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We are calculating a loan for building a house at Sberbank. How to get a mortgage loan for building a house from Sberbank? Mortgage calculator for building a house Sberbank

PJSC Sberbank of Russia is one of the few credit institutions where you can get a loan for the construction of an individual residential building, and perhaps the only one that confirms applications for financing the construction of houses made of timber. In any case, providing loans for construction is quite risky for the bank. Therefore, in order to make a decision on granting payment, the applicant is thoroughly and strictly checked, and serious collateral will be required to confirm the seriousness of his intentions.

Due to banking instability in the winter of 2014-2015. many banks have curtailed their lending programs for private housing construction, since this type of lending is the most risky for banks due to the possibility of unfinished construction.

Sberbank resumed issuing loans for individual construction in May 2015 and plans to continue this practice in 2017. According to the bank's terms and conditions:

  • a mortgage loan can be provided for a period from 1 year to 30 years at 12.5…13.5% per annum and more (as of December 30, 2016);
  • down payment is limited ( at least 25% from the required amount) and the age of the borrower;
  • traditionally, the most favorable conditions are provided for applicants who get paid through Sberbank;
  • the loan can be partially repaid using maternity capital or a state certificate under the “Young Family” program.

Taking into account the maximum loan period for mortgage for building a house from Sberbank(up to 30 years) and the moderate cost of construction services and building materials in the regions, such a loan can be repaid in fairly easy payments.

Mortgage conditions for the construction of a private house in Sberbank in 2017

Sberbank's loan product has an undeniable advantage - low annual interest that the borrower will have to pay for using the borrowed money. In 2017, the minimum interest rate for using a loan is 12.50%. In addition to this benefit, there are others:

  • There are no fees for processing the application or servicing the loan.
  • There are no penalties for early payment.
  • This loan can be paid in part at the expense of maternal capital or funds allocated under the state program providing housing for young families.
  • Each application is considered individually.
  • The loan is repaid monthly in equal (annuity) payments.
  • Favorable conditions for those whose salary cards are issued by Sberbank. And also for borrowers whose employing company is accredited by the bank.
  • To maximize the amount of the loan received, you can attract co-borrowers.
  • It is most profitable to invest borrowed money in a house that is being built by a company financed by Sberbank.
  • For the amount of interest on the loan, you can register with the Federal Tax Service tax deduction at the rate of 13% of all interest paid.

A special feature of Sberbank is the ability to defer the payment of the principal debt for up to 3 years. That is, for the first years the borrower will only pay interest. This is often very convenient, because during the construction process additional and unforeseen expenses constantly arise.

Under what conditions can you get a loan to build a house from Sberbank?

In 2017, you can borrow money from the bank for the construction of individual housing only in rubles. (for obvious reasons, loans are no longer issued in dollars and euros). The mortgage lending program is target. That is, a mortgage from Sberbank for the construction of a private house cannot be spent on any other purposes.

The borrower can count on the following conditions:

  • Minimum loan amount - from 300,000 rub., loan term - from 1 to 30 years.
  • The maximum amount is no more than 75% of the estimated value of the future private home or 75% of the value of the collateral property (whichever is less).
  • Second part in size at least 25% must be paid as a down payment.
  • The age of the client wishing to apply for a loan is at least 21 years old. The loan repayment period is calculated based on the fact that at the end of the planned payments the borrower’s age was no more than 75 years old(can be critical when receiving money for a long time).
  • The applicant's work experience is at least 6 months. in the last place and at least one year of continuous work experience over the last 5 years. For participants in the salary project from Sberbank, the requirements are relaxed.
  • The borrower is required insure property, which will act as collateral for the period until the end of the loan agreement. If the loan is paid off early, funds for unused years of insurance can be returned.

Unlike buying an apartment on credit, when the bank immediately transfers the money to the seller, this is not possible with individual construction. In this regard, the money is transferred to the borrower piecemeal: most often first half, and then the rest. The second part will be issued only after a report and submission of documents for the first.

The bank does not charge fines or fees for early loan repayment:

  • Each time, in the form of a scheduled payment, you can make an amount of any amount, but not less than that established by the agreement.
  • Final early repayment is made upon application and must occur on a weekday.

Collateral is a mandatory condition for lending

The bank must make sure that the borrower really intends to repay the borrowed money, therefore, in order to avoid risks real estate pledge is issued(mortgage). However, since the house under construction itself, especially at the initial stage of construction, cannot act as collateral, the applicant will have to pledge other residential premises or property.

Most often, a loan is issued for the construction of a house. secured by land in Sberbank. If the cost of the plot is disproportionate to the amount required by the bank client, the latter may require additional collateral. It can be a garage, car, apartment, or other property.

The practice of attracting co-borrowers is also common. They will help solve two problems at once:

  • will contribute to increasing the loan amount for which the borrower can qualify;
  • for the bank they will be an additional guarantee that the loan will be repaid in full.

Co-borrowers or guarantors may not be required in every case. They are involved in numbers of up to 3 people. In practice, it is quite difficult to convince relatives or friends to act as guarantors of the security of the loan. But the spouse is an obligatory co-borrower, if she exists and regardless of her age.

Interest rates for the program

The interest rates presented are relevant in 2017 for borrowers receiving salaries on Sberbank cards. They depend on the term for which the loan is issued and the amount of the down payment. May change at the discretion of the bank. But for those who have already drawn up a loan agreement, changing the interest on the loan is impossible in accordance with the provisions of the agreement.

Interest on the Sberbank loan program for individual construction(as of December 30, 2016)

For applicants who do not participate in Sberbank salary projects, interest rates will be somewhat higher. Additional interest:

  • + 0.5% - for those who do not receive a salary from the bank;
  • + 1.0% - for the period of mortgage registration;
  • + 1.0% - if the borrower refuses to insure his own life and health at the request of the bank.

The sequence of obtaining a loan for building a house in Sberbank

Receiving money from a bank in order to invest it in the construction of an individual residential building implies a certain sequence of actions. An applicant for a loan for building a house from Sberbank will need to do the following:

  1. Collect and provide a preliminary package of documents (on ownership of a building plot, house design).
  2. Submit an application and documents to the Bank or its branch.
  3. Wait for a positive decision (2-5 days are allocated for consideration).
  4. Conclude a loan agreement with the bank.
  5. Receive the first part of the loan.
  6. Report to the bank about spending money.
  7. Get the second part of the money. The procedure is repeated as many times as the credit line is divided into parts.
  8. Register ownership of the house after completion of construction.
  9. Transfer the house to the bank as collateral to reduce interest.

You can submit your application to a Sberbank branch at one of the places you choose:

  • borrower registration;
  • construction of a private house;
  • accreditation of the borrower's employing company.

To reduce risks, the bank may insist on additional conditions that will be written down in the agreement along with the standard ones.

Sberbank practices limiting the construction period - for example, three years. After this period ends, the borrower will have to register the house, insure it and transfer it to the bank as collateral. This will help reduce the interest by 1 point.

Documents for obtaining a construction loan

The applicant will need three types of documents: identifying him, confirming his solvency and plans to build a house. You also need to fill out a special application form, which will be issued at the department. To consider a loan application, the bank will need:

  • Passport of the applicant (and co-borrowers, if any).
  • Certificate of income of the applicant and other documents confirming his earnings and solvency (the same for co-borrowers, if any). These certificates are not needed if the applicant receives a salary through Sberbank.
  • Documents for a land plot suitable for housing construction.
  • Documents for additional real estate that is planned to be mortgaged.

After a positive decision on the application you will need:

  • Project of the future house, sketches, estimates and any other documentation.
  • A bank statement confirming that the applicant has his own funds for the down payment.

The list of documents can be supplemented by decision of the credit inspector. For those who receive a construction loan under the “Young Family” program, additional papers will be needed (for more information, see the relevant paragraph below).

Interim documents for reporting the expenditure of the first part of the money can be checks for the purchase of materials, contracts with a construction company and suppliers of individual structures (windows, doors, stairs), various receipts - but only with the seals of legal entities.

Preferential conditions for participants of social programs

Participants of government programs " Maternity capital" and "Providing housing for young families" (sometimes simply called "Young Family") no preferential conditions are provided for obtaining or paying off a construction loan. They cannot count on lower interest rates or any other concessions.

However, they have the right to use state budget funds to repay the loan amount and interest on it. Taking into account the funds allocated by the state for relevant programs, this can serve as a great help for parents with children and young families.

Maternity capital to repay a loan for building a house

Families who own a maternity capital certificate are given the opportunity by federal law to use funds provided by the state for down payment on the loan, as well as payment of interest and interest. At the same time, funds under the certificate cannot be used to pay fines, penalties and other unexpected payments.

The legislation regulating maternity capital does not specifically separate loans for the purchase of housing (houses, apartments) from loans for its construction. All of them make it possible to improve living conditions, which means they are suitable for investing in maternal capital.

To take advantage of the opportunity to invest a certificate under the maternity capital program in the construction of a private residential building, you will need:

  1. Take it from the bank certificate of credit debt balance.
  2. Contact the Pension Fund (PF) with this document and write an application for disposal of maternity capital funds for partial repayment of the loan.
  3. After the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation approves the application, you will not have to agree on anything with the bank - the transferred amount will be counted towards payment of obligations under the agreement and will allow you to recalculate the monthly payment schedule.

After the bank accepts funds from maternity capital, review of the loan repayment schedule: the amount of monthly payments is reduced, but the repayment dates and the period for using the money do not change (as it was, for example, 20 years, it will remain so).

Construction loan under the “Young Family” program

The holder of a state certificate under the program “Providing Housing for Young Families” can invest the state subsidy funds allocated to him in the amount of up to 30-35% of the cost of the property under construction to pay off a loan taken from Sberbank for construction.

The procedure for using a certificate implies that first its owner must:

  • obtain a certificate from the bank about the loan balance;
  • contact the local government body with an application to spend the money.

The transfer to the bank of an amount from the state budget under the “Young Family” certificate occurs to repay the loan debt and interest. After making this payment, the amount of monthly payments is reviewed, similar to using a certificate under the maternity capital program.

To receive a subsidy, program participants will need to provide the bank with additional documents:

  • marriage certificate;
  • birth certificates of children (if relevant);
  • documents confirming the relationship of the co-borrowers, if they are parents or wife.


Building housing away from the bustle of the city is a modern trend, popular among Russians. Living outside the city is healthier and more enjoyable. And building an individual house on credit is a justified decision when you want to move to a new home in the near future, but there is not enough money for construction work. It’s especially great if you already have a plot for a house.

Sberbank of Russia provides a huge number of banking services. In the developed line of credit products, you can choose programs for the purchase of finished housing. In addition, clients of a financial institution have the opportunity to obtain a loan to build a house. An online calculator is available on the bank’s official web portal, with which you can easily calculate the terms and final repayment amount. User access to current banking programs is also open. The website contains a complete package of documents and other information for a potential client. Let's try to look at the main features of a mortgage.

Conditions of a mortgage for development to a private person

Loans are provided not only for finished housing. Clients can also receive money for construction.

Almost all categories of citizens can apply for a loan. There is only an age limit. The loan is issued to clients over twenty-one years of age. There is also a maximum limit. At the time of expiration of obligations to the bank, the client must be no older than seventy-five years.

The loan amount is not fixed. You can request from thirty to three hundred thousand rubles. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the transaction. The final size is determined according to the estimated cost of the construction project. The loan amount cannot exceed seventy-five percent of the total cost.

To contact the bank, you need to prepare a formal agreement with the developer. An estimate must be provided detailing the full costs to determine the loan amount. The developed Sberbank program includes the following conditions:

  1. The loan repayment period can be up to thirty years.
  2. The down payment cannot be less than twenty-five percent.
  3. The loan rate ranges from 13.5 to 14.5 percent.
  4. The interest on the loan provided is calculated in a single currency - rubles.

Basic requirements for a Sberbank borrower.

The client can count on a reduced rate on the transaction. This will require several conditions:

  1. Make a larger loan amount as the first payment.
  2. Draw up an agreement for a short period.
  3. The client’s active use of other banking products can be used as additional benefits. A big advantage will be the calculation of wages within the framework of a salary project.
  4. Confirmation of solvency. It is advisable to provide real estate as collateral.
  5. Arrangement of life insurance for the client.

Until the end of the state registration of housing procedure, one percent is added to the loan rate. Once the procedure is completed, the premium will be removed.

How to confirm your income level

Why does a client need to prove his solvency to apply for a loan? Sberbank of Russia carefully studies the provided package of documents. A confirmed income level makes it possible to increase the loan size. It is also advisable to provide information on total family income. You can include information regarding:

  1. Accrued wages.
  2. Income received from renting residential space.
  3. Royalties.
  4. Payments for private practice.
  5. Profits from running an individual business and so on.

If the family's total funds are relatively small, the bank gives the client the right to attract co-borrowers. Any citizen can be involved as a third party. Not necessarily a family member.

What are the pros and cons of attraction? The client gets the opportunity to apply for a large loan amount. At the same time, a third party has the legal right to own part of the property.

Upon registration, all participants are included in the contract. The payment amount may be indicated separately for each individual. After the client loses his solvency, all obligations are transferred to a third party.

According to the terms of the savings bank, the spouse acts as a co-borrower, regardless of status, income level and age category.

How to calculate mortgage terms yourself

Online calculator for self-calculation. The calculation can be made using several criteria.

Sberbank of Russia provides its clients with the opportunity to independently evaluate the parameters and conditions of mortgage lending. You can use this convenient service without leaving your home. Just go to the Sberbank website.

In the online calculator, you must fill out the basic fields. Using the computing service you can find out:

  • monthly payment amount;
  • balance of debt;
  • the final amount of the overpayment.

The data is presented in the form of tables and graphs. The client can easily navigate the information distributed monthly for the selected period.

You can use the application an unlimited number of times. By selecting parameters, the user will determine the most profitable lending option.

Detailed instructions for calculations using an online calculator can be found in the video:

Characteristics of the online service

To determine the result, you must set the correct characteristics. Let's look at the graphs in more detail:

  1. The calculation type should be selected according to the user's requests. The calculator can calculate by income, amount and monthly payment.
  2. To fill out the “Price of the mortgage property” item, you will need the estimated value of an independent expert.
  3. Estimated down payment amount.
  4. The requested mortgage amount.
  5. Date of issue of borrowed funds.
  6. Repayment period.
  7. User's personal data. Age and gender must be specified.
  8. Providing benefits. Possibility to reduce the rate if you receive a salary from Sberbank.
  9. Income level.
  10. Executed insurance policy.
  11. Registration of the mortgaged object.

The online service transforms information in graphical and tabular form.

Procedure for obtaining a mortgage

There are several stages of mortgage lending. To submit an application, the client should contact a Sberbank branch. The client can choose a representative office based on several criteria:

  1. Near the place of registration or actual residence.
  2. Near the property.
  3. In close proximity to the place of work.

The client should collect a minimum package of documents for the initial application. Bank employees will need a passport and supporting documents from their place of work.

Documentation set

To obtain a mortgage, Sberbank requests a full package of financial documents:

  1. Work book.
  2. You can also provide a certificate of temporary employment with the company.
  3. Certificate (personal income tax form-2).
  4. A document issued by Sberbank to be filled out at the workplace. In the form you need to enter data on income for the last 6 months of work. You need to take accounting information as a basis.
  5. Additional income also needs to be confirmed with official papers.

Take advantage of the real estate insurance programs (as part of a mortgage), as well as the life and health of the borrower at Sberbank Insurance LLC and Sberbank Life Insurance LLC - 100% subsidiaries of Sberbank PJSC:

  • Simple, convenient and fast registration. For example, when renewing an insurance contract, you do not need to submit a copy of it to Sberbank yourself; the documents are sent automatically
  • Availability of the ability to resolve the issue online: from signing an insurance contract to settling losses due to an insured event
  • The conditions of the insurance programs comply with the Requirements for the conditions for the provision of insurance services within the framework of Sberbank credit products 1
  • The insurance tariff/cost of insurance when prolonging the insurance contract for the second and subsequent years is 10% lower
  • If an insurance event occurs, you can contact any Sberbank branch, regardless of where the contract was drawn up
  • You can issue a policy in a few minutes on the DomClick website, on the website of insurance companies - Sberbank Insurance LLC and Sberbank Life Insurance LLC, or at any Sberbank branch.

Life and health insurance under the “Protected Borrower” program 2

What's included in the program?

Insurance is provided in case of:

  • Death of the Insured Person
  • Establishing a disability or group for the Insured person

What do you get?

  • Reducing the Sberbank mortgage rate to the established level under the “secured loan” condition;
  • The insurance rate is determined individually depending on the gender and age of the client.


Mortgage insurance 3

What's included in the program?

Insurance of the property pledged (except for the land plot) against the risks of loss and damage.

Additional benefits:

  • 1 additional month of validity of the insurance contract when issued at Sberbank branches

Detailed insurance conditions can be found on the website.

1 Bank to insurance companies and terms of provision of insurance services for property insurance

2 Insurance services are provided by Sberbank Life Insurance LLC. License to carry out insurance SZh No. 3692 (type of activity - voluntary life insurance) was issued by the Bank of Russia for an indefinite period. OGRN 1037700051146, Address: Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 31G. Office hours: Monday – Friday from 08.00 to 20.00 Moscow time

3 Real estate (mortgage) insurance. Insurance services are provided by Sberbank Insurance LLC. License of the Bank of Russia to carry out voluntary property insurance SI No. 4331, issued on 08/05/2015 for an indefinite period. OGRN 1147746683479, Address: 115093, Moscow, st. Pavlovskaya, house 7, tel. 8 800 555 555 7, Opening hours Monday-Friday from 9:00 to 19:00 Moscow time.

A mortgage loan for the construction of individual housing is the riskiest type of long-term loans in Russia. Therefore, the largest financial organization Sberbank, one of the exceptions, provides such loans to the population in the current economic situation. Moreover, in 2018, only here is there a chance to get a mortgage approved for the construction of a private house made of timber (a popular and economical material common in many regions of the country).

Mortgage for the construction of a private house

There are a lot of risk factors for a bank with any long-term lending, but the construction of individual housing facilities in this area is leading due to possible unfinished construction. In this case, the object never receives its value, and the bank’s expenses do not disappear. This is the reason for the significantly higher interest rates and stricter terms and conditions of the relatively common apartment mortgages.

However, even with such insurance, most banks abandoned the practice of lending to private housing construction during the economic instability of 2014-2015 and never returned to it. Today in Russia, only the largest representatives of the banking sector offer such a service; in particular, mortgages for the construction of a private house from Sberbank are in demand. It was also not provided during the crisis, but was restored in 2015. The program has been extended for the current year 2018.

Well-thought-out conditions serve as guarantees of the bank’s benefits:

  • the period of the mortgage for the construction of a private house ranges from one year to 30 years, and the interest rate to the bank, depending on other factors, starts from 12.5-13.5% and higher;
  • a down payment is required and its size must be at least ¼ of the loan amount;
  • The age of the borrower is limited relative to a traditional mortgage.

There are also benefits for clients, in particular:

  • the most convenient lending conditions await clients who receive wages through Sberbank;
  • it is possible to use maternity capital to repay the loan;
  • Partial repayment of the mortgage amount is possible through the use of payments from the Young Family state program.

Taking into account the long loan term, even with a high interest level, a mortgage for the construction of a private house in 2018 is designed to pay light monthly payments.

Conditions for a construction loan at Sberbank

For obvious reasons, the bank is issuing a loan for the construction of your own housing this year only in Russian banknotes. In addition, it is important to understand the intended purpose of the loan provided - in this situation, the funds can only be used for construction. Otherwise, the terms of a mortgage for the construction of a private house are quite transparent:

  • You can borrow from the bank for temporary use from 300 thousand rubles. for a period from one year to 30 years;
  • you can receive from the bank no more than 75% of the amount required for construction or 75% of the price of the collateral object, if it is lower than the required loan;
  • the remaining 25% or more with a significant down payment is covered by it;
  • the borrower must be at least 21 years old on the date of receipt of the mortgage and not older than 75 years on the date of its repayment;
  • the applicant must have worked for at least six months at the current place of work and have at least a year of uninterrupted employment over the previous 5 years (exceptions are possible for clients receiving wages through Sberbank);
  • The collateral must be insured until the date of repayment of the mortgage for the construction of a private house (in case of early payment of the amount, the insurance money can be returned).

Payment of the loan amount before the end of the mortgage term is carried out under standard conditions: payments may be higher, but not lower than the mandatory minimum specified in the agreement, and final repayment is carried out on a weekday upon prior application.

Unlike an apartment mortgage loan, a mortgage for the construction of a private house does not involve a one-time transfer of funds to the client. As a rule, the first payment is half the amount, after which the borrower will have to report on the work done in order to receive the remaining amount.

Benefits and advantages of a mortgage loan

Sberbank and the relevant government bodies are actively attracting the population to mortgage lending as a way to get their own home, so a number of variations of obtaining a loan on more lenient terms have been developed. In 2018, a mortgage for the construction of a private house offers the following benefits:

  • the loan service and analysis of the application for its issuance do not involve commissions;
  • it is possible to partially repay the mortgage towards maternal capital or payments from the state program to provide housing for young families;
  • early payment of the amount is possible without any penalties;
  • monthly payments for the entire period of using the loan are annuity (the same);
  • benefits for users of Sberbank’s salary program or employees of companies registered in this financial structure;
  • it is possible to increase the amount of a possible mortgage loan for the construction of a private house, you just need to arrange it with a co-borrower;
  • if a construction company building a private house is registered with Sberbank, certain benefits are expected;
  • Interest payments on a loan can be partially returned if you register a tax deduction with the Federal Tax Service for 13% of the loan interest rate.

The main and unprecedented advantage of taking out a mortgage for the construction of a private house in Sberbank is the right to agree with the bank on a deferment in payments of the main body of the mortgage for 3 years from the date of signing the agreement. This advantage comes in very handy during construction, because even the most well-thought-out estimate, as a rule, has additional costs, and paying only interest without the principal amount of the debt allows the borrower to pay them on time.

Pledged property as security

In the mortgage lending program for apartment purchases, which is familiar to most, the collateral that guarantees the security of the transaction for the bank is the apartment itself. In the case of lending for the construction of an individual housing facility, the funds are allocated by the bank for the project, which at the time of signing the contract has no material value and is not capable of becoming a guarantor of fulfillment of the terms of the transaction. Therefore, to approve a mortgage for the construction of a private house, other collateral is required.

The most common practice is to take out a loan secured by the land on which construction is proposed. When its value is insufficient to obtain the required amount, it is possible to attract other movable or immovable property (garage, car, etc.).

Co-borrowers can act as an additional guarantor for Sberbank, implying conscientious compliance with obligations under the agreement. At the same time, their involvement (no more than three people) can allow you to receive a large amount. However, finding a relative or friend willing to share the borrower's obligations is usually very difficult. A spouse becomes a co-borrower on a mortgage for the construction of a private house without fail.

Interest on Sberbank mortgages for 2018

The most frequent borrowers of Sberbank are clients of its salary program, so in the table below we present the amounts of interest payments valid for them in the current 2018. The amount of the bank commission varies depending on the size of the down payment and the length of time for which the loan is taken, and each application is checked individually. For loans received earlier, revision of the interest rate is not possible according to the terms of the agreement.

Applicants for a mortgage for the construction of a private house who are not Sberbank clients also often receive loan approval, but the interest rates are slightly higher, namely:

  • + 0.5% for a borrower who is not a client of Sberbank;
  • +1% for the duration of the mortgage loan;
  • +1% if the client does not want to insure his health and life while using the mortgage.

The actual size of the loan amount and bank commission can be calculated at any Sberbank branch during a private review of the application.


It is important to know that Sberbank has a common practice to additionally guarantee the security of the transaction by limiting the construction time. Typically, 3 years are allotted for the construction of an individual housing facility, after which the borrower must register the house with all necessary authorities, take out insurance and provide the bank as collateral for the mortgage for the construction of a private house in 2018. This point is beneficial to both parties: after transferring the housing as a guarantor to the bank, the interest rate is reduced and the loan becomes less burdensome.

Review of loan terms for the construction of a residential building
Among the mortgage projects, Sberbank also has a loan for the purchase of a finished house; a loan for the construction of housing is generally available to lenders. It is categorized as a home loan. To purchase a loan for housing construction, the state bank sets the appropriate and usual conditions for the borrower:

The applicant's age is twenty-one;
The age limit is seventy-five years at the time the loan is considered repaid;
Work experience - from six months;
Up to 3 co-borrowers are actually involved, whose profit is provided for when calculating the maximum loan amount.

Features of a construction loan
This type of loan differs significantly from a regular mortgage project; if a ready-made home is purchased, which has a fixed valuation at the ruble exchange rate, then a deposit is drawn up without any questions. It turns out that it is impossible to pledge the construction site, and without a deposit they will not provide a loan. For this reason, due to the conditions, the Bank is able to provide special documentation in the following situations:

Under the deposit of the agricultural zone where construction will be carried out. Of course, the land must be owned by the applicant;
secured by other property of the applicant. For example, living space or another building. If this is housing or the land where it stands, in turn it is necessary to formalize it as a deposit.

Property left as a deposit is certainly insured against the event of loss or damage in favor of Sberbank. The certificate must be valid for the period the construction loan is issued. This condition does not apply to land areas.

Terms of loan
The loan is issued in 3 currencies - rubles, dollars and euros, the loan amount can be 300,000 rubles, $10,000 or 7,000 euros. The maximum permissible lending limit will depend on an independent assessment of the market price of the deposit.

This figure cannot be higher than 85% of the funds shown in the assessment report. The issuance period is limited to thirty years. The initial contribution is a mandatory agreement and ranges from 15% for regular registration and from 10% for registration under the “Young Family” project with children.

Documents for registration
To obtain a loan for the construction of a building, the following documents are required:

Passports of the borrower and co-borrowers;
Documents regarding employment and earnings;
Documents for collateral;
Documents confirming that the applicant has a down payment.

The list of required papers depends on a specific episode and can change at the request of Sberbank. After submitting absolutely all the required documents, the Bank will analyze the application within 2-5 business days.

On the eve of contacting Sberbank, you can make an approximate calculation of the loan for construction on the Sberbank website. After filling out all the fields without exception and pressing the “Calculate” button, on the right side you will see the preparatory payment plan and key credit properties, including overpayment and the amount of the monthly payment. Without exception, all calculations of the Sberbank loan calculator are considered reference and do not have the required form; you will receive the most clear information in the bank's reference books.