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Level of urbanization of the eastern macroregion. Eastern macroregion. Highlight the positive and negative aspects of the EGP VMR


The eastern macroregion is the largest part of Russia by area, accounting for 75% of the territory (12.8 million km 2) of the country. The Northern zone includes x/2 of Western Siberia, 2/3 of Eastern Siberia and 3/4 of the Far East, so the region is sparsely populated, only 22% of the population (32 million people) live here, approximately the same as in the Ural-Volga region.

The geographical location of the region is influenced by the extreme remoteness from the main industrialized territory of Russia and extensive external relations with foreign countries - Mongolia, China, NIS, Japan and the USA.

The Eastern macroregion is a storehouse of Russia's natural resources. Its northern part contains 80% of energy resources (including 85% of hydro resources) and timber, 75% of all fresh water reserves, the main mining of diamonds and gold, the largest reserves of chemical raw materials, ferrous and non-ferrous metal ores. Western Siberia accounts for 60% of peat reserves and produces 70% of Russia's oil and 90% of its gas. The southern zone has favorable agroclimatic and soil resources for agriculture. The seas of the region are rich in fish and seafood, sea animal fishing is developed, and furs are harvested in the forests. Many areas have recreational value.

The bulk of the population is concentrated in the south, along the Trans-Siberian Railway. There are more than 200 cities here, including millionaire cities - Novosibirsk (1.4 million people), Omsk (1.2 million people). In the north, settlements are mainly of a focal nature.

Economically, the Eastern macroregion is focused on raw materials and energy-intensive industries. The territorial structure of the economy is formed on the basis of large mineral deposits and centers of their primary processing, along the main railway lines. The basis of industrial

production consists of scientific centers and military-industrial complex centers - Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok. The leading role in the region's economy is played by the largest territorial production complexes (TPCs).


The West Siberian TPK, formed since the 70s on the basis of oil production in the Middle Ob part of the region (Samotlorskoye, Fedorovskoye, Ust-Balykskoye) and gas production in the north (Urengoy, Zapolyarnoye, Yamburg). The pipeline system transports oil and gas primarily to the west, but also to the south and east. Largest cities: Omsk - a transport hub, a center of defense and precision engineering, petrochemical and food industries; Tomsk is a center of precision engineering, petrochemical and woodworking industries; Tyumen is the organizational center of the West Siberian TPK.

The Kuznetsk-Altai TPK specializes in the mining of coal from Kuzbass and the development of ores from Gornaya Shoria. The largest center of metallurgy is Novokuznetsk, where, next to the Kuznetsk plant, built in the 30s, the West Siberian plant, ferroalloy plants, and an aluminum plant grew up.

Centers of non-ferrous metallurgy: Belovo (zinc smelting from local polymetallic ores) and Novosibirsk (production of tin and alloys based on Far Eastern concentrates).

Ferrous and non-ferrous metals are used in mechanical engineering. In Kuzbass, metal-intensive mechanical engineering produces mining and metallurgical equipment. Machine tool building, instrument making and power engineering are developed in Novosibirsk, precision engineering - in Tomsk, agricultural - in Rubtsovsk, Barnaul and Novosibirsk. Large defense plants are located in Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk.

Powerful thermal energy and chemistry have developed on the basis of Kuznetsk coals. Yuzhnokuzbasskaya TPP (coal-fired), Surgutskaya GRES-1 and 2 (oil-fired) and Novosibirsk HPP are integrated into an energy system with power plants in Eastern Siberia. On the basis of coking coal in Kuzbass and natural gas (in Kemerovo), a chemical industry was created in Novosibirsk (production of mineral fertilizers), in Barnaul (production of chemical fiber, rubber products, pharmaceutical products). Large chemical production facilities are being created at the Tobolsk and Tomsk plants, gas chemical complexes in Surgut and Novy Urengoy.

The largest centers of the timber industry have developed at the intersection of waterways and railways - Tomsk, Omsk, Biysk. In many cities of the region, light (cotton, wool, sheepskin and fur, leather and footwear) and food (flour, meat, sugar) industries have developed greatly.

Objectives: - to get acquainted with the history of the SMR, EGP, its composition, resources, problems and prospects for the development of the macroregion. -continue to develop skills in working with the atlas, textbook and contour map.

Asian Russia stretches from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean and occupies an area of ​​12.8 million km2, which is almost 75% of the territory of our country. This is significantly larger than the territory of any country in the world. Asian Russia is home to 27.098 million people.

Working with a map Determine which states the region borders on Find the extreme points of Russia in this region and their coordinates Which seas wash the territory

Practical work Mark the economic regions of the Asian region on contour maps of Russia. Mark the extreme points. Draw the seas washing the region. Mark major cities.

Highlight the positive and negative aspects of EGP VMR. Washed by the waters of two oceans; removed from the center; lack of railways and roads in the northern regions; has a large extent from north to south, from west to east; large economic regions; harsh climate and permafrost; borders the Ural economic region; lack of labor resources in certain territories of the Asian macroregion; has huge reserves of mineral raw materials; availability of large water resources; has a railway and road connecting the west and

Positive aspects: it is washed by the waters of two oceans, borders the Ural economic region, has enormous reserves of mineral raw materials, the presence of large water resources and has railways and roads connecting the west with the east.

Negative aspects: remote from the center, lack of railways and roads in the northern regions, has a large extent from north to south and from west to east, large economic areas, harsh climate and permafrost.

Working with a map - 8th grade Analyze the atlas map “to yourself”, then show the large geographical objects of the given region on the map.

Characteristics of main resources Minerals - in the north and central part: oil, gas; in the southeast: coal, polymetallic and copper ores. Eastern Siberia: brown coal, hard coal, apatite, phosphorite, gold, iron, polymetallic ores, nickel ores. Far East: tin, copper ores, brown and hard coal, oil and gas. Agroclimatic Resources: Since the area extends from north to south, it ranges from the cold arctic to the temperate zone. Soil resources are only rich in the southern part of Western Siberia and Eastern Siberia, since most of the territory is permafrost. Water resources are the large rivers Ob, Irtysh, Yenisei, Lena, Lake Baikal. Forest - zone of taiga and mixed forests.

The geographical location of the western and eastern parts of Asian Russia is significantly different. The northern regions have a lot in common in nature, economic problems, and people’s way of life. These areas were called the Northern Zone.

Northern zone Near North Nature is less harsh, the areas are connected by year-round transport (railway) with more southern, well-developed territories. Far North Harsh nature, lack of permanent transport routes.

Population Compared to other territories of Russia, the number of residents of the Eastern macroregion is small. If in the European part of the country the population density reaches 27 people/km2, then in the Asian part it is 10 times less (2.5 people/km2). The population is concentrated in the south - along the Trans-Siberian Railway. Here, in some areas, the density sometimes increases tens of times compared to the average. The selective nature of development and difficult conditions for farming predetermined the predominance of the urban population. In general, in the macroregion the share of city residents is 73%. In some subjects of the federation, the share of the urban population reaches 85-90% (Kemerovo region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Magadan region, Sakhalin region). Currently there are 230 cities located here. The largest cities in the macroregion are millionaire cities - Novosibirsk (third largest in the country) and Omsk (seventh largest).

Using the textbook, compose and write down in a table the problems of the region and development prospects Problems Prospects

Problems Prospects Due to the collapse of the Soviet Union, the use of meridional railway lines (two) river routes. ended up on the territory of the creation of aviation in Kazakhstan. intercontinental The need to reconstruct communications through the internal Trans-Siberian Railway. regions of the country. Economic reforms have led to the development of infrastructure and a reduction in the number of transport and social services. population. Creation of new transport vehicles Conversion to defense assets. industry. Use of satellite Poor development of transport. communications.

Problems of district development. The development of a region with such a large resource base is hampered not only by the severity of the climate, but also by its extreme distance from the European part of Russia. Therefore, the development of transport is a vital issue for the macroregion.

Economic regions Regions Territory million km 2 Population million people Main natural resources Large cities Western Siberian 2, 4 14, 6 Oil, gas, coal, Novosibirsk, Omsk, peat, iron ore, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, polymetals, Barnaul timber East -Sibirsky 4, 1 8, 2 Coal, iron ore, copper, nickel, tin, molybdenum, uranium ores, gold, hydropower, forest resources Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Norilsk, Bratsk, Abakan Far Eastern 6, 2 6, 5 Coal, gold, diamonds, tin, tungsten, antimony, mercury, graphite, fishery, forestry, hydropower resources Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Yakutsk, Petropavlovsk - Kamchatsky

Eastern macroregion. general characteristics

Target: 1. Form a general idea of ​​the features of the Eastern macroregion. Pay attention to the large territory, the diversity of natural conditions, the wealth of natural resources, the low degree of exploration and development, poor population and transport availability, and the focal nature of the location of production.

2. Improve the ability to compare, analyze, and generalize.Continue to practice your skills in working with atlases and textbooks.

Equipment:“Physical map of Russia”, “Economic regions”, textbook, atlases

During the classes

1. Class organization

2. Updating students’ knowledge

1. Frontal conversation –

working with the map “Economic regions”

1. What large macroregions is the country’s territory divided into?

2. What economic regions are located on the territory of the Western macroregion?

3. What economic regions are located on the territory of the Eastern macroregion?

4. Which Maroregton has already been studied?

Let's remember what characteristic features the economic regions of the Western macroregion have.

2. Work in pairs

Determine the economic region of the Western Zone based on a set of characteristics.

b) has a large port;

8. a) fertile soils;

3 . Learning new material

Let's get acquainted with the Eastern macro-region by comparing it with the Western economic zone. The comparison will go according to plan. All data will be recorded in the table.

Plan for comparison of macroregions (on tables).

2. Natural conditions:

a) relief;

b) climate;

c) the nature of the earth’s crust;

d) internal waters.

3. Natural resources:

a) mineral;

b) aquatic;

c) agroclimatic;

d) biological;

d) land.

4. Population:

a) population size;

b) population density;

c) level of urbanization;

d) migration;

d) cities.

5. Household:

b) location of industries.

6. Problems of the macroregion.


Teacher's comment: The eastern macroregion covers an area of ​​12.8 million km2. This is 75% of the territory of our country and at the same time significantly larger than the territory of any country in the world, including Canada, with which it has much in common

However, this huge territory is remote from the main economically developed areas of the Western zone.

From Western Siberia there is a huge flow of fuel, especially gas, as well as coal and oil, to the Western macroregion and even in transit through it to European countries.

In the Eastern macroregion, the Northern zone with harsh nature, with areas difficult for people to live, predominates over a vast territory, expanding to the east.

The Northern zone occupies 1/2 of the territory of Western Siberia, 2/3 of Eastern Siberia and more than 3/4 of the Far East. This means that all costs (standards) are assessed here depending on the severity of nature and the remoteness of the territory from developed areas.

Therefore, the Northern zone is divided conditionally into two parts: a) the Near North, the territory of which is less harsh, and its areas are connected by year-round transport (i.e., railway) with more southern, well-developed territories; b) The Far North - with the harshest nature and the absence of permanent transport routes.

The increasing cost of natural and economic factors leads to the fact that the cost of all work exceeds the indicators of the Main Zone in the Far North by 4-5 times, in the Near North by 2-3 times. Houses in the northern version (insulated) require more building materials and costs. In order for people to stay in the North, not only increased wages and other material incentives are needed, but also good conditions for supplying everything they need. All this requires costs. Wages in the North are from 1.5 to 3 times higher.

Currently, in the Eastern macroregion the share of the urban population sharply prevails, amounting to a total of 74%, and in the Far East 76%. There are about 900 urban settlements, including 230 cities. The East has its own millionaire cities - Novosibirsk and Omsk. Seven cities are the largest (with a population of more than 500 thousand inhabitants).

It was here that the formation of powerful TPK began, concentrating the most important production (for example, the production of more than 65% of oil and gas).

The eastern macroregion, with its huge territory, is poorly developed by transport. In the Eastern macroregion in the 70s - 80s. Large transport construction was carried out (BAM, roads to the West Siberian North, Amur-Yakutsk Mainline - AYAM, etc.).

The eastern macroregion concentrates a variety of natural resources. Its northern territories with extreme conditions and easily vulnerable nature concentrate more than 80% of the country's energy resources, 80% of mature wood reserves, 75% of water (and 85% of hydropower) resources, the predominant share of non-ferrous and rare metals, and large reserves of chemical raw materials.


1. The region occupies a huge territory, remote from the Central regions of Russia. The further you are from the European part, the more difficult it is to establish interregional connections.

The Eastern region needs to develop external economic ties with the countries of Central and East Asia.

The transport network is poorly developed, so it is necessary to build new roads, especially in the north of the region, and develop river and air transport.

2. Natural conditions are unfavorable (they do not facilitate, but rather hinder the development of the territory).

3. Natural resources are rich, but their development is more expensive than in the European part of the country.

The region's economy is based on local resources, but it is also necessary to develop knowledge-intensive industries.

4. The infrastructure is very poorly developed, difficult living conditions are the reason for the low population of the territory and the lack of labor resources.

4. Consolidation. What features does the Eastern macroregion have?

5. Homework§ 46, table

Determine the economic region of the Western Zone based on a set of characteristics:

1. a) in the east of the region there are deposits of coal, oil and gas;

b) there are large reserves of forest resources;

c) in the north-west of the region there is an ice-free port;

d) the transport network is poorly developed.

2. a) the area has a multinational population;

b) the population is unevenly distributed;

c) high rural population density;

d) Agro-industrial complex and recreational farming are the leading sectors of the economy.

3. a) the area has a favorable EGP;

b) the area is poor in natural resources;

c) the main industry is mechanical engineering;

d) a significant part of the population lives in a city of federal significance.

4. a) rich mineral resources;

b) the metallurgical base is rich in the country;

c) heavy engineering is developed;

d) the main problem is environmental.

5. a) the area stretches from north to south;

b) the agro-industrial complex is important;

c) mechanical engineering specializes in the production of cars and trolleybuses;

d) the fishing industry is developed.

6. a) high-tech mechanical engineering, textile and chemical industries are developed;

b) ranks first in terms of population;

c) has a strong scientific base;

d) the area is poor in natural resources.

7. a) the smallest in area;

b) has a large port;

d) problem – floods in the largest city;

e) stands out for its knowledge-intensive and labor-intensive mechanical engineering.

8. a) fertile soils;

b) lack of water resources;

c) political instability;

d) the area has a surplus of labor resources.

Macro-region comparison plan

1. EGP (central, peripheral, regional area, transport network).

2. Natural conditions:

a) relief;

b) climate;

c) the nature of the earth’s crust;

d) internal waters.

3. Natural resources:

a) mineral;

b) aquatic;

c) agroclimatic;

d) biological;

d) land.

4. Population:

a) population size;

b) population density;

c) level of urbanization;

d) migration;

d) cities.

5. Household:

a) specialization of the macroregion;

b) location of industries.

6. Problems of the macroregion.

Page 1

The eastern macroregion covers an area of ​​12.8 million km2. This is more than half (75%) of the country and at the same time significantly larger than the territory of any country in the world. 32 million people live here. people (only 22% of the Russian population).

The vast territory of the Eastern region concentrates the main fuel, energy and raw materials resources of the country, and began to be developed successively from west to east.

The diversity of EGP, natural conditions and resources of individual parts of the Eastern macroregion largely determines its economic-geographical status. originality, problems and development prospects. The EGP of parts of the Eastern macroregion differs significantly. The diverse resources of Western Siberia (gas, oil, coal) are actively used in the western regions. The Far East, due to its extreme remoteness (9.5 thousand km from Moscow to Vladivostok), can send only the most valuable or acutely scarce resources for the country (non-ferrous and rare metals, fish products) for interregional exchange. At the same time, the mass production of timber, coal and other industries in the Far East is of great importance for the country’s foreign trade.

The northern and southern regions differ sharply. Vast territories of the North with harsh natural conditions are poorly populated and developed. The Northern zone occupies more than 1/2 of the territory of Western Siberia, 2/3 of Eastern Siberia and more than 3/4 of the Far East. The North zone is normative. This means that all costs (standards) are assessed here depending on the severity of nature and the remoteness of the territory from the developed areas. The cost of all work in the North will increase by 2-5 times. In recent years, there has been an outflow of population from the Asian North, because... The general crisis in the country especially affected the deterioration of living conditions of people in the northern regions with a specialization in raw materials.

Construction is being carried out in conditions of permafrost, extensive swamps, and severe winter frosts.

The northern territories of the macroregion are extremely rich in natural resources, but nature here is easily vulnerable. More than 3/4 of the country's energy resources, reserves of mature wood, water (and hydropower) resources, and the predominant share of flowers are concentrated in the Asian North. and rare metals, chemical reserves. raw materials.

Population. Over the last century, the population of the Eastern zone has grown rapidly, both absolutely and relatively (that is, in comparison with the population of the country): in 1897. - less than 6 million. person, in 1926 - 12.3 million people, in 1990 - 32.3 million Human. The average population density is extremely low. The population is concentrated in the south - along the Trans-Siberian Railway. At the same time, the pace of settlement was high, especially in the North. For example, if in 1925 in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug about 40 thousand lived. people, then in 1990 - more than 1.3 million Human.

In the Eastern macroregion, the urban population sharply predominates, amounting to a total of 74%; while in the Far East it reaches the highest level - 76%.

Currently, there are about 230 cities and more than 600 urban-type settlements - single-functional settlements associated mainly with the extraction of natural resources. This also reflects its specificity.

In the East there are “millionaire” cities (Novosibirsk - more than 1.4 million people and Omsk - more than 1.2 million people).

The role of the Eastern macroregion in the Russian economy is constantly increasing.

Farming. The eastern macroregion is the main fuel and energy base of the country, the main producer of aluminum, supplier of color ores. metals, fish and forest products. In the future, resource extraction will not increase. It must be accompanied by their deep comprehensive processing. Here, in the future, energy-intensive and low-labor-intensive branches of mechanical engineering should develop dynamically with a deep conversion of defense enterprises.

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