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Preferential mortgage rates for large families. The burden of mortgage payments for large families has decreased. Conditions for lending to families with many children

The introduction of mortgages allowed citizens to acquire their own housing. But many cannot buy an apartment due to raising a large number of children. Therefore, at the legislative level, citizens with the status of a large family are entitled to assistance in acquiring or expanding living space, and mortgages for large families are issued on preferential terms.

How to obtain the status of having many children

In Russia, it is generally accepted that a large family is one where a parent is raising three or more children. But as applied to the region, these rules differ, which is associated with the birth rate threshold for individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Therefore, if there are three minor children, a family sometimes does not have the opportunity to submit documents for a special status.

EXAMPLE! In Ingushetia, you will have to raise 5 or more children to be included in this type of social group.

Another reason for inclusion in a separate category is the fact that children are dependent on their parents. Namely, if one of the children has reached the age of majority, then it is possible to extend the period for special status by confirming that the eldest child is studying full-time at a university.

When divorcing, it is worth considering that the status of having many children is lost if the parents become official guardians separately. Of course, in the case of having 6 children and splitting custody in half, each parent has the right to privileges regarding the application of subsidies or other benefits for large families.

And also when marrying a woman (man) who has many children, and adoption, a negotiated status is awarded.

The procedure for identifying a separate social group (large families) involves going through the following stages:

  • collection of a package of required documents;
  • contacting social security or guardianship authorities (currently, “My Documents” centers are also involved in accepting applications);
  • waiting for the issuance of a finished document indicating the assignment of status.

In order to receive an advantage in the form of mortgage benefits in the future, a large family must document the presence of three or more children and their registration in the same territory as their parents. A certificate of family composition, passports of adult family members and a document certifying the registration of marriage are also presented.

NOTE! The option of refusal to submit an application due to divorce cannot be ruled out, which is confirmed by the relevant certificate. Such nuances should be clarified in regional departments.

When the application is reviewed and approved, the procedure for presenting a certificate of a large family will follow. The document may be considered official throughout life or limited to a certain period of validity.

Basics of application of regulations when providing preferential mortgages

There are no direct preferential mortgages for families with many children with state support. Federal laws allowing you to take advantage of privileges when taking out a real estate loan have not yet been issued.

But there is a program that began in 2013. According to accepted rules, it is possible to receive compensation payments to pay off the debt. This program “Providing Russian citizens with affordable housing and utilities”. An expanded solution to the issue of obtaining housing at the expense of budget funds is provided.

Upon closer examination, it is worth highlighting the subroutine « Housing of a Russian family", which contains a clause providing monetary compensation to parents with three or more children.

It does not specifically mention the status of large families, which allows families from regions with a good demographic situation to qualify for subsidy privileges. So, if in a region or territory it is established that families with 4 or more children will be large, then parents with 3 children will not be considered when applying for the extension of the conditions for the allocation of budget funds.

Basic conditions for the implementation of the program

To use a subsidy from the state budget, you must meet the approved points:

  • the living conditions of the applicants were recognized as unsuitable for normal existence in this territory;
  • there are documents indicating dilapidated, emergency housing, small space or living with a sick person.

When submitting an application, it is taken into account that the family will use the allocated funds to take out a mortgage: a down payment on the mortgage or payment of the missing cost of the apartment. The procedure involves contacting the administration of the area of ​​residence, where an extract from the house register or other document indicating the need for housing is presented.

There are certain nuances that should be taken into account if you want to fall under this category of the population to receive a subsidy:

  • the cost of the new area is reimbursed in the amount of 30% or an amount is allocated to pay for 30 sq. m. of new apartment;
  • Maternity capital funds cannot be used together with a subsidy;
  • it is impossible to return the tax deduction from the amount provided;
  • When concluding a transaction for the purchase of residential premises, compliance with legal norms is checked.

There is also a priority order for the provision of assistance, according to which people with many children will receive funds if the time for their issuance has come or they belong to a preferential category of citizens.

IMPORTANT! The latest changes state that those who submitted documents after 2005 will not be able to receive subsidies.

Reviews of offers on preferential mortgages for families with many children from different banks

There is an introduced “Affordable Housing” program, the rules of which discuss lending to different borrowers on individual terms. Banks allow you to take advantage of mortgage benefits if a parent of three or more children applies. The required documentation package includes:

  • certificate of family composition;
  • documents confirming family ties and identifying all family members;
  • certificate of registration of marriage relations or their dissolution;
  • income certificates;
  • documents indicating additional sources of income;
  • certificate of conferment of a special status (large families) and other certificates when classified as preferential categories of citizens.

If you wish to invest money from maternity capital, the package is supplemented with the appropriate certificate.


This is the first bank in Russia to introduce preferential mortgages for large families. Every year, the institution develops amendments to existing lending programs and applies special conditions in certain regions. Therefore, it is better to find out more detailed information at the bank branch at your place of residence.

General features of issuing preferential mortgages include:

  • the bank considers the total profitability of a family, where there may be three co-borrowers; when submitting an application, wages and financial income not only from parents are taken into account, but you can also present a certificate from a grandmother, grandfather or other close family member;
  • the amount to be deposited at the stage of drawing up the contract is 20% - a generally accepted regulation of many banks;
  • the mortgage payment period is extended to 30 years, which allows you to reduce the size of the payment;
  • The option of using maternity capital funds to make a payment or down payment is not excluded.

Sberbank obliges the borrower to enter into an insurance contract for the property and carry out its assessment. There are no additional commissions charged.

And also after the adoption of the law providing a deferment when parents have other children, the bank allows families to take advantage of privileges for a period of up to 36 months. You can postpone the payment date if a difficult financial situation is confirmed, which affects the amount of income. Then you need to write an application and get permission to postpone the payment date.

NOTE! In 2018, there was a decrease in mortgage interest rates, which allows you to take out a loan at 8-9%. The applicable rate should be confirmed with the subject of residence.

Offer from VTB24

Lending on mortgage terms for families with many children is welcomed in this institution. The bank offers a reduced rate of up to 8.8% when applying for a mortgage. The general conditions for taking out a real estate loan include:

  • a VTB borrower can claim 80,000,000 rubles;
  • at the first stage it is worth paying about 20% of the total cost of housing;
  • contribution of funds from maternal capital is allowed.

The documentation package for submitting an application includes basic documents about the borrower, family members and a certificate of status of large families. The annual interest under the agreement is calculated according to the regulated conditions for taking out a mortgage and can vary in the range of 8.8-12%. It all depends on the solvency of a family with a large number of children and the size of the first payment made when signing contractual obligations.

Mortgage when applying to AHML

This mortgage lending agency allows you to reduce your interest rate by purchasing some of the debt. When using the services of this organization, a large family enjoys the following advantages:

  • the annual rate has been reduced to 6% (11%) when paying for housing in a new building (on the secondary market);
  • the amount of investment at the initial stage is reduced to 10% of the total cost.

When applying for such a social mortgage, parents with three or more children are assigned a monthly payment that will not exceed 45% of the family income.

AHML applies a revision of the terms of the agreement for large families when taking out a mortgage loan when any changes occur in the future:

  • if another child appears, then a reduction in the interest rate is agreed upon; a maximum reduction of 0.5% is allowed throughout the entire term of the contract when choosing an apartment property as housing and 0.25% when using mortgage funds to build a house;
  • if the cost of the object does not meet the established requirements, then a discount of 0.5% is applied.

Therefore, it is recommended that people with many children contact the AHML at their place of residence to receive benefits on a mortgage loan, even if a mortgage has already been issued and the borrowers have been paying for housing for a long time. The interest rate may decrease, which will affect the amount of debt or the amount of the monthly payment.

Mortgage with no down payment

Currently, banks do not offer mortgages without making a deposit when purchasing real estate. It acts as a guarantor of the solvency and responsibility of the borrower. Of course, there are organizations where its size can be reduced, but the mandatory payment is observed.

If the amount of the initial payment is reduced, you will have to enter into an agreement on more stringent terms, which implies the use of an increased rate.

If the family does not have a certain amount at the initial stage, then you can use different options for obtaining a loan:

  • use maternity capital funds if the number of children exceeds 2 and the second one was born after 2007;
  • contribute funds through the “Young Family” program if the application was submitted in a timely manner and the turn has arrived.

And also in some regions of the Russian Federation there are programs to help young professionals, which allows them to receive a considerable amount of money when applying for a job. These funds are subsequently used as a down payment or payment of debt obligations on an existing loan.

Examples of preferential mortgages for families with many children in the regions

At the level of individual regions, cities, and villages, more specific ways of providing assistance from the state are provided. Preferential mortgages for large families are not designated as a special type of lending in the constituent entities, but may be so called when regional subsidies are used.

Many local authorities approve allocation programs to expand existing living space or carry out renovation work:

  • Krasnoyarsk Territory: authorities are considering appeals from families who have a mortgage but have to raise four or more children. It is possible to compensate the interest rate on an existing loan in the amount of 75%, but it is not allowed to overlap the interest by more than 150% of the total refinancing rate. When the fifth child is born, the region pays the interest in full, but the privileges do not apply to interest rates exceeding 2 refinancing rates of the Central Bank.
  • Novosibirsk region: financial assistance in the amount of 100,000 rubles is provided when families with many children receive the status of low-income people.
  • Penza region: assistance is provided for the repair, purchase or reconstruction of existing housing, subject to the birth of five or more children. Parents can receive up to 500,000 rubles.
  • Udmurt Republic: bank lending programs are aimed at supporting large families by reducing the interest rate to 5% and paying 10% at the initial stage of the contract.

Many settlements do not offer preferential mortgage terms for families with many children when purchasing housing in new buildings or on the secondary market, but allow them to take advantage of assistance in building a house or purchasing a plot of land. Therefore, employees of social protection authorities can explain in more detail about privileges. It is also worth considering the various offers of banks in the region of residence, because institutions at the subject level apply different lending rules.

From April 13, 2019, the conditions for family mortgages with state support have changed. Now the preferential rate is valid for the entire term of the loan, you can refinance a mortgage for which the conditions have already been changed, and for the Far East there are more benefits. Some information in this article is out of date. About how the program now works. There is a complete overview of the changes.

As of August 7, 2018, these conditions have changed. Now the mortgage rate may be even lower, and families with more than three children can take advantage of government support. The mortgage limit has increased.

New conditions of state support

  1. The second, third and any subsequent child was born in the family after January 1, 2018.
  2. The preferential rate is valid for mortgages taken out in 2018.
  3. You can refinance your old mortgage.
  4. The apartment must be on the primary market. The seller is a legal entity.
  5. At first the rate will be 6%, but for a maximum of eight years. Then - the Central Bank rate + 2%.
  6. The bank may further reduce the rate. But it may increase if you don’t buy insurance.
  7. The maximum loan amount in the regions is 6 million rubles, in Moscow and St. Petersburg - 12 million.
  8. Down payment - 20%.
  9. There are no conditions regarding the loan term; this is at the discretion of the bank and the borrower.
  10. The co-borrower on the loan may not be the child’s parent.

What is this program?

This program appeared in 2018. Those that came before are other programs with their own conditions, they are not connected. Specifically, under this program, the state subsidizes the mortgage rate for several years. And then the rate rises, but also within the limits set by the government.

Ekaterina Miroshkina


A total of 600 billion rubles have been allocated for subsidies for family mortgages. The terms of the program may change more than once. The first edition was published in January 2018, and in August new rules appeared. Therefore, for now they are like this, and if something else changes, we will tell you.

It is not the bank that subsidizes the rate, but the state at the expense of the federal budget. The state pays the bank the difference between the market and preferential rates. This program is one example of where our taxes go. This is not the only state program for families with children. For example, 311 billion rubles were spent on maternity capital in 2017 alone. And about the same amount is spent every year. For monthly payments for the first and second child for three years For subsidies for preferential car loans

Who can take out a family mortgage?

Families in which a second, third, fourth or any other child was born from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022 can participate in the program. Previously, at the birth of a fourth child, a preferential mortgage was not given.

The new program contains clarification on the timing:

  1. The mortgage must be taken out from 2018 to 2022.
  2. If the second or subsequent child was born from July 1 to December 31, 2022, then a loan at a preferential rate can be issued until March 1, 2023.
  3. The rate will be reduced even on loans before 2018 if they are refinanced under a new contract or additional agreement.

What loans will be subject to a preferential rate?

When purchasing an apartment, a loan at 6% will be given if the following conditions are met:

  1. We bought an apartment or a house with a plot. They say that banks do not give mortgages on houses, but the terms of the program say that this is possible. All questions to banks and AHML.
  2. The seller is a legal entity, but not an investment fund.
  3. This is a primary market, that is, the apartment did not have another owner before.
  4. A purchase and sale or equity participation agreement has been drawn up.

At what rate are preferential mortgages given?

The preferential rate for several years after the birth of a child is 6%. Then - the Central Bank rate on the date of conclusion of the agreement plus 2%. If you take out a mortgage now, the rate after the grace period will be 9.25%. The 6% rate applies only if a life insurance contract is concluded, and after registration of ownership the housing is insured.

Here are the nuances that appeared in the program regarding bets:

  1. The agreement with the bank may contain a condition that insurance must be purchased only after registration of ownership of the apartment. For example, if this is a new building that will be completed in a year, and there is nothing to insure yet. The benefit will still be given.
  2. The bank may increase the preferential rate if you do not agree to insure yourself and the apartment. If you promised to buy a policy but didn't, the rate may be raised even during the grace period. And this will not be a violation on the part of the bank.
  3. The bank may reduce the preferential rate. That is, set it even below 6%. This is at the discretion of the bank, but previously there was no such condition at all.

For how long will the preferential rate be valid?

Preferential rate - 6%. But it is not valid for the entire mortgage term, but only for several years. The term is counted from the date of conclusion of the loan agreement or refinancing. It depends on what kind of child was born when the family became eligible for state support.

Which child was born from 2018 to 2022

Deadline for preferential rate

third or subsequent

two children at once (for example, the second and third), including at the same time

Loan amount at preferential rate

Now at 6% you can get more money for an apartment. The maximum amount depends on the region.

Moscow and Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region

12 million R

And before?

8 million R

Other regions

Maximum loan or balance upon refinancing

6 million R

And before?

3 million R

What matters for the loan amount is not the region of residence of the borrower, but the place where the apartment is located. A resident of Samara can buy an apartment in Moscow and borrow 10 million rubles at a reduced rate. In Samara, at a preferential rate, they will give him only 6 million.

The maximum amount for state support is not the cost of the apartment, but the amount of money that will be given on credit at 6%. The apartment may cost more than the limit, but you will have to pay the difference with your own money.

Do you need a down payment?

Yes, this program has a requirement: you need to deposit at least 20% of the cost of the apartment. If the rate is subsidized during refinancing, then the remaining debt on the existing mortgage matters: it should not be more than 80%.

If you are planning to take out a mortgage with government support, calculate the costs in advance. A mortgage is not only a down payment, but also an apartment appraisal, insurance and realtor services. Perhaps, after paying for additional services, you will have a little less than 20% left. This may not be critical for the bank, but they will not give you government support. There will be no point in being offended by the bank: this is the government’s condition.

If you took out a mortgage earlier, and then your second or third child was born

Even those families who took out a mortgage before 2018 and had more children from 2018 to 2022 can participate in the program. If the bank refinances that mortgage, a preferential rate will apply.

Moreover, this could be either a new agreement to repay the previous mortgage, or an additional agreement on refinancing to the existing agreement. But such an additional agreement must be after August 1, 2018. With this document, the bank brings your agreement into compliance with the rules for state support. If the bank offers this, don’t refuse. This is provided for by the program, otherwise the bank will not receive the subsidy. It is given not to you, but to the bank - as compensation for lost income. The documents must be in order.

Thus, the main condition for state support is not the date of the loan agreement, but the birth of children. If you already have a mortgage, you have been paying for it for five years, and your second child was born this year, you can apply for government support and reduce the rate.

If the co-borrower on the loan is not the child’s parent

An important addition has appeared in the program: when refinancing a mortgage, the bank can add a condition regarding the co-borrower. In this case, the co-borrower may not be a parent; this will not be an obstacle to the preferential rate.

For example, a woman cannot take out a mortgage because she is on maternity leave. The bank is ready to give her a loan if the co-borrower is either her parents or a spouse who is not the father of the children. Now this is possible: if the bank does not mind and the co-borrower is not a parent, the rate will still be 6%.

If a third and then a fourth child is born, will the preferential rate be extended for 10 years?

No, state support is extended only once. The maximum period for a preferential rate is 8 years, even if five children are born.

Can you apply for a preferential mortgage to any bank?

No, the list of banks is approved by the Ministry of Finance. But even if the bank is on the list, this does not mean that it will definitely provide a mortgage.

The bank will evaluate the borrower, real estate and risks according to its criteria. A mortgage may be denied. For example, you want to buy an apartment in a specific building, but the bank does not trust this developer, and you do not like another area. Or a second child was born in the family, the mother is on maternity leave, and the spouse does not officially work. It seems that you have the right to a preferential mortgage, but the bank cannot give a loan due to the risks of non-payment.

The state support program does not oblige banks to issue preferential mortgages to all families with children. The conditions for borrowers are the same as always, but families with children can have their rates reduced for several years.

Russians apply for preferential mortgages without even reading the terms of the program. Having heard the word “preferential”, many decide that we are talking almost about installment plans for everyone. If they meet the conditions of the state and banks, then they will be very surprised to learn that compensation from the budget is calculated for only a few years, and not for the entire loan line.

CIAN talked with regional realtors and compiled a rating of the most common myths about preferential mortgages.

1. Preferential mortgages are available to young families

State support for obtaining a loan is not available to all young people and not only others. It applies to all families with two or more children. Moreover, the youngest child must be born no earlier than January 1, 2018. And parents must only be citizens of Russia.

2. The government does not limit the size of the loan (because it is rich)

The loan limit under the program is limited. In Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Moscow region and the Leningrad region, it can vary up to 8 million rubles. In other regions of Russia - up to 3 million rubles. That is, you can buy an apartment for 30 million rubles, but the down payment must be at least 27 or 22 million, depending on the region.

3. Down payment doesn't matter

The size of the minimum contribution is specified precisely - from 20%. Thus, those who want to use maternity capital as a down payment can count on an apartment that costs no more than 2 million 200 thousand rubles.

4. 6% for the entire loan term

Resolution No. 339 dated March 28, 2019 approved that the subsidy period applies to the entire term of the loan at the rate of 6% per annum.

Before this resolution, the rule was in force: upon the birth of a second child, the six percent rate is valid for no more than three years, if the third is born - for five years. In the case of a second and third birth, the family can receive eight years at a reduced rate.

5. The program subsidizes mortgages on the secondary housing market

Preferential mortgages are issued exclusively for new houses and apartments. Including if a shared construction agreement is drawn up. The secondary market is excluded in this scheme.

6. Refinancing is possible for any residential property

Refinancing a mortgage at a preferential 6% is only possible if the loan is issued for a new home and purchased from a company. It is useless to contact DOM.RF with an application to change the terms of the loan, even if the apartment was purchased in a new building, but its first owner was an individual and not a legal entity. If the apartment was purchased from a real estate agency, developer or other legal entity, then refinancing is possible.

7. The preferential program can only be used once

The government does not limit the number of mortgage contracts that can be issued to one family at a six percent rate. The main thing is that applicants are solvent and meet the conditions for such loans. Therefore, if a family managed to quickly pay off the first loan, it can apply for a second and even a third.

8. A loan at 6% can be obtained from any bank

The state has approved a certain list of banks participating in the state support program for mortgage lending in 2018, where you can get a preferential mortgage. To get acquainted with it, you need to go to the DOM.RF website.

9. Family income doesn’t matter.

Despite the fact that the preferential lending program itself states that there is no need to confirm family income, banks always check the solvency of applicants. Therefore, you should not count on “lenience” or the “obligation” of banks not to pay attention to the size of salaries. It often happens that, having received approval at the first stage, applicants end up receiving a refusal from the bank or an offer to receive a smaller amount. The reason is insufficient financial security.

10. Benefits can also be obtained with a foreign currency loan

Loans are given in rubles, so those who want to play on exchange rates will be refused. As it turned out, there are many Russians who believe that the prices of the world’s leading currencies will soon fall, and want to receive a preferential loan for housing in dollars, euros and even yen and Swiss francs. Such “dealers” will be disappointed, because the program is designed only for ruble loans.

A Russian family with more than two children has the right to purchase a new home by taking out a mortgage loan on preferential terms. One of the best options is a mortgage for large families according to the new law of 2019 at Sberbank.

A large family is a status

According to federal and regional legislation, large families in Russia have the right to receive certain benefits. To do this, the family must meet a number of mandatory requirements.

The most common list of criteria:

  • parents live in a registered marriage;
  • the number of children permanently residing in the family (both natural and adopted) – at least three;
  • children are under 18 years of age.

In some regions of the federation, only a family with at least four children is recognized as having many children. In a number of regions, children under the age of 23 living with their parents are taken into account.

Obtaining the status of having many children

Once a family has the required number of children, it is not automatically assigned the status of having many children. The status must be obtained by contacting the authorities.

To obtain a certificate for a large family and the right to benefits, you should submit to the guardianship or social protection authorities directly or through the MFC:

  • statement;
  • copies of parents' passports;
  • copies of children's birth certificates;
  • certificate of family composition.

The submitted documents are checked within a period of no more than 1 month, after which a case is opened against the family, and a notification is sent to the parents with a requirement to provide additional documents.

Only after collecting and checking all the information about the family, the authorities officially recognize it as having many children and issue a corresponding certificate. With this document, preferential mortgages in 2019 for large families become a reality.

Until when is a family considered large?

A family loses its status as a large family when:

  • children reach the age of 18;
  • minors are sent to boarding schools and orphanages;
  • parents are limited or deprived of their corresponding rights;
  • adoption is cancelled;
  • on the basis of a court verdict, minors are sent to an educational colony;
  • children become fully capable, which is possible upon marriage or as a result of emancipation;
  • a student or conscript soldier gets married;
  • The deadline for confirmation of having many children has expired.

The status of a large family must be confirmed annually.

Preferential mortgage for large families

Preferential mortgage loans for large families became available after 01/01/2018, after the so-called new law of 2018 came into force.

Law on housing loans to large families

The document through which mortgage benefits began to be provided to large families is Government Resolution No. 1711 of December 30, 2017.

It is here that it is written about compensation from federal budget funds not received by credit institutions and AHML for income from a number of mortgage agreements concluded between 01/01/2018 and 12/31/2022.

The preference applies to loans granted for the purchase of residential premises only on the primary market, including residential buildings with land plots. Subsidizing mortgages for the purchase of non-residential premises, such as apartments or garages, is not possible. You can buy housing only from a legal entity, both under an agreement of participation in shared construction, and under an agreement of assignment of the right of claim. It is important that the legal entity is the first owner of the property.

Mortgage conditions for a large family

You can become eligible for subsidies if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

  • the mortgage agreement was concluded after 01/01/2018;
  • transaction currency – Russian ruble only;
  • the loan amount does not exceed 3,000,000 rubles. An exception is transactions for the purchase of housing in Moscow and the Moscow region, in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. Then the maximum allowable amount under the contract corresponds to 8,000,000 rubles;
  • share of own funds – from 20% ;
  • a life and health insurance agreement has been concluded for the title co-borrower;
  • repayment method - annuity.

The listed conditions are relevant for all lenders participating in the state support program for families.

The said resolution does not stipulate any special requirements regarding age, financial condition or the family’s ownership of real estate. There are also no restrictions on the number of mortgage contracts that a family could receive under this program.

If the renewal of a life insurance contract is refused, the interest rate increases from 6% to the key rate in effect at that time, increased by 2 percentage points. Today it corresponds 9,5% .

The fact of payment of the down payment (in whole or in part) is confirmed exclusively by the borrower or any co-borrower, that is, only one of the specified persons can act as a payer.

Mortgage compensation for large families

According to the scheme proposed by the Government, no payments are provided directly to large families to compensate for mortgage payments. The subsidy goes directly from the budget to credit institutions in accordance with the documentation they submit.

Timely repayment of mortgages by large families is a prerequisite for maintaining the right to subsidies.

Reduced mortgage rates for large families

According to the mentioned resolution, the interest rate is equal to 6% . At this level, it will remain for 3 years if a second child is born in the family, and 5 years if a third child is born. It is important that the addition to the family occurs during the period from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022, and that the newborns are citizens of Russia. There are no restrictions regarding the citizenship of the first child.

One child of twins is considered the second, therefore, upon the birth of twins, the family immediately becomes eligible for loans under the terms of this program. If, in the presence of one child, two more appear at the same time, then the family has the right to apply for the establishment of the status of a large family and apply for an increase in the period of validity of the preferential mortgage rate.

At the end of the specified periods, the interest rate will increase, but not more than to the level of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation plus 2%. Today this parameter is 7.5%. This means that upon termination of the 6% preferential rate, the cost of the loan will increase to 7.5 + 2 = 9,5% .

It is possible to extend the period of validity of the rate at the level of 6% upon the birth of a third child after the loan has been issued under the state program.

Mortgage for a large family without a down payment

The terms of the Program clearly state that a family must have at least 20% own funds. Maternity capital is often used as such. In this case you need to provide:

  • corresponding certificate;
  • a certificate from the Pension Fund about the balance of maternity capital funds.

A number of regions and municipalities practice providing subsidies to large families for the purchase of housing. The availability of such a possibility should be clarified locally.

Mortgage refinancing for large families

Families that have already acquired housing with the help of a mortgage loan, but whose second or third children were born between 01/01/2018 and 12/31/2022, have the right to apply for refinancing of loan obligations on preferential terms.

Under this program, only those mortgage agreements that meet the requirements for newly issued mortgages are allowed to be refinanced.

For example, the procedure will be denied to those who purchased finished housing from individuals on the secondary market and who did not enter into a life insurance contract.

For refinancing, you can contact, for example,:

  • Sberbank;
  • Raiffeisenbank;
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • "Gazprombank".

How to get a preferential mortgage for a large family

To get such a loan, you need to contact AHML or another authorized credit institution.

Lenders are provided with a standard list of documents:

  1. questionnaire;
  2. passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  3. men under the age of 27 - military ID;
  4. confirmation of earnings and work experience, although some organizations do not require proof of employment and income;
  5. Marriage certificate;
  6. children's birth certificates. They must contain a mark on citizenship. If it is not available, a corresponding identification document is provided. If children are over 14 years old, their passports are presented;
  7. share participation agreement. It can be signed after receiving the bank’s consent to lending.

Banks reserve the right to require additional documentation, for example, notarized powers of attorney, appraisal reports, and so on.

When choosing a property, you need to consider whether the developer has been accredited by a potential lender.

Some banks refuse to work with third parties. Others simply accredit the new facility. It is important that developers who have been verified by banking services can be considered low-risk. The bank does not provide a 100% guarantee that the facility will be delivered on time and built in compliance with all rules and regulations. But the lender tries to minimize its risks, since it is interested in receiving a quality property as collateral.

When refinancing you must additionally present:

  • a previously signed mortgage agreement and, if available, additional agreements thereto;
  • a certificate of the balance of debt from the original creditor;
  • documents certifying the timeliness of payment under the contract.

Mortgages for large families in Sberbank: new law of 2018

Sberbank offers mortgage lending in accordance with Resolution No. 1711, starting from 02/07/2018. The product was called “Mortgage with state support for families with children.”

Main parameters:

  • loan term – 1-30 years;
  • minimum loan amount – 300,000 rubles;
  • age – 21-75 years;
  • experience at the current place of employment – ​​from 6 months;
  • total experience – from 1 year over the last 5 years.


  • Sberbank clients on the DomClick service can find interesting offers from Mortgages with state support. Some properties are offered at a discount;
  • A “common-law” spouse can also be involved as a co-borrower. It is important that he is the parent of the 2nd or 3rd child of the second co-borrower;
  • acceptable minimum loan terms and contract amount.


  • The conclusion of insurance contracts with an insurer that is part of the Sberbank holding is actively promoted. However, its services are expensive, and the list of its competitors accredited by this bank and offering more reasonable prices is gradually shrinking;
  • strict requirements for the quality of credit history;
  • The bank works exclusively with official data on the client’s earnings and experience. And for this type of loan, confirmation of financial solvency is required.

Mortgages for families with many children at VTB24

VTB24 also works under the state program to support families with children. Here, when filling out an application, in addition to the documents specified in the standard list, they provide SNILS.


  • there are no restrictions on the age of the borrower, co-borrower and guarantors;
  • over 10,000 accredited builders nationwide;
  • it is possible for a common-law spouse to participate in the transaction;
  • approval is valid for 4 months;
  • the period for consideration of initial applications is 1-5 working days;
  • Employment is allowed both within the country and abroad in divisions of transnational companies.

Disadvantage: if the seller’s account is not opened with VTB24, when transferring funds in his favor, a commission is withheld, which is paid by the buyer.

Mortgages for families with many children from AHML partners

AHML is, in fact, an aggregator of services from banks that are ready to provide a mortgage loan.

Refinancing under the state program under agreements executed earlier is not yet provided.

In order to apply to AHML partner banks, you must meet the following requirements:

  • presence of Russian citizenship;
  • age – 21-65 years by the date of full payment under the contract;
  • the length of service of hired personnel is from 3 months with the last employer. Individual entrepreneurs and business owners must confirm break-even activity over the past 2 years.

Loan terms:

  • term – 3-30 years;
  • minimum amount – 500,000 rubles;
  • if the proposed property is not accredited by the agency, then its employees will consider the possibility of working with such housing within 2 days.


  • They even lend to individual entrepreneurs and business owners;
  • It is allowed to attract up to 4 guarantors.


  • agreements under which late payments were allowed will not be accepted for refinancing;
  • a large minimum allowable amount under contracts.


Raiffeisenbank invites families with children to apply for a mortgage with state support. The bank is ready to cooperate with citizens of the country aged from 21 to 65 years. The loan is provided for a period of 1-30 years.


  • the bank accepts applications from both business owners and individual entrepreneurs;
  • Minimum length of service with the current employer is 3 months.


  • the maximum possible loan amount is determined as 75-80% of the price of the selected property;
  • when applying in St. Petersburg or the Leningrad region, you need to be prepared for the fact that more than 6,000,000 rubles will not be provided;
  • the minimum allowable amount under the agreement is 800,000 rubles for Moscow and the capital region and 500,000 rubles for other constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • A bad credit history means a loan refusal.

The bank will not accept maternity capital funds as their own, as a down payment.


"Rosselkhozbank" implements "Mortgage with state support for families with children." The age of the applicants is 21-75 years. Formal employment required. The minimum acceptable length of service at the current place of employment is 3 months for participants in the salary project and 6 months for other clients, with a total length of service over the past 5 years of at least 1 year.


  • lending is possible even for 100,000 rubles;
  • contract period is up to 30 years;
  • It is allowed to attract up to 3 co-borrowers.

Disadvantage: at the end of the grace period, in the absence of prolongation of life and health insurance contracts, the rate will be additionally increased by 1%.


At Gazprombank you can apply for a “Family Mortgage” subject to the following restrictions:

  • the minimum possible amount under the contract is 500,000 rubles or 15% of the value of the property;
  • loan term – 1-30 years;
  • borrower age – 20-65 years;
  • minimum work experience – from 6 months with the last employer with a total work experience of 1 year.

It is allowed to use the “Family Mortgage” within the framework of the “Military Mortgage” program.

Then the minimum loan amount is not limited, but the loan term is no more than 20 years.


  • a complete set of documentation, including housing documents, will be reviewed by banking services in 1-10 working days;
  • new building accreditation required. The Bank will consider any candidacy of developers;
  • it is possible to combine family and military mortgage programs.


  • high minimum loan amount;
  • It is important that the borrower’s official income is sufficient to service the debt.


Banks that provide mortgages with state support even work with couples whose marriage is not officially registered. It is important to have children together, who must be the second or third.

The general lending conditions are the same for all lenders. This explains the actual absence of special preferences for participants in salary projects, except for the possibility of confirming income by providing the number of the card on which it is received.

Differences in lending conditions are manifested in the assessment of the client’s qualitative characteristics: his earnings, employment, credit history, and the like.

It is most interesting for managers and business owners to take out loans from Raiffeisenbank.

Those who have no problems with their credit history and proof of earnings should contact Sberbank.

If there were problems with the timing of fulfillment of loan obligations, if it is difficult to prove financial solvency, it is worth trying to submit an application through AHML.

When a third child appears in the family, the spouses are already considered parents of many children. In this case, you should not miss an excellent opportunity to pay off your mortgage debt with government support.

The programs “Housing for Russians”, “Providing housing for young professionals (families)”, “Affordable housing” are actively working. Funds from the state treasury are spent to support large families, which are then redistributed to federal, regional and local programs.

In some cases, 3 projects can work at once in just one regional center. Some of them help to pay off the debt completely.

How is the benefit calculated?

The main task of assistance for people with 3 or more children is to provide them with a free apartment. But the queue for them is long, so more practical spouses choose alternative options, including social loans for the purchase or construction of residential property.

Lump sum payments are also used to cover the loan debt. You can calculate the amount of the subsidy yourself using the following formula: Cost of m2 in the region * housing area *% debt repayment.

To calculate the area, the following values ​​are taken: 42m2+18m2 for each baby. It is important to understand that 42 m2 is given immediately for adults (mother and father), and after that the number of meters will increase depending on the number of children.

For a real example, we can take the following data for a family with 3 children:

40,000 rub./m2 * 96 m2 * 30% = 1,152,000 rub.

In this case, a percentage of assistance of 30% was taken, since this is a more realistic indicator. For those living in rural areas, the limit of assistance may double, but city residents usually do not receive more than 30%.

If the couple has already spent maternity capital funds, then they will look for money for the down payment on their own. You shouldn’t expect any concessions from government programs here, and the figure stands at 20% of . A married couple expecting their 3rd birthday can count on the first advance being reduced to 10% if they have not yet spent the funds

In some cities, regional family capital still operates (that is, in addition to 425 thousand rubles). It’s worth checking with the municipality about such matters. If a region supports a program to help large families, you can count on complete debt repayment.

Let’s say that in Mordovia they will pay off the debt at the birth of the 4th child, but with the 3rd they will pay off only 30% of the loan.

Quite good programs operate in the Kaluga, Sakhalin, Rostov and Kostroma regions and a number of other Russian regions. The main thing in this case is the definition of “large families”, because each region has its own concept of this word. For some, a family of 5 people is important, others ask for 6 people at once, where there are only two adults.

Since January 2018, a program has been in effect for Russians with 3 or more children. With the support of Russian President V.V. Putin. spouses can count on preferential mortgage interest rates. The preference period lasts for 5 years, and only for property purchased on the primary real estate market.

Requirements for loan applicants

The presence of three children does not mean that the family can go and take advantage of a subsidy from the state. There are also a number of criteria that allow large families to pay off their mortgage:

  • Russian citizenship and permanent residence in the region where the social project operates.
  • The age of children is up to 18 years, although they can take into account students whose term will be extended to 23 years.
  • The area per person should not be higher than regional values. Each municipality in the region has its own rules; it is better to check them yourself.
  • Having low-income status, although this is more of a comfort factor.

After collecting documents (passports, birth certificates, documents for rental property, personal property), they should be transferred to local social assistance authorities. If the application is approved, the spouses are placed in a queue for a benefit (free apartment), and a certificate for the subsidy is issued. The document can be used to pay a mortgage.

You shouldn’t expect instant money; it all depends on the level of funding of the local treasury. You can submit an application with a package of papers for assistance from the state from the beginning of the year to June inclusive.

An answer may be given within 14 days, but assistance must be used within six months from the date of issue of the certificate.