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What will happen in the market where it exists. Test test for the chapter “Economics” of the course “Social Studies. Indirect taxes include

Please indicate the only correct answer:

Topic 1. 1. When economists talk about the need for economic

I mean, they mean:

a) creating savings;

b) extracting maximum benefit from what is available

c) study of economics;

d) the need to spend as little money as possible.

2. The production possibilities curve illustrates:

a) the impact of scarcity and opportunity cost on general

b) the advantage of producing butter instead of guns;

c) changes in the price of various products;

d) the alternative cost of producing either guns or

more oil.

3. Which of the following provisions is not relevant

to defining the subject of economic theory?

a) efficient use of natural resources;

b) unlimited production resources;

c) sugar production and its price dynamics.

Answers: 1. b, 2. d, 3. b.

Topic 2. 1. The market exists:

a) where consumers express desires and needs;

c) where traders express desires and needs;

d) where sellers and buyers exchange goods and


2. In the circular model, households:

a) act as subjects in the resource market;

b) act as subjects in the product market;

c) act as subjects in the income market;

d) answers a and b are correct;

e) answers a, b, c are correct.

3. Households ensure their subsistence

a) sales of goods and services;

b) sales of factors of production;

c) government subsidies.

Answers: 1. d, 2. d, 3. b.

Topic 3. 1. What happens in a market where there is competition,

if supply exceeds demand:

a) consumer demand will increase;

b) producers will increase the output of goods;

c) the market price will fall.

consumer income:

a) essential goods;

b) low quality goods;

c) luxury goods.

3. If two goods are interchangeable, then the price increases by

the first one will call:

a) a fall in demand for another product;

b) an increase in demand for another product;

c) a fall in the quantity demanded of another good.

Answers: 1. c, 2. b, 3. b.

Topic 4. 1. The substitution effect is an increase in demand for a product caused by:

a) a change in the general price level for all goods;

b) offering new substitutes for goods;

c) both answers are correct.

2. Total utility increases when marginal utility:

a) increases or decreases, but is a quantity


b) increases;

c) decreases.

3. If the consumer chooses a combination, the

a point lying on the plane bounded by the budget

down the line, then he:

a) maximizes profit;

b) wants to buy more goods than the budget allows;

c) does not fully use its budget.

Answers: 1. c, 2. a, 3. c.

Topic 5. 1. Entrepreneurship:

a) always profitable;

b) is the prerogative of adults;

c) it is a factor of production.

2. A company that cares about its reputation is interested in

a) only for profit;

b) to find an easy way to increase profits;

c) in the quality, labeling and packaging of the product, safety

ty of the consumer;

d) in reducing production costs due to


3. A corporation is a legal entity. This means:

a) difficult to organize;

b) can attract only a limited number


c) the most common form of business organization;

d) can go to court or prosecute, having

has the right to enter into contracts and must pay taxes.

Answers: 1. c, 2. c, 3. d.

Topic 6. 1. In the short run, a company that maximizes

profit will cease production if it turns out that:

a) the price is less than the minimum average cost;

b) total revenue is less than total variable costs;

C) total revenue is less than total costs.

2. Average total production costs

the minimum value is reached at that volume

products when:

3. Which of the following curves never takes a U-

figurative form:

Answers: 1. b, 2. c, 3. c.

Topic 7. 1. In public communications it is allowed

the existence of monopolies because...

a) there is practically no regulation;

b) competition may harm public interests;

c) enterprises receive financial assistance from outside


d) enterprises are extremely large in size.

2. Markets of perfect and monopolistic competition

have a common feature:

a) produce differentiated products;

b) there are many buyers and sellers operating in the market;

c) the market behavior of each firm depends on the reaction

its competitors.

3. Find one correct answer:

a) the demand curve for a monopoly is always horizontal;

b) the monopoly receives excess profits due to more

high efficiency compared to competitive


c) a monopoly can increase overall profits,

setting different prices for your product at different

Answers: 1. b, 2. b, 3. c.

Topic 8. 1. Marginal product of a production factor in money


a) impossible to determine in perfect conditions


b) represents the selling price of the last unit


c) equal to the change in total revenue at

using an additional factor unit


2. The company reaches a minimum level of costs,

a) the marginal products of factors of production are equal to their

b) the prices of all factors of production are the same;

c) a) and b) incorrect answers.

3. A competitive firm seeking to maximize

profit must hire additional workers in

in the event that:

a) total revenue is less than total costs;

b) marginal product of labor in monetary terms

exceeds the salary rate;

c) the value of the marginal product in monetary terms


Answers: 1. c, 2. c, 3. b.

Topic 9. 1. The role of the state in solving the problem “For whom

produce" is significant if:

a) contributes to strengthening equality in society;

b) promotes economic stabilization;

c) stimulates the growth of economic efficiency.

2. Negative external costs lead to

what is the product:

a) is not produced;

b) is produced in insufficient quantities, and for it

prices are set too low;

c) produced in excessive quantities, and on it

prices are set too high;

3. Macroregulation by the state is:

a) management of all business processes in


b) regulation of distribution processes through

taxes, credit, etc.;

c) directive decision-making for business

Answers: 1. c, 2. c, 3. b.

Topic 10. 1. Which of the following is included in the GNP?

a) the cost of a new textbook at a local bookstore


b) housewife services;

c) purchasing a new share from a broker;

d) buying a used car from a neighbor.

2. Suppose that prices rise and output does not

is changing. Under these conditions, GNP, measured in current

current prices will be:

a) increase;

b) unchangeable;

c) decrease;

d) cause prices to fall.

3. What might happen if the government increases

your expenses at full employment?

a) prices will fall;

b) prices will rise;

c) mass unemployment occurs;

d) government debt will increase.

Answers: 1. a, 2. a, 3. b.

Topic 11. 1. The shift of the aggregate demand curve to the right cannot


a) an increase in the price level and a fall in real volume

GNP at the same time;

b) an increase in the price level and real GNP


c) growth in real GNP in the absence of an increase

2. The aggregate supply curve reflects the relationship

difference between:

a) the price level and the consumed volume of GNP in real


b) the price level and the produced volume of GNP in real

nom expression;

3. If the produced volume of GNP in real terms

is less than the equilibrium value, then producers:

a) increase production inventories and expand


b) reduce inventories and expand


c) increase inventories and reduce


Answers: 1. a, 2. b, 3. b.

Topic 12. 1. Supply-side inflation is developing

due to:

a) a shift of the aggregate demand curve to the left;

b) shift of the aggregate demand curve to the right;

c) a shift in the aggregate supply curve.

2. A downward trend in gross investment appears

during the period when:

a) sales growth rates increase;

b) the level of sales growth remains unchanged;

c) sales growth rates are falling.

3. Which of the phenomena does not correspond to the period

economic recession?

a) reduction in the volume of unemployment benefits;

b) reduction in tax revenues;

c) reduction of investments in equipment with a long

service life.

Answers: 1. c, 2. c, 3. a.

Topic 13. 1. Pronounced anti-inflationary fiscal

The policy suggests:

a) increasing the level of taxation and reducing

government spending;

b) increased taxes and a higher level of government


c) reduction in both tax revenues and government

TV expenses.

2. If the government proposes to increase the level

real NNP, it can:

a) reduce taxes;

b) reduce transfer payments;

c) reduce the level of budget deficit.

3. Select the letter with the answer “true”:

a) as a result of the implementation of fiscal policy

government spending is reduced;

b) the state budget deficit is not related to

the size of net exports;

c) even a balanced budget can be

used to reduce unemployment and

overcoming depression.

Answers: 1. a, 2. a, 3. c.

Topic 14. 1. If the Central Bank strives to increase the volume of GNP,

which of the listed measures should he not take?


a) increasing investment spending in order to

increase the level of overall expenses;

b) raising interest rates in order to make

loans more attractive for owners


c) increasing the availability of credit;

2. The term “open market operations” means:

a) lending activities of commercial banks

firms and population;

b) the activities of the Central Bank in providing loans

commercial banks;

c) the activities of the Central Bank for purchase or sale

government securities.

3. If the Central Bank raises the discount rate, then this

a measure that is part of monetary policy, together with

other measures are aimed primarily at:

a) a decrease in the total amount of commercial reserves

b) an increase in the total volume of commercial reserves

c) stimulating the growth of household savings.

Answers: 1. b, 2. c, 3. a.

Topic 16. 1. Spain decides to establish control over foreign

trade in order to reduce the payment deficit

balance. One of the results of this decision will be:

a) decrease in Spanish imports;

b) decrease in Spanish exports;

c) a decrease in the trade balance.

2. If under the regime of fixed exchange rates

Japan's inflation rate will be higher than in

other countries, then:

a) Japanese exports and imports will decrease;

b) Japanese exports will increase and imports will decrease;

C) Japanese exports will decrease and imports will increase.

3. An integral part of a country’s balance of payments is the account

current payments – does not include:

a) changes in the country's assets abroad;

b) merchandise exports;

c) net income from investments;

d) transport services to foreign countries.

Answers: 1. a, 2. c, 3. a.

Tests for the “Economics” chapter of the “Social Studies” course

1. Choose the correct statement:

A) human desires are limited;

B) resources are limitless;

C) only underdeveloped countries and poor people have a shortage problem;

D) people must always make choices when using resources.

2. Payment for the use of capital or profit from its use is called:

A) rent;

B) salary;

B) percentage;

D) profit.

3. In a competitive market, what will happen if supply exceeds demand?

A) consumer demand will increase;

B) producers will increase production of goods;

B) the market price will fall;

D) the market price will rise.

4. Entrepreneurship…

A) always profitable;

B) benefits only the rich;

B) harms society;

D) is never without risk.

5. Shareholders receive a portion of corporate income in the form of:

A) wages;

B) percent;

B) dividends;

D) increasing the cost of capital.

6. Who will suffer least from inflation:

A) borrowers;

B) creditors;

B) bank depositors;

D) holders of common shares.

7. The state budget becomes deficit as soon as...

A) taxes are reduced;

B) government expenditures exceed revenues;

B) taxes increase;

D) government spending increases.

8. Value of money:

A) can increase and decrease;

B) always unchanged;

B) rises when prices rise;

D) increases over time.

9. The greatest liquidity has:

A) gold;

B) cash;

B) bank deposits;

D) real estate.

10. What consequences does productivity growth not lead to:

A) to GDP growth;

B) to increased profits;

B) to an increase in production costs;

D) to an increase in income from labor.

11. Goods used for the production of other goods are:

A) factors of production;

B) fixed capital;

B) information;

D) entrepreneurial activity.

12. Simultaneous and complete satisfaction of all needs is impossible due to:

A) inefficient use of labor;

B) incorrect economic decision-making;

B) limited economic resources;

D) lack of management culture.

13. Maximum results at minimum costs are:

A) rational housekeeping;

B) increasing labor productivity;

C) maximum satisfaction of needs;

D) efficiency of social production.

14. Which of the fundamental economic questions is “what?”, “how?” and “for whom?” production can only be decided at the macroeconomic level:

A) what goods to produce?

B) what is the expected inflation rate?

C) how many goods and services to produce?

D) Who will produce goods and services?

15. Solvent need is:

A) desire;

B) usefulness;

B) volume of purchases;

16. The law of demand is that if the price of a product falls, the volume of purchases:

A) grows; B) falls;

B) does not change; D) infinite.

17. An increase in prices for materials necessary for the production of product X will cause:

A) a shift in the demand curve upward (or to the right);

B) a shift of the supply curve upward (or to the left);

B) shift of the supply and demand curve upward;

D) a shift in the supply curve downward (or to the right).

18. If demand falls, the demand curve shifts:

A) down and left;

B) clockwise rotation;

B) up and to the right;

D) counterclockwise rotation

19. Investments with the aim of subsequently making a profit are:

A) investments;

B) costs;

B) costs;

D) capital.

20. The difference between the final cost of a product and the cost of materials used for its production is:

A) gross profit;

B) added value;

D) depreciation.

Key to the test

(There is only one correct answer in each option.)

1. The market demand curve shows:

1) how the consumption of the good will decrease when the income of buyers decreases;

2) at what price the vast majority of transactions will be carried out;

3) that consumers tend to buy more goods at higher prices;

4) how much of a good consumers want and can purchase per unit of time at different prices.

2. Other things being equal, a shift of the supply curve to the right leads to:

1) to an increase in the equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity;

2) to a decrease in the equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity;

3) to an increase in the equilibrium price and a decrease in the equilibrium quantity;

4) to a decrease in the equilibrium price and an increase in the equilibrium quantity.

3. What will happen in a competitive market if the supply exceeds the demand?

1) consumer demand will increase;

2) producers will increase production of goods;

3) the market price will fall;

4) the market price will rise.

4. When the quantity of wood demanded increases, the demand for nails also increases. When the demand for wood decreases, the demand for nails decreases. Economists would say that timber and nails:

1) non-related goods; 2) interchangeable goods;

3) complementary goods; 4) elastic goods.

5. Increasing demand and supply at the same time:

1) will lead to an increase in the equilibrium price;

2) will leave the equilibrium price unchanged;

3) will reduce the equilibrium price;

4) can lead to any of the above consequences.

6.From the list below, select a situation that can be represented by the following graph.

1) increase in electricity tariffs;
2) the chocolate market after a good harvest of cocoa beans;
3) reduction of tax on the manufacturer of the goods;
4) opening of new companies in the industry producing this product

7. The figure shows the situation on the market for elite teas: demand line D has moved to a new position D1

This movement may be associated primarily with (with)

1) growth in income of the population;

2) changes in weather conditions caused by the onset of autumn;

3) reduction in prices for elite coffee varieties;

4) a significant increase in the number of tea suppliers

9. From the list below, select a situation that can be represented by the following graph


1) increase in equilibrium price; 2) decrease in the seller’s revenue;
3) increase in the quantity of goods sold; 4) cancellation of subsidies for this product

A. cyclical 1. associated with unequal production volumes in industries in different periods

B. seasonal 2. occurs during periods of reduction and decline in production (during economic crises)

B. structural 3. arises as a result of technological changes in the economy

GNP measures the level of wealth of a country

Indirect taxes include

B.income tax

B. value added tax

D. income tax

Adaptation policy is aimed at adjusting to inflation

Economic Theory Test

Option 2.

Select the correct answer:

  1. If the state uses all human and material resources, then a larger amount of any product

A. can only be produced by a private entrepreneur, not by the state

B. can be produced only by reducing the production of some other goods.

B. can be produced only with a general decrease in prices.

G. cannot be produced.

2. What do they mean when they say that every economic system is faced with the fact of limited resources:

A. poor states face limitations, but rich ones were able to overcome this problem.

B. productive resources are never sufficient to satisfy all human needs.

B. in any economy there are periods of recession when there are limited resources.

3. The opportunity cost of building a new school is...

A. money to pay teachers for the new school.

B. costs of building a new school at current prices.

B. annual tax amount.

D. other goods and services that will have to be given up in favor of building a new school.

Official reduction in the value of a currency.

A. denomination.

B. devaluation.

B. inflation.

Withdrawal of money from circulation.

A. emissions

B. remission

B. inflation

6. Currency is...

A. the monetary unit of one country expressed in the monetary unit of another country.

B. monetary unit of the country, its type.

B. face value of banknotes.

7. Money circulation formula M*V=P*Q. Increase in quantity goods and services sold (Q) will lead to an increase

A. circulation speed (V)

B. mass of money in circulation (M)

B. average price of goods and services (P)

8. Goods of elastic demand include:

A. loaf of bread

B. electric guitar

B. milk

D. Plastic surgery for cosmetic purposes

In a competitive market, what happens if supply exceeds demand?

A. consumer demand will increase.

B. producers will increase the output of goods

B. the market price will fall

D. The market price will rise.

10. If a change in price does not lead to a significant change in supply, then...

A. demand will be elastic.

B. supply is not elastic.

B. demand is not elastic.

11. Moving down the supply curve means:

A. a decrease in product volume on the market under the influence of falling prices for these goods

B. growth in the volume of goods on the market under the influence of increased prices

B. an increase in the volume of goods on the market under the influence of falling prices for these goods.

12. The law of demand states that:

A. the higher the price, the lower the demand.

B. the higher the price, the higher the demand.

B. the higher the supply, the higher the demand

D. the lower the supply, the higher the demand.

13. The price of shoes may increase due to...

A. introduction of new machines that reduce the cost of one pair of shoes

B. increasing capital investment by producers

B. total revenue decreases as price decreases.

D. A decrease in the supply of shoes.

14. Demand for a product is elastic when...

A. total revenue increases as price decreases.

B. total revenue decreases as price decreases.

B. price changes do not affect total revenue.

The most important thing for a market economy is

A. effective trade unions

B. government regulation

B. actions of entrepreneurs

D. Active competition in the market

What is a permanent deficit in a command economy?

A. money

B. resources

B. goods and services

D. smart products

17. The order of the head of state stated that, until further instructions, all types of banking operations in the country would be stopped. Similar methods apply to... system

A. traditional

B. market

V. command

G. mixed

Competitors cannot enter a market where they dominate

A. monopoly

B. pure competition

B. oligopoly

D. monopolistic competition

Test task on the topic “Interaction of supply and demand” (discipline “Economic Theory”)

Explanatory note:

This test was designed to test knowledge on the topic “Interaction of supply and demand” in the discipline “Economic Theory” for first-year students of both economic and non-economic specialties at institutions of higher and secondary vocational education. This test can be used at the end of a lesson and requires individual work by each student.

The test consists of 15 questions. Some questions have multiple correct answer options. The test also contains a task to establish correspondence and complement judgments.

The test time is 20-30 minutes.

Test tasks on the topic “Interaction of supply and demand”

1. The market demand curve shows:

a) how will the consumption of a good decrease if the income of buyers decreases?

b) at what price the vast majority of transactions will be carried out;

c) that consumers tend to buy more goods at higher prices

d) how much of a good consumers want and can purchase per unit of time at different prices

2. Other things being equal, a shift of the supply curve to the right leads to:

a) to an increase in the equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity;

b) to a decrease in the equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity;

c) to an increase in the equilibrium price and a decrease in the equilibrium quantity

d) to a decrease in the equilibrium price and an increase in the equilibrium quantity

3. What will happen to the yoghurt supply curve if the price of yoghurt decreases by 2 times, other things being equal?

a) the supply curve will shift to the right

b) the supply curve will shift to the left

c) the supply curve will not change its position

d) none of the above applies

4. What will happen in a competitive market if the supply exceeds the demand?

a) consumer demand will increase

b) producers will increase production of goods

c) the market price will fall

d) the market price will rise

5. When new manufacturers appear in a competitive market, most likely:

a) the equilibrium price will increase

b) demand will increase

c) supply will decrease

d) the equilibrium price will decrease

6. Increasing demand and supply at the same time:

a) will lead to an increase in the equilibrium price

b) will leave the equilibrium price unchanged

c) will reduce the equilibrium price

d) can lead to any of the above consequences

7. The law of supply states that:

a) buyers will buy more goods at low prices than at high prices

b) sellers will produce more goods if prices are higher rather than lower.

c) the quantity of goods offered for sale does not depend on price

D) consumers buy more goods at high prices than at low prices.

8. When the quantity of wood demanded increases, the demand for nails also increases. When the demand for wood decreases, the demand for nails decreases. Economists would say that timber and nails:

a) unrelated goods

b) interchangeable goods

c) complementary goods

d) elastic goods

9. The functions of the free market in the economic system include:

a) informational

b) general economic

c) pricing

d) control

10. The quantity of goods or services that will be purchased at a certain price over a certain period is...

a) quantity demanded

b) quantity supplied

c) law of demand

d) law of supply

11. Non-price factors influencing demand include:

a) changes in tastes and preferences

b) technology

c) an increase or decrease in the number of buyers in the market

d) the number of sellers in the market

12. The price that balances supply and demand as a result of the action of competitive forces is called...

a) market

b) equilibrium

c) equilibrium market

d) balanced

13. Complete the judgment

The degree of change of one quantity under the influence of another is called

14. Match

a) elasticity index is greater than 1

1) inelastic demand

b) elasticity index is less than 1

2) the price change is proportional to the change in demand

c) the elasticity index is 1

3) elastic demand

15. To understand the function of a proposal, the time factor is important. In this case, market periods do not include... the period:

a) the shortest

b) short-term

c) medium term

d) long-term


Validation Tool

For each correctly solved problem and correct answer to the test, one point is awarded. Next, the percentage of points is calculated (the sum of points received by the student is divided by the maximum possible number of points and multiplied by 100%).

Thus, the following ratings are given:

100% - 90% - “excellent”

89% - 75% - “good”

74% - 60% “satisfactory”

59% or less – “not satisfactory”