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You need to get an inn. Is it possible to open an individual entrepreneur without a tax identification number? What is needed for the TIN: originals or copies

A taxpayer identification number (abbreviated as TIN) is assigned in Russia to every person from the moment of his birth. This has become mandatory since 2000. After the death of a person, the TIN is considered invalid. There cannot be two identical identification numbers in a country.

When is a TIN required?

A TIN is often required when applying for a job, filling out declarations and organizing your own business. The TIN, along with a passport and insurance certificate, today constitutes the main package of documents that every citizen of the country should have.

Required documents

What documents are needed for the TIN? To obtain a tax registration certificate, you must first fill out an application. The tax office usually has a form for it. In addition to the completed application, the required documents for obtaining a TIN also require a passport.

Additional information about obtaining a TIN

  • You can only obtain a TIN in person. As a last resort, this may be the legal representative of the tax authority at the place of residence.
  • Obtaining a TIN certificate is free. It is usually done within five days, plus or minus a couple of days. The exact time depends on each branch of the Federal Tax Service specifically.
  • If you change your last name or other passport data, then your TIN certificate will also have to be changed. What documents are needed to obtain a TIN in this case? First of all, this is again a statement. Already with new passport data. Attached, of course, is the passport itself. Plus, you must also attach a previous TIN certificate for your previous surname.
  • If your TIN certificate was issued before November 5, 2009, then when you change your place of residence, the certificate itself must be changed. However, the number remains the same. But remember, you only need to change your TIN certificate if you move to live in a locality that belongs to a different tax authority. Otherwise, the TIN certificate does not need to be changed. You can clarify everything at the tax office of your city.
  • A person who has not yet reached the age of 14 can also receive a TIN. To do this, you need to fill out an application and attach a copy of your birth certificate.

Everyone sooner or later is faced with the need to obtain a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). This abbreviation simply stands for taxpayer identification number. It is assigned once.

The number itself should not be confused with a document issued by the tax service. In case of loss, damage or other reasons, you can always get a new certificate.

When is it necessary to obtain a TIN?

The situations in which this evidence may be needed are very different, but most often it is:

  • Reaching 18 years of age. - Any adult can obtain a TIN.
  • Start of work. - Often employers require this document when registering a new employee.
  • When maintaining tax records for an individual. - The number can be assigned automatically by the tax office.

Registration of a TIN is absolutely voluntary and no one can force you to receive it. An exception may be that it is mandatory to have a TIN when applying for a job (for example, civil service).

In some cases, the TIN must be replaced:

  • when changing your surname (for example, after registering a marriage);
  • if the certificate is lost;
  • when the certificate is damaged.

If in the first case the replacement is free, then in the remaining cases you need to pay for this service.

What is evidence?

TIN is an A4 sheet. It contains information about the taxpayer:

  • Last name and initials of the taxpayer.
  • Date and place of birth.
  • Date of registration.
  • Directly TIN.
  • Information about the tax office that registered it.
  • Employee's full name.

In addition, a stamp is placed.

Since this document is made on plain paper, it often loses its original appearance, fades or is torn. In such cases it is necessary to replace it. To do this, you need to contact the tax office at your place of registration and get a certificate again.

Where and how can I get a TIN?

If previously there was only one way - personal appeal, now this procedure has been simplified and become more convenient.

The methods are simple and clear. You just need to know what documents are needed to obtain a TIN in order to simplify this procedure.

What do you need?

To obtain a TIN you will need the following documents:

  • Passport or other identity document.
  • Statement. - You can take it directly from the tax office or print it from the official website of the Federal Tax Service. When using other sources, you must be very careful and make sure that this is exactly the form that is used in the Russian Federation.
  • A copy of the marriage certificate (if you change your last name).
  • Receipt of payment of the fee (if you are changing the TIN due to loss or damage).
  • Registration number of the online application. - Assigned when filling out an application on the tax office website.
  • Certified copies and power of attorney when applying via mail or a third party.
  • Confirmation of registration at the place of residence (required if you do not have a passport).

This list fully reflects what documents are needed for INN using the methods described above.


If all the necessary documents for obtaining a TIN are usually at home, then questions arise with this point. Where can I find it and how to fill it out correctly?

Now everything is much simpler than it was 10 years ago. You no longer need to run, take the form and rely on the sample provided. All you need to do is go to the website and either download the form and print it, or fill out the electronic form to submit an application online.

Sample of filling out an application for TIN

You can obtain it from any tax office or download detailed instructions, which usually come with the form.

First of all, you must indicate your full last name, first name and patronymic. If anything was changed in the period from 09/01/1996 to 01/01/2004, then you need to indicate in what year it was done. Next, the gender of the person submitting the application, date and place of birth are noted.

The next point is to indicate the document that proves your identity. As a rule, this is a passport. Then you need to very carefully rewrite your passport data without any changes.

The application contains a clause called “citizenship”. You cannot write in it the word “Russian(s),” which is common in communication. Only the country name is required.

Next, fill in the registration information: zip code and full address. If it is not a passport that is presented, then you must also have confirmation of registration. To do this, you can obtain a certificate from the Housing Office or provide an extract from the house register. If your place of residence has changed, then this data must also be indicated.

For foreign citizens, information about the country where the person lived before the Russian Federation and the expiration of the registration period must be filled out. The last thing to enter is contact information, signature and date of application.

It’s not difficult to fill out all this and thus get a complete list of what is needed to obtain a TIN.

Certificate production time

Once it becomes known what documents are needed to obtain a TIN, the question arises: “When will it be possible to obtain it?” Considering that the production of documents usually takes a long time, this question is quite reasonable.

Everything happens pretty quickly here. The maximum period is five working days. That is, if there are no holidays after your application to the tax office, then you need to receive the certificate exactly in a week (five working days + two days off). And if tax office employees do not have an influx of documents, then the TIN certificate can be produced within one day.

Who else needs to have a TIN?

Taxpayers include individual entrepreneurs and legal entities (both domestic and foreign). Each of them needs a TIN in order to pay all the necessary taxes and fees associated with their activities.

In this case, there is no need to take any special actions for individual entrepreneurs. The procedure for obtaining a TIN for this category of businessmen is the same as for individuals. If a person has already registered with the Federal Tax Service and then decides to engage in entrepreneurial activity, then he does not need to obtain a separate TIN.

What documents are needed to obtain a TIN for legal entities can also be found on the Federal Tax Service website or at the inspection office at the place of registration. The TIN certificate is drawn up by him and issued upon registration of the organization.

It is also worth noting that the procedure for applying for a certificate can be carried out in the same ways as with individuals. That is, personally, through third parties, remotely: using the Internet or using postal services.

Getting a TIN is not as difficult as it seems at first. With the introduction of new services and the development of the Internet, this procedure takes a small amount of time and eliminates the need to go through authorities and stand in queues.

You also need to remember that you should treat this document with due respect, so that you don’t have to waste time and money replacing it later. If you are not sure that you have a TIN, it is easy to check by filling out a form on the Federal Tax Service website. If you are registered, the system will immediately give you your TIN.

Every working or business citizen must have an individual taxpayer number (TIN). It is issued in the form of a certificate. It can be issued upon reaching 14 years of age, and for the child to whom the property is registered – even earlier. Below is a detailed algorithm for how to obtain a TIN for an individual, with a sample application, screenshots and explanations.

Where to go

The information that you need to contact the tax office at your place of registration for these purposes is already outdated. From January 1, 2017, an application for a TIN can be submitted to any tax office, regardless of the link to registration.

What documents do an adult taxpayer need?

You will just need to provide:

  1. Passport. This means that you need to come with the original and its photocopy. After they are verified, your passport will be returned to you, and a copy will remain with the tax office.
  2. Statement. There is a strictly established form 2-2 accounting, which consists of 3 sheets. It will be issued by an inspector. If you submit documents online, the application form to fill out will be provided to you on the website of the Federal Tax Service ( or State Services only after registration.

Documents for issuing a TIN for a child

  1. Statement. The same application form is filled out as for adults: it will have a separate column for information about the child’s legal representative. It is he (this may be one of the parents, guardian, trustee) who fills out the application, but on behalf of the child! The signature at the end is not signed by the child, but by the person who filled it out.
  2. Representative's passport. Take the original and a copy with you (the original will be given back after presentation).
  3. Birth certificate. Again according to the same principle: original + copy.
  4. A document containing an indication of the place of registration(if it is not indicated on the child’s certificate).

The personal presence of a minor is not required when submitting.

Application form

  1. Each tax office has its own code. Here we indicate the number of the one where we are submitting the application.
  2. For the first name, last name and patronymic there is a block under the number 2 (if there is no middle name, make a mark next to the column “1 - no middle name”). If it is filled out on behalf of a child, then his personal name is indicated in these columns. For data about the representative, there is a block marked on the screen with the number 6.
  3. We indicate the number corresponding to the number of sheets in the application.
  4. In this block we put the number 5, since the TIN is received by an individual.
  5. These columns are reserved for entering information about the representative (if acting through him).
  6. Phone number.
  7. Signature and date.
  8. Here we write the full surname, and the first and patronymic - only the initials.
  9. This block is not filled in by everyone - mainly by girls, as it concerns changing their last name. If this happened, before it is necessary to indicate the previous full name and the date of its change (only applies to changes after 09/01/1996).
  10. We indicate the gender in numbers (explanation behind the column), as well as the date of birth in numbers.
  11. The city where you were born.
  12. Attention! The ID document code is always 21. The remaining data to be entered in this block is contained in your passport.
  13. In this block, difficulties may arise only in the “Country Code” column. This means a code according to the All-Russian Classifier of Countries of the World (OCSM). It is indicated by citizenship: If you are Russian, feel free to indicate 643 (it does not change), if you are Ukrainian, then 804, etc. When a person does not have any citizenship, he needs to indicate the code of the country that issued the identification document.
  14. We enter the index and code of the region where the tax office is located where you are submitting documents.
  15. Your place of residence (if it is Moscow or St. Petersburg, the “district” field is not filled in).
  16. Signature required.
  17. The surname and initials are written on each new page of the application. P.17 is reserved just for this purpose.
  18. This field is intended for foreigners, stateless persons and those who have another document instead of a passport. Here you will need to indicate your registration card number, previous place of residence, etc.
  19. This column is filled in by everyone without exception. The date of registration is indicated here.
  20. This field is intended for foreigners, like field 18, you need to indicate the code of the country from which they arrived in the Russian Federation.
  21. If a person does not live at the place of registration and sends documents by mail, then in this section he needs to indicate his actual address.

If you find it difficult to understand the screenshots, you can, for clarity, look at a text sample of an application for obtaining an individual’s tax identification number ().

How to fill out an application so that it is accepted the first time

  1. Write words in block capital letters, one letter in each box, and dates in numbers. If you fill out the form on a computer, select the Courier New font (point size 16).
  2. Fill in the fields from the first cell, without leaving space before the text.
  3. Cross-outs, corrections with the help of proofreaders, “overwriting” at the site of errors and other deformation of sheets are not allowed.

How to get a TIN via the Internet

Let's start with the fact that only those who have an EDS (electronic digital signature) can “receive” a TIN using the Internet. If it is not there, then you will not be able to get the finished document in hand without visiting the tax office. In this case, it is only possible to submit an application and photocopies of documents online. But in order to pick up the finished certificate, you still have to go to the inspection office with your passport.

There are two ways to obtain a TIN online:

  • through the State Services portal;
  • through the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

In both cases, you need to register on the sites.

After registering on the State Services website, you will still have to authorize by filling out the data in the form, and then wait to receive confirmation by Russian Post by sending a password to enter your personal account. There is no such thing on the Federal Tax Service website, which means the process of submitting documents is faster.

Federal Tax Service website

Afterwards, the following form will appear on the screen. You can fill it out to a minimum - only fields with an asterisk.

When you're done, click "continue" and this is what will appear.

Next, expect to receive an email. After receiving it, follow the link in the letter. You will be taken back to the main page of the site, but the data will be saved in the e-mail and password fields. All you have to do is click “Login”, after which you will see this.

Only by filling out these details will you have access to the application form. The procedure for filling it out is described in detail above, so let’s look at how to submit an already completed form to the tax office.

  • Method 1. Just click the “send” button at the last stage of this procedure. Suitable for those cases if you can then obtain an individual’s tax identification number certificate in person from the tax office.
  • Method 2. If you have an electronic digital signature and do not want to go to the inspectorate, then install the “Legal Taxpayer” program and fill out the application using it. Perform the steps consistently, then no difficulties should arise. If you want to receive a certificate not only in paper, but also in electronic form, fill out an additional request (the program will prompt you to do this automatically). Then prepare a shipping container with the application on which the digital signature is applied, again using the program, after which you can send it for processing and find out its results. When the certificate is ready, it will be sent in pdf format (electronic version) by e-mail, and a “paper” copy will be sent by registered mail by Russian post.

Public services

The service for obtaining a TIN will appear on the website for the user only after registration, and subsequently filling out passport data, telephone number, and email.

In addition, to obtain an Inn through the government service website, you will have to go through authorization. You will be asked to fill out your TIN and SNILS. Later you will receive a password via Russian Post at the place of residence you indicate. With this password, as well as a login (this is either an email address, or INN, or SNILS - your choice), you can get into your personal account on the website, finally fill out the 2-2 accounting form and send it to the desired inspection.

And on this portal you can also use an electronic signature so as not to visit the tax office in the future, but to receive a ready-made certificate by Russian Post or by e-mail.

How to apply by mail

If it is not possible to visit the tax office, you can send the documents by registered mail, but you will have to observe a number of nuances:

  1. the application must be filled out correctly (without errors or omissions), otherwise it will not be accepted;
  2. copies of the passport and document confirming the place of registration (if it is not a passport) must be notarized.

As you understand, notary services are not free, so if you are a busy person, it would be more rational and economical to immediately issue a power of attorney from a notary to someone who can not only submit for you, but also pick up the TIN certificate! After all, if you pay a notary only for certifying copies, then in the future you will still have to go personally to the tax office to get a TIN, and using the recommended scheme above, you will be completely freed from walking through government corridors.

If it is not possible to personally obtain a TIN certificate

Then a representative can do this for you. They can be any person over 18 years of age. You can issue a power of attorney from any notary. The estimated cost of his services is from 1500 to 2000 within Moscow.

How long does it take to obtain a TIN?

The law sets aside a period of five days from the date of acceptance of the application. On the sixth day, you can already go and get a ready-made TIN (don’t forget your passport!).

But if you submitted the form by mail or on the Internet, then the five-day period begins to be calculated from the moment you receive a registered letter or process electronic data received through the website of the State Service or the Federal Tax Service. This date will appear on the mail notification you receive or on the email.

How much will it cost to obtain a TIN?

This government service is provided free of charge. But if you receive it again, the state duty will be 300 rubles.

In addition, if you transfer documents by mail, please note that on average the cost of notarizing one sheet of paper is 60 rubles. And there are only three sheets, which means you will have to pay approximately 180 rubles. Plus, don’t forget that you also have to pay for postal services. If you use the services of a representative, also calculate the cost of issuing a power of attorney (1,500-2,000 rubles).

How to get a duplicate TIN of an individual

The fact is that it is impossible to obtain a copy of the personal identification number of an individual. If the TIN has been lost, then a new certificate is issued with the same taxpayer number as it was previously (it remains unchanged throughout the life of the individual). However, this is still not a copy, but a completely new document.

An application for a duplicate Inn certificate has the same form 2-2 registration, since in essence you are asking to issue a new certificate. In this form at the top of each page there is a column for filling out the TIN. You should enter your taxpayer number here. If you don’t know him, it’s easy to fix: you just need to go to the website, fill out the form and send a request. The TIN number will appear in the result line.

You can also submit documents to restore a lost certificate using all available methods:

  • personally;
  • by mail;
  • through a representative;
  • via the Internet.

But you only need to pick it up in person at the tax office (even the option with an electronic signature is not allowed).

Please note that the re-issuance service is paid:

  • the standard state duty is 300 rubles;
  • for expedited issuance of a new certificate - 400 rubles.

Do I need to get a new TIN when changing my name?

There is no such obligation, but the individual himself is interested in this.

Example. Krinichnaya G.V. took her husband’s surname “Dolzhenko”. She changed her passport, but she did not need to change the TIN certificate. But then her aunt suddenly arrived from Germany (for 3 days according to plan) and decided to give her niece (now G.V. Dolzhenko) an apartment in Moscow. They refused to register the transaction due to outdated data in the TIN and recommended replacing it with a new one. Krinichnaya G.V. She submitted the necessary documents to the tax office and was informed that she would have to wait 5 days until a new certificate was issued. Her aunt had to change not only her plans, but also her tickets for the return flight, since it was not possible to complete the transaction in 3 days.

No fines or other sanctions are applied to a person who has not changed his certificate.

At its core, this is not a re-issuance (as in the case of loss), but a replacement for a good reason. Therefore, there is no state fee for this procedure! Also, if you have an electronic signature, you can receive the finished document by email (for comparison: if you lose your TIN, this is not possible).

The new certificate will indicate the previous TIN number.

Change of registration - grounds for changing TIN

As has been repeated many times, the taxpayer number itself always remains the same! Another thing is the document that contains the TIN, that is, the certificate... After all, it was drawn up indicating only information about registration, but what if it has changed?

You do not need to obtain a new certificate. If you have officially registered at a different address, the migration service will transmit information about this to the local tax office, and it, in turn, will inform your “old” inspectorate, where you will be deregistered.

Gusarova Yulia

Before opening your own business, even before registering an individual entrepreneur or opening an LLC, you need to study many nuances related to taxation and current activities.

First of all, future entrepreneurs should evaluate the pros and cons of existing taxation systems and decide on the optimal tax regime for their business.

You need to find out everything related to opening a current account. The fact is that currently it is possible to open a current account in certain cases voluntarily, and in some conditions this is done without fail. What do these conditions depend on? Mainly on the organizational and legal form of the business.

An important issue that should also be clarified in advance is related to the use of printing in work. Currently, the decision on this matter is entirely left to businessmen. And we are talking not only about individual entrepreneurs, but also about organizations.

At the same time, it should be noted that the absence of a seal can create quite serious difficulties in practical activities. The fact is that your credibility decreases sharply if you work without a seal. In such a situation, you will not be able to cooperate with many counterparties and even financial institutions.

How to expand your business in a short time? Answer: by attracting investment. To implement such plans, it is necessary to carefully study this issue even before opening your business. It is important to know that the investment potential of a business depends to a large extent on its organizational and legal form.

Many questions that you also need to know before registering your business are related to cash register equipment (CCT). You should obtain as much information as possible regarding the requirements for cash registers, the specifics of their purchase, and the procedure for registering with the tax authority.

If the use of a cash register is not planned or a final decision has not been made on this matter, then it is imperative to study everything related to strict reporting forms (SRF). We are talking about methods for ordering forms, the procedure for their use and recording in the BSO journal.

It must be remembered that any organizations, as well as individual entrepreneurs who hire employees, are employers. As such, they pay personal income tax (NDFL) to the budget. In this regard, future employers should study in advance the issues of calculation, withholding and transfer of personal income tax.

As part of starting your own business, it would be useful to understand in advance not only the issues of current activities, but also the liquidation of the business if necessary. In practical terms, the reason for closure may be the need for a rapid change in the tax regime.

So, an individual entrepreneur needs to know how to correctly close an individual entrepreneur, including the sequence of actions and the documents required for this.

If we talk about the liquidation of an organization, the algorithm here is more complex. It consists of 10 steps, described in detail in three articles: “Step-by-step liquidation of an LLC: beginning”, “Step-by-step liquidation of an LLC: continuation” and “Step-by-step liquidation of an LLC: conclusion”.

Any business is associated with the presence of attributes that are mandatory, thanks to which you can quickly and accurately identify it among others. Speaking about such mandatory attributes, we should mention one of the most important ones - the taxpayer identification number (TIN). It is a digital code with which taxpayers are registered with the tax office.

This number is assigned to both individual entrepreneurs and organizations. It should be noted that the TIN of an individual entrepreneur has 12 digits.

As for the TIN of an organization (legal entity), this number has 10 digits. In this article we will talk about the procedure for an organization to obtain a taxpayer identification number.

TIN of the organization

Speaking about the TIN of the organization, it is necessary to say a few words about the tax inspectorate. The main tasks that tax inspectorates are called upon to perform are related to the registration of taxpayers, as well as monitoring the correctness of calculation, completeness and timeliness of transfer of taxes and fees to the accounts of the federal and local budgets, as well as state extra-budgetary funds.

To simplify and streamline accounting, each legal entity is assigned a TIN. This number appears in every document that relates to tax reporting.

Thus, the presence of a digital code, called a taxpayer identification number, makes the relationship between the tax office and the taxpayer as clear and convenient as possible.

No legal entity can function unless it is registered with the tax office. In other words, no organization is allowed to operate unless it is assigned a Taxpayer Identification Number.

The procedure for assigning a TIN was introduced in our country in 1993. It was then that the corresponding requirements appeared in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Procedure for obtaining a TIN

After you have submitted documents for LLC registration to the tax office, no more than five working days will pass until you are assigned a taxpayer identification number. The TIN will be indicated in the registration certificate, which you will receive along with the certificate of state registration of the legal entity.

Tax registration of a legal entity can be done:

  • at the place of official registration;
  • at the location of the real estate that belongs to the legal entity;
  • at the place of registration of vehicles that belong to the legal entity.

Currently, foreign organizations that operate in our country are also assigned a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). This is done based on the requirements of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that each organization must have only one TIN. This identification number cannot be reused, meaning it cannot be assigned to another organization. Thus, if an organization is liquidated, the TIN is invalidated.

Another nuance is that the TIN remains unchanged regardless of any adjustments to the constituent documents. The identification number remains the same even if the place of registration of the organization or the address of the supervising tax authority changes.

Thus, changing the TIN or reusing it is impossible. In this case, it is possible to obtain a new TIN. In what cases is this done? Firstly, in a situation where an organization is liquidated, but a new organization is created on its basis. Secondly, in the case of division of a legal entity with the formation of new organizations on its basis.

If all preliminary questions regarding the functioning of the business have been clarified, you can register your business.

To do this, you need to create a registration package. It is a list of documents for registering a business, which then must be submitted to the tax office. If, based on the results of checking the documents, all the information provided is considered complete and correct, then the Federal Tax Service employees register your organization (or you as an individual entrepreneur).

There are two traditional ways to prepare registration documents: manually and with the help of an intermediary. Which option should you prefer? To understand this, let's look at each method in more detail.

You draw up the documents yourself. In this case, you need strength and patience to find out the list of documents, as well as find samples of completion. Next, you create the registration package yourself, compiling the papers so that there are no typos or errors.

With this method of document generation, you understand all the details of the registration process. You have the opportunity to carefully familiarize yourself with the nuances inherent in each tax regime in order to then choose the optimal tax system for your business.

You also draw up a complete list of activities for your enterprise and correctly indicate the main type of activity.

In addition, the advantage of preparing the registration package yourself is that it saves money. You don't pay anyone anything to prepare documents. Thus, you minimize the overall costs of starting a business.

This method also has disadvantages. First of all, this is the risk that various kinds of questions and nuances will arise right during the preparation of documents that you simply have not thought about before. It is logical that you will solve them, spending additional time on this. This is fraught with a delay in the overall registration period and may lead to disruption of the planned dates for opening a business.

Another disadvantage is due to the fact that independently creating a registration package means there is a high probability of errors and typos in the finished documents. In this case, you will almost certainly be denied registration. This means that everything needs to start again. Thus, you are wasting time. Moreover, you are losing money, because if registration is refused, no one will return the funds paid as state fees to you.

You use the services of intermediaries. In this case, intermediaries are specialized firms that prepare registration documents on a professional basis.

With this method, errors and typos in finished documents are practically eliminated. All papers are drawn up in full compliance with current regulations and include all the necessary information.

Another plus: preparing the registration package will take minimal time. This means that you will open your business within a strictly planned time frame.

This method also has disadvantages. First of all, we are talking about financial costs. You have to bear the costs of paying for the services of creating a registration package, which increases the total costs of starting a business.

In addition, you risk missing details (you simply won’t notice them), which can cause certain difficulties or even outright problems in your work. Moreover, from a formal point of view, everything is absolutely correct, there are no problems, which allows you to register a business. And only after the work begins, nuances may emerge...

What nuances are we talking about? For example, it may be discovered that the simplified taxation system (STS) is used with the object “income minus expenses”, whereas the object “income” was originally planned; or the patent tax system (PSN) is replaced by a single tax on imputed income (UTII).

Another option: the list of types of activities may not be formed in full and with an incorrectly selected main type of activity.

Thus, each method has disadvantages. The ideal solution in this situation is to have a third method that would combine the advantages and be devoid of the disadvantages inherent in the two presented options.

In this case, you could generate registration documents yourself, and do it quickly, correctly (as is the case with a paid service) and without spending a penny!

However, there is no perfect solution. This rule is. At the same time, there are exceptions to any rule!

You create a registration package quickly, without a single error and without any financial costs if you use the “My Business” Internet service!

Internet accounting “My Business”: registering and running your business

What is online accounting “My Business”? This is a modern accounting complex with enormous functionality. Among these opportunities is a service through which you quickly, correctly and completely free of charge generate documents that allow you to register your business.

How to create a registration package in the “My Business” system? The process includes simple and short steps, each of which is controlled by an electronic assistant. Forget about complications and difficulties - at any stage you have comprehensive tips at your disposal, allowing you to draw up documents easily and quickly!

Just a little time - and you have a complete registration package in your hands, which guarantees business registration on the first try!

The “My Business” service ensures the formation of any documents in full compliance with current norms and rules. How is this possible? The fact is that the system includes a complete database of current forms, legislative and regulatory acts in the field of taxation, labor relations, and accounting.

The database is updated online, guaranteeing you to work only with valid forms and approved laws, decrees, regulations, orders, orders.

As already noted, fast, correct and free preparation of registration documents is only a small part of the functionality of the Internet accounting “My Business”.

The service provides individual entrepreneurs and organizations with full-fledged accounting on the general taxation system (OSNO) and special tax regimes: simplified tax system, UTII.

Taxes, insurance premiums, wages, benefits, sick leave, vacation pay - you are always guaranteed a quick and accurate calculation of any payments. You transfer all accrued amounts directly from the service through integration with banks!

In the online accounting “My Business”, any reporting (tax, accounting, statistical) on OSNO, UTII, and simplified tax system is correctly and fully generated. Most reporting forms are generated automatically. As a result, you receive documents without errors and typos!

You immediately send all generated reports in electronic form to Rosstat, the Social Insurance Fund, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and the tax office. No queues, no hassle!

You are always aware of tax payment and reporting schedules if you use the “My Business” online accounting service. A personal tax calendar has been installed in your Personal Account, informing you about all deadlines in advance. Moreover, the information is additionally duplicated on the phone and email!

The work is not without difficulties and outright problems. There are especially many of them in the first stages of entrepreneurial activity. In such situations, it is very important to receive prompt and qualified assistance. Now you receive it at any time! In the “My Business” service you are guaranteed 24-hour expert support on all issues related to accounting, taxation, and settlements with personnel!

Do you want to prepare your registration package quickly, without errors and without financial costs? Do you always want to calculate and pay taxes promptly and accurately? Do you want to correctly generate reports and submit them in a timely manner?

Then register right now in the online accounting “My Business” and evaluate all the capabilities of the system completely free of charge!