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Criteria for the young family program. Conditions for participation in the young family program. Submitted documents - what next?

At the level of constant increase in real estate prices, becoming the owner of an apartment is becoming difficult. In such difficult conditions, the participation of government agencies in solving emerging problems becomes more relevant. Young people have already appreciated the benefits of the Young Family program, which helps obtain affordable housing with support in the form of subsidies. More than 3.5 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget for the implementation of this project in 2016-2020.

What is the Young Family program

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the state nature of this project, which provides serious guarantees to all participants. Under such a program, a family can count on social payments to purchase housing or improve living conditions. In order to qualify for government benefits under this program, applicants must meet certain criteria. This applies to the age of spouses, financial situation and social status of those in need of improved living conditions.

How the state supports young families

The implementation of the Housing target program began in 2002. This federal project was launched with the aim of providing housing to needy categories of citizens and solved a wide range of related issues (modernization of communal infrastructure, etc.). The basic directions of the project included the implementation of the subprogram Providing housing for young families (better known in its abbreviated form - the Young Family program), distributing housing certificates, the holder of which received a subsidy from the state.

Program Goals

The main purpose of this project is government support in the acquisition or construction of residential real estate. This is done in different ways, for example, by applying for a subsidy for housing loans or paying for a contract for building a house. Spouses who need to improve their living conditions and who have not reached the age of 35 can participate in the subprogram.

State programs for young families

The timing of the implementation of the next stage of the state program was determined for the period 2011-2015, but then the period was extended until 2020 without significant changes. All this allows us to talk about it as a well-thought-out targeted federal project for the issuance of government subsidies, which has a clearly defined target audience and social orientation. According to official data, in the first four years of implementation, about 108.5 thousand participants in the target program were able to achieve improved living conditions.

“Affordable housing for a young family”

The emergence of such a project was quite predictable given the existing social norms and government policy to improve the demographic situation. It is important to note that within the framework of the housing subprogram, you can not only acquire your own real estate from scratch, but also improve existing conditions. This is especially true for participants with many children - if the apartment in which they are registered does not meet the standard (less than 18 sq. m per person) - this is a reason to apply for participation in the project.

Regional program “Providing housing for young families”

Although the social assistance program is federal in nature, the distribution of subsidies largely depends on the administration of a particular region, because it takes place with the participation of local budgets. The authorities of a region or republic determine the amount of subsidies, therefore, different norms for the provision of social benefits from regional budgets apply in different regions. At the same time, the region’s very entry into the program of providing affordable housing for young people takes place on a competitive basis.

What is assistance to young families?

By insisting on targeted spending of the funds received, the state provides ample opportunities for young families to use the subsidy received. Social benefits can be used for:

  • Purchases of housing - for example, apartments from a developer, where part of the cost is paid through social benefits.
  • Construction of a residential building - in this case, the cost of the construction contract is paid.
  • Obtaining a mortgage loan - the down payment is paid using the subsidy.
  • Payment for a housing construction cooperative - this must be the last payment, after which the living space becomes the property of the program participant.
  • Repayment of real estate loans - both principal and interest. It is important that the bank loan is not overdue and was received before January 1, 2011, and that the housing is checked for compliance with economic class.

Subsidy amount

State payments are provided for targeted spending (as confirmed by receipt of a certificate), and therefore can only be used to improve living conditions. One of the basic factors that determines the amount of subsidy that a participant receives is the estimated value of the property (RVN). Moreover, if:

  • Spouses are married but do not have children - the amount of social payment is at least 30 percent of the RSN.
  • There is 1 child or more (this includes single-parent families) - a subsidy is provided starting from 35 percent of the RSN.

The estimated value of real estate is calculated using the formula RSN = NOP x NS1, where:

  • NOP - standard total area (for example, for two people - 42 square meters);
  • NS1 – standard cost of 1 square meter, established by local government.

Additional benefits for large families

A family with three or more minor children is considered to have many children. The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the Federal Targeted Housing Program” specifically emphasizes that large families are one of the priority categories. They are provided with a benefit - a larger subsidy in relation to the estimated cost of housing. For example, if a simple community unit of three people can receive 600,000 rubles for a social mortgage, then a large group can receive 1,000,000 rubles or more, depending on the number of children.

How to become a participant in the program in 2019

The conditions for participation in the project have not changed over the past years, which gives all candidates the same rights. If the necessary requirements are met and all documents are provided, the participant may qualify for a subsidy. An apartment for a mortgage to a young family is the most common use of social benefits, which will be the down payment on the loan.

Mortgage conditions for a young family

Given the wide popularity and mass awareness of the Young Family program, many banks offer mortgage products designed for those who agree to participate in this project. This is a very attractive category of clients, given the government funding of the program and additional subsidies from local budgets, which is why such a borrower will be given a mortgage much more willingly than ordinary clients.

Requirements for borrowers

Those who are interested in the Young Family program and who are going to apply for participation need to know that there are certain incoming requirements for candidates:

  1. The age of each spouse does not exceed 35 years.
  2. If there are no children, it is necessary that the husband and wife have Russian citizenship. If there is at least one child, then only one of the spouses can be a Russian citizen.
  3. Applicants must be recognized as in need of housing by local authorities and have an area less than the registration norm.
  4. Applicants must have funds that, together with the subsidy, are enough to purchase real estate, or they must have income sufficient to obtain a mortgage loan.

Where to contact

Applicants who qualify and want to take advantage of the benefits this subsidy program offers must submit an application to their local government office. More detailed information is available on the website of the Real Estate Department - if you have any questions related to paperwork, you can contact them by email.

What documents are needed

The list of documents that the Young Family program requires from participants will be as follows:

  1. Application in the prescribed form.
  2. Copies of passports of both spouses, birth certificate of the child (children).
  3. A copy of the marriage certificate (does not apply to single-parent families).
  4. Documentary evidence of the need to improve living conditions.
  5. Documents about the financial status of the spouses.

If it is planned that social benefits will help pay off mortgage debt, then in addition to points 1-3 you will need:

  1. A copy of the loan agreement.
  2. A document confirming the need to improve housing conditions at the time of issuing mortgage funds.
  3. A certificate from the bank regarding the amount of the remaining principal and interest.

Preferential mortgage for a young family with state support

The advantage of this form of lending for borrowers is difficult to overestimate - everyone who has ever tried to use this service knows about the difficulties of obtaining a bank loan. The subsidy project is an additional guarantee for the credit institution, because in this case the borrower already has funds for the down payment, plus his solvency has been verified by government agencies.

Which bank can I get it from?

The Young Family program has proven itself well in the banking segment, and major players - Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, VTB24 - offer participants mortgage lending on preferential terms. For example, a mortgage for a young family from Sberbank will require only 10 or 15% of the cost of the apartment (depending on the presence or absence of children), with a reduced interest rate on the loan. For those who take advantage of this offer to apply for a loan, the bank has a special benefit - upon the birth of a child, payments can be deferred for up to one year.

Registration procedure

The subsidy procedure and further related actions take place for project participants in several stages:

  1. Submitting a package of documents to the local government body, where within 10 days they must make a decision - to accept the candidate or refuse.
  2. Before September 1 of the current year, a single list of participants is being prepared, taking into account all submitted applications. Priority in the queue goes to those registered as needing improved housing conditions before March 1, 2005 and those with many children.
  3. After the government approves the amount of social payments for the next year, lists for payments are approved. Everyone on the list is notified that they will be paid a subsidy.
  4. After filling out the necessary documents, the participant receives a certificate of entitlement to receive social benefits. The certificate should be submitted to the bank where an account is opened to which the local government body transfers funds for the intended use.
  5. Having received an order from the project participant, the bank transfers the money to its destination (real estate seller, mortgage lender, etc.).

Young family project for Moscow residents

Although Moscow is the capital and center of Russia, the Young Family program is not formally implemented here. The thing is that although the program is financed from the federal budget, in the implementation of the project the emphasis is on work in the regions for which funds are allocated. But at the same time, the residents of the capital did not stand aside - a special Moscow program was launched for them, which can be called a city initiative, financed from municipal funds.

Who can apply

The requirements for young families from Moscow seeking to acquire their own housing are a little stricter than for the regions. For candidates it is necessary to:

  • that both spouses be citizens of Russia and at least one of them has Moscow registration;
  • be on a waiting list for improved housing conditions (or registered as in need of improvement);
  • have an appropriate level of income that makes it possible to pay a mortgage or immediately purchase real estate when a subsidy is issued.

How the queue is formed under the Young Family program

Muscovites who want to take part in this project should prepare an application and, having collected a package of documents, contact the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of Moscow. A fund employee will not only accept your documentation, but will also check that the application is filled out correctly and issue a receipt. Since the second copy of the application with a signature confirming the acceptance of documents will remain with you, make it in two copies in advance.

The queue for the city housing program includes several categories of people in need, with priority for applicants with many children, those with disabled children, etc. The implementation mechanism itself in Moscow is also somewhat different from the federal one - participants are offered to purchase real estate at a discounted price, with compensation (write-off) of part cost. For example, 30% is written off for parents with three or more children (or at least one disabled child). Along with their own funds to purchase an apartment, participants can also use maternity capital.

Where can you spend money received under the housing program?

It is envisaged that the amount received will be spent on the purchase of housing, and two options for purchase and sale are possible - using a social mortgage or in installments. In the second case, the contract is concluded for a period of up to 10 years with quarterly payments and a flexible system of reducing conditions. For example, the first payment is 20-60% of the property value, but it will be 15% if you have two children and 10% if you have three.

The total amount of the repurchase and the amount of interest for the installment plan are determined by the regulations of the city of Moscow. An important regulatory indicator is the average market price per square meter - in the second quarter of 2019 it was 90,400 rubles. It is important that until the end of the installment plan, the apartment belongs to the municipality - the project participant must pay utility bills, and in case of a long delay, the purchase and sale agreement may be terminated.

Pros and cons of the program to help young families

The positive aspects of this social project are obvious - it is material and organizational assistance to young spouses so that they acquire their own housing. By taking part in this project, you can reasonably expect that your housing issue will soon be resolved for the better. You will receive real estate with a limitation on the area of ​​residential buildings or apartments, but this is a social project, and it is not designed for lovers of luxury apartments.

Among other disadvantages, too high requirements for those who are issued housing certificates are often cited - since these people have an income sufficient to obtain a mortgage, how much do they need a subsidy? If we compare this with the fact that a single mother with two children can receive the same amount as two spouses with one child, then it is easy to see that there is still room for improvement in the project.


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Many people are interested in the question of what assistance a young family can receive from the state. The president of the country voices his answer annually when communicating with citizens of the Russian Federation directly.

At the moment, there are a number that provide assistance to young families in purchasing their own housing - these are “Maternity Capital” and “Affordable Housing for Young Families”.

How to buy your own home?

During the crisis situation in Russia, the issue of purchasing housing is acute. The prices on the real estate market are unaffordable for most. And so young families are forced to either wander around in rented apartments.

A government program called “Affordable Housing for Young Families” provides the opportunity to acquire their own apartment or house. Under this program, assistance to a young family is provided from the federal budget. In 2016, 30% of the cost of housing is paid by the state, and 70% is personal investment.

To take advantage of this offer, you need to contact your local administration to familiarize yourself with the criteria for the proposed program. After all, not every family has a chance.

Program criteria

Who can count on State assistance to young families in purchasing housing is provided only if they meet the following criteria:

  • Spouses must be under 35 years of age. If so, the age of one of the parents must also meet this requirement.
  • Newlyweds must obtain the status of those in need of improved housing conditions in advance.
  • The family must have at least one child. This factor may not be the main one, but its presence allows us to count on an increase in the amount of support from the state.
  • The financial situation of the newlyweds must allow payment of the remaining purchase amount (payment immediately upon purchase or monthly repayment of the mortgage loan). This paragraph provides for its documentary confirmation.
  • The program is designed only for citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • Each spouse does not have their own home.

Failure to meet at least one criterion excludes assistance to the young family from the state.

Opportunities of the program “Affordable Housing for Young Families”

As part of this project, assistance to young families is provided in the following areas.

  • Purchasing your own home.
  • A subsidy is provided for major repairs.
  • Possibility of building your own living space.
  • The “Assistance to Young Family” program provides for the repayment of a mortgage loan, the conclusion of which must be dated no later than January 2011.
  • Allows you to pay the down payment on your mortgage.

These program areas may be amended annually. To clarify them, you must contact your local government authorities.

Documents for participation in the target project

Of course, this is a very important program from a social perspective. Assistance to a young family requires the young couple to provide the following documents.

  • Availability of a certificate of inadequacy of housing conditions for living and raising children.
  • Certificate of income of each parent, in the case of an incomplete family - one.
  • Certificate on the size of the living space, each person should have no more than 15 square meters. If this criterion exceeds the established norm by at least 1 centimeter, the application is not subject to consideration.
  • Certificate of family composition.
  • A photocopy of the marriage certificate. In case of an incomplete family, accordingly, this paragraph is not required.
  • Photocopies of both parents' passports (all pages).
  • Photocopies of children's birth certificates.
  • Additionally, it is necessary to provide certificates about the financial and housing situation of the family, as well as for a loan that was issued before January 2011, in cases where the family took out a mortgage before the start of the state program.

In addition, this list can be supplemented by the necessary availability of other documents established specifically in the region of residence of the family.

2016 adjustments

In 2016, the following adjustments were made to this target project, which provides assistance to a young family in purchasing housing.

  • Increase by one person. So, in 2011 it was 10 square meters, and now it is 15.
  • Increasing the percentage of government funding with priority for married couples with children (the percentage of assistance can be 40% for a family of 4 people).

Housing subsidy application process. Where to begin?

You can count on assistance to a young family in purchasing housing only by legalizing your relationship, since one of the most important points of the program is the availability of a marriage certificate.

Next, the young spouses must visit the local administration in order to find out the rules for participation in the targeted government project and receive a list for providing the necessary documents. The next step is to collect documentation and submit an application for participation.

You must wait for the documents to be reviewed and, if the answer is positive, get in line to receive government assistance. Having received a subsidy, you can start purchasing residential premises and preparing documents for it.

These simple actions make it possible for young families to receive government assistance and solve their housing problem.

Disadvantages of the program “Affordable housing for young families”

Many people who rely on the state to help a young family purchase housing feel that by submitting an application, they should immediately receive money. This is far from true. The following nuances must be taken into account:

  • The application review process takes quite a long time.
  • The number of families applying is constantly growing, and accordingly, from the moment of filing an application until the moment of receiving a subsidy, it can take about 2 years.
  • Receiving a subsidy is possible only for officially employed citizens.
  • from the state varies within the amount of 2,200,000 rubles.
  • Citizens who registered later than 2011 do not have the right to purchase secondary market housing.
  • When applying for a mortgage loan to purchase real estate, it must be repaid monthly; in this case, a young family must correctly calculate its financial capabilities.
  • Residential premises are purchased in the region where the application was submitted.
  • Age must be taken into account when applying to participate. If at the time of receiving the subsidy one of the spouses turns 35 years old, then the refusal automatically follows.

Other ways to purchase your own home

Of course, participation in the “Affordable Housing for Young Families” program is a good thing. But what should people do who did not get into the target project for one reason or another? What assistance can be provided to young families? In this case, you can consider other options. For example, if one of the spouses is a young specialist, he is entitled to living space. In addition, it is possible to use “maternity capital” to purchase housing if there are three children in the family. The state also provides the opportunity to obtain land for construction.

If the spouse is a military man, then you can get on the preferential queue to receive a state apartment.

The list of required documentation may vary depending on the method of purchasing housing. The opportunity to use government support is provided once in a lifetime, regardless of the name of the target projects.

We must remember that there are no hopeless situations, you just need to look for solutions. And the state can always come to the rescue.

" is a federal program designed to help young people, married, with or without children, improve their living conditions.

The purpose of the program is stimulating the birth rate throughout the country, since state aid is valid throughout the Russian Federation.

2015 was planned to be the last year in the government. But later the Government decided to extension of the program until 2020.

The essence of the program is to provide financial assistance to a family (single or with children) to improve their living conditions.

The 2015 changes to the program affected only those participants in the project to help young families purchase housing who joined it last year.

Today subsidies are as follows:

  • a family without children whose budget does not exceed 21,621 rubles per month can count on covering 35% of housing costs, which is about 600 thousand rubles;
  • if the family already has children, then the subsidy increases by another 5%, provided that the income does not exceed 32,510 rubles for three family members and 43,350 rubles for four.

Large families stand apart in the category of persons who can count on subsidies.

In addition to financial assistance, they are provided with additional privileges and payments at the regional level of the country. The decision to assign cash assistance is made by local authorities and serves as a supplement to federal assistance.

Amendments to the program also prohibited participating families from purchasing secondary housing. Now you can only spend money on or.

Who can apply for a subsidy?

The following categories of Russian citizens can participate in the program:

In addition, to become a participant in this program, young the family must have a combined income that allows them to pay the mortgage for the purchase of housing minus the amount of government subsidy.

The specified age limit must be valid at the time of inclusion in the list of program participants, and not on the day the subsidy is allocated.

At least one of the spouses must be a citizen of the Russian Federation. The family must have documents confirming its need for improved living conditions - an act of the commission.

Owned (confirmed) by spouses there should be no other real estate.

Requirements for housing for which a subsidy is allocated

In addition to the applicants themselves for the subsidy, some requirements are also imposed on the purchased housing:

  • the purchased apartment must be between all family members, including children;
  • You can choose real estate geographically only in the region where the subsidy was received;
  • There are also restrictions on the area: in the purchased apartment it must be no less than the established norms per person, which vary depending on the place of residence of the family.

If a family became a participant in the program after January 2011, that is, in the “new version” of the program, then housing on the secondary market is not available to them. Now it is allowed to purchase only new apartments or.

Where to go to participate in the program?

If the family meets all the criteria for participation, then first it is necessary to collect supporting documents indicating that this particular family needs improved living conditions.

To do this, visit Municipal Housing Department with a package of documents:

  • two statements;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificates of absence/presence of housing in the property, registration of property rights.

After that in City/town administration employees involved in the program are provided with:

  • two statements;
  • passport;
  • decision to recognize a family as needy;
  • certificate of marriage, birth of children, adoption, divorce;
  • certificate 2-NDFD, declaration (for individual entrepreneurs) or other document confirming the amount of income.

After checking the data, the family will be put on the waiting list.

Sometimes certain documents may need to be notarized. And in some regions, other certificates and confirmations may be added to this list.

Procedure for submitting documents and waiting in line for housing

Documents are submitted to the city administration on one's own or with the help of real estate agencies. The latter can do this quickly and without effort on the part of the young family.

In a month, the administration will have a decision on placing them on the waiting list.

You can receive a refusal from the commission if the family owns housing, its total area does not meet established standards, and family members (at least one of the spouses) are not citizens of Russia.

If a negative decision was received on one of the specified grounds, You can't submit documents again, therefore, you should be extremely careful about the list of documents even before submitting them to the city administration.

You can only do it when it’s your turn. This process can drag on for years (usually a year and a half).

Additionally, if the young family is participating in another housing assistance program, she will be denied entry into the queue.

How to use government assistance?

The program has target direction. You cannot receive a subsidy in cash or spend it on other needs.

With the funds allocated as a subsidy within the framework of the “Affordable Housing for Young Families” program, you can:

For example, a family may benefit from having a permanent official source of income.

The family budget (average monthly) must be sufficient to repay the remaining amount of the housing loan.

Every year since the launch of the program, the number of its participants increases exponentially. This leads to increase in queue and wait for receiving subsidies. If at first it was possible to get help during the first year of waiting, today it stretches out for 1–2 years or more.

Video: How can a young family buy housing?

The report talks about the current realities of providing housing for young families under the relevant all-Russian program. It describes what conditions both the program participants themselves and the requirements for the housing they choose to purchase must satisfy.

The first most pressing problem for a newly-made family is the lack of their own home. In some cases, the material resources of newlyweds allow them to soon acquire their own housing. Often a young family receives housing from their parents. But most have to huddle in rented apartments until the opportunity arises to purchase something of their own. Therefore, the state is implementing a special targeted Federal program “Housing”, within the framework of which the subprogram “Providing housing for young families” operates. The program began in 2011. It has currently been extended until 2020.

The legislative framework of the program is the same for all regions of the country; its implementation differs slightly in different regions of the Russian Federation. Since 2016, the new Decree of the Government of Russia dated May 26, 2016 has restored the right of a young family to use a special social payment to repay a previously taken out mortgage loan. This was prohibited until 2016.

Objectives of the youth subsidy program

A young family can receive special subsidies under the program. Subsidies are targeted and can be implemented in the following cases:

  1. To purchase a house or apartment on the primary or secondary housing market. The acquisition of secondary market real estate has not been implemented in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  2. To pay for the concluded contract for the construction of residential premises.
  3. To pay the down payment when providing a family with a mortgage loan.
  4. To repay the balance of the debt under an existing mortgage loan agreement or to pay the first installment under a housing cooperative agreement.

The property for which a young family can receive subsidies must be suitable for its permanent residence, and also be located in the region where the subsidy was issued. The total area of ​​housing purchased or under construction should not be less than special standards per each family member.

Conditions for receiving a housing subsidy for a young family

The state implements a program to support young families if a number of conditions are met:

  1. Both spouses are citizens of the Russian Federation.
  2. The family is officially registered as in need of improved living conditions.
  3. Both spouses were under the age of 35 at the time of approval of the list for assistance.
  4. The family has children, and at least one parent is a citizen of the Russian Federation. Some regions consider it mandatory to have a child in the family.
  5. The total family income allows you to conclude a mortgage agreement with a bank. Or the family has funds that, together with the subsidy, are enough to buy a home.

The right to subsidize the purchase of living real estate from the state can only be used once.

How is the amount of housing subsidy for a young family determined?

The amount of the subsidy is determined at the time of final approval of the list of families to whom it will be provided. According to the program, families without children will receive 30% of the estimated value of the purchased property. And families with children - 35%. If the purpose of using the subsidy is to repay the balance of the contribution for a share in a housing cooperative or to pay the balance of the debt to the bank on a mortgage loan, then its size is limited to such amounts.

Subsidization is calculated based on the norm for the total area per family and the normative cost of 1 square meter. housing in this locality. When determining the standard, the average regional market value of housing is taken into account. This figure is approved quarterly by the Ministry of Construction of Russia with mandatory publication on the official website. The cost standard cannot exceed this figure.

According to standards, the standard total area for a family that has not yet had time to have children is 42 square meters. If there are three or more people in a family, then per family member the norm is 18 square meters. The total amount of the subsidy for a family without children (2 people) will not exceed 600 thousand rubles. A family of three can count on a maximum of 800 thousand rubles. If there are more than 4 people in a family, then the maximum subsidy will be 1 million rubles.

Young families with many children can count on specific benefits in addition to the program. They are different in each region. In some cases, a large family receives assistance from the state to cover 100% of the costs of purchasing residential real estate.

How to apply for a subsidy?

If a young family meets the conditions described above, then it can count on government support when purchasing a home.

First, you need to consult your local housing policy department or youth affairs committee. There you can clarify the list of documents required to complete an application for assistance.

After submitting an application, municipal authorities will include the family indicated in it on the list for receiving subsidies, which will be formed for the next year. Applications are included in the list in order of priority. Families with three or more children have the right to be included on the list without waiting lists.

Based on the compiled lists and information from the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the amount of funding, final lists are formed. If the age of at least one family member at the time of approval of the lists exceeded 35 years, then the family is excluded from the list.

Within 5-15 days after the final approval of the lists for subsidies, municipal authorities must notify families that they are included in the program to receive assistance for the next year and issue them special certificates, which are the basis for receiving subsidies. The family submits this document to the bank within a month to open an account to receive targeted funds under the program.

Local programs for solving the housing problem of young families

In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, there are also local programs that are aimed at helping young families buy housing. To take advantage of regional social programs, you need to collect a package of documents and submit them to local municipal authorities.

The applicant provides the following documents:

  • application in the approved form;
  • copies of documents for each family member - passport, marriage certificate, birth certificate of children;
  • a document confirming the need to purchase housing;
  • a document confirming the total family income or a bank statement indicating that the family has funds to purchase housing if they receive a subsidy.

If a young family has already purchased housing through a mortgage loan, or has built one, then they can receive compensation for the expenses incurred. To do this, you will need to provide the following documents to municipal authorities:

  • a copy of a certificate confirming state registration or a construction contract, which is proof of expenses incurred for the construction of real estate;
  • a certificate from the bank with information about the amount of debt on the mortgage loan.

Municipal authorities check the submitted documents, after which they include the family in the assistance program within 10 days. If a subsidy is refused, the applicant must be notified of this within five days and the reason for the refusal must be indicated.

Why may they refuse to receive a subsidy?

Municipal authorities do not always make a positive decision to assist young people in purchasing housing. Sometimes you may face refusal. There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. Does not meet program age or citizenship requirements.
  2. The package of documents is not complete.
  3. The subsidy application must be submitted again.

The main problem that newly-made young families face is a huge queue. You may not be able to wait until you reach the age of 35 to be included in the program. Also, in many regions, the subsidy does not apply to the purchase of new finished housing on the primary market or secondary market. Low-income families are also not eligible for the program.