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State housing programs. Social programs for purchasing housing. Conditions for participation in the program

According to statistics, the majority of adult Russians are interested in purchasing housing. In this regard, a state target housing program was developed in 2011. It consists of paying subsidies to young families wishing to purchase housing. Valid in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Main goals of the program

Social support for the population is designed to provide citizens with comfortable housing on favorable terms. The subsidy consists of partial (30-40%) repayment of the cost of the purchased property through mortgage lending. The exact numbers depend on the preferential category and the specific region.

This program was officially approved by Russian government decree No. 1050. In 2016, amendments were made through Resolution No. 855.

The main goal of this program is to provide citizens with housing on favorable (preferential) terms for them. With the growth of purchasing power (government subsidies motivate those who previously did not have such an opportunity to purchase real estate), the volume of residential construction increases.

This goal is due to the fact that in the first decade of the 21st century there has been a shortage of housing stock in the country. Despite the large number of mortgage lending offers, many working citizens simply do not have the opportunity to pay such substantial monthly payments.

Support for the population in purchasing housing should improve the standard of living in the country as a whole, especially for privileged categories of citizens. These, in addition to young families, include internal affairs workers, scientists, rescue workers, and retired military personnel (according to length of service).

Adjustments for the period 2016-2020

5 years after the creation of this program, certain changes were made to it, namely:

  1. Secondary housing has become more affordable. Until recently, this range of real estate was considered excessively expensive. The introduced benefits make it possible to reduce the rate on secondary mortgage lending to 10-11% per annum.
  2. The maximum housing price has been increased. For the regions - 4 million rubles, for Moscow and St. Petersburg - 10 million. Thanks to this, the number of people wishing to participate in the program should increase.
  3. The list of citizens for whom participation is available has been adjusted (conditions are presented below).
  4. Mortgage lending has been introduced for individual housing construction (private low-rise construction). The maximum limit is 3 million rubles. at an annual rate of no more than 10.5%.

Conditions of participation 2016-2020 for young families

The conditions for participation in the federal Housing program from 2016 to 2020 are as follows:

Important: the program laureate must not own housing that meets all standards.

If a person belongs to a special preferential category (disabled people, large families, veterans, etc.), more favorable subsidies are optimal for him, up to the provision of free housing.

How and where to contact

In order to become a participant in the Housing program, you must come to the local administration with an application before September 1. Filled out in 2 copies.

You will also need to provide the following list of documents:

  1. Russian Federation passports for all family members. If they are not available, a military ID, driver's license or similar document.
  2. Birth certificates for minor children (if available).
  3. Marriage certificate.
  4. Certificates confirming income (NDFL-2). In this case, official employment is required; the program does not yet apply to self-employed persons.
  5. A bank statement stating that the person has in his account the amount required to make a down payment (10% of the price of the property).
  6. Certificate of living conditions.

Administration staff will review the documents and issue a verdict. If the decision is positive, the amount of the state subsidy will be calculated. Based on this, the person will be issued a certificate to receive funds.

Then, within 2 months (the validity period of this certificate), the person must contact the bank and enter into a mortgage loan agreement, providing the received certificate. A citizen has 9 months to purchase an apartment.

Video about the implementation of the program

If you receive a subsidy, a person will need to report on the funds spent after purchasing real estate. This is how the government prevents the possibility of fraudulent schemes.

Current social programs regarding the provision of housing give our citizens the opportunity to become the owner of their own apartment.

A set of measures included in the social program for the purchase of housing is aimed at providing assistance to persons in need of living space or improving the conditions of the existing one.

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What programs are there for obtaining housing in the Russian Federation? Today we will look at this issue in more detail.

To receive benefits under the “Young Family” social program, it is necessary to comply with certain requirements established by Russian legislation. Only after completing them do you have the right to receive support from the state.

Such requirements include:

  • You must officially confirm your status with special authorities that your family needs living space;
  • In this case, the presence of children is mandatory, at least one child;
  • If your family is considered single-parent, your age should not exceed 35 years;
  • Special status of persons;
  • If there are both spouses, the age of each should not be higher than 35 years;
  • You must have a regular proven income or amount to pay the initial amount.

Federal target program "Housing"

To create an affordable housing market in relation to society, the state program “Housing” was launched, which makes it possible to buy an apartment not only for young families, but also for certain categories of citizens.

The developed program has subprograms that are aimed at certain categories of people

Subprogram 1 – “Providing housing for young families”

The main conditions necessary for the program are:

  1. To use the opportunity of state support, when purchasing residential space, a young family is provided only once;
  2. The voluntary participation of families falling into the category of young families is necessary;
  3. Officially recognized status as “In need of living space” is required.

The finances necessary for the implementation of the subprogram come from several sources: the main part is budgetary funds, and the second part, which is formed from extra-budgetary funds, is no less important. This includes: loans, mortgages, credits, amounts of maternity capital and the young family’s own finances.

In the process of implementing this part of the subprogram, the state has allocated funds in the amount of 290.1 ​​billion rubles. Assistance in this direction is provided through the provision of social benefits.

The young family has the right to choose to invest the entire amount of maternity capital in the implementation of the program, or only a part.

Expenses regarding which maternity capital can be spent:

  • Payment of the principal debt and calculated interest under the loan agreement, with the exception of penalties and interest;
  • Amounts can be used to pay off the down payment when providing a loan for the purchase of living space.

In 2014, the value of maternity capital was four hundred twenty-nine thousand four hundred rubles.

Subprogram 2 - “Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by federal legislation”

The second subprogram provides for the issuance of housing certificates to certain categories of persons:

  1. Persons traveling from the Far North and adjacent territories;
  2. Police officers, persons related to military service;
  3. Citizens who have received legal forced migrant status;
  4. Persons dismissed from service and officially registered as needy;
  5. Former Chernobyl victims and persons who received radioactive exposure at the Mayak PA;
  6. Citizens who received a pension after working at the Baikonur complex, or were fired as a result of downsizing or liquidation of the organization.

In the process of implementing this subprogram, the state allocated budget funds in the amount of more than 160 billion rubles as financing

Social program for the purchase of housing “Sustainable development of rural areas”

Villages are the first to suffer from the lack of highly qualified personnel. Many residents and young people leave their homes, leaving for numerous cities to study. Subsequently, not finding decent work and adequate income, most of the village residents move to cities for permanent residence. The result of this process is a situation where the main inhabitants of rural settlements are almost exclusively pensioners.

For this reason, the Government has developed a program aimed at improving the standard of living in the village and attracting young personnel. The Sustainable Rural Development program provides financial support to young families and professionals in certain areas:

  • Provides the opportunity to receive mortgage loans on additional preferential terms and capital;
  • Allocates funds from the budget in the form of social benefits and payments aimed at the construction of housing or its acquisition in the village.
  • A co-financing process is underway regarding rental agreements for residential space with the possibility of further purchase. (see Why it is beneficial)

During the implementation of the program, the state allocated budgetary funds in the amount of about 300 billion rubles as financing

State program to provide housing for participants and veterans of the Great Patriotic War and hostilities

The Government of the Russian Federation signed a decree in 2010 guaranteeing the provision of living space to WWII veterans and combatants. The decree also applies to family members of deceased persons.

The state allocates subventions from the budget that can only be spent on certain purposes. The calculation of the amount of allocated subventions is calculated in relation to the living space, people in need who have this right, and the average cost of living space per 1 sq.m.

State assistance to state employees in purchasing housing

Public sector employees who have worked for more than 12 months in the public service have the opportunity to receive subsidies for the purchase of living space. The subsidy can be allocated to a person only once. To obtain it, you must meet certain conditions:

  1. The premises in which you currently live must be declared unsuitable;
  2. The person submitting documents for subsidies cannot be the owner of the living space or be part of the owner’s family. An exception may be if a person with a serious illness lives with you;
  3. At the time of writing the application, the person lives in a dormitory;
  4. The area where the specified person lives should not exceed 15 sq.m. for one person;

Payment from the budget is made after collecting and submitting a complete package of documents, at the time of the corresponding turn.

For the majority of the country's population, purchasing living space using certain benefits is quite difficult and requires a significant financial injection.

The housing program in Moscow is probably the most advanced program of all Russian regions. The greatest funding and the best performance are in Moscow. At the same time, Moscow, with all its housing problems, is far from the worst region in Russia. There are certain regions in Russia where the situation with the housing stock is simply catastrophic - its wear and tear, according to some data, reaches 100% - but the regions do not have financial opportunities similar to the capital. These include, for example, Transbaikalia.

Inaccessible housing

The provision of Moscow residents with their own housing is very low, both compared to the whole country and to the background of developed countries. On average, there are 23 square meters per resident of Russia. m, and per Muscovite within the old borders – 18.7 sq. m. However, since 2012, after the annexation of part of the Moscow region to Moscow, the average per Muscovite has increased - now it is 19.3 square meters. m.

If we compare these indicators of housing provision with developed European capitals, Moscow is far among the outsiders. For example, in European capitals the average housing supply is as follows (sq. meters per person):

  • Germany, Berlin – 33
  • France, Paris – 28
  • Italy, Rome – 34.5
  • Austria, Vienna – 36.5

Housing availability in Moscow:

RegionA standard apartment (54 sq.m.) will be available in, years (primary market)A standard apartment (54 sq.m.) will be available in, years (secondary market)
Moscow6,23 7,90
Moscow region5,86 5,34

(according to the RWAY Analytical Agency as of November 2013)

This table shows that the average Muscovite can buy an apartment on the primary market, saving 100% of their income in 6.23 years, and on the secondary market in 7.90 years. It will take a little less time to purchase housing in the Moscow region.

The Rosstat website provides information about how Muscovites live. Let's turn to this information and look at the indicators for 1992, 2002 and 2011/2012 (that is, intervals of approximately 10 years). Data for 2012 are given taking into account the annexation of part of the Moscow region to Moscow.

Housing conditions of the population of Moscow(at the end of the year)

1) Until 1999, the total area of ​​the housing stock included the total area only in residential buildings, since 1999 - in residential buildings, specialized buildings (dormitories, boarding houses, etc.), residential premises suitable for living , in other buildings.
2) Until 1999, the number of apartments included apartments only in residential buildings, since 1999 - in residential and other buildings (without dormitories and boarding houses).
3) For 2003-2009, the indicators were calculated using the population size without taking into account the results of the VPN-2010, for 2010 and 2011 - taking into account the preliminary results of the VPN-2010.

Indicators of development of the Moscow housing stock(at the end of the year)

1) Values ​​of indicators at the end of 2003-2011. calculated using the population recalculated taking into account the results of the All-Russian Population Census 2010.

As we can see from the tables, the housing supply per Moscow resident has changed very little over 20 years, and it remains below the Russian average.

Who can count on support

Don't have false hopes for the Housing program

The reluctance of the Moscow authorities to build mass and cheap housing is not the main problem. Muscovites who do not have the opportunity to buy an apartment on their own naturally count on help from the authorities. If they don’t give you free housing, they will at least help you purchase it at an attractive price. But, unfortunately, for most Muscovites this is just an illusion.

In recent years, there has been a trend that makes all the benefits of the Housing program completely inaccessible to Muscovites. As you know, to participate in the Housing program you need to be on the waiting list (at the housing register). But it’s becoming more and more difficult for Muscovites to stay in this queue over time. People on the waiting list are removed from the register for any reason, real or imagined, but the main goal - to reduce the number of people in need - is being successfully achieved.

Here is an excellent example from Russia. In 2009, the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation conducted an inventory of the number of families in need of improved housing conditions. We identified 20,135 families of citizens discharged from the military... who were registered as needy before January 1, 2005.... Already in 2011, as a result of a new inventory (and not as a result of the issuance of apartments), the number of citizens of the same category was clarified and amounted to 11,084 families. That is, 45% of citizens were removed from the queue in 2 years! This is written in the report on the Housing program ().

But let's return to Moscow. In 2012, 15% of Muscovites on the waiting list were removed from the register because they were deemed not to be in need. Last year, in 2013, 33% of the total number were already removed from the queue. If every year one third is removed from the waiting list, then after a few years there will be almost no citizens left in Moscow in need of improved housing conditions. A good way to declare that the authorities have solved the notorious housing issue in Moscow, isn’t it?


  • State program of the city of Moscow for 2012-2018 “Housing” (approved by Decree of the Moscow Government dated September 27, 2011 No. 454-PP)
  • Government Decree No. 708-PP dated August 5, 2008 “On the Concept of forming a network of non-subsidized houses in the city of Moscow for the provision of residential premises to citizens under rental agreements”;
  • Law of the city of Moscow dated June 14, 2006 No. 29 “On ensuring the right of residents of the city of Moscow to residential premises.”
  • Decree of the Moscow Government dated November 27, 2007 No. 1008-PP “On providing citizens recognized as needing improved housing conditions with compensation for reimbursement of expenses associated with paying for the rental (sublease) of residential premises.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation No. 554 “On the cost of 1 sq. m of total residential area intended to determine the size of the maximum cost of 1 sq. m. in 2013. m of total area of ​​residential premises used in the acquisition of residential premises, within the framework of the implementation of the federal law of July 21, 2007 “On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services”.

Many of our readers know that you can buy real estate not only with your own money - today our country has special subsidy projects and a number of government programs. By attracting funds provided by the state, you can significantly improve your living conditions.

Subsidies and government programs for the purchase of housing– the topic of our material today. Who can count on subsidies when buying an apartment? What programs are in place today to help young families, military personnel and low-income categories? We will talk about this in detail below.

First, let's define the concepts of “subsidy” and “state program”.


By “subsidy” we mean a certain amount of money that the state allocates without the need for repayment to improve housing conditions. However, only certain categories of citizens have the right to receive a subsidy. The possibility of receiving a subsidy, as well as its size, directly depends on compliance with certain conditions. Housing subsidies are issued in accordance with priority exclusively to citizens classified in two categories: those in need of qualitative improvement of their living conditions or those requiring state assistance in purchasing their own housing. It is necessary to understand that a housing subsidy can be used to purchase both an apartment in a new building and real estate on the secondary market.

State programs

State programs differ from subsidies primarily in that they have restrictions regarding the duration of their validity, and they can have a priority or apply to all citizens without any priority. If a housing subsidy is exclusively material gratuitous assistance, then under state housing programs state support can be expressed not only in monetary terms, but, for example, in the form of providing certain preferential conditions when obtaining a housing loan.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most common cash programs for the purchase of real estate.

Maternal capital

One of the most significant forms of support for families with children, aimed at stimulating an increase in the birth rate, is maternity capital. When the second and next child appears in the family (no matter whether he is born or adopted), the family receives the right to maternity capital. It should be noted that the state only supports responsible motherhood, i.e. State support measures are not provided to those mothers who are deprived of parental rights. One of the main conditions for obtaining maternity capital is the presence of Russian citizenship: the mother and children must be citizens of the Russian Federation.

Another condition for receiving state assistance is the birth of a child within a certain time period - starting from 01/01/2007.

The amount of money issued as maternity capital has been constantly increasing since its introduction into practice. If in 2007 (the beginning of the program) maternity capital was 250 thousand rubles, then in the current year 2018 its size increased to 453,026 rubles, due to taking into account inflation indicators.

The state very strictly defines the possible purposes for which the funds of the maternal certificate can be directed: housing, education, pension savings for the mother, and this money can also be used today for the treatment and rehabilitation of a disabled child. In the vast majority of cases, as practice shows, families use a maternity capital certificate when purchasing housing or improving living conditions - to buy an apartment, build a private house, as a down payment for equity participation in the construction of a house, or to pay off a mortgage.

Who receives maternity capital today? The following are entitled to such state support:

  1. women who gave birth (adopted) a second child starting from 01/01/2007;
  2. women who gave birth (adopted) a third child or subsequent children starting from 01/01/2007, if they had not previously exercised the right to receive maternity capital;
  3. men who are the sole adoptive parents of the second, third child or subsequent children, if the court decision on adoption entered into legal force starting from 01/01/2007.

It is possible to receive maternity capital only ONCE, and payments are exempt from income tax.

State program “Young Family”

“Young Family” is a program of real financial support for young families to acquire housing. The funds allocated under this state program can be used in different ways: spent on buying an apartment, spent on building your own home, or made as a down payment on a loan or to a housing cooperative.

Who has the right to count on subsidies allocated under the “Young Family” program? Today, families that meet the following conditions can take advantage of the program:

  • the age of the spouses or one of them (in a single-parent family) at the time of receiving assistance cannot be more than 35 years;
  • Russian citizenship plus official registration of a relationship for a period of at least 12 months;
  • the family must have the status of needing improved housing conditions;
  • the couple must show a regular income sufficient for monthly loan payments, as well as have accumulated funds in order to be able to pay for that part of the cost of the apartment that is not covered by the subsidy.
  • the spouses do not own any other home.

It is important to understand that in different regions of Russia the conditions for participation in the program may differ significantly. The advantage is that not only couples with children, but also childless families can count on state assistance within the framework of this program.

Military mortgage

For military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, there is a specially developed target program that allows them to obtain a mortgage loan with preferential terms. The mechanism of the program involves the use of a savings-mortgage system, which allows contract employees to become owners of their homes after a certain period of service.

Four categories of military can take advantage of the benefits of a military mortgage:

First– officers of the Armed Forces who entered into their first contract no earlier than 01/01/2005.

Second– midshipmen and warrant officers whose contract duration of service from 01/01/2005 is at least 3 years.

Third– soldiers, sailors, foremen and sergeants whose 2nd contract was concluded no earlier than 01/01/2005.

Fourth– graduates of universities after 01/01/2005, graduates who signed their first contract before 01/01. 2005

How does this program work? Funds will be transferred to the participant’s personal savings account monthly. You can subsequently use this accumulated amount for a down payment when purchasing an apartment - after the expiration of the three-year period of participation in the program.

To take advantage of the Military Mortgage program, we recommend that you obtain detailed, detailed advice from a specialist.

So, we figured out what the most common are subsidies and government programs for the purchase of housing. As you can see, today there is an opportunity, with the help of the state, to both improve your living conditions and become the owner of a new home with maximum benefit. We hope this information will be useful to you and allow you to find the most suitable option for yourself.


In Russia there is such a problem as housing affordability. The majority of citizens of the state do not have the opportunity to purchase their own residential premises, while such a right is constitutionally guaranteed.

In this regard, social programs for the purchase of housing have been developed, aimed specifically at providing assistance in the construction of housing.

Social program "Housing"

One of the main subsidy projects is. Its goals and objectives boil down to making the housing market more accessible to the bulk of the population and providing housing to the maximum possible number of families.

Under the program, different categories of citizens can receive housing subsidies, from young families to WWII veterans.

The project was launched in 2011 and has been extended until 2020. It includes a number of subprograms that are also aimed at helping especially needy citizens purchase housing. The following programs can be noted:

  • assistance to young families;
  • support for categories of citizens defined by federal legislation.

The project is financed partly from federal funds, and partly from the local budget and extra-budgetary sources.

The amount of financing depends on the individual characteristics of the applicant and on what standards for the use of residential premises are established in the region. An important factor influencing the calculation of the amount of payment is the average market value one square meter of housing.

In order to participate in the program, a citizen must meet the following parameters:

  1. Be in need of improved living conditions.
  2. Be able to pay the remaining cost or mortgage, housing construction.
  3. Meet the requirements for the applicant.

Social program “Affordable housing for young families”

Another program that provides support to the population in purchasing housing is the project. The program has goals and objectives to create conditions for young families to purchase housing. Thanks to this program, newlyweds will be able to purchase their own housing, which in the future can have a beneficial effect on the demographic situation in the country.

Conditions for purchasing housing under the young family program:

  • the age of the spouses should not exceed 35 years;
  • the family must be officially recognized as having a need to improve their living conditions.

To date, the program has also been extended until 2020. Payments are financed for the most part from regional budgets, and their size is calculated based on the cost of one square meter of living space, the number of people in the family and established regional standards for the region. Programs for the purchase of housing for young families allow you to receive a subsidy from 30 to 35% from the total cost of the required housing.

Social program “Sustainable development of rural areas”

Due to the lack of qualified labor resources in rural settlements, it was launched. The goal of this project is to improve the quality of life of people in rural areas. With the help of the program, social support is provided to village residents, including young families and professionals just starting their careers.

The project is paid for federal and regional budgets. Co-financing of the purchase of a home is also provided under a social rent agreement for further redemption.

Payment amount is also determined individually and depends on the parameters of the applicant and the standards established in the region.

To take part in the program and receive the desired compensation, the applicant must officially register as needing housing and meet the criteria set by the project: to be a young professional or newlyweds.

Social program for the purchase of housing for combat participants and veterans

Social program of assistance in purchasing housing for state employees

Another project that allows us to provide assistance to the population in purchasing housing is - . The main goal of this project is to provide employees of government and budget departments with affordable housing.

To participate in the program, the applicant must have work experience in this field at least three years and meet the requirements specified in the social project, namely:

  • he must not have his own living space;
  • need improved living conditions;
  • the area of ​​the existing apartment should not be more than 15 sq. meters for one person;
  • the applicant lives with a person suffering from a chronic serious illness.

The program is also financed from the federal and local budgets. Co-financing of the acquisition is also provided office housing, which is occupied by a civil servant.

Amount of assistance determined depending on the number of family members, the cost per square meter of living space and established standards. The housing purchase program for public sector employees takes into account the length of service in the government apparatus. The longer the period of work, the higher the correction factor that is used when calculating the payment amount - from 1.05 to 1.5.

To apply for a subsidy, the applicant must contact the executive authority with the required documents and submit a standard application, after consideration of which, he will be included in the queue. After some time, the applicant receives a special certificate, which confirms his right to use funds transferred to the banking institution.