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How do salaries differ in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine? Standard of living in Belarus: wages, prices of goods and housing Dynamics of wages

The devaluation of the ruble and the general economic crisis in the Russian Federation have led to the fact that wages in Belarus and Russia in dollar terms in many industries have now become almost the same. This is shown by calculations by the Higher School of Economics and the Institute of Social Policy. The study used both an assessment of nominal wages and accounting

If in 2011 the Russian Federation was ahead of the CIS countries by 40%, now there is no such gap with Belarus at all. And this is due to the fall of the Russians. In January 2016, the average salary in Belarus in rubles was 21.98 thousand. Just this month, the national currency was redenominated for the third time in the history of independence.

What is the salary in Belarus: general information

Until 1991, the country was part of the USSR. In January, the salary in Belarus was 266 rubles, in December - 1109. You need to understand that in 1994, 2000 and 2016. denomination of the national currency was carried out by 10, 1000 and 10000 times, respectively. The exchange rate (ruble) as of October 20, 2016 to the Russian one is 1 to 32.84.

From the very beginning, inflation proceeded at a fairly high pace. In December 1994 it reached 248,922 thousand rubles. The denomination carried out in August 1994 helped only partly. continued to grow.

Already in September 1994, salaries again began to be calculated in six figures. In June 1995, the pre-reform level was reached. In December 1999, the average salary in Belarus was 34,871,899 rubles. And this is at an exchange rate to the Russian currency of 1 to 0.000077. That is, in rubles it is 2865, that is, two times less than in 1994.

After the denomination, the average salary in January 2000 was 36,659 rubles. The exchange rate to the Russian currency was 1 to 301.7. Six-digit salaries in Belarus began to be calculated due to inflation already in March 2001. However, the rate of currency depreciation has slowed significantly. After the next redenomination in January 2016, the average salary in Belarus was 655.22 rubles. In rubles - 21517.42. In August 2016, the average salary was 750.3 rubles.

Features of the denomination

After gaining independence and introducing its own national currency, the country experienced huge rates of inflation. To date, three denominations have already been held in Belarus:

  • In August 1994. Then the salary “decreased” 10 times. In July it was 815.459 Belarusian rubles, and in August - 89.723. The exchange rate to the Russian currency at that time was 1 to 0.0185.
  • In January 2000. Then the Belarusian ruble was denominated 1000 times. If in December 1999 the average salary was a fabulous 34,871,899 Belarusians. rubles, then in January 2000 it was “reduced” to 36.659.
  • In January 2016. If in December 2015 the average salary was 74,224,092 Belarusian rubles, then at the beginning of 2016 it was only 655.2. Thus, the Belarusian currency was denominated this time 10,000 times.

The latest denomination made it possible to significantly strengthen the currency. And the crisis in the Russian economy allows us to talk about the level of Belarusian salaries in dollar equivalent exceeding Russian ones in the near future. And this is the forecast of the Higher School of Economics. Interestingly, back in 2011, Belarus lagged behind Russia in this indicator by as much as 40%.

By region

In 2015, according to the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, real wages increased only in the capital by 1.1%. In all other regions it decreased by an average of 3%. The average salary in the country in 2015 was 6.7 million Belarusian rubles. The exchange rate to the Russian currency during this period was 1 to 38.78. The regional salary breakdown looked like this:

  • Capital - 8,872,477 Belarusian rubles.
  • Minsk region - 6,667,886.
  • Gomel - 6,095,879.
  • Grodno - 5.920.433.
  • Vitebsk - 5.805.342.
  • Mogilevskaya - 5.799.081.
  • Brestskaya - 5.757.018.

By area of ​​economic activity

The largest salaries in Belarus were paid in rubles to financiers. They received almost 300 thousand in Russian currency. If you arrange the areas of economic activity in descending order of wages in Belarus, you will get the following list:

  • Financial activities.
  • Operations with real estate.
  • Mining industry.
  • Research and development.
  • Construction.
  • Production and distribution of gas, electricity and water.
  • Communications and transport.
  • Industry.
  • Manufacturing industries.
  • Trade, repair of cars and household appliances.
  • Healthcare.
  • Agriculture.
  • Education.
  • Hotel business.
  • Fishing.

In the capital

If we consider the situation in 2015 in the city of Minsk, then the average salary here was 344 million rubles. The highest paid were financial workers. If we look at salaries in each sector in the capital, the top five most expensive professions are as follows:

  • Financial activities. The average salary in Minsk in rubles is 542 million.
  • Operations with real estate. The average salary in Minsk in rubles is 493 million.
  • Research and development. The average salary in Minsk in rubles is 357 million.
  • Production and distribution of gas, electricity and water. The average salary in Minsk in rubles is 352 million.
  • Construction. The average salary in Minsk in rubles is 352 million.

TOP 10

According to 2013 data, the highest salaries in Belarus were offered for the following positions:

  • Marketing director at a mobile application development company. Estimated earnings - 8,000 US dollars. In December 2013, the ratio of American and Russian currencies was 1 to 32.88.
  • Wholesale sales manager for the holding. Estimated earnings - 6,850 US dollars.
  • Financial director of a management company for a large distribution and logistics group. Estimated salary - 5,000 US dollars.
  • Financial director in a large manufacturing company. Estimated income - 5,000 US dollars.
  • Director of transport and warehouse logistics in a large retail chain. Estimated income - 5,000 US dollars.
  • Director of the IT department in a large foreign company. Estimated income - 4,000-5,000 US dollars.
  • Territory manager in a wholesale company. Estimated income - $4,000.
  • Marketing Director at a distribution and logistics holding. Estimated earnings - 4,000 US dollars.
  • Director of Property Management. Estimated income - 4,000 US dollars.
  • Director of a company for the construction of energy centers and boiler houses. Estimated income - 4,000 US dollars.

Minimum salary in Belarus

The lowest wage in the state is fixed by law. Its establishment occurs every year. Moreover, it can be indexed in accordance with economic realities. In 2015, the minimum wage in Belarus was 2,100,100 Belarusian rubles. This amount was indexed three times. Taking into account the adjustment of the minimum wage to economic realities, in January it was already 2,391,769 BYN. rubles The exchange rate to the Russian ruble as of October 21, 2016 is 1 to 32.84. However, after the redenomination, from June 1, the minimum wage was set at 239 Belarusian rubles. rubles 18 kopecks. In September, this amount was indexed. Now the minimum wage in Belarus is 239.48 BYN. rubles or 7864.52 Russian rubles.

In December 2016, compared to the same period in 2015, dollar wages in Russia and Ukraine increased. In Belarus they remained virtually unchanged. What is happening on the labor market in three countries, what to expect in 2017 - comments our economic observer Dmitry Ivanovich.

In December 2016, wages in Belarus amounted to 801.6 Belarusian rubles ($408.3). Compared to December 2015, they increased by only $1.2.

In Russia, salaries increased by $142 over the year. In Ukraine, in December last year, compared to December the year before, average earnings increased by $24.

Dynamics of wages in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine in 2015–2016, in $

Thus, in December 2016, wages in Russia were 1.87 times higher than wages in Belarus. And 3.1 times - wages in Ukraine.

At the end of 2016, average salaries in Belarus were 65% higher than in Ukraine.

Dynamics of wages in Belarus and Ukraine in 2015-2016, as a percentage of the average monthly wage in Russia

Here are regional salaries in three countries at the end of last year:

Average salary in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine in December 2016, in $

Belarus the only one of the three countries in which in December last year in some regions wages in dollar equivalent did not increase compared to December 2015.

The level of wages in Belarus is oriented towards the Russian one. However, attempts to overcome the level of 80% of wages in Russia ended in our country:

  • Devaluation processes
  • A return to the average salary range of 55%–65% of Russian

Until the recovery of the Ukrainian economy, the Belarusian labor market was of interest to specialists from this country. However, last year interest in the Belarusian labor market decreased significantly. The number of migration influx of Ukrainian citizens is decreasing:

  • In 2015, taking into account those who left, 9.7 thousand citizens of Ukraine came to Belarus
  • In 2016 - 3.7 thousand

Of the three countries, Belarus has the lowest level of bonus payments at the end of the year - within 10-15% of the salary in November 2016.

Russia the only one of the three countries in which the national currency has strengthened. This has had a large positive impact on wages in dollar terms. As a result, wages in Russian rubles increased by 9.6%, in dollars - by 22.8%.

Wage growth occurred against the backdrop of neutral dynamics in the economy.

Salaries in December 2016 in all Russian regions exceeded $400:

  • The maximum level was noted in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - $1,852. This region also leads in absolute salary growth over 12 months - by $422.
  • In 10 regions, Moscow and St. Petersburg, as of December they paid $1000+

Russia is characterized by the highest level of bonus payments at the end of the year - on average, December salaries are 30% higher than November ones.

Ukraine the only one of the three countries in which the tax burden on the payroll fund has significantly decreased over the past two years:

  • After the reform carried out in the country, the single social contribution has been reduced from 41 to 22% since 2016.
  • Another 18% is personal income tax and 1.5% is military duty

A reduction in the tax burden could have a more significant impact on wage growth. However, employers kept most of the savings and reduced their costs. According to various estimates, 40% of social contribution payers declare minimum earnings. Every second worker in the country receives a salary in an envelope. For these reasons, the real level of wages in Ukraine differs significantly from Ukrstat data.

Regionally, dollar wages have increased in all regions. The highest, in Kyiv, amounted to $423 in December. In all other regions of Ukraine, workers did not receive an average of more than $270. A year earlier, with the exception of Kyiv, the maximum salary level did not exceed $250.

Bonus payments at the end of the year in Ukraine range from 15% to 20% of the salary in November.

The highest paid activities

Data: Belstat, Rosstat, Ukrastat, own calculations

In the highest paying activities in all three countries, wages increased over 12 months. The financial sector leads in terms of wages in Russia and is one of the three highest paid sectors in Belarus and Ukraine. A high level is noted in the field of scientific research and development. In Belarus, he was not among the highest paid, but exceeds the average wage in the country.

Low-wage sectors of the economy in the three countries include agriculture, textiles, hotels and catering.


Russia and Ukraine had minimum wage levels in 2015. Since then, wages in these countries have been increasing. There are economic prerequisites for this (growth of industrial production, growth of financial indicators of enterprises) for a further increase in wages. An additional factor for Russia may be a reduction in the working-age population due to demographic processes.

The situation in Belarus depends on the willingness of the authorities to reform the current economic model. It is unable to achieve its goal of raising wages to $500 without a significant amount of external assistance.

In Ukraine, real salaries are higher than declared ones. Making adjustments to regulatory documents on the taxation system can significantly increase the official level of remuneration.

The conflict situation between Russia and Ukraine will not contribute to the flow of labor migrants. If the entry regime into the EU is simplified, specialists from Ukraine may find themselves on a more interesting European market in terms of salary.

The Belarusian market will cease to be attractive for Ukrainian citizens.

Wages indicate the standard of living of people in a country. The average salary in Belarus (minimum wage) is calculated using the arithmetic average method. This means that when calculating the SWP, the entire volume of the Federal Law is summed up and divided among the employed population.

According to a sociological survey for 2016, only 15.6% of the population are satisfied with their standard of living. Such data can be explained by the fact that in 2015 only a third of the working population could boast of an average level of earnings and, accordingly, living standards. Although the majority of Belarusians note material stability, the social sphere suffers.

Over the past few years, from 2015-2017, the situation has changed for the worse due to the crisis. The local currency in the country has weakened significantly, which is why in 2016 they made a denomination and cut off the zeros in many thousands of Belarusian rubles.

According to experts, the standard of living in the country will decline in the next 5 years. The situation will affect the middle class the most.

Features of life in Belarus for 2018:

  • free medicine;
  • quality roads, cleanliness;
  • absence of corruption;
  • unemployment rate 1.1%.

Salary dynamics

The national currency of the Republic of Belarus is the Belarusian ruble. After the redenomination, the currency was cut by four zeros. In the charts, data is indicated in the old currency. If before the denomination people received salaries in millions, then after the 2016 nomination they began to receive in rubles: 100 den. rubles. = 1 million Bel. rubles

The minimum wage as of January 1, 2017 was 265 den. rub. In August 2017 it remains at the same level. Compared to 2016, the minimum salary increased by 11% and amounted to 230 den. rub.

Table. Dynamics of growth of the minimum salary in the Republic of Belarus in the period from 2000 to 2017:

Year Minimum salary in Belarusian rubles.
2000 The minimum salary was 3600. Since January 2000, it was 2200, but it rose twice by 8.4% and 61%.
2001 The minimum wage increased three times in a year. By March 2001 it amounted to 5,700, by July it increased by 31%, and in December it was already 10,000.
2002 Increased over the year by 70% and amounted to 17,000.
2003 Increased by 139% by January 1, 2003 and amounted to 40,600.
2004 By January it had risen by 100%, and by November 2004 it reached 128,390.
2005 Remained in the same place, rose only by 470 rubles, which is equal to 0.1%
2006 It increased by 22% and amounted to 156,900.
2007 The salary was 179050.
2008 By January it increased by 16% and amounted to 208,800.
2009 Equal to 229700
2010 By January it increased by 12.5%, and by November it was exactly 400,000.
2011 The indicator has grown almost every month since May 2011. In May it was 491,920, in June it increased by 10%, in July by another 8%, in August by 4.7%, and in September it amounted to 687,730. By December, the minimum salary increased to 925,520, which is 131% more than the previous one year.
2012 The mark was raised to RUB 1,000,000. However, throughout the year the rate was raised every month. By December it grew by 10%
2013 By the end of the year, the minimum salary increased to 1,532,230. This is 38% higher than the previous year.
2014 Over the year, the rate increased 8 times, by December it reached 1,841,483.
2015 Increased by 13.5% and amounted to 2,100,000.
2016 With the denomination, the salary became equal to 230 den. rubles.
2017 Equal to 265 den. rub.

Average salary

The average salary indicator indicates the level of remuneration. Productivity depends entirely on it. In order for an organization to make a profit and the economy to remain at an appropriate level, it is necessary that the growth in salary be lower than labor productivity.

By July 2017, the average salary of the Republic of Belarus was 827.5 rubles, which is equal to 426 US dollars. Below you can trace the growth dynamics of the FFP against the US dollar since 2014.

Dynamics of average wages in the Republic of Belarus in dollars from 2014 to 2017.

Comparative analysis of the average salary for 2014-2017. showed that the income of Belarusians increased by 147 den. rubles, but in dollar equivalent the average salary, on the contrary, decreased by $180. Let's consider the average monthly salary in the Republic of Belarus from 2013 to 2017.

Average monthly salary in Belarus from 2013 to 2017.

The accrued salary of employees in January 2013 amounted to 436.8 den. rubles. (translated), which is 390.7 den. rub. less compared to September 2017. There was an increase in salary by 89% over 4 years. In 2017, average wages grew every month. Compared to January 2017, there was an increase of 14.9% to July 2017.

You can trace the dynamics of average wage growth relative to the closest neighbors of the Republic of Belarus - Ukraine and Russia:

Dynamics of wages in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine in 2015-2016.

Thus, in December 2016, wages in the Republic of Belarus were $18 lower compared to 2017. However, the country was significantly ahead of Ukraine by $161 and behind the Russian Federation by $357. High earnings in Russia also correspond to the satisfaction of the population, which cannot be said about Ukraine, where people are completely dissatisfied with the economic situation in the country. The Republic of Belarus is in an average position and is far from the poorest country among the countries of the former Soviet Union. Although the general atmosphere remained the same as under the USSR.

Average salary by region

The Republic of Belarus is divided into six regions. You can see the leading areas by average salary using the following table:

Average salary by regions and leading districts in the Republic of Belarus for 2016

According to data for 2016, the leading position is occupied by Soligorsk district 1293.5. In terms of wages, it is 10.9% ahead of the capital of the Republic of Belarus. Many people are interested in: what is the salary in Minsk? It is noteworthy that the capital is not ahead in terms of salaries of a small district of the Gomel region - Soligorsk. In Minsk, wages still remain high relative to other regions of Belarus and even relative to the Minsk region. The graph shows that the region lags behind the capital's earnings by 30%.

Next come Brest and Gomel regions at 39% relative to Minsk. The Grodno and Vitebsk regions were not far behind at 40.8% and 41.9%. The last place in salary by region is occupied by the Mogilev region - 666 rubles. This figure is 42% lower than capital earnings. The lowest ZPRB is in the Sharkovshchinsky district of the Vitebsk region.

Average wages by industry

The most paid industry in the Republic of Belarus is aviation and information technology. The average salary is 2082-3500 den. rub. – this is approximately 1073-1804 US dollars. Financiers and insurers are not far behind. RUB 2,790. Belarusians working in the technical and oil refining industries earn on average from 1212 to 1166.2 den. rubles. This is approximately $600. Telecommunications employees are not far behind them. Engineers and architects receive an average of 970 rubles. The following is a table of average earnings for some industries for 2016:

Industry Average salary
Information Technology 3500,6
Financial services and insurance industry 2790-1915
Production of chemical products 1534,6
Research and development 1445,8
Activities in the field of law, accounting 1272,7
Vehicle production 1057,7
Food production 919,1
Construction 809
Activities in the field of culture and sports 802,1
Retail 704
Forestry 661
Healthcare 648
Tourist activities 635
Catering services 587
Education 542
Activities of libraries and museums 444,4
Social service activities 435, 3

The amount of salary directly depends on the person’s profession and labor productivity. For 2016-2017, the most popular specialties in the labor market are:

  • manager, trade specialist, sales representative;
  • general workers: builders, drivers, masons, loaders, painters;
  • sellers;
  • engineering specialties;
  • accountant;
  • teachers, doctors, cooks, seamstresses.

The demand for a profession does not mean high wages. You can note the profession of programmers. In 2016, this specialty is one of the highest paid professions in the Republic of Belarus. The lowest income is among social workers and agricultural workers. The average salary in the Republic of Belarus after the crisis at the beginning of 2015 began to change month by month. In January 2016 it was $332, and in February it increased by $50. In March, the FFP was equal to 410.5 dollars.

The size of the salary largely depends on the efficient operation of the country's economy. The current level of the country is completely justified. During the Soviet era, Belarus had a fairly strong industrial base and was also considered an agricultural country. Now, over the past 20 years, the Republic of Belarus has maintained a developed industry, but lags significantly behind the Russian Federation and other developed countries.

According to statistics, the country experiences crises every 2-3 years and the local currency depreciates. Therefore, many residents are accustomed to keeping their savings in dollars.

Although the ZP currently allows citizens to live without poverty. In the country, according to statistics for 2016, 37% of the population belongs to the middle class. For foreigners and those working abroad and earning dollars, living in the Republic of Belarus will be quite convenient.

The salary level in the Eurasian Union largely depends on the chosen profession and region of residence. The average salary in Belarus today is 500 US dollars.

The Republic of Belarus is effectively developing within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union. The goal set by President Alexander Lukashenko to increase the average salary to the level of 500 US dollars was achieved at the end of 2018. In Minsk, the average salary is significantly higher – $650.

What is the average salary and what is it in Belarus?

From a mathematical point of view, the average salary is simply the arithmetic average of all salaries in the country. The statistics include only those people who are registered as workers. Salaries in envelopes are not taken into account in statistics; most often, people’s income received abroad is not taken into account. Therefore, in fact, the real salaries of Belarusians may turn out to be slightly higher than 1000 rubles per month (hereinafter, rubles are understood everywhere as Belarusian rubles, the exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble to the dollar is 2:1).

According to the situation as of December 2018, wages in Belarus almost reached 500 US dollars. Since January 2017, the average salary in the country has increased by almost 40%. So, in January 2017 it was 720 rubles.

If we compare average salaries by region, the situation in Minsk is much better than in the provinces. The difference between salaries in rich and poor areas can differ by more than 2 times. Thus, in Minsk the average salary in September 2018 was more than 1,320 rubles. In Mogilev, the same figure does not exceed 911 rubles. In Gomel, the average salary in September was 912 rubles. Salaries are slightly higher in the western cities of Belarus - in Brest (977 rubles) and Grodno (961).

The Mstislavsky district is considered the poorest region in Belarus. It is located in the Mogilev region. Average salaries in the region are no more than 600 rubles.

More than $500 is received only in Minsk, as well as in Soligorsk, Zhodino, Novopolotsk. Only the last city belongs to the Gomel region, the rest are located in the Minsk region, the average salary of which is slightly above $500.

It is interesting that only in 7 regions the average salary was higher than 1000 rubles. This means that the standard of living in the regions is slightly lower than in the capital.

How does the average salary affect the poverty level in Belarus?

The level of wages directly affects the level of poverty in the country. In 2018, more than 5.6% of citizens found themselves below the poverty line. It should be noted that last year the number of poor people was higher – almost 6%.

A person whose average per capita income is below the subsistence level is considered poor. Average per capita income differs from average salary because it includes, among other things, rent (for example, renting an apartment) and other income not related to work. That is, the average per capita income is always higher than or equal to wages.

According to the situation in 2018, approximately 9.5 million people live in the country. According to Belstat statistics, 530 thousand citizens are below the poverty line. This means that their average per capita income is below 214 rubles – the minimum subsistence level in Belarus.

Most of the poor live in the Brest region (8.1%), the least in Minsk. There are practically no poor people in the capital – only 1.2%. Since 2017, the number of poor people has decreased in all regional centers and in the capital. This is not surprising, since in 2018 Belarus’ GDP grew by 4% - this is a significant increase, thanks to which the incomes of most Belarusians have become higher.

Minimum wage in Belarus compared to Ukraine and Russia

The minimum wage plays an important role in characterizing the standard of living of the population. In 2019, the minimum wage in Belarus will be increased to 330 rubles.

Employers cannot pay an employee less than the state-established minimum wage. You can work part-time, then the employee must receive at least half the minimum wage.

The authorities raise the minimum wage at least once a year, depending on changes in the labor market, economic growth, inflation and other indicators. The Ministry of Health is established by officials of the Council of Ministers. It is interesting to compare the MOH in Belarus with other countries.

In the Russian Federation in the second half of this year, the minimum wage was approximately 360 (Belarusian) rubles. As you can see, this is 30 rubles more than in Belarus.

In Ukraine, the minimum wage does not exceed 280 rubles. True, in 2019 the country’s authorities plan to increase it to 316 rubles. This will still be lower than the Belarusian figure of 330 rubles.

The minimum wage in Belarus is higher than the Ukrainian one, but lower than the Russian one. So Belarusians still have room to strive in the area of ​​establishing fair social wage standards. EAEU standards help them in this.

Salaries of Belarusians by profession

The average salary in Belarus at the end of 2018 almost reached the psychologically important mark of 500 US dollars. Next year it is planned to increase it to 1,100 Belarusian rubles. However, not all specialists will be able to earn such income. As we have already noted above, the difference between income in Minsk and the regions can differ by 2.2 times. What about the difference in income in different areas of activity?

There are many professions in Belarus where citizens can earn 1,500 rubles.
Programmers and other IT specialists are beyond competition. For those employed in the field of information technology, the average salary is almost 4,000 rubles. Other specialists can only dream of a similar salary. Moreover, this is an average salary, and high-level professionals receive significantly more.

In second place in terms of salaries are pilots - air transport workers. They receive almost 3,000 rubles.

In third place are employees of insurance companies and specialists in the field of financial services, who receive 2,100 rubles.

Pilots flying cargo planes receive 1,950 rubles.

High average salaries in the mining industry. In October 2018, specialists in this field received more than 1,800 rubles.

Manufacturers of chemical products earn 1,780 rubles.

Manufacturers of coke and petroleum products – 1,730 rubles.

Airport controllers and other air support personnel
transport workers have salaries on average of 1,700 rubles.

Engineers who design and
design expertise. They receive an average of 1,600 rubles per month.

There is a great demand for specialists with knowledge of foreign languages, including Turkish, Croatian and Chinese. For example, a confectionery specialist who knows Turkish will receive more than 10 thousand dollars. A logistics specialist with knowledge of Chinese will be able to qualify for a salary of 6,000 rubles. The Velcom company requires a deputy general director, who must have at least ten years of experience and speak excellent English in order to receive 3,000 rubles.

The usual salary in the range of 700-1000 rubles is received by doctors, accountants, and researchers.

Less paid positions include nurses, agricultural workers, foresters, veterinarians, confectioners, and cooks.

The average salary of a teacher in Minsk is 750 rubles.
A loader can earn 500-600 rubles in the region, and 600-700 rubles in Minsk.

A policeman in the provinces will not be able to claim more than 550 rubles (without serious experience), and a diver will receive 500 rubles.

For artificial insemination of animals in an agricultural holding, a specialist can receive 450-550 rubles.

The lowest salaries are for hairdressers, postmen, kindergarten teachers and seamstresses. On average, they receive only 400-500 rubles per month.

In June, the average wage in Belarus increased again, and quite significantly - both nominally and in reality, taking into account consumer inflation, and in dollar equivalent. Compared to last year, real wages are now lower: prices over the year have increased more than wages. Real wages have been falling for 2 years now, as well as in $ equivalent, where the drop is significant.

In June, the average salary in Belarus increased noticeably

The average accrued wages in June amounted to Br7.387 million, which is Br205 thousand more than in May, and it became the largest so far this year. Nominal wage growth has been going on for the third month in a row. But this (the monthly increase in the national average salary from March to July) happens every year. In 2015, the June salary turned out to be Br196 thousand higher than the May one, in 2014 - by Br143 thousand.

The average salary has not yet reached the December 2015 salary

The average salary of December 2014 remains nominally record, in today's Br-rubles - Br7.424 million. The Br-record may be updated as early as next month.

Over the past 10 years, from June 2006 to June 2016, the average salary has increased nominally by 12.2 times. The basis for this dynamics is inflationary growth, especially since 2011.

Salaries in Belarus over 25 years of independence: inflationary growth hundreds of millions of times

But today's inflationary increase in wages cannot be compared with the period of 1991-95, and is also much less than the period of 1995-99.

If we express today's salaries in the format of 1991, without taking into account the redenominations that took place in Belarus in 1994 (1:10) and 2000 (1:1000), then the June salary of 2016 is 73.87 billion rubles , when in June 1991 there were 455, then still, Soviet rubles.

That is, nominal growth over 25 years amounted to 162 million times (June 2016 to June 1991). For comparison, the same in Ukraine - 1.1 million times, in Russia - 80 thousand times: inflation in Belarus during the post-Soviet period became the highest among all countries of the former USSR.

During the reign of A. Lukashenko, for 21 years, inflationary, mainly, wage growth amounted to 90.6 thousand times (June 2016 to July 1994), and before that, for a 3.5-year period, from January 1991 to July 1994, 3 thousand times.

Real wages in June increased by 2.4% from May

The average accrued salary in June is nominally higher than in May by 2.85%. And consumer inflation in June amounted, according to Belstat, 0.39%. Thus, real wages increased by 2.4% in June. The same thing happened in previous years: in 2015 in June there was real growth by 2.2% compared to May, in 2014 – by 1.2%.

Salaries from June 16th to June 15th, taking into account inflation, are 4.5% less

Compared to June 2015, the national average salary in June 2016 is nominally higher by Br205 thousand or 7.3%. But prices for the year (June 16th to June 15th) increased by 12.0%. The result is a real drop in wages by 4.5%.

The dynamics of real wages (compared to the corresponding month of the previous year) entered the “minus” zone in July 2014, and has been there for 24 months.

Since in June 2015 there was a negative value (-2.0% compared to June 2014), as well as in June 2014 (-0.2% compared to June 2013), it turns out that for 3 years the real salary decreased by 6.6% (June 16th to June 13th).

The dollar equivalent of the average accrued salary in Belarus in June increased by$5

In June, the dollar rose in price by 1.34% (at the rates of the last trading in the month on the BVSE), which, with a twice as large (2.85%) nominal increase in the accrued average salary, led to an increase in the dollar equivalent of the country's average salaries by $5, to $368 .

A year ago, in June 2015, it was $449. The fall for the year thus amounted to $81 (18.0%). The fall over 2 years was $240 (39.5%).

In dollar terms, the national average salary in the reporting June is the level of mid-2009.

Historically, the maximum $-equivalent of average Belarusian salaries was $626 in July 2014 (at the end of the month exchange rate - at the last trading that month on the BVSE). It is obvious that the record will not be updated here for many years, and the maximum that can be expected in 2016 is the achievement (more precisely, the return) of $400 equivalent. And in the worst case scenario (a fall in world oil prices below $35, with this comes another collapse of the Rr-ruble, and with it the Br-ruble) - the level of the crisis months of the devaluation year 2011 - $270-280.

In 1991, the $ equivalent of Belarusian salaries, the national average, was less than $10 at the then market rate. During the period 1992-94. - 20-30 dollars equivalent. Until mid-2000, the average dollar salary in Belarus was less than $100. Although, of course, the purchasing power of the dollar in those years was very high in Belarus.

In July, the dollar has already fallen in price by 0.8% since the beginning of the month, and taking into account the fact that salaries will traditionally increase this month, a more significant increase in the $ equivalent of the average salary in Belarus is expected than in June.

Average annual monthly wage continues to fall

The average accrued wages in Belarus over the last 12 months (from July 2015 to June 2016) is equivalent to $374. The maximum value of the average annual monthly salary remains $592 (2014).

Now there is the third and strongest wave of decline in dollar values ​​of wages over the past more than 15 years: the 1st was in 2009 after a one-time devaluation at the very beginning of the year, the 2nd - during the monetary and financial crisis of 2011, 3rd - after the devaluation of December 2014 - January 2015.

Previous peak values ​​of the average annual salary in $ equivalent: in 2008 - $414 per month, before the 2011 crisis - $437 per month. “Bottom” due to the global crisis of 2008-09. - $356, and due to the 2011 crisis - $314.

In 2016, the average salary in dollars in Belarus is expected to be between $355-365. In 2015 it was $418, in 2014 - $579, in the super-devaluation year 2011 - $333, in the crisis year 2009 - $356, in 2008 - $414.

Salaries in the CIS countries

Previously, 2 or more years ago, in the ranking of CIS countries in terms of the $-equivalent of the average salary, oil and gas Russia was out of reach, while oil and gas Kazakhstan was second. But due to falling prices for hydrocarbons, a reduction in the influx of petrodollars and the weakening of their national currencies, the $ equivalent of average salaries in these countries has decreased significantly.

First, the RR-ruble collapsed (II half of 2014 - 1st half of 2015), and later the ₸-tenge (II half of 2015). A series of devaluations and strengthening of the currencies of Russia and Kazakhstan alternately brought one country or the other ahead in terms of the $-equivalent of average salaries in 2015. But recently, the Rr-ruble has strengthened noticeably and, thereby, has brought the $-equivalent of Russian salaries to the leaders among the CIS countries.

Russia regained sole leadership in this ranking, having recently again raised the $-equivalent of salaries above $500 since March. And this June, the average salary in this country exceeded the $600 mark for the first time in 12 months: according to preliminary data from Rosstat, it amounted to Rr38,590, or $601 at the end of the month exchange rate.

IN Kazakhstan The average national salary in June was, according to the Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy, ₸131,769 thousand. This is equivalent to $389, which is not only much less than the average in 2015 ($579), but also comparable to the level 10 years ago. The bottom of the fall was in January - $348.

Kazakhstan is currently “competing” in terms of salaries with Armenia, where, thanks to the stability of the dram exchange rate (the Armenian dram became the most stable currency in 2015 among the countries not only of the CIS, but also of Eastern Europe, having risen in price even against the euro over the year), the $-equivalent of salaries there it remained at the previously achieved level, when, as elsewhere, it fell. Now the average salary is Armenia close to $400 equivalent.

Not so long ago, Armenian $-salaries were lower than Belarusian ones, but repeated devaluations of the Br-ruble greatly reduced the $-equivalent of accrued salaries Belarus. Previously, the only period of time when the average salary in Belarus was less than not only Armenian, but at some point also Ukrainian and Moldovan was the super-devaluation period of 2011.

Moldova also has not avoided the weakening of its national currency, the leu, against the dollar over the past 2 years. But it was not so significant, and was more related to the strengthening of the dollar itself (the fall of the leu against the euro during this time was generally unnoticeable). Therefore, such a strong reduction in the $-equivalent of wages, as in other CIS countries, did not occur, and its small current size - $250 - is a real result of the economy.

Events of 2014 in Ukraine caused an economic crisis, the withdrawal of currency from the banking system and, as a result, a strong weakening of the hryvnia, which led to a catastrophic drop in the $-equivalent of wages: the average value for 2015 was only $179, and was above $200 only in December. And only since June, after the minimum wage in Ukraine was raised to ₴1,450 ($58) in May, the national average salary has steadily exceeded $200, which was also facilitated by the strengthening of the hryvnia in recent months. By the end of the year, salaries are expected to reach the Moldovan level ($250).

Well, currently Ukrainian salaries are at the level of salaries Kyrgyzstan, where now their average size is just over $200. In this Central Asian country, the exchange rate of the national currency som against the dollar fell by a smaller percentage in the region, despite a strong reduction in the influx of money from Russia from “guest workers,” which did not allow Kyrgyz wages to fall significantly in $ equivalent.

IN Tajikistan However, in the poorest country of the CIS, the national average salary has never been $200, but at the beginning of 2015, the Tajik $-equivalent of salaries exceeded the Ukrainian one one-time (at the time of the collapse of the hryvnia in February of that year). Today's average salary in Tajikistan is $120-130, and the most significant increase may be in 2016 only up to $150 in equivalent.

In Azerbaijan, the average accrued salary is now $340 (dollar salaries there fell sharply after the devaluation of the manat in December 2015), in Georgia - about $420.

The historical maximum of the $-equivalent of the average salary in almost all CIS countries was in December 2013 (only in Belarus - in July 2014). Record average salary in $ equivalent by country: in Russia - $1210, in Kazakhstan - $890, in Belarus - $626, in Armenia - $502, in Ukraine - $440, in Moldova - $328, in Kyrgyzstan - $308, in Tajikistan - $193.

The relatively calm political and economic life in the region ended at the beginning of 2014 with the development of the situation in and around Ukraine. The largest drop in the $-equivalent of wages during this time occurred in Ukraine.

But the fall in world oil prices, which many associate specifically with the Ukrainian events, created, through the devaluation of commodity currencies, negative dynamics and $-equivalent wages in oil-producing Russia and Kazakhstan, in Belarus, which is economically tied to Russia, as well as in countries dependent on Russia through labor migration.

Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Moldova were least affected by the crisis - judging by today's dollar salaries there relative to the beginning of 2014.

On average for the year (over the last 12 months, that is, for the period “July 2015 - June 2016”) the average monthly salary was in $ equivalent: in Armenia - $391, in Belarus - $374, in Kazakhstan - $437, in Kyrgyzstan - $199, in Moldova - $242, in Russia - $526, in Tajikistan - $124, in Ukraine - $189.

The dynamics of the average annual monthly salary are presented in the diagram.

The historically record average annual monthly salary in $ equivalent was recorded: in Armenia - $413, in Belarus - $592, in Kazakhstan - $716, in Kyrgyzstan - $236, in Moldova - $298, in Russia - $942, in Tajikistan - $173, in Ukraine - $402.

In the near future, the average annual $-equivalent of Belarusian salaries will fall even lower, like the Kazakh one, and the Ukrainian one will continue to gradually rise from the bottom, over time exceed the Kyrgyz level, and will move towards the average annual Moldovan salaries.

If we compare today's average annual monthly salary with that for the calendar year 2007 - the last pre-crisis year (before the global crisis of 2008-09), then it has become much smaller only in Ukraine. Dollar wages have increased the most in Kyrgyzstan and, especially, in Tajikistan, despite the current decline: at that time, almost 10 years ago, they were meager there.