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What is income, profit and revenue? Let’s understand the concepts. Difference Between Revenue and Profit: Differences and Comparisons More Revenue or Revenue

To properly understand financial documents, you need to know what income is. This term denotes material assets or funds received as a result of activities over a certain period of time by an individual or legal entity or state. Sources of income generation: exploitation of land plots, breeding of farm animals, leasing of objects, trade, production of goods or provision of services, rent, loan interest, wages, pension, scholarship, benefits, royalties, investment, royalties, etc.

simplified tax system income

Income from the simplified tax system is taken into account in the simplified taxation system - a special procedure for paying taxes, aimed at representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. The object chosen is income or income reduced by the amount of expenses incurred (according to the “income minus expenses” scheme). Income accounting is determined by Art. 346.15, 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. STS income - proceeds from the sale of goods, works, services and rights to property. Receipts listed in Art. 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, are not included in income. Accounts payable written off after the expiration of the limitation period are recognized as income.

Income tax

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, income (profit) tax is levied on individuals and legal entities. Payers of income taxes are legal entities that have taxable income in a financial year. Single and fixed tax payers are exempt from paying it. Personal income tax (PIT) is defined as a percentage of total income minus documented expenses. The legislation provides for different tax rates for different categories of taxpayers and different types of income. The size of the payment is determined by multiplying the tax base by the rate.

Budget revenues

Budget revenues are funds received from the collection of taxes, duties, payments, foreign, foreign economic activities, from the sale of land, from the sale of government reserves, fixed capital and income from other sources. They are used to carry out government functions (legal, political, organizational, economic, social, environmental, cultural, educational). The material basis of budget revenues is national income. The structure of budget revenues is subject to change and is determined by current economic conditions.

Income book

The main tax register for individual entrepreneurs is the income book. The procedure for its maintenance is determined by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 22, 2012 N 135n “On approval of the forms of the Income and Expense Book of organizations and individual entrepreneurs using the simplified taxation system, the Income Book of individual entrepreneurs using the patent taxation system, and the Procedure for filling them out.” Taxpayers must ensure completeness, continuity and reliability of the data entered. The document reflects the date and content of the transaction, the amount of income and other information.

Income accounting

Accounting for company income is carried out in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 1999 N 32n “On approval of the Accounting Regulations “Income of the Organization” PBU 9/99”, Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 86n, Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-04/430 dated August 13, 2002 and ch. 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. For different types of organizations and certain types of income, there are special procedures for calculating and accounting for income. Income accounting for individual entrepreneurs is carried out in the income book, and organizations - in accounting accounts 90 and 91. For violation of income accounting, the law provides for fines. The rules for accounting for business transactions are determined by Section II of the procedure for accounting for income and expenses.

Declaration of income

According to the Law of the Russian Federation of December 7, 1991 “On personal income tax,” citizens of the country must annually submit an income declaration to the tax authorities at their place of residence. This is a written statement by the taxpayer about income, expenses, sources of income, tax benefits and the calculated amount of tax. The following are exempt from filing an income tax return:

  • citizens who receive income from their main place of work during the reporting period;
  • persons without permanent residence in the Russian Federation;
  • individuals whose total income does not exceed the amount taxed at the minimum rate.

Types of income

Companies, entrepreneurs, individuals receive different types of income from different sources. Taxation procedures and tax rates differ for these types, so you need to know the main types of income:

1. Factorial:

  • from natural resources - rent (land, mountain, water fees);
  • from labor resources - wages;
  • from capital - interest and profit;
  • from entrepreneurial abilities - entrepreneurial income;
  • from knowledge - income from intellectual property.

2. Non-factor - all others not related to the production process, for example subsidies, sponsorship.

Income information

In accordance with the Federal Law dated December 25, 2008 No. 273-FZ “On Combating Corruption” and Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2009 No. 559 “On the submission by citizens applying for positions in the federal public service and by federal civil servants of information on income, property and liabilities of a property nature”, citizens working in the public service submit information on income, expenses, property and liabilities according to the approved certificate form. This information is considered confidential. The procedure for its provision was approved by order of Rosfinmonitoring dated November 21, 2013 No. 326.

Per capita income

Per capita income is calculated from national income divided by population. This is an important indicator of the economic well-being of a country and its citizens. It measures the average income received by a resident of the state per year. On its basis, various ratings and the dynamics of economic development of countries are determined. The weakness of this indicator is the lack of accounting for imbalances in the distribution of funds between different segments of the population. For cross-national comparisons, the indicator is converted into international currency – dollars. To more accurately assess the economic situation of citizens, the purchasing power indicator is used.

Non-tax income

In addition to revenues from the taxation system for individuals and legal entities, the state receives non-tax revenues. These include revenues in the form of fees for the use of state property or for services provided by the state (fees for the use of state funds, for the development and extraction of minerals, from the sale of state-owned property, various fees for state verification of measures and measuring instruments, for registration of trademarks ), as well as income from state-owned enterprises, the issue of government loans, money issues and other types of income.

Passive income

Passive income is received from sources not related to daily activities (work, entrepreneurship). It is taxed at different rates than other types of income. Typically, taxes on such income are paid once a year. Main sources of passive income:

  • leasing of property (buildings, vehicles, equipment);
  • copyright (publication of literary works, the right to show films, broadcast music, use of patents and inventions);
  • bank deposits;
  • securities (stocks, bonds).

What is the difference between income and profit?

To properly understand economics, it is important to know the difference between income and profit. Income is the receipt of funds for a certain period of time. Profit is income minus the costs of obtaining it (for example, for the production and sale of goods, depreciation of means of production, utilities, etc.). There is also such a thing as net profit. To calculate it, you need to subtract taxes and mandatory payments from profits. Profit reflects the financial result of activities. For enterprises, this is an important indicator of business success. Profit is always less than income.

cash or other material assets received for the performance of work limited to a certain period of time by an individual or legal entity. This meaning also refers to the income of the state, population, and organizations.

Information about the concept of income, types of income, organization income, tax income

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What is income

Income is a term that has extremely broad application. This concept is used in a variety of meanings. The most common meaning of this word is the following - receiving money or material value as a result of an activity.

Income is defined as the total amount of money received in the form of wages, interest, dividends, taxes, and business profits. Macroeconomic analysis looks at a country's total income or national income. Microeconomic analysis takes into account the receipt of funds or material assets over a certain period of time. Income is also analyzed in terms of an individual's purchasing power.

Income is a certain amount of money that is constantly or one-time received by agents, in other words, economic benefit. This could be profit from business activities, salary, dividends, interest, etc. Less often, income is expressed in kind. In accounting, a person's income is calculated for a certain period, usually a year.

Income is the result of the production and economic activity of an economic entity, obtained as the difference between the cost of products sold, goods and services and costs incurred

In a market economy, all economic resources are freely bought and sold and bring special income to their owners:

Rent (land);

Interest (capital);

Dividends (capital);

Salary (managerial abilities);

Profit (entrepreneurial ability).

Income is the funds in cash or in kind received by economic entities (individual, family, cooperative, firm, government, etc.) as a result of their economic activities. They are assessed over a specific period, usually a year.

National income

National income is one of the general indicators of the country’s economic development, the value newly created in material production

National, people's income is the value newly created (over the year) in the branches of material production (interpretation adopted in Marxist literature). For many years, N.D. in this interpretation was considered as the basis for further expanded reproduction and growth of the material well-being of people and was the main indicator of Soviet statistics.

Types of income

It is necessary to distinguish between nominal and real demand for money. To better understand the distinction between these two concepts, let us first look at the difference between nominal and real income. Nominal income represents the amount of money that a person has or receives, while real income is measured by the amount of goods and services that can be purchased with this nominal income. Consequently, real income depends on the purchasing power of money and the amount of money that an economic entity has. In turn, the purchasing power of money depends on the level of prices for goods and services.

Real income

Real income is a set of goods expressed in kind that a consumer can buy with his available nominal income at current prices of goods.

Real income is the monetary income of citizens, calculated taking into account real prices for goods and services and taxes levied. Usually determined by the amount of goods that can be purchased with the income received

Real income reflects the purchasing power of nominal income expressed in prices of the current period. The amount of income, its stability, and the reliability of sources influence human behavior in a market economy

Real income of the population is the part of national income used by the population for consumption or savings. They are determined based on the actually used and accumulated volume of material goods and services per capita.

To do this, all types of cash and in-kind incomes of the population are summed up, which include wages (cash and in-kind), public consumption funds (pensions, benefits, scholarships, etc.), the cost of net production of personal subsidiary plots. From the received amount of income the following are deducted: taxes, fees and other obligatory payments of the population to the state budget; the amount of voluntary contributions to various public and cooperative organizations; savings of the population in cash (increase in household deposits in savings banks, the cost of government domestic winning loan bonds purchased by the population, etc.); part of the cost of paying for services that exceeds the cost of material costs in cultural and social institutions of the non-productive sphere serving the population.

The result is the total amount of actually used income of the population in a given period. To determine the dynamics of real income of the population, the resulting amount of income for a certain period is divided by the index of prices for goods and tariffs for services. In this way, comparability of real incomes of the population for different periods is achieved.

Real incomes of the population are one of the general indicators of the standard of living of the Soviet people; their growth under socialism directly depends on increased labor productivity and the efficiency of social production.

Nominal income

Nominal Income - A designation by the life insurance policyholder that identifies the person to whom the insurance savings are to be paid.

Nominal income is income calculated in purely monetary terms, without taking into account the purchasing power of money, price levels, and inflation.

When we talk about the demand for money, we mean the amount of money necessary for the normal functioning of the economy. Nominal money demand is defined as the amount of money that consumers would like to have. However, their quantity depends on the purchasing power of consumers and the established price level. Therefore, taking this factor into account, it is possible to determine the real demand for money, or the demand for real cash balances as the amount of money in cash and in current bank accounts, which is calculated taking into account their purchasing power.

Gross income

Gross - from the sale of services and goods, property assets, as well as interest received from the provision of loans, sales, performance of work and other cash receipts.

Personal income

Personal income is all money received by individuals. face. Personal income includes, in addition to wages, various additional income, including bonuses, pensions, dividends, interest on deposits and securities, benefits, rent, transfers, social and other types of payments. Personal income is calculated before individual taxes are deducted.

Personal income is the income available to households before personal income taxes are paid.

Personal income is all types of cash and in-kind income received by the population in the form of remuneration for hired work; income from personal subsidiary plots; income received from self-employment; cash receipts received in the form of pensions, scholarships and benefits, etc.

Personal income is an indicator of the amount of income that the population can spend on personal consumption and paying taxes.

Personal income is an employee’s cash income, consisting of wages and additional payments, including dividends, interest, rent, bonuses, and transfers. Calculated before deduction of totals. A distinction is made between nominal income, calculated directly in monetary terms, and real income, calculated taking into account the purchasing power of money, determined by the price level.

Personal income in the United States is a monthly indicator reflecting all sources of income in the household sector that are based on cash payments, including wages and salaries, rent income, dividends, interest income, and social security payments. and etc.

A term used in Chapter 25 of the Tax Code (on corporate income tax), meaning income not related to income from sales (not specified in Article 249 of the Tax Code). Non-operating income of a taxpayer is recognized, in particular:

1) income from equity participation in other organizations;

2) income from transactions of purchase and sale of foreign currency;

3) income in the form of fines, penalties and (or) other sanctions for violation of contractual obligations, as well as amounts of compensation for losses or damages;

4) income from leasing (subleasing) property;

5) income from the provision for use of rights to the results of intellectual activity and equivalent means of individualization (in particular, from the provision for use of rights arising from patents for inventions, industrial designs and other types of intellectual property);

6) income in the form of interest received under loan agreements, credit, bank account, bank deposit, as well as on securities and other debt obligations (the specifics of determining bank income in the form of interest are established by Article 290 of the Tax Code);

7) income in the form of amounts of restored reserves, the costs of the formation of which were accepted as part of expenses in the manner and under the conditions established by Art. 266, 267, 292, 294 and 300 NK;

8) income in the form of gratuitously received property (work, services, property rights), with the exception of income not taken into account when determining the tax base;

9) income received by participants in a simple partnership agreement, as well as income in the form of an excess of the value of the returned property over the value of the property transferred by the taxpayer as a contribution to the simple partnership upon the withdrawal of the taxpayer (successor) from this simple partnership;

10) income in the form of income from previous years identified in the reporting (tax) period;

11) income in the form of a positive exchange rate difference received from the revaluation of property and claims (liabilities), the value of which is expressed in foreign currency, including on foreign currency accounts in banks, carried out in connection with a change in the official exchange rate of foreign currency to the ruble of the Russian Federation, established by the Central Bank RF;

12) income in the form of a positive difference received from the revaluation of property (except for depreciable property, securities), made in order to bring the value of such property to the current market price in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (except for the positive difference resulting from the revaluation of precious stones when the price lists of estimated prices for precious stones are changed in accordance with the established procedure);

13) income in the form of the cost of received materials or other property during dismantling or disassembly during the liquidation of fixed assets being taken out of service (except for income not taken into account when determining the tax base);

14) income in the form of property (including money) used for other purposes than for its intended purpose, work, services received as part of charitable activities (including in the form of charitable assistance, donations), targeted revenues, targeted financing, with the exception of budgetary ones funds. In relation to budget funds used for purposes other than their intended purpose, the provisions of the budget legislation of the Russian Federation are applied. Taxpayers who received property (including money), work, services within the framework of charitable activities, targeted receipts or targeted financing, at the end of the tax period, submit to the tax authorities at the place of their registration a report on the intended use of the funds received in a form approved by the Ministry of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, and taxpayers who received budget funds - in a form approved by the Ministry of Finance. For tax purposes, the specified income is subject to inclusion in non-operating income at the moment when the recipient of such income actually used it for other than its intended purpose (violated the conditions for receiving it);

15) income in the form of received target funds intended for the formation of reserves for the development and ensuring the functioning and safety of nuclear power plants used for other purposes;

16) income in the form of amounts by which in the reporting (tax) period there was a decrease in the authorized (share) capital (fund) of the organization, if such a decrease was carried out with a simultaneous refusal to return the cost of the corresponding part of the contributions (contributions) to the shareholders (participants) of the organization (for except in cases where the reduction is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation);

17) income in the form of refunds from a non-profit organization of previously paid contributions (contributions) in the event that such contributions (contributions) were previously taken into account as expenses when forming the tax base;

18) income in the form of amounts of accounts payable (liabilities to creditors), written off due to the expiration of the statute of limitations or for other reasons, with the exception of amounts of accounts payable of the taxpayer to budgets of various levels, written off and (or) otherwise reduced in accordance with the law Russian Federation and (or) by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation;

19) income received from transactions with FISS (taking into account the provisions of Articles 301-305 of the Tax Code);

20) income in the form of the value of surplus inventory items identified as a result of inventory (Article 250 of the Tax Code). The procedure for tax accounting of certain types of non-operating income is established in Art. 317 NK. When determining non-operating income in the form of fines, penalties or other sanctions for violation of contractual obligations, as well as amounts of compensation for losses or damages, taxpayers who determine income using the accrual method reflect the amounts due in accordance with the terms of the agreement. If the terms of the agreement do not provide for penalties or compensation for losses, the taxpayer-recipient does not have an obligation to accrue non-operating income for this type of income. When collecting a debt in court, the taxpayer's obligation to accrue this non-operating income arises on the basis of a court decision.

Per capita income

Per capita income is an indicator of the economic well-being of a country, measuring the average income received by an individual in the country per year. Calculated from national income divided by population. As a measure, per capita income is fundamentally different from gross domestic product and per capita gross national product.

For cross-national comparisons, per capita income is converted into a single currency, most often the US dollar. Since this does not properly take into account the different purchasing powers in different countries, conversion to purchasing power parity is preferred.

The weakness of per capita income as an indicator of a country's well-being is its failure to take into account imbalances in income distribution. In addition, it does not take into account the existing savings and capital of the population.

Non-tax income

Non-tax income is income transferred to the budget that is not related to taxes. In accordance with the budget classification of the Russian Federation, non-tax revenues include:

Income from property in state and municipal ownership, or from the activities of state and municipal organizations

Income from the sale of land and intangible assets

receipts of capital transfers from non-state sources

Administrative fees and charges

Penalties, damages

Tax revenues

Tax revenues – mandatory, gratuitous, non-refundable payments to the budget

Tax revenues of budgets include federal, regional and local taxes and fees provided for by the tax legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as penalties and fines levied for violation of the tax legislation of the Russian Federation. At its essence, tax revenues of budgets are financial resources collected (redistributed) to budgets and extra-budgetary funds of various levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation in the process of taxation.

Initially, from a historical perspective, the role of tax revenues in the total financing of government needs was minimal. However, in the 19th century. began to note that “the further development of state institutions is already taking place with increasing, and then overwhelming, participation of taxpayers’ money.”

Over the past 2 centuries, tax revenues have gradually become the main financial basis of any industrial state.

In Russia, tax revenues account for more than 90% of all budget revenues at all levels of the country's budget system. Regulation of tax revenues of the budget is carried out by the norms of tax law.

The concepts of tax and fee are almost central in the tax law of the Russian Federation. Until the middle of the 18th century. the term "tax" was not used in Russia. To denote fiscal payments in legislation, the terms “tribute” were used, and then “submit”. Therefore, for example, the country’s tax policy in pre-revolutionary works on financial law was called “tax policy.” For the first time in Russian literature, the term “tax” is used in the work “On the Serfdom of Peasants in Russia” by historian A.Ya. Polenov (1738 - 1816) in 1765. In scientific circulation and legislation, the term "tax" established itself only in the 19th century.

Currently under canopy is understood as a mandatory, individually gratuitous payment levied on organizations and individuals in the form of alienation of funds belonging to them by right of ownership, economic management or operational management for the purpose of financial support for the activities of the state and (or) municipalities.

Own revenues of budgets

Types of income assigned on a permanent basis, in whole or in part, to the relevant budgets by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

When taking out a home loan, financial institutions take into account income to determine whether a person can afford to pay the mortgage. Since many people also have additional income in addition to income from their main job, it is important to know how financial institutions view this additional income.

Passive income

Passive income is income received without serious expenditure of effort and time on your part. Roughly speaking, this is when you do not work, but the profit continues to flow to you. How is this possible, you ask? The fact is that passive income (also called residual, non-linear income) can be obtained from the assets that you have. Strange, right? In theory, active income should come from assets, not passive. But everything is just the opposite.

If you have an asset, say, a rental property, a bank deposit with a round sum, shares with high dividends or an increase in market value, then this asset is capable of generating cash flow into your pocket. Your participation is kept to a minimum. This is where passive income differs favorably from active income.

The secret of the rich is that they have assets that bring them money. Passive income is available only to people who are in the B and I quadrants of the cash flow quadrant, that is, when you no longer work for money, but your money works for you. Another feature of passive income is when other people explicitly or indirectly work for you (not you yourself). Example: when investing in someone's business (direct investment or through shares), the employees of this business work for you.

Difficulties in earning passive income

However, not everything is as rosy as it seems at first glance. The problem is that before you can receive passive income, you need to acquire an asset that will generate it. And if there is no asset, there is no passive income! Thus, the whole difficulty is to create a source of your income. To make a profit from capital (real estate, shares), you first need to get money from somewhere. And the beauty is that you need to do this once and then just “milk the cow.”

Passive income is a reward for the work done once.

As a rule, creating passive income, the level of which is at least comparable to the level of salary (or other type of active income), requires much more effort and (or) time than active income.

Also, creating passive income is a very slow process and can take years.

Active income

Active income is what we are all used to. The salary that a person receives while working in a hired job refers specifically to active earnings (it is also called linear). This also applies to all sorts of “part-time jobs,” freelancing, and business (to some extent). That is, you did the work - get a reward (one-time). As soon as a person stops working (quits his job) the income stops coming.

In the case of active earnings, you need to spend your time and (or) effort to obtain it - this is a prerequisite. That is, if you stop fulfilling your official duties (refuse to work) and sleep instead of working, then you will certainly be fired and your income will dry up. But this is already understandable.

The main advantage of active income is that you get everything at once.

Economic etymology

The word has an original Slavic etymology: the Old Russian word comes from reaching, meaning to reach a certain place, limit, size, to be running out. Identical to the Greek hodos - path, road (see method).

The etymology of the concept shows that in its original meaning it is associated with the category of limiting value. Marginal revenue is the income received from selling an additional unit of output, marginal cost is the cost associated with producing a given unit of output. These indicators determine the volume of products that the company must produce - this is the volume at which the value of marginal costs equals the value of marginal revenue.

There is gross income, which means revenue, that is, the sum of sales prices, and net income - gross income cleared of costs associated with the production and sale of products. If wages are also included in costs, then the concept of income coincides with the concept of profit.

Depending on the source, the following types of income are distinguished: wages, rent, interest, profit (see the etymology of the corresponding concepts).

The Russian-language concept of “income” corresponds to many English-language concepts, primarily with return, yield, profit, margin, income, revenue, as well as with receipt, earnings, proceeds, gain. These concepts do not coincide in content; they have different areas of use. The correct choice of the necessary concept should be based on the possibilities of etymological analysis.

Return from Old French retorner - to turn, return, which corresponds to the primary meaning of re - back and torner - to rotate. return process (sports term since 1886 - return of serve in tennis, financial term since 1716). Therefore, return is income from investments related to the turnover of securities, that is, mainly, although not exclusively, with securities.

Yield from geldan - the language of the Angles, gieldan - the Old Saxon language in the meaning of pay. If we consider that the commonly used (non-economic) meaning of the word is harvest, result, production, then the scope of use may not be limited. However, there has been a practice of predominantly using the term in the phrase “current yield” as the ratio of the income generated by an asset to its current price.

Profit from the Old French profit coming from the Latin proficio to go forward, advance, the process of movement: pro - forward, before, facere - to do. Since such forward movement is associated mainly with entrepreneurial activity, profit is income representing the profit of the enterprise.

Margin - income, the source of which is the difference in prices, exchange rates, interest rates (see margin).

Income – associated with the Old English incuman influx, tide, influx. in + cumana to come, arrive. The expression incoming originally meant the approach of game to the hunter. Hence, income is the incoming flow of funds at the level of both an individual and the national economy. Therefore, the most common use of the term is related to the definition of personal and national income.

Revenue – from the French revenue re – back + venue to come. The etymology is the same as the primary meaning of return. But unlike return, the scope of use of revenue is supplemented by assessments of the financial results of activities at the enterprise level and in this regard intersects with the value of profit.

Earnings from English earn, Middle English ernen, Old English earnian; as well as Old High German arnōn: to reap, reap, harvest. An intersecting etymological branch is even traced to the Czech jeseň – autumn, which means, in our opinion, the amazing relationship of the term in question with the Russian “autumn”. This implies the initial meaningful relationship between earnings and yield and the wide scope of use of earnings. The concept can refer to salary, interest, and profit.

Income maintenance is government payments to maintain people's income at some minimum level established by law in the event of illness, old age, disability or unemployment that prevents them from earning their own income. A negative income tax is a support system that combines taxes and social benefits: taxes are levied if income exceeds a certain level, and, conversely, payments are made if income falls below this level. (yield) The yield on a fixed-interest security as a percentage of its price. Par yield is the interest paid annually divided by the face value of the security. Current income is interest divided by the market price of the security. The yield on a security at maturity is the interest equivalent to the interest actually paid plus the market capital gain (or minus the capital loss) if the security is held to maturity. The yield curve shows the amount of income on fixed-interest securities depending on the period remaining until their maturity.

Income differentiation

The study of social differentiation of the population is one of the urgent tasks of statistics, especially since the formation of market relations in the economy objectively deepens the social stratification of society

The study of social differentiation of the population is one of the urgent tasks of statistics, especially since the formation of market relations in the economy objectively deepens the social stratification of society. Even W. Churchill, comparing capitalism and socialism, argued that capitalism is an unfair distribution of goods, but socialism is a fair distribution of poverty.

In terms of income, population differentiation is an objectively determined ratio in the income of various socio-demographic groups of the population. It is the result of a complex interaction of economic, demographic, social and geographical factors. Considering the important place of monetary wages in the total income of the population, their differentiation is close to the differentiation of wages and largely depends on it. Income differentiation actually causes differences in the population's consumption of goods and services, that is, in its standard of living.

Income differentiation, as a rule, is considered by the size of the average per capita total income of the population as a whole, individual regions and groups of households (living in urban areas, in rural areas, including households of pensioners, with children under 16 years old, etc.). Household budget statistics use average monthly total income and average income per household member. Among those employed, the average monthly accrued wages of workers and employees by sector of the economy are taken as a basis (excluding part-time or weekly workers and students).

To study the differentiation of income and consumption of the population, household regroupings are carried out:

By decile groups - ten groups are distinguished, each group contains 10% of households;

By quintile groups - five groups, each group contains 20% of the population;

According to the purchasing power of the population - by groups that are multiples of the subsistence level or the cost of a set of 25 (or 31) food items.

For each selected group the following are calculated: average cash income and its composition; average consumer consumption and its structure; average per capita consumption of food, non-food goods and services (per 100 households); an indicator of the purchasing power of money income (money income divided by the average purchase price of a given product).

Based on the distribution of the population by income, the following statistical characteristics are calculated:

General distribution indicators: modal income, median income, and mean income.

Indicators of the structure of income distribution: quartile level of income (lower and upper), decile and other possible levels of income (lower and upper), share of quartile, decile and other groups of the population (households) by income level in the monetary income of society, average income for selected groups population.

Coefficients of differentiation of income of the population, establishing the size of the increase in monetary incomes of high-income groups compared to low-income groups of the population.

Indicators of differentiation of monetary income include: decile differentiation coefficient; fund ratio; Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient; contrast coefficient; their calculation uses data on the incomes of extreme (poor and rich) groups of the population (decile coefficient, fund coefficient, contrast coefficient) or the entire distribution of the population by income (Lorenz curve and coefficient and Gini coefficient).

Revenues are falling

Bankers are trying their best to entice private investors - they say, pay attention to the little gold. “If a client purchased gold a year ago, his income today is approximately 40%, and income in the form of interest calculated on the deposit is also added - from 2% to 5% per annum,” says Irina Pavlenko, head of department for working with precious metals at Khreshchatyk Bank.

In 2008, in opposition to the dollar, gold either soared or fell in price. But more still fell. At the time of going to press, the selling price of metal on the London market was $887.47 per ounce, although in mid-March it exceeded $1,000. So, since the beginning of the year, the price of gold has increased by only 4%.

Therefore, a private investor is interested in one thing - will gold continue to grow?

Financial analysts, as often happens to them, are full of optimism. "The price of gold will rise above $1,100 an ounce before the end of 2008. However, precious metals are still trading below the real price peaks of the early 1980s. To reach the peak, the nominal price of gold would need to rise to $1,415 and silver to $80 per troy ounce,” says, for example, Alla Ishchenko, chief manager for precious metals at Raiffeisen Bank Aval.

Foreign bankers also paint rosy prospects for gold. According to Erste Group analyst Ronald-Peter Stöferl, in the long term, gold could rise in price to $2,300 per ounce. But some experts, for example, analysts at Schroder Investment Management Ltd., believe that over the next few years the cost of one ounce of gold could rise to as much as $5,000, or even more.

By the way, the famous investor George Soros has already “shortened” his positions in oil futures and transferred investments into long-term contracts for gold, which can also serve as a signal for investors. Everything is fine, but the question is: can the forecasts be trusted?

Time to earn gold

Having analyzed the extent to which the forecasts for the price of gold, made exactly two years ago - back in 2006, came true, we could safely say: “No.” Then, too, there was no limit to the dreams of experts. Prices were quoted at both $1000 and $2000 per ounce until the end of the year. It turned out to be $635.7.

The discrepancies, as we see, are quite significant. The closest to the truth was JPMorgan Chase, which gave a forecast of $750 per ounce (overkill, of course, but not $1000 or $2000 :)).

And yet, it would be stupid to deny the clearly visible prerequisites for the rise in the price of the precious metal in 2008. The main reason for the rise in gold prices, according to banking analysts, will be the high level of inflation in the world. After all, investors perceive gold, first of all, as an insurance against inflation risks, which means they will start buying more of it.

Inflation does not stand still not only in Ukraine, which is being shaken by the social and election projects of the Prime Minister, but throughout the world. An analyst at the Swiss bank UBS, Sanil Kapadia, believes that a record level of inflation awaits Europe in August 2008. “Inflation should continue its acceleration, reaching 3.8-3.9% in August, which is due, in particular, to rising energy prices,” he notes.

And Jaida Jayani, an expert at the investment bank Lehman Brothers, expects that inflation in Europe will fall no earlier than October.

In other words, gold may rise in price in the fall. "By the end of this year we expect about $1000-1200 per ounce, and from January 1, 2010 - about $1500-2000. Over the past four years, the price of gold has almost tripled. Not a single currency in the world, but bank metals are classified as currency values, has not grown that much,” notes Deputy Chairman of the Board of Finance and Credit Bank Igor Lvov.

However, the price of gold is affected not only by inflation, but also by many other factors. A strengthening dollar, falling oil prices, deepening stagnation in the American economy, and much more can lead to a drop in the value of the metal.

In short: gold prices and the dollar tend to move in opposite directions as traders buy gold as a safe haven when the dollar weakens. That is, if the dollar “sags,” then gold “rises” and vice versa. According to independent analyst Arkady Nagiyev, by the end of this year it is most likely that the dollar/euro pair will be within the levels of 1.58/1.59-1.50/1.49. That is, there is a very favorable forecast for gold.

“Longer-term expectations, apparently, should be associated with the strengthening of the American currency. There is an opinion, supported by forecasts from US financial institutions, that the world’s largest economy has already reached its minimum point of decline, and growth can be expected to resume in mid-2009. If this forecast If this option is confirmed, then by the end of next year the rate of the €/$ pair can be seen in the price range of 1.36--1.38,” the expert notes. It is clear that gold is unlikely to rise in price in such a situation.

"Most of us know the principle “how much money is in your head, so much money is in your wallet.” And many even agree with this expression. But how to apply this principle in practice, how to learn to think in such a way that money flows into your life easier and faster, certain difficulties arise with this. It is one thing to understand, and quite another thing to put this knowledge into practice.

Bank investments, income

Bank investments mean investments of bank resources (usually for a long term) in government bonds, shares and other securities. This achieves the dispersal of funds and the receipt of additional profits. The investment activity of banks is the investment of bank resources for a long period of time in high-yield securities: shares, bonds and other securities. Bank investments are not direct, but indirect investments of bank funds into the economy. At the same time, dispersal of investments is achieved and additional profit is obtained.

Profitability securities of individual classes and types depends on the market value of the investment portfolio, which, in turn, fluctuates depending on changes in interest rates on bonds and certificates, discount interest, interest on bills, dividends on shares and, accordingly, supply and demand for these securities on securities market.

The main goal of investment management is to obtain maximum income for a given level of risk or minimize risk for a given level income. Income of the investment portfolio consists of the following components:

Receipts in the form of interest payments

Income from an increase in the capital value of securities

Commission for the provision of investment services - spread

In some states, bank investments in securities are closely regulated due to the credit risk inherent in most securities, particularly those issued by private corporations and individual local governments. The risk that the issuer of a security may default on its obligations to pay principal or interest on the security has led to regulations prohibiting the purchase of speculative securities. In particular, in the United States, a rating is legally established, which is the minimum rating of securities allowed for purchase by banks.

Banks are generally limited to purchasing investment grade securities. Therefore, credit risk is not the main problem when purchasing securities, since investments in state and municipal securities are practically free of risk.

It should also be noted that papers of lower quality bring higher income. Therefore, during periods of economic downturn, when the ability to issue loans is significantly reduced and banks' incomes fall, they begin to invest money in less solid issues that bring the highest income.

Investment policy is the activity of a commercial bank, commensurate with the degree of risk, based on active transactions with securities and aimed at ensuring the profitability and liquidity of bank funds as a whole.

The world practice of carrying out the investment policy of commercial banks as a derivative of investment activity with its main goals, objectives, factors, strategy and tactics has developed the so-called “golden rule of investment”, which states: income from investments in securities is always directly proportional to the risk one is willing to take investor for the sake of obtaining the desired income.

Based on the fundamental provisions of investment activity and the interdependence that actually exists in practice between the main factors of investing in securities - profitability, liquidity and risk - any commercial bank, regardless of whether it is aware of the actions of these factors or not, implements one or another investment policy. In turn, the main factors that determine the goals of a bank's investment policy - generating income, ensuring liquidity and the willingness to sacrifice liquidity for profit and vice versa - mean the bank makes a decision to take more or less investment risk. This determines the implementation of the specific investment policy of a particular commercial bank.

When a bank selects a type of security based on its expected return and risk, collateral requirements, and tax characteristics, the question remains of how to allocate that portfolio of securities over time. In other words, what maturities should a bank hold? In recent years, a number of alternative investment timing strategies have been developed, each with its own unique set of advantages and disadvantages.

In world practice, two types of bank investment strategies are distinguished - passive (wait-and-see) and aggressive (aimed at maximizing the use of favorable market opportunities).

Sources and links

Sources of texts, pictures and videos - a resource with articles on many topics, a free encyclopedia Wikipedia - YouTube, the largest video hosting in the world

Links to Internet services - search for videos on the Internet using Google - translator from the Google search engine - maps from Google to search for places described in the material - the largest search engine in Russia - a service from Yandex that allows you to analyze search queries - search for videos on the Internet via Yandex - image search through the Yandex service - maps from Yandex to search for places described in the material - thematic resources - economic dictionary - economic portal - economic terms - Forex topics - investor encyclopedia

Application links - website of Microsoft Corporation, which created the Windows OS - website of the corporation that created Microsoft Office - a frequently used browser for working with websites - website of the creators of the HyperSnap screenshot program - free software for working with images

Every entrepreneur should know what the income and profit of an enterprise are, and how they differ from revenue.

Profit and income are the main financial indicators of the economic activities of various organizations, regardless of their form of ownership. They can give an idea of ​​the overall profitability of the enterprise.

The costs of social and production development of the company must be financed from profits. The source of financing of the state budget is considered to be the corporate income tax.

What is revenue (turnover)

Revenue - money received (proceeds) by an enterprise, firm, entrepreneur from the sale of goods and services, proceeds from sales. That is, this is the entire amount of money that was received after the sale of the goods.

Example of revenue (turnover), Petya sold 100 phones for 10,000 rubles. Revenue will be 100*10,000 = 1,000,000 rubles.

Revenue from the sale of certain products is divided into two main types - net and gross:

  • Under net revenue means the amount of money after all possible deductions, taxes, discounts and the cost of the returned goods.
  • Gross revenue is the total amount of cash received after the sale of certain products or provision of services.

Income = revenue (turnover) - the cost (or purchase price) of goods or services. Taxes are also deducted from this amount. Material costs are funds that were spent on purchasing products or necessary equipment. Such costs include various social contributions. The issuance of wages has nothing to do with this category.

Income example, let’s say the cost of Petya’s phones is 5,000 rubles. There are only 100 pieces, which he sold for 10,000 rubles each. Then income = 100*(10,000 - 5,000) = 500,000 rubles.

Labor costs and profits are the main components of the income of a particular enterprise. The market value of the product and the general market conditions have a direct impact on the level of income of the organization. Possible receipts from individuals and legal entities do not belong to the income side of the company.

If income is subject to tax payments, then after deducting them, an amount remains that includes the following elements:

  • Insurance and investment income. These are amounts received during investment activities and the cost of insurance premiums.
  • Consumer funds whose activities require social expenditures.

Incomes can be marginal, total and average.

  • Marginal Revenue- this is the difference by which the organization’s total income changes after the sale of a certain unit of goods. Demonstrates the overall return on investment of the firm.
  • Total income- this is the final result of the company’s economic activity, the difference between the cost of goods and production costs.
  • Average income received after the sale of one unit of goods. It is equal to the price of a specific product sold.

Experts also highlight the concept of other income. These include various penalties and interest for placing a deposit.

What is profit

Profit is the difference between costs and revenues, where the latter are an indicator of financial activity.

Example of profit, Petya’s income from the sale of phones amounted to 500,000 rubles. But you still need to pay taxes, pay the manager’s salary, pay rent, etc.

Maximizing profits has always been one of the main goals of a successful businessman. It is considered the most important evaluative general indicator of the activities of a particular company.

This concept includes the following main components:

  • Profit from the sale of property and the sale of material assets.
  • Funds that were received from additional (non-core) activities of the organization. This refers to securities, dividends, and funds from renting out real estate.
  • The difference between the funds received from the sale of a certain product and its real value.

If it has been revealed that the enterprise’s profit is zero, costs can be considered the result of such economic activity. The limiting indicator of this concept can be obtained by selling an additional copy of the product.

There are several main functions of enterprise profit:

  • Provides funds for the development of the company.
  • Forms taxes on profits of commercial enterprises.
  • Shows the final economic result of the activities of an ordinary enterprise.

For productive profit management, experts recommend taking into account its maximum indicator, which you need to focus on. Some company managers actively practice lowering their pricing policy. But this should not be aggravated. If there is a high demand for a product, the profitability of the enterprise as a whole can drop catastrophically.

Experts advise offering your clients inexpensive analogues of goods and services that are considered the most in demand. Such measures will help maintain the attractiveness of products and a normal price category.

This financial indicator has several classifications. Based on the results of economic activities:

  • Minimum permissible and maximum possible, which occurs with minimal costs and maximum profits.
  • Regulatory– this is the standard minimum indicator provided by the enterprise.
  • Underreceived– a loss that occurred due to the fact that one of the parties to the transaction violated its obligations.

Profits may or may not be taxed. It is differentiated into economic and accounting depending on costs. The first is the difference between accounting profit and additional, forced expenses.

As for the second option, it is positioned as the difference between the costs incurred and the income of the enterprise.

Gross profit is the difference between the total income of a particular organization and the amount of costs. Net profit can be calculated by subtracting all associated expenses from gross profit.

About EBIT and EBITDA profit

These are two more types of profit that should be emphasized separately.

EBIT profit is positioned as an intermediate value between gross and net indicators. Some people think that this is operating profit and are mistaken. This concept may also include non-operating profit. The amount of EBIT profit can be calculated based on the amount of profit and loss before taxes. This indicator must be positive.

The value of profit directly depends on the depreciation rate and the method of its calculation.

EBITDA is the amount of earnings before interest, depreciation and amortization, and shows only the inflow of cash. This analytical indicator is calculated on the basis of the financial statements of a particular organization and is the main indicator of how profitable the company’s activities are overall, regardless of various debts and depreciation methods.

Having determined EBITDA, you can calculate the organization's debt load. To do this, debt indicators are divided by nominal profit.

The indicated values ​​of EBIT and EBITDA come down to one thing - “bringing to a common denominator” the economic indicators of organizations from different countries. The tax systems of different countries are not similar to each other. This means that income tax rates will not be equal either. The introduction of EBIT and EBITDA profit into accounting practice allows us to correct this situation.

Many people have the dream of opening their own business, but not everyone knows where to start. Economists advise: start by studying the basics of economics, and only after understanding the basic principles, start building your business. If you find it difficult to leaf through volumes of economic theory and pore over financial activities, then you can immediately move on to practice, but this does not mean that you will immediately make a profit. Although, perhaps the income from your activities will be significant. If you have not yet figured out whether there is a difference between profit and income, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the differences between these two concepts.

Definition of income and profit

Income- these are all monetary or material assets received by an individual, legal entity, organization or state for a certain period.

Profit- that for which the entrepreneur’s activities are carried out, that is, the financial resources remaining after deducting the costs of production and sales of products.

Formula for calculating income and profit

These two financial performance indicators have a specific calculation formula.

So, income is calculated as follows:

Revenue = total revenue

Moreover, the sample is made for a certain period.

Profit is calculated using a different formula:

Profit = income – all costs of production and sales.

Moreover, net profit, or, in simple words, the money remaining in the hands of the entrepreneur, is profit from which taxes and other deductions have already been subtracted.

Conclusions website

  1. Income is all the money received over a certain period of time, and profit is money minus taxes, production costs and other expenses.
  2. Income is calculated as the total amount of money received as a result of the sale of goods or services, and profit is income minus the costs of producing, purchasing and marketing goods or services.