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What is included in construction? Explanation of construction and installation works: construction and installation works. The concept of "civil works"


The entire complex of construction work can be divided into two main groups: preparatory work, which includes site development, construction of temporary workshops, subsidiary enterprises, and main work, the purpose of which is the construction of permanent structures - residential buildings, industrial buildings, etc.

The main works are divided into general construction and special.

Civil works include:

Earthwork, which includes mechanized and manual digging of foundation pits and trenches for building foundations, vertical leveling of areas with soil movement and compaction.

Drilling and blasting operations, which are carried out when constructing excavations in rocky soils or during excavation work in winter.

Piling work, which involves driving wooden, concrete, reinforced concrete and steel piles into the ground. Piles are driven in order to increase the bearing capacity of the soil, to make a reliable foundation for the structure, and also to enclose a certain area with a continuous sheet pile wall, for example, during the construction of a hydroelectric power station building, the base of which is located below the water level in the river.

Stone work, which is carried out during the construction of stone foundations, building walls and bridge abutments, during the laying of arches, vaults, retaining walls, wells, sewers and tunnels. This also includes the construction of building walls from large blocks.

Reinforced concrete works, which are very widely used in all branches of modern construction.

Concrete and reinforced concrete are used to construct the frames of industrial and civil buildings, power plants, grain elevators, as well as dams, canals, bridges, tunnels, road surfaces, foundations for buildings and much more.

Reinforced concrete work is a complex of formwork, reinforcement and concrete laying work.

Formwork work includes the installation of wooden or metal forms for a future reinforced concrete structure or prefabricated elements.

Reinforcement work consists of manufacturing and laying into formwork systems of interconnected steel rods, the purpose of which is to increase the bending resistance of reinforced concrete structures.

Concrete-laying work consists of placing concrete in formwork, compacting the concrete, subsequent care of it during its hardening, and removing the formwork (removal of formwork).

Reinforced concrete work also includes the production in factories and in the field (at landfills) of elements of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures (columns, beams, floor slabs, wall panels, etc.) and the assembly of them using cranes into buildings and structures.

Installation of steel structures from elements prepared in factories. The installation method is used to erect steel frames of industrial buildings, bridges, water towers, tanks, etc., and to install individual building structures, such as roof trusses, crane beams, etc.

Wooden work, consisting of the preparation and processing of elements of wooden structures, the assembly and fastening of individual structural elements to each other and their installation. In the process of these works, wooden structures are created either entirely (wooden houses, bridges, etc.), or in the form of separate structural elements that make up part of stone buildings (shell vaults, trusses, ceilings, rafters, partitions, floors, windows, doors, etc. .).

Roofing work, which includes work on covering roofs, installing drainpipes, covering protruding parts on building facades (belts, sandriks) with roofing materials, as well as on-site production of smoke hoods, weather vanes, etc.

Depending on the material and design of the roof, a distinction is made between roofing works made of sheet steel - black or galvanized; from piece materials - tiles, asbestos-cement tiles and slate; from rolled materials - roofing felt and roofing felt; made of sheet iron and wood.

Plastering work, the purpose of which is to apply plaster to the walls of a structure in the form of plastic lime, complex or cement mortar or ready-made sheets of dry plaster. The plaster layer improves the appearance of the structure, protects it from atmospheric influences (external plaster), increases the heat and sound insulation properties of the structure and, in some cases, serves for waterproofing.

Painting work, which consists of painting wooden, metal and plastered surfaces of buildings. Painting improves the appearance of the structure, helps to increase its service life, protecting the material from rotting and corrosion, and also improves the sanitary and hygienic operating conditions of the structure. In some cases, painting with special fire-retardant paints protects wooden structures from fire.

TO general construction works also include the installation of internal water supply, sewerage, central heating, ventilation, etc.

Special construction work includes the construction of hydraulic structures (dams, locks, etc.), the construction of railways and highways, bridges, external pipelines, industrial furnaces and pipes, etc.

When constructing any building or structure, certain types of construction and installation work must be carried out in a certain technological sequence: first, for example, excavation work, then laying foundations, walls, etc. The technological sequence of certain types of work is related to the nature of the building’s design. So, for example, in the construction of multi-story frame buildings, the frame of a building of several floors can first be assembled, and then the walls can be constructed; when constructing buildings with load-bearing brick walls, it is necessary to lay out the walls to the height of one floor, then install a ceiling resting on the walls.

Finishing work(painting, wallpapering, etc.), the quality of which can be reduced when exposed to precipitation, must be done after installing the roof over the corresponding part of the building. The duration of individual types of work and their mutual coordination are indicated in the construction calendar plan (or schedule).

When drawing up a calendar plan, in addition to the necessary technological sequence of work, it is necessary to provide for the maximum possible combination in time of individual types of work on the site, for example, the installation of partitions and the installation of sanitary systems in the lower floors of the building must be carried out simultaneously with the brickwork and installation of ceilings on the upper floors, etc. n. Combining certain types of work over time leads to a reduction in the construction period of buildings and structures. Complete safety of work at the site must also be ensured, which is achieved, for example, by dividing the building in plan into two parts (captures); During installation work on one grip, all other work on the underlying floors can only be carried out on the second grip.

List of civil works

  • Preparatory work
  • Earthworks
  • Piling works. Soil consolidation
  • Construction of concrete and reinforced concrete monolithic structures
  • Installation of prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures
  • Work on the installation of stone structures
  • Installation of metal structures
  • Installation of wooden structures
  • Protection of building structures, pipelines and equipment
  • Roof installation
  • Facade works
  • Installation of internal engineering systems and equipment of buildings and structures
  • Installation of external water supply networks
  • Installation of external sewerage networks
  • Installation of external heat supply networks
  • Installation of external gas supply networks
  • Installation of external electrical networks
  • Installation work
  • Commissioning work
  • Construction of roads and airfields
  • Construction of bridges, overpasses and overpasses
  • Hydraulic work, diving work
  • Work to carry out construction control by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur engaged by the developer or customer on the basis of a contract
  • Work on organizing construction, reconstruction and major repairs by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur (general contractor) attracted by the developer or customer on the basis of an agreement

Price list for construction work

Job title unit price, rub.
1 Excavation of soil manually without securing a pit cubic meters 900
2 Soil development by mechanized means with loading onto vehicles cubic meters 360
3 Excavation of soil manually with fastening of a pit, up to 3 m deep cubic meters 950
4 Laying sandy foundations manually with compaction and watering cubic meters 650
5 Installation of crushed stone foundations manually with compaction and watering cubic meters 900
6 Manual planning of areas, tops and slopes of earthen structures cubic meters 150
7 Filling trenches and pits with soil with compaction and watering cubic meters 900
8 Construction of boreholes up to 1.5 m deep pcs. 190
Concrete works:
1 Concrete foundation preparation device cubic meters 2500
2 Installation of vertical formwork sq.m 120
3 Dismantling vertical formwork sq.m 25
4 Installation of horizontal formwork sq.m 170
5 Dismantling horizontal formwork sq.m 28
6 Construction of a flat reinforcement frame T 4200
7 Construction of a spatial reinforcement frame T 10200
8 Arrangement of reinforcement frame for stair flights T 14500
9 Laying concrete in formwork cubic meters 800
10 Installation of foundation blocks cubic meters 450
Waterproofing, foundation/basement insulation:
11 Installation of horizontal adhesive waterproofing (1 layer) sq.m 130
12 Installation of vertical adhesive waterproofing (1 layer) sq.m 160
13 Installation of horizontal coating waterproofing with bitumen (1 layer) sq.m 100
14 Installation of vertical coating waterproofing with bitumen (1 layer) sq.m 120
15 External insulation of basement walls EPS sq.m 480
16 Brick and block structures:
17 Exterior wall masonry: simple, medium complexity, complex, made of brick at a floor height of up to 4 m using mortar with manual preparation of the mortar cubic meters 1700
18 Laying walls from facing bricks with jointing sq.m 1500
19 Laying partitions, 1/2 thick, made of brick at a floor height of up to 4 m on mortar with manual preparation of the mortar sq.m 800
20 Laying walls from aerated concrete and foam concrete blocks, using mortar with manual preparation of the mortar cubic meters 600
21 Laying partitions from gypsum tongue-and-groove slabs 80 mm thick sq.m 450
22 Laying rectangular pillars reinforced and unreinforced from facing bricks cubic meters 1750
23 Masonry of gazebos, porticoes, vaults, arches and other decorative brick structures with a floor height of up to 4 m cubic meters 1850
24 Reinforcement of masonry walls and other structures with meshes T 4550
25 Installation of reinforced concrete jumpers on the solution pcs 400
26 Installation of floor slabs with leveling and sealing of support areas sq.m 320
Metal structures:
27 Manufacturing and installation of building frame metal structures from profiled metal T from 15000
28 Installation of wall sandwich panels with installation of extensions sq.m 380
29 Installation of a roof covering made of sandwich panels (included) sq.m 550
30 Installation of metal trusses up to 12.0 m long using a truck crane T from 12000
31 Manufacturing and installation of stair stringers from channel No. 16 T from 25000
32 Installation of railings for staircases and landings sq.m 350
33 Installation of wall fencing made of corrugated sheets up to 5 mm thick sq.m 250
34 Installation of roof coverings made of corrugated sheets up to 5 mm thick sq.m 320
35 Installation of a fence from metal fencing sections (mesh around the corner) through metal pipes, up to 2.5 m high m.p 1500
36 Manufacturing and installation of small metal structures weighing up to 50 kg T 15000
Floor arrangement:
37 Installation of sandy subfloors with manual laying, compaction and watering cubic meters 900
38 Installation of crushed stone bases with manual laying, compaction and watering cubic meters 1200
39 Facade works:
40 Installation and dismantling of scaffolding sq.m 120
41 Facing with facing bricks of the 2nd category sq.m 960
42 Facing with face bricks of the 1st category sq.m 1100
43 Insulation, hydro-windproofing of the facade (for a three-layer wall) sq.m 200
44 Putty of base walls sq.m 200
45 Primer of base walls sq.m 90
46 Installation of heat-insulating boards PSBS-25f (up to 100mm) sq.m 160
47 Installation of mineral wool thermal insulation boards (up to 100mm) sq.m 200
48 Plaster up to 5 mm with reinforcement sq.m 310
49 Decorative plaster with preparation sq.m 350
50 Facade painting (1 layer) sq.m 150
51 Facade painting (2 layers) sq.m 250
52 Wall cladding with clinker tiles sq.m 700
53 Visor installation sq.m 1030
54 Cladding of plinth walls with natural/artificial stone with preparation of plaster base and insulation sq.m 930
Roofing works:
55 Construction and installation of rafter-mauerlat group sq.m 500,0
56 Manufacturing and installation of metal load-bearing elements of the roofing system with priming and waterproofing of junction areas kg. 25,0
57 Installation of step-by-step sheathing with plane leveling sq.m 140,0
58 Treatment with fire-retardant composition sq.m 90,0
59 Installation of metal roofing sq.m 250,0
60 Installation of roofing composite metal tiles sq.m 450,0
61 Installation of roofing bitumen shingles (soft roofing) sq.m 450,0
62 Installation of continuous valley flooring m.p. 70,0
63 Finishing the rough ceiling, board #25mm. sq.m 100,0
64 Installation of a vapor barrier layer sq.m 50,0
65 Installation of the waterproofing layer sq.m 50,0
66 Installation of thermal insulation layer up to 150 mm sq.m 70,0
67 Installation of a thermal insulation layer over 150 mm sq.m 120,0
68 Manufacturing and installation of cornice boxes (wood) m.p. 200,0
69 Manufacturing and installation of gable overhang (wood) m.p. 100,0
70 Hemming of eaves overhangs (perforated soffits) sq.m 400,0
71 Hemming of gable overhangs (non-perforated soffits) sq.m 450,0
72 Laying continuous underlay carpet sq.m 120,0
73 Installation of additional elements m.p. 300,0
74 Installation of additional elements, cornice metal strip m.p. 100,0
75 Installation of additional elements ridge strip m.p. 120,0
76 Installation of additional elements gable metal strip m.p. 100,0
77 Installation of additional elements, ridge seal m.p. 100,0
78 Installation of additional elements, cornice seal m.p. 100,0
79 Valley underlay carpet flooring sq.m 150,0
80 Installation of roof passage element pcs. 400,0
81 Installation of ridge aerators pcs. 350,0
82 Laying continuous flooring made of moisture-resistant plywood sq.m 195,0
83 Installation of roof windows pcs. 4800,0
84 Installation of snow retention strips (metal tiles) pcs. 150,0
85 Installation of snow retention elements (soft roofing) pcs. 50,0
86 Installation of a drainage system (included) m.p. 370,0
Men at work:
87 Installation of a coating of milled chips with a layer thickness of H = 15 cm m.p. 200
88 Installation of side stone BR 100x30x15 m.p. 800
89 Dismantling of road side stone BR 100x30x15 with removal of construction waste m.p. 250
90 Installation of side stone BR 100x20x8 m.p. 650
91 Dismantling of road side stone BR 100x20x8 with removal of construction waste m.p. 120
92 Installation of the top layer of paving slabs (gray) sq.m 1200
93 Extension of well necks onto reinforced concrete segments. pcs. 2500
94 Lawn installation: 10cm of fertile soil + leveling + sowing seeds sq.m 350
95 Dismantling of existing asphalt concrete by cold milling at H = 5 cm, followed by loading and removal sq.m 200
96 Construction of a covering of sandy asphalt concrete with a layer thickness of H = 5 cm. sq.m 420
97 Construction of a coating of fine-grained asphalt concrete with a layer thickness of H = 5 cm sq.m 420
98 Construction of a coating made of cast asphalt concrete with a layer thickness of H = 5 cm. sq.m 850
99 Pouring with bitumen emulsion sq.m 15
100 Paving paths sq.m from 450

When we talk about the construction of buildings, roads and the repair of objects, we mean carrying out a whole set of activities and actions that lead to the desired result, namely a new building or a repaired road. Construction and installation work (hereinafter referred to as construction and installation work) is precisely the main part of the construction sector, without which it is impossible to carry out major repairs of premises or construct new buildings.

Explanation of construction and installation work

A fairly broad definition is understood to mean a variety of works that differ from each other in the direction of action and means of execution. If we give a general definition of the concept, then the decoding of construction and installation work will look like this - this is a set of actions for the construction of new objects (buildings, structures), their repair and reconstruction, as well as the installation and installation of equipment. One company simply cannot handle all the work, since the scale of the tasks assigned to it will be simply enormous. Therefore, there are organizations in the construction market whose activities have a narrower specialization. For example, there are companies engaged only in the construction and repair of roads, or companies building industrial facilities.

Types of construction and installation work

There are several main types of such work:

  • general construction;
  • transport and loading and unloading (delivery of materials, devices and equipment);
  • special (with a special type of materials).

The most diverse is general construction activities. It consists of:

  • earthwork (digging holes, trenches, ditches), pile work (driving, installation of pile foundations) and stone work (building walls, stone laying, etc.);
  • roofing (installation of attics, roofs), plastering (painting, pasting) and insulation;
  • installation of floors and communications;
  • installation work of wooden, concrete and reinforced concrete, light enclosing structures;
  • landscaping;
  • installation work of technological equipment;
  • etc.

To finally understand what decoding construction and installation work is, you need to understand what all types of the above work include.

Features of construction and installation works

Each field of activity has a number of features and nuances. For construction and installation work, the most important criterion is quality, which completely depends on the professionalism of workers, competent organization of the process and the interaction of system parts with each other. At the beginning of work, the set goals and objectives, planning and control are of great importance, and the end result is competent and high-quality construction and installation work. After all, people’s safety depends on this.

Proper preparation and organization of the process have a great influence on obtaining the desired result. Making mistakes or miscalculations can be costly for the contractor company in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Correcting defects in construction can cost human lives. Plus, this is always a rather expensive undertaking. It should also be understood that when calculating construction and installation work, the use of untested or low-quality materials, as well as unjustified savings on mandatory expense items, is not allowed. In order to take into account all the features of construction, it is necessary to carry out all work in stages.


Decoding construction and installation works will include competent and consistent implementation of all stages of construction activities.

For example, before constructing new facilities, it is first necessary to carry out geological studies of the soil of the site. It is possible that before construction begins, it will be necessary to drain the swamp or carry out drainage work to avoid flooding.

Afterwards you can start drawing the outline of the foundation. This is usually done using wire, wooden pegs and rope. Next, you need to dig a trench to lay the foundation of the future building. Afterwards you can proceed to the construction of walls. If you are planning a wooden building, then you should strictly adhere to the drawn up project. Stone walls have their own rules - for example, laying the stone strictly horizontally, bandaging the seams and filling with mortar.

After this, the attic floors are laid out, windows, attics and rafters are installed, it all depends on the number of floors of the building and the complexity of the construction. Next, the roof fronts are closed and the roofing material is laid. The next stage is finishing work (external and internal), then installation of equipment (plumbing, heating systems, etc.)

The scope of construction and installation work largely depends on the assigned tasks. For example, one company may be directly involved in the construction of the facility, but they trust another organization or do it themselves.

Organization of construction and installation work

In the process of constructing buildings and structures, various entities are necessarily involved: designers, surveyors, equipment suppliers and customers. In order for the construction and installation work process to be systematic, special attention should be paid to the organization of work.

It is better to clarify all questions regarding construction technology with representatives of construction and installation organizations and specialized trusts that prepare projects.

Typically, the project contains a work schedule, a general construction plan, according to which the deadlines for the execution of the contractors’ work are calculated and all volumes of construction and installation work are shown. In addition, this document indicates the location of the building being constructed and construction sites, water and energy supply schemes, as well as the number of materials, products and construction machines used. For complex buildings, technological maps are used, which specify special safety requirements, main stages, construction technologies, etc.

Organization of construction and installation work is very important, because it determines the rhythm in which installation, carpentry and other types of work will be carried out.

What is the estimated cost?

The level of quality of construction activities carried out largely depends on the amount of the allocated budget for construction. Therefore, such a concept as “estimated cost of construction and installation work” plays a decisive role in the work process. It is an official confirmation of project financing. It reflects all the final figures.

Calculation of construction and installation works

The jobs are fairly easy to count. It is necessary to add up all direct costs (cost of materials, salaries of workers, etc.), overhead costs (administrative costs, etc.) and planned savings. The last component is otherwise called the estimated or standard profit of a construction organization.

Construction and installation work is the most important stage of construction. Only with competent and qualified planning and organization of construction and installation work can the desired result be achieved with minimal expenditure of effort, money and time.

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What is a capital structure? Definition of a capital structure in 2019. Types of buildings and their classification characteristics. Difference between permanent and temporary structures.

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The construction and registration of different forms of buildings have their own characteristics. Therefore, before documenting the property, it is important to know what the building belongs to.

There are several criteria by which buildings are classified. First of all, this is the purpose of use.

Based on this feature, the following objects are distinguished:

  • residential;
  • public;
  • industrial;
  • storage;
  • agricultural.

In addition, the features of their structure are also determined. These can be temporary or permanent buildings. Depending on this, the compliance of most of the requirements for the further operation of the building is determined.

Key Aspects

As a rule, the implementation of most goals requires the use of permanent structures. They are more durable, versatile and durable.

When registering construction or registering a property, the documentation must indicate the type of construction.

Its assessed value, tax rate, purpose of further use, etc. depend on this. Therefore, when constructing an object, it is important to determine whether it belongs to a permanent structure.

What is it

Legally, what a capital structure is is defined by. It lies in the following concept.

A capital structure is a structure, building or structure that, according to certain standards and characteristics, belongs to this category.

As a rule, their distinguishing feature is the presence of a capital foundation. During construction, all processes are accompanied by appropriate documentation.

During their construction, there are three main stages:

  • survey work;
  • design work;
  • commissioning works;
  • installation of real estate.

It is believed that capital structures include independent buildings that are equipped with the necessary equipment, means of communication, etc.

Capital buildings include both finished objects and unfinished construction, the construction process of which has been suspended in accordance with the law.

What are the types

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, capital buildings are divided into three main types:

When constructing buildings for capital construction projects, design and estimate documentation is drawn up and maintained.

Based on the Cadastral Code of the Russian Federation, there are several types of capital buildings, depending on the type of repair work they undergo:

Legislative framework

Legal conflicts often arise regarding the issue of classifying buildings as capital or temporary. To avoid or resolve them, it is necessary to resort to a number of regulations.

The following can be distinguished from them:

  1. Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. Cadastral Code of the Russian Federation.

It is advisable to refer to these acts before the construction of a building begins in order to avoid further conflicts with government officials and other persons whose rights may be violated during the construction of an unauthorized structure.

What is a permanent structure on a plot of land?

It is important to clearly define which objects are classified as permanent structures according to the laws of the Russian Federation.

First of all, this is necessary for the owner himself, since the appropriate documentation must be drawn up for all permanent buildings.

Based on this, objects are classified as taxable or non-taxable. But without registration of the object, it is impossible to connect communications, transfer and other actions in relation to the object.

To understand which construction requires registration and which does not, you need to consider their difference in more detail.

Distinctive features

Experts identify several features that distinguish permanent buildings from other structures; let’s look at the most common of them in more detail.

The main distinguishing feature of a capital structure is the presence of a foundation. It acts as a kind of connection with land resources.

Based on this, the following sign appears, namely the presence of permits that must be issued on the basis of relevant requirements, based on

Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. They must comply with the urban planning plan of the land plot.

Having a list of necessary documents, the owner can begin construction of the facility. At the same time, he can carry out construction work himself or hire contractors.

This attribute does not play a role in determining the classification of a building. As a rule, the owner must have documents confirming the right to use or dispose of the property.

In the absence of appropriate documentation for the construction and use of a building, such objects are considered to have been erected without permission.

If they are located on the territory of a land property that is privately owned, then the demolition of this structure is impossible.

But this does not limit the owner from other problems. As a rule, people most often encounter the following problems:

  • refusal to connect communications from the central system;
  • impossibility of registration or re-registration of property rights;
  • etc.

To avoid these difficulties, you need to take care of the availability of documents in advance. For this purpose, you need to contact the BTI and provide a construction plan. After approval by the architectural commission, construction can begin.

Classification of objects

Capital buildings and structures are classified according to several criteria. First of all, this is the service life for which the structure is being built.

Based on this feature, the following types are distinguished:

  • built for 100 years or more;
  • buildings with a limited service life of 50 to 100 years;
  • lightweight construction from 25 to 50 years;
  • buildings with a minimum service life, from 5 to 20 years.

Of the above buildings, only the first three points of the plan are considered capital structures. Buildings whose useful life is up to 25 years are classified as temporary.

How is it different from non-capital

In addition to permanent buildings, non-permanent ones are distinguished. They have a different design. They differ in area and main elements.

One of the signs has already been mentioned in the previous paragraph, such as service life. The most common of these are canopies and kiosks.

Before we begin to discuss what they are, we need to answer the question “why differentiate between them?”

The main reason why it is worth distinguishing between capital and non-capital buildings is that the first type must be registered, and the second is not subject to registration, is not subject to taxes, if it does not act as a retail outlet and does not require a building permit.

Video: permanent and non-permanent buildings

When classifying a structure as a permanent or temporary structure, all the nuances of its construction are taken into account. First of all, these are construction technologies.

In the event of a conflict between the owner and other persons whose rights are violated by the construction of any object, the issues are discussed in court.

The process must determine what type of building the structures belong to. To determine this, representatives of the arbitration court consider the following signs:

  • the likelihood of quick disassembly of the object if necessary;
  • the presence or absence of a connection with the land plot, that is, the level of foundation depth;
  • equipping the facility with means of communication, which include water supply, sewerage, etc.;
  • availability of documents that are attached to the building;
  • fire safety level assessment;
  • landscaping, etc.

Litigation does not occur if the object has visible signs of a temporary structure.

As mentioned above, the most common of them are the following:

Typically, lighter materials are used to construct temporary structures. These include different types of sheet iron, plastic and even wood.

Many people have the question “is a house on stilts a permanent structure or not?” The answer lies in what the piles and the building itself are made of.

If wooden poles and one of the above examples of materials are used, then it can be classified as temporary.

But if, when creating a structure, heavy reinforced concrete piles are used, which can support buildings made of brick, aerated concrete, etc., which are fastened with a special mortar and which cannot be quickly dismantled, then this is a permanent structure.

It, like others, requires special permits and relevant papers.

When constructing a new building, even on your own site, it is important to know what type they are.

This is due to the fact that, according to the law, capital buildings are subject to mandatory registration and at the same time are subject to taxation.

Country houses and other similar buildings raise the most questions. To determine what type of structure the building under construction belongs to, you need to compare it according to the main features of a permanent structure.

Capital buildings primarily include buildings that are erected for long-term use.