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Targeted loan for the purchase of housing maternity capital. How to get a targeted loan for maternity capital? We take out a loan against swearing. capital: step by step guide

There was a joyful event in the family of Alexander and Elena: a second child was born - a son, and now the parents have twice as much worries. As you know, since January 1, 2007, the state has been actively encouraging such conscientious citizens as our heroes, rewarding them with a substantial sum of money (in 2014 - about 430 thousand rubles). But, as you know, you can receive the treasured capital only when the child is 3 years old. But what if you need money now? Is it possible to get a loan for maternity capital and how legal is it? What does the state allow the allocated amount to be spent on?

To answer all his questions, Alexander signed up for a consultation with a lawyer, and here are the actual answers he received to his questions.

What is maternity capital?

Family capital, which is also called maternal capital, is a set amount of budget support allocated at the birth of a second child and subsequent children to Russian citizens, starting from 01/01/2007. All legal nuances were regulated by the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 256 “On additional measures...”. To receive funds, you need a special personalized certificate, which is issued to the parent (in some cases, the guardian). This document is submitted to the territorial body of the Pension Fund with the corresponding application.

What options are there for using family capital?

  1. (improving living conditions);
  2. Payment for education for a child;
  3. Accounting (the most unpopular form).

When can maternity capital be used?

As a general rule, money is available only when the child reaches 3 years of age. But if we are talking about repaying a loan (interest on it) for the purchase or construction of housing, paying the first installment, then the certificate can be used at any time - at the request of the parents.

How legal is it to take out a loan against family capital?

The question of the legal purity of the procedure still remains open. A literal interpretation of the legislation leads to the idea that money can only be used to improve living conditions (and only for a house, but not for improving facilities). Pure “cash out”, even when it comes to urgent needs, is not legal. Accordingly, by using any loopholes offered by the “craftsmen”, the parent risks falling under criminal charges and incurring serious liability. And the most important thing is to lose the money received in this way.

By the way, young families have a legal right to, which is no less than 30% of the cost of the purchased apartment.

How is a loan for maternity capital provided?

At the moment, funds are issued only for needs related to improving housing conditions (participation in shared-equity construction of an apartment, purchase of real estate, etc.). Young parents have two ways to use state resources - contact a bank or a financial institution.

What documents are required to receive financing?

To obtain a loan (credit), the following documents are required:

  • Certificate for receiving family capital;
  • A document confirming the identity of the person to whom the certificate was issued (mother);
  • Certificate from the Pension Fund of Russia regarding the capital balance;
  • Application to the Pension Fund for the disposal of financial capital.
  • A document confirming the identity of the spouse of the certificate owner;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • Pension Fund certificate;
  • Birth certificates of children;
  • A complete package of documents for the purchased property.

When applying for a loan, a loan for maternity capital, it can be used to pay the down payment, repay interest and principal, as well as a mortgage loan.

What is the procedure for obtaining a loan for maternity capital?

  1. Submission of documents and conclusion of an agreement. The entire package of papers is transferred to a credit and financial institution, with which an agreement is signed for the provision of services in the course of further work.
  2. Receiving funds. Financial resources that must be spent on resolving the issue with the developer (seller of the property) are transferred to the applicants’ bank account, and from there to the final addressee.
  3. Transfer of documents to the Pension Fund. The real estate purchase and sale agreement and the loan agreement concluded with the financial institution are transferred to the territorial body.
  4. Return money to the lender. No later than within three months, the funds are transferred to the creditor (the organization acting in his capacity), and the encumbrance is removed from the acquired property.

As a rule, the borrower pays interest for the time the funds are used while the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is deciding whether to satisfy the application of the certificate owner. This amount is within 5-15% of the total funds raised, which is acceptable for the family. When collaborating with banks, funds are not transferred to the certificate owner, and all payments are made between legal entities.

So, the scheme looks quite complex and confusing, since the security for the loan amount is not entirely clear. After all, a certificate is a personal document, and only the owner can receive money from it, and only for the needs specified in the law. But in fact, the encumbrance is imposed on the object, which serves as collateral. Nevertheless, thousands of people have already tried this option for obtaining a loan, and all of them were satisfied (to one degree or another) with such cooperation.

Important: The following methods for cashing out maternity capital are illegal, and their use may result in criminal penalties. They are given as an example of how funds received from the state for the birth of a second child cannot be used.

Options for fraud when applying for a loan for maternity capital:

  • Real purchase during a “fictitious” sale. Some organizations offer the return of part of maternity capital when purchasing real estate at a clearly inflated price (this is especially typical for the regions). As soon as the transaction is completed and the certificate is cashed, young parents are denied a refund or their share is significantly reduced, and they are left alone with the property. Of course, a rare deceived parent will go to the police with a statement, because he has actually become an accomplice in the crime.
  • Trusting relatives. Several cases of fraud have been identified in the fictitious purchase of real estate from relatives, if the last names are different. By purchasing an apartment or house at an inflated price in order to cash out money, you can forever quarrel when dividing up finances, and gullible “sellers” can be left without real estate and without money.
  • Withdrawal of a certificate. Some gullible citizens simply sell their document or transfer it without payment - under the “guarantee” of reward in the future. Using various cash-out schemes, attackers can then either leave a person without money or offer a very modest payment - in the amount of 50-100 thousand rubles.

Is it possible to get a loan for maternity capital for consumer needs?

Perhaps this question worries everyone who could theoretically fall under the government support program. And, if desired, such offers can be found on the Internet - there are dozens, if not hundreds of them. As you might guess, the money ends up with the certificate holder without reaching the property owner. In fact, a fictitious transaction is concluded to purchase an object when neither party intends to fulfill its obligations.

In this case, the owner of the certificate receives 30-70% of the amount of maternity capital, and not its entire amount. But – we especially emphasize – this option is illegal, and in the practice of Russian law enforcement agencies there have already been cases of mass prosecution of citizens.

An analysis of the legislation demonstrates that it is possible to “cash out” funds allocated as family capital, but this may be regarded as an abuse of one’s right. Therefore, legal processing of a loan is possible only if living conditions are improved, and there are several options here, including. We cannot dissuade you from cooperating with microfinance organizations, but we recommend that you carefully evaluate your prospects when working with them.

In this article we will look at how to get a loan for maternity capital. Let’s find out whether it’s possible to take out a cash loan for housing urgently, and we’ll figure out what you can spend the targeted loan on. We have prepared for you a procedure for receiving money to buy a home through banks and collected feedback from borrowers.

What is a loan for maternity capital?

For several years now, a large number of families in Russia have been solving housing problems using maternity capital funds. The relevance of this federal program has not been lost. Today we will talk about what a mat is. capital, how it is formalized and what types of it exist.

So, a loan for maternity capital is a kind of loan that is issued to the person who is the owner of the certificate. Since many people believe that a loan and a credit are one and the same thing, let us bring some clarity.

according to the following criteria:

  1. A loan can only be obtained by contacting a banking organization.
  2. The loan can be provided by an individual or legal entity, as well as the state.
  3. Interest is not required on the loan. The one who issues the loan may well provide it without charging interest.

The main feature of such loans for maternity capital is their strictly intended purpose.

Can MFOs issue loans against maternity capital?

Microfinance organizations are prohibited from issuing loans against maternity capital. This is due to the large number of identified violations. Note that the ban came into force three years ago.

The requirement of the law does not affect those persons who have already taken out maternity capital loans earlier. But for the current period, it will no longer be possible to cash out funds through.

Who can issue loans against maternity capital?

The following have the right to issue loans:

  1. Banking institutions.
  2. Consumer cooperatives that operate for a minimum of 36 months from the date of registration.
  3. Other organizations issuing loans.

It is the concept of “other organizations” that raises doubts among the legislator. A bill was introduced in the State Duma to deprive some organizations of the right to issue funds. It is currently under review until a decision has been made.

In the process of purchasing real estate using loan funds against mat. capital involves four parties:

  1. Someone who sells real estate.
  2. Buyer.
  3. Lender.

At the same time, the Pension Fund of Russia is not only a party to the agreement; it transfers funds at the request of the certificate owner. However, its role is difficult to overestimate. Due to the fact that the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation checks the concluded agreement for compliance with the law, the conclusion of the transaction takes a lot of time. And the actual transfer of funds also does not happen quickly.

In 2017, the period within which a decision on the transfer of funds must be made was reduced to 1 month, and the Pension Fund of Russia is given 10 working days to transfer money. This change made it possible to stop various bureaucratic delays.

Is it possible to get a loan secured by maternity capital?

Often a family that wants to get a loan against mat. capital, presents this procedure as follows: you need to find an organization, leave a certificate as collateral and take the money. This is a misconception - it is impossible to get a loan in this way (unless we are talking about fraudulent activities).

The certificate cannot act as collateral, since it cannot be sold, and only the person in whose name it is issued can use the document.

This document is valuable for you and your family; this paper has no value for a financial institution. If they diligently convince you of the opposite, this is a reason to be wary: most likely, we are talking about fraudulent schemes.

Will the loan be issued in cash?

The law prohibits cashing out maternity capital through a loan. But there are still advertisements that offer urgent access to maternity capital.

Often people fall for such tricks, in particular, they purchase dilapidated and dilapidated housing, prescribe an inflated price, or even provide paperwork for an object that does not exist. Therefore, it is worth repeating: issuing a cash loan is prohibited.

The purity of the transaction is carefully checked by the Pension Fund of Russia, and if violations are discovered, both the one who provided the funds and the owner of the certificate will bear responsibility (up to imprisonment).

It is not worth creating problems with the law for the sake of a relatively small amount.

For what purposes can maternity capital be spent?

Using MSK you can:

  1. Pay the first installment on a loan to purchase housing using maternity capital.
  2. Pay off the principal amount owed on your home loan.
  3. Buy real estate in a new building or on the secondary market.
  4. Pay accrued interest on a loan to purchase housing using maternity capital.
  5. Repair a private house or reconstruct it (if the living space increases).
  6. Build a house yourself.
  7. Build a house by concluding a contract with a specialized company.

In a targeted loan agreement for maternity capital, it is necessary to specify the purpose of spending the funds. And also keep in mind that the loan must be issued either to the owner of the certificate or to the second spouse. Registration to a third party is illegal.

Terms of a loan for maternity capital

Most often, the requirements for borrowers are identical to those required when applying for a conventional mortgage:

  1. Age - from .
  2. Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  3. Good credit history.
  4. Sufficient income.
  5. Official employment.

But in the case when a loan is issued at a credit cooperative, the requirements are somewhat more flexible: there is no need to confirm income, and the age limits also shift.

There is usually no fee for processing and issuing a loan, but insurance and collateral for the purchased home are provided. As for interest rates, they can be completely different.

After purchase, the acquired property must be registered as the property of all family members in equal shares.

Loan for maternity capital at Sberbank

Let’s look at the conditions under which you can apply for a loan against maternity capital from Sberbank. So:

  1. Preferential lending conditions apply for young families.
  2. Each loan application is considered individually.
  3. If you receive a salary from Sberbank of Russia, special conditions apply to you.
  4. You can attract co-borrowers to increase the loan amount.

The application can be filled out, which will significantly save your free time.

The application form looks like this:

Part of the terms of the loan against mat. capital are reflected in the table:

The loan can be issued:

  • for the purchase and construction of a house;
  • for purchasing housing on the secondary market;
  • for the purchase of an apartment in a new building.

There are special conditions for salary clients of a banking organization, as well as for citizens who are raising a child alone.

The list of required papers depends on the parameters that you specified in your application form.

Loan for maternity capital at Rosselkhozbank

The banking organization offers its clients mortgage loans against maternity capital on the following terms:

Among the important advantages of obtaining a loan for maternity capital at Rosselkhozbank are:

  • confirmation of income with a bank certificate;
  • no commission fees for issuing money;
  • loyal interest rate on the loan.

We also note that the lending period is quite long, up to 30 years. The property you purchase is pledged, and property insurance services can be paid for using loan funds.

How to get a loan for maternity capital?

Let’s figure out how to properly apply for a loan for maternity capital in order to receive the necessary funds. First of all, you need to contact the Pension Fund, since the final word remains with him. Also keep in mind that your application will be considered for about a month.

Here are step-by-step instructions:

Choose a property that fully complies with all standards, including sanitary, hygienic and technical. If housing is purchased on the secondary market, it should not be considered unsuitable for living.

Analyze all credit institutions that provide loans of this kind. Read the terms and conditions under which funds are provided and choose the option that suits you best.

Gather documentation.

You, the seller and the lender will sign the contract. After the transaction is formalized in Rosreestr, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will repay the loan issued to you with maternity capital funds.

Within six months, you need to register the purchased apartment or house as shared ownership of the second spouse and each child.

Documents for obtaining a loan for maternity capital

The list of basic documentation should include:

  • your application;
  • questionnaire;
  • certificate for MSK;
  • a certificate from the Pension Fund about the balance of funds (the certificate is valid for 30 days);
  • your passport + passport of the co-borrower (if he is involved);
  • a certificate confirming the registration of marriage or its dissolution;
  • birth certificate of each child;
  • real estate purchase and sale agreement;
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (for the premises you are purchasing);
  • a certificate of citizens who are registered in the purchased living space (or the absence thereof).

When you contact the Pension Fund, provide:

  • photocopy of the loan agreement;
  • your SNILS;
  • if housing is registered as collateral - a photocopy of the mortgage agreement;
  • an obligation certified by a notary to allocate a share to the second spouse and each child.

Do not forget to provide the credit institution with the details for transferring funds.

Risks when using maternity capital

The main task when applying for a loan against capital is to draw up the contract correctly. But since the legal integrity of the transaction is carefully checked by the Pension Fund, and money is transferred only after verification, the risks are minimal.

Of course, you need to select a seller carefully and contact reliable, trusted institutions.

If you apply to a consumer cooperative to receive maternity capital, check all the documents and pay attention to the period of operation of the cooperative. Some people consider cooperatives to be less reliable lenders, but this is just a subjective opinion.

Maternal capital– this is what is so necessary for today’s families with children. According to the law, this money can be spent at the discretion of the parents, so they can buy housing, or pay for the child’s education in the future.

But, according to statistics, these funds are most often spent on buying an apartment or house, because this is what children need at this moment. Let's take a closer look at whether it is possible to take out a loan from Sberbank using these funds and what the terms of this transaction will be.

What is a loan for maternity capital?

If you have definitely decided that what you need at the moment is housing, and you want to use the money that the state gave you for your child, you can do this in two ways:

  • Make a down payment or buy a house and pay for construction and repair work. But there is one very significant disadvantage here. This topic assumes that your child must have reached the age of three;
  • Payment of the main part loan or its balance. That is, if the loan was issued by you earlier, and only part of it remains to be repaid. Compared to the previous option, this one does not require waiting for the child’s third birthday;

I would like to draw special attention to the fact that these funds can only be paid to improve the level of living conditions. That is, if you try to close a consumer loan or any debt, you will be denied this action.

Therefore, you can use money for a child to buy a home only by taking out a loan. Moreover, the less the housing costs, the more amount you can give to the bank to repay this loan.

The law has clearly stated requirements for how maternity capital can be spent; they provide for several options:

  • Level Up housing and its conditions;
  • Abandoning them in favor maternal pension;
  • Formation of money until the children go to school;

Loan for maternity capital at Sberbank

So, Sberbank offers you an option on how you can use money for a child, as loan assistance:

  • Paying what you already have housing loan;
  • Depositing the initial amount to open a new loan;

Once you decide how you want to use your money, the following steps will follow:

  1. The bank will determine your solvency to pay subsequent loan installments;
  2. After Sberbank There will be data on your income, and the amount of maternity capital will be added to it. The resulting figure will be the loan amount;
  3. Before six months have passed from the moment the loan is granted to you, you must go to the Pension Fund and write a statement there that the money should be redirected to the bank to repay the loan.

But, keep in mind that despite the fact that you are given six months, this must be done as soon as possible, because from the moment of accrual until the moment the money is deposited, interest will be accrued on your amount. So, at Sberbank, you can take out a loan up to 30 years under 14% if you make a down payment to 10% of the entire amount.

The law sets out clear conditions for obtaining a loan for maternity capital:

  • Federal certificate to receive money - this certificate is one of the most important documents so that you can be issued a loan. It is issued by the Pension Fund after you write an application there and provide them with all the documents about the child and parents;
  • Family income– in order to receive a loan, the bank needs guarantees that it will be repaid in subsequent years. It is for this reason that a family wants to take out a loan against maternity capital. Must have an appropriate stable income that will allow you to pay the loan in the future;
  • Lack of own living space– maternity capital is aimed at improving living conditions, and therefore, if parents have a good apartment or house, they will be denied a loan using maternity capital. An exception may be a premises that is unsuitable for habitation or does not meet all the living conditions of children;
  • Registration for everyone– after you receive a loan and purchase a home, you will need to draw up documents in such a way that both parents, as well as all their children, including newborns, are the owners of the home.

Which loan for maternity capital from Sberbank should I choose?

Sberbank has several loan offers that an object can take advantage of in case of obtaining a loan for maternity capital.

Purchasing a ready-made residential property You can buy yourself an apartment or house. As collateral, you can take the property you are purchasing or other premises suitable for habitation. The basis for it will be maternity capital.
Purchasing housing that is under construction or requires renovation Opportunity to invest in a house under construction. The collateral for such an offer will be either a building under construction or any other residential premises. The loan is issued with an initial payment from maternity capital.
Home construction Obtaining funds to build a house. In this case, as in the previous ones, the collateral will be either the living space or the future home. The basis will remain maternity capital.

So, let's look at each of the cases separately.

Purchasing a ready-made residential property - the advantages of this method are:

  • Minimum interest at the next loan payment;
  • No commission on contributions;
  • Advantages for regular customers of the bank, as well as for those who have a salary card in Sberbank;
  • Absence of necessity compulsory life and property insurance of the facility;

Despite all the advantages, the offer has a number of conditions:

  • Any currency for lending – euro, dollar, ruble;
  • Minimum for a loan 45 000 , maximum – 18,000,000 rubles(the figure can be converted into any other currency);
  • Term– the loan can be taken out for a period of up to 30 years;
  • Loan interest are calculated according to the amount of the loan, its term, as well as the currency in which the loan is taken;
  • Fixed salary at least one family member;
  • Loan repayment occurs once a month, but the option of early repayment of the loan is possible, and no interest will be charged for the repayment period;
  • In case of birth of a child, the opportunity to defer payments in order to use maternity capital after three years;
  • Possibility to count maternity capital as a down payment on a loan.

In order to receive this loan, you will need the following documents:

  1. Object Statement about the intention to take out a loan;
  2. Guarantor's application– in some cases it can be replaced by a mortgagor or a subborrower;
  3. Documents regarding subject of collateral - this can be the premises being purchased, or any other residential premises;
  4. Documents that confirm financial condition and monetary stability of the borrower, as well as the guarantor or the person who acts in his place;
  5. Housing documents, which the object is going to purchase;
  6. Certificate of confirmation availability of a down payment on the loan;
  7. Marriage certificate, if any;
  8. Federal certificate to receive maternity capital;
  9. Birth certificate child.

Purchasing housing that is under construction or requires renovation

Even though the purpose of this loan is different from the previous one, their benefits remain the same.

Among the differences in the conditions, I would like to note the impossibility of extending the loan for three years in order to subsequently use maternity capital money. The list of documents remains unchanged.

Home construction

The advantages remain the same, but the terms of the loan change slightly, so you will be given a loan in parts, and not the whole share at once. Other conditions and documents remain unchanged.

The only difference that distinguishes these loans from each other is the list of required documents and some conditions. The interest rates at which the loan is given are the same.

For the down payment you will need 10-15% from the entire amount, despite the fact that it can vary from 45 000 before 18,000,000 rubles. You can borrow money at different interest rates, usually they correspond to the interval 12-13,5% per year, up to 30 years.

Unfortunately, Sberbank does not provide for the repayment of any other loan, or the contribution to a penny or fine, since this is prohibited by law.

But, despite all the bad aspects, it is maternity capital that helps many families acquire loans, and subsequently improve their living conditions.

The procedure for obtaining a loan from Sberbank for maternity capital

If you already own a loan and want to repay it through maternity capital, you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Once you definitely decide If you want to use money for a child as a way to repay a loan, go to the Pension Fund.
    After all, the sooner you contact them, the faster you will receive your funds. In order for everything to go smoothly, you will need the following documents:
    • Federal certificate to receive maternity capital funds;
    • Pension certificate the owner of this document;
    • A document that would confirm the fact that the parents and all children live in the house or apartment for which the loan was taken;
    • Copy of the agreement about a loan for the purchase or renovation of housing;
    • Bank reference, which would clearly inform the Pension Fund about the entire loan amount, as well as about the remaining, unpaid part;
    • Contract of sale, which would provide comprehensive information about the fact that this family is the owner of the property for which the loan would be issued;
    • Written statement that the spouse, as well as all children (especially the one for whom maternity capital was provided), will be documented in documents as co-owners of the home;
    • Extract from the house register with information about those living in the apartment or house;
  1. Once all documents have been collected, feel free to go to the Pension Fund and write a statement that would contain your decision about transferring money in favor of a loan. After this, they will consider your application and respond within a month. If you receive permission, wait until the loan is received until 2 months.

Mortgage calculator to calculate the total amount and installments

There are several calculator options available on the Internet that will help you calculate loan installments, taking into account maternity capital; for this, you will need to provide the following data:

  • The cost of the real estate you are purchasing (apartment, house, cottage, etc.);
  • Your own funds;
  • Currency in which you want to receive a loan;
  • The period for which you want to repay the loan;
  • The annual percentage accrued to you on the amount;
  • The type of payments with which you will repay the loan - the same amount every month or a decreasing figure from month to month;
  • Date of first loan payment;

Once you enter all the information, the calculator will give you the mortgage amount, as well as the monthly payments you will need to make until the amount is paid off in full. Please note that the amount will be in the currency you specified earlier.

So, we found out that a loan from Sberbank for maternity capital is possible, but you need to take into account the features of such a mortgage, as well as problems that may arise with interest while you are applying for a certificate for receiving maternity capital.

The amount of maternity capital is quite significant, which suggests the idea of ​​spending part of the money on household needs. Is it worth taking advantage of offers to cash out family capital? How to get a cash loan using maternity capital?

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What it is

Today, real maternity capital is the most tangible help from the state. The decline in the birth rate indicates, first of all, the lack of necessary funds to raise a child. This is what led to the creation of a program to help mothers.

In accordance with it, for the birth of a second or subsequent child, parents are paid an amount that allows them to somewhat compensate for the costs of maintaining the baby.

Maternal or family capital is a measure of support for Russian families from the state budget.

The basis is the birth in a family or adoption of a second or next child (if assistance from the state was not previously received) in the period from 2007 to 2019.

Submitting an application to the Pension Fund for the issuance of a maternity capital certificate is permitted at any time after the corresponding right arises.

A certificate for receiving maternity capital is valid only upon presentation of an appropriate document confirming your identity. If the certificate is lost or damaged, you may receive a duplicate.

The certificate becomes invalid:

  • due to the death of its owner;
  • upon deprivation of parental rights to a child whose birth or adoption served as the basis for registering capital;
  • when committing a deliberate crime directed against the child’s personality;
  • due to cancellation of adoption;
  • after using the funds in full.

Among the features of family capital, the following should be noted:

  • the right to receive this state support arises only once;
  • Maternity capital is indexed annually, but changing the amount does not require replacing the certificate;
  • Maternity capital is not subject to personal income tax;
  • You can receive funds under the certificate only in non-cash form. Any cash withdrawal is considered illegal. The certificate holder who took part in the cashing scheme is found guilty of misuse of public funds.

In 2019, the amount of maternity capital amounted to 453,026 rubles. The amount is quite large, which forces certificate holders to look for ways to fully or partially cash it out.

Moreover, offers of assistance in cashing out maternity capital are quite common. How to use public funds without breaking the law?

Is it possible to get a cash loan against maternity capital?

Family capital may be spent on the following purposes:

  1. Improving living conditions:
    • payment of a mortgage or other loan taken out to purchase a home;
    • repairing an existing home or reconstructing it to increase usable space;
    • compensation for the costs of building a home;
    • repair work or construction of housing using your own efforts;
    • participation in a housing construction cooperative or shared construction.
  2. The child's education:
    • payment for a child’s stay in a preschool;
    • payment for the services provided by the educational organization;
    • payment for student accommodation in a dormitory at an educational institution.
  3. Healthcare:
    • payment for an expensive operation necessary to save the child’s life;
    • receiving a paid service in a medical institution required to preserve the health of the mother and (or) child;
    • acquisition of goods and services necessary for the adaptation and integration of a disabled child into society.
  4. Mother's pension savings.

You can use family capital only after the child for whom the certificate has been received reaches three years of age. Expending capital before this period is permissible only in strictly specified cases.

You cannot spend maternity capital on:

  • registration of a deposit;
  • purchase of vehicles;
  • repayment of consumer loan debt;
  • reimbursement of utility bills.

For the purpose of unlawful waste of maternity capital by parents, it is prohibited to cash out the certificate. You can only get cash if you build a house yourself.

In this case, half of the amount will be transferred by the Pension Fund of Russia to the account of the certificate holder, and after six months the rest of the intended amount will be transferred. In this case, the recipient of the funds must report on their intended use.

But you also need to take into account that you can get cash to build a house on your own after the child turns three years old. Until this time, you can take out a loan for construction and the balance of the amount will be paid later from maternity capital.

Thus, obtaining a cash loan against capital is possible only in one case - when a house is being built on its own. All other cash withdrawal options are considered illegal. But you can get a loan against maternity capital for purposes permitted by law.

Which banks can I apply for?

Not all banks provide loans against maternity capital. Only large organizations agree to accept government funds as partial payment.

Among these the following can be noted:

Sberbank Issues mortgage loans against maternity capital. In this case, only finished housing can be purchased. Loan term up to thirty years. The interest rate on the loan is 14% per annum. The owner of the acquired property can only be the owner of the family capital certificate
Rosselkhozbank Lends money against maternity capital for the purchase of any home. Loan term up to thirty years at 10-12% per annum
VTB 24 Maternity capital can be used as a down payment on a mortgage. Loan term up to fifty years at 11% per annum
Bank of Moscow Applies for a mortgage where maternity capital can be used to repay partial or principal debt. You can take out a loan only after paying the down payment

From December 25, 2008, it allows the use of maternity capital until the child reaches the age of three to repay the principal debt and interest on housing loans taken before the birth of the child.

From May 23, 2015, it allows you to use maternity capital until the child reaches three years of age to pay the down payment on the mortgage.

The issue of using family capital in cash in the form of consumer lending was discussed more than once, but was never approved. Any attempts at misuse are blocked at various stages by Pension Fund employees and law enforcement agencies.

How to apply

In order to take out a loan against maternity capital, you must first familiarize yourself with the conditions of the chosen bank. Next, a standard package of documents and a written application are submitted to the banking institution, requesting a request for maternity capital.

If consent to the use of capital is received from the Pension Fund, the bank notifies the Pension Fund that it becomes the official manager of maternity capital.

All financial transactions are carried out exclusively between the bank and the Pension Fund. The loan is issued after the Pension Fund undertakes to repay the loan obligations.

The loan application process is as follows:

  • the applicant submits the necessary documents and fills out a loan application;
  • the credit commission reviews the application and makes its decision;
  • The loan applicant must decide in advance on the property. When the application is approved, the parties sign a loan agreement;
  • the owner of the capital must register the property as personal property. To do this, the borrower applies to Rosreestr, declares his rights to purchase housing and undergoes registration;
  • A loan is issued for the purchase or construction of housing.

What documents are needed

To apply for a loan against maternity capital, you will need to submit the following documents:

  • application from the certificate holder;
  • original and copy of passport confirming the identity of the applicant;
  • salary certificate from place of employment;
  • certificate;
  • statement of the balance on the certificate;
  • documents for the property;
  • certificate of payment of the down payment;
  • documents for registration of collateral (in some cases).

Collecting the necessary documents is not difficult, but applying for a loan may take a little longer. In particular, this is due to an audit regarding the legality of the use of maternity capital funds.


If a targeted loan is issued secured by maternity capital funds, then the funds for its repayment are transferred by the Pension Fund only after the property is registered as the property of the certificate holder.

The interest rate on the loan varies depending on the loan term, the amount of the down payment, and credit history. The loan amount is determined after providing all necessary documents, including a certificate.

When applying for a loan for maternity capital, the financial capabilities of the family are important. The Pension Fund will pay only part of the loan - the down payment or part of the debt.

The borrower will have to pay the rest on his own, and he can no longer count on government help.

Advantages and disadvantages

Maternity capital has both advantages and disadvantages. So we can note the following problems that may arise when applying for a loan against capital:

  • the consent of the Pension Fund is required for the use of family capital funds. A representative of the Foundation must personally inspect and evaluate the living space and check all documents. Only after the housing is recognized as suitable for living will approval be given for a housing loan;
  • Although you can apply for a housing loan immediately after the birth of your child, you will still have to wait. The procedure for issuing a certificate lasts about two months;
  • Even if you have a certificate, the bank may refuse to lend. One of the main reasons is the insufficient solvency of the loan applicant and the family as a whole;
  • Maternity capital funds may only be used to repay the principal debt and accrued interest or down payment. All additional costs for home appraisal, mortgage registration, insurance, etc. are paid by the borrower himself.

Another important point is that you can only purchase housing located on the territory of the Russian Federation. You cannot spend maternity capital on buying real estate abroad. It is also prohibited to use the certificate when buying housing from relatives.