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Power of attorney to submit documents to the bank. Banking power of attorney. Sample of filling out a power of attorney to a bank from an organization

Types and methods of registering a power of attorney in a bank

Many banking clients often need to carry out any transactions not personally, but through a proxy. Moreover, it does not matter whether the client is an individual, an organization or an individual entrepreneur - this situation can become relevant for any category of clients at any time.

To send your representative to the bank, you must issue a banking power of attorney from a notary or directly from the bank manager. It is important to do this correctly so that this document does not raise questions and the entrusted operation is carried out by your representative without your personal presence. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account security issues and not allow your authorized representative to exceed the powers assigned to him.

Banking power of attorney for individuals

For private individuals, the need to transfer powers most often arises to ensure third parties’ access to their own financial resources. For example, your deposit is about to expire and you would like to close the deposit agreement or re-register it, but you cannot contact the bank in person. In such a situation, you can go to the bank office where the deposit is opened in advance and issue a bank power of attorney to receive funds from the deposit account.

In addition to a bank power of attorney, to transfer the right to carry out certain transactions, you can draw up a notarized power of attorney at any notary office. Some banks accept such a power of attorney even more readily than an intra-bank power of attorney. But you will definitely have to provide a photocopy of the proxy’s passport and wait for the authenticity of such a power of attorney to be verified, which can take up to several days, and thus affect the speed of transfer of powers.

The most convenient option is to take care of this possibility in advance and issue a banking power of attorney immediately upon opening an account. Each bank has its own standard of intra-bank power of attorney, which is used in all situations requiring the transfer of authority. As a rule, these are either one-time powers of attorney, or powers of attorney only for a specific type of operation - closing an account, accessing a safe deposit box, withdrawing funds, issuing a plastic card, and so on. In this way, you maintain the safety of your own finances. An example of a bank power of attorney is located at the end of this article.

The terms of the bank power of attorney are determined by the bank independently. The standard period is 1 year, rarely more.

Banking power of attorney for legal entities

It is much more relevant than for individuals to draw up and receive a banking power of attorney for organizations and individual entrepreneurs. Legal entities that have large turnover and maintain extensive accounting are forced to quite often receive account statements from the bank (a power of attorney to receive bank statements is issued), and those who work with cash are forced to hand over cash to the cash desk (power of attorney to replenish accounts).

Of course, it would be strange if the director of a large corporation personally came to the bank to deposit cash or receive a statement. But since this information is a banking secret, the bank cannot entrust its contents to outsiders. In this regard, the execution of a bank power of attorney is a mandatory procedure in such cases.

Most often, the procedure for drawing up a bank power of attorney for organizations is as follows:

  1. The head of the organization (or individual entrepreneur personally) signs an agreement to maintain a bank account and fills out a bank card with a sample of his own signature. Once the manager’s signature is accepted by the bank, he can sign any type of document, including a power of attorney to receive bank statements or any other type of intra-bank power of attorney.

    Attention! It is important to provide a signature that you can then reproduce, since any signatures you provide will be compared to the signature on the card.

  2. The head of the organization fills out a power of attorney in the form of the bank, in which he indicates the types of operations available under the power of attorney, and the authorized person also fills out a card with a sample of his signature. The seal of the enterprise or organization is affixed if the power of attorney is not drawn up for an entrepreneur working without a seal.
  3. From the moment the card with signature samples is accepted, the authorized representative can carry out approved transactions on the organization’s account without the presence of its immediate manager.

Sample power of attorney to bank, which we present in this article, is an example of a document that allows you to entrust transactions on bank accounts to third parties. In addition to the sample power of attorney for the bank, we will also bring to your attention the rules for drawing it up and tell you about the basic requirements for this document.

Why do you need a power of attorney to the bank?

This document gives powers to a certain individual (or several persons) who is entrusted with performing a number of actions in a credit institution. Since the performance of banking transactions requires the mandatory signing of accompanying documents, the power of attorney form must necessarily contain the signature of the authorized representative. Moreover, it must be placed in the presence of a bank employee and must be certified by him if we are talking about a power of attorney that is not notarized.

P rules for compilingpowers of attorney for representation of interests in the bank

Download power of attorney

A power of attorney for use in a bank or other credit organization is drawn up in accordance with the requirements established for such documents by Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. This document is always drawn up in writing and certified by the personal signature of the person who issues it.

The power of attorney must contain complete information about the principal, in particular his full name, passport details, and residential address. Similar information is indicated in relation to the trustee. The document also details the essence of the order.

A power of attorney to the bank secures the rights of the authorized person to dispose of funds available in the principal’s account in a banking institution (or any other credit organization).

Exactly how the trustee plans to manage the trustor’s finances does not matter: this person can subsequently transfer or withdraw money, replenish an account, open a new one and close accounts, or carry out other actions. For example, a power of attorney may also grant the right to use a safe deposit box, issue a plastic (bank) card, etc.

It is absolutely not necessary to have such a power of attorney certified either by the employer or by a notary. It should also be said that in accordance with paragraph 2 of part 3 of Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, such a document can be submitted by the principal directly to a third party (bank, other credit organization), with whom the representative specified in the document will enter into legal relations. This form is the most convenient and allows you to minimize the risks of both the credit institution and the principal himself. In this case, the bank, when accepting a power of attorney, has the right to verify your identity and make appropriate notes in the submitted document.

In order to avoid possible abuse of power on the part of the trusted representative, it is necessary to highlight the range of his rights in as much detail as possible in the power of attorney itself. Otherwise, responsibility for such acts will fall entirely on your shoulders. For example, if you need a trusted person to withdraw a sum of money in the amount of 10,000 (ten thousand) rubles from your account once, then it is better to indicate this condition directly, rather than use the general phrase “withdraw money from the account” without specifying a specific amount.

You also need to indicate the date the document was compiled. That is, the document can be one-time valid or issued for a certain period of time. If specific terms are not established, then the power of attorney allows the trustee to act within the framework of this document for 1 year.

Don't know your rights?

A capable citizen of the Russian Federation or an employee of a company who is ready to represent its interests can become a trustee. To exercise powers, the authorized person will only need to sign the document drawn up, put a wet seal of the company or firm, and sign the manager.

Banking systems have encountered cases of missing seals on documentation. In this case, in addition to the power of attorney, the managing person must provide bank employees with an extract from the charter.

The act gives the principal access to a number of banking operations:

Basic rules for drawing up a document

An individual can transfer powers based on Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

  1. The power of attorney is completed in writing.
  2. The form contains personal information (individual and trusted person) that must be filled out: full name, passport details, place of registration.
  3. Outline the range of rights that a trustee has the right to exercise in the absence of the principal.
  4. The act is certified by the personal signature of an individual, indicating the date and validity period of the document.

The features of obtaining documentation from a bank by proxy for individuals and legal entities are as follows. Having issued a power of attorney for the guarantor, the official representative approves the transfer of banking transactions and documents to a third party - public and private banks, as well as credit and micro-loan organizations for cooperation within the banking system.

A legal entity, for example, a manager, director or acting director, delegates its powers to carry out lending operations exclusively to an employee of the company or firm, for example, an accountant.

A document from a legal entity is endorsed and signed by its head. Registration of the document must take place in the presence of a bank employee without notary support.

If a power of attorney is issued to the principal by individuals or legal entities, it must be signed and stamped.

How does the transfer of authority take place?

A power of attorney from a physical representative does not require the employer’s signatures. In order for the form to gain legal force, the applicant only needs to leave his own signature on the form.

When drawing up an act of transfer of authority to a trustee, a legal entity must certify the form with the seal of the organization (in its absence, issue an extract from the decree of the institution) and sign the authorized subject. When filling out the form, indicate the date of preparation and place of issue of the document. Only on this basis, according to the Civil Code in accordance with Article 186, will the power of attorney acquire legal force. A power of attorney is notarized only if the legal entity allows the authorized person to redirect instructions to a third party.

Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Duration of power of attorney

  1. If the power of attorney does not indicate its validity period, it remains valid for a year from the date of its execution.

    A power of attorney that does not indicate the date of its execution is void.

  2. A power of attorney certified by a notary, intended for performing actions abroad and not containing an indication of its validity period, remains valid until it is canceled by the person who issued the power of attorney.

By drawing up a power of attorney, the entrepreneur allows the use of powers in his absence by the second persons specified in the document, and the legal representative reserves the right to dispose of financial competence to the company employee prescribed in the document.

Required Content Elements

There is no standard power of attorney form for receiving papers at bank branches in order to represent the interests of an individual or legal entity in his absence. The document is drawn up according to the bank’s template or in free form:

  1. Clause 1 of Article 185, part 1 of November 30, 1994 - the power of attorney must be completed in writing only.
  2. Clause 4 of Article 185, part 1 – the document is signed by an authorized person, manager, entrepreneur.
  3. Paragraph 1 of Article 186 requires indicating the date of drawing up the letter of trust. In the absence of its expiration date, it is valid for one year from the date of issue of the act. If the power of attorney does not indicate the date of preparation, then according to the law of the Civil Code, paragraph 1, article 186, the document is considered legally invalid.

To write a letter of trust on a legal behalf you need:

A written power of attorney to receive documents from a bank from the legal entity does not require notarization.

Read more about how to correctly draw up a power of attorney to a bank from a legal entity based on the sample.

Design nuances in different cases

To receive money for another person

A letter of trust for receiving funds without the presence of the cardholder or an existing account is possible based on clause 3 of Art. 185 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. She informs that the trust document is written in writing and is provided to bank employees personally or to an authorized entity specified in the document. Is it possible in special cases to receive money from such a paper for another person? Yes, such a possibility exists. A sample of correct writing will be provided by bank employees or the applicant can write it in his own hand:

Example of a power of attorney to receive salary:

St. Petersburg First of April two thousand seventeen

I am a citizen of the Russian Federation, Maxim Rostislavovich Kirillov, born on September 12, 1960, passport: series and number 1111 No. 111111, issued by TP No. 75 by the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia in St. Petersburg on June 15, 1974, registered at the address: St. Petersburg, st. Bolshevikov, 8, apt. 27, I authorize with this power of attorney

Makarova Victoria Sergeevna, born on September 10, 1988, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation: series 2222, number 222222, issued by the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Moscow region on October 5, 2008, registered at the address: Moscow, Pobeda Ave., 101, apt. 98,

receive wages at AKHOT OJSC instead of me.

The power of attorney was issued without the right of substitution for a period of 1 year. Signature _______________Kirillov M. R.

This power of attorney is satisfied by me with the General Director of AKHOT OJSC, Olga Petrovna Goncharova, on the first of April two thousand and seventeen. _______ Goncharova O. P. 04/1/2017

Find out more about how to issue a power of attorney for a legal entity or individual to open a bank account.


Power of attorney to receive PTS:

Moscow Third of August two thousand and seventeen

LLC "TransMarsh" registered at the address: Moscow, Pobedy Ave., 83, apt. 5, represented by General Director Matvey Valentinovich Savkov, authorizes

Chudin Evgeniy Aleksandrovich, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation: series 8888, number 898989, issued by the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Moscow region on September 10, 2009, registered at the place of residence at the address: Moscow, Krasnoy Armii Ave., 102, apt. 19,

carry out registration operations in Moscow related to obtaining license plates; PTS and STS on AMTS.

Car make and model: VAZ 2101.
Registration plate: C 065 MK 78 RUS.
Year of manufacture: 2000.
Model, engine number: 2106, 5674902.
Chassis number: 768605.
Body number: A-11.

Related documents.

PTS: series 2222 No. 555555.

STS: series 1111 No. 666666.

Signature of the authorized representative _______ Chudin E. A. I assure.

Director ______ Savkov M.V.
Chief accountant _____ Kononenko S. O.

For statements of cash transactions

Power of attorney to receive an extract:

Magnitogorsk Fifth June two thousand and seventeen

By this power of attorney, Caligula LLC, registered on October 12, 2013 at the location of Magnitogorsk st. Kremnaya 35, OGRN 1111111111111, INN 11111111111 represented by General Director Kalashnikova O.V., acting on the basis of the Charter,

I trust the receipt of statements, certificate(s) about cash transactions

Makarova Victoria Sergeevna, citizen of the Russian Federation: series and passport number 1111 No. 111111, issued on October 15, 2000 by the Leninsky District Department of Internal Affairs of Magnitogorsk, registered at the place of residence at the address: Magnitogorsk, st. Lenina 5, apt. 122.

Signature of the authorized person.

This power of attorney is valid until June 5, 2018 inclusive, and was issued without the right of substitution.

MP General Director ________/Kalashnikova O.V./

For bank guarantees

Power of attorney to receive bank guarantees:

St. Petersburg Seventh of March two thousand and seventeen

Organization "Voskhod" (Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Podvoisky str. 67, OGRN 1111111111111, INN 11111111111, KPP 111111111) represented by the General Director Us Peter Timofeevich (Limited Liability Organization "Voskhod"), acting on the basis of the Charter of the organization of this the power of attorney authorizes:

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich (born on June 5, 1971, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation: series 2222 No. 444444, issued by the Federal Migration Service of Russia for St. Petersburg on June 16, 1988, registered at the address: St. Petersburg, Iskrovsky Ave., 9, apt. 10)

represent interests in JSC Bank24 in order to obtain bank guarantees No. 1009767 dated March 28, 2017 for Voskhod LLC.

I certify the signature of _______.

MP General Director ________Us P.T.

For a mortgage

Power of attorney for mortgage:

Moscow The first of February two thousand fourteen

I, Zinchenko Alexander Sergeevich, born on August 18, 1988, gender male, place of birth: Moscow, passport 1111 No. 333 333, issued by the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Moscow region on September 10, 2009, department code 300-005, residing at the address: pr . USSR, 102, apt. 19, I trust this power of attorney,

Chisel to Ruslan Yuryevich, born on October 15, 1989, gender male, place of birth: Moscow, passport 1111 No. 333 333, issued by the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Moscow region on December 15, 2009, department code 209-002, residing at the address: st. Gagarina 123, apt. 65,

The power of attorney was issued for a period of 1 year, the text was read aloud.

Such a document may be required to obtain documents from the bank.

Power of attorney to represent interests in a banking organization:

The first of January two thousand fifteen
City of Moscow, Moscow region

I am a citizen of the Russian Federation Pupkov Rostislav Vasilyevich, born on May 12, 1989, passport 1111 111111, issued by the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Moscow region on June 15, 2009, division code - 333-333, living at the address: Moscow, Pribrezhnaya street, building 6, apartment 78, TRUST

citizen of the Russian Federation Marya Dmitrievna Ushkina, born on September 14, 1989, passport 2222 222222, issued by the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Moscow region on June 05, 2009, division code - 444-444, residing at the address: Moscow, Pobedy Ave., building 15, apartment 18,

represent my interests in OJSC BANK, for which I grant it the following rights:

  • receive information about the status of my bank accounts in the specified organization;
  • deposit funds into my accounts;
  • present payment orders for payment;
  • perform other functions necessary for the proper execution of the specified order, including signing documents on my behalf, submitting applications and requests, giving explanations, etc.

Signature (personal signature of the representative) Ushkina M.D. I certify.

The power of attorney was issued without the right of substitution for a period of 1 year.

Signature: (personal signature of the principal) Pupkov Rostislav Vasilievich

When issuing a power of attorney for a period of 3 years, the expiration date must be one day less than the date of its execution.

General provisions on representing the interests of an organization in a bank

A power of attorney to represent interests in a bank is drawn up according to the general rules provided for in Chapter 10 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The law understands a power of attorney as a written authority to represent the interests of the principal before third parties. The document is issued both to perform certain actions and to represent the interests of the organization in full (general or general power of attorney).

Only the sole executive body specified in the constituent documents, which, as a rule, is the director (CEO, president, etc.), can act on behalf of the organization without issuing a power of attorney. Other employees, regardless of position, act on behalf of the organization solely on the basis of a power of attorney.

The sole executive body can authorize to act on behalf of the organization and formalize the corresponding powers, however, the charter or law may also determine another person who has the right to sign powers of attorney. This condition is directly enshrined in Part 4 of Art. 185.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

To represent the interests of an organization in a bank, a notarized power of attorney is not required, but the document must meet the following requirements:

  • contain the date of issue (in the absence of a date, by virtue of Part 1 of Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the power of attorney is void);
  • have the seal of the organization (if any) and the signature of the person authorized to issue it;
  • be made in writing.

If there is no information in the power of attorney about its validity period, the issued document is valid for 1 year from the date of issue.

Features of a power of attorney to a bank for submitting payment orders

The powers granted to an attorney can be either general or special. In particular, the principal has the right to limit the list of powers and establish the number of payments and a limit on the amounts that the attorney has the right to make.

Don't know your rights?

To submit payment orders, the power of attorney, in addition to the required elements, may contain the following additional information:

  • name of the bank in which the representative may act;
  • a specific indication of the list of actions that an authorized person can carry out;
  • an indication of the account details for which transactions are authorized.

The absence of these conditions does not entail the recognition of the document as invalid, however, it is recommended that they be written down so as not to give the attorney complete freedom of action in relation to the company’s funds.

Managing a bank account: features of drawing up a power of attorney

When drawing up a power of attorney to manage a bank account, you should make sure of the integrity of the attorney. The management of an organization’s accounts should be understood as the ability to perform the following operations:

  • opening a legal entity account;
  • depositing and withdrawing cash;
  • transfer of funds in favor of third parties;
  • requesting information, including in the form of statements, about the status of the account;
  • closing a current account.

A power of attorney can be issued for the execution of both a specific order, for example, opening a current account in a certain bank, and for the management of an organization’s account in a bank without restrictions.

Thus, there is no need to involve a notary to draw up a power of attorney. A sample power of attorney to a bank from a legal entity can be downloaded below. The main conditions for the validity of a document are the presence of a signature of a person authorized to sign it, an indication of the date the document was drawn up and a list of powers that are transferred to the attorney.

A legal entity, in the course of its activities, constantly encounters banks - opening and closing accounts, processing loans and borrowings, receiving account statements, and other transactions. In a bank, the general director or another person authorized by him can act on behalf of the organization. With a power of attorney, a company employee can receive an account statement or carry out a payment transaction. A power of attorney can be issued to any employee.

How to draw up a power of attorney for a bank correctly

A power of attorney is a document that authorizes the person specified in it to perform actions on behalf of the principal. When there is an urgent need to take some action, and the director is either not there or has no time, it is easier to entrust one of the employees to do it. A power of attorney can be drawn up from both a legal entity and an individual.

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For example, a chief accountant or manager may be instructed to open or close a bank account, pay a supplier, create a deposit, or open a loan.

A power of attorney to a bank is very similar in appearance to powers of attorney to the Pension Fund, Federal Tax Service or Social Insurance Fund.

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not specify a sample power of attorney for a bank. Therefore, you can compose it yourself in writing, download a sample from the Internet, or request a template from the bank.

Power of attorney details:

  1. Date and place of compilation. It is not necessary to specify a deadline. If the contract does not indicate the validity period of the power of attorney, then 1 year should be added from the date of preparation.
  2. Details of the principal and the trustee. Full name of the organization, INN, KPP, OGRN, charter number, full name of the head of the enterprise. Next, his passport details and the full name of the person who is entrusted with the performance of duties according to the document are indicated. Passport data, TIN and other information.
  3. Empowerment. Determined for each situation individually. Full name of the bank where certain procedures must be performed.
  4. Signatures of the parties and seal of the organization. After drawing up a power of attorney, it can be transferred to the bank by the head of the organization or provided by the person indicated in it when applying.

Certification of power of attorney

When a power of attorney is issued on behalf of an organization, that is, a legal entity, it requires several methods of certification. Firstly, this is the signature of the head of the organization. Secondly, printing.

This power of attorney does not require notarization.

Power of attorney to the bank from a legal entity: sample

As mentioned above, the law does not specify a standard form of power of attorney from a legal entity. You can compose it in free form or download it from the Internet. Most businesses issue the document on their letterhead. This paper in the “header” contains basic details, contact information and logo.

The place of compilation and date are indicated in the upper left corner. For example, Moscow, April 6, 2016.

Further, the document states that the organization, represented by the head of the company “last name, first name, patronymic in the genitive case,” acting on the basis of the “Charter or other document” dated “date of the charter,” instructs an employee to represent his interests of the organization in a “bank or other place.”

Usually, when filling out a power of attorney template from a bank, after entering the details of the principal's party, several numbers are given to enter the data of the persons who are trusted to represent the interests.

The standard list of data includes: last name, first name, patronymic, passport details, place of registration, TIN.

The next menu item after identifying the parties is a list of powers.

They include:

  • opening and closing current accounts;
  • bank statements for current account;
  • receive information on existing accounts;
  • replenish current accounts with cash through the cash register;
  • register deposits in the name of the organization;
  • apply for a loan or overdraft;
  • make payments to suppliers through payment orders;
  • other actions that do not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Even one bank has several branches within one city. You must indicate the full name of the bank in which the enterprise is serviced, its address and, necessarily, the number of an account or several in one bank.

An expiration date is not required. It is usually considered that this power of attorney is issued for a year. If the operation is carried out several times, you can issue a power of attorney for 10 days, a month, six months, etc.

After complete completion and careful double-checking, the director’s signature and the organization’s seal are placed below. The person who is trusted to perform transactions also signs.

Powers of a representative of a legal entity in a bank

A power of attorney can be issued for a one-time action (for example, a one-time deposit of cash, etc.) or for the representative to periodically exercise his powers.

Typically, a power of attorney to represent the interests of a legal entity in a bank is issued without the possibility of transferring powers by the representative to another person by way of delegation. If necessary, an organization can issue a power of attorney with the same list of powers for several persons at the same time.

Power of attorney

to represent the interests of a legal entity

(place of execution of the power of attorney)


(date of execution of the power of attorney)


(full name of the legal entity)

(hereinafter " Society"), registered "_____"_______________ _____g. at the location of ________________________________________________________________________, OGRN____________________, INN___________________________, represented by_________________

Acting on the basis of _______________

(name of manager's position, full name)

This power of attorney authorizes______________________

(Charter, Regulations)

Passport series _________No._________________

(last name, first name, patronymic of the representative)

issued by "___"___________ ________. ___________________________________________________,

(issued by)

registered at the place of residence at the address: ________________________________


represent the interests of the Company in __________________ on all issues related to the implementation of transactions on the current account(s):



To perform representative functions, the authorized person is granted the following powers:

  • present payment orders and other payment documents for payment;
  • receive statements from your account(s);
  • hand over cash to the Bank;
  • receive cash from the account;
  • receive statements of the account(s), certificates of the status of the account(s) and other documents related to account servicing;
  • perform other legal actions related to the implementation of this instruction.

The power of attorney was issued without the right of substitution.

The validity period of the power of attorney is up to “___”______________ ________year.

The validity period of the power of attorney must be no more than 3 years

I certify the signature of the authorized person (representative)___________________.

(sample signature)

___________________ ___________________/________________________________________/

(position of manager) (signature) (full name of the head of the Company)

Power of attorney to the bank from an individual: sample

A power of attorney to a bank from an individual is similar in purpose to a power of attorney from a legal entity. In this case, according to the power of attorney, one individual trusts to perform any actions with his bank account to another individual.

Most people believe that such a power of attorney should be issued by a notary. It is worth dispelling this myth. The legislation says nothing about this. A written power of attorney is sufficient. The document must clearly state the powers that the principal grants to the second person.

Correct execution of a power of attorney for an individual:

  • Date and place of drawing up the power of attorney.
  • Duration of the power of attorney. If it is not specified, then the power of attorney is considered to be issued for 12 months. The term of the power of attorney is unlimited by law.
  • Possible re-delegation of assigned powers.
  • Clauses that contradict the law cannot have legal force.

Power of attorney

I, gr. Ivanov Maxim Yurievich, born November 25, 1978, place of birth: Moscow, citizenship: Russian Federation. Gender: male. Passport:..., registered in Moscow, st. I authorize Stroiteley, 35, apt. 169 with this power of attorney

to be a representative in the bank of PJSC "CENTER-karta", located at Moscow, Mayakovskogo St., 18, on the current account 43869875393253 and to authorize:

  • receive bank account statements;
  • open and close accounts;
  • deposit funds.

Ivanov M.Yu. __________

Kryukova A. S. __________

To summarize, it is worth noting that issuing a power of attorney greatly simplifies the work of a manager. This allows you to shift part of your authority to another employee and free up time for other more important matters.