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Distribution of apartments to the military on the left bank. Apartments for military personnel under a social rental agreement. Managers and their fate

This residential area is being built, as is known, for the needs of the Russian Ministry of Defense. After the bankruptcy of the SU-155 company, which was engaged in this government order, but never completed it, the completion of construction microdistrict "Levoberezhnaya" took over (GUOV) Ministry of Defense. On the one hand, this is good, because it is clear that sooner or later the microdistrict will be completed. On the other hand, there is not enough information in the public domain. The army's closed nature is taking its toll. If there is enough information on the Internet about those objects that are being completed beyond SU-155 by the RK-Stroy company (a subsidiary of Rossiysky Capital Bank), then the GUOV does not throw words to the wind, reporting only on the completed houses. At the end of April 2018, out of 23 buildings that are part of Levoberezhnaya, nine were put into operation. Unfortunately, there is no specific data yet on the completion dates for the remaining houses. It is known that military builders are working here, but that is all that is reported.

Activists of the Homeless Regiment organization, among the officers who are entitled to apartments in Levoberezhnaya, periodically hold pickets, trying to draw attention to the slow pace of work, but this does not have much effect. In general, this is understandable. Rally or rally, but the GUOV will still not finish building the house faster than it can. And moreover, the Ministry of Defense also has its own truth. The official point of view is this: the Ministry of Defense, at its own expense (as far as the budget allows), is completing the construction of houses that have become long-term construction through no fault of its own. The state provides apartments in these houses to military personnel free of charge. Those who cannot wait are offered to receive apartments of equal size in rented houses on Sinyavinskaya Street in the Molzhaninovsky district of the Northern Administrative District of Moscow. But the military waiting lists do not agree, since this is a “zamkadye” (who wants to move beyond), and prefer to wait until the houses in Levoberezhnaya are commissioned. There is little joy in this expectation, but the gamble is worth the candle, given the difference in price between an apartment outside the Moscow Ring Road and within the ring road, next to the Khovrino metro station. So it turns out that people lose time, but still win money, because the difference in price is quite significant. Considering that the apartments are transferred into ownership and can then be sold, the wait is still worth it.

Sales in houses microdistrict. "Levoberezhnaya" is not carried out. However, those who are interested in this place can look at the offers on the secondary market - some of the officer apartments in the completed buildings of the microdistrict have already been put up for sale by the owners. So, if you look at it, the place is good - green, there is infrastructure, the metro is nearby (we have already written about the pros and cons of the new microdistrict in previous opinions of the portal). And there are not many alternative options nearby. Apartments are offered only in those who are building. And in the remaining new buildings there are apartments for sale: in the commissioned one, in those under construction from and (the completion date of this complex has already been postponed).

February 03, 2017

Since 2011, SU-155 has been building four microdistricts for military personnel. The Levoberezhnaya microdistrict is the largest of them, and today more than 5,000 apartments remain untransferred here. After the bankruptcy of SU-155, military personnel are demanding their apartments from the Ministry of Defense. He is engaged in completing the construction of houses. In particular, at his expense, 2 buildings were completed and commissioned in December 2016. The remaining houses will be delivered in stages, including in the first quarter of 2017, but no one has any idea when the Levoberezhnaya Microdistrict will be fully put into operation. However, the head of the Housing Department of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Sergei Pirogov, said in an interview with a radio station in December 2016 that clarity on the timing of the delivery of all problematic objects will come closer to March of this year, also adding that by the end of this year “the issue will be resolved unambiguously.”

January 29, 2016

Company "SU-155" is going through hard times right now. In many projects that are under construction, one can observe repeated delays in delivery dates. Therefore, today the situation is such that investing in its objects is quite risky. Microdistrict "Levoberezhnaya"- is no exception; this project has already had its delivery date postponed by a year. It is difficult to say anything about the prospects, and even more so to make predictions or conclusions. Therefore, we just need to say a few words about the project itself and the area in which it is located.

Although the developer mainly presents standard layouts, it should be noted that the premises are divided wisely, there are no large corridors or sharp corners. Only in rare cases are there living rooms of irregular shape, which will narrow the opportunity for rational use of space. However, given the price class of the new building, you can turn a blind eye to this.

The infrastructure of the complex area is developed at a good level. It is especially worth highlighting the considerable number of social facilities in the district. Including schools, kindergartens, clinics and even branches of two higher educational institutions. The retail sector is also represented by a fairly wide range, which will allow residents to feel quite comfortable. But the entertainment infrastructure looks more meager. In principle, there are cinemas, restaurants, and recreation parks in the area, but you will have to get to them by transport, which may not be acceptable for all future residents. In addition to the existing infrastructure of the location, the developer plans to further improve the situation, namely: the implementation of its own facilities on the territory of the residential complex, including the construction of two kindergartens, a school and a clinic. But it is obvious that there is no point in pinning hopes on the quick implementation of these plans.

The ecological situation in the area, in general, is quite good. Although there is an industrial zone next to the complex, there are warehouses and garages on its territory, which only negatively affect the view characteristics. There is also an RTS in the immediate vicinity, which, it must be admitted, does not benefit the air condition. The industrial appearance of the area somewhat spoils the overall aesthetic impression. But there are noticeably more advantages. There are no major roads directly next to the complex. The Moscow Ring Road is separated by the large Khimki Forest Park, which, by the way, significantly improves the state of the ecology of the area as a whole, because the complex is adjacent to it almost closely. Also in the area there is Friendship Park and Grachevsky Park.

Convenience of transport links in this case is a controversial issue. On the one hand, towards the city center, new settlers are faced with traffic jams on Leningradskoye Shosse. Sometimes you can use the alternative Dmitrovskoye Highway, but often this will not save you time. On the other hand, one of the advantages is the proximity to the Moscow Ring Road - this provides quite ample opportunities for movement and finding the least crowded route. Those who use public transport will find it convenient that the Rechnoy Vokzal metro station is located a kilometer from the residential complex.

Quite a lot of residential complexes are being built in the area, so the residential complexes have competitors. The most noticeable among them is , which is located in close proximity to the Rechnoy Vokzal metro station and Friendship Park. This improves transport and environmental components. In addition, the construction of this complex is nearing completion. But meanwhile, the price per square meter here is much higher. It can be noted that the residential complex “On Bazovskaya” has already been commissioned, which reduces risks for buyers to a minimum. However, the complex has two negative sides: firstly, it is remote from the metro, and secondly, it is surrounded by an industrial zone.

August 28, 2014

The SU-155 company is implementing another multi-storey development project in the Moscow region. The developer had some delays in the delivery of several previous projects. Nevertheless, the company completed construction and transferred ownership of the housing to the buyers, although on the forums many residents complain about the poor quality of construction work.

For future residents of the residential complex "On Levoberezhnaya Street" An additional advantage is that the apartments are rented with finishing, which is already included in the price. Also, all layout options have spacious kitchens, which are not typical for economy class. Unfortunately, the developer's plans do not include the construction of an indoor parking lot. In this regard, residents may have big problems with parking. Since the project provides for the construction of 24 buildings, one can expect a shortage of parking spaces in the local area.

Despite the fact that LCD "On Levoberezhnaya Street" located near a forested park area, you won’t be able to enjoy beautiful views from the window, because the residential complex is being built surrounded by garages and borders on a bus depot. The state of the environment is negatively affected by several industrial enterprises located to the south and east of the residential complex, especially CHPP-21.

Near the complex there is a large highway, along which you can go to the Moscow Ring Road, or to the Central Administrative District of Moscow. However, for motorists the road to the center of the capital will be complicated by traffic jams. And if during the evening rush hour on weekdays the Leningradskoe Highway is quite free, then in the morning hours the speed along it is about 7-10 km/h. It will not be possible to avoid traffic jams, since all the streets near the residential complex (Dybenko Street, Petrozavodskaya, Pribrezhny Proezd) have a dense traffic flow in the morning and evening on weekdays. As an alternative, there is an option to use the metro, but you will have to get to the nearest station “Rechnoy Vokzal” by transport. However, it is worth noting that bus and minibus stops are within walking distance from the complex.

There are social infrastructure facilities near the complex, but most places in kindergartens and schools are occupied, so future residents will be forced to wait for the completion of construction of new facilities, the delivery date of which is still unknown. However, the area where construction is taking place is provided with shopping facilities.

Several comfort-class residential complexes with higher housing prices are being built in the neighborhood, for example, “In Levoberezhny” and “Crystal”.

The initiative group "Homeless Regiment" will hold an action near the Ministry of Defense building on February 23, 2018 in order to intensify work on the completion of housing for military personnel on Levoberezhnaya Street in Moscow, said group representative Roman Fedorov. At the same time, the protesters are not satisfied with the proposal of the “Main Directorate for the Arrangement of Troops” to obtain similar meters in already completed, but less attractive from the point of view of location, houses.

The construction of 60 high-rise buildings for military personnel on Bolshaya Ochakovskaya, Polina Osipenko, Levoberezhnaya and Sinyavinskaya streets began in 2011-2012 by order of the Ministry of Defense. The work was carried out by the SU-155 company, to which the department allocated more than 68 billion rubles over four years. Construction stopped in 2015 at 90% completion of the houses. In relation to SU-155, bankruptcy and reorganization procedures were initiated, and the task of completing the construction of 16 thousand apartments for the military was assigned to the Main Directorate for Troops Arrangement JSC.

As of February 2018, as a result of raising its own funds and additional funding from the Ministry of Defense, the company commissioned microdistricts on Bolshaya Ochakovskaya (10 buildings with 1,796 apartments) and Sinyavinskaya streets (15 buildings with 4,731 apartments), the head of the press service told Mil.Press Estate "GUOV" Maxim Pastukhov.

On Polina Osipenko Street, 6 out of 12 buildings were opened, on Levoberezhnaya - 9 out of 23. 6,496 military families are waiting for their apartments.

The initiative group of military personnel "Homeless Regiment" intends to hold a meeting on February 23 in order to speed up the process of putting apartments into operation near the building of the National Defense Management Center on Frunzenskaya Embankment. “This is not a rally. We are planning a gathering without posters, slogans, symbols. On November 19, such an event was already held without any comments from the authorities,” Roman Fedorov, a representative of the initiative group, told Mil.Press Estate.

According to him, several dozen military personnel will take part in the event. Roman Fedorov noted that a similar gathering of military personnel in November contributed to the commissioning of one of the buildings on Levoberezhnaya Street.

As Maxim Pastukhov emphasized, the Department of Housing (DHS) of the Ministry of Defense offers military personnel who cannot wait for the completion of the buildings on Levoberezhnaya and Polina Osipenko, redistribution to housing of the same area in rented houses on Sinyavinskaya Street in the Molzhaninovsky district. Today, about 1 thousand apartments are empty there. “Anyone can write an application addressed to the head of the Department with a request to provide an equivalent apartment in the Molzhaninovo district in exchange for the previously allocated apartment. All requests are considered without fail,” he said.

According to a representative of GUOV, military personnel refuse to move to the Molzhaninovsky district, the only one of the four problematic facilities located beyond the Moscow Ring Road (MKAD), and prefer to wait for facilities within walking distance of metro stations.

He noted that some military personnel who had already received apartments in building No. 4 on Levoberezhnaya Street did not live in them and put them up for sale. In the database of advertisements for the sale of real estate CIAN at this address today there are three apartments from military personnel costing from 6.5 million rubles.

“Out of the six thousand people waiting for an apartment, fifty people come forward to take part in the action, the rest are ready to wait - they understand perfectly well that they want to live in Moscow. And if you think that the apartment is more expensive on Levoberezhnaya and can be sold, then everything is fine with their housing. Then call it “A homeless regiment,” to put it mildly, is incorrect,” added Maxim Pastukhov.

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March 9th, 2017

I have already spoken more than once about the so-called “Moscow homeless regiment”. This is an amazing, nowhere registered “public organization” whose sole goal is a public and, if possible, mass protest against the Russian Ministry of Defense. Whatever it is, this well-organized group with very mysterious funding always has one single claim - the Ministry of Defense is bad and it, the ministry, allegedly deceived them with the issuance of apartments.

This strange protest:

The fact is that, as part of the program for providing military personnel with permanent and service housing in 2011-12, by order of the Ministry of Defense, JSC “SU-155” under the leadership of the current Moscow City Duma deputy Mikhail Balakin began the construction of four large-scale microdistricts in Moscow. New buildings are located at the following addresses: st. Bolshaya Ochakovskaya (10 high-rise buildings of 1796 sq. m.), st. Sinyavinskaya (15 high-rise buildings on 4731 sq.), Khoroshevskoye Shosse (12 high-rise buildings on 3648 sq.), st. Levoberezhnaya (23 high-rise buildings with an area of ​​5,856 sq. m.). The total number of apartments was 16,031 units. In 2011, the Ministry of Defense, led by the firm hand of the now amnestied citizen Serdyukov, entered into a contract with SU-155 for the construction of housing at the above addresses and transferred advance payments to each of the microdistricts, which (attention!!!) amounted to up to 90% and were paid in 2011-2013 Amounts? Please! In total, from 2011 to 2013, GC (Group of Companies) “SU-155” received 68 billion 212 million rubles in the form of an advance. But by the beginning of 2015, the office of citizen Balakin stopped the construction of four residential microdistricts due to... lack of money and impending bankruptcy.

That is, the money was received, apparently, safely distributed, but the military did not receive the apartments for which the Ministry of Defense paid.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, already under the leadership of Sergei Shoigu, and its structure JSC GUOV (Main Directorate for Troop Development) were eventually forced, using their own and credit funds, to complete and put into operation the buildings abandoned by the SU-155. Employees of JSC “GUOV”, performing work on the so-called “preservation”, provided during the winter period of 2015-2016. heat all unfinished houses so as not to freeze the water supply and heating systems. JSC "GUOV" did and continues to do this at its own expense, suffering serious financial losses, paying, among other things, for technical connections to city networks (water, electricity, heat) and paying off millions of debts, including GC "SU-155" ", before city resource organizations. As a result, GUOV JSC completed all the necessary work to commission the new building on the street. Bolshaya Ochakovskaya (10 buildings with 1,796 apartments). The microdistrict is already more than 95% populated.

During the year of operation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation completed the construction of 18 high-rise buildings behind the SU-155 building complex and commissioned 3,895 apartments. By the end of 2016, JSC GUOV (Main Directorate for Troop Arrangement) plans to complete the construction of 5 more buildings and put them into operation: in the Molzhaninovo microdistrict on the street. Sinyavinskaya has 1,197 apartments (two buildings), in the area on Levoberezhnaya Street there are 288 apartments (2 buildings), in the area of ​​Khoroshevskoye Highway there are 320 apartments (one building). The military builders, as promised, delivered all five houses at the end of December. Their settlement began. However, despite this, protesting activists, calling themselves the “Homeless Regiment” and believing that “everything is not the way they want,” recorded an appeal to the Patriarch in January, where they continued to say that nothing is being done.

Moreover, they tried to join the movement of shareholders who were deceived by SU-155. And we held a joint action with them. But the capital’s “homeless” military personnel did not evoke sympathy and understanding from people who actually paid their hard-earned money and did not receive square meters in return. Shareholders not only know that military housing is provided free of charge, they see that there is a specific, real company that is completing the construction of houses for them.

But in 2016, when most of the participants in the spontaneous protest received housing in Moscow, some activists, who had recently been hiding behind the backs of others, suddenly turned from “spontaneous” into quite organized and funded. They called their movement, as mentioned above, “a homeless regiment.” Yes, yes, I was not mistaken - the Moscow “homeless” regiment.

What's the secret? Of course, in money. In big ones. As it turned out, the majority of new military protesters who receive free housing at the expense of the state refuse to move into ready-made apartments of equal size in the Molzhaninovo area on the street. Sinyavinskaya, 11, which they have been offered more than once, and are demanding apartments in a more prestigious, almost central area of ​​Khoroshevskoye Shosse, at st. Polina Osipenko, 8., as well as Levoberezhnaya. The fact is that Molzhaninovo, where, according to the official statement of the Ministry of Defense, officer families can move into apartments of equal size and number of rooms right now (!!!) for free (at the expense of the state!!!), is located 9 kilometers outside the Moscow Ring Road and professional protesters are... not happy with this. They, in their words, “don’t want to go to the ghetto,” and demand an apartment in the prestigious and expensive area of ​​​​Khoroshevka and Levoberezhnaya. That is, they are actively looking a gift horse in the mouth, and while most Russian military personnel would happily receive excellent apartments in New Moscow in Molzhaninovo, the capital’s “homeless regiment” insists on more expensive housing on Khoroshevskoye Shosse and Levoberezhnaya Street.

About the leaders and organizers of the “Moscow Homeless Regiment” Valery Malyshev, Evgeny Morin and Alexander Zorin,

, and their good business “at the protest” I told last fall. After a lot of money and the vested interest of certain characters in organizing a fake protest were discovered, the wave of the “Moscow Homeless Regiment” subsided somewhat and the protest began to decline. Moreover, in fact, there was nothing to demand - apartments were issued to military personnel with enviable regularity.

So, after my previous publication, Valery Malyshev disappeared somewhere from the rallies. His “active life position” to support the protest on social networks also disappeared. The fact is that while organizing rallies and protesting together with the “homeless people,” he lived happily in his own apartment, received free of charge from the Ministry of Defense in the most prestigious, in the opinion of the military personnel, metropolitan microdistrict along Khoroshevskoye Highway.

Andrei Zorin, who first spoke at the rally with accusations against both the builders (GUOV) and the Ministry of Defense, also changed his view. But later, apparently, like a smart lawyer, he figured out the situation and asked the Prosecutor's Office to answer the question - who is to blame? And I received a completely official response, which was posted on the “Military Court” forum, which states that the Prosecutor’s Office has materials confirming the misuse of SU-155 funds that they received for the construction of housing for military personnel. And these materials are transferred to law enforcement agencies to initiate criminal proceedings.
But the “homeless people” stubbornly do not notice this and diligently DO NOT blame the SU-155 (except for one joint meeting with shareholders, there it was simply impossible to do otherwise). They insist that the current minister and his team are to blame, who are actually completing and raking the Augean stables behind the ex-Minister of Defense and the SU-155!

Moreover, now military builders have resumed public control of the progress of work on the completion of the “SU-155” microdistrict of the capital on Levoberezhnaya Street, vl. 4, 4A.

In addition, military builders officially announced back in February that five more houses in the microdistrict. on Levoberezhnaya will be commissioned in mid-spring. It was discussed at the “Military Court” in “Levoberezhka”. But still, with tenacity and enviable stubbornness, activists push people to protest. Moreover, unsanctioned ones, such as the actions planned for this Saturday on Frunzenskaya Embankment, whatever you call it - a meeting, or a meeting, or a gathering - the meaning does not change; there is no permission to hold it and therefore the police will be absolutely right if they disperse all these demonstrators and , perhaps, will even detain the completely insolent organizers of these metropolitan idlers, led by citizen Morin.

March 10, at 10.00 at the construction headquarters on the street. On Levoberezhnaya there will be a working meeting with military personnel and members of their families waiting for an apartment, at which representatives of PJSC MOEK and PJSC MOESK will talk about plans for laying heating and electrical networks. The head of SU-1 of GUOV JSC, Alexey Poskotinov, will speak to the military personnel. It was his construction department that was tasked with delivering turnkey the largest new building in Moscow. Alexey Poskotinov will tell you in detail about the organization of work and the dates of occupancy of the next buildings. Future residents will be introduced to the new project manager, Igor Kuksin, who headed the engineering and technical personnel team of the Main Directorate for the Arrangement of Troops directly at the construction site.

Oboronstroy even appealed to all those on the waiting list with a request to take part in the working meeting, approaching checkpoint 1 at 9.55 from Levoberezhnaya Street.

But that was not the case. On one of the “threads” of the “Military Court” website, managed by “activists” and “fighters” from the Ministry of Defense, a call immediately appeared for the next rally of the “Moscow Homeless Regiment”, of course, on March 11 - immediately after the meeting with the leadership of Oboronstroi. The “organizers” call for everyone to gather again, and the reasons for the rally are the following (attention!):

“There is NO real work on construction sites!!!
No work on external communications - NO!!!
Allocation of funds to complete construction - NO!!!
Significant numbers of workers on construction sites - NO!!!
There are NO full punishments for crimes!!!
There are NO forecasts for a successful resolution of the situation!!!
Ready housing premises at other addresses - HIDDEN!!!
The proposed so-called "housing subsidy" is IMPORTANT!!!
The work to provide housing for military personnel is practically PARALYZED!!!”

And now I want to give some photographic facts. Each of the photographs and videos I have taken over the past few days clearly refutes the calls of the provocateurs. See for yourself:

For the most part, the photographs explain the essence of the provocative statements of the “Moscow Homeless Regiment” that there is allegedly no “real work on construction sites,” there is no “significant number of workers on construction sites” and “the work of providing housing for military personnel” is paralyzed. Everything that is necessary for the successful and speedy completion of construction is there, gentlemen, the protesters, and I, and many others, including military personnel on the waiting list, saw everything that was happening during the construction. And therefore, there is no need to lie, earning the attention of those who are behind the pseudo-protests, behind the “Moscow homeless regiment.”

PS . Many reserve servicemen who received apartments from the Ministry of Defense have long noticed the unhealthy activity of the so-called protesters called the “Moscow homeless regiment” and openly declare this. Here,

for example, a letter from reserve lieutenant colonel Mikhail Terekhov, talking about the real state of affairs with housing for military personnel and the unclean games of “Protestants”.

The housing subsidy program for military personnel adopted by the Russian government is gaining momentum. This is evidenced by the recent statement of Sergei Pirogov, head of the Housing Department of the Moscow Region. According to the official, the housing issue, which is always relevant for people in uniform, will be resolved positively in 2015, and by 2023 the issue of the lack of square meters in the department under his control will cease to be relevant at all. Considering the fact that the Ministry of Defense has set a course for a radical transformation of housing provision algorithms, such bold plans are quite feasible.

The emphasis on replacing natural obligations with very tangible financial assistance is, of course, justified. Over the past two years alone, waiting lists have decreased by almost 2.3 times. There has never been such a rate of distribution of apartments among the military in modern Russia...

Military mortgage as an alternative scheme for monetizing benefits

For many years, high prices in new buildings in the Mother See did not allow even senior officers to think about their own roof over their heads, not to mention non-commissioned officers and ordinary defenders of the fatherland.

And here it is, long-awaited and pleasant news for servicemen - the unspoken ban on the allocation of apartments in the capital has been lifted. Moreover, a completely new approach to solving a pressing problem has been proposed. Anyone can find out where military housing will be provided in Moscow (and not only) by calling the hotline of the Russian Ministry of Defense (or by contacting directly authorized representatives of regional military administration bodies).

The whole point of the mortgage lies in the fact that the state pays the military man’s debt to the bank, but at the same time imposes a condition on the borrower: if he leaves service before the loan is repaid, he will be forced to return the entire amount plus interest to the budget.

Dreams come true: people in uniform become Muscovites

The country's leaders understand perfectly well that providing housing for the military is an extremely important task. An officer confident in the future is the foundation of a combat-ready army. And although breaking the old stagnant system was risky, the leadership of the Ministry of Defense consciously took this step.

The result, as they say, is obvious: if a couple of years ago lieutenants and colonels were burdened by the thought of whether they would even be given the square meters required by law, then since last summer the question lies on a slightly different plane: where will the military be given housing?

In Moscow, the distribution of apartments among those on the waiting list in the so-called Levoberezhny microdistrict is already in full swing. A fundamentally new approach has been implemented here: a serviceman (or retiree), who is also a potential owner, evaluates the apartment under construction in advance, and only then, if there are no comments, the process of paperwork begins.

Mini-city from scratch, or Everything for the military

Thanks to the SU-155 group of companies, the north-west of Moscow (Khovrino district) has been transformed beyond recognition in just two years. We are talking about an entire microdistrict from scratch: more than twenty residential buildings with appropriate municipal registration and the appropriate level of improvement of the surrounding area, more than 4.7 thousand new apartments with a total area of ​​​​about half a million square meters...

Despite the fact that modern and comfortable housing for the military on Levoberezhnaya Street was built at a record pace, the quality of the work can be envied by many elite new buildings. Without exception, all houses are connected to utilities, apartments are equipped with plumbing and electric stoves, and the interior decoration is pleasing to the eye.

Particular emphasis is placed on the functionality of buildings and their energy optimization: automatic systems record water and heat consumption and constantly monitor the condition of intra-house networks.

Advantages of housing on Levoberezhnaya, or the Secret of houses of the I-155 series

If you have a choice of offering military housing on the street, it will certainly be beyond competition. Yes, at first there were complaints about poor transport links. But the project, brought to life by the SU-155 group of companies, neutralized all the shortcomings of the remote Khovrino. Add to this the high sound and thermal insulation of apartments, ramps on stairwells, business class elevators - why not new buildings in the capital Molzhaninov? Moreover, the price per square meter is significantly lower than the elite one.

The year is 2015: military waiting lists are getting shorter...

According to Igor Lysenko, Pirogov’s first deputy, this year more than 22 thousand servicemen will become owners of residential real estate. These people had the exclusive right to wait for their home ministry to issue warrants for apartments. However, they chose a different path - they took advantage of the housing subsidy program.

The media has already leaked information several times that due to the crisis, funding for the project could be cut from 40 to 30 billion rubles. But in any case, the funds received from the state should be enough to buy a good apartment in the vast majority of regions.

If we talk about where they will provide housing for the military in Moscow under this program, then this is still the same Levoberezhnaya Street - the new “small Motherland” of those on the waiting list. Of course, buy for 8.6 million rubles. It’s unlikely that you’ll get a three-room apartment here, so the main priority is two-room apartments and one-room apartments. However, we should not forget about the nearby Moscow region - for the specified amount it can please you with non-standard options. Moreover, receiving a subsidy does not impose any geographical obligations regarding the place of purchase of a house/apartment.

Today's realities: The Ministry of Defense is ceasing to be a builder

Budget funds for the construction of departmental housing for the military in 2016-2017. not provided. The Ministry of Defense no longer wants to play the role of foreman, and, therefore, the housing subsidy is the main and only mechanism by which housing will be distributed in the future. Until the end of this year, the military in Moscow will be offered the remainder, that is, everything that the department currently has (due to bureaucratic delays, some of the apartments did not find their rightful owners in 2014). We are primarily talking about new buildings on Sinyavinskaya Street. There are not very many apartments there, and the choice, as Pirogov said, is small. But there simply aren’t and won’t be any more apartments in the capital’s departmental housing stock.

for housing. Why is this beneficial?

The old and ineffective scheme for providing military personnel with housing has long exhausted itself. A clear confirmation of this is the thousands of people on the waiting list who have been knocking on the thresholds of high offices for years in search of justice. Therefore, the initiative of the Ministry of Defense, aimed at moving away as much as possible from the targeted construction of square meters and replacing “in-kind rent” with financial assistance, looks natural.

In military terms, this is essentially the same bank loan. With the only caveat that the funds received must be used to purchase a house/apartment or to build housing on their own.

The program is new for Russia, and therefore it is too early to draw any conclusions about the prospects in terms of the actual return on its implementation. In any case, a number of positive points can already be noted:

  • the emergence of real prospects for young military personnel;
  • free choice of place of residence;
  • reducing the waiting time for new housing;
  • motivating the younger generation to serve in the army.

Housing subsidy for military personnel: getting to the root

Military mortgage housing is a program aimed at attracting the banking sector.

The lion's share of the funds (up to 80%) required to take ownership of a house or apartment is allocated from the federal budget. The buyer pays only part of the cost of the property (usually about 20%).

Additional factors influence the amount of the subsidy. In particular, the regional location of real estate, the number of family members, the presence/absence of awards and merits, and so on. In addition, the legislator identified a category of privileged applicants for housing subsidies. It included holders of colonel ranks and the entire general staff (a special increasing coefficient applies to them).

Providing housing to military personnel: basic subsidy conditions

According to the official doctrine, a military housing subsidy is provided to everyone without exception, that is, to junior, senior and senior officers. But its size is individual in nature and is calculated on the basis of basic parameters: the number of dependents in the family of a serviceman, his length of service, the presence/absence of the right to another suitable area for living. These and some other criteria determine the amount, which, in turn, gives a final idea of ​​the amount of the subsidy due. A special calculator has been posted on the Ministry of Defense website to simplify the procedure for calculating monetary compensation.

Thus, an average family of 4 people has the right to claim 4.5 million rubles, provided that the serviceman’s length of service ranges from 10-15 years. Service from 15 to 20 years automatically raises the bar to 6.7 million rubles; Military experience of 25 years or more guarantees receipt of 8.2 million rubles. The maximum possible amount provided as compensation for military housing is 13.5 million rubles.

Managers and their fate

In army circles, managers are people who de facto no longer have anything to do with the armed forces, but who are de jure among the valiant defenders of the Fatherland. While waiting for an answer to the question of where the military would be provided with housing in Moscow, these individuals repeatedly refused offers to provide them with real estate in other regions of the country. And at the same time they received a monthly salary. Until recently, it was impossible to dismiss such “warriors” without providing an apartment. Now, at the initiative of the president, changes have been made to the law. Managers are faced with a choice: either they agree to an apartment/subsidy, or go into retirement upon dismissal.

Increasing demand for real estate as a response to subsidized waiting lists

The practical implementation of new forms of providing military personnel with a roof over their heads, including military mortgages, made it possible to satisfy 85-95% of the requests of those on the waiting list in Tula, Kaluga, Krasnodar and the Northern capital.

But the Moscow region cannot yet boast of such indicators. Blame it all on the hype. Statistics from the Housing Department indicate that more than 40% of servicemen choose the mother of Russian cities.

The market appetites of the Mother See are sometimes several times higher than the amount by which compensation for housing is measured. It would seem that the military should have thought about it. But no, the thirst to live in a city with the most developed infrastructure takes its toll. Hence the boomerang effect: the higher the demand, the higher the price of the product, that is, of real estate...

MOSCOW, March 25 - RIA Novosti, Anton Razmakhnin. Representatives of the Main Directorate for Troop Arrangement (GUOV) of the Ministry of Defense monitored the progress of construction of apartments for military personnel in the north of Moscow, together with future residents of new buildings. Read about how the problem of housing for military personnel in the capital is being solved in the RIA Novosti material.

The houses under construction for military personnel on Levoberezhnaya Street, in the metropolitan district of the same name, were visited by Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Timur Ivanov and the head of the housing department of the ministry Sergei Pirogov. Together with them, future residents of the houses and members of their families visited the new buildings. They got the opportunity to inspect their future apartments.

“For six years now we have not only been waiting for our apartment, but we know the exact address and its number,” Anatoly, one of the future residents of building 2, told RIA Novosti. “I would really like to move in this year.”

The quarter for military personnel on Levoberezhnaya Street is one of four new buildings that the SU-155 group of companies began building for the Ministry of Defense in 2011. The Housing Department (HOD) of the RF Ministry of Defense has pre-distributed apartments among thousands of officers. But, despite the full financing of the construction of the above facilities from the Main Directorate for the Arrangement of Troops, SU-155 did not fulfill its obligations. By the beginning of 2015, construction was stopped. And only a year later it was possible to resume completion and finishing - without a third-party general contractor.

Big rework

“We have clear confidence that this year we will occupy all the houses,” Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Timur Ivanov said in an interview with RIA Novosti. “All decisions related to the financing of this construction have been made - the mechanism for obtaining funds was approved with the participation of the President of the Russian Federation The first tranche of funds has already been received, the work has begun, and every month the builders will be ready to show future residents what is happening on the construction site and in their apartments. Today, one of the buildings is more ready, I think that we will announce it. moving in on April 3. And the military personnel will finally be able to move into their own housing."

Work on the huge construction site is really in full swing. 430 people work here, almost 200 of them are employees of the Main Directorate of Troop Development, the rest are subcontractors and representatives of utility services. The old heating main is being replaced and a new one is being laid in the area, which will provide heat supply according to a permanent scheme for five buildings. At the same time, industrial climbers seal the interpanel seams. Individual heating units of houses are being restored. The elevator system is being adjusted and inspected.

"Why should heating networks be replaced?" — asks one of the future residents, Alexey Zhmurov. It turns out that the previous general contractor did not bother to inspect the work performed by the technical supervision services. In addition, in 2014 and 2015, some of the pipes were filled with water in the winter - now no one can vouch for the strength of the seams. As a result, in order to prevent accidents in the future, it was decided to do everything again.

Up the stairs to happiness

Sergei Petrov, his wife and adult daughter enter the entrance of their 5th building. The elevators are not yet working, and their apartment is on the 16th floor. But the ascent is quite fun, with jokes: “Okay, but the descent will be fast!”

“I’ve been on the waiting list for 20 years, since my transfer to service in Moscow,” says Petrov. “I’ve known my apartment number since 2012. For now we’re renting an apartment, but what else is left?”

On the 16th floor - past the currently inactive elevator hall - left and left again. A spacious two-room apartment with a large kitchen and a luxurious living room overlooking the bay window. The walls and ceiling are covered with wallpaper - modest, but fresh. The whole family stands at the huge bay window and falls silent. Just inhaling the air of a new apartment.

“All apartments correspond to the so-called “service housing passport,” explains Alexey Poskotinov, head of the construction department of the Main Directorate for the Arrangement of Troops of the Russian Ministry of Defense, to the future owners. “So if you don’t like something in terms of wallpaper, you’ll forgive me...”

“What about wallpaper, we’ll choose the wallpaper ourselves!” Olga, Sergei Petrov’s wife, says cheerfully. “Give us, most importantly, our walls!”

Military builders plan to complete work on building 5, as well as on neighboring buildings 2, 6, 9 and 22, by June 1 of this year, said Alexey Poskotinov. Then the turn of the second-stage buildings will come - all the released employees will be thrown into them. At the same time, landscaping will be carried out, and the city will be engaged in the construction of a kindergarten and school: the Ministry of Defense has transferred the corresponding plots of land to municipal ownership for this purpose.

In addition to the block on Levoberezhnaya Street, which will have 5,856 apartments, a block on Khoroshevskoye Shosse is also being prepared for delivery (there are 12 buildings and 3,648 apartments). And two residential areas on Bolshaya Ochakovskaya and Sinyavinskaya streets have already been commissioned and are being occupied. In total, in these four areas, which were started by a private contractor and completed by the Ministry of Defense, there are more than 16 thousand apartments for Moscow officers.