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Technical plan for part of the building. Registration of a long-term lease agreement for part of the premises and a technical plan. List of documents for rent registration

A technical building plan (TPB) is one of the types of technical documentation, which includes all the necessary information for further entry of the designed structure or capital construction project into the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) with the entry of information into the cadastral register and registration of ownership rights to an object.

These requirements are regulated in accordance with Law N 218-FZ, which gained legal force from January 1, 2017.

For what objects is it necessary to develop a technical plan?

To prepare technical documentation with subsequent registration of ownership of a construction project, a technical plan must be developed for the following premises:

  • New buildings or multi-apartment residential buildings;
  • Individual and complex garages;
  • Non-residential real estate (shopping centers, office and administrative buildings, warehouses, etc.);
  • Apartments in new buildings;
  • Garden houses, etc.

According to what regulatory framework is the technical plan of buildings developed?

To correctly develop a technical plan, it is necessary to comply with the regulations:

Who is allowed to develop and make changes to the technical plan?

According to Resolution No. 175, which came into force on March 1, 2013, specially trained technical cadastral engineers who replaced the BTI have the right to develop a technical plan. The development of this document, according to Article 41 of the law, includes:

  • Development of a sample inspection report for a building or structure;
  • Preparation of a technical plan for an unfinished construction project, apartment or part of a structure or building;
  • Inventory of the technical component of any type of real estate.

Main classification of technical plans

Today, there are 9 main cases in which it is necessary to develop technical support. documentation. Let's look at the features of the main ones.

Private apartment or housing in a new building

This technical documentation is developed only if the entire object was previously assigned a cadastral status. To prepare a technical plan, you must have one of the following documents on hand:

  1. Agreement for rent or purchase/sale of an apartment in a new building;
  2. Ownership of housing with a positive court decision;
  3. Other documents that can confirm ownership of property.

In addition to the above documents, when performing this document in an apartment, the cadastral registration engineer may require a complete plan of the new building with a floor plan, after which he will take all the necessary measurements and develop technical documentation. Next, all that remains is to pick up a paper and electronic copy of the work, which then needs to be transferred to the Cadastral Chamber.

Redevelopment of an apartment or any other residential premises

In this situation, all the necessary data for developing the plan can be taken from the approved redevelopment project. But before a specialist begins work on developing a technical plan, it is necessary to provide him with an approved certificate of completion of the redevelopment work with all the signatures of the regulatory authorities in the field of urban planning.

After preparing the document, the customer must, similarly to the above case, provide all documentation to the Cadastral Chamber.

Development of a technical plan for an apartment building or new building

Before executing this type of technical plan, the following must be completed:

  • The whole range of geodetic works with breakdown on the ground;
  • Permission was received to put the future house into operation;
  • The land on which the object will be located must be registered in the cadastral register.

After meeting all the requirements, the cadastral registration engineer will develop technical documentation. plan and transfer it to the customer and the Cadastral Chamber.

Technical plan for engineering structures or (pipelines, power lines, gas pipelines, etc.

To complete this type of plan, it is first necessary to carry out geodetic surveys. Next, an inspection report is drawn up, which is signed by the cadastral engineer, and then either all measurements are taken, or data is taken from the design documentation.

Technical plan for a non-residential building (garage, cottage, cellar, etc.)

To develop this plan, a geodetic survey is also required. In addition, to develop documentation, the written consent of the chairman of the State Construction Committee or permission to put the facility into operation (garage, house, etc.) is required.

What sections does the technical plan of the building consist of?

Conventionally, this document is divided into 2 parts: graphic and text. Let's look at the main components of each of them.

Graphic component of the document

This component of the technical plan is developed after the owner provides design documentation, a building passport and permission from regulatory authorities to put the facility into operation.

This section consists of:

  1. Geodetic survey;
  2. Diagrams of the exact location of the building relative to other objects with contour marks;
  3. Floor specification (drawings) of the premises when developing an apartment building.

Text part of the documentation

This section describes all the main characteristics of a building or structure, namely:

  1. General information about the cadastral number of a plot of land;
  2. Initial data from project documentation;
  3. Calculation part;
  4. General characteristics of the building or structure;
  5. Conclusion issued by a cadastral engineer.

What documents need to be prepared to develop this document?

  1. Permits for putting a construction project (redevelopment) into operation;
  2. Technical passport for a specific object;
  3. Floor-by-floor detailing of the object (plan);
  4. Design and estimate documentation for a construction or real estate project;
  5. Redevelopment project (if necessary);
  6. Other permits.

What are the deadlines for producing a technical plan?

For example, to develop a technical plan for a building, it will take a certified cadastral engineer about 5-10 working days. However, in case of unforeseen circumstances, this period can be extended to 15-20 days.

What is the cost of developing a technical plan?

The minimum cost of this technical documentation is 10,000 rubles (technical plan of the apartment). Moreover, in this case, you will receive the documents no earlier than in 10 days.

If you need to develop a technical plan for an apartment building, it will cost about 100,000 rubles; in addition, a specialist can offer an additional service for developing a technical plan for each apartment separately, which will cost 3,000 for one. The production time in this case will be within 10-15 days.

The legislation does not consider part of a building or premises as a full-fledged and independent piece of real estate. Nevertheless. Federal Law No. allows for the possibility of permanent or temporary cadastral registration of these units, defining part of the building as the volume of information data about the limitations of the property.

When agreeing on the terms of the lease, counterparties must describe the subject of the agreement in as much detail as possible - the property or part of it. An independent object is distinguished by signs of isolation and isolation (these include the presence of an independent exit, the presence of permanent restrictive structures, etc.).

Often, only part of a building is rented out - for example, a small area of ​​a retail space or industrial premises. The establishment of partitions or other types of restrictions in such cases is inappropriate, since a change of tenants will entail a change in the purpose of business activity. To register a long-term lease agreement for part of a building, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • permanent cadastral registration can be carried out only in relation to the part of the building that meets the criteria of isolation and isolation;
  • if part of the building does not have the specified characteristics of a real estate property, a temporary cadastral registration procedure will be carried out (for the period of validity of the lease agreement, a temporary one will be assigned, which will be canceled after the restriction of the right in the form of a lease is lifted);
  • registration activities and cadastral registration are carried out only for long-term leases with a contract term of more than a year (short-term contracts do not require these activities).

If the subject of the lease agreement is a part of the building, based on its description, the cadastral engineer will register the specified temporary facility. Based on the results of submitting the contract and technical plan to the Rosreestr service, the lease will be registered.

The key document for temporary cadastral registration and registration in Rosreestr is for part of the building. The company’s specialists have SRO permission to perform cadastral work and prepare a technical plan. If you need to quickly register a lease agreement under the specified conditions, we will help you prepare all the documents as soon as possible.

New rules for allocating part of a building to the Unified State Register of Real Estate

Cost and terms

The timing and price of drawing up a technical plan for part of the building for subsequent accounting and registration with the Rosreestr service will be agreed upon with the customer when signing the contract. Under standard conditions, it will be manufactured within one day, and to clarify the cost of work, you must contact the company’s specialists. We will provide full support when registering leases for part of the building and registering them with the Rosreestr service.

One of the documents provided for registering a lease agreement is the cadastral passport of the building or premises.

Why is it necessary to form part of the room?

If you have registered ownership of a building, but you do not rent it out entirely, then it is necessary to make changes to the cadastral registration of the building in order to form a part for which the encumbrance will be registered. If there is a premises in the property, but only part of it is rented out, changes are made to the cadastral registration of the premises in order to form part of the premises.

As a result of cadastral work, you will receive a cadastral passport of your property with the formed part. In the cadastral passport, part of the building will have the number “building cadastral number/CHZ1”. Part of the premises, respectively, "cadastral number of the premises/PE1"

According to the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 N 122-FZ “On state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it” Article 26.

3. In the event that a building, structure, premises in them or parts of premises are leased, cadastral passports of the building, structure and premises indicating the size of the rented area are attached to the real estate lease agreement submitted for state registration of rights. A lease agreement for a premises or part of a premises is registered as an encumbrance on the rights of the lessor of the relevant premises (part of the premises).

Where can I get a technical plan?

Similar to the boundary plan, the preparation and execution of the technical plan is carried out only by the Cadastral Engineer.

To prepare a technical plan, you can contact the specialists of our company or another organization that has certified cadastral engineers on staff. Our cadastral engineers have extensive experience and high qualifications in this field.

How to order a technical plan?

Documents required for preparing a technical plan

  • Title document for a building or premises
  • Cadastral passport of a building, premises
  • Lease contract
  • Technical passport of the building, premises (if available)

Technical plan cost

  • Technical plan for part of the building - from 50,000 rubles
  • Technical plan for part of the premises - from 30,000 rubles

Legal basis

The formation of part of the building and part of the premises is regulated by Orders of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated September 1, 2010 No. 403 and dated November 29, 2010 No. 583, respectively.

ORDER of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated 01.09.2010 N 403 "ON APPROVAL OF THE FORM OF THE TECHNICAL PLAN OF A BUILDING AND REQUIREMENTS FOR ITS PREPARATION"

ORDER of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated November 29, 2010 N 583 "ON APPROVAL OF THE FORM OF THE TECHNICAL PLAN OF THE PREMISES AND REQUIREMENTS FOR ITS PREPARATION"

Why us?

  • we consult for free
  • we work for results
  • individual approach
  • extensive work experience
  • highly qualified specialists
  • real terms
  • certified cadastral engineers on staff
  • geodetic work without intermediaries
  • assistance in solving complex problems

Our cadastral engineers are lawyers in the field of land and property relations who have an understanding of the mechanism for generating and changing information about real estate. They see the problem as a whole, paying combined attention to both land and capital construction projects subject to cadastral registration and registration. In the field of view of a professional cadastral engineer there are numerous aspects that arise when registering land and property relations in order to obtain the intended result of cadastral work and prevent the occurrence of situations that contradict current legislation.