease.
The mortality rate from malignant neoplasms, that is, from cancer, should decrease. And for this it was necessary to modernize medical institutions, providing them with the latest equipment.
The incidence rate and, accordingly, mortality from tuberculosis should decrease.
The mortality rate from road accidents should decrease significantly.

All this requires a lot of expense, and in the State, health care costs come first. That is why in 2018 doctors and nurses will receive such a significant salary increase. By the way, pay attention to how salaries for medical workers have increased since 2012 (in percentage terms). If you look at the numbers, the Government of the Russian Federation accurately implements the May decrees of the President:

Junior medical staff, %

Nursing staff, %

Doctors, %

Of course, no matter what, medical workers are worried about how much their salaries will increase in 2018 and whether there will be an increase in general. Given previous steady increases, physician salaries should rise in 2018. Moreover, there are no obstacles to this.

Based on the data in the table, doctors' salaries have been growing the most in recent years. If from 2012 to 2016 the increase was below 100%, then in 2017 and 2018 the increase will be 100 and 200% depending on the professional background. Also, salaries in different regions will increase by different amounts, since the average salary for doctors and nurses in Russia in different cities is not the same.

To outline some minimums, let's turn to discussions and statements in the Government that were made at the beginning of 2017. Thus, the Minister of Health Veronika Igorevna Skvortsova, based on the May decrees of President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, explained what the minimum wages for doctors will be by the beginning of 2018 throughout Russia:

Junior medical staff
From 30,000 rubles

Nursing staff
From 33,000 rubles

From 66,000 rubles

This means that wages below this salary level should not be paid. The Minister of Health also clarified that the year 2016 with the average salary in the country was taken as a basis. It is 36,700 rubles. Accordingly, even junior medical personnel should receive the average minimum.

If we take the salaries of doctors and nurses for previous years, then by the end of 2016 and mid-2017, the salaries of medical workers increased by 180%. This is on average almost twice as much as any other person's salary. Accordingly, as instructed in the May decrees of the President, health workers should receive twice as much as everyone else, since this is the most complex field of activity that is responsible for the lives of other people.

Therefore, in 2018, taking into account all the statements and decrees, the increase in the salary of health workers will occur as planned. Middle and junior medical staff will receive 100% of the previous wages for 2017, doctors, respectively, 200%. This will allow the State to raise the level of medical care, raising the standard of living of doctors to a decent level.

Previously, the Government had already raised questions that the younger generation who goes to study at medical institutes should be motivated to become doctors. Therefore, decent wages, more than ever, can create favorable and attractive working conditions for future health workers, and thereby improve the quality of medical care throughout the country.

If previously, in order for a nurse or doctor to get good money, it was necessary to work overtime, in several shifts, at several rates, then there are a lot of amendments in this regard. After all, a tired doctor cannot treat well, and this has a bad effect on healthcare as a whole. Therefore, according to the May decrees, doctors should not work in excess of standards and should receive good money. This is one of the fundamental tasks in the State, which has been worked diligently in recent years.

In the table you can see the projected salaries of doctors in large regions for 2018:

Average salary in the region for the first half of 2017
Average salary of doctors for the second half of 2017
Average salary of doctors by the end of 2018

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
RUB 83,500
RUR 141,100
RUB 282,200

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
RUB 85,600
RUB 122,600
RUB 245,200

Magadan Region
RUB 62,200
RUB 95,700
RUB 191,400

RUR 66,900
90,000 rub.
RUB 180,000

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
RUB 54,500
RUB 74,200
RUB 148,400

Jewish Autonomous Region
RUB 29,900
RUB 58,600
RUB 117,200

Kurgan region
RUB 21,800
RUB 48,300
RUB 96,600

Altai Republic
RUB 21,600
RUB 46,700
RUR 93,400

Penza region
RUB 22,500
RUB 43,700
RUB 87,400

Altai region
RUB 19,800
RUB 38,200
RUB 76,400

In recent years, the Government has been intensively developing various programs and legislative norms regarding the replenishment of funds in the Budget for healthcare.

If everything goes well in this area, then the population of the country will be healthy, and therefore happy. Therefore, the replenishment of funds for healthcare will primarily come from the improved taxation system through compulsory medical insurance (Compulsory Medical Insurance).

Thus, throughout the country as a whole, the increase in compulsory medical insurance contributions will increase by 21%, which will significantly increase the provision of healthcare. There will be money to buy new equipment and increase salaries for health workers. This increase in contributions to compulsory medical insurance is in accordance with the May decrees of the President, replenishing the budget with the necessary amount of money.

This is what will largely allow in 2018 to raise wages for medical workers by 200% for doctors and 100% for nurses (junior and paramedical personnel). In general, about 450 billion rubles have already been reserved for increasing salaries for medical workers, which guarantees the payment of increased salaries to doctors for the entire period of 2018.

Although checks were previously carried out and violations were identified regarding the increase in salaries for doctors in remote regions, the State nevertheless monitors and, identifying violations, exerts appropriate influence, demanding compliance and increasing salaries for doctors even where it would seem that nothing is being checked.

New salary increase programs have been developed for medical workers in Moscow in 2018.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Semyonovich Sobyanin, speaking at the annual report to deputies of the State Duma, expressed his opinion on the salaries of Moscow doctors. In his opinion, in 2018 it should be no lower than 120,000 rubles.

Also, based on data on the work of health workers, he noted that the Department of Health should make a number of improvements and reduce the workload and overwork that almost all health workers experience, which is why the overall level of medical services is falling.

As for additional programs, Moscow doctors can receive the status of “Moscow Doctor,” thereby receiving a salary increase equal to 15,000 rubles for 5 years.

To receive a salary increase, each doctor can voluntarily undergo special testing, thereby confirming a decent level of qualifications.

After passing this test, the doctor will be given a salary increase of 15. What needs to be done for this? The procedure is, in principle, simple and understandable to every doctor. You just need to get tested by contacting one of the institutions:

      Methodological center for accreditation of specialists of the First Moscow State Medical University named after M. Sechenov.
      Moscow State Medical Dental University named after Evdokimov.
      Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
    Scientific Research University named after N.I. Pirogov.

To date, more than 500 doctors have undergone such testing. The total number of applications is several thousand. How is testing done? It consists of several very simple steps:

The first stage is to correctly solve 80% of the presented tasks. If the doctor does not pass the first stage, then there is nothing to worry about. The next opportunity will appear in 6 months. During this time it will be possible to prepare well.
The second stage involves a practical part. Doctors are provided with simulation equipment to demonstrate their skills in working with patients and equipment.
The third stage involves a conversation with professional teachers of medical higher educational institutions, as well as with professional medical practitioners.

You will also need to submit a personal portfolio with medical achievements to the Health Department commission.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the salaries of doctors in 2018 in Russia as a whole may differ from those predicted in the above tables. However, there will be an increase in salaries one way or another, and each physician can find out more detailed information in the institution where he works.

The increase in salaries for doctors in 2019 will continue as part of the implementation of the latest presidential decrees.

To increase the earnings of medical workers, an additional 100 billion rubles will be allocated from the budget.

What salary increases for doctors can expect in 2019, what salary calculation methods are recommended for medical institutions to use, and what trade unions are dissatisfied with - read the article.

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Important in the article

Increase in salaries for doctors from October 1, 2019

One of the expenditure parts of the Federal budget is an increase in salaries for doctors in 2019, as well as in the planning periods of 2020 and 2021. The increase will apply to all public sector employees.

What the salaries of doctors will be in 2019 and when to expect them is not specified in the latest news; it is only known that, taking into account the forecast level of inflation, it is planned to increase budget allocations for remuneration of public sector employees:

  • by 4.3% - in October 2019;
  • by 3.8% - in 2020;
  • by 4% - in 2021.

Regardless of when the next salary increase for doctors occurs, the medical institution must comply with the deadlines for paying salaries. What local documents need to include payment days? Answer in the magazine "Health"

2. The medical institution should not wait to see if doctors’ salaries will be increased in 2019; the important task now is to redistribute the funds allocated for wages.

  • 55-60% of the payroll goes to the salary part;
  • 10-15% of the payroll is allocated for compensation payments;
  • 30% of the payroll is allocated for incentive payments.

3. The salary increase for doctors in 2019 does not affect the previously recommended procedure for calculating incentive payments.

Head physicians are advised to link them to the implementation of performance indicators established by the founder.

One of these criteria is the fulfillment of quotas for the employment of people with disabilities, and for the head physician personally - the fulfillment of indicators for the growth of salaries of health workers.

Examples of average salaries of doctors for the past year, according to Rosstat statistics, for the Central Federal District and Russia as a whole:

Average salary, rubles

including by types of ownership of organizations


subjects of the Russian Federation


Russian Federation

Central Federal District

Belgorod region

Bryansk region

Vladimir region

Voronezh region

Ivanovo region

Kaluga region

Kostroma region

Kursk region

Lipetsk region

Moscow region

Oryol Region

Ryazan Oblast

Smolensk region

Tambov Region

Tver region

Tula region

Yaroslavl region

How to issue salaries: what to say to doctors

The payment of incentive bonuses for other categories of health workers still depends on individual criteria for the effectiveness of their work.

Can health workers get paid the way they want? Read the answers to this and other complex questions about remuneration in the article in Health Care magazine.

How does length of service affect the percentage of a doctor’s salary increase?

Will the salary increase for doctors in 2019 depend on bonuses for length of service?

An allowance for continuous medical experience is a type of employee bonus or incentive payment. This encourages doctors to remain in the profession and increase their salaries by accumulating a certain amount of work experience.

All types of incentive payments are contained in the local act of the medical institution on remuneration or in the collective agreement. Write down in this document the specific amounts of bonuses for length of service and the procedure for their calculation.

A salary supplement can be assigned in different ways:

  • in the form of a fixed amount (for example, 5,000 for 10 years of work experience);
  • in the form of an additional salary;
  • The amount of additional payment may vary depending on the total length of service (for example, 10 years - 10% increase, 15 years - 15% increase).

Increase in wages from NHS funds

Doctors' salaries in 2019 may also be increased using funds from the TFOMS insurance reserve. This is possible if the medical institution attracted young specialists to eliminate the personnel shortage.

Salary transfer rules will change in 2020

Not only will the salaries of doctors change in 2019, the calculation of earnings will also be changed after Federal Law No. 12 of February 21, 2019 comes into force. From June 1, 2020, a new staff salary scheme will come into effect.

Thus, special codes for the type of income will appear in medical workers’ paychecks. This measure is necessary in order to limit the deduction from the earnings of doctors of penalties under writs of execution - a special limit will be established for them.

A similar rule will apply to other payments from which bailiffs will not be able to withhold funds.

Before the new law comes into force, the Bank of Russia has been instructed to develop a new classification of income and its coding, as well as approve the rules for indicating them in payment orders.

Position of trade unions

The increase in salaries for doctors in 2019 was also dictated by the dissatisfaction of the medical community with the results of the implementation of the May decrees.

The Trade Union of Health Workers explained that the methodology for calculating wages allows one to distort the real income of doctors - the salary today is calculated not at the rate of the health worker, but at the individual, and in fact it includes all part-time jobs and overtime for the doctor.

According to Rosstat, the salaries of doctors in 2019 correspond to the goals of the May decrees. Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova states that the average salary of doctors in the country is 75 thousand rubles; in 2018 it increased by 39%.

At the same time, the number of doctors themselves decreased by 5%. Large reductions affected junior medical staff.

The Ministry of Labor reports that an additional 100 billion rubles will be allocated to increase salaries for doctors in 2019.

Medical workers' unions believe that it is incorrect that when taking into account the average earnings of doctors, social payments are taken into account, because they are not related to professional activities. In many regions, the concept of “average wage in the region” was replaced by the concept of “average labor income”. As a result, the average indicator decreased by 10-12%.

Another fact that causes discussions in trade unions is the lack of uniform approved base salaries for professional qualification groups. Because of this, the salary of doctors of the same profession and the same qualification can vary significantly within one region - up to 1.5 times.

As a result, if we consider the latest news on doctors’ salaries in 2019, the situation looks paradoxical - in the Russian Federation, uniform requirements have been established for assigning a qualification category to doctors, a single exam, but additional payments for this category can vary significantly.

The problem can be solved by the introduction of a unified wage system, the calculation of bonuses, and, among other things, the approval of uniform base salaries throughout the Russian Federation.

In addition, the implementation of the May decrees created big problems for medical institutions - the Accounts Chamber confirmed the increase in accounts payable of organizations.

Thus, trade unions believe that there has been no real increase in medical salaries, which in turn makes it difficult to attract young specialists to the industry.

2018 is the last year in the long-term plan to improve the living standards of teachers and doctors, which was provided for by the so-called May 2012 decrees. In the new year, the income of medical workers should double the average salary in the region in which the doctor lives. For this purpose, in particular, a decisive increase in the salaries of doctors is planned in January. Salaries of doctors from January 1, 2018 - what the latest news from the government says about what percentage the income of medical workers will increase after indexation.

How are the May 2012 decrees implemented and can they be implemented?

Those who have at least half an eye been watching all these years what is happening around the so-called May decrees know that to achieve them, a variety of government tricks were used. In 2018, there can, of course, be no talk of real implementation and of the average doctor’s salary reaching twice the average salary in the region in which he lives.

One of the most striking examples that directly affects medicine. For paramedical personnel, that is, orderlies and nurses, as well as junior nurses, according to the May decrees, the goal was set to bring their incomes to the level of the average salary in the region. The goal is certainly correct. However, in some regions a simple step was invented - the nursing staff was reduced, but the workers were not fired, but transferred to technical staff positions. At the same time, their salaries turned out to be even lower than before.

For example, in the Sverdlovsk region, most hospitals did exactly this, and a nurse who received 17 thousand rubles a month began to receive 12 thousand, and her annual leave was reduced by more than half - from 60 working days to 29 calendar days. This situation is proven not only by the stories of the workers themselves, but also by documents - the duties of a nurse were included in the job descriptions of the cleaners.

In principle, even officials do not deny this situation. The Minister of Health of the same Sverdlovsk region directly said that by 2018 junior medical staff will be reduced fourfold. In large and seemingly wealthy St. Petersburg, there is a similar story - the authorities directly announced that they had laid off half of the junior medical workers, transferring some of them to the category of technical workers, for the same purpose - saving wages and distributing money in favor of the remaining medical workers to perform May decrees.

Thus, it was formally promised that medical workers would live better, but in fact many began to live even worse.

Although officials will most likely be able to bring the necessary indicators to the required level, and on the eve of the presidential elections, President Putin will report that his decrees of 2012 have been implemented, which means he has coped with his responsibilities perfectly and has the right to lead the country again.

The given example of how medical personnel were treated is just one of many examples of fraud with statistics. Journalists also wrote about more global work with numbers, when average salaries in the regions were artificially restrained, and the average salaries of doctors were artificially increased. Including, for example, by including in the calculation of the income of doctors of private clinics, who most often receive far more than their colleagues from public medical institutions.

What will happen to doctors’ salaries from January 1, 2018

Judging by the latest news coming from the government, the percentage of salary indexation for doctors in 2018 will indeed be quite good. Finance Minister Anton Siluanov called the indexation percentage for public sector employees included in the May decrees at 23%.

This is significantly higher than the indexation percentage of 4%, which most other public sector employees expected in 2018 - from the police and army to the officials themselves.

Back in the fall of 2017, Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova reported on how much medical workers in Russia receive. According to its data, in the first half of 2017, medical workers in Russia received on average per month:

  • 52.9 thousand rubles - doctors,
  • 29.4 thousand rubles - nursing staff,
  • 19.3 thousand rubles - junior medical staff.

Such data were announced at the congress “Russian healthcare today: problems and solutions.”

According to the portal Trud.Com, the income of doctors in Russia is much more modest than in the minister’s report. According to portal analysts, the average doctor’s salary in 2017 was 30-35 thousand rubles per month.

News feeds are full of headlines about increases in wages for doctors in the near future, and doctors’ salaries in 2018 should increase by 200%. This topic was raised back in 2012, when Vladimir Putin, who holds the post of Prime Minister, presented a strategy to increase the salaries of healthcare workers. The end point of the transformation is January 1, 2018.

It’s time to figure out what the amount in monetary terms will be on lucky January 1, which made such an increase possible, and whether there are any pitfalls in this process.

Salary increase program

The wage increase program is designed for a five-year period. It was published on May 7, 2012, and since then, according to statistics, the average salary of health workers has been growing steadily. Increases in percentage:

  • The average salary increased by 24% in 2013;
  • another 13% in 2014;
  • an increase of 17% in 2015;
  • as of October 1, 2017, payments should increase by 180% of the starting average salary in 2012;
  • January 1, 2018 – the coveted 200% for doctors and 100% for medical staff.

According to the forecasts of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets, the plan is being implemented, and the money for its implementation has already been allocated to the state budget. The upcoming elections in the Russian Federation can also become a guarantor of such an increase.

Real numbers and average salary calculation

According to government reports and forecasts, the implementation of the plan is in full swing, so in 2018, doctors should receive approximately 90 thousand rubles, but there is one caveat - this is the average salary.

Since 2017, when calculating the average salary, the salaries of not only government institutions, but also private clinics are taken into account. In addition, data from all regions of the country are taken into account. So it turns out that with an average amount of 45 thousand rubles, the average gynecologist and cosmetologist in private clinics already receive their 90 thousand, but a full-time municipal therapist receives no more than 40,000.

There is a huge difference in the amounts by region, for example, according to the Russian statistical office, doctors in Ingushetia receive 23 thousand, in the capital - 81,000, and doctors of the Yamalo-Nenets and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug live the most comfortably on just 110 thousand rubles. Please note that the latter regions are unlikely to be affected by the long-awaited increase in medical salaries in 2018; a 3% decrease in growth dynamics is already observed.

Pitfalls of health care reforms

To increase the salaries of public sector employees, a lot of money is needed, and it needs to be taken from somewhere. There has been no obvious economic leap in recent years, but there has been a wave of layoffs. During the implementation of the “May plan”, 90 thousand health workers were fired. The remaining doctors often took one and a half times the rate, thus independently increasing their income. Not everything is transparent with the salaries of those who continue to fulfill the Hippocratic oath. There are increases, but at the same time there is also an increase in the level of inflation, and over these five years prices in stores have been rising like mushrooms after rain. So 5 - 7% salary growth allows specialists to simply stay afloat.

What to expect for doctors in 2018

According to the latest news, the promised 200% increase is postponed to an unspecified date, but the government promises that the year will not change. Increases are planned, but throughout 2018, but what officials guarantee is maintaining the achieved level throughout 2019.