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Magnetic acupuncture cups Haci Khasi - “Miracle jars Khasi. Not a panacea for all diseases, but very similar to it.” Application of Chinese vacuum cups Acupuncture magnetic cups instructions for use

My oriental medicine doctor introduced me to acupuncture magnetic suction cups HACI (I don’t know how to say Khasi, Khatsi or something else in Russian) - she put cups on me after a massage - I have a problem spine. First, I will write about the principle of operation of these cans, then my review about use and where to buy them cheaply.

Operating principle of HACI

The action of HACI is combined.
On the one hand, suction cups, like conventional medical cups, create a vacuum, which promotes a rush of blood and increases its circulation at the site where the jar is installed.
Since there are magnets in the center of the suction cup (blue and red - with different poles), after installation on the body, a low voltage current begins to flow through it, creating a magnetic field that affects the point itself, as well as deep into and around the point within a radius of up to 9 cm.
When the jar is installed, the central magnet not only acts as an electrode, but also performs the function of an acupressure stick, which is why HACI is placed on sore spots, on acupuncture points, and along channels in general.

My experience and review of HACI

Positive feedback first. My doctor put HACI on my sore back and the result was felt after the procedure, not that I started flying right away, but the result was noticeable, the pain subsided, and on the contrary, the mobility of the vertebrae increased slightly.
After a month’s course of treatment, including magnetic cups, when the effect became clearly noticeable, the doctor gave me her jars for independent use at home. I put the cups on my sore lower back and shoulder, and did an exercise to improve the supply of oxygen to the brain as indicated in the instructions, so after a week I decided to buy myself a complete set of my own cups.

Now there is a fly in the ointment for the objectivity of the review.
HACI says that they are not traumatic, well, yes, only in the sense that they don’t make holes in the skin like needles, but marks from the magnet and bruises from the cans themselves form in 15 minutes and take much longer to disappear.
I’ve seen advertising reviews on YouTube and on various sites about how they are completely or almost painless, don’t believe me! This is a lie, the person who says he hasn’t used them himself and the point of such reviews is only to sell, purely advertising, and not a review of use. HACI cups are painful, and if you place them as expected on an acupuncture point (and it’s painful to press on it)... and then a sharp magnet presses on it + the current, albeit weak, flows... a feeling of sharp and cutting pain as if they they bite into you. For more details, see the instructions in the section "Ashi therapy of pain points." Of course, there are places where it is not too painful and tolerable, but in the area of ​​a sore joint, inflamed nerve or muscle, it is very difficult to endure. The instructions, however, happily inform that “The stronger the pain during use, the higher the effectiveness of the cookie, but.... The pain, of course, gradually subsides, a person gets used to everything, as is known, but you need to know in advance that the procedure is painful And the fact that there will be bruises on the body for several more days and holes from the magnets for several hours, too, but what can you do, the treatment really helps....

Where to buy HACI inexpensively?

After looking at the prices in Moscow - from 2.5 to 4 thousand, I decided to go to AliExpress, these banks are Chinese...
On March 29 of this year, I bought a set of a maximum of 18 pieces of different sizes for 1,340 rubles with free delivery.

There are cheaper options with a piston - it’s not convenient to put on yourself, there are more expensive ones with a silicone bulb, not a rubber one like mine, silicone is of course better, but it also costs almost 2 times more. The doctor said that there is also a super luxury option with a silver or gold tip of the magnets, she said not to take those, it’s all bullshit, the effect from them is the same as from a steel tip.
In general, the choice on Aliexpress of these cans, suction cups and similar things is very large - decide what exactly suits you.
My jars came with a zippered case for storing the jars, conductivity cream, and instructions... in Chinese. Since the doctor gave me her jars, bought in Moscow, the instructions were in Russian, and of course I scanned them. But before you happily buy haci acupuncture, magnetic, vacuum and generally miracle jars, you need to understand that they also have contraindications.

Contraindications, indications, HACI instructions

Contraindications for the use of haci
1. Some people (about 1 in 10 million), as with traditional acupuncture, have experienced fainting after using haci. If during the procedure you experience palpitations, dizziness, cold sweats or other symptoms, you should immediately stop the procedure and lie down.
2. In cases of severe fatigue or hunger, it is not advisable to use HACI immediately, but rather carry out the procedure after 30 minutes of rest or 30 minutes after eating.
H. Pregnant women should use HACI only with the consent of a doctor.
4. HACI is not recommended for patients with an electrical pacemaker.
5. Patients suffering from hemophilia, thrombopenic purpura or other diseases that easily cause bleeding should be careful when using HACI.
6. Patients with hypersensitive skin should be careful when using HACI; It is forbidden to use cups on wounded or festering skin.

Diseases for which treatment regimens are given in the instructions
Technology to increase the flow of oxygen into the heart muscle and brain
Treatment of inflammation of the peri-ulceral area (periaphritis), lower back pain, treatment of diseases of the cervical vertebrae
Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
Treatment of prostatitis, impotence and prospermia
Treatment of nephritis (nephrolithiasis)
Treatment of painful menstruation and abnormal menstruation, breastfeeding
treatment of the consequences of apoplexy (lower limbs)
Treatment of hypertension, heart disease and coronary arteries
Treatment of hylerlipemia (high blood lipids) and diabetes mellitus
Treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma
Treatment of toothache, headache and insomnia
Treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers

Instructions in Russian in PDF format, use it for your health!

1. Ashi therapy - brief instructions:

Improves renal filtration, promoting increased urine output. This type of therapy - Ashi therapy - is carried out to relieve pain.

Ashi therapy relieves pain in the lower back, cervical vertebrae, shoulder and limbs.
The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, 2 times a day.

To place the suction cups, the concentrated placement method is used.
For example, up to 9 suction cups can be installed on the neck or lower back.

The suction cups are installed in random order on the shaded part shown in the detailed instructions from the manufacturer.

2. Brief instructions for “Energy of Life” therapy:

"Life Energy" or technology for increasing the flow of oxygen to the heart muscle and brain. Procedures using this technology are necessary for every person to prevent health.

1-2 procedures within 30 days are enough and you will feel the irresistible energy of life and creation.

3. Brief instructions for using therapy:

The remote control vessel is located on the center line of the back. The Du vessel occupies a central place in the supply of the central nervous system.

Magnetic suction cups are installed along the entire length of the vessel in the area from the seventh cervical vertebra to the coccyx - from the Da Zhui point to the Yao Yu point.

4. Brief instructions for “Ren” and “Du” therapy:

The Ren vessel is located on the center line of the chest and abdomen. Chinese HACI MASC suction cups are placed equidistantly along the entire length of the Ren and Du vessels.

The principle of choosing suction cups with poles for each vessel is very simple. Suction cups with the “N” pole are placed on the vessel to which the diseased organs are closest, and red suction cups with the “S” pole are placed on the opposite side.

5. Brief instructions for foot therapy:

Biologically active points (BAP) on the legs are a reflection of all other human organs. Therefore, therapy of the reflex area of ​​the legs in combination with the use of other technologies for placing suction cups on the body significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment.

As clinical observations show, additional installation of Chinese suction cups on reflex points (BAP) of the legs is more effective in treating the diseases indicated on the left.

  • If increased heartbeat, dizziness, cold sweat and similar symptoms appear during the procedure, the procedure should be stopped immediately;
  • Patients with hemophelia and diseases that cause rapid bleeding;
  • With severe fatigue and feeling of hunger;
  • PREGNANCY - under medical supervision;
  • Patients with an electrical stimulator;

Chinese traditional medicine has become famous throughout the world. There are many ways to treat diseases of the human body using methods different from those offered by traditional medicine.

Magnetic banks can be used in medical institutions, as well as at home. They are used in such therapeutic methods as Zhen Ju therapy, acupressure, magnetic therapy, acupressure. This treatment refers to reflexology, the basis of which is based on bioenergy.

Mode of application:

First, the required amount of ointment is applied to the point that will be affected. Using the thumb, index and middle fingers, take the magnetic suction cup by the balloon, squeeze it forcefully with your thumb to squeeze out the air, then apply it to the required point and slightly increase the pressure when the edges of the transparent can of the suction cup are in full contact with the skin, unclench your fingers.

Leave the suction cup on each point for approximately 10-15 minutes. Excessive exposure may cause a blister. If a blister does appear, there is no need to open it. After some time it will pass, but the next time you install the magnetic jar, you should change the point. If a blister breaks, it is necessary to disinfect the area of ​​the break with a swab treated in an alcohol solution; be careful, a large amount of alcohol can lead to a chemical burn.

For “light pricking”, you can leave the suction cup at each point for more than 30 minutes. To be on the safe side, the jar can be installed in two 15-minute increments with a 5-minute break. When applying magnetic suction cups, marks may remain on the face, which can be easily smoothed out with your hands or with a warm towel. It is best to place magnetic suction cups on the face area repeatedly and briefly (for 1 minute, then again - more than 10 times). After use, wipe the suction cups with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.

The course of treatment is 10 days. The action of magnetic suction cups is based on the principle of skin retraction due to the resulting low pressure inside the jar. A beam of magnetic force lines penetrates approximately 6-9 cm deep into the human body. A sharp metal magnetic cone acts on a point in a similar way to an acupuncture needle, but without penetrating the skin. Each jar has its own vacuum suction cup and strong magnet. The reduced pressure created by the cup helps to activate blood circulation, normalize osmotic pressure in cells, and supply oxygen and nutrients to tissues and organs.

Magnetic suction cups do not damage the skin; the patient completely lacks the feeling of fear of the needle, which is characteristic of classical acupuncture. At the same time, the use of magnetic cups is a sterile, safe, painless method of Zhen Ju therapy. The magnetic jar tip has antitoxic and anti-inflammatory properties. Different cup sizes are needed to work on all areas of the body.

When treating ordinary pain syndromes, you only need to find the right point; already 10-15 minutes after installing the suction cup in accordance with the diagram and taking into account the interaction of the poles of the magnets, a positive therapeutic effect is observed. During the procedure, it is recommended to drink 250 grams of water to increase the therapeutic effect of cupping therapy. For the most common diseases, a positive effect usually appears after 1-2 treatment sessions. Magnetic suction cups promote blood circulation and lead to harmony of Yin and Yang.

A special method of using magnetic suction cups allows you to “clean” the main energy channels of the body - the anterior and posterior median meridians.

Application for specific diseases:

  • Pain in various parts of the body. Inflammation near the shoulder area (periaphritis), lumbago, rheumatism. Lower back pain (hyperplasia of the lumbar vertebrae, protruding intervertebral discs, torn lumbar muscles). Diseases of the cervical vertebrae (spondylosis). Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Impotence, prospermia, prostatitis, frequent urination. Nephritis (nephrolithiasis).
  • Painful and abnormal menstruation, dysmenorrhea, mastitis, breastfeeding.
  • Consequences of apoplexy (lower limbs). Hypertension, hyperlipemia (increased levels of lipids in the blood). Diabetes.
  • Bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, common cold, cough, pneumonia, pollen allergy.
  • Gastritis and stomach ulcers, constipation, second-degree hepatitis, cholelithiasis, kidney stones.
  • Disease of the heart (myocardium) and coronary arteries. Increased cholesterol and triglyceride.
  • Neuritis of the facial nerve, after stroke, paralysis, trigeminal nerve disease, sciatic neuralgia, senile dementia, infantile paralysis.
  • Headache and insomnia, toothache, eye diseases, tinnitus, sinusitis, obesity.

Designations for the coloring of the imprint of medical cups:

  • Purple, black (dark): usually indicates poor circulation, menstrual irregularities, blood stagnation.
  • Purple, spotting: usually indicates blockage of blood vessels due to prolonged exposure to cold.
  • Random broken lines of purple color: usually indicate a delay in the circulation of vital forces, stagnation of blood.
  • Bright red: usually indicates deficiency of Yin, Qi and blood energy, or irritability due to deficiency of Yin.
  • Dark red: usually indicates high levels of fat in the blood or the presence of harmful Qi energy.
  • Light gray: cold touch, empty cold syndrome (Yang deficiency) or the presence of harmful Qi energy.
  • Damage or itching is observed on the skin: indicates a cold in the body, a cold.
  • Using magnetic suction cups can cause pain and sometimes cause blisters. But this indicates the effectiveness of the treatment. Pain from needles and pain caused by disease are completely different phenomena. And the appearance of blisters is the result of the release of toxins.


  • Pregnant women should use only under medical supervision.
  • Patients with a pacemaker.
  • Patients with hemophilia, thrombophlebitis, and other diseases that easily cause bleeding.
  • Use on open wound surfaces is prohibited.
  • People with metal allergies.


The kit includes: detailed instructions in Russian, containing diagrams for placing cups depending on the disease, 18 suction cups of different sizes, a convenient case for carrying and storing, ointment. Next, you can use any ointment or baby cream; we recommend using Vaseline.

Magnetic cups are simultaneously the effect of acupuncture, aspiration, magnetic therapy, acupressure and autohemotherapy.

Each jar has its own vacuum suction cup and a magnet with a north or south pole. The negative pressure created by the jar helps to activate blood circulation, normalize osmotic pressure in cells, and supply oxygen and nutrients to tissues and organs.

The magnetic field generated by a 3000 gauss magnet located inside the magnetic jar penetrates tissue to a depth of 12 cm. It improves blood circulation and activates metabolism at the cellular level. A sharp metal magnetic cone acts on the point in a similar way to an acupuncture needle, but without penetrating the skin.

A special method of using magnetic suction cups allows you to “clean” the main energy channels of the body - the anterior and posterior median meridians.

Features and Benefits:

A 5-minute exposure restores a normal electrocardiogram in patients with disorders of the coronary vessels of the heart.

A 15-minute exposure restores the normal state of red blood cells.

Regular use of massage cups increases the activity of the enzyme (superoxide dismutase), a powerful antioxidant necessary for the prevention and treatment of heart disease, blood vessels, and cancer.

The use of magnetic acupressure cups HACI - HACI MASC restores Langerhans cells that secrete insulin.

The use of MASC lowers cholesterol levels and reduces the likelihood of cerebrovascular thrombosis.

Carrying out the procedure:

Chinese magnetic banks are installed for 10-15 minutes in accordance with the diagram and taking into account the interaction of the north and south poles of the magnets. During the procedure, it is recommended to drink 250 grams of water to increase the therapeutic effect of cupping therapy.

Indications for use:

  • Treatment of inflammation of the peribrachial region,
  • lower back pain,
  • diseases of the cervical vertebrae,
  • rheumatoid arthritis,
  • impotence and prospermia,
  • nephritis (nephrolithiasis),
  • prostatitis,
  • painful menstruation and abnormal menstruation, breastfeeding.
  • consequences of apoplexy.
  • hypertension,
  • hyperlipemia (high blood lipids),
  • bronchitis,
  • pneumonia,
  • asthma,
  • toothache,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • gastritis and stomach ulcers,
  • diseases of the heart and coronary arteries,
  • headache,
  • insomnia.

To enhance the effectiveness of treatment with creams and ointments for various diseases (such as psoriasis and neurodermatitis). And many other diseases (including cancer, etc.)

  • Pregnant women should use only under medical supervision.
  • Not recommended for patients with pacemakers.
  • Contraindicated in hemophilia, thrombocytopenic purpura.
  • Use on open wound surfaces is prohibited.

Some people (about 1 in 10 million), as with traditional acupuncture, have experienced fainting after cupping. If during the procedure you experience palpitations, dizziness, cold sweats or other symptoms, you should immediately stop the procedure and lie down. If the symptoms are severe enough, you should press your fingers on the vertical groove of the upper lip and drink water with sugar in moderation. The symptoms will disappear in a short time.

In case of severe fatigue or feeling of hunger, it is not advisable to use cups immediately, but it is better to carry out the procedure only after 30 minutes of rest or 30 minutes after eating.

Patients with hypersensitive skin should be careful when using cups; It is forbidden to use massage cups on wounded or festering skin.

Large amounts of wet toxins can cause blisters on the skin, so each treatment should not exceed 15 minutes. Patients with delicate skin should moderately reduce the treatment time to avoid blisters. However, you should not be too afraid of blisters, because their appearance is the result of the release of toxins, which indicates the effectiveness of the treatment. After normal disinfection, the blisters will disappear after a short period of time.

After the procedure, skin color may change. This is an indicator of the severity of the disease and will disappear in a few days.

Can needles should not be kept near heat sources. The demagnetization temperature of a magnetic alloy of rare earth metals is 100; °C.

Cans should be stored at a distance of more than 10 cm from the TV, clock and other similar objects.

Price 1150 rub. indicated at the rate of 1$=50rub. for regular cans (18pcs)

Chinese medicine has long been known for its achievements in the treatment of various diseases. Magnetic cupping is an excellent alternative to acupuncture and is becoming more popular every day. The article describes in detail the principle of operation of haci hasi magnetic acupuncture cups, lists the diseases for which they have a positive effect, discusses contraindications for use, and also provides reviews from real people.

Magnetic acupuncture cups: description and principle of operation

Haci hasi magnetic acupuncture cups can be used both in medical institutions and at home. You can contact specialists who carry out the procedure at home, or buy jars and install them yourself.

Usually the kit includes 18 cans of different sizes, which allows you to use them on any part of the body. Each can consists of a clear plastic body, a rubber or silicone suction cup and a magnetic tip shaped like a blunt needle. The tips can be blue or red, depending on the pole of their charge.

Magnetic acupuncture cups haci hasi, affecting the human body, immediately have a triple effect:

  1. Vacuum effect. Due to the additional blood flow to the tissues, blood supply and metabolic processes in the body are improved, the cells are saturated with oxygen and nutrients.
  2. Acupuncture effect. When the cups are suctioned to the body, the magnetic tip, like a needle, affects bioactive points. At the same time, unlike classical acupuncture, the skin is not damaged, and the procedure itself is not scary and practically painless.
  3. Magnetic effect. The charged poles of the tips allow magnetic pulses to penetrate the body to a depth of 7-9 centimeters. They help increase the activity of red blood cells, which, in turn, improves metabolism and blood circulation at the cellular level.

With the help of haci hasi magnetic acupuncture cups, you can cleanse the main energy channels of a person, get rid of negativity and let in harmony and tranquility.

Magnetic acupuncture cups haci hasi instructions for use

In order for the procedure to bring a positive effect and not cause harm, you must strictly follow the instructions for use. It is recommended to use haci hasi magnetic acupuncture cups for a course of 10 or 14 days several times a year.

Before use, each jar must be treated with an alcohol solution in order to disinfect them. The jars come with a special cream that is applied to the skin where the magnetic tip is exposed to it.

Haci hashi magnetic acupuncture cups are installed for 15 minutes. Exceeding the specified time may cause skin damage. Usually the procedure is painless, but sometimes there is a feeling of discomfort. In this case, you just need to “loosen” the jar a little.

It is very important to place the haci hasi magnetic acupuncture cups correctly. For various diseases, there are special patterns for arranging cans. Eg:

Indications for use

Magnetic acupuncture cups have a wide range of applications. They can be used for complex treatment of the following diseases:

  • Osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, arthritis and arthrosis;
  • Chronic and acute gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • Prostatitis, impotence and prospermia;
  • Mastopathy and painful menstruation;
  • Bronchitis, pneumonia and bronchial asthma;
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Hypertension, headache and insomnia.

When treating serious illnesses with haci hasi cupping, it is important to consult your doctor and get his approval. It is also necessary to remember that magnetic acupuncture cups do not replace the main treatment, but are used in complex therapy.

The procedure can also be done to prevent various diseases, as well as to improve the general condition of the body, relieve tension and accumulated fatigue.

Precautions and contraindications

Most people tolerate the procedure well and do not notice any side effects. It is important to strictly follow the instructions and not hold the jars longer than prescribed, otherwise blisters may appear on the skin, which will burst and cause severe pain. People with very sensitive skin sometimes experience bruising and redness at the place where the cups are attached. They go by pretty quickly.

As for contraindications, the procedure cannot be performed:

  • Pregnant women;
  • Patients with a pacemaker;
  • People suffering from blood diseases in which bleeding can easily begin (hemophilia, thrombophlebitis, etc.);
  • For those who are allergic to metal;
  • People with overly sensitive skin.

Do not place jars on open wounds, irritated or damaged skin.

Magnetic jars with acupuncture action: real reviews

Reviews from people who have tried haci hasi magnetic acupuncture cups on themselves are positive in 90% of cases. Many felt the effect after the first procedure. People immediately felt a decrease or complete disappearance of pain. And after a ten-day course, your general well-being improves significantly, and the disease ceases to bother you. Here's what they write about haci hasi banks:

Magnetic acupuncture cups haci hasi is a real miracle of Chinese medicine. Due to their triple action, they have a powerful healing effect and help cope with various diseases. Before using cans, you should read the instructions, and if you have serious illnesses, you should consult a doctor.

Author: Olga Vasilyeva.
Photo: Instagram, Infastar, YouTube.
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